recruitment of specialist cadre officers in sbi -

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Mar 31, 2018 - State Bank of India invites online applications from Indian citizens for appointment to the following Spe
R.N.I. No. 33297/78. Regd. No. G/GNR/47/31-12-2020. Licensed to post without pre-payment Licence No. CPMG/GJ/99/2020  to Post at MBC-Sector-16, PO Gandhinagar on Every Tuesday/Wednesday

økwshkík hkßÞLkk {krníke ¾kíkk îkhk «rMkØ Úkíkwt hkusøkkh÷ûke MkkÃíkkrnf ð»ko - 40

íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018

ytf Lkt. 7


íktºke : Lkr÷Lk WÃkkæÞkÞ MktÃkkËf : yh®ðË ykh. Ãkxu÷, Ãkw÷f rºkðuËe • fkÞoðknf MktÃkkËf : ykh. ykh. íkwhe • Mkn MktÃkkËf : r{Lku»k rºkðuËe , «rðý MkkuLkkheÞk

'økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh’Lkwt ðkŠ»kf + 30/- Au. ÷ðks{ {krníke rLkÞk{fLke f[uhe, rnMkkçke þk¾k, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh-382010 WÃkhktík hkßÞLke fkuEÃký RECRUITMENT & PROMOTION DEPARTMENT, fkuBÃÞqxhkEÍ ÃkkuMxykurVMk{kt ÷ðks{ (MkŠðMk [kso MkkÚku) íkÚkk rsÕ÷k ¾kíkuLke {krníke f[uheykuyCENTRAL u Mðefkhðk{kt ykðu Au. ÷ðks{ W½hkððk {kxu yk f[uheyu fkuE yrÄf]ík yusLxLke rLk{ýqtf fhe LkÚke. CORPORATE CENTRE, MUMBAI

ðuçkMkkEx : No. : 079-232-53440 (Phone : 022-2282 0427; Fax : 022-2282 0411; E-mailPhone : [email protected])


ONLINE REGISTRATION OF APPLICATION & PAYMENT OF FEES: FROM 20.03.2018 TO 07.04.2018 State Bank of India invites online applications from Indian citizens for appointment to the following Specialist Cadre Officers posts. Candidates are requested to apply online through the link given on Bank's website or PLEASE NOTE THAT The process of Registration is complete only when fee is deposited with the Bank through Online mode on or before the last date for payment of fee. Before applying, candidates are requested to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria for the post as on the date of eligibility. Candidates are required to upload all required documents (age, educational qualification, experience etc.) failing which their candidature will not be considered for shortlisting/ interview. Short listing & interview will be provisional without verification of documents. Candidature will be subject to verification of all details/ documents with the original when a candidate reports for interview (if called). In case a candidate is called for interview and is found not satisfing the eligibility criteria (Age, Educational Qualification and Experience etc.) he/ she will neither be allowed to appear for the interview nor be entitled for reimbursement of any travelling expenses. Candidates are advised to check Bank's website or regularly for details and updates (including the list of shortlisted/ qualified candidates). No separate intimation/ advertisement etc. will be issued in case of any change/ update. The Call letter/ advise, where required, will be sent by e-mail only (No hard copy will be sent). In case more than one candidate scores same marks as the cut-off marks in final merit list (common marks at cut-off point), such candidates will be ranked in the merit according to their age in descending order.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




Post Sr. No.


Nature of engagement


Special Management Executive



Deputy General Manager (Law)

3 4

Vacancies Grade





Age (yrs.)* OH #





















Deputy General Manager (Law)







Deputy Manager (Law)












Selection Process

Shortlisting and Interview

Shortlisting and Interview

Written test & Interview

# - Any OH candidate may apply; $ - Any OH candidate may apply, HI & VI are not eligible; *- Age as on 31.12.2017 (Relaxation to reserved category as per GOI) ; $$ - Contract period for 5 years - Bank reserves the right to shift the procedure to written test and interview, depending upon the number of applications received.  - A candidate has to score above the minimum qualifying marks for selection. Those candidates who do not score minimum qualifying marks in interview will not be selected even if their final score (written + interview) is higher than the aggregate score of the last selected candidate.



Post Sr. No.


Educational Qualification

Post Qualification Experience (As on 31.12.2017)

Likely place of posting


Special Management Executive (Regular)

CA/ ICWA/ ACS/ MBA in Finance or 2 years PG Diploma in Finance ( The course should be of 2 years full time duration.  Course completed through correspondence/ part-time are not eligible.  The institute should be recognized/ approved by Government bodies/ AICTE)

Minimum 5 years post qualification experience (as on 31.12.2017) as an Executive in Supervisory/ Management role : a. In a Scheduled Commercial Bank/ Associate or Subsidiary of a Scheduled Commercial Bank. OR b. In a Public Sector or listed Financial Institution/ Company. Candidates having experience in processing of credit proposals are preferred.

Mumbai and Delhi


Deputy General Manager (Law) (Contractual)

Degree in Law (3 years/ 5 years) from a recognised University India.

Enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council and having minimum 17 years of experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks OR Financial Institutions OR Asset Reconstruction Company OR combined experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Bank and Asset Reconstruction Company and having extensive experience in Recovery & Rehabilitation. The experience should be after enrolment as advocate with Bar Council.



Deputy General Manager (Law) (Regular)

Degree in Law (3 years/ 5 years) from a recognised University India. Post Graduate degree in Law will be preferable.

Enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council and having minimum 17 years of experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks OR Financial Institutions OR Asset Reconstruction Company OR combined experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Bank and Asset Reconstruction Company and having extensive experience in Recovery & Rehabilitation. The experience should be after enrolment as advocate with Bar Council.



Deputy Manager (Law) (Regular)

Degree in Law (3 years/ 5 years) from a recognised University India.

Enrolled as Advocates with Bar Council and having 4 years of experience as practicing Advocate OR Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks OR 4 years combined experience as practicing advocate and Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks. The experience should be after enrolment as advocate with Bar Council.

Anywhere in India

The place of posting is only indicative. The selected candidate may be posted anywhere in India. ABBREVIATIONS: Category : Gen – General; OBC – Other Backward Classes; SC – Scheduled Caste; ST – Scheduled Tribe; PWD – Person with Disability, OH – Orthopedically Handicapped, HI – Hearing Impaired; VI – Visually Impaired Grade : MMGS-II/ III – Middle Management Grade Scale-II/ III; TEGS-VI – Top Executive Grade Scale – VI

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh-2 WÃkh)

(Contd. on next page...)

