reflective review of total quality management ...

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ABSTRACT. In operation management/strategy research field, Total Quality Management (TQM) has ... Both manufacturing and service organizations trend to ...
REFLECTIVE REVIEW OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP IN JORDANIAN COURTS Zaid Al-Fayad1, a, Norzaidahwati Zaidin1, a, Norhayati Zakuan1,a ,Mohd Shoki Md Arif 1, a, Kamaruzzaman Abdul Rahim 1, a, and Muhamad Zameri Mat Saman2,b 1

Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Skudai Malaysia Faculty of Mechanical, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Skudai Malaysia



In operation management/strategy research field, Total Quality Management (TQM) has been considered as infrastructural strategy. Both manufacturing and service organizations trend to implement this strategy in order to maintain their competitive advantages. The purpose of this study is to develop the conceptual model of TQM, Information System and Organizational Performance relationship in Jordanian Courts. Authors review updated literature on TQM research organized along two main themes: evolution of TQM considering as a set of practice, and its impacts to organizational performance. Three research questions are proposed in order to re-validate TQM constructs: (a) Is the set of practices associated with TQM valid as a whole? (b) What performance measures should be considered to exhibit an effectiveness of its implementation? Does Information Technology is a mediator variable between TQM and Organizational performance relationship? Keywords: TQM, organizational performance, Courts, SEM software, Information Technology 1.0 Introduction The world is changing swiftly and the only constant thing which is in this information era we live in is a change. It is a clear fact that the key driver of this period of time is technology. However, if anyone had the choice to choose a single pool of technologies that is driving the world rapidly it probably would be Information Technology (IT). As the changes of technologies are growing promptly, enriched IT products and services are released everyday throughout the world. This marvel is laying a tremendous burden on organizations managers to design, plan, and adopt new technology solutions in adapting such changes. (William Sawyar, 2005) stated that IT will be playing an important role in the future for the sustainability of economy, environment and socially. As well TQM has an impact on organizations, and each has been widely studied. The significant role of TQM has led researchers to study this management philosophy tool and analyze the implementation of such a tool successfully (Benjamin &. MacAndrew, 2005). One of the most significant factors in every organization is quality management.

Organizations are now adopting the same strategy of total quality and at the same time seeking to make maximum use of IT to increase their performance (Demirbag et al, 2006). Many researchers have confirmed the positive impact that both TQM and IT can have on organizational performance. Moreover, the majority of organizations, currently have the necessary capabilities to successfully manage quality and also essential resources to acquire necessary ITs, this has given birth to a new requirement, which is to successfully combine TQM and IT.Most of the recent studies show the positive relationship between TQM practices and firm performance such as manufacturing as mentioned by Malik et al, (2011),also in the service sector (Sajjad ,Amjad, 2011). Zehir et al. (2012) found in his study that TQM practices and dimensions were positively related with quality performance indicators. Improvement in process, product and service quality were found resulting from TQM practices by Kumar et al. (2009). In addition to the above studies, a lot of research has been written about the performance of organizations in the past years, including the way to improve the organization's wealth. According to Wheelen & Hunger (2000), the organization performance is “an accumulated end result of organizational process and activity”. Based on a predetermined set of standards (Parajogo & Brown, 2004) said that organization performance refers to how well is the organization doing.

Measuring and analyzing organizational performance plays an important role in turning organizational goals to reality. A performance indicator is a quantitative or qualitative indicator that reflects the progress of the company, unit or individual (Popova, 2010). Performance should be defined as a result of work, because these results are in relation with the most powerful effect with the strategic goals of an organization, customer satisfaction and economical roles (Seyed Javadin, 2007). Organizational performance is proportion that leads organizations to their work and economical goals (Lee & Chio, 2003). Sentiment of organizational performance is an approach that organization would do the works and duties in idealized form (Stoner et al., 2007). Global competition, internal competitive pressure had made organizations monitor their processes and service performance to meet the requirements and needs of their customers and stakeholders. The judicial system of Jordan is one of three separate and independent authorities of the government. It is responsible for even and effective administration of justice to all manners of individuals without fear or favor. Jordan's present legal system is based on the Constitution, The Court Establishment Law of 1951. The system is divided into three types: regular courts, religious courts and special courts. The regular courts are comprised of the conciliation and civil courts (the first level of adjudication), the appellate courts (the second level of adjudication) and the court of cassation, which is the highest judicial entity in the Kingdom. In an attempt to improve the overall performance of the judiciary system, the ministry of justice formed a judicial upgrading strategy. The main aims of the

strategy were to increase the number of judges, provide them with continuing education opportunities, improve their living and working conditions, introduce amendments to the procedural laws to accelerate litigation and improve court services, and adopt modern methods such as the civil case management approach. Some of the strategy’s major accomplishments were developing a system to store case files, creating a computerized database to keep track of cases, and speeding up court proceedings by improving notification procedures for defendants and witnesses.

