References and Sources for Further Information

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Restoration Handbook: For Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands. ... Native Plant Revegetation Manual for Denali. National Park ... Streambank Bioengineering Guide: User's Guide for ... Government of Yukon, Yukon Geological Survey, 2007.
References and Sources for Further Information Revegetation Guides and Planning Documents Bonnaventure, P.P. and A.G. Lewkowicz, 2012. Yukon Permafrost Probability Map. URL: Clewell, A.F, and J. Aronson, 2007. Ecological Restoration: Principles, Values, and Structure of an Emerging Profession. Society for Ecological Restoration International. Island Press, Washington, DC. 230 pp. Densmore, R.V., M.E. Vander Meer, and N.G. Dunkle, 2000. Native Plant Revegetation Manual for Denali National Park and Preserve. United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR – 2000 – 0006. 42 pp. URL: Environmental Dynamics Incorporated, 2009. A Review of Several Revegetation Projects and Techniques. MPERG Report 2009-3, 125 pp. URL: Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines & Resources, 2006. Yukon Mine Site Reclamation and Closure Policy. Whitehorse, Yukon. URL: reclamation_policy_web_nov06.pdf Government of Yukon, Yukon Geological Survey, 2013. Yukon Permafrost Network. URL: Hill, T., Kennedy ,C.E., and D. Murray (editors), 1996. Guidelines for Reclamation/Revegetation in the Yukon: Volume Two. Government of Yukon, Department of Renewable Resources, 181-266 pp. Kennedy, C.E. (editor), 1993. Guidelines for Reclamation/Revegetation in the Yukon: Volume One. Government of Yukon, Department of Renewable Resources.180 pp. Northeast Invasive Plant Committee (NEIPC), 2010. Peace-Liard Revegetation Manual. Developed by the Northeast Invasive Plant Committee, Dawson Creek, BC. URL: documents/NEIPC_Reveg_manual_PeaceLiard_April2010.pdf


Yukon Revegetation Manual — References

Packard, S., and C. Mutel (editors), 1997. The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook: For Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands. Published by the Society for Ecological Restoration. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 432 pp. Smith, C.A.S., Meikle, J.C., and C.F. Roots (editors), 2004. Ecoregions of the Yukon Territory: Biophysical Properties of Yukon Landscapes. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, PARC Technical Bulletin No. 04-01, Summerland, British Columbia. 313 pp. Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), 2004. The SER International Primer on Ecological Restoration. SER, Tucson, AZ. URL: primer.asp. Steinfeld D.E., Riley, S.A., Wilkinson, K.M., Landis, T.D., and L.E. Riley 2007. Roadside Revegetation: an Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants. United States Federal Highways Administration (FHWA). Report No. FHWA-WFL/TD-07-005. 424 pp. URL: publications/documents/revegdocuments/roadsiderevegetation-manual.pdf Tongway, D.J., and J.A. Ludwig, 2010. Restoring Disturbed Landscapes: Putting Principles into Practice. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 216 pp. Walter, J., Hughes, D., and N.J. Moore, 2005. Streambank Revegetation and Protection: a Guide for Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish. Update of Original Technical Report No. 98-3 (1998). URL: =streambankprotection.main Wright, S.J. 2008. A Revegetation Manual for Alaska. Alaska Plant Materials Center, Palmer, Alaska. 161 pp. URL:

