Reflecting diffusions and hyperbolic Brownian motions in ...

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Jul 17, 2012 - The hyperbolic Brownian motion on the Poincarè half-space Hd is ..... dVd = R2d rd+1 dr d−1. ∏ i=1. (sin θi)d−1−idθi, with θi ∈ [0,π],i = 1, ..., d ...
Reflecting diffusions and hyperbolic Brownian motions in multidimensional spheres Olga Aryasova∗

arXiv:1207.4000v1 [math.PR] 17 Jul 2012

Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Palladin pr. 32, 03680 Kiev-142, Ukraine

Alessandro De Gregorio†, Enzo Orsingher

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche “Sapienza”, University of Rome P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome, Italy July 18, 2012

Abstract d ⊂ Rd and reflecting orthogonally Diffusion processes (Xd (t))t≥0 moving inside spheres SR d on their surfaces ∂SR are considered. The stochastic differential equations governing the reflecting diffusions are presented and their kernels and distributions explicitly derived. d . The particular Reflection is obtained by means of the inversion with respect to the sphere SR cases of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and Brownian motion are examined in detail. The hyperbolic Brownian motion on the Poincarè half-space Hd is examined in the last part of the paper and its reflecting counterpart within hyperbolic spheres is studied. Finally a section is devoted to reflecting hyperbolic Brownian motion in the Poincarè disc D within spheres concentric with D.

Key words: Bessel process, circular inversion, hyperbolic distance, Meyer-Ito formula, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, Poincarè half-space



The problem of the existence and of the uniqueness of the solution of stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary conditions has been tackled by many authors. For instance Stroock and Varadhan (1971) proved the existence of the weak solution in a smooth domain, while Tanaka (1979) considered convex domains. Lions and Sznitman (1984) and Saisho (1987) provided a direct approach to the solution of stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary conditions in nonsmooth region by exploiting the Skorohod problem. Let D be a ∗ [email protected][email protected][email protected]


subset of Rd , then we define a reflecting stochastic differential equations (Skorohod equation) along the normal as dX(t) = b(X(t))dt + σ(X(t))dB(t) + dL(t),

X(0) = 0,

¯ for all t ≥ 0 and L(t) is a bounded variation process such that where X(t) ∈ D Z t Z t L(t) = n(X(s))d|L|s , |L|t = 1∂D (X(s))d|L|s 0


and n(x) is the unit inward normal to ∂D at x. More recently, the reflecting Brownian motion has been analyzed, for instance, by Bass and Hsu (1990). In the present manuscript we adopt a different approach with respect to the above mentioned papers. In our work we consider diffusion processes (Xd (t))t≥0 in Rd reflecting (orthogonally) on the surface of spheres of radius R. We study the governing stochastic differential equations (formula (3.6)) for the radial process (Bd (t))t≥0 which reads Bd (t) = Bd (t)1(0,R) (Bd (t)) +

R2 1[R,∞) (Bd (t)). Bd (t)

Reflection is thus obtained by means of spherical inversion. For the reflecting processes, we obtain the probability law  2  R2d R d−1 ,t , pd (r, t) = r qd (r, t) + d+1 qd r r and the kernel

 q d (r, t) = qd (r, t) + qd

 R2 ,t , r

where 0 < r ≤ R. Furthermore, we examine the Neumann problem for the diffusion equation governing the law and the related kernel in some particular cases. We analyze in detail the reflecting OrnsteinUhlenbeck process and write for its reflecting radial component BdOU (t) the governing stochastic equation. We also give the kernel of the reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process starting from the origin, that is  2  R wd (r, t) = wd (r, t) + wd ,t 0 < r ≤ R, t > 0, (1.1) r where wd (r, t) =

1 2

d 2 −1


Γ( d2 )λ

d 2

e− 2λ ,


e2bt − 1 , 2b

and the related equation ∂ ˜ d wd (r, t) = Lwd (r, t) + Lw ∂t where L=

1 ∂2 + 2 ∂r2

d−1 + br 2r

∂ , ∂r

 R2 ,t r

    1 r4 ∂ 2 3−d R4 ∂ L˜ = + − 2b . 2 R4 ∂r2 r r3 ∂r

Analogously, we provide the probability density function of BdOU (t)  2  R2d R d−1 z d (r, t) = r wd (r, t) + d+1 wd ,t r r 2

and the corresponding governing partial differential equation  2  ∂ R z d (r, t) = L∗ zd (r, t) + L˜∗ zd ,t , ∂t r where L∗ , L˜∗ are the adjoint of L, L˜ respectively. From the analysis of the reflecting OrnsteinUhlenbeck process, we extract, as particular case for b = 0, the reflecting Brownian motion, which was dealt with at page 271, Problem 2, of Ito and McKean (1996). The last section of the present work deals with the hyperbolic Brownian motion (ηd (t))t≥0 on the Poincarè half-space Hd . On this process the reader can consult, for instance, Gertsenshtein and Vasiliev (1959), Karpelevich et al. (1959), Gruet (1996), (2000), Ikeda and Matsumoto (1999) and Lao and Orsingher (2007). By means of the circular inversion we obtain kernel and probability distribution of the hyperbolic reflecting Brownian motion (Ed (t))t≥0 in spheres of Hd with radius S. Also the stochastic integral equation governing (Ed (t))t≥0 is presented. Since the explicit laws of ηd (t), d = 2, 3, are known, we give the following formula P {Ed (t) > η} = P {ηd (t) > η} − P {ηd (t) > S 2 /η},

d = 2, 3.