or image01.jpeg). Photograph must be a recent stylethe colour picture.functionaries in understanding and mitigating the legal risk image01.jpg  passport Supporting operational in contracts, negotiations, deals, projects etc. and in conduct of litigations including attending the v. Image dimensions can be checked by listing the folder/ files or moving the mouse over the file Size of file should be between 20kb–50 kb and Dimensions x 230 pixels (preferred) judicial/ quasi-judicial forum,200 whenever required. imageon icon. Make sure that the picture in colour, taken against a the light-coloured, preferably white,  is Keeping oneself updated about latest legal developments and disseminating knowledge the same to the operational functionaries. vi. Candidates using MSlegal Windows/ MSOffice can easily obtain photo and signature in .jpeg format background.  Coordinating with the statutory authorities/ regulatory authorities/ self-governing bodies on issues involving aspects. not exceeding 50kb & 20kb respectively by using Paint orøkwMSOffice íkk. 28{e {k[o,MS 2018, shkík hkuPicture søkkhManager. Mk{k[kh iv. Look straight at the camerawithInstructing a relaxed face and coordinating with advocates and other professionals wherever necessary. Scanned photograph and signature in any format can be saved in .jpg format by using 'Save As' v. If the picture is taken on a  sunny day, have the sun behind you, placerelated yourself in the shade, so Title investigation of property andor matter thereto, if the individual is posted in specialised units identified for home loans or real-estate related advances/ loans. option in the File menu. The file size can be reduced below 50 kb (photograph) & 20 kb that you are not squinting and are nowork/ harshresponsibility shadows that may be assigned, (yLkwMfrom ktÄkLktime ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 1 WÃkhLkw  there Any other to time, by the Bank. t [k÷w) (signature) by using crop and then resize option (Please see point (i) & (ii) above for the pixel vi. If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye” size) in the 'Image' menu. Similar options are available in other photo editor also. vii. If you wear:glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen. D. REMUNERATION vii. While filling in the Online Application Form the candidate will be provided with a link to upload viii. Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not his/her photograph and signature. CTC-ANNUAL EMOLUMENTS (APPROX) cover your face. Post Post Nature of GRADE SCALE OF PAY (Rs) f. Procedure for Uploading Document : is not more than 50kb. If the size of the file is more than Sl. no. xii. Ensure that the size of the scanned image engagement i. There will be separate links for uploading each document. 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution, no. of colours etc., during ii. Click on the respective link "Upload” the process of scanning. MMGS – III 1 Special Management Executive Regular 42020-1310/5-48570-1460/2-51490 `18.00 Lacs@ iii. Browse & select the location where the JPG or JEPG, PDF, DOC or DOCX file has been saved. c. Signature file type/ size : Select the would file bycomprise clicking of onfixed it and the 'Upload' button. i. Deputy The applicant to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen.TEGS-VI Generalhas Manager (Law) Contractual CTC upto `47.00 lacs. The compensationiv.package (CTC) andClick variable components but not a limiting factor for a suitable candidate. 2 v. Click Preview to confirm the document is uploaded and accessible properly before submitting ii. The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person. the application. iii. Deputy The signature be used to put on the Call Letter and wherever necessary. 68680-1960/4-74520 Regular TEGS-VI 3 Generalwill Manager (Law) `40.20 Lacs@ vi. If the file size and format are not as prescribed, an error message will be displayed iv. If the Applicant's signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match @ vii. Once uploaded/ submitted, the Documents uploaded`15.10 cannot be edited/ changed. the signature on the Call Letter, the applicant will be disqualified. Deputy Manager (Law) MMGS – II Lacs 31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950 Regular 4 viii. After uploading the photograph/ signature in the online application form candidates should v. Size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb and Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred). check the images are clear and have been uploaded In case thePF, photograph or vi. Emoluments Ensure that the the scanned wise. imageThe is not moreofthan * - Any willsize varyofcentre/place scale pay20kb applicable to different posts/ grades are furnished above. Thethat official under regular engagement will be eligiblecorrectly. for DA, HRA, CCA, Contributory signature is not prominently visible, the candidate may edit his/ her application and re-upload vii. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted. Pension, LFC, Medical Facility etc as per rules in force from time to time. his/ her photograph or signature, prior to submitting the form. If the face in the photograph or d. Document file type/ size : @ - Inclusive of lease rental atbe Mumbai. signature is unclear the candidate's application may be rejected. i. All Documents must in PDF except Resume which should be in DOC or DOCX format. i. ii. iii.


E. G.

HOW TO APPLYFOR : Candidates should have valid email ID which should be kept active till the declaration of result. It will help him/her in getting call letter/Interview advices etc. by email. CALL LETTER INTERVIEW : Intimation/ call letter for interview/ Written Test will be sent by email or will be uploaded on Bank's website. NO HARD COPY WILL BE SENT. iii. Candidates should fill the application carefully. Once application is filled-in completely, candidate should GUIDELINES FOR FILLING ONLINE APPLICATION : SELECTION PROCESS :


i. Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on SBI website

submit the same. In the event of candidate not being able to fill the application in one go, he can save the

Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the same and proceed for online i. Testof pattern: payment fee. Test No. ofadvised Questions Timeof the systemMax. Marks online iv. After registering online, the candidates are to take a printout generated Reasoning 70 70 application forms 90 min. English language OF FEES : 50 50 GUIDELINES FOR PAYMENT i. Application fees and Intimation is ` 600/-45( `min. Six Hundred only) for General and Professional KnowledgeCharges (Non-refundable) 50 100 OBC candidates and `100/(` One hundred only) for SC/papers ST/ PWD . in nature. Candidates ii. Except Professional Knowledge (PK) paper, other willcandidates be qualifying ii. Fee payment will have to be made onlinemarks through payment gateway have to score minimum qualifying in these papers. Theavailable minimumthereat. qualifying marks will be as may be waived) the discretion Bank. Theform, questions will beare bilingual i.e. to in pay Hindi iii. Afterdecided ensuring(orcorrectness of the at particulars in theofapplication candidates required the& test of English Language). candidates have edit option to give their answer in fees English through (except paymentforgateway integrated with the The application. No will change/ in the application will be Hindi or English (except for test of English Language). allowed thereafter.

iv. The payment can be made by using Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Banking etc. by providing iii. Candidates have to equal to or above the cut-off for marks (sectional andif overall which information as asked onscore the screen. Transaction charges online payment, any, willmarks), be borne by will the be decided by the Bank, for being considered for shortlisting for interview. candidates. iv. Interview candidates, as decidedand by the Bank, willform, be called for Interview. v. On successful: Adequate completionnumber of theoftransaction, e-receipt application bearing the dateThe of maximum marks for interview be 50 and as decided the Bank. A submission by the candidate, will be will generated whichqualifying should bemarks printedwill andberetained by theby candidate. candidate must secure equal to or more than the minimum qualifying marks, as decided by the Bank, vi. If theinonline payment fee is not for successfully Interview, to be of considered selection. completed in first instance, please make fresh attempts to make online payment. v. Merit list : Marks secured by the candidates in Interview out of 50 marks will be converted to out of 25 vii. There is alsoThe a provision reprint thearrived e-Receipt andaggregating Application the formmarks containing fee details,Knowledge at later stage. marks. final merittolist will be at after of Professional test viii. Application Fee once paid will NOT be refunded on any account NOR can it be adjusted any other out of 100 marks and the interview marks (converted to out of 25 marks (Total- 125 for marks). The examination selection future. selectionorwill be madeinfrom the top merit ranked candidates in each category.

