Acrocephalus 32 (150/151): 215−239, 2012
SRBIJA / SERBIA Red Kite Milvus milvus
Rjavi škarnik – en osebek te redke vrste opazovan v obdobju zelo mrzlega vremena s snegom dne 16.2.2011 v Somboru (UTM CR56 & CR57, SZ Srbija); nove vrste ptic, po letu 2010 prvič zabeležene na območju mesta, kjer je bilo v treh desetletjih raziskav skupaj ugotovljenih 152 vrst, so še pritlikavi kormoran Phalacrocorax pygmeus, duplar Columba oenas, tamariskovka Acrocephalus melanopogon, mali deževnik Charadrius dubius in belolična čigra Chlidonias hybridus Since the book “Birds of Sombor” was published (Mérő & Žuljević 2010), six new species have been recorded in the town. According to it, 152 species were found within the town’s territory during the three decades of bird observation and ringing. he latest three new species were observed in a very short time interval, during the very cold and snowy weather in February 2012: single Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus between 9 and 18 Feb 2012 on the Mostonga watercourse (UTM CR 56 28), a lock of Stock Doves Columba oenas with up to 20 individuals between 15 and 21 Feb 2012 (UTM CR 56 28), and rare Red Kite on 16 Feb 2012 (UTM CR 56 37). It is important to mention that the Mostonga watercourse does not freeze even during the severest frosts (Mérő & Žuljević 2010). We assume this might be the reason why the Pygmy Cormorant visited this water habitat during the freezing weather. he earlier three additions to the town’s list were observed during a much longer time interval, between September 2010 and August 2011. Single individuals of Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon were caught and ringed on 13 Oct 2010, 21 Jun 2011 and 18 Oct 2011, on Bager Pond (UTM CR 57 22), two Little Ringed Plovers Charadrius dubius were recorded on 8 Jul 2011 at Veliki Bački canal (UTM CR 56 27), and two Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybridus (one adult and one juvenile) on 1 and 2 Aug 2011 at Jaroš (UTM CR 57 52). homas Oliver Mérő, Department of Ecology, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, HU−4032 Debrecen, Hungary, e−mail:
[email protected] Antun Žuljević,Vere Gucunje 20, RS−25000 Sombor, Serbia, e−mail:
[email protected]
Buzzard Buteo buteo
Kanja – 80 osebkov opazovanih dne 20.12.2008 vzdolž 3,5 km dolgega cestnega odseka v bližini vasi Kruščić (UTM CR75, SZ Srbija); avtorja domnevata, da je kanje pritegnilo obilje razpoložljivega plena, kar potrjujejo tudi 202 male uharice Asio otus, preštete na
prenočiščih v vasi. Kanje se pozimi običajno zadržujejo posamič, do začasnih zbiranj osebkov pa prihaja v nižinah z ugodnimi razmerami. During the winter census of Long-eared Owl Asio otus in Bačka (NW Serbia) on 20 Dec 2008 we drove along a road surrounded by crop ields in the neighbourhood of the village of Kruščić (UTM CR75). Here we counted 80 Buzzards on a road section with a total length of 3.5 km. he birds stayed on crop land and shrubs or hunted within 500 m distance from both sides of the road. Crop ields were ploughed or planted by clover, and occasionally surrounded with shrubs and low trees. Saker Falcon Falco cherrug, Kestrel Falco tinnunculus and Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus were also observed in the area. We presume the large number of Buzzards was attracted here because of the high food availability. his assumption was supported by the fact that a total of 202 Long-eared Owls that depend on similar prey were counted on roosting places in the village of Kruščić. Buzzards usually disperse singly in wintering grounds, establishing winter territories, while temporal gathering typically occur in favourable lowlands (Glutz von Blotzheim et al. 1971). Nenad Spremo, Filipa Višnjića 5, RS−25260 Apatin, Serbia, e−mail:
[email protected] homas Oliver Mérő, Department of Ecology, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, HU−4032 Debrecen, Hungary, e−mail:
[email protected]
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Ribji orel – novejša opazovanja posameznih osebkov na ribniku Svilojevo (UTM CR45, Vojvodina, SZ Srbija) dne 21.10.2006, 3.9.2008 ter 21. in 28.3.2009, ki potrjujejo redno pojavljanje na območju, kjer je bila vrsta nekajkrat zabeležena že v 80-ih in 90-ih letih During the migration period, several observations of the Osprey were made at the Svilojevo ishpond (UTM CR45, Vojvodina, NW Serbia). On 21 Oct 2006, one individual was seen perching on a tree and then lying above Lake 1 of the ishpond. On 3 Sep 2008, one individual was observed again at Lake 1 during a regular visit to the ishpond. On that occasion, the Osprey plunged into the water, caught a carp and lew away with the prey in its claws. During the spring migration, it was seen on 21 and 28 Mar 2009. It was observed while lying over the ishpond and attempting to catch its prey. On 28 Mar 2009, one Osprey was seen lying over the village of Svilojevo, probably the same individual as observed above the ishpond earlier. So far, Osprey has been seen several times at the Svilojevo ishpond in the 1980s and 1990s (Obradović 1983, Lakatoš 1992), thus my recent observations conirm regular occurrence of the species at this site.