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1339 Cosmic Microwave Background
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Impedance Matching
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[1834] emlib.jpl.nasa.gov, EMLIB Software Library (with many EM links.)
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[1841] sss-mag.com/smith.html, The Smith Chart Page (with links.)
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[1840] www.fcc.gov, Federal Communications Commission. [1842] www.wirelessdesignonline.com, Wireless Design Online. [1843] www.csdmag.com, Communication Systems Design Magazine.
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[1845] www.sspectra.com/index.html, Software Spectra, Inc. Contains thin-film design examples.
[1811] C. W. Chuang, et al., “New Expressions for Mutual Impedance of Nonplanar-Skew Sinusoidal Monopoles,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-38, 275 (1990).
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[1846] www.therfc.com/attenrat.htm, Coaxial Cable Attenuation Ratings.
[1812] J. D. Kraus, “The Corner-Reflector Antenna,” Proc. IRE, 28, 513 (1940).
[1848] www.semiconductor.agilent.com, Agilent RF & Microwave Products.
[1813] H. Yagi, “Beam Transmission of Ultra Short Waves,” Proc. IRE, 16, 715 (1928).
[1849] www.semiconductor.agilent.com, Agilent Wireless Library.
[1814] W. Walkinshaw, “Theoretical Treatment of Short Yagi Aerials,” J. IEE, 93, Pt.IIIA, 598 (1946).
[1850] www.sss-mag.com/spara.html, S-Parameter Archive (with links.)
[1815] R. M. Fishenden and E. R. Wiblin, “Design of Yagi Aerials,” Proc. IEE, 96, Pt.III, 5 (1949).
[1851] www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~mschmidt/literature/, M. Schmidt-Szalowski, Literature on Selected Microwave Topics.
[1816] G. A. Thiele, “Analysis of Yagi-Uda-Type Antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-17, 24 (1968).
[1852] www.mathworks.com, MATLAB resources at Mathworks, Inc.
[1817] D. K. Cheng and C. A. Chen, “Optimum Element Spacings for Yagi-Uda Arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-21, 615 (1973).
[1853] www.3m.com/about3M/technologies/lightmgmt, Giant Birefringent Optics, 3M, Inc.
[1818] C. A. Chen and D. K. Cheng, “Optimum Element Lengths for Yagi-Uda Arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-23, 8 (1975).
[1855] http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/, Voyager web site.
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Web Sites
[1854] http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/publications/plasma-formulary/, NRL Plasma Formulary. [1856] http://deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/dsn, NASA’s Deep-Space Network. [1857] K. T. McDonald, “Physics Examples and other Pedagogic Diversions,” http://www.hep.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/ [1858] Bell System Technical Journal, http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/bstj/, and also, https://archive.org/details/bstj-archives