Regional Program MATH-AmSud 2015 Project Proposal (Research – Innovation) Basic Form This form, and the associated CVs, must be filled in English. Before filling the form, please read carefully the bases published in the MATH-AmSud site ( This form must be sent by email in .pdf to the MATH-AmSud (
[email protected]) by the project’s International Coordinator.
A. General Information A1 Project title “Design and Model of an Optimal System for Urban Freight Distribution for critical and heterogeneous Km2 in Guayaquil and Quito cities in Ecuador”
Research domain Megacity logistics; urban distribution; logistics and supply chain management.
Project goals
The goal of the research project is to develop a dynamic and sustainable model that determines the optimal system for urban management and load distribution for critical and heterogeneous Km2 in Guayaquil and Quito cities, and at the same time, to find the urban areas of influence to improve load management through minimization of logistics costs, transportation time, etc.
The objective of this research project is to develop a dynamic and sustainable model to determine the optimal system for urban management and load distribution for critical and heterogeneous Km2 in Guayaquil and Quito cities, and their areas of influence; while improving load management through minimization of logistics costs, transportation time, and some negative externalities produced by this type of transport, such as congestion, environmental impacts and risks all of this within a time horizon of 25 years, lined up with the Strategic Mobility Plan (EMP) 2013-2037 in Ecuador.
Scientific coordinators at each institution South America A LOGYCA/RESEARCH Institution Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation –CLIProject Christopher Mejía coordinator Address Phone/Fax Email
Avenida El Dorado 92 – 32 Modulo G5, Piso 5 Bogotá-Colombia +57 (1) 427 09 99 Ext 413 christopher.mejia.argueta@
South America C Universidad San Francisco de Institution Quito – USFQ Project Carlos Suárez Núñez coordinator Diego de Robles y Vía Address Interoceánica Quito-Ecuador
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - ESPOL
Project coordinator
Fernando Sandoya Sánchez
Campus Politecnico Km. 30.5 via Perimetral Guayaquil-Ecuador
Campus, San Lorenzo Paraguay
[email protected]
Project coordinator
(+595-21) 371-222
[email protected] France B
Institution Project coordinator
Jesús González Feliu
158, cours Fauriel 42023 SAINT-ÉTIENNE cedex 2 France +33 (0)4 77 42 01 65
[email protected]
South America D Universidad Nacional de Asunción Benjamín Barán
(+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 1230
France A Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne
[email protected]
Project coordinator
South America B
Address Tel/Fax
Other participating institutions In South America
In France
National Institute for Efficiency Energy and Renewable Energy – INER Quito, Ecuador Jorge Luis Chicaiza Vaca A8
International Project Coordinator (to be chosen among the Scientific Coordinators mentioned in A6) Christopher Mejía LOGYCA/RESEARCH Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation – CLI-
B. Project Details B1. Project guidelines The fast growth of urban areas in major cities in Latin America is undoubtedly one of the biggest concerns of city officials. Data indicates that currently 81% of the population lives in urban areas and it is estimated that by 2030 this amount will reach 86% [1]. According to the report of "World Urbanization Prospects, 2011 Revision," it is estimated that in Latin America for 2025 and 2050 the population in urban areas will reach 86.2% and 89.6% respectively, and specifically in Ecuador this figure will be 74% and 81.5% for the same years respectively [1]. This fact will bring economic, political and social implications due to the high demand of resources and to the capacity to react that cities may have with everyday problems such as: deterioration of the urban environment, traffic congestion, waste disposal and air quality. For this reason, the Ecuadorian government has launched the Strategic Mobility Plan (EMP), which guides the development of the Transport System of Ecuador for the period 2013-2037 defining programs of action in relation to infrastructure, logistics equipment, the institutional framework and the management of waterborne, air freight, cargo, passenger and public rail frame, plus transportation systems in special areas such as the Galapagos and the Amazon. Referring to the planned logistics facilities in the EMP that are associated with international transport, including a set of logistics platforms whose main function is to serve the internal transport, border crossings, ports and centers of production and consumption.