a. Special Management Executive & Deputy General Manager (Law) regular & contractual): processalready will involve shortlisting interview. The applications received will be shortlisted on the basis information entered. When and the information/ application is saved, a provisional registration number OR and (both pay the application fee usingThe selection ofInternet candidate's qualification, suitability, experience etc. Adequate number of candidates as decided by the Bankand willpassword be calledisfor Interview.byThe be awarded outCandidate of 50 and should the qualifying marksthe in generated thecandidates system andwill displayed on themarks screen. note down Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card etc. Interview will be as decided by the Bank. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category. registration number and password. They can re-open the saved application using registration number ii. Candidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. Online application will not be b. Deputy Manager Theuploads selection of candidates be on the of online written and interview. Theand testpassword will be conducted on 06.05.2018. The callfacility letter ofoftest will bethe uploaded on Bank's website and edittentatively the particulars, if needed. This editing saved information will be registered unless(Law): candidate his/her photo andwill signature asbasis specified on the onlinetest registration and also advised to the candidates through SMS and e-mails. Candidates will be required to download the call letters. available for three times only. page (under 'How to Apply”). (Contd. on next page...) CANDIDATE SHOULD CHOOSE THE NAME OF THE CENTRE WHERE HE/ SHE DESIRES TO APPEAR IN THE EXAMINATION. NO CHANGE IN THE CHOICE OF EXAMINATION CENTRE WILL BE (...contd. from previous page) ENTERTAINED. THE BANK, HOWEVER, RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADD OR DELETE ANY CENTRE AND ALLOT THE CANDIDATE TO ANY CENTRE OTHER THAN THE ONE HE/ SHE HAS OPTED.

I. F.

GENERAL INFORMATION : HOW TO UPLOAD DOCUMENTS: i.a. Before for a post, applicant: should ensure that he/ she fulfils the eligibility and other norms Detailsapplying of Document to bethe uploaded mentioned for(DOC that post as on the specified date and that the particulars furnished by him/ her are i. Briefabove Resume or DOCX) correct in all respects. ii. ID Proof (PDF) ii. IN CASE IT IS DETECTED AT ANY STAGE OF RECRUITMENT THAT AN APPLICANT DOES NOT iii. Proof of Date of Birth (PDF) FULFIL THE ELIGIBILITY NORMS AND/ OR THAT HE/ SHE HAS FURNISHED ANY INCORRECT/ iv. Educational Certificates: Mark-Sheets/ Degree Certificate (PDF) FALSE INFORMATION OR HASRelevant SUPPRESSED ANY MATERIAL FACT(S), HIS/ HER CANDIDATURE v. STAND Experience certificatesIF(PDF) WILL CANCELLED. ANY OF THESE SHORTCOMINGS IS/ ARE DETECTED EVEN AFTER vi. e-Receipt for feeHER payment APPOINTMENT, HIS/ SERVICES ARE LIABLE TO BE TERMINATED. vii. applicant PWD Certificate (PDF)that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and iii. The should ensure Form-16 as on 31.03.2017 isviii. properly and completely filled. (PDF) iv. Appointment selected candidate is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the ix. Recent of Photograph requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the x. Signature for such post in thesize Bank, b. Bank Photograph file type/ : in force at the time of joining the Bank. v. Candidates are advised e-mail ID colour alive for receiving communication viz. call letters/ i. Photograph must betoa keep recenttheir passport style picture. Interview date advices etc. ii. Size of file should be between 20kb–50 kb and Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred) vi. The Bank takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss of any communication. iii. Makebelonging sure thattothe picture is in colour, taken against light-coloured, preferably white, vii. Candidates reserved category including Persons with adisabilities, for whom no reservation background. has been mentioned, are free to apply for vacancies announced for unreserved category and they must iv. allLook straight atconditions the camera with a relaxed face category. fulfill the eligibility applicable to unreserved v. If the picture onQuasi a sunny day,offices, have thePublic sun behind or place yourself in the shade, so viii. Candidates servingisintaken Govt./ Govt. Sectoryou, undertakings including Nationalised are notInstitutions squinting and are to nosubmit harsh shadows Banksthat andyou Financial arethere advised 'No Objection Certificate' from their employer at the of interview, failing which their candidature may not be considered and travelling expenses, if vi. time If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye” any, admissible, will not be that paid.there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen. vii. otherwise If you wear glasses make sure ix. Inviii. caseCaps, of selection, to produce proper discharge certificate from not the hats and candidates dark glasseswill arebenotrequired acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must employer at the of taking up the appointment. cover yourtime face. x. Caste by of Competent Authority format Government will have xii. certificate Ensure thatissued the size the scanned image on is not moreprescribed than 50kb.byIf the size of theoffileIndia is more than to be submitted byadjust SC/ ST candidates, called for interview. 50 kb, then the settings ofifthe scanner such as the DPI resolution, no. of colours etc., during xi. A declaration will have to be submitted in the prescribed format by candidates seeking reservation under the process of scanning. OBC category stating that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer as on 01.03.2018. OBC certificate c. containing Signaturethe file'Non-creamy type/ size : layer' clause, issued during the period 01.04.2017 to the date of Interview,

should submitted by such candidates, if called for interview. ii. be Page size of the document to be A4. xii. Candidates advised in their interest to apply online well before the closing date and not to wait till iii. Sizeare of the file should notown be exceeding 500 KB. theiv.last date to avoid the possibility disconnection inability/it failure to log on toand the website account In case of Document being of scanned, please/ ensure is saved as PDF size noton more than of heavy load on internet or website jam. SBI does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not 500 KB as PDF. If the size of the file is more than 500KB, then adjust the setting of the scanner being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any such as the DPI no. of colors etc., during the process of scanning. Please ensure that other reason beyond theresolution, control of SBI. Documents uploaded areMATTERS clear and readable. xiii. DECISIONS OF BANK IN ALL REGARDING ELIGIBILITY, CONDUCT OF INTERVIEW, e. OTHER Guidelines forAND scanning of photograph/ : TESTS SELECTION WOULDsignature/ BE FINALdocuments AND BINDING ON ALL CANDIDATES. NO i. Set the scanner resolution to a minimum of WILL 200 dpiBE (dots per inch) REPRESENTATION OR CORRESPONDENCE ENTERTAINED BY THE BANK IN THIS ii. Set Color to True Color REGARD. xiv. The shallimage be liable for scanner civil/ criminal in case the information submitted in his/ her iii.applicant Crop the in the to theconsequences edge of the photograph/ signature, then use the upload application aretofound to be falseto atthe a later editor crop the image finalstage. size (as specified above). xv. Where without any written test is the of recruitment, satisfying eligibility norms iv. interview The photo/ signature file should be mode JPG or JPEG formatmerely (i.e. file name the should appear as: does notimage01.jpg entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite or image01.jpeg). number of candidates for can the be interview preliminary screening/ short-listing with reference to v. Image dimensions checkedafter by listing the folder/ files or moving the mouse over the file candidate's qualification, suitability, experience etc. image icon. xvi. In case of multiple application for single post, only the last valid (completed) application will be retained vi. theCandidates Windows/ MSOffice photo will and stand signature in .jpegMultiple format and applicationusing fee/ MS intimation charge paid can for easily other obtain registration forfeited. not exceeding 50kb &for20kb respectively using MS or MSOffice Picture Manager. appearance by a candidate a single post inby interview willPaint be summarily rejected/candidature Scanned photograph and signature in any format can be saved in .jpg format by using 'Save As' cancelled. in the File menu.ofThe file sizeof can reducedarising belowout 50ofkb & and/or 20 kb xvii. Any legaloption proceedings in respect any matter claimbe or dispute this(photograph) advertisement (signature) by using thereto crop andcan then option (Please see point & (ii) above for the pixel an application in response beresize instituted only in Mumbai and(i)courts/tribunals/forums at Mumbaisize) only in shall sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try anyincause/dispute. thehave 'Image' menu. Similar options are available other photo editor also. xviii. Outstation candidates, whoOnline may be called forForm interview after short-listing will be reimbursed cost of vii. While filling in the Application the candidate will be provided with a linkthe to upload travel ashis/her detailed below for the route in India on the basis of actual journey. Local transportation photograph andshortest signature. not be reimbursed. A candidate, if found f. willProcedure for Uploading Document : ineligible for the post will not be permitted to appear for the interview and will be reimbursed anyuploading fare. i. There willnot be separate links for each document. a. Regular & Contractual - Airfare (economy class) ii. DGM Click(Law) on the– respective link "Upload” b. Dy, Manager (Law) & Special Management Executive - Railway AC Three Tier fare iii. Browse & select the location where the JPG or JEPG, PDF, DOC or DOCX file has been saved. xix. BANK HAS RIGHT TO CANCEL THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS ENTIRELY AT ANY STAGE.