The Millson’s result permits us to generalize the above expression for P {Ed+2 (t) > η}. The reflecting hyperbolic Brownian motion in the Poincarè disc is analyzed in section 5.3. The simple structure of the generators of this particular case leads to the following stochastic differential equation (1 − D2 (t))2 1 − D2 (t) √ dD(t) = dW (t) (1.2) dt + 4D(t) 2 From (1.2) we are able to write the stochastic equation for the reflecting hyperbolic Brownian motion in a cirlce of radius V < 1.


Notations and preliminary results

For i = 1, 2, ..., d, and d ≥ 2, let bi , σi be bounded measurable functions on R satisfying the following conditions. A1 There exists µ > 0 such that for all x ∈ R σi (x) > µ. A2 For all {x, y} ⊂ R, |σi (x) − σi (y)| ≤ L|x − y|, where L is a positive constant. For each i = 1, 2, ..., d, consider a stochastic differential equation dXi (t) = bi (Xi (t))dt + σi (Xi (t))dWi (t),

Xi (0) = 0,


where (Wi (t))t≥0 is a standard one-dimensional Wiener process. There exists a unique strong solution of equation 2.1 (see Zvonkin, 1974). Besides, the process (Xi (t))t≥0 possesses a density function pi (xi , t), xi ∈ R, t ≥ 0. Let Xd (t) = (X1 (t), X2 (t), ..., Xd (t)), t ≥ 0, be a d-dimensional diffusion process where its coordinates Xi (t) are independent. Therefore the probability density function of (Xd (t))t≥0 has the form pd (xd , t) =

d Y

pi (xi , t), xi ∈ R, i = 1, 2, ..., d, t ≥ 0,



where xd = (x1 , x2 , ..., xd ), which is the solution for the following partial differential equation  d  X σi2 (xi ) ∂ 2 ∂ ∂ pd (xd , t) pd (xd , t) = + bi (xi ) ∂t ∂xi 2 ∂x2i i=1 with initial condition pd (xd , 0) δ(xd ). q= Pd 2 Let Bd (t) := ||Xd (t)|| = i=1 Xi (t), t ≥ 0, be the radial process related to Xd (t). The process Bd (t) is a generalization of the classical Bessel process and represents the main object of interest of this section. It is clear that the density function of (Bd (t))t≥0 , is given by P {Bd (t) ∈ dr|Bd (0) = 0} dr Z π Z π Z = rd−1 dθ1 · · · dθd−2

pd (r, t) :=



dφ qd (r, θ, t)


d−1 Y

(sin θi )d−1−i


:= rd−1 qd (r, t)


with θ = (θ1 , ..., θd−1 , φ) and 0 < θi < π, 0 < φ < 2π. Now, we take up the study of the stochastic differential equation satisfied by Bd (t). Let f (xd ) = ||xd ||, we observe that δij ∂ 2 f (xd ) xi xj = − , ∂xi ∂xj ||xd || ||xd ||3

xi ∂f (xd ) = , ∂xi ||xd ||

where δij is the Kronecker’s delta. Therefore, f ∈ C 2 (Rd \ {0}). In other words f is not differentiable at the origin and then we cannot apply the Ito’s formula to f . For this reason we carry out the stochastic analysis of the above process by means of arguments similar to those used for the classical Bessel process (see Karatzas and Shreve, 1998). Theorem 1. The process (Bd (t))t≥0 satisfies the following stochastic differential equation dBd (t) =

  d  d X 1 X X 2 (t) Xi (t) σi (Xi (t))dWi (t) + 1 − i2 σi2 (Xi (t)) + 2Xi (t)bi (Xi (t)) dt Bd (t) 2Bd (t) i=1 Bd (t) i=1 (2.3)

Proof. Let us define Yd (t) := Bd2 (t) = ||Xd (t)||2 . By applying the Ito’s formula we obtain that Yd (t) = 2

d Z X i=1


Xi (s)dXi (s) +


d Z X i=1


σi2 (Xi (s))ds


Now, for ε > 0, we consider the following function ( √ 3 3 1√ 2 √ 8 ε + 4 ε y − 8ε ε y , y < ε, gε (y) = √ y, y > ε, √ which is of class C 2 and such that limε→0 gε (y) = y, for all y > 0. Since ( 3 √ xi − 2ε1√ε ||xd ||2 xi , ||xd ||2 < ε, ∂ 2 gε (||xd || ) = 2 xiε ∂xi ||xd ||2 > ε, ||x || , d



and ∂2 gε (||xd ||2 ) = ∂x2i


3 √ − 2ε1√ε ||xd ||2 2 ε x2i 1 ||xd || − ||xd ||3 ,

1 √ x2 , ε ε i

||xd ||2 < ε, ||xd ||2 > ε,

the Ito’s rule provides the following equality gε (Yd (t)) =

d X

Ai (ε) +


d X

Bi (ε) + C(ε),



where Z t 

  1 1 3 √ − √ Yd (s) 1(0,ε) (Yd (s)) + 1[ε,∞) (Yd (s)) Xi (s)dXi (s), Bd (s) 2 ε 2ε ε 0  Z t 2 1 1 X (s) 2 Bi (ε) := − i3 σ (Xi (s))1[ε,∞) (Yd (s))ds, 2 0 Bd (s) Bd (s) i   Z t 1 Yd (s) √ 3d − (d + 2) C(ε) := 1(0,ε) (Yd (s))ds, ε 0 4 ε Ai (ε) :=