B2. Project description Motivation Cities require freight transportation to supply them of goods and services, however, the urban freight transport is especially known for its great impact on the economic, environmental and social sustainability, which in the case of large cities, becomes unsustainable over time, as shown by [4]. To minimize the unsustainable impacts of this transport sector, many local governments have developed policies focused on constraints on this sector, instead of providing viable solutions, scientifically acceptable, optimal and generated from reliable information. It should be noticed that 91% of the 14.5 million inhabitants of Ecuador, according to the 2010 census, are distributed in nucleus of over 5,000 habitants. Selecting the nuclei with more than 15,000 inhabitants, the percentage drops to 76%; and if the cut is up to more than 25,000 inhabitants it changes to 67%. Populations with more than 50,000 inhabitants gather 57% of the whole population [2]. Parishes of Guayaquil and Quito in the cantons of the same name, delimit two urban areas that accumulate 27% of the country's population. If it is added, to the population of these parishes, the nearby nuclei that make up the metropolitan areas, this value reaches 35% of the total (19% in Guayaquil and 16% in Quito) [3]. According to the information reported by the EMP, the main nodes of the country are Quito and Guayaquil. However for the optimization of the logistics distribution operations, it is necessary to establish other population logistics nodes at the center and south of the country (Santo Domingo, Cuenca and Loja). In the case of Quito and Guayaquil, it is also convenient to create several of these logistics platforms distributed around the town to guarantee coverage (North and South in the case of Quito and, East and West and in the case of Guayaquil).
Goals The objective of this research project is to develop a dynamic and sustainable model to determine the optimal system for urban management and load distribution for critical and heterogeneous Km2 in Guayaquil and Quito cities , and their areas of influence; while improving load management through minimization of logistics costs, transportation time, and some negative externalities produced by this type of transport (e.g. congestion, environmental impacts and risks) within a time horizon of 25 years.
The process to drive this study is: • Review of legal documentation, regulations and other rules of freight transportation in Ecuador. • Preliminary observation of the study area. • Division of the study area in specific km2 of study. 2 • Determinate critical and heterogeneous Km (Commercial, Industrial, Residential) in the area of study. 2 • Collect information for each km to be studied related to shop inventory; roads, traffic count, violations and disruptions, as well as deliveries. • Identification of travel generators and attractors to implement the geographic database with information from these nodes and the road system. • Gathering information using geographic positioning systems. • Link shop information and points collected with GPS to map these points and determine the location of sale clusters. • Perform a statistical analysis to determine significant variables through factor analysis, histograms, forecasts, etc. • Proposal of a model of optimal facilities location-routing for the position of micro-platforms or urban crossdocking centers, considering freight vehicles on the roads of the study area, which features the type of freight vehicle, time windows, and others factors relevant to the study. • Validate the models developed. • Verification of the results of the models. • Generation of urban public policy proposals based on the information of the baseline scenario (current) and future scenarios.
Contribution of each participating institution Project scope
System for urban management and load distribution for critical and heterogeneous Km2 in Guayaquil and Quito cities, and their areas of influence.
Expected results
The project would generate: • Identification of urban characteristics and networks. • Finding of bottlenecks in road networks. • Characterization of population, consumer preferences for goods and services in each critical and heterogeneous Km2 studied, drawing on studies of social indicators. • Analysis between reality and generated public policy regarding the urban distribution of goods. • Statistical analysis of the characteristics of the freight transportation system in the study area by vehicle type, delivery of goods, establishment types, road networks, etc. • Optimal location-routing of urban logistics micro-platforms. • into populated areas, based on the characteristics of the study area to generate more coverage, accessibility, equity in access to goods, etc. • Maximization of operational efficiency and use of vehicles / logistics facilities. • Reduction of pollutant emissions due to a better vehicle management or to an assessment of using nonmotorized vehicles. • Generation of urban public policies based on urban logistics information. • Basis for developing an integrated multimodal freight transportation system in the city.
REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4]
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division: Urban and Rural Areas, 2011. Wall Chart. New York, 2012 (ST/ESA/SER.A/321) PEM Plan Estratégico de Movilidad Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas 2013-2037. L. Krishnamurthy y N. R. Jose, Areas Verdes Urbanas en Latinoamérica y El Caribe, Ciudad de México, 1998. H. Quak, Sustainability of Urban Freight Transport: Retail Distribution and Local Regulations in Cities, Erasmus Research Institute of Management, 2008.
