Feb 24, 2014 - iii) Reporting loss of any physical facility, supporting service that may ..... City Centre (North), Cent
REGISTER OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS LAST UPDATE 24 FEBRUARY 2014 This register of private higher education institutions is published in accordance with section 54(2)(a)(i) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997). In terms of section 56(1) (a), any member of the public has the right to inspect the register.
The Department of Higher Education and Training recognizes that the information contained in the register is of public interest and that the media may wish to publish it. In order to avoid misrepresentation in the public domain, the Department of Higher Education and Training kindly requests that all published lists of registered institutions are accompanied by the relevant explanatory information, and include the registered qualifications of each institution.
The register is available for inspection at: http://www.dhet.gov.za
INTRODUCTION The Register of Private Higher Education Institutions (hereafter referred to as the Register) provides the public with information on the registration status of private higher education institutions. Section 54(2)(a)(i) of the Act requires that the Registrar of Private Higher Education Institutions (hereafter referred to as the Registrar) enters the name of the institution in the Register, once an institution is registered. Section 56(1)(b) grants the public the right to view the auditor’s report as issued to the Registrar in terms of section 57(2)(b) of the Act. Copies of registration certificates must be kept as part of the Register, in accordance with Regulation 20.
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The Legal Framework In terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act. 67 of 2008 (“the NQF Act”), the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), which is the system into which the South African qualifications and part qualifications are organized and recorded, is divided into three (3) sub-frameworks. Each subframework is the responsibility of a Quality Council. The three Quality Councils (QCs) are: Council on Higher Education (CHE) responsible for higher education qualifications (Levels 5 – 10), Umalusi responsible for general and further education and training qualifications (Levels 1 – 4) and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) responsible for trades and occupations qualifications (Levels 1- 10). Among others, these QCs are responsible for accreditation of qualifications falling within their sub-frameworks as well as accrediting private institutions that wish to offer their qualifications. To enable the Registrar of Private Higher Education Institutions to register private institutions in compliance of section 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) makes decisions as to which qualifications sub-framework a qualification belongs to so as to avoid a situation where private institutions may offer qualifications or part qualifications without registration of such qualifications on the NQF. The QCTO may delegate its accreditation functions to a “delegated accrediting authority”, such as a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA), a professional body or another entity but the final endorsement will be issued by the QCTO as the responsible QC. The Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)(“the HE Act”) and the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act. No. 16 of 2006) (“the FETC Act”) require that private institutions be registered with the DHET in order to operate legally, over and above being accredited by the HEQC (CHE) and Umalusi respectively. Therefore, accreditation of qualifications and the ability of the institute to deliver the qualifications for private higher institutions (PHEIs) and private Further Education and Training (FET) colleges is a means towards registration and it does not represent or replace registration for them. Meanwhile, private institutions that offer qualifications that fall on the sub-framework of the QCTO, which is on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF), (the sub-framework for trades and occupations on the NQF) are not required to register with the DHET and according to the SD Act, under which they are regulated, they must be accredited by the QCTO as an accredited provider only. In a likely event that a private institution offers qualifications from the three sub-frameworks, it has to satisfy in respect to a specific qualification the requirements of that Quality Council that relate to any one of the three Acts: HE Act, FETC Act and SD Act. The National Education Diploma (NATED) Commonly Referred to as N-Diplomas a. The Department offers N-Diplomas on Levels 1 to 6 of the NQF through both public and private providers. For a provider to offer N-Diplomas on Levels 1 to 3 registration by the DHET as a private FET college is required. For a person to offer N-Diplomas on levels 4 to 6 only proof of accreditation by the QCTO is required. b. The N1-N3 Diplomas are the following: ‐ 2 ‐
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National Certificate N1: Engineering Studies National Certificate N2: Engineering Studies National Certificate N3: Engineering Studies
The above “Diplomas” must be accredited by Umalusi and the provider must be registered as a private FET college registered by DHET before the programmes can be offered.
c. The N4 to 6 Diplomas are the following: National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing National Certificate: N4 to N6 Art and Design National Certificate: N4 to N6 Business Management National Certificate: N4 to N6 Engineering Studies National Certificate: N4 to N6 Financial Management National Certificate: N4 to N6 Human Resource Management National Certificate: N4 to N6 Legal Secretary National Certificate: N4 to N6 Marketing Management National Certificate: N4 to N6 Medical Secretary National Certificate: N4 to N6 Popular Music Performance National Certificate: N4 to N6 Public Management National Certificate: N4 to N6 Public Relations National Certificate: N4 to N6 Tourism The above qualifications must be accredited to the provider by the QCTO before they can be offered.