(for the sake of simplicity we omit the dependency from time t). Since Xi (t) never attains the origin (see Bonami et al., 1971), the Lebesgue measure of {0 ≤ s ≤ t : Bd (s) = 0} is zero a.s. and then  Z t X 2 (s) 2 1 − i3 σ (Xi (s))ds < ∞ a.s. Bd (s) Bd (s) i 0 Hence, in force of the bounded convergence theorem we obtain that  Z  1 X 2 (s) 2 1 t − i3 lim Bi (ε) = σ (Xi (s))1[0,∞) (Yd (s))ds ε→0 2 0 Bd (s) Bd (s) i  Z  X 2 (s) 2 1 1 t − i3 σ (Xi (s))ds a.s. = 2 0 Bd (s) Bd (s) i


Furthermore, pi (xi , t), under conditions A1 and A2, admits the upper Gaussian bound x2

i K − 2κt √ , e t

where K and κ are positive constants (see, for example, Portenko, 1990, Ch.2). Then we have that Z t 3d 0 ≤ EC(ε) ≤ √ P {Yd (s) < ε}ds 4 ε 0 Z t 3d ≤ √ P {X12 (s) + X22 (s) < ε}ds 4 ε 0 Z t Z √ε ρ2 ds 3d ρe− 2κs dρ ≤K √ 4 ε 0 s 0 Z √ε Z t − ρ2 3d e 2κs ds =K √ ρdρ s 4 ε 0 0 √ = (w = ρ/ κs) Z √ε Z ∞ w2 3d e− 2 =K √ ρdρ dw √ w 2 ε 0 ρ/ κt 5

and by means of L’Hopital’s rule we can conclude that limε→0 EC(ε) = 0. R t Xi (s) dXi (s), we get that 0 Bd (s) 2

Let Zi (t) =

 2 3 1 √ − √ Yd (s) Xi (s)dXi (s) 2 ε 2ε ε ) (Z0   2 t 1 3 1 √ − √ Yd (s) Xi2 (s)σi2 (Xi (s))ds 1(0,ε) (Yd (s)) − =E Bd (s) 2 ε 2ε ε 0   " r  #2  2 Z t  1 Yd (s) 1 Xi (s) 1(0,ε) (Yd (s)) 1 − =E σi2 (Xi (s))ds 3 − Yd (s)  0  2 ε ε Bd (s)  Z t 1(0,ε) (Yd (s))σi2 (Xi (s))ds ≤E Z


E {Zi (t) − Ai (ε)} = E

1(0,ε) (Yd (s))

≤ K2


1 − Bd (s)

0 t

P {Yd (s) < ε}ds 0

which tends to zero as ε goes to zero. For σi (Xi (t)) = σ and bi (Xi (t)) = bXi (t), the process (Xi (t))t≥0 becomes the OrnsteinUhlenbeck process, namely Z t Xi (t) = σ e−b(t−s) dWi (s). (2.7) 0

Clearly in this case bi (x) = bx is not a bounded function in R. Nevertheless, the statement in Theorem 1 still holds for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process because it is a gaussian process with 2bt variance e 2b−1 . Then we can mimic the proof of Theorem 1 and the equation (2.3) reduces to # " d d X X Xi (t) 1 2 2 dBd (t) = σ Xi (t) dt. dWi (t) + (d − 1)σ + 2b Bd (t) 2Bd (t) i=1 i=1 We observe that we have that

R t Xi (s) i=1 0 Bd (s) dWi (s)


Z [Yi , Yj ]t = 0






Yi (t) is a standard Brownian motion. Indeed,

1 Xi (s)Xj (s)d[Wi , Wj ]s = δij 2 Bd (s)




Xi (s)Xj (s)ds 2 0 Bd (s)


Pd and then i=1 [Yi ]t = t. Furthermore, Yi is a square integrable martingale because we have that E(Yi (t))2 < ∞. Therefore, by means of Lèvy’s characterization theorem we conclude that Pd i=1 Yi (t) is a standard Brownian motion that we indicate by W (t). Therefore we get that   (d − 1)σ 2 dBd (t) = σdW (t) + + bBd (t) dt. (2.10) 2Bd (t) From (2.10) by setting b = 0 and σ = 1, we obtain the stochastic differential equation for the classical Bessel process.


3 3.1

Reflecting diffusion processes within an Euclidean sphere General case

Let us consider a multidimensional diffusion process (Xd (t))t≥0 defined as in the previous section. d When a sample path of the process hits the surface of the d-dimensional sphere SR with radius R d and centre at the origin Od of R , the sample path of the process is orthogonally reflected. This leads to a new process, namely the reflecting process (X d (t))t≥0 moving inside the d-dimensional d ball SR . We introduce the reflecting diffusion process by means of the circular inversion of a point with d respect to the circle. If we consider a point x inside SR , having polar coordinates equal to (r, θ), d we can find another point y in the space R with polar coordinates given by (r0 , θ) (R < r0 ), d such that rr0 = R2 . The point b is called the inverse point of a with respect to SR . Therefore if we indicate by Bd (t) = ||X d (t)||, t ≥ 0, the radial component of (Xd (t))t≥0 , we have that ( Bd (t), Bd (t) ∈ (0, R), Bd (t) = (3.1) R2 Bd (t) ∈ [R, ∞), Bd (t) , or equivalently Bd (t) = Bd (t)1(0,R) (Bd (t)) +