B3. Schedule, with main execution stages
The present study is expected to be conducted over a 24-month period, distributed as follows: Activities Literature Review: methodologies, case studies, previous studies in Ecuador Data Collection: Observation and preliminary division in critical and heterogeneous Km2
Time 2 months 16 months
of the study area, collect information related establishments, roads, deliveries, traffic and law violations, identification with GPS of study area Statistical analysis of the information and scenarios proposal Mathematical modeling of the study area: Demand, Routes and Location of logistics platforms Validation, verification and analysis of optimization models Generation of urban public policy proposals based on the analysis of results with future scenarios and general recommendations Knowledge transfer through training, participation in conferences, outreach, etc.
8 months 8 months 12 months 5 months 2 months 24 months
B4. Contributions Present contributions so as to highlight the role of each partner and the integration among partners. Partners LOGYCA/RESEARCH Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation – CLI Escuela Superior Litoral - ESPOL
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ Universidad Nacional de Asunción UNA Ecole Nationale Supérieure Mines de Saint Etienne EMSE
Instituto Nacional de Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables INER
Contributions CLI will acquire the role of coordinator within the proposal with the help of Massachussetts Institute of Technology - Megacity Logistics Lab MIT- MLL. 3 part-time researchers will be involved as a contribution to the project ESPOL will add the mathematical components and will be in charge of Guayaquil information Gathering 2 part-time researchers will be involved as a contribution to the project USFQ will add the mathematical components and will be in charge of Quito information Gathering 2 part-time researchers will be involved as a contribution to the project UNA will add mathematical modeling and metaheuristics to the problem of Location-Routing problem in both cities 1 part-time researchers will be involved as a contribution to the project EMSE will bring city logistics analytics and mathematical modeling (both demand and supply) to the proposal 1 part-time researchers will be involved as a contribution to the project INER will give information related to carbon footprint in both cities under analysis and will let to validate public policy making for Ecuador 2 part-time researchers will be involved as a contribution to the project
B5. Institutions and CVs of coordinators Description of each participating institution, and curriculum vitae of each coordinator (maximum 2 pages per coordinator).
B6. Additional information Experience of the coordinators in similar projects. 2 years Present main activities and their relationship with the project’s main goal. •
The activities for this project in general will be based on: Gathering data per neighborhoods around the two cities of study and to generate statistical analysis based on all the information per city, parish and neighborhood to define patterns, bottlenecks and opportunities.
Building robust mathematical models with the gathered information to ease the city logistics decision making process for private companies and public stakeholders
Proposing solution algorithms (exact, heuristics or hybrids) based on the location – routing problem being solved in the real life.
Defining strategies for last-mile operations based on the results and trying to forecast future scenarios to anticipate risks or to take advantage of new opportunities.
Perspectives of continuing collaboration after project financing is over. Once the project is finished, the group will continue developing algorithms, tests and projects related to the gathered information trying to extend the results obtained to other cities.
B7. International referees Suggest names of at least 3 international referees to evaluate the project. These researchers should not be connected to people in the project. 12345-
Jairo Montoya, Universidad de la Sabana Jan Fransoo, Eindhoven University of Technology Josue Velázquez, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Santa Fe. Eiichi Taniguchi, Kyoto University Miguel Jaller, Davis University
Names of referees who should not review this project in your opinion (optional) 12-
UNA Quito
Planned date
Each institution will pay for the trip and per diem of its own researchers.
Jorge Luis Chicaiza
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne
Benjamín Barán
Fernando Sandoya Sánchez Carlos Suárez Núñez
Jesús González Feliu
Nicolas Giraldo
Planned missions – Year 1 Researcher Status Institution (student, junior, senior)
C1. First year (2016)
Duration (max. 30 days)
Estimated Estimate cost of the of total per trip (€) diem ( €)
CONACYT Paraguay
CNRS France
Trip and Mission funding institution1
The MATH-AmSud program funds travel expenses (air tickets and per diem) to researchers in research missions and workshops.
Mission objectives
Project title: “Design and Model of an Optimal System for Urban Freight Distribution for critical and heterogeneous Km2 in Guayaquil and Quito cities in Ecuador” Participating institutions: LOGYCA/RESEARCH, EMSE, ESPOL, USFQ, UNA, INER
C. Project Budget
CONSOLIDATED BUDGET: Year 1 Funding requested to the MATH-AmSud Program Estimated costs (€) A.