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SETA-accredited “Diploma” qualifications A “Diploma” falls on the sub-framework of the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF). However, where a “Diploma” was accredited by a SETA, the accreditation will remain and be phased out in the next 2 years. The SETAS, which is only a “delegated accrediting authority” of the QCTO, will no longer be responsible for accrediting “Diploma” qualifications. The accreditation of a “Diploma” qualification by a SETA will not qualify it for registration as either a PHEI or a private FET college. Transitional Arrangements The following transitional arrangements need to be noted. a. The SETA accredited “Diploma” will be phased out in the next 2 years. The registration of private higher education institutions The Department of Higher Education and Training implements its registration and regulation functions for private higher education institutions in accordance with the requirements of the: 1) 2)
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) (hereafter referred to as the Act). Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, published in Government Gazette No.24143 dated 13 December 2002 (hereafter referred to as the Regulations). The Regulations were promulgated on 13 December 2002, and came into effect on 1 April 2003. The Regulations are an elaboration of the provisions of the Act. They clarify the requirements of the Act.
The requirement to register as a private higher education institution only applies to private institutions offering learning programmes that result in the award of whole qualifications, that is, learning programmes that result in the award of certificates, diplomas or degrees at higher education level. The granting of registration, as contemplated in the Act, means that the Registrar grants an institution the legal authority to offer higher education programmes and award higher education qualifications. The purpose of registering private institutions offering higher education is to ensure that:
private higher education institutions offer an acceptable quality of education. students receive higher education from institutions that have the resources, capacity and/or expertise to deliver quality programmes. students enrolled with private higher education institutions obtain qualifications that are aligned with the NQF. the education system continues on a path of transformation in accordance with government policy and regulation. ‐ 4 ‐
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The registration process does not affect public higher education institutions. The regulatory framework sets criteria that define who is eligible for applying for registration and who qualifies for registration. It further outlines the responsibilities of an institution once registered. 1)
Eligibility criteria
An institution is eligible for applying for registration as a private higher education institution if it is registered as a company in accordance with the Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973) and proposes to provide higher education as contemplated in Chapter 1 of the Act. In terms of the Act, ‘providing higher education’ means executing all of the following functions in the name of the institution concerned: 2)
Registering students for whole qualifications at higher education level. Taking responsibility for the provision and delivery of curricula. Conducting the assessment of students regarding their learning programmes. Awarding qualifications for the learning programmes on offer.
The requirements for registration
The requirements for registration are the criteria that an institution must meet in order to qualify for registration. These requirements are stipulated in section 53 of the Act and Chapter 3 of the Regulations. Fulfilling the requirements for quality assurance On evaluating an application for registration as a private higher education institution, the registrar must have reason to believe that the applicant will comply with the quality assurance requirements of the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher Education (CHE). The CHE is a statutory body responsible for promoting and overseeing quality assurance in higher education. The institutional and programme quality assurance assessment conducted by the HEQC is commonly referred to as accreditation evaluation, and includes an evaluation of:
whether an applicant institution has the capacity to provide programmes at the higher education level. whether the programmes an applicant proposes to offer are indeed higher education. compliance with South African professional practice.
Financial sustainability
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The application must provide evidence that the institution is financially sustainable. Financial sustainability refers to an institution’s ability to financially sustain its programme offerings, maintain operational continuity and meet its financial obligations to students. A further requirement is that an applicant must submit proof that it has established financial surety or guarantees. Compliance with health and safety regulations An applicant must provide evidence that it complies with regulations relating to the health and safety of persons on all its sites of delivery.
Outcome of an application for registration
The evaluation of an application for registration as a private higher education institution has three possible outcomes: i)
In the case of an applicant that has fulfilled all the requirements for registration, the registrar grants registration in terms of section 54(1)(c) of the Act. In terms of section 60 of the Act, the registrar has the right to attach conditions to the registration. ii)
Provisional registration
The registrar grants provisional registration if an applicant has not fulfilled all the requirements for registration. The registrar must, however, have reason to believe that the applicant will fulfil the requirements within a reasonable period. Provisional registration is granted in terms of section 54(3) of the Act. In terms of section 60 of the Act, the registrar has the right to attach conditions to provisional registration. iii)
Declining application for registration
The registrar may decide to decline the application for registration as a private higher institution, in accordance with section 54 (2)(b) of the Act. Reasons for declining an application can include the following:
Failure to meet the eligibility criteria. ‐ 6 ‐
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Failure to meet quality assurance requirements and maintain acceptable standards. Failure to meet the financial viability requirement. Failure to comply with health and safety regulations. Failure to satisfy the registrar that the registration of the applicant will be in the interests of the higher education system and the general public.
The responsibility of a registered institution
The responsibilities of a registered institution are stipulated in Chapter 6 of the Regulations. A summary of these responsibilities is provided below.
i) ii) iii) iv) v)
Maintaining registration through continuing to comply with the requirements of the Act and the conditions of registration. Reporting any changes in information submitted to the registrar. Reporting loss of any physical facility, supporting service that may have consequences for the provision of programmes. Displaying the registration certificate conspicuously on the premises. Publishing at least once a year a prospectus, calendar or brochure. Amongst other things, the prospectus must feature information on the managers of the institution, its academic staff, admission requirements and procedures, rules relating to assessment and academic credit accumulation and progression, fees and charges, student support services and student financial aid. vi) Keeping a comprehensive record of the academic achievement of each student enrolled. vii) Making available transcripts of academic records and certificates on request. viii) Ensuring accurate advertising and making no false, fraudulent or misleading statements. ix) Submitting to the registrar an annual report on or before 30 April of each year. x) On cancellation of registration, informing students, issuing students with copies of records of academic achievements, reimburse students and make arrangements for them to complete their studies at comparable public or private institutions. 5)
Cancellation of registration
In terms of section 62 of the Act, the registrar has the right to cancel the registration of an institution. Regulation 19(1) and (2) determines that the registrar must cancel the registration or provisional registration of an institution if:
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the institution ceases to provide higher education as defined in the Act, meet eligibility criteria, fulfil the requirements for registration, comply with conditions of registration or operate all its registered programmes. ii) the institution provides fraudulent, false or misleading information to the registrar or to the public. iii) the institution is liquidated. iv) the owner or directors are convicted of an offence in terms of section 66 of the Act.