Fertilizers, Ground Preparation and Erosion Control (Including Bioengineering) Alberta Ministry of Transportation, 2011. Field Guide for Erosion and Sediment Control. Government of Alberta. 237 pp. URL: docType372/Production/FieldGuideforErosionandSediment Control-June2011.pdf Bentrup, G., and J.C. Hoag, 1998. The Practical Streambank Bioengineering Guide: User’s Guide for Natural Streambank Stabilization Techniques in the Arid and Semi-Arid Great Basin and Intermountain West. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Materials Center. 150 pp. URL: idpmcpustguid.pdf Burton, C.M. and P.J. Burton 2001. Fertilization Can Reduce the Amount of Seed Needed to Revegetate Degraded Soils (British Columbia). Ecological Restoration 19(1): 57-58. Gillies. C. 2007. Erosion and Sediment Control Practices for Forest Roads and Stream Crossings. FP Innovations, Vancouver, B.C. Advantage Report Vol. 9, no.5. 87 pp. Government of Yukon Department of Environment, 2011. Best Management Practices for Works Affecting Water in Yukon. Government of Yukon Department of Environment, Water Resources Branch, Environment Yukon. URL: documents/bestpractes_water.pdf Government of Yukon, Yukon Geological Survey, 2007. A Guide to Soil Sampling in Yukon. Brochure produced by the Yukon Geological Survey, Government of Yukon Department of Energy, Mines & Resources. URL:http:// ygs_brochure_2007_2_soil_sampling.pdf (note that this brochure is a guide for geologic soil sampling, not nutrient soil sampling) Laberge Environmental Services, 2002. Experimental Trials for Restoring Disturbed Sites in Permafrost Areas Using Bioengineering Techniques. MPERG Report 2002 – 2, 10 pp. URL: Lewis, L., 2000. Soil Bioengineering: An Alternative for Roadside Management. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Technology and Development Program. 47 pp.

Monk, B., 2009. Multipurpose Subsoiling Excavator Attachments. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service National Technology and Development Program. 2400 – Forest Management, 0424 1804 – SDTDC, 21 pp. (information on ripper attachments for excavators) URL: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water, 2008. Deep-Ripping and Decompacting. Available online from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water. 14 pp. URL: Rostad, H.P.W, Kozak, L.M., and D.F. Acton, 1977. Soil Survey and Land Evaluation of the Yukon Territory. Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology Publications S174. 532 pp. URL: yts174/yts174_report.pdf Smith, C.A.S., Meikle, J.C., and C.F. Roots (editors), 2004. Ecoregions of the Yukon Territory: Biophysical Properties of Yukon Landscapes. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, PARC Technical Bulletin No. 04-01, Summerland, British Columbia. 313 pp. Spoor, G., 2006. Alleviation of Soil Compaction: Requirements, Equipment and Techniques. Soil Use and Management, 22: 113–122. Steinfeld D.E., Riley, S.A., Wilkinson, K.M., Landis, T.D., and L.E. Riley 2007. Roadside Revegetation: an Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants. United States Federal Highways Administration (FHWA). Report No. FHWA-WFL/TD-07-005. 424 pp. URL: publications/documents/revegdocuments/roadsiderevegetation-manual.pdf Transportation Association Canada (TAC), 2005. National Guide to Erosion and Sediment Control on Roadway Projects. Transportation Association of Canada. 122 pp. Walter, J., Hughes, D., and N.J. Moore, 2005. Streambank Revegetation and Protection: a Guide for Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish. Update of Original Technical Report No. 98-3 (1998). URL: cfm?adfg=streambankprotection.main

References — Yukon Revegetation Manual


Plant Species and Propagation Alaska Plant Materials Center, 2012. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, Alaska. URL: Aubry, C. Shoal, R. and V. Erickson, 2005. Grass Cultivars: Their Origins, Development, and Use on National Forests and Grasslands in the Pacific NW. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Portland, Oregon. 41 pp. Barry, S., 1998. Monitoring Vegetation Cover. University of California Davis Cooperative Extension Service, Rangeland Resources Factsheet. URL: RangelandResources/pdfs/Veg_Cover_Monitoring2.PDF BrettYoung, 2011. Product sheet for Fowl Bluegrass (Poa palustris). URL: Turf/nativeseed.php BrettYoung, 2011. Product sheet for Adanac Slender Wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus). nativeseed.php Burton, C.M., and P.J. Burton, 2003. A Manual for Growing and Using Seed from Herbaceous Plants Native to the Interior and Northern British Columbia. Symbios Research & Restoration, Smithers, B.C. 168 pp. URL: intropg.htm