iv. Select the file by clicking on it and Click the 'Upload' button. The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen. v. Click Preview to confirm the document is uploaded and accessible properly before submitting advertisement alsoother available on Bank's Website: or The signature must be signed only by theThis applicant and not byisany person. any to query, write to us linknecessary. “CONTACT US” which is available on Bank’s website (URL - the application. The signature will For be used put onplease the Call Letter andthrough wherever GENERAL MANAGER OR vi. If the file size and format are not as prescribed, an error message will be displayed If the Applicant's signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match Date: 20.03.2018 vii. errors, Once uploaded/ submitted, the Documents uploaded cannot be edited/ changed. (CRPD) the signature on the Call Letter, the applicant will be disqualified. The Bank is not responsible for printing if any viii. After uploading the photograph/ signature in the online application form candidates should v. Size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb and Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred). (yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke check ðuçkMkkEx òuðimages k rðLktíare ke.)clear and have been uploaded correctly. In case the photograph or that the vi. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb signature is not prominently visible, the candidate may edit his/ her application and re-upload vii. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted. his/ her photograph or signature, prior to submitting the form. If the face in the photograph or d. Document file type/ size : signature is unclear the candidate's application may be rejected. i. All Documents must be in PDF except Resume which should be in DOC or DOCX format. i. ii. Mumbai, iii. iv.


1. «fkþLk MÚk¤ : {krníke rLkÞk{f©eLke f[uhe, ç÷kuf CALL LETTER FOR INTERVIEW : Intimation/ call letter for interview/ Written Test will be sent by email or will be uploaded on Bank's website. NO HARD COPY WILL BE SENT. økktÄeLkøkh - 382010 ¼ðLk, SELECTION PROCESS :

G. H.

2. «fkþLkLke Mkk{rÞfíkk


Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk


a. Special Management Executive & Deputy General Manager (Law) (both regular & contractual): The selection process will involve shortlisting and interview. The applications received will be shortlisted on the basis of candidate's qualification, suitability, experience etc. Adequate number of candidates3. as decided the Bank will be called for Interview. The candidates {wÿfLkwbyt Lkk{ 1. Mkhfkhe {æÞMÚk will «uMbe k, awarded marks out of 50 and the qualifying marks in Interview will be as decided by the Bank. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category. hkr»xÙÞíkk ¼khíkeÞ b. Deputy Manager (Law): The selection of candidates will be on the basis of online written test and interview. The test will be conducted tentatively on 06.05.2018. The call letter of test will be uploaded on Bank's website and also advised to the candidates through SMS and e-mails. Candidates will be required to download MkhLkk{wthet call letters. 1. Mkufxh-29, økktÄeLkøkh. CANDIDATE SHOULD CHOOSE THE NAME OF THE CENTRE WHERE HE/ SHE DESIRES TO APPEAR IN THE EXAMINATION. NO CHANGE THEMkhfkh CHOICE OF EXAMINATION CENTRE WILL BE 4. «fkþfLkw t Lkk{ : {krníke rLkÞk{f, økwsINhkík ENTERTAINED. THE BANK, HOWEVER, RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADD OR DELETE ANY CENTRE AND ALLOT THE CANDIDATE TO ANY CENTRE OTHER THAN THE ONE HE/ SHE HAS OPTED.


hkr»xÙÞíkk i. Test pattern: MkhLkk{wt Test No. of Questions Time Max. Marks Reasoning 70 70 90 min. English language 50 50 5. íktºkeLkwt Lkk{ Professional Knowledge 50 45 min. 100 hkr»xÙÞíkk ii. Except Professional Knowledge (PK) paper, other papers will be qualifying in nature. Candidates have to score minimum qualifying marks in these papers. The minimum qualifying marks will be ast MkhLkk{w decided (or may be waived) at the discretion of Bank. The questions will be bilingual i.e. in Hindi & English (except for test of English Language). The candidates will have option to give their answer in Hindi or English (except for test of English Language). 6. {kr÷fLkwt Lkk{

økwshkík Mkhfkh, {krníke ¾kíkwt MkhLkk{wt {krníke rLkÞk{f©eLke f[uhe, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk Before applying for a post, the applicant should ensure that he/ she fulfils the eligibility and other norms should be submitted by such candidates, if called for interview. ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh - 382010 mentioned above for that post as on the specified date and that the particulars furnished by him/ her are xii. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online well before the closing date and not to wait till correct in all respects. the last{krníke date to avoid the possibility disconnection on to the website on account nwt Lkr÷Lk WÃkkæÞkÞ, rLkÞk{f ykÚke ofònu h fhwt Awt fu/ inability/ , WÃkh failure sýkðuto÷logík{k{ nfefíkku {khe òý IN CASE IT IS DETECTED AT ANY STAGE OF RECRUITMENT THAT AN APPLICANT DOES NOT of heavy load on internet or website jam. SBI does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not {kLÞíkk {wsçk Mkk[e . MkhLkk{w t :their {krníke rLkÞk{f©eLke f[udate he, on ç÷kuaccount f Lkt.of19/1, zkìreasons . Sðhks íkk FULFIL THE ELIGIBILITY NORMS AND/ OR THAT HE/ SHE HAS FURNISHED ANYyLku INCORRECT/ beingAu able to submit applications within the last aforesaid or for{nu any FALSE INFORMATION OR HAS SUPPRESSED ANY MATERIAL FACT(S), HIS/ HER CANDIDATURE other reason beyond the control of SBI. ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh - 382010 WILL STAND CANCELLED. IF ANY OF THESE SHORTCOMINGS IS/ ARE DETECTED EVEN AFTER xiii. DECISIONS OF BANK IN ALL MATTERS REGARDING ELIGIBILITY, CONDUCT OF INTERVIEW, - BINDING Lkr÷Lk WÃkkæÞkÞ, {krníke rLkÞk{f APPOINTMENT, HIS/ HER SERVICES ARE LIABLE TO BE TERMINATED. OTHER TESTS AND SELECTION WOULD BE FINAL AND ON ALL CANDIDATES. NO


iii. iv. v.