R2 1[R,∞) (Bd (t)). Bd (t)


The process (3.1), has two components: the first one in the interval (0, R) is related to the Bessel process without reflection and the second component concerns the reflection of the sample path crossing the surface of the sphere. In other words the excursions of sample paths of d (Xd (t))t≥0 outside the sphere are mapped inside SR by using the circular inversion (see Figure 1). When the sample path of the non-reflecting process tends to go far from the origin the reflected trajectory is located near the origin of Rd . Theorem 2. The kernel of (Bd (t))t≥0 is given by  q d (r, t) = qd (r, t) + qd

 R2 ,t , r


satisfying Neumann condition ∂ q d (r, t) = 0, ∂r r=R while the density function becomes pd (r, t) = r


R2d qd (r, t) + d+1 qd r

 R2 ,t , r


where 0 < r ≤ R. Proof. In order to obtain the kernel and density function of (Bd (t))t≥0 , we observe that is associated to each point xd , inside the support of the process, either a part of probability deriving by the sample path that directly reach the point xd and the component of probability related to d the sample paths moving outside the sphere SR (see Figure 1). The first term in (3.3) is the kernel of the non-reflecting process Bd (t), while the second term d is obtained by considering the inversion with respect to the surface SR of radius R which implies 0 2 r = R /r, 0 < r < R. It is easy to verify that q d (r, t) satisfies the reflection condition ∂ q d (r, t) =0 ∂r r=R 7



/ r,θ)

b ( ,θ)


a O

Figure 1: In figure two sample paths a and b are depicted. The trajectory wandering outside d d by circular inversion. (indicated by the dotted line) is reflected inside SR the circle SR

We observe that the infinitesimal volume element related to the point (r0 , θ) is written as dVd = (r0 )d−1 dr0

d−1 Y

(sin θi )d−1−i dθi ,


where r0 =

R2 r

and dr0 =

R2 r 2 dr,

which imply that

dVd =

d−1 Y R2d dr (sin θi )d−1−i dθi , d+1 r i=1

with θi ∈ [0, π], i = 1, ..., d − 2 and θd−1 = φ ∈ [0, 2π]. Then, the density function of (Bd (t))t≥0 , is given by  2  R2d R pd (r, t) = rd−1 qd (r, t) + d+1 qd ,t , (3.5) r r where 0 < r ≤ R. Furthermore, we have that pd (r, t) integrates to 1 as we show below  2  Z R Z R Z R 1 R d−1 2d pd (r, t)dr = r qd (r, t)dr + R qd , t dr d+1 r 0 0 r 0 = (y = R2 /r) Z ∞ = rd−1 qd (r, t)dr 0

=1 8

This result concludes the proof. 2

r K − 2κt √ e , t 2  qd Rr , t ,

Remark 3.1. Since the kernel qd (r, t) of the diffusion is bounded by

where K and κ

are positive constants, the component related to the reflection, that is R → ∞. Then q d (r, t) → rd−1 qd (r, t)

tends to zero as


or equivalently Bd (t) → Bd (t), as R → ∞. By means of Theorem 1, we are able to provide the stochastic differential equation governing the reflecting process (Bd (t))t≥0 . Theorem 3. The process (Bd (t))t≥0 solves the following stochastic differential equation Bd (t) =

d Z X


 Xi (s) R2 σi (Xi (s))dWi (s) 1 (B (s)) d [R,∞) 2 B B (s) d (s) 0 d i=1 (     d Z t X X 2 (s) R2 1 1(0,R) (Bd (s)) − 2 1[R,∞) (Bd (s)) 1 − i2 + σi2 (Xi (s)) + 2Xi (s)bi (Xi (s)) 2Bd (s) Bd (s) Bd (s) i=1 0 ) X 2 (s) 2 σi (Xi (s))1[R,∞) (Bd (s)) ds − Lt (R), (3.6) + R2 i5 Bd (s) 

1(0,R) (Bd (s)) −

Lt (R) is the local time of Bd (t) at the point R, defined by Z 1 t Lt (R) = lim 1[R,R+ε) (Bd (s))ds. ε→0 ε 0

Proof. We observe that the function ( g(x) =

x ∈ (0, R), x ∈ [R, ∞),

x, R2 x ,

does not admit second derivative at the point R. For this reason we cannot apply the Ito formula but we will use an extension for convex functions, i.e. the Meyer-Ito formula (see Theorem 70 pag. 214, Protter, 2004). First of all we prove that the second generalized derivative of g is equal to g 00 (x) = 2

R2 1[R,∞) (x) − 2δ(x − R). x3

Let φ : (0, ∞) → R be a test function which is infinitely differentiable and is identically zero outside some bounded interval of (0, ∞). We have that Z +∞ Z +∞ g 00 (x)φ(x)dx = g(x)φ00 (x)dx 0

0 +∞ R2 00 xφ (x)dx + φ (x)dx x 0 R  Z +∞  2 2R = 1[R,∞) (x) − 2δ(x − R) φ(x)dx. x3 0







