Nov 2, 2016 - mission of free Information Internet (InfoInternet) ... Free access to Information, voucher for full Internet, mobile ..... can make a website for.
IEEE ANTS 2016, Bangalore, Nov2016
Reducing Digital Divide through the Information-Internet
Josef Noll, PhD, IARIA Fellow Co-Founder and Evangelist at Basic Internet Foundation Professor at University Graduate Studies (UNIK), University of Oslo (UiO) Head of Research at Movation AS Oslo, Norway
The Difference Today !
The main difference between hotels today? It’s all about Wireless Access - availability - simplicity - throughput The winner is the Guest House
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
About Basic Internet Foundation Our mission: ! Optimised content delivery on capacitylimited network ! The Foundation will offer free access to low capacity Internet as a carrier of digital content to people in areas with low admission and / or no internet coverage. Kjeller, Norway: Kjeller
1973 Arpanet Foundation by:
1994 Opera Software 2014 Basic Internet
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Outline !
The Basic Internet Foundation ➡
Impact Research - addressing ➡ ➡
➡ ➡
Why India? Addressing Digital Inclusion in India Regulations in India
Our solution and experiences ➡ ➡
the Sustainability Development Goals (SDG 2030) the Role of Digital Access
Background and Motivation ➡
mission of free Information Internet (InfoInternet)
Free access to Information, voucher for full Internet, mobile broadband for convenience Experiences from Africa
The way ahead ➡ ➡
a collaborative pilot for digital inclusion the Standard from India for the World
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Digital access is the bottleneck 90%
Phones vs Mobile Broadband
Access [Source: World Development Report 2016]
400M TAM ▪ With 50% InfoInternet adoption, directly impacted population 200M users
▪ With $5 per month per user for premium content, potential revenue ▪ opportunity of $1B per month ($12B per year) => globally translating into ▪ $2.25B per month ($27B per year)
▪ Additional significant revenues from users migrating to full internet service plans not included!!
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
“Internet is my teacher” “I’m currently learning Python and HTML, so I can make a website for my parents’ business"
Telecom focus InfoInternet
The need for an Information-Internet (InfoInternet)
Basic Internet
revenue-driven non-profit targeting leveraged creation targeting no- and limited use voice & mobile broadband
compressed text & pictures
subscription based (SIM) free access & voucher mobile network: coverage & Wifi-spots: health-/ capacity community centres, schools operator cost model operator roll-out
[Source: GSMA, Nov2015]
Partnership for digital inclusion
target: 0.5 US$/month NGO & community roll-out
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Free Information access:
Removing the digital divide ● Societal
● Example:
everyone has access to information ➡ on all WLAN (&mobile) networks ➡
● Technical
browser with just text & picture ➡ compressed content to be transmitted over radio ➡ proxy-based splitting of information ➡
● Goal ➡ Global standard for Proxy/Browser ➡ Global standard for InfoInternet
Opera Mini
➡ encrypted
request from Opera Mini browser ➡ Opera access Web page, removes animations, and compresses the page ➡ Compressed page is sent to device ➡ typical 80% reduction
● Usage
4 MByte average user ➡ 20 MByte max user/month ➡
[Opera Software, Nigeria, 2011]
you can give a person
- 10 min of video, or
- 10 months of information
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Success stories
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Success stories (Congo as a pilot/test country) ● ● ● ●
Remote sites with 500.000 inhabitants Revenue target: 4 €/month/user City coverage Kinshasa mixed: fixed, mobile, hot-spot concept
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Pilot in DRC (Contd) ●
Three different variants of the product piloted:
satellite link (VSAT) ➡ public WiFi access points (WiMAX distribution), and ➡ Fibre-based University WiFi access points Figure shows student adoption in Kinshasa (DRC) Information uptake
• • •
30% creation
content I-III
IV - V
Basic Internet
90% leverage • •
Phases I-V of Internet adoption by students
Innovation from students and staff novel business ideas voucher-based access
local content Cedesurk: Wikipedia, Education InfoInternet (low capacity) by Basic Internet Foundation open access Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Free access to Information
: d l r o w for a e n o y r e v e e r e h r W e “ s w o r b s i h n e p o s n s a e c c c a e e r f t e g and " t e n r e t n I to
Basic Internet
Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll
Conclusions & Summary:
Digital Inclusion is the key for sustainable development ➡ Complementary to traditional industry ➡ Relevant for the developing world (and the World) Net neutrality ➡ access to information, compressed text and pictures through the InfoInternet Technology challenges ➡ Information type filtering ➡ Network load (DHCP, data vs signalling) ➡ Remote maintenance (TR-069) ➡ Browser/Proxy development (http2) ➡ IoT extension (App store) Proxy Development ➡ Like ”Responsive Design” (for mobile phones) ➡ Convert ”dynamic Web” into InfoInternet A collaborative foundation from Kjeller (Norway)
Basic Internet
Internet Services
Basic Internet Foundation (@Basic4All)
broadband health education entrepreneurship email
through Basic Inter net
Basic Internet 16% @Basic4all
Population Nov2016, S. Dixit & J. Noll