: have ¼khíkeÞ iii. Candidates to score equal to or above the cut-off marks (sectional and overall marks), which will be decided Bank, for being considered : by the {krníke rLkÞk{f©eLke f[uforhshortlisting e, ç÷kuf for Lkt.interview. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk iv. Interview : Adequate number of candidates, as decided by the Bank, will be called for Interview. The ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh - 382010 maximum marks for interview will be 50 and qualifying marks will be as decided by the Bank. A candidate:mustLkr÷Lk secure WÃkkæÞkÞ equal to or more than the minimum qualifying marks, as decided by the Bank, in Interview, to be considered for selection. : ¼khíkeÞ v. Merit list : Marks secured by the candidates in Interview out of 50 marks will be converted to out of 25 : final{krníke f[uaggregating he, ç÷kuf the Lkt.marks 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk test marks. The merit listrLkÞk{f©eLke will be arrived at after of Professional Knowledge out of 100 marks and the interview marks (converted to out of 25 marks (Total- 125 marks). The ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh - 382010 selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category.

The applicant should ensure that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and is properly and completely filled. Appointment of selected candidate is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the Bank for such post in the Bank, in force at the time of joining the Bank. Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID alive for receiving communication viz. call letters/

: :

REPRESENTATION OR CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ENTERTAINED BY THE BANK IN THIS REGARD. xiv. The applicant shall be liable for civil/ criminal consequences in case the information submitted in his/ her application are found to be false at a later stage. xv. Where interview without any written test is the mode of recruitment, merely satisfying the eligibility norms does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite

íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh



íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

‚t„eŒ - ™]íÞ - ™kxf{kt {kMxh rz„úe ‚k{kLÞ heŒu ‚t„eŒ, ™]íÞ, ™kxf ð„uhu suðe f÷kyku{kt fkhrfËeo ƒ™kððk EåAqf f÷kfkhku ¼ýe™u rz„úe {u¤ððk ÃkkA¤ ‚{Þ Vk¤ðe þfŒk ™Úke. ÃkhtŒw sku ykðk f÷kfkhku™u Œu{™e Ãk‚tË„e™k ‚t„eŒ, ™]íÞ, ™kxf{kt s {kMxh rz„úe™wt rþûký {¤e òÞ, Œku ..... ? {náytþu ‚t„eŒ - ™]íÞ - ™kxf suðe f÷kyku™wt rþûký ykÃkŒe Œu{s Œu{kt rz„úe ykÃkŒe fux÷ef fkì÷usku WÃk÷çÄ Au. ÃkhtŒw yksu Œku Äkuhý 12 / HSC ÃkAe 5 ð»ko™ku ErLz„úuxuz fku‚o fu su ‚eÄku s rðrðÄ f÷kyku{kt {kMxh rz„úe yÃkkðu Au, Œu™e ðkŒ fhðe Au, Œku ÚkE òyku ŒiÞkh .... „ux.... ‚ux.... „ku.... „wshkŒ hkßÞ™e ‚kiÚke {kuxe y™u òýeŒe Þwr™ðr‚oxe yuðe „wshkŒ Þwr™ðr‚oxeyu 2011{kt ÃkkuŒk™ku s ÃkhVku‹{øk ykxo‚™ku y÷„ rzÃkkxo{uLx MÚkkÃÞku Au, su™wt ™k{ Au - ‘WÃkk‚™k Mfw÷ ykuV ÃkhVku‹{øk ykxo‚’. su{kt 2 ð»ko™k Vw÷ xkE{ {kMxh rz„úe ykÃkŒk yÇÞk‚¢{ku Œu{s ºký {k‚™k xqtfk„k¤k™k ‚xeoVefux fku‚eo‚ WÃk÷çÄ nŒk. ŒksuŒh{kt WÃkk‚™k Mfw÷ ykuV ÃkhVku‹{øk ykxo‚ îkhk Äkuhý 12 ÃkAe 5 ð»ko™k ErLx„úuxuz fku‚eo‚ Œu{s M.Phil y™u Ph.D. ™k fku‚eo‚ þY fÞko Au. su™e rð„Œku ™e[u {wsƒ Au. yÇÞk‚¢{™wt ™k{ : M.P.A. ({kMxh E™ ÃkhVku‹{øk ykxo‚ - ErLx„úuxuz) su{kt fw÷ ºký {wÏÞ ûkuºkku{kt ™e[u {wsƒ™k rð»kÞku{kt {kMxh rz„úe WÃk÷çÄ Au.  ‚t„eŒ : MPA in Hindustani Vocal, MPA in Percussion, MPA in Nonpercussion  ™]íÞ : MPA in Kathak, MPA in Bharat Natyam,  ™kxf : MPA in Theatre (su{kt ErLzÞ™ xÙuzeþ™÷, {kuzo™ rÚkÞuxh y™u ðuMx™o rÚkÞuxh™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.) yÇÞk‚¢{{kt «ðuþ {kxu™e ÷½w¥k{ ÷kÞfkŒ : HSC / Äkuhý 12 fkuEÃký {kLÞ yußÞwfuþ™÷ ƒkuzo{ktÚke 10 + 2 Ãkk‚ yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : fw÷ 5 ð»ko su{kt 3 ð»ko ƒkË B.P.A. y™u 5 ð»ko ÃkAe M.P.A ™e rz„úe {¤u yÇÞk‚¢{™ku ‚{Þ : B.P.A. {kxu ‚ku{ðkhÚke þr™ðkh Mkðkhu 9 Úke 1 M.P.A. {kxu ‚ku{ðkhÚke þr™ðkh ƒÃkkuhu 1Úke 5 yÇÞk‚¢{ {kxu WÃk÷çÄ ƒuXfku™e ‚tÏÞk :  Vocal - ƒu[ rËX {n¥k{ 30 rðãkÚkeoyku  Percussion - ƒu[ rËX {n¥k{ 30 rðãkÚkeoyku  Non-Percussion-ƒu[ rËX {n¥k{ 30 rðãkÚkeoyku  fÚkf - ƒu[ rËX {n¥k{ 30 rðãkÚkeoyku  ¼hŒ™kxâ{T - ƒu[ rËX {n¥k{ 30 rðãkÚkeoyku  rÚkÞuxh/™kxf - ƒu[ rËX {n¥k{ 30 rðãkÚkeoyku fw÷ {n¥k{ rðãkÚkeoyku™e ‚tÏÞk - 180 yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : ` 25,000 ðkr»kof

yÇÞk‚¢{ {kxu™e VufÕxeÍ :

