Mihai Alexa, Automobile Dacia Piteşti. Mircea Boji ă, EFD Romania. Richard
Molnar, Linde Gaz Romania. Nicuşor Ruscu, Bodycote, Braşov. Ion Ivan, Mital
Steel ...
Second Announcement and Call for Papers International conference on
November 4 - 5, 2010
Poiana Braşov, Romania
Organized by
ATTIS - The Romanian Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Association with the support of
IFHTSE - International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
CONFERENCE TOPICS: Oral and poster presentations are invited in the following fields:
• Conventional heat and thermochemical treatment technologies and installations • New heat and thermochemical treatment technologies and installations • Process modelling and simulation • Controlled atmospheres • Environmental damage limitation • Plant and equipment for heat and thermochemical treatment NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITEE: Chairman: Daniela Dragomir, ATTIS, Bucharest, Romania Members: Daniel Munteanu, University 'Transilvania’, Braşov, Romania Petrică Vizureanu, University ‘Gh. Asachi’, Iaşi, Romania Cătalin Sfăt, University ‘Politehnica’, Bucureşti, Romania Romulus Pascu, ISIM, Timişoara Mihai Alexa, Automobile Dacia Piteşti Mircea Bojiţă, EFD Romania Richard Molnar, Linde Gaz Romania Nicuşor Ruscu, Bodycote, Braşov Ion Ivan, Mital Steel, Galati Secretariat: Toader Gheorghe, ATTIS, Bucharest, Romania Rodica Teodorescu, ATTIS, Bucharest, Romania INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME COMMITEE: Leontin Druga, ASTR, Bucharest, Romania Hans-Werner Zoch, IWT, Bremen, Germany (IFHTSE President) Zoltán Kolozsváry, Plasmaterm, Romania (IFHTSE Treasurer) Herwig Altena, Aichelin GmbH, Mödling, Austria Derry Doyle, Royal Melbourne Inst. of Technology, Australia (IFHTSE Past President), Robert Wood, IFHTSE Secretary Reinhold Schneider, ASMET, Austria Brian Birch, UK Paul Stratton, UK Nahum Frage, Ben Gurion University,Beersheva, Israel Cornel Samoila, University 'Transilvania', Brasov, Romania Mihai Cojocaru, University 'Politehnica', Bucharest, Romania Alexander Schreiner, MWS, Germany Fan Dong Li, BRIMET, China Tamás Réti, Györ University, Hungary Sergey Tsikh,Central Scientific Research Institute of Machine –Building Technology, Moscow, Russia.
IMPORTANT DATES: 2010, May 30: Deadline for abstract submission 2010, June, 15 Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstracts 2010, August 30: Deadline for full paper submission 2010, September 15: Notification of acceptance/rejection of full paper VENUE: Poiana Brasov (1030m) is situated at the base of mount Postavaru (1804m ) 13km from Brasov and 190 km from Bucuresti (Bucharest). A health resort, it has ski runs, sports grounds ( tennis, golf, basket, handball ), lake, cable railway, ski lift, covered pools, fitness, sauna, bars, discos, restaurants etc. There is a range of accommodation possibilities - various hotels, villas and chalets. The snow layer lasts about 120 days/ year . REGISTRATION FEE: Participant: 350 Euro Student: 100 Euro Accompanying person: 150 Euro The registration fee includes: • Right to attend conference sessions • Proceedings (book and CD-rom) • Reception cocktail • Gala dinner • Lunch and refreshment breaks • Social programme ACCOMMODATION: Hotel Alpin, 4* (www.hotelalpin.ro), • conference price for payment until 30.09.2010: - for double room: 60 Euro - for single room: 55 Euro Hotel Bradul/Poiana 3*, • conference price for payment until 30.09.2010: - for double room: 50 Euro - for single room: 40 Euro PAYMENT METHOD: • Bank transfer: Account no: RO56BRDE441SV27792904410 SWIFT: BRDE ROBU Bank: BRD Sucursala Vacaresti • Cash TRAVEL INFORMATION: From Bucharest, participants can reach Poiana Brasov by train, bus or taxi. For participants arriving in Bucharest by air, transport to Poiana Brasov will be provided.
MANUSCRIPT: - Paper: A4(top -3 cm, bottom-2 cm, left -2,5 cm, right - 2,5 cm) - Title ( TNR12, full justified) - Authors (TNR11, Bold), Afilliation (TNR11, Italics), email (TNR11, Italics), centered - Abstract (max.100 words, TNR10, full justified, single spaced) - Full paper MSWORD (97, 2000, 2003 or 2007, in .doc format, TNR 11 regular, 1.3 spaced, full justified)
PROCEEDINGS: All accepted papers will be published in the Romanian Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering journal or in IFHTSE's journal International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering LANGUAGE: The official languages are English and Romanian (translation will be provided)
PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION FORM: Name: Title: Employer: Address: Tel/mobile:
I want to participate as: Speaker Exhibitor General participant Paper title: Accommodation: 4* hotel
3* hotel General information: Prof. Leontin Druga,
[email protected] Daniela Dragomir,
[email protected] Tel: + 40-21-3325987
Fax:+ 40-21-3018487