Travel costs (air tickets)
B- Maintenance costs (per diem)
MAEDI France
CNRS France
INRIA France
MINCYT Argentina
CAPES Brazil
IMPA Brazil
CMM Chile
Faculty of Mathematics (PUC – Chile) CONACYT Paraguay
ANII Uruguay
MPPCTI Venezuela
Total requested funding to MATH-AmSud Other funding2
Do you have additional funding sources for this project3? (if so please specify the amount and source (s)
2 3
Specify in additional page. Reserved for CNRS researchers
Christopher Mejía
Jesús González Feliu
Fernando Sandoya
Carlos Suárez
Benjamín Barán
Jorge Luis Chicaiza
Guayaquil Saint-Étienne
Planned date
Each institution will pay for the trip and per diem of its own researchers.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines
Benjamín Barán
Carlos Suárez
Fernando Sandoya
Status (student, junior, senior)
Christopher Mejía
Planned missions – Year 2
C2. Second year (2017) Second year funding depends on approval of intermediate progress report.
Duration (max. 30 days)
Estimated cost of Estimate of the trip (€) total per diem ( €)
CONACYT Paraguay
CNRS France
CONACYT Paraguay
Trip and Mission funding institution4
Mission objectives
CONSOLIDATED BUDGET: Year 2 Funding requested to the MATH-AmSud Program Estimated costs (€) A.
Travel costs (air tickets)
B- Maintenance costs (per diem)
MAEDI France
CNRS France
INRIA France
MINCYT Argentina
CAPES Brazil
IMPA Brazil
CMM Chile
Faculty of Mathematics (PUC – Chile) CONACYT Paraguay
ANII Uruguay
MPPCTI Venezuela
Total requested funding to MATH-AmSud Other funding5
Do you have additional funding sources for this project6? (if so please specify the amount and source(s))
5 6
Specify in additional page. Reserved for CNRS researchers
- 10 -
Funding requested to MAEDI (France) Funding requested to INRIA (France) Funding requested to CNRS (France) Funding requested to MINCYT (Argentina) Funding requested to CAPES (Brazil) Funding requested to IMPA (Brazil) Funding requested to CMM (Chile) Funding requested to Faculty of Mathematics (PUC – Chile) Funding requested to CONICYT (Chile) Funding requested to CONACYT (Paraguay) Funding requested to CONCYTEC (Peru) Funding requested to IMCA (Peru) Funding requested to ANII (Uruguay) Funding requested to SENESCYT (Ecuador) Funding requested to MPPCTI (Venezuela) Funding requested to COLCIENCIAS (Colombia) Matching funds from the partners
Year 1
Year 2
Other sources TOTAL
- 11 -
1/ Personal data Name: Christopher Mejía Argueta (Coordinator) Birth date: June 8th, 1985 Professional address (with telephone and e-mail): Avenida El Dorado #92-32 Modulo G5 Piso 5, Bogota, Colombia +57 (1) 427 09 99 Ext 413
[email protected] Current job title and size of the research group: Research Associate 3/ Professional activity (the last 5 years) Center for Latin American Logistics Innovation (CLI) - LOGYCA / RESEARCH (12 researchers) Professional Preparation CLI – MIT (Colombia), Postdoctoral studies for supply chain management in emerging markets, 2015 ITESM Campus Toluca (Mexico), PhD Industrial Engineering, 2013 Professional activity and other duties / positions 2015 - Present Research Associate, CLI, LOGYCA / RESEARCH, Bogota (Colombia) 2013 - 2014 Academic Leader and Postdoctoral Associate, CLI, LOGYCA / RESEARCH, 2012 – 2013 Research assistant, Trade and Logistics Innovation Center, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe, Mexico (Mexico) 2010 - 2012 Instructor, Industrial Engineering Department, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Toluca, Toluca (Mexico) 2009 - 2009 Research assistant and external consultant, Business Optimization Lab, HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA (USA) 2007 – 2013 Research assistant, Industrial Engineering Research Center, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Toluca, Toluca (Mexico) with stays in Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain) and Malaga University, Malaga (Spain) Synergistic activities - Referee for Ingeniare: Chilean Engineering Journal, European Journal in Operation Research, IEEE Computational Intelligence Conference, etc. - Member of the Mexican network for transportation and logistics (SiT-LOG), of the Colombian Society for Operations Research (ASOCIO) and of the Scientific Committee and of the Mexican Society for Operations Research (SMIO). Ongoing funded research projects with dates, titles, and sources of funding • Colciencias (Colombian National Science Foundation). Call 615 - Strengthening research centers and groups recognized by Colciencias. USD$60,000. (2014 - 2015) • Colciencias (Colombian National Science Foundation). Call 650 - International funding for projects developed with researchers abroad recognized by Colciencias. Project for the reduction in fuel consumption and GHG for Colombian freight