The equation (2.3) implies that (Bd (t))t≥0 is a semimartingale and then we can apply the MeyerIto formula to Bd (t) = g(Bd (s)) as follows Z Z t 1 +∞ Lt (a)g 00 (a)da Bd (t) = D− g(Bd (s))dBd (s) + 2 −∞ 0    2 Z t Z +∞ R2 R2 R = 1(0,R) (Bd (s)) − 2 1[R,∞) (Bd (s)) dBd (s) + Lt (a) 3 1[R,∞) (a) − 2 δ(a − R) da Bd (s) a a 0 −∞  Z t 2 R 1(0,R) (Bd (s)) − 2 1[R,∞) (Bd (s)) = Bd (s) 0 ( d   ) d  X Xi (s) X 1 Xi2 (s) 2 × σi (Xi (s))dWi (s) + 1− 2 σi (Xi (s)) + 2Xi (s)bi (Xi (s)) ds Bd (s) 2Bd (s) i=1 Bd (s) i=1 d Z t X R2 2 2 + 5 (s) Xi (s)σi (Xi (s))1[R,∞) (Bd (s))ds − Lt (R), B 0 d i=1 where in the last step we have used the cross variation process [Bd , Bd ]t =

d Z X i=1



Xi2 (s) 2 σ (Xi (s))ds Bd2 (s) i

and Corollary 1, pag.216, Protter (2004), which provides the following equality Z +∞ Z t R2 R2 Lt (a) 3 1[R,∞) (a)da = 1[R,∞) (Bd (s))d[Bd , Bd ]s 3 a −∞ 0 Bd (s) d Z t X R2 2 2 = 5 (s) Xi (s)σi (Xi (s))1[R,∞) (Bd (s))ds. B d i=1 0


Reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

Let Xi (t) be the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (2.7) and let (Bd (t))t≥0 be the radial Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process which is solution for equation (2.10). The transition function for Bd (t) is given by  zd (r, r0 , t, s) =


r r0 eb(t−s)

with 0 < s < t and λ = expression becomes

e2bt −1 2b

    r0 eb(t−s) 1 rr0 eb(t−s) exp − (r2 + r02 eb(t−s) ) I d −1 2 λ 2λ λ

(see Eie, 1983). For s and r0 which tend to zero the above zd (r, t) = rd−1 wd (r, t)

with wd (r, t) =

1 2

d 2 −1

Γ( d2 )λ

(3.7) r2

d 2

e− 2λ .


The reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is a particular case of the process (X d (t))t≥0 , with bi (x) = bxi and σi (x) = 1, i = 1, 2, ..., d. By Theorem 3 and (2.10), we obtain that the distance 10

from the origin of the reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, that we indicate by (BdOU (t))t≥0 , satisfies the following stochastic integral equation  Z t R2 BdOU (t) = 1(0,R) (Bd (s)) − 2 1[R,∞) (Bd (s)) dW (s) Bd (s) 0   Z t R2 d−1 + 1(0,R) (Bd (s)) − 2 1[R,∞) (Bd (s)) + bBd (s) ds Bd (s) 2Bd (s) 0 Z t R2 + 1[R,∞) (Bd (s))ds − Lt (R). (3.9) 3 0 Bd (s) Furthermore, the density function pd and the kernel q d of (BdOU (t))t≥0 are obtained by plugging into (3.4) and (3.3) the expressions (3.7) and (3.8) respectively. For the reflecting Ornstein-Unhlenbeck process it is possible to obtain the partial differential equation satisfied by z d (r, t) and wd (r, t). The next theorem provides these results. Theorem 4. The kernel function  wd (r, t) = wd (r, t) + wd

 R2 ,t r

of the reflecting radial Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (BdOU (t))t≥0 , is the solution to the following Cauchy problem    ∂ ˜ d R2 , t , 0 < r ≤ R,  w (r, t) = Lw (r, t) + Lw d d  ∂t r  (3.10) wd (r, 0) = δ(r),   ∂  wd (r, t) = 0, ∂r


1 ∂2 + L= 2 ∂r2


d−1 + br 2r

∂ , ∂r

    1 r4 ∂ 2 3−d R4 ∂ ˜ L= + − 2b 3 . 2 R4 ∂r2 r r ∂r

Furthermore, the density function z d (r, t) = rd−1 wd (r, t) +

R2d wd rd+1

is the solution to the following Cauchy problem    ∂ ∗ ˜∗ zd R2 , t ,  z (r, t) = L z (r, t) + L d d  ∂t r  z d (r, 0) = δ(r),    ∂ z d (r, t) = 0, ∂t


 R2 ,t r

0 < r ≤ R,


    1 ∂2 d−1 ∂ d−1 L = − + br + −b , 2 ∂r2 2r ∂r 2r2      1 r4 ∂ 2 d+1 R4 ∂ d−1 R4 L˜∗ = + + 2b + − 2 b . 2 R4 ∂r2 r r3 ∂r r2 r4 ∗



Proof. The kernel wd (r, t) satisfies the following partial differential equation ∂ wd (r, t) = Lwd (r, t) ∂t   d−1 ∂wd (r, t) 1 ∂ 2 wd (r, t) + + br = 2 ∂r2 2r ∂r while the density function zd (r, t) is solution to the following partial differential equation ∂ zd (r, t) = L∗ zd (r, t) ∂t    ∂ 1 ∂2 d−1 zd (r, t) − = + br zd (r, t) 2 ∂r2 ∂r 2r     d−1 1 ∂2 ∂ d−1 zd (r, t) − − b zd (r, t) = + br zd (r, t) + 2 ∂r2 2r ∂r 2r2 with r > 0. Therefore, if we consider r0 = R2 /r > R (with 0 < r ≤ R) we have that     ∂ 1 ∂2 d−1 ∂ 0 0 0 0 wd (r , t) = wd (r , t) + + 2br wd (r , t) . ∂t 2 ∂r02 r0 ∂r0