«MŒwŒ yÇÞkM¢{{kt ‘„wÁ - rþ»Þ ÃkhtÃkhk’ ™k ¼k„YÃku rnLËwMŒk™e þkMºkeÞ ‚t„eŒ „kÞ™ / ðkË™ {kxu Ãkȼq»ký ÃktrzŒ hks™ - ‚ks™ r{©k Œu{s ™]íÞ „wÁ Œhefu ‚w©e ‚kïŒe ‚u™ Œu{s yr¼™Þ „wÁ Œhefu òýeŒk f÷kfkh rðãkÚkeoyku™u ð»ko{kt ƒu ðkh Ãkkt[ - Ãkkt[ rËð‚™k ðfoþkuÃk fhkððk {kxu ¾k‚ nkshe ykÃku Au. Œux÷wt s ™net, Ãký «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{{kt „wÁ - rþ»Þ ÃkhtÃkhk™ku yuf rð»kÞ Ãký þe¾ððk{kt ykðu Au !

yÇÞk‚¢{™k rð»kÞðMŒw :

 MPA in Hindustani Vocal su{kt W¥kh ¼khŒeÞ þkMºkeÞ ‚t„eŒ - ðkË™ y™u „kÞ™™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.  MPA in Percussion

su{kt Œk÷ðkã suðkt fu Œƒ÷k y™u Ãk¾kðks™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au. MPA in Non-percussion su{kt ŒtŒwðkã suðktfu ðkÞku÷e™ y™u ‚eŒkh™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au. MPA in Kathak su{ktf fÚkf ™]íÞ þi÷e™ku ôzkýÃkqðof yÇÞk‚ fhkððk{kt ykðu Au. MPA in Bharat Natyam su{kt ¼hŒ™kxâ{T ™]íÞþi÷e™ku ŸzkýÃkqðof yÇÞk‚ fhkððk{kt ykðu Au. MPA in Theatre su{kt ¼hŒ{w™e™k ™kxâþkMºkÚke þY fhe™u {kuzo™ Œu{s ðuMx™o rÚkÞuxh™ku ‚{kðuþ fhðk{kt ykðu Au.

yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ : WÃkhkuõŒ Œ{k{ «fkh™k yÇÞk‚¢{ku {kxu ‚{Þ„k¤ku 3 {k‚ ({kºk þr™ y™u hrððkh) yÇÞk‚¢{™e Ve : WÃkhkuõŒ Œ{k{ yÇÞk‚¢{ku™e Ve Y. 8,000 yÇÞk‚¢{ku™e ƒuXfku : Ëhuf yÇÞk‚¢{{kt 15 ƒuXfku yÇÞk‚¢{™e «ðuþ ÃkkºkŒk : «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ {kxu fkuE þiûkrýf ÷kÞfkŒ fu ô{h ƒkÄ ™Úke. yk{ AŒkt ykurzþ™ xuMx ykÃkðe VhrsÞkŒ Au.

yÇÞk‚¢{™e rðþu»kŒkyku : • •

«MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{™wt {níð :

yk yÇÞk‚f{ „wshkŒ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™e fkuE {kLÞŒk «kó fku÷us ™net, ÃkhtŒw „wshkŒ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™k s rzÃkkxo{uLx îkhk [÷kððk{kt ykðu Au. yk «fkh™ku yÇÞk‚¢{ ¾k™„e ‚tMÚkkyku îkhk Ãký [÷kððk{kt ykðu Au. ÃkhtŒw ¾k™„e fku[et„ ‚tMÚkkyku™k «{ký{kt Œu™e Ve ðksƒe Au. «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ rVÕ{e fkhrfËeo™k fkþe „ýkŒk N.S.D. (National School of Drama, rËÕne)™k yÇÞk‚¢{ Ãkh ykÄkheŒ Au.

hkusøkkhLke ykMkÃkkMk - hksuLÿ WÃkkæÞkÞ

• •

«MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ fhe [qfu÷k rðãkÚkeoyku f{ f÷kfkhku™u ‚tÃkqýoÃkýu hkus„khe {¤e òÞ Au. «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{{kt rÚkÞuxh™k rð»kÞ{kt 7 rðrðÄ «fkh™k «kuzõþ™™ku Ãkrh[Þ fhkððk{kt ykðu Au. su{kt ‚tMf]Œ rÚkÞuxh, ƒt„k¤e rÚkÞuxh, „úef rÚkÞuxh, {hkXe rÚkÞuxh, ErLzÞ™ xÙuzeþ™÷ rÚkÞuxh, {kuzo™ rÚkÞuxh Œu{s ðuMx™o rÚkÞuxh™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au. «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ rÚkÞhe Œu{s «uõxefÕ‚ yu{ ƒÒku™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.

yÇÞk‚¢{ ƒkË «kó ÚkŒe hkus„khe™e Œfku :

* ykfkþðkýe * ËwhËþo™ * „wshkŒe rVÕ{ku * „wshkŒe r‚heÞÕ‚ * „wshkŒe ™kxfku * Mfq÷ - fkì÷usku - Þwr™ðr‚oxe™k rðrðÄ Vtõþ™ku{kt f÷kfkh, fkuheÞku„úkVh Œhefu * f÷k™k rþûký / yæÞÞ™ ™k ûkuºkku{kt 2 ð»ko™ku M.P.A. yÇÞk‚¢{ : suyku B.P.A. yÚkðk fkuEÃký MxÙe{{kt (‚kÞL‚ / fku{‚o / ykxo‚) fkuEÃký rð»kÞ ‚kÚku M™kŒf ÚkÞk nkuÞ, Œuyku ykðk yÇÞk‚¢{{kt skuzkE þfu Au. skufu ykðk W{uËðkhu ‚t„eŒ / ™]íÞ / yr¼™Þ™k ûkuºk{kt ºkýÚke Ãkkt[ ð»ko rðŒkðu÷k nkuÞ Œu sYhe Au. ykðku yÇÞk‚¢{ Úkkuzku ‚{Þ ‚t„eŒ / ™]íÞ / yr¼™Þ™e Œk÷e{ ÷eÄe nkuÞ y™u íÞkhƒkË su Œu ûkuºk ½ýk ‚{ÞÚke Aqxe „Þwt nkuÞ, Œuðe „]rnýeyku {kxu yuf ykËþo rðfÕÃk ƒ™e þfu Au. Œux÷wt s ™net, ÃkhtŒw ‚t„eŒ / ™]íÞ / yr¼™Þ{kt h‚ ÄhkðŒk rƒÍ™u‚{u™ Œu{s yLÞ ûkuºkku™k «kuVþ u ™Õ‚ {kxu Ãký yk yÇÞk‚¢{ WÃkÞku„e ‚krƒŒ ÚkkÞ Au.