transportation big companies, with the Mechatronics Automotive Research Center, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Toluca. USD$12,000. (2014 - 2015) Projects approved during last 5 years Efficient driving patterns to minimize the GHG emissions for freight transportation, CLI, 2014 to present. Cannibalization of innovative products in CPG firms, CLI, 2014 to present. Understanding demand patterns in final consumers and in nanostores located in low-income neighborhoods in Bogota to determine better distribution and commercial strategies, CLI and local NSF, 2014 to present. Role of social capital in areas affected by armed conflict to be prepared or to respond to a disasters, CLI, Antioquia University and University of California (Davis), 2014 to present. Supply Chain Risk Management in emerging countries, CLI and Bolivar Insurances, 2014 to present.
Packaging optimization for nanostores and other distribution channels in emerging countries, CLI, 2012 to present. Carbon footprint minimization strategies in emerging countries and in megacities, CLI, 2013 to present. Scenario planning and strategy in supply chain for distribution in emerging countries, CLI, 2013 to present. High resolution and excellence in last mile operations, CLI, 2013 to present. Analyzing the cost-to-serve in operations, a pre-segmentation of customers and SWOT in distribution and commercial strategies of a CPG company in emerging countries, CLI, 2013 to 2014. Design of humanitarian logistics networks to respond effectively to floods with the use of multicriteria optimization and heuristics, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Malaga University, CLI, 2011 to present. Determining the Intermodal Transportation networks for the importation of spare parts from Europe and USA to Mexico, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Toluca (Mexico), 2008 to 2012. Workforce Capacity and Capability Planning, Business Optimization Laboratory, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California (USA), 2009. Publications 1. Mejia, C., Gaytan, J. and Arroyo, M.P.E. (2014). “Un enfoque multicriterio para seleccionar modos de transporte en embarques internacionales (A multicriteria proposal to choose transportation modes in international shipments)”, Revista de Contaduría y Administración, 59 (4), pp. 193-221. Available at: 2. Mejia, C. and Higuita, C. (2015). “Costo de servir como variable de decisión estratégica en el diseño de estrategias de atención a canales de mercados emergentes (Cost to serve as a strategic decision variable in the design of strategies to emerging marketing channels)”, Estudios Gerenciales, 31 (134), pp. 50 – 61. 3. Gamez, H.M., Soto, O. C., Mejia, C. and Sarmiento, A.T. (2015). “A cost-efficient method to optimize package size in emerging markets”, European Journal of Operational Research, 241 (3), pp. 917 – 926. 4. Mejia, C., Gaytan, J., Caballero, R., Molina, J. and Vitoriano, B. “A multicriteria optimization model for a humanitarian logistics problem: An integral approach”. European Journal of Operational Research. Submitted May 2015. Other Publications 1. Blanco, E., Fransoo, J., Mejia, C. and Agudelo, I. (2014). “Particularities of Distribution Strategies in Emerging Economies: Case Studies in Colombia”, POMS 25th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (USA), May 9th – 12th, 051-0687. 2. Mejia, C., Caballero, R., Gaytan, J., Molina, J. and Vitoriano, B. (2014). “A multicriteria proposal for a humanitarian logistics problem: An integral approach”, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona (Spain), July 13th – 18th. Thesis Advisees Jonathan Mendez (Undergraduate at District University in Bogota); Juan Pablo Franco (MSc at UniSabana) and Luisa Amado (MSc at National University)
1/ Personal data Name: Benjamín Barán Birth date: December 11, 1957 Professional address (with telephone and e-mail):
Caballero 1375, Asuncion 1330 - Paraguay Phone: +595-21-372215 Email:
[email protected] Current job title and size of the research group:
CBA President A docent of research people working under my supervision 2/ Highest obtained degree (with indication of place and date)
Doctor of Science in Computer and System Engineering. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). Rio de Janeiro – Brazil – 1994. . 3/ Professional activity (the last 5 years)
President of CBA and consultant. Research Advisor and Professor of several Paraguayan universities as the National University of Asuncion – UNA, Catholic University – UCA, East National University – UNE and National University of Itapua – UNI, all in Paraguay. 4/ Other duties/ positions