2.0 Literature Review The literature review is organized according to the three basic constructs of the research: total quality management, information technology and organization performance. 2.1 Total Quality Management Powell (1995) reached to the point that TQM roots can be traced to 1949, when a committee of of scholars, engineers, and government officials were formed by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers devoting their experience to improve Japanese productivity, and increasing their after war quality of life. And also mention that American organizations began to grab a serious attention of TQM around 1980. Global markets increased levels of rivalry have affected in quality. It became one of the important elements to organizations and as a result Total Quality Management (TQM) has become a significant management issue. TQM became an integrated organizational effort intended to improve quality at every level. Total quality management is the management philosophy that integrates all the organizational activities to satisfy customers’ needs and meet their expectations culminating in achieving overall organizational objectives (Kumar et al., 2009). TQM has been defined in many different ways given on by quality experts and academician. Hashmi (2004) defined TQM as a management philosophy that seeks to integrate all organizational functions to focus on meeting the organizational objectives and customer wants and needs”. (Temtime & Solomon, 2002), stated that TQM seeks out continuous improvement in the quality of all products, processes, services and people of an organization. Additional definition states that it is a management approach of an organization, centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all members of the organization and to society. 2.2 Information Technology Over the years Information Technology has been defined in various ways by different authors. Information Technology has been conceptualized and measured differently by different researchers. The majority of the authors, however, parallel Information

Technology with computer systems. William and Sawyar (2005) defined Information Technology as a general term that describes any technology that help to produce, manipulate, process, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Shelly et al. (2004) mentioned that IT consisted of hardware, software, databases, networks and other related components, which are used for building the information systems. 2.3 Organizational Performance A lot has been written about the performance of organizations in the past years, including the way to improve the organization's wealth. Oxford Dictionary defines performance as work, utilize, and accomplish every regular or responsible thing .Organizational performance has considerable effect on organization’s activities (Azar & Daneshvar, 2007). According to Wheelen & Hunger (2000), the organization performance is “an accumulated end result of organizational process and activity”. Managers measure and control organization performance because it leads to better asset management, to an increased ability to provide customer value, to improve measures of organizational knowledge and measures of organizational performance do have an impact on an organization’s reputation. Performance is frequently identified as the ultimate dependent variable in organizations. It is now the focus in the project management literature (Thomas & Mullaly, 2008).

3.0 Methodology The Research methodology defined here is based on the method used to collect information of the variables which have impact on OP. From the analysis study, understanding of the literature reviewed and analysis of questionnaires, will lead to the initial findings and final results. Data for this study were collected from the judges, middle management and top management of the one of the main courts in Jordan. Questionnaire will be distributed to 100 employees in the courts to be filled and analyzed in the SPSS software. 4.0 Conceptual Model The research model shown in Fig.1 has been developed through the literature review of the study.









H4 H3











Note: B: Benchmarking RQD: Role of quality department CS: Customer Satisfaction QDR: Quality data and reportin WM: Workforce management EBA: Employee behavior and attitude

PFM: Process flow management ICS: Internal customer satisfaction SR: Supplier relationship EE: Effectiveness and Efficiency SDP: Service design process

ITI: IT infrastructure commitment

LCT: Leadership and management

Figure 1: Proposed Conceptual model 4.1 Hypothesis The hypotheses developed for this research study were four and they are as following: a. b. c. d.

H1: TQM has a direct and positive relationship with organizational performance. H2: TQM has a direct and positive relationship with IT. H3: IT has a direct and positive relationship with organizational performance. H4: The impact of TQM implementation increases with a mediating role of IT in Jordan courts.

5.0 Conclusion This study develops a structural model through examining the critical success factors for the IT, TQM and OP, also examines the relationship between these variables in the Jordanian court system. It draws on literature form IT, TQM and OP as a guide for further research and practice. For practitioners, especially senior management and middle management levels, the framework offer insight into critical success factors of IT, TQM implications on the Jordanian courts. Practitioners have a better understanding of IT, TQM effectiveness and its impact on organization performance. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank to the Faculty of Management, UTM Johor Bahru for the financial support of this research activities. References Azar, A. , Daneshvar, M.(2007),”The review of performance appraisal models in insurance branches” ,Journal of Insurance Industry , Vol.22,No.2. Bhatt, G. D. (2000). Exploring the relationship between information technology, infrastructure and business process re-engineering. Business Process Management Journal, 6(2), 139-163. Demirbag, M., Tatoglu, E., Tekinkus, M., & Zaim, S. (2006). An analysis of the relationship between TQM implementation and organizational performance: evidence from Turkish SMEs. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(6), 829847. Hashmi, K. (2000-2004), “Introduction and implementation of total quality management (TQM)”,available at: Kumar, V., Choisne, F., Grosbois, D. D., & Kumar, U. (2009). Impact of TQM On Company’s Performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 26(1), 23-37. Lee , H., Chio , B.(2003),”knowledge management enablers, processes, and organizational performance : an integrative view and empirical examination” , Journal of management Information Systems, Vol .20,Ni.1,pp.179-228. Malik, M. N., & Khan, H. H. (2011). Total Quality Management in Manufacturing Industry of Pakistan: A Case of Cement Industry Paper Presented at the International Conference on Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

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