xqtfk„k¤k™k yÇÞk‚¢{ku : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

‚kWLz yurLsr™Þhet„ MxqrzÞku xuf™eõ‚T BÞqÍef yu«e‚eyuþ™ rÚkÞuxh yu«e‚eyuþ™ zkL‚ yu«e‚eyuþ™ rÚkÞuxh yu«e‚eyuþ™

«MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{™k ytŒu „wshkŒ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™wt {kLÞ ‚rxoVefux «kó ÚkkÞ Au. {kºk h‚™u fkhýu WÃkhkuõŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ fhðk EåAqfku {kxu «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ yuf ykËþo rðfÕÃk ƒ™e hnu Au. «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{™e {wËŒ xqtfk„k¤k™e nkuðk WÃkhktŒ ºký þr™ðkh Œu{s hrððkhu [k÷Œku nkuðkÚke, ‚{ks™k ½ýk ð„o™k hr‚f W{uËðkhku yk yÇÞk‚¢{{kt skuzkðk {kxu™ku ÃkqhŒku ‚{Þ fkZe þfu Au. WÃkhkuõŒ yÇÞk‚¢{™wt xuf™ef÷ ƒuf„úkWLz Ähkð™khkyku Ãkk‚u sku yk yt„u™wt ‚rxoVefux ™ nkuÞ, Œku fkhrfËeo rð½T™YÃk ƒ™Œwt nkuÞ Au, yuðk ‚{Þu «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ ‚rxoVefux yÇÞk‚¢{ nkuðkÚke WÃkÞku„e ƒ™e þfu Au. «MŒwŒ yÇÞk‚¢{ „wshkŒ hkßÞ™e MÚkkÃk™k 1961{kt ÚkE Œu Ãknu÷k 1949{kt MÚkÃkkÞu÷ „wshkŒ Þwr™ðr‚oxe™ku ÃkhVku‹{øk ykxo‚ ™k{™ku rð¼k„ [÷kðu Au.

WÃkk‚™k Mfq÷ ykuV ÃkhVku‹{øk ykxo‚ :

M.P.A. (5 ð»keoÞ ELze„úuxuz), M.P.A. („úußÞwyuþ™ ƒkË 2 ð»ko), xqtfk ‚{Þ„k¤k™k 5 fku‚eo‚ WÃkk‚™k Mfq÷ ykuV ÃkhVku‹{øk™wt ykxo‚ îkhk [÷kððk{kt ykðu Au. su{kt Äkuhý 12 / HSC Ãkk‚ rðãkÚkeo 5 ð»ko ƒkË M.P.A. ™e rz„úe {u¤ðe þfu Au. su{kt sku Œu 3 ð»ko ƒkË Œu™e rþûkýÞkºkk yxfkðe Ëu, y™u yk„¤ yÇÞk‚ fhðk™wt Akuze Ëu, Œku Ãký Œu™u M™kŒf fûkk™e / ƒu[÷h rz„úe B.P.A. - „úußÞwyuþ™ ÷uð÷™e {¤u s Au. Œus «{kýu fkuEÃký rðãkþk¾k™k rðãkÚkeoyku Œu{™k „úußÞwyuþ™ ƒkË 2 ð»ko™ku yÇÞk‚ fhu, Œku Œuyku™u ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ / {kMxh rz„úe YÃku M.P.A. ™e ÃkËðe {¤u Au. WÃkk‚™k Mfq÷ ykuV ÃkhVku‹{„ ykxo‚{kt {kMxh rz„úe / ÃkkuMx „úußÞwyuþ™ ƒkË Ãký yk„¤ yÇÞk‚ fhðk EåAqfku {kxu M.Phil. ({kMxh E™ rV÷ku‚kuVe) ™e ÔÞðMÚkk Au. ykÚke M.P.A. ÚkÞu÷k f÷kfkh - rðãkÚkeo r{ºkku ‚t„eŒ Œu{s ‚t„eŒ ‚tƒtÄeŒ rðrðÄ ƒkƒŒku{kt M.Phil. ™ku yÇÞk‚¢{ fhe þfu Au. ð¤e, WÃkk‚™k Mfq÷ ykuV ÃkhVku{`„ ykxo‚™u Ph.D. yÇÞk‚¢{ [÷kððk™e {tsqhe {¤e „E nkuðkÚke xqtf ‚{Þ{kt s ‚t„eŒ Œu{s ‚t„eŒ ‚tƒtÄeŒ rðrðÄ ƒkƒŒku{kt ‚tþkuÄ™ fhðk EåAqfku M.P.A. ƒkË Ph.D. fhe™u f÷k™k ûkuºk{kt zkìfhux Ãký fhe þfþu ! ðÄw {krnŒe {kxu ‚tÃkfo : WÃkk‚™k Mfq÷ ykuV ÃkhVku{`„ ykxo‚, G.I.E.T. fkuBÃk‚, nuÕ{ux [kh hMŒk, y{ËkðkË-38009. E-{uE÷ : upasana.perfroming.arts@, [email protected] Vku™ ™t. 9974779048, 9825592120, 9727548435

hkus„khe T-20,

‚t„eŒ, ™]íÞ, ™kxf™k WÃkhkuõŒ yÇÞk‚¢{{kt M.P.A. ™e rz„úe ykÃkðk{kt ykðu Au. ßÞkhu yktŒhhk»xÙeÞ fûkkyu [kxzo yufkWLx‚e™k yÇÞk‚¢{ {kxu Ãký M.P.A.™e rz„úe ykÃkðk{kt ykðu Au ! Au ™u ‚t„eŒ™k ‚qh yktfzk™ku {Äwh ‚t„{ !!!


íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Fully owned by Govt. of India) Advertisement No.4/Grade A/2017-18

Recruitment to the post of Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (RDBS)

Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the post of Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ in the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS) in National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Candidates can apply only ON-LINE on NABARD website Notices between 13 March 2018 and 02 April 2018. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Candidates to ensure their eligibility for the post: Before applying, candidates should read all the instructions carefully and ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria for the advertised post. NABARD would admit to the Examinations all the candidates applying for this post with the applicable requisite fee/intimation charges on the basis of the information furnished in the ON-LINE application and shall verify their eligibility at the stage of interview as also joining. If at that stage, it is found that any information furnished in the ONLINE application is false/ incorrect or if according to NABARD, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post, his/ her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview or to join the service. Mode of Application Candidates are requested to apply only ON-LINE through Bank’s website No other mode of submission of application will be accepted by NABARD. Instructions for filling up the “Online Application Form” are given in Para XI. Important Dates Website Link Open - Online Registration 13th March 2018 to and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation 2nd April 2018 Charges Last date for submission of online 2nd April 2018 (Time Applications 23.59 hours) Download of Phase I (Preliminary Exam) 27th April 2018 Admission Letters onwards Phase I (Preliminary Exam) – Online 12th May 2018 @ Examination Phase II (Main) - Online Examination 6th June 2018 @ @ NABARD reserves the right to change the dates on account of administrative exigencies (The links for the above will be published on our website viz. www. Candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for updates, etc.) Corrigendum: Please note that Corrigendum, if any, issued on the above advertisement, will be published on the Bank’s website www.nabard. org. Help Facility: In case of any problem in filling up the form, payment of fee/intimation charges, or in down loading of Admission Letter, etc. queries may be made through “Candidate Grievance Lodging and Redressal Mechanism” at Do not forget to mention “Direct Recruitment - NABARD - Grade ‘A’ (RDBS)” in the subject of the email. DETAILED NOTICE 1. Number of Vacancies: Table -1 Name of the Discipline Sr. No. of Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS) No. vacancies - Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ i) General 46 ii) Animal Husbandry 5 iii) Chartered Accountant 5 iv) Economics 9 v) Environmental Engineering 2 vi) Food Processing / Food Technology 4 vii) Forestry 4 viii) Land Development (Soil Science) / Agriculture 8 ix) Minor Irrigation (Water Resources) 6 x) Social Work 3 Total-RDBS 92