Member of the Honorary Scientific Commission (CCH – Comisión Científica Honoraria) of the Paraguayan National Program for Research Incentive (PRONII – Programa Nacional de Incentivo a los Investigadores) from CONACYT (, the Paraguayan National Commission on Research and Technology. Researcher level III (top level). 5/ Awards, fellowships and external recognition
More than a dozen of professional and scientific awards as the following ones: •
• • • •
• •
Latin American Merit Honor in Computing granted by the Latin American Center for Studies in Informatics – CLEI ( on the occasion of the XXXIX Latin American Conference on Informatics, CLEI'2013. Naiguatá, Vargas - Venezuela. Recognition and Gratitude, awarded by the Engineering School of the National University of Asunción for the dedication and excellence in the training of engineers, 2013. Honorary Doctorate from UNE (Universidad Nacional del Este) - Paraguay, by Resolution 444/2012 of the Honorable University Governing Board, 2012. Recognition of the Latin American Center for Studies in Informatics - CLEI, Medellin Colombia, at the 2012 general assembly. Pan-American Prize of Scientific Computing - 2012, awarded by the Pan-American Association of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences – PACIS, at the 2nd CCIS (Conference of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences), Guanajuato – México, 2012. Sponsor of Honor of the 1st promotion of Mechanical Engineers, Engineering School of the National University of Asunción, 2011. Honorary Mention of the National Science Prize of Paraguay – 2002, awarded by the National Congress of Paraguay for the contribution of his work on Multiple-Objective Reactive Power Compensation.
National Science Prize of Paraguay – 1996, awarded by the National Congress of Paraguay and granted by the President of Paraguay, in recognition for his contributions in the field of Team Algorithms.
"Andrés Barbero Award." Prize awarded in 1982 by the Scientific Society of Paraguay for the contribution in the field of Fiber Optic Communications.
6/ Ongoing funded research projects with dates, titles, sources of funding
No current founded research 7/ Projects approved in the last 5 years
No project awarded in the last 5 years. 8/ Publications
More than a hundred publications with more than a thousand citations (see details in Google Scholar: 8.1 – Highlight the most important publication related to the project theme
From a hundred of published papers, most of the recent ones in the field of multi-objective optimization, the most relevant article for this project may be: “A survey on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for many-objective problems”, with C von Lücken and C Brizuela. Computational Optimization and Applications, pp. 1-50. Springer US, ISSN: 0926-6003 (2014). 8.2 – Publications in cooperation with the project partners
None 9/ Theses oriented and post-doctoral fellows supervised
Almost a hundred of finished thesis oriented at several Engineering Schools of Paraguay, dozens of which were from a Master level and only one from the Ph.D. level (the first and only Ph.D. thesis already defended in Paraguay). Today, orienting 3 Ph.D thesis, 3 Master thesis and a dozen Engineering thesis. 9.1– Finished/defended in the last 5 years
First Ph.D. thesis in the computing field, defended in Paraguay by Diego Pinto-Roa: “DISEÑO MULTI-OBJETIVO DE REDES ÓPTICAS WDM. UN ENFOQUE BASADO EN ALGORITMOS EVOLUTIVOS”
1/ Personal data Name: Fernando Francisco Sandoya Sanchez Birth date: February 25, 1968 Professional address (with telephone and e-mail): Guayaquil, Alborada X etapa Mz 417 Villa 14 Phone: 593) 4 224 3690 / (593) 4 226 9532 / (593) 9760 2838 Email:
[email protected] Current job title and size of the research group: Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral - ESPOL 1998 - Present: Full Professor of Mathematics. (Operations Research I and Statistics II, Supply Chain Modeling, Simulation, Combinatorial Optimization, Actuarial Mathematics, Calculus). 2/ Highest obtained degree (with indication of place and date) Ph.D. Operations Research. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. México 2013. 