If the registrar decides to cancel the registration or provisional registration of a private higher education institution, section 63 of the Act and regulation 19(3) prescribe that the registrar observe the following procedures:
Communicate to the institution his intention cancel its registration and state the reasons. Publish the intention to cancel by notice. Grant the institution and any other interested persons an opportunity to make representations in relation to the expressed intention to cancel. Consider the representations made by the private higher education institution and other interested persons. Publish the final determination, with reasons.
Lapsing of Provisional Registration If a provisionally registered institution fails to comply with the requirements of registration within the period determined by the Registrar in terms of section 54(4)(a) of the Act, that institution’s provisional registration will lapse in terms of section 54(6)(b) of the Act.
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Listed in this category are private higher education institutions that are granted registration in terms of section 54(1)(c) of the Act. They have fulfilled the requirements for registration. WHERE APPLICABLE THE SITES OF DELIVERY WHERE THE PROGRAMMES MAY BE OFFERED ARE INDICATED BY LETTERS IN PARENTHESIS IN THE QUALIFICATIONS COLUMN
AAA School of Advertising (Pty) Ltd
A) Cape Town: 4th Floor Manhattan Place, 130 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001. B) Johannesburg: 1st Floor Bond Street Centre, Corner Braam Fisher and Bond Street, Kensington B, Randburg, 2194.
CONTACT PERSON: Dr C L Koekemoer Principal (011) 781-2772(T) (011) 781-2796(F) P O Box 2289 PARKLANDS 2121
QUALIFICATONS a) Diploma in Copywriting [A,B] b) Diploma in Visual Communication [A,B] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) c) Diploma in Marketing Communication [A,B] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) d) Bachelor of Arts (Marketing Communication) [A,B](HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) e) Bachelor of Arts (Creative Brand Communication)(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
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Academy for Facilities Management (Pty) Ltd (A4FM)
Pretoria: 86 Graskop Road,
Higher Certificate in Facilities Management
Johannesburg: SABC Radio Park,
a) b) c) d) e)
Waterkloof Heights, Pretoria, 0181.
(HEQSF aligned: Distance)
CONTACT PERSON: Ms E Kaszas Administrator (012) 460 8908(T) (011) 347 6529(F)
86 Graskop Road WATERKLOOF HEIGHTS 0181 Academy of Sound Engineering (Pty) Ltd
Henley Road, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2001.
CONTACT DETAILS: Mr Timothy Kraft Managing Director
(011) 482 9200/ 714 4314(T) (011) 482 9203(F)
Diploma in Sound Engineering Higher Certificate in Audio Technology Diploma in Audio Technology Diploma in Television & Screen Media Higher Certificate in Television & Screen Media Bachelor of Science in Sound Engineering Technology
PO Box 291246 MELLVILLE 2109
AFM Theological College (NPC)
Johannesburg: 55 Richmond Avenue, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2000.
a) Higher Certificate in Youth Work b) Higher Certificate in Pastoral Counselling c) Diploma in Theology d)Bachelor of Theology (HEQSF aligned 360 credits : Mixed Mode)
CONTACT PERSON: Pastor TJ Skhosana Co-ordinator ‐ 10 ‐
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(011) 726 7029 (T) (011) 726 8366 (F) Private Bag X75 AUCKLAND PARK 2092 5.
Afrikaanse Protestantse Akademie (Die) NPC
A) Pretoria: 430 Farenden Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0001. B) Germiston: 8 Cachet Road, Lambton, Germiston, 1401.
Randburg: 260 Oak Avenue,
a) Bachelor of Arts [A,B] b) Bachelor of Theology [A,B] (HEQSF aligned - 360 Credits: Mixed Mode) c) Bachelor of Psychology [A,B] (HEQSF aligned - 480 Credits: Mixed Mode)
CONTACT PERSON: Prof S D Nel Registrar (012) 344-3960(T) (012) 344-5480(F) P O Box 11488 HATFIELD 0028 6.
Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa (The) (Association incorporated under section 21)
Randburg, 2194.
a) b) c) d) e)
Certificate in Ministry Certificate in Theology Diploma in Theology Bachelor of Theology Master of Theology
CONTACT PERSON: Rev G Talbot Registrar (011) 886-0421(T) (011) 886-0453(F) ‐ 11 ‐
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P O Box 50710 RANDBURG 2194 Belgium Campus I NPC
Pretoria: 6th Avenue, 138 Heatherdale,
A) Orange Grove: 247 Louis Botha
Akasia, Pretoria, 0001. CONTACT PERSON: Mr E M Jacobs Director
a) Diploma in Information Technology (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) b) Bachelor of Computing (HEQSF Aligned 480 credits: Contact Mode)
(012) 542-3114(T) (012) 542-1617(F) P O Box 60782 KARENPARK 0118 8.