II. 2. RESERVATION OF VACANCIES Table -2 * Backlog vacancy - 01 in OBC from 2016 batch in General Discipline and 01 vacancy in ST from 2017 batch in Water Resources Development & Management. @ Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWBD) shall be applied @4% of total vacancies, horizontally, within the overall vacancies earmarked for various categories viz., UR, SC, ST & OBC in General Discipline (Sr.No.II(i) above) as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 as under: Sr No. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)


AM (RDBS) General Animal Husbandry Chartered Accountant Economics Environmental Engineering Food Processing / Food Technology Forestry Land Development (Soil Science) / Agriculture Minor Irrigation (Water Resources) Social Work Total-RDBS



OBC Total PWBD @






3 3 5 1 2

















2 4

1 1


1 2

4 8






1 47

1 13


1 25

3 92



* Backlog vacancy - 01 in OBC from 2016 batch in General Discipline and 01 vacancy in ST from 2017 batch in Water Resources Development & Management. @ Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWBD) shall be applied @4% of total vacancies, horizontally, within the overall vacancies earmarked for various categories viz., UR, SC, ST & OBC in General Discipline (Sr.No.II(i) above) as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 as under: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (as on 01 March 2018) a) Important Points: A candidate can apply for AM (RDBS) in Grade A under only one option from among the options given at Sr.No.(i) to (x) in Table 1. It is clarified that candidate applying for AM (RDBS)-General cannot apply for another discipline viz., Animal Husbandry/ Chartered Accountant/ Economics, etc., and vice a versa. The candidate may apply only for discipline of his/her choice. In case of multiple applications across or within disciplines from same candidate, only the last application submitted by him / her will be considered valid and fee against all other applications will be forfeited. Reserved category candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) may apply against unreserved vacancies in those disciplines in which no vacancies have been reserved for their category. However, they must fulfil the eligibility criteria for age and educational qualification at par with unreserved candidates. They will be eligible for fee concession, where ever applicable. Similarly, Persons with bench mark disabilities (PWBD) may also apply for unreserved vacancies provided they fulfil the eligibility criteria for educational qualification at par with unreserved candidates and the post is identified for the concerned benchmark disability as per GOI guidelines. They will, however, be eligible for age relaxation along with fee concession. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (As on 01 March 2018) – The candidate must possess the required educational qualification as on 01 March 2018. The result of final term / semester/year examination of the required educational qualification must have been declared on or before 01 March 2018. In other words, candidates whose final year/semester results have been declared on or after 02 March 2018 are not eligible to apply. Bachelor’s Degree in a particular discipline means that the candidate must have studied that discipline as main subject in all the semesters / years of respective degree course and it must be mentioned in the Degree Certificate issued by the University/ Institute. (yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke ðuçkMkkEx òuðk rðLktíke.)


íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh



Sola, Ahmedabad - 380 060. Website : AND ADVERTISEMENT NO. RC/B.1304/2017. (Translator)


Starting date for submission of On-line Application 16/03/2018 (12:00 Hours) Closing date for submission of On-line Application. 31/03/2018 (23:59 Hours) Tentative Date of Translation Test Date of Translation Test 06/05/2018 The High Court of Gujarat invites ‘On-line Applications’, from eligible candidates for filling up 04 Posts of Translator (Class-III), in the Pay Matrix of Rs.35,400-1,12,400/- (Pre-revised Pay Scale of Rs.9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4,200/-), on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, by Direct Recruitment. CATEGORY WISE VACANCIES :

shall be allowed on a uniform basis, relaxation of a maximum period of 5 years or to the extent of equal number of years for which service has been put in by him/her, whichever is less, in the upper age limit. (iii) Relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit shall be admissible to the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Physically Disabled Persons and Ex-Servicemen. RESERVATION : (a) The Reservations for various Categories and Classes [i.e. Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Differently Abled Persons (having locomotor disability, shall be in accordance with the prevailing policies of the State Government as per Rules. Total Vacancies General SC* ST SEBC (b) Candidate belonging to the Reserved Categories in the State of Gujarat, 04 01 00 01 02 shall only be eligible for Reservation / Relaxation benefits. FEES AND MODE OF PAYMENT : ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (See more Details in Website) [As on Last Date of submitting of ‘On-line Application i.e. 31/03/2018]: (a) Essential Educational Qualification : Graduate from recognized SELECTION PROCEDURE : (See more Details in Website) University. (b) Computer : A Candidate must possess besides the prescribed DISOUALIFICATION FOR APPOINTMENT : (See more Details in Website) qualifications HOW TO APPLY : (i) CCC / CCC+ level Certificate, or; (See more Details in Website) (ii) Should have Degree/Diploma from any recognized University/ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : Educational Institution with Computer as one of the subjects, or; (iii) Should have passed SSC or HSC examination from recognized School (See more Details in Website) Any Application, even under the R.T.I. Act, seeking any information, Board with Computer as one of the subjects, or Courses prescribed by the will not be entertained till the completion of the entire Recruitment Process. State Government. The decision of the High Court of Gujarat in respect of all matters Age Limit : (i) A Candidate for appointment to the said post, shall not be less than 18 pertaining to this recruitment process would be final and binding on all years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the last date of Submitting Candidates. High Court of Gujarat, On-line Application i.e. on 31/03/2018. Registrar (Recruitment & Finance) (ii) Employees working in the Subordinate Courts or any other High Court Sola, Ahmedabad. (yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke ðuçkMkkEx òuðk rðLktíke.) (yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 8 WÃkhLkwt [k÷w)

(yk ònuh¾çkh Võík rLkËuoþ {kxu Au ðÄw rðøkík {kxu MktMÚkkLke ðuçkMkkEx òuðk rðLktíke. íkÚkk yuBÃ÷kuÞ{uLx LÞwÍ íkk. 17-23 {k[o òuðk rðLktíke.)


íkk. 28{e {k[o, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 7 WÃkh) {wÿf, «fkþf, {kr÷f : {krníke rLkÞk{f, økwshkík hkßÞ, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk «fkrþík, ÔÞðMÚkkÃkf, Mkhfkhe {æÞMÚk {wÿýk÷Þ, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk {wrÿík