3/ Professional activity (the last 5 years) Coordinator of Engineering School in Logistics and Transport. Coordinator of the Graduate Program Master in Operations and Logistics Management. Projects approved • "Modelling and optimization of routes and frequencies intercantonal transport between the Guayaquil - Eloy Alfaro" 2007 Analysis of the demand for public passenger transport between the two cities. Modeling and analysis of routes and frequencies of public transport passengers . • "Global Technical feasibility study to establish the optimal number of vehicles to Galapagos, Land and Air case" 2012 Publications • Book: Matemáticas Actuariales y Operaciones de Seguros ISBN 978-9978-310-46-5 Octubre 2005. • Coautor Book: “Recent Advances on Meta-Heuristics and their Application to Real Scenarios”, Chapter: “GRASP and path relinking to solve the problem of selecting efficient work teams” ISBN 980953-307-591-9. January 2013. • GRASP and path relinking for the equitable dispersion problem Revista: Computers & Operations Research Volume 40, Issue 12, December 2013, Pages 3091–3099. • “Optimización del despresado de cerdos mediante una Matriz de rendimientos” Matemática Volumen 9 Número 2. Octubre 2011. • “Una variante del problema de la diversidad máxima para seleccionar equipos de trabajo eficientes” Matemática Volumen 9 Número 2. Oct. 2011. • “Optimización de una cadena de producción avícola utilizando programación matemática” Matemática Volumen 9 Número 2. Oct. 2011. • “Un Algoritmo Evolutivo para Resolver el Problema de Calendarización para Universidades” Revista: Matemática Volumen 8 Número 1. Abril 2010. • “Uso de Metaheurísticas para la Optimización de la Secuencia de Producción y la Asignación de mano de obra en una empresa manufacturera” Revista: Matemática Volumen 8 Número 1. Abril 2010. • “Resolución exacta del modelo del máximo promedio para el problema de la dispersión máxima” Matemática Volumen 8 Número 2. Octubre 2010. Awards, fellowships and external recognition • External evaluator in the qualification process for projects. SENASCYT 2007. • First Place Winner in the Fourth Conference on Research ESPOLCIENCIA 2005 "A tabu heuristic to solve the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows". • Evaluation of research project "Study, modeling, simulation and design proposal for an architecture of WiMAX (IEEE 802, 16 A)" ESPOL 2005. • Ecuadorian Scientific Community - Member National Academy of Sciences starter since 1995 to date.
1/ Personal data Name: Carlos Alberto Suárez Núñez Birth date: January 10, 1977 Professional address (with telephone and e-mail): Joaquín Castro y Manuel Páez, Casas Alpha #6, Tumbaco Phone: (593) 2 297 1700 EXT 1230 / (593) 968 94 2165 Email:
[email protected] Current job title and size of the research group: Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) - Jan 2014 - Present:. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Industrial Engineering. Classes Logistics, Supply Chain, Manufacturing Systems, Project Management, Production Control, Trends in Industrial Engineering. 2/ Highest obtained degree (with indication of place and date) • Ph.D. in Systems Engineering and Entrepreneurship. Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Illinois, EEUU 2009. 3/ Professional activity (the last 5 years) Deloitte Consulting – Illinois, EEUU – Jul. 2007 – Nov. 2013: Senior Advisor. Projects approved in the last 5 years • Logistics in Megacities (2014 - Present), Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ). Quito, Ecuador. • Strategic Planning using technology "roadmaps" in the value system (2003 - 2008), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Illinois, USA. • Improving forecasts of product attributes in the component and subsystem levels of the value chain (2001 - 2003), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Illinois, USA. Publications • Chapter Book: Suarez-Nunez, C.A., Monahan, G. E., Vojak, B.A., “A Conceptual Model of Knowledge Management for Strategic Technology Planning in the Value Chain.” In: Dwivedi, A., & Butcher, T. (Eds.), Jan 6. 2009. Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Management – Integrating Critical Perspectives in Theory and Practice, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-57343-7 • Vojak, B.A. and Suarez-Nunez, C.A. (2005) "Sources of information used in technology planning in the upstream environment of the electronics industry", Int. J. Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 1, No.4, pp.441–455. • Vojak, B.A., Suarez, C.A., Peters, L., and Sundararajan, M., "Sources of information used in technology planning within the nanotechnology industry," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference , Vol.1, pp. 53- 57, Sept. 11 - 13, 2005. • Vojak, B.A. and Suarez-Nunez, C.A. (2004) "Product attribute bullwhip in the technology planning process and a methodology to reduce it", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp.288–299. • Vojak and C. A. Suarez, “Technology Planning "Bullwhip" in the Electronics Industry Supply Chain,” in Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. Engineering Management, Oct. 2004, pp. 1190–1194. • Vojak and C. A. Suarez, “Sources of information used in new product and process technology planning within the electron device industry,” in Proc. 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. Engineering Management, Aug. 2002, pp.623–628.