Boston City Campus and Business College (Pty) Ltd
Avenue, Orchards, 2192, Johannesburg.
a) Certificate in HIV/Aids Counselling and Management (HEQSF Aligned : Distance Mode) b) Diploma in Financial Accounting (HEQSF Aligned 374 credits: Distance Mode)
(011) 551 2000 (T) (011) 485-4591 (F)
c) Bachelor of Commerce in Management Marketing
Postnet Norwood Suite 287 P O Box X 5 NORWOOD 2117 9.
Boston Media House (Pty) Ltd
A) Pretoria: 716 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001. B) Umhlanga: Ground Floor,
a) Diploma in Media Practices [A,B,C] b) Bachelor of Business Administration in Media Operations Management [C] ‐ 12 ‐
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CONTACT PERSON: Mr Ari Katz CEO (011) 551 2000(T) (011) 485 4591(F)
Postnet Norwood Suite 287 Private Bag X5 NORWOOD 2117 Camelot International Pty (Ltd) CONTACT PERSON: Mrs M L Kleine Head (011) 880-3850(T) (011) 880-9209(F) P O Box 1090 PARKLANDS 2121
Cape Town Baptist Seminary NPC
Umhlanga Plaza, 4 Lagoon Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. C) Sandton: Sandton Terraces, 137 Eleventh Street, Parkmore, Sandton, 2000.
A) Houghton: 7 Eleventh Avenue, Corner Seventh Street, Houghton, 2198 B) East Rand: 180 Madely Rd, Dayanglen, Boksburg, 1459. C) Rustenburg: 39 Heystek Street, Rusternburg, 0300. D) Bloemfontein: 45 President Steyn Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9300. E) Centurion: 58 Henri Road (Corner Saxby), Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0046. F) Cape Town: Gihan Building, 1st Floor, Corner Sportica and Bill Bezuidenhout Road, Tyger Valley, 7800. G) Durban: 26 Chacely Palace, Morningside, Durban, 4001.
Athlone: 52-64 Tarentaal Road,
Bridgetown, Athlone, Cape Town, 7764.
a) Diploma in Holistic and Natural Therapies
[A,B,C,D,E,F and G]
b) Diploma in Health and Skincare Therapy
[A,B,C,D,E,F and G]
c) Diploma in Therapeutic Reflexology
[A,B,C,D,E,F and G]
d) Diploma in Therapeutic Aromatherapy
[A,B,C,D,E,F and G]
e) Diploma in Therapeutic Massage
[A,B,C,D,E,F and G]
Western Cape a) b)
Bachelor of Theology (HEQSF aligned 480 Credits: Mixed Mode) Bachelor of Ministry (HEQSF aligned 480 Credits: Mixed Mode) ‐ 13 ‐
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CONTACT PERSON: Rev Garth Aziz Registrar: Administration (021) 637-9020(T) (021) 637-2626(F) P O Box 38473 Gatesville CAPE TOWN 7766 12.
Centre for Creative Education/Iziko La Bantu Be Afrika NPC
Cape Town: McGregor House, 4
Western Cape 1) Certificate in Early Childhood Development
Durban: 201 Salbany House, 50
KwaZulu Natal
(HEQSF Aligned : Contact Mode) 2) Diploma in Early Childhood Development 3) Bachelor of Education (Foundation and Intermediate Phases) 4) Bachelor of Arts (Dance)
Victoria Road, Plumstead, 7801.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr W van der Velden Principal (021) 797-6802(T) (021) 797-7095(F) PO Box 280 PLUMSTEAD 7801 13.
Centre for Fine Art Animation & Design (Pty) Ltd
Albany Grove, Durban, 4001.
Diploma in Multimedia (HEQSF aligned 360 Credits: Contact Mode)
CONTACT PERSON: Dr N Soobben CEO ‐ 14 ‐
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(031) 240 8402 (T) (031) 207 9032 (F)
183 Cowey Road BEREA 4001 Centurion Akademie (Edms)Bpk/Centurion Academy (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mrs M du Plessis Manager: Quality Assurance (012) 648 9700(T) (012) 648 9763(F) P O Box 10200 CENTURION 0046
A) Centurion: Centurion Akademie Building, Bank Road (Between South Street and Heuwel Street) Centurion City Centre (North), Centurion, 0157. B) Klerksdorp: Corner of Margaretha Prinsloo and Kerksdorp, Klerksdorp,2571. C) Bellville: Bellville Business Park, DJ Wood Way, Bellville, 7533.
