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HC Varsity Competition Squad and their Coach, and the Hosting Site, on whose premises the Camp will occur. I further ack
RED DEVIL VARSITY CHEERLEADING SPRING CHEER CLINIC At the Hunterdon Central Cheer Gym Saturday, May 10th K-4th 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 5th-8th 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. Cheerleader’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________ City & Zip: ______________________ Home Phone: ____________________________ Parent’s Name: ____________________________ Parent’s Cell Number: _____________________ Parent’s Email: ____________________________

Your Organization (circle one):



Other: ___________________

Grade your cheerleader will enter in September 2014: ______________ Age: ________________ T-Shirt Size (circle one):

Youth S

Youth M

Youth L

Adult S

Adult M

Adult L

Participant Release and Waiver Form For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, I __________________________, as parent or legal guardian of ______________________________, a minor, hereby grant the permission necessary to allow above Minor to participate in the above Camp to be conducted by HC Varsity Competition Squad and their Coach. I acknowledge and agree, in my own behalf and on the behalf of the Minor, that such participation subjects Minor to possibility of physical illness or injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic and/or death) and that I, in my own behalf of the Minor, acknowledge that the Minor is assuming the risk of such illness or injury by participating in the Camp. In the event of such illness or injury, I authorize HC Varsity Competition Squad and their Coach to obtain the necessary medical treatment for the Minor and hereby, in my own behalf and on behalf of the Minor, release and hold harmless the HC Varsity Competition Squad and their Coach, and the Hosting Site, on whose premises the Camp will occur. I further acknowledge and understand that I will be responsible for any and all medical bills that may be incurred on behalf of the Minor for any illness or

injury that the Minor may sustain during this clinic. Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Attention all Coaches/Team Moms Every cheerleader attending the Clinic MUST fill out this form. The cost of this clinic is $50.00 per cheerleader for the entire day, and $25 per cheerleader for half day. Full day participants will break from 12-1 p.m. for lunch. Please make your check payable to the HCRDMBC - Cheerleading. Send the check and form to Michele Luciano, 126 Ivy Court, Flemington, NJ 08822 by May 1, 2014. Any questions or concerns, please email [email protected].

Each cheerleader should:    

Arrive at HC Cheer Gym by 8:45am Full day participants bring a bag lunch and plenty to drink; half day a healthy snack and drink Put hair up & wear sturdy sneakers, socks, t-shirt, non-slippery shorts and NO JEWELRY! HC Varsity Comp Squad will provide each cheerleader with a t-shirt.