Goodwill Professional to Contact: Diane McKinney. Phone: 832-‐900-‐
7455____________. Agency/ Professional Referred By: ...
Finding Employment for EX-‐Offenders Program (FEXO) ________________________Referral Form_______________________________
Today’s Date: _______________________________________________________ Goodwill Professional to Contact: Diane McKinney Phone: 832-‐900-‐7455____________ Agency/ Professional Referred By: ______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ ******************************************************************************************************** Client Information: Please Complete the information below
Client’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Client’s Telephone Number: _________________________________________________________________ Client’s Email Address (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________ Client’s Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The FEXO program works with females coming out of prison or jail to help them get their lives back on track. It helps participants train for a career, find and keep a job, and connect with other important services such as housing and medical care. The FEXO program offers:
Training Services Personal Development Workshops Technology Training Life Skills and Financial Management Mentoring Basic Skills Vocational Training
Employment Services Job Search Training Resume Assistance Interviewing Training Workplace Success Training Job Clubs Computer, Internet, and Telephone Access
FEXO-‐Finding Employment for Ex-‐Offenders New client orientation is every Monday at 10:00 AM AT RIVER OAKS JOB CONNECTION CENTER LOCATED AT 2520 BRUN STREET HOUTON, TX 77098 The FEXO Program is currently enrolling female participants that meet the following eligibility requirements:
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Must be eighteen (18) years of age or older Must be a United States citizen, or a non-‐citizen authorized to work in the U. S. Must have been released from prison or jail within the last (180) days
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