It is easy to see that ∂ R2 ∂ = − 2 0, ∂r r ∂r

∂2 2R2 ∂ R4 ∂ 2 = + , ∂r2 r3 ∂r0 r4 ∂r02

∂ r2 ∂ = − , ∂r0 R2 ∂r

∂2 r4 = ∂r02 R4

or equivalently 

2 ∂ ∂2 + ∂r2 r ∂r


Plugging into (3.13) the above expressions, we obtain the following equality  2   2  ∂ R R ˜ wd , t = Lwd ,t ∂t r r   2     2  1 r4 ∂ 2 3−d R4 ∂ R R = wd ,t + − 2b 3 wd ,t , 4 2 2 R ∂r r r r ∂r r which implies equation (3.10). It is not hard to check that the initial and the boundary conditions appearing in the problem (3.10) hold. Now, we focus our attention on the density zd . By considering (3.12), the same substitutions adopted in the previous calculations lead to the following equality  2    2     2  ∂ R 1 r4 ∂ 2 R d+1 R4 ∂ R zd ,t = ,t + + 2b 3 zd ,t zd ∂t r 2 R4 ∂r2 r r r ∂r r  2   2  r d−1 R + − b zd ,t 4 R 2 r and therefore the result (3.11) follows.


Remark 3.2. For d = 2, we are able to obtain the distribution function of (B2OU (t))t≥0 as follows

 P B2OU (t) < R0 =



rw2 (r, t)dr + R4





0 R0



1 w2 r3

 R2 , t dr r

rw2 (r, t)dr +

rw2 (r, t)dr R2 /R0


= 1 − e−

R02 2λ


+ e− 2R02 λ

that for small values of R0 becomes    OU R02 R02 0 P B2 (t) < R ∼ 1 − 1 − = . 2λ 2λ Furthermore, we observe that 4 4 2 2 R1 R2  − R2 − R2 P R1 < B2OU (t) < R2 = e− 2λ − e− 2λ + e 2R2 λ − e 2R1 λ .

Remark 3.3. We observe that the kernel for the reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in spherical coordinates admits the following representation Γ(d/2)

wd (r, θ, t) =



22 π2 1




wd (r, t) h r2 i R4 e− 2λ + e− 2λr2 d

22 π2 λ2

that in cartesian coordinates becomes wd (xd , t) =

1 d



2 2 π 2 λ 2 ||xd ||d−1

  R4 ||xd ||2 − e− 2λ + e 2λ||xd ||2 .

Analogously, for the density function we have that   R4 ||xd ||2 1 R2d − 2λ||x 2 − 2λ || d e z d (xd , t) = d d d e + . ||xd ||2d 22 π2 λ2 Remark 3.4. Let m ≥ 1, we have that Z R Z  OU m d−1+m E Bd (t) = r wd (r, t)dr + 0



R2d rd+1−m


 R2 , t dr r

= (y = R2 /r) Z R Z ∞ = rd−1+m wd (r, t)dr + R2m y d−1−m wd (y, t)dy 0 R (Z ) Z ∞ R r2 r2 1 1 1 = d rd−1+m d/2 e− 2λ dr + R2m rd−1−m d/2 e− 2λ dr λ λ 2 2 −1 Γ( d2 ) 0 R = (w = r2 /2λ) ( ) Z R2 /2λ Z d−m d+m d+m d−m 1 R2m 2 2 −1 ∞ −1 m/2 −w −1 −1 −w = d 2 2 λ e w 2 dw + e w 2 dw λm/2 2 2 −1 Γ( d2 ) 0 R2 /2λ 13


1 Γ( d2 )

(2λ)m/2 γ

d + m R2 , 2 2λ


R2m Γ (2λ)m/2

d − m R2 , 2 2λ


where γ(·, ·) is the incomplete gamma function and Γ(·, ·) represents its complement. For d = 3, the mean value of (BdOU (t))t≥0 becomes ) ( 2 Z ∞ √ Z R /2λ −w  OU  2 R2 E B3 (t) = √ e wdw + √ e−w dw 2λ π 2λ R2 /2λ 0 √ R2 2 2λ = √ (1 − e− 2λ ). π


Brownian motion case

From the reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process we derive as particular case the reflecting Brownian motion. It is well-known that for b = 0 the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process reduces to the standard Brownian motion and consequently Bd (t) becomes the classical d-dimensional Bessel process. Let fd (r, t) and gd (r, t) be the kernel function and the density function, respectively, of (Bd (t))t≥0 , that is 2 rd−1 − r2t . gd (r, t) = rd−1 fd (r, t) = d d e d −1 2 2 Γ( 2 )t 2 Let us indicate by (BdW (t))t≥0 the reflecting Bessel process. Theorem 2 permits us to write explicit the kernel function f d (r, t) and the density law g d (r, t) of the reflecting Bessel process, while (3.9), for b = 0, represents the stochastic differential equation governing (BdW (t))t≥0 . By setting b = 0 in the statements of Theorem 4, we obtain that  2  ∂ R ˜ f d (r, t) = Mfd (r, t) + Mfd ,t , (3.14) ∂t r where