a) Higher Certificate in Nature Management [A,B] b) Higher Certificate in Administration [A,B] c) Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Development [A, C] d) Diploma in Electronic Engineering [A] e) Diploma in Marketing and Public Relations [A,B] f) Diploma in Nature Management [A,B,C] g) Diploma in Tourism Management [A,B] h) Diploma in Hospitality Management [A,B] i) Diploma in Administrative Management [A,B] j) Diploma in Computer Programming [A] k) Diploma in Computer Technology [A] l) Diploma in Entrepreneurial Studies [A] m) Diploma in Sports and Recreation Management [A,B] n) Diploma in Somatology [A,C] o) Diploma in Graphic Web Development and Multimedia [A] p) Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management [A,B,C] q) Advanced Diploma in Sports Management [A,B,C] r) Advanced Diploma in Somatology [A] s) Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management [A,B]
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Christ Baptist Church Seminary NPC
Polokwane: 375 Marshall Street,
a) Higher Certificate in Theology (HEQSF aligned: Mode) b) Diploma in Theology (HEQSF aligned 360: Mode) c) Bachelor of Theology (Non-HEQSF aligned)
Bronkhorstspruit: Holding 3, Verster 2002/HE08/002
a) Diploma in Pastoral Theology b) Bachelor of Theology (HEQSF aligned 360 Credits: Contact Mode)
Johannesburg: 54 Commissioner
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Polokwane, 0700.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr C Wren Seminary Administrator (015) 296 9920 (T) (015) 296 9959 (F) PO Box 857 FAUNAPARK 0787
Christian Reformed Theological Seminary/Christelike Gereformeerde Teologie Seminarium NPC
Park, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020.
CONTACT PERSON: Rev L Visser Administrative Registrar (013) 932 2562(T) (086) 505 0386(F)
P O Box 784 BRONKHORSTSPRUIT 1020 CIDA City Campus
Street, Johannesburg, 2000. (Association incorporated under section 21)
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CONTACT PERSON: Mr T Makume Registrar (011) 887 4495(T) (011) 440 8952/083 626 1712 (F) P O Box 890341 LYNDHURST 2106 18.
City Varsity t/a Film & Television & Multimedia School CONTACT PERSON: Prof GN Beard (031) 713 3808(T) (031) 713 3808( F)
A) Cape Town: 32 Kloof Street Gardens, Cape Town, 8001. B) Johannesburg: 39 Gwi Gwi Mrwebi Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, 2000.
Western Cape a) Higher Certificate in Motion Picture MakeUp [A,B] ][ HEQSF Aligned: Contact Mode]
b) Higher Certificate in Journalism: Print and
Digital Media [A][ HEQSF Aligned: Contact Mode] Diploma in Professional Photography [A] Diploma in Fashion Design [A] Diploma in Multimedia Design and Production [A,B] Advanced Diploma in Multimedia Design and Production [A,B] Diploma in Sound Engineering [A,B][HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode] Advanced Diploma in Sound Engineering
Diploma in Professional Acting for Camera
c) d) e) f) g)
PO Box 37180 OVERPOORT Durban 4067
Advanced Diploma in Professional Acting for Camera [A] k) Diploma in Animation [A,B] l) Advanced Diploma in Animation and New Media [A,B][HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode] ‐ 17 ‐ j)
‐ 18 ‐ m) Diploma in Film and Television Production
Techniques [A,B]
n) Advanced Diploma in Film and Television
Production Techniques [A,B]
o) Bachelor of Arts in Film & Television
p) Bachelor of Arts in Professional Acting for
Camera [A,B]
College of Production Technology (Pty) Ltd
Benoni: Imbali Training Campus, 162
Diploma in Production Technology (HEQSF aligned-360 credits: Contact Mode)
Durban: 1st Floor, Chester House, 386
KwaZulu Natal
Diploma in Information Technology (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Diploma in PC Network Engineering HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Range View Road, Apex Industrial, Benoni, 1540.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr A T Greenwood Chief Executive (011) 425 0399 (T) (011) 425-0669(F)
P O Box 13261 NORTHMEAD 1511 Commerce and Computer College of South Africa (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr F Chohan Academic Head
West Street, Durban.
(031) 305 5718 (T) (031) 306 0181 (F) PO Box 37604 ‐ 18 ‐
‐ 19 ‐
OVERPORT 4067 21.
RS 23 Computer College South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Durban: 397 Smith Street, Durban,
KwaZulu Natal
Cape Town: 1 Glynn Street, Corner
Western Cape Diploma in Interactive Graphics (HEQSF
a) Certificate in Commerce and Computing b) Diploma in Information Technology
CONTACT PERSON: Mr R S Ramnath Chief Executive Officer (031) 306-8874(F) (031) 305-3889(T) P O Box 2358 DURBAN 4000 22.