Davies, M. and S. Jensen, 2008. Hands Beat Machines for Collecting Native Seeds. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Technology and Development Program, Reforestation and Nurseries Tech Tips, 2400, 4 pp. URL: pdf08242353dpi72.pdf Densmore, R., and J. C. Zasada, 1978. Rooting Potential of Alaskan Willow Cuttings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 8: 477-479. Dorner, J., 2002. An Introduction to Using Native Plants in Restoration Projects. By the Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington. Plant Conservation Alliance. Produced for The Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of Interior, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 66 pp. URL: intronatplant.pdf Government of Canada, 2005. Canada Seeds Act. URL: Government of Canada, 2005. Weed Seeds Order. URL: Government of Yukon, Department of Environment, 2012. Invasive Plants Ranked by Invasiveness. URL: documents/yukon_invasive_plants_by_invasiveness.pdf

Campeau, S. and K. Blanchard, 2010. Use of Locally Sourced Moss, Lichen and Vascular Plant Propagules for the Revegetation of Mineral Disturbances in a Boreal Climate. British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium 2010.

Hardy BBT Ltd., 1989. Manual of Plant Species Suitable for Reclamation in Alberta (2nd Edition). Prepared for The Alberta Land Conservation and Reclamation Council. URL: uuid:d87180ae-e6b1-4758-b5affcb02d7f38fa

Clark, A. and T. Hutchinson, 2005. Enhancing Natural Succession on Yukon Mine Tailings Sites: a Low-Impact Management Approach, The Potential for the Native Grass Deschampsia caespitosa in Northern Mine Tailings Revegetation. MPERG Report 2005-3, 103 pp. URL:

Hill, T., Kennedy ,C.E., and D. Murray (editors), 1996. Guidelines for Reclamation/Revegetation in the Yukon: Volume Two. Government of Yukon, Department of Renewable Resources, 181-266 pp.

Cody, W.J., 2000. Flora of the Yukon Terrority (Second Edition). National Research Council of Canada, NRC Research Press, Ottawa. 669 pp. Darris, D. and P. Gonzalves, 2009. Plant fact sheet for Tufted Hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa). USDA NRCS Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. URL:


Yukon Revegetation Manual — References

Hufford, K. M., and S.J. Mazer, 2003. Plant Ecotypes: Genetic Differentiation in the Age of Ecological Restoration. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 18(3):147-155. Hultén, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular Plants. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 1032 pp.

Hunt, P. and S. Wright, 2008. Plant flyer for “Egan” American Sloughgrass – Beckmannia syzigachne. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, Alaska. URL: EganBeckmannia.pdf Hunt, P. and S. Wright, 2007. Plant flyer for “Sourdough” Bluejoint Reedgrass – Calamagrostis canadensis. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, Alaska. URL: SourdoughBluejoint.pdf Hunt, P. and S. Wright, 2007. Plant flyer for “Alyeska” Polargrass – Arctagrostis latifolia. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, Alaska. URL: AlyeskaPolargrass.pdf Hunt, P. and S. Wright, 2007. Plant flyer for “Nortran” Tufted Hairgrass - Deschampsia caespitosa. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, Alaska. URL: NortranTuftedHairgrass.pdf Hunt, P. and S. Wright, 2007. Plant flyer for “Gruening” Alpine Bluegrass - Poa alpina. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, Alaska. URL: GrueningAlpineBluegrass.pdf Hutchinson, T. and A. Clark, 2006. Enhancing Natural Succession on Mine Tailings Sites in the Yukon Territory. MPERG Report 2006-3, 13 pp. URL: Hutchinson, T. and A. Hayward. 2010. Report on the Experimental Vegetation lot Established on 3 Abandoned Toxic Yukon Mine Tailings Sites, Revisited in 2009. MPERG Report 2010-5. URL: MPERG2010-5.pdf Kees, G., 2006. Rangeland Drills: Can Seed Placement be Improved? United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Technology and Development Program, Reforestation and Nurseries Tech Tips, 2200, 6 pp. Kennedy, C.E. (editor), 1993. Guidelines for Reclamation/Revegetation in the Yukon: Volume One. Government of Yukon, Department of Renewable Resources.180 pp. Lister, D., 2010. An Evaluation of Factors Influencing Spontaneous Vegetation Succession in Northern Latitude Disturbances: Assessment of Natural