1 ∂2 + M= 2 ∂r2

d−1 2r

    1 r4 ∂ 2 3−d ∂ ˜ M= + . 2 R4 ∂r2 r ∂r

∂ , ∂r

Analogously, the density function g d (r, t) is solution to the following p.d.e.  2  ∂ R ∗ ∗ ˜ g (r, t) = M gd (r, t) + M gd ,t , ∂t d r


where 1 ∂2 M = − 2 ∂r2 ∗

d−1 2r

∂ + ∂r

d−1 2r2

     1 r4 ∂ 2 d+1 ∂ d−1 ∗ ˜ M = + + . 2 R4 ∂r2 r ∂r r2


Remark 3.5. We observe that the Laplace transform of the density function of the process (BdW (t))t≥0 becomes Z ∞ L{g d (r, t)}(s) = e−st g d (r, t)dt 0





2 2 −1 Γ( d2 )






dt +







2 2 −1 Γ( d2 )rd+1





/2tr 2








2− 4 + 2 s 4 r 2 = Γ( d2 )


√ Rd−2 K d −1 ( 2sr) + 2 K d −1 2 2 r

2sR2 r

!# ,

s > 0,


Z 1  z ν ∞ −t− z2 −ν−1 4t t e Kν (z) = dt 2 2 0 with ν ∈ R, is the Bessel function of imaginary argument. Since  π  12 e−x , K 12 (x) = 2x for d = 3, the following equality holds √ i 2sR2 1 h −√2sr re + e− r . 1 24

L{g 3 (r, t)}(s) =

4 4.1

Reflecting Hyperbolic Brownian motions A brief introduction to the hyperbolic framework

Let us start this section summing up basic definitions and well-known results on the hyperbolic Brownian motion (see Gruet, 1996, 2000 and Lao and Orsingher, 2007). The d-dimensional hyperbolic Brownian motion, with d ≥ 2, is a diffusion process defined on the Poincarè upperhalf space Hd = {xd : xd−1 ∈ Rd−1 , xd > 0} with metric Pd dx2 2 ds = i=12 i xd The transition density pd (xd , t) of the hyperbolic Brownian motion satisfies the following heattype equation " # d ∂ 1 2 X ∂2 ∂ pd (xd , t) = x pd (xd , t) − (d − 2)xd ∂t 2 d i=1 ∂x2i ∂xi subject to the initial condition qd (xd , 0) = δ(x1 )δ(x2 ) · · · δ(xd−1 )δ(xd − 1). The hyperbolic distance η from the origin Od = (0d−1 , 1) of Hd is expressed by means of the following equality Pd−1 2 x + x2d + 1 cosh η = i=1 i . 2xd The main object of interest in the analysis of the hyperbolic Brownian motion is the process (ηd (t))t≥0 , which represents the hyperbolic distance process of the Brownian motion in Hd . The kernel ud (η, t) of (ηd (t))t≥0 is the solution to the following Cauchy problem ( ∂ ∂t ud = Pud , (4.1) ud (η, 0) = δ(η),   ∂ ∂ where P = 2 sinh1d−1 η ∂η sinhd−1 η ∂η . For d = 2, we have that e−t/4 u2 (η, t) = √ √ π( 2t)3

Z η


φe−φ /4t √ dφ, cosh φ − cosh η 15

η > 0,

and for d = 3


e−t ηe−η /4t u3 (η, t) = √ 3/2 , sinh η 2 πt

η > 0.

In general we have that e−dt ∂ ud (η, t) 2π sinh η ∂η with d = 1, 2, ... (see Grigor’yan and Noguchi, 1998). We observe that the volume element in Hd is given by ud+2 (η, t) = −

dVd = sinhd−1 ηdη

d−1 Y

(sin θi )d−1−i dθi


and then the density law of (ηd (t))t≥0 , the process describing the hyperbolic distance from Od , is equal to pd (η, t) = ud (η, t) sinhd−1 η, η > 0, (4.2) which is solution to the following partial differential equation ∂ pd (η, t) = P ∗ pd (η, t) ∂t  2  ∂ d−1 ∂ d−1 1 − + pd (η, t). = tanh η ∂η sinh2 η 2 sinhd−1 η ∂η 2


Furthermore, by considering the infinitesimal generator P, it is possible to show that (ηd (t))t≥0 satisfies the following stochastic differential equation dηd (t) =

d−1 dt + dW (t), 2 tanh ηd (t)

ηd (0) = 0


with W (t) representing a standard Wiener process.


Reflecting in spheres of the Poincarè half space

The reflecting hyperbolic Bessel process inside the hyperbolic d-dimensional sphere with radius S and centre Od , is defined by ( ηd (t), ηd (t) ∈ (0, S), (4.5) Ed (t) = S2 ηd (t) ∈ [S, ∞). ηd (t) , In the previous definition we have used the hyperbolic counterpart of the circle inversion, that is ηη 0 = S 2 where η e η 0 are the hyperbolic distances from the origin of two points belonging to the same geodesic curve and S represents the radius of a hyperbolic disc. Theorem 5. The kernel related to (Ed (t))t≥0 is equal to  ud (η, t) = ud (η, t) + ud S 2 /η, t ,

0 < η ≤ S,

while the density function is given by  2   2 d−1  2  S S S d−1 pd (η, t) = (sinh η) ud (η, t) + sinh ud ,t , η η η 16


0 < η ≤ S.