Concept Interactive (Cape) Pty Ltd
Hope Street, Gardens, Cape Town, 8000.
aligned - 360 credits: Contact)
CONTACT PERSONS Ms C Vester Mr K Lenhardt (021) 461 3371 (T) (021) 086 519 7008 (F) Postnet Suite 344 Postnet X18 RONDEBOSCH 7701
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Cornerstone Christian College NPC
Cape Town: 11Lansdowne Road,
Western Cape a)
Higher Certificate in Community Counselling (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Community Development (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) c) Higher Certificate in Christian Ministry (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode)
Cape Town, 8001.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs C De Wet Registrar (021)448-0050(T) (021) 447-6257(F)
Higher Certificate in Business Studies (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) e) Higher Certificate in Interior Design and Decoration(HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) f) Advanced Diploma in Teaching (Intermediate Phase) g) Bachelor of Theology in Community Leadership (HEQSF aligned - 360 Credits: Distance Mode) h) Bachelor of Arts i) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Psychology)
P O Box 13434 OBSERVATORY 7705
Cranefield College (Pty) Ltd t/a Cranefield College of Project and Programme Management CONTACT PERSON: Dr Pieter van Dyk Registrar
Midrand: MBA Conference Center, 234 Alexandra Road, Midrand, 1725.
a) b) c)
Advanced Certificate in Project Management Advanced Diploma in Project Management Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management d) Master of Commerce in Project Management e) Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce and Administration
(012) 807-3990(T) (012) 807-5559(F) PO Box 70591 Die Wilgers 0041 ‐ 20 ‐
‐ 21 ‐
CTI Education Group (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr T Magabane Director (011) 467- 8422 (T) (011) 467- 8477 (F) P O Box 1398 RANDBURG 2125
A) Bedfordview: 2nd Floor, 14 Skeen 2004/HE07/004 Boulevard, Bedfordview, 2008. B) Randburg: 6 Hunter Avenue, Randburg, 2194. C) Vanderbijlpark:: Building 2, Cnr Rutherford and Frkkie Mayer Boulevards, Vanbijlpark,1990. D) Pretoria: Menlyn Corporate Park, Building A, 175 Corobay Avenue, Corner Garsfontein, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria, 0181. E) Potchefstroom: 12 Esselin Street, Die Bult, Potchefstroom, 2522. F) Nelspruit: Orchards /Village, Corner N1 & Muller Street, Nelspruit, 1206. G) Durban: 59-61 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North, 4067. H) Cape Town: The Brookside Building, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, 7740. I) East London: 6 Stewart Drive, Berea, East London, 5241. J) Port Elizabeth: 1st Floor, Building 3, Ascot Office Park, Cnr, Ascot and Connyngham Roads, Greenacres, 6056. K) Kaapzicht: 9 Rodgers Street, Tygervalley, 7550. L) Bloemfontein: 1st Floor Tourist Centre, 60 Park Avenue, Willows, Bloemfontein, 9301.
a) Higher Certificate in Information Systems (Software Development) [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L](HEQSF aligned: b)
e) f) g)
Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Information Systems (Internet Development) [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L] ](HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode)
Higher Certificate in Information Systems (Engineering Development) [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L] ](HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Information Technology in Information Systems [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L] ](HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Business Management
[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L] ](HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Commerce [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L] ](HEQSF aligned 360
credits: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Science (Information Technology)
[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L] ](HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
‐ 21 ‐
‐ 22 ‐
Damelin (Pty) Ltd
A) Randburg: Corner Malibongwe
CONTACT PERSON: Prof Paul Beard Academic Director (031) 251 9300 (T) (031) 208 5822 (F)
C) D)
92 Overport Drive Juniper House 4th Floor OVERPORT Durban 4067
F) G) H) I) J) K) L) M)
N) O)
Drive & Republic Road, Randburg, 2194. Braamfontein: Corner Simmonds & De Korte Streets, Braamfontein, 3132. Westridge: 115 Jan Smuts Highway, Durban, 4000. Boksburg: 224 Jacob Street, Boksburg, 1459. Centurion: 270 Witchhazel Avenue, Ecoboulevard and Ecopark,0001 Menlyn: 15 Kirlin Place, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0001. Mowbray: 12 Liesbeck Parkway, Mowbray, Cape Town, 8000. Port Elizabeth: 10th Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6065. Bramley: 41 Glen Road, Bramley, Johannesburg, 2000. Pretoria: City of Tshwane, 273 Andries Street, Pretoria, 0001. Durban: 325 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000. Cape Town: 68 St George's Mall, Cape Town, 8000. Pietermaritz: 257 Church Street, Compen Building, Pietermaritzburg,3201. East London: 91 Western Avenue, Eastern, 5241. Vaal: Corner of Market and
KwaZulu Natal
a) Diploma in Marketing Management
b) Diploma in Human Resource Management
[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,L, M,N,O,P]
c) Diploma in Public Administration
d) Diploma in Public Relations
e) Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies f)
[A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O.P] Diploma in Office Management
g) Diploma in Information Technology
[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O, P]
h) Diploma in Financial Accounting i) j)
Diploma in Travel and Tourism
Diploma in Business Management
[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O, P]
k) Diploma in Photography
Diploma in Sound Technology
m) Diploma in Media and Graphic Design
n) Higher Certificate in PC Engineering
o) Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Business Management [A,B,C,D,F,G,H] p) Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
q) Bachelor of Commerce in Information ‐ 22 ‐
‐ 23 ‐ Management [A,B,C,D,F,G,H]
Voortrekker Street, Vaal, 2621. P) Bloemfontein: 88 Maitland Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. 27.
Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management (Pty) Ltd
Johannesburg: 15/16 Antwerp
a) Certificate in Management of Technology and Innovation b) Diploma in Management of Technology and Innovation c) Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management d) Master of Science in Management of Technology and Innovation e) PhD in Management of Technology and Innovation
A) Durban: DCC House, 12-18 Oldwell Court, 384 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. B) Durban: 369 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. C) Durban: 374 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. D) Durban: 375 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
KwaZulu Natal
a) Certificate in Business Computing
Road, Modderfontein, Johannesburg, 2001.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr PJS Swanepoel Chief Operating Officer (011) 579 4409 (T) (011) 6081332 (F) P O Box 1045 RIVONIA 2125
Durban Computer College (Pty) Ltd t/a DCC Campus CONTACT PERSON: Dr P.D Joubert Academic Head (031) 304-2007(T) (031) 307-3412(F) P O Box 48538 QUALBERT 4001
b) Certificate in Hospitality Management [A] c) Certificate in Travel Operations [A] d) Certificate in Computers and Administration
e) Diploma in Tourism Management [A] f) Diploma in Catering Management [A] g) Diploma in Human Resource Management [A](240 credits) h) Diploma in Human Resource Management [A](HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) i) Diploma in Accounting [A,B,C,D] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) j) Diploma in Information Technology [A,B,C,D] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) k) Diploma in PC and Networking Technician ‐ 23 ‐
‐ 24 ‐
[A,B,C,D] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) l) Diploma in Public Relations [A]HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Durbanville College (Pty) Ltd Durbanville: No.2, The Crescent, Durbanville, 7550. CONTACT PERSON : Mr P G Smit Principal
Western Cape
a) Diploma in Computer Programming b) Diploma in Travel and Tourism c) Diploma in Marketing Management and Entrepreneurship
KwaZulu Natal
a) Certificate in Pre-school Education [A,B] (HEQSF Aligned : Contact Mode) b) Diploma in Pre-school and Foundation Phase Teacher assistant [A,B] m) Bachelor of Education Foundation Phase [A,B] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Eastern Cape
a) b) c) d)
(021) 975-1038(T) (086) 539 1242 (F)
P O Box 1668 DURBANVILLE 3551 Embury Institute for Teacher A) Durban: 61 Henwood Road, Education (Pty) Ltd Morningside, Durban, 4001 B) Durban: 119 Lilian Ngoyi Road, CONTACT PERSON: Morningside, Durban, 4001 Mr J Human Principal (031) 303-7390(T) (031) 303-7391(F)
Private Bag X5 DALBRIDGE 4014 Ed-U City Campus (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON : Ms L M Niemann Chief Executive Officer
Port Elizabeth: Old Post Office
Building, North Union Street, Port Elizabeth, 6006.
Certificate in Tourism Diploma in Tourism Management Diploma in Public Relations Diploma in Information Technology (Technical Support) e) Diploma in Information Technology ‐ 24 ‐
‐ 25 ‐
(041) 585-2755(T) (041) 585-2195(F)
P O Box 12936 CENTRAHIL 6006 Empilweni Education (Pty) Ltd
(Programming) f) Diploma in Hospitality Management
Randburg: 307 Surrey Road,
Diploma in General Nursing
Exercise Teachers Academy (Pty) Ltd t/a ETA
A) Cape Town: WPCC Sports
Western Cape
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs L Halliday Managing Director
a) Higher Certificate in Fitness [A,B,C,D,E,F](HEQSF Aligned: Contact Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Coaching Science [A,B,C,D,E,F] HEQSF Aligned: Contact Mode) c) Higher Certificate in Sports, Recreation and Fitness Management [A,B,C,D,E,F] (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) d) Diploma in Fitness [A,B,C,D,E,F] e) Diploma in Coaching Science
Ferndale, Randburg, 2001.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs Magda van Zyl (011) 886 9150 (T) (011) 886 5982 (F) PO Box 131315 BRYANSTON 2021
(021) 671 1060(T) (021) 671 4813(F) D)
PO Box 694 RONDEBOSCH 7701
Centre, Avenue de Mist, Rondebosch, 7700. Durban: Pinetown Boy’s High School, 18 Prospect Road, Pinetown, 3610. Johannesburg: Randburg Sports Complex, Malibongwe Drive, Randburg, 2194. Pretoria: Sax Building, Southdown, John Vorster Road, Irene, Centurion, Pretoria. Stellenbosch: 2nd Floor, The Vineyard Centre, Corner Adam Tas & Devonvalley Road, Stellenbosch,
f) Diploma in Sports, Recreation and Fitness Management [A,B,C,D,E,F)
‐ 25 ‐
‐ 26 ‐
F) Bloemfontein: Old Grey Sports
Club,Att Horak Street, Willows, Bloemfontein, 9301.
FEDISA (Pty) Ltd
A. Cape Town: 81 Church Street, Cape Town, 8001.
2007/ HE07/001
Western Cape Bachelor of Arts Fashion Design
A) Erasmuskloof: Castle Walk,
CONTACT PERSON: Mr G Bird Chief Operating Officer Director: Admission & Operation (021) 425 5810 (T) (021) 425 5812 (F) PO Box 503 Sea Point CAPE TOWN 8060 35.