1/ Personal data Name: Jesús González Feliu Professional address (with telephone and e-mail): 158, cours Fauriel 42023 SAINT-ÉTIENNE cedex 2 France Teléfono: (+33 (0)4 77 42 01 65 Email:
[email protected] Current job title and size of the research group: Assistant Professor Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne (EMSE) Oct. 2014 – Present Saint-Etienne, France. Attached to EVS (Environnement, Ville et Société), UMR 5600 of CNRS (Mixed Research Unit). In charge (with Professor Patrick Burlat) of a 8-people team working on urban logistics. 2/ Highest obtained degree (with indication of place and date) PhD. in Information and System Engineering, in the Operational Research Group (OR Group, DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino, Italy). 3/ Professional activity (the last 5 years) At EMSE: Research projects: In charge of the ANR project ANNONA; Co-coordinator of the HORREA chair in urban logistics. Main research fields: (1) Urban logistics data production, modelling, evaluation and decision support; (2) Sustainability and efficiency measurement and evaluation; (3) Transport and logistics clio-analytics. Main courses: Production planning and management; Transport Economics; Statistics; Efficiency management. Students tutoring, mainly in questions of logistics and transport Developing international collaborations, mainly with Latin America (Titular of a Summer course in Urban Logistics at Univeridad Nacional – Sede Bogotà in july 2015). Dec 2011 – Sep 2014: Research Engineer in Data Production and Analysis (permanent staff) at CNRS Lyon, France. UMR 5593 LET. Main tasks: - Follwo-up of Urban Goods National Surveys in Bordeaux, France. Database construction, data correction and analysis (Bordeaux and Paris, France). - Creation of a wide database on goods transport (mainly in urban areas). Development of DSS. - Urban goods modelling: development of models for B2B, B2C flows and shopping trips simulation. Jul 2008 – Nov 2011: Post-doctoral fellow then contractual researcher at CNRS Lyon, France. UMR 5593 LET. Main tasks: - Development of urban goods transport and shopping trip demand estimation models. - Analyses of logistics sharing and collaboration. - Participation on several national (Predit 3 FIDES, GICC ETHEL II, FUI LUMD) and European (Interreg IVc SUGAR, STEER FREILOT) projects. Projects approved in the last 5 years • ANNONA (ANR National Project). From nov 2013 • SILOGUES (Predit 4 National Project). Oct 2013-Oct 2015 • MODUM (ANR National Project). Nov-2010 to Nov-2014. Publications
More than a hundred publications (35 journal papers, 15 book chapters; more than 50 communications, 6 invited talks) with more than a six hundred citations (see details in Google Scholar: ) including: • Gonzalez-Feliu, J., Semet, F., Routhier, J.L., eds. (2014), Sustainable urban logistics: Concepts, methods and information systems, Springer, Heidelberg. • Gonzalez-Feliu, J., Cedillo-Campos, M.G., Garcia-Alcaraz, J.L. (2014), An emission model as an alternative to O-D matrix in urban goods transport modelling, Dyna, vol. 81, n. 187, pp. 249-256. • Deflorio, F.P., Gonzalez-Feliu, J., Perboli, G., Tadei, R. (2012), The influence of time windows of urban freight distribution services costs in City Logistics applications, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, vol 12, n. 3, pp. 256-274.