Proof. In order to prove the statement of this theorem, we can suitably adapt the proof of Theorem 2. It is not hard to verify that the reflecting condition for the kernel ud (η, t) of Ed (t) is satisfied, that is ∂ud (η, t) = 0, ∂t η=S and that for the probability density pd (η, t) we have that Z S pd (η, t)dη = 1. 0

Remark 4.1. Since equation (4.4) holds, we can apply the Meyer-Ito formula as in the proof of Theorem 3. Therefore, we conclude that Ed (t) is solution for the following stochastic differential equation  Z t Z t S2 S2 1(0,S) (ηd (s)) − 2 1[S,∞) (ηd (s)) dηd (s) + Ed (t) = 1[S,∞) (ηd (s))ds − Lt (S) 3 ηd (s) 0 0 ηd (s)   Z t  S2 d−1 S2 1(0,S) (ηd (s)) − 2 1[S,∞) (ηd (s)) + 3 1[S,∞) (ηd (s)) ds = ηd (s) 2 tanh ηd (s) ηd (s) 0  Z t 2 R + 1(0,S) (ηd (s)) − 2 1[S,∞) (ηd (s)) dW (s) − Lt (S), η 0 d (s) where 1 ε→0 ε



Lt (S) = lim

1[S,S+ε) (ηd (s))ds. 0

Theorem 6. For the reflecting hyperbolic Brownian motion we have that  ∂ ˜ d (S 2 /η, t),  u (η, t) = Pud (η, t) + Pu   ∂t d ud (η, 0) = δ(η),   ∂  ∂η ud (η, t) = 0,



and  ∂ ∗ 2 ˜∗    ∂t pd (η, t) = P pd (η, t) + P pd (S /η, t), pd (η, 0) = δ(η),    ∂ pd (η, t) = 0, ∂t



where 1 η4 P˜ = 2 S4

2 S 2 /η 2 − (d − 1) η tanh(S 2 /η)

∂ ∂2 + 2 ∂η ∂η

η4 S4

2 S 2 /η 2 + (d − 1) η tanh(S 2 /η)

  ∂ ∂2 d−1 + 2 + . ∂η ∂η sinh2 (S 2 /η)

and P˜ ∗ =

1 2 sinhd−1 (S 2 /η)

Proof. The proof of the results (4.8) and (4.9) follows the same steps of the proof of Theorem 4 and therefore we omit the details. 17

Remark 4.2. Since for d = 2 we have that Z ∞ −t/4 −φ2 /4t p e φe P {η2 (t) > η} = 2 cosh φ − cosh ηdφ √ √ 3 π( 2t) η (see Lao and Orsingher, 2007), the following result holds Z ∞ Z S 2 φe−φ /4t e−t/4 √ P {E2 (t) > η} = dφdη √ √ 3 sinh η cosh φ − cosh η π( 2t) η η Z Z S 2  ∞ φe−φ /4t e−t/4 2 2 p + dφdη √ √ 3 (S/η) sinh S /η π( 2t) cosh φ − cosh(S 2 /η) S 2 /η η = (S 2 /η = w) Z ∞ Z S 2 /η 2 e−t/4 φe−φ /4t √ = dφdη √ √ 3 sinh η cosh φ − cosh η π( 2t) η η Z ∞ −t/4 −φ2 /4t Z S 2 /η e φe sinh η √ = dηdφ √ √ 3 cosh φ − cosh η π( 2t) S 2 /η η Z S 2 /η −t/4 −φ2 /4t Z φ e φe sinh η √ + dηdφ √ √ 3 cosh φ − cosh η π( 2t) η η Z ∞ −t/4 −φ2 /4t p p e φe =2 √ √ 3 ( cosh φ − cosh η − cosh φ − cosh(S 2 /η))dφ π( 2t) S 2 /η Z S 2 /η −t/4 −φ2 /4t p e φe +2 cosh φ − cosh ηdφ √ √ 3 π( 2t) η Z ∞ −t/4 −φ2 /4t p e φe =2 cosh φ − cosh ηdφ √ √ 3 π( 2t) η Z ∞ −t/4 −φ2 /4t p e φe −2 cosh φ − cosh(S 2 /η)dφ √ √ 3 π( 2t) S 2 /η = P {η2 (t) > η} − P {η2 (t) > S 2 /η}. Also for d = 3, we can find the same relationship between the distribution of E3 (t) and η3 (t), that is P {E3 (t) > η} = P {η3 (t) > η} − P {η3 (t) > S 2 /η}. Remark 4.3. By means of the Millson formula we get that Z e−dt ∞ ∂ P {ηd+2 (t) > η} = − sinhd η ud (η, t)dη 2π η ∂η = (since lim ud (η, t) = 0) η→∞

Z e−dt ∞ e d cosh η sinhd−1 ηud (η, t)dη = sinh ηud (η, t) + d 2π 2π η i e−dt h sinhd ηud (η, t) + dE cosh ηd (t)1{ηd (t)>η} = 2π for d ≥ 2. Then we obtain that Z S 2 /η P {Ed+2 (t) > η} = sinhd+1 ηud+2 (η, t)dη −dt





i e−dt h sinhd ηud (η, t) − sinhd (S 2 /η)ud (S 2 /η, t) + dE cosh ηd (t)1{η