Foundation for Professional Development (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr Anton Le Grange Managing Director
Block F, Nossob Street, Erasmuskloof, 0048. B) Pretoria: Struland Office Park, East Block, 173 Mary Street, The Willows, 0184.
a) Higher Certificate in Practice Management [A,B](HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Risk Assessment and Management [A,B](HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode)
(012) 816-9000(T) (012) 086 559 4673(F)
P O Box 75324 LYNNWOOD RIDGE 0040 South Africa
d) Advanced Certificate in Health Management [A,B](HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) e)
Advanced Certificate in Management [A,B](HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode)
Higher Certificate in Management [A,B](HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) ‐ 26 ‐
‐ 27 ‐ f)
Advanced Diploma in Aestheitc Medicine
Diploma in Risk Assessment and Management [A,B]
h) Diploma in Advanced Health Management
George Whitefield College NPC
Postgraduate Diploma in General Practice
Cape Town: 36 Beach Road,
Western Cape a) Certificate in Theology
Greenside: 118 Greenway, Greenside,
b) Bachelor of Theology
Muizenberg, 7950, Cape Town.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr A Beckman Registrar: Academic (021) 788 – 1652 (T) (021) 788 - 1662 (F) PO Box 64 MUIZENBERG 7950 37.
Greenside Design Center College of Design (Pty) Ltd t/a Design Center College of Design CONTACT PERSON: Mrs Kathryn Pope Quality Assurance Facilitator
a) Bachelor of Arts (HEQSF aligned Mode) b) Bachelor of Arts (HEQSF aligned Mode)
in Graphic Design 360 credits: Contact in Interior Design 360 credits: Contact
c) Bachelor of Arts Multimedia Design (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) ‐ 27 ‐
‐ 28 ‐
(011) 646-1984(T) (011) 646-6165(F)
d) Bachelor of Arts Honours in Multimedia Design (Non-HEQSF aligned) e) Bachelor of Arts Honours in Interior Design (Non-HEQSF aligned) f) Bachelor of Arts Honours in Graphic Design (Non-HEQSF aligned)
P O Box 84190 GREENSIDE 2034 38.
Global School of Theology (External Company incorporated in Missouri, USA)
Roodepoort: 030 Corner of Van Wyk 2004/HF10/01
a) Diploma in Religious Studies b) Bachelor of Arts in Christian Theology (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) c) Master of Arts
A) Rivonia: Unit 4, Rivonia Village,
Diploma in Exercise Science [A,B]
& Penbroke Streets, Roodepoort, 1725.
CONTACT PERSON: Dr T Hosch National Director 011) 760-1549(T) (011) 760-1560(F) PO Box 952 ROODEPOORT 1725
Health and Fitness Professionals Academy (Pty) Ltd
Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, 2128.
B) Claremont: 11 Lansdowne Road,
Deloitten Building, Claremont, 7708.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr P Mills Principal (011) 807-9673(T) (011) 234-3333(F) P O Box 2075 RIVONIA 2128 ‐ 28 ‐
‐ 29 ‐
Healthnicon SA (Pty) Ltd
Pretoria: 153 Grant street,
Slaterville: Plot 7, Sports Road,
a) Certificate in Theology (HEQSF Aligned : Distance Mode) b) Diploma in Theology c) Bachelor in Theology
Helderberg: Helderberg College Road,
Western Cape
a) Diploma in Office Administration b) Diploma in Business Management (Accounting)(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) c) Diploma in Business Management
Queenswood, Pretoria. CONTACT PERSON: Ms S Geyer Director
Diploma in General Nursing (NonHEQSF aligned -256 credits: Mixed mode)
(012) 333-5046 (T) (012) 333-3841 (F) PO Box 12939 QUEENSWOOD Pretoria 0121
Hebron Theological College NPC
Slaterville, 1512.
CONTACT PERSON: Dr J R Fawcett Principal (011) 965-1252(T) (011) 965-0232(F) P O Box 11118 RYNFIELD 1514 42.
Helderberg College NPC
Somerset West, 7130. CONTACT DETAILS: Prof P Shongwe Head
‐ 29 ‐
‐ 30 ‐ (021) 850-75203(T) (021) 086 550 4624(F)
f) g) h) i)
(Management)(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Business Management (Marketing)(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting) Bachelor of Business Administration (Management) (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Arts (Communication) Bachelor of Arts (Theology) Bachelor of Arts (History)
j) Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies) k) Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Henley Business School Limited (Association incorporated in the United Kingdom)
Master of Business Administration(MBA)
Office Park, Building A, 1 Witkoppen, Paulshof, 2001.
Previously: Henley Management College (Association incorporated in the United Kingdom)
CONTACT PERSON: Mr F Acheampong Academic Director (011) 808 0864 (T) (011) 808 0899 (F) PO Box 2890 SUNNINGHILL 2157 ‐ 30 ‐
‐ 31 ‐
ICESA City Campus (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Professor Beard Group Chief Academic Officