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program. Cut and sew for social practices. Page 3 of 7. Reformation Submission_0418_Redacted.pdf. Reformation Submission
Project JUST - Brand Self Submission Submission Date

2017-02-24 19:06:17

Company Name


Brand Name


Contact Name

Shreya Sonar

Contact E-mail Address

1. Where are your HQ based?

Los Angeles, United States

2. Does your brand retail online?

3. How many stores do you have, and how many stockists do you sell through?

4 stores, Reformation makes and sells it's own clothes at it's stores. We occasionally carry one or two other stockists.

4. How many employees do you have at your stores, head offices and distribution centres?

Head office:101, Retail:55, In house factory + Distribution Center:224

5. How many suppliers do you use?

5-6 local cut and sew vendors. Fabric, trims and services suppliers not included.

6. How many people are employed throughout your supply chain?

Reformation is a total of ~400 employees. Majority of garments are sewn in house and the percentage varies by season.

7. Are you able to tell us your brand's annual revenue?

Private company

8. What are your brand's lead times?

A sketch can hit the stores in as little as 4 weeks. Average is 6-8 weeks. Reformation is a vertically integrated company that designs, manufactures and distributes from under one roof- that's what makes this possible.

9. How many garments/products does the brand produce annually? 10. How many collections does the brand release annually?

it varies. Reformation is growing at a fast pace and in house infrastructure allows for quick changes.

11. How long are the brand's garments/products designed to last?

Clothes are made from the best quality fabrics and garment care labels educate customers on how to maintain garments.

12. Please list any certifications / memberships that your brand has that relate to social and/or environmental practices:

B Corp certification

1. Do you have a publicly available supplier code of conduct?


If yes, please upload a copy. 12. What levels of your supply chain does your code of conduct apply to?

Cut and sew vendors, garment finishing vendors, fabric mills

2. Please provide information about how much the people in your supply chain are paid. Please share as much information as possible.

Living wage

4. Do you have a system for basing sourcing decisions on supplier labour conditions? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

Yes, we audit all vendors through a third party auditing agency- Labor Law. We audit a facility before we go in and in case of violations work closely with them to make improvements. After a failed report, facility has 30 days to improve before the next audit. Two consecutive failed reports are taken seriously and we either pull out of the facility or visit in person to understand issues.

5. Do you have a policy for addressing subcontracting in the supply chain? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

Yes, included in code of conduct.

6. If you end your relationship with a supplier, do you have a program to ensure workers are fully paid for hours worked? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

All payments are made on time so suppliers get the full amount for the pieces sent.

7. Do you have a mechanism in place that allows people in your supply chain to report issues? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

Yes, employees are interviewed as part of the auditing process.

8. Do you have a mechanism in place to resolve any issues reported by people in your supply chain? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

Our auditing process involves conversation with employees.

9. Do you have local partnerships in place in highrisk areas to rehabilitate child or forced laborers when found? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

We operate in California which is a low-risk area for child and forced labor.

10. When child or forced labor is removed from the workplace, is it later verified by unannounced monitoring? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.


11. If child labor is discovered, do you find a way to provide for the child’s education and replace lost income to the family? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.


12. If forced labor is discovered, do you facilitate the individual’s reintegration into the labor market? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.


14. Do you have policies in place to protect migrant workers? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.


15. Please share more information about any other innovative initiatives and practices that your brand has incorporated into your business model that work to ensure workers’ rights are protected and supported. Please include as much detail as possible.


16. Is there anything else you'd like to add?


1. Do you monitor the social practices of your supply chain? If no, please skip this section and go directly to the Training section.

Third party auditing agency

3. Do you address audit fatigue? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

We have a close relationship with our auditor who also audits for other brands. We rely on his input for how frequently we need to audit factories outside of the regular program.

4. What levels of your supply chain do you monitor? (cutand-sew suppliers, processing suppliers, raw material suppliers)

Cut and sew for social practices

5. How frequently do you monitor / audit your suppliers for their social practices?

30 days/60 days/90 days depending on audit results

6a. Do you or are you willing to share audit reports and corrective action plans publicly?


7. How do you assist those suppliers that perform poorly on audits/monitoring to improve their operations?

We build relationships through in person visits.

1. Are both auditors and factory managers trained to identify human trafficking, child labour, and forced labour?


2. Do you invest in suppliers’ compliance implementation through training or other financial support?

We invest heavily in our own factory

3. Do you invest in any other training to improve operations?

Reformation provides in house employees with ESL classes, immigration support, yoga and wellness programs in addition to level based skills training.

1. Are you working to ensure that you are not using cotton sourced from Uzbekistan? Please tell us how?

Reformation does not source cotton

1. Do you have policies against the use of sandblasting?


1. Have you invested in any sustainable material innovations? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

We develop eco fabrics with mills.

2. Does your brand *only* use natural fabrics?


3. Do you use any of the following fabrics in your products?

Deadstock materials Organic Silk Tencel Modal Naturally colored fibres

1. Do you have animal welfare policies? If no, please skip to the Resources section. If yes, please elaborate and include as much detail as possible.


2. What policies do you have to ensure the responsible sourcing of down? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.


3. Do you have any policies against the use of angora?

Yes, sourcing guidelines have this as a restricted fabric.

4. Do you have a policy against the use of fur?


5. What policies do you have in place to ensure the responsible sourcing of leather?

Vegetable dye or deadstocks

6. What policies do you have have in place to ensure the responsible sourcing of wool?

Wool is approved with environmental certifications only.

1. Do you use renewable energy at any stage of the supply chain?

Renewable energy credits are purchased for all offices, in house factory and stores.

2. Have you or do you intend to measure your greenhouse gas emissions? If yes, what stage/s of the supply chain does this measurement include? (e.g. Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 emissions)

Yes. Please refer website on RefScale

3. What are you doing to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? Please include as much detail as possible.

See B Corp assessment results. Brief: 1. fabric scraps recycling in factory 2. LED lamping 3. Sustainable fabric sourcing etc.

4. Have you measured the water use at any stage of the supply chain? If yes, which stage/s?

Yes. See RefScale.

5. What are you doing to reduce your water use? Please include as much detail as possible.

See B Corp assessment results

6. What policies are in place to limit the use of hazardous chemicals? Please include as much detail as possible.

Restricted substance list and vendor compliance.

7. What policies are in place to limit the impact of hazardous chemicals?

Restricted substance list and vendor compliance.

8. What policies are in place to reduce pollution and resources used for transport?

Local supply chain.

9. Do you have a sustainable packaging policy? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

See website.

10. What policies and strategies do you have to manage waste and recycling during production? e.g. upcycling, use of scraps, reuse of packaging material, etc. Please include as much detail as possible.

See above.

11. Do you or do you plan to take back and recycle unwanted or worn out clothing? Please elaborate. Please include as much detail as possible.

See website.

12. What do you do with your overstock?

Sample sale/donate

1a. Do you monitor the environmental practices of your supply chain?


1b. How do you monitor the environmental practices of your supply chain? Please include as much detail as possible, eg. number of audits, issues found, issues addressed, how the issues were addressed, any audit data.

See B Corp assessment.

3. What levels of your supply chain do you monitor? (cutand-sew suppliers, processing suppliers, raw material suppliers)

We rely on certifications for fabric suppliers and in person audits.

1. Have you set any social goals to decrease the negative impact your supply chain is having? Please include the tangible targets and the date of intended completion if available.

In progress

2. Have you set any environmental goals to decrease the negative impact your supply chain is having? Please include the tangible targets and the date of intended completion if available.

Yes, we are auditing for restricted substances.

4a. Please list and describe any certifications you have, what this means for your brand and plans for the future.

B Corp certification

1. Can you tell us who your current CEO is?

Yael Affalo

2. Can you tell us how much your CEO earned in the last financial year?

Reformation is a private company

3. Is your company?

Privately owned.

4. Please share any information about management practices at your brand.

Available in B Corp assessment

1. Please list any multistakeholder initiatives that your brand is a part of.

See B Corp certification

2. What CSR work are you doing in your own communities/countries?

All CSR efforts are local as all cut and sew vendors are local.

3. What CSR work are you doing to improve the positive social impact in your supply chain?

See B Corp certification

4. What CSR work are you doing to improve the positive environmental impact in your supply chain?

See B Corp certification

5. What CSR work are you doing other than in your own community, country and supply chains? (e.g. disaster relief donations, schooling programs for children in the developing world, etc.)

Employee shoes and clothes donation Fabric donation

2. Please share any awards you've won or been shortlisted for.

Founder CEO invited to SXSL