Recolonization of Disturbances in Yukon. British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium 2010. URL: handle/2429/30354/20%20Lister.pdf?sequence=1 Logar, R. and J. Scianna, 2005. Improving Establishment of Willow Cuttings in Riparian Areas. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Forestry Technical Note No. MT-25. Luna, T., 2003. Propagation Protocol for Aspen Using Root Cuttings. Native Plants Journal, Fall 2003. Martens, H., 2003. Ekati Diamond Mine Processed Kimberlite Research Program, NT, 2003. Annual report prepared for BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc., Yellowknife NT. Harvey Martens & Associates Inc. Calgary, AB. (information on propagation and planting shrub birch seedlings) Native Plants Network, 2012. URL: Native Plants Journal (various contributors), 2004. LowTech Devises for Collecting, Processing, and Planting Seeds. Native Plants Journal, Spring 2004. Ogle, D., Hoag, J., and J. Scianna, 2001. Users’ Guide to Descriptions, Propagation, and Establishment of Native Shrubs and Trees for Riparian Areas. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-36, 22 pp. URL: technotes/PMC_Tech_Note_MT36.pdf Ogle, D., Stannard, M., Scheinost, P., and L. St John, 2010. Plant Guide for Sheep Fescue (Festuca ovina). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho and Washington Plant Materials Program. URL: Ogle, D., St. John, L, and D. Tilley, 2011. Plant Guide for Timothy (Phleum pratense). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho State Office, Boise, Idaho. URL: PLANTS Database, 2012. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 URL: Skinner, Q.D., Wright, S.J., Henszey, R.J., Henszey, J.I., and S.K. Wyman, 2012. A Field Guide to Alaskan Grasses. Education Resources Publishing, Education Resources LLC. Cumming, Georgia. Distributed by The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Palmer, AK.

References — Yukon Revegetation Manual


St. John, L., Ogle, D., Darris, D., and S. Parr, 2011. Plant Guide for Tufted Hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Materials Center, Aberdeen, Idaho. URL: St. John, L., Tilley, D., and S. Winslow, 2011. Plant Guide for Canada Bluegrass (Poa compressa). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Materials Center, Aberdeen, Idaho. URL: St. John, L., Tilley, D., Hunt, P., and S. Wright, 2012. Plant Guide for Red Fescue (Festuca rubra). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Materials Center, Aberdeen, Idaho. URL: Tilley, D., Ogle, D., and L. St. John, 2010. Plant Guide for Redtop (Agrostis gigantea). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho Plant Materials Program. Aberdeen, Idaho. URL: Tilley, D., Ogle, D., and L. St. John, 2011. Plant Guide for Slender Wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho Plant Materials Program, Aberdeen, Idaho. URL: United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2002. Plant fact sheet for Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Materials Program. URL: United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2002. Plant fact sheet for Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Northeast Plant Materials Program, Corning, New York. URL:


Yukon Revegetation Manual — References

United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2002. Plant Guide for Streambank Wheatgrass (Elymus lanceolatus). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho State Office & the National Plant Data Center, Boise, Idaho. URL: Wennerberg, S. and M. Skinner, 2004. Plant Guide for Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Plant Data Center, Boise, Idaho. URL: Withers, S. P., 1999. Natural Vegetation Succession and Sustainable Reclamation at Yukon Mine and Mineral Exploration Sites. MERG Report 1999-1, 68 pp. URL: Withers, S. P., 2003. Follow-up Monitoring: Shrub Trial Plots at Brewery Creek Mine and Bioengineering Trials at Noname Creek. MERG Report 2003-3, 28 pp. URL: Wright, S.J., 2008. A Revegetation Manual for Alaska. Alaska Plant Materials Center, Palmer, Alaska. 161 pp. URL: Wynia, R.L., 2012. Plant Guide for American Sloughgrass (Beckmannia syzigachne). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho State Office & the National Plant Data Center, Boise, Idaho. URL: Wynia, R.L., 2012. Plant Guide for Bluejoint Reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho State Office & the National Plant Data Center, Boise, Idaho. URL: Young, J.A. and D. McKenzie, 1982. Rangeland Drill. Rangelands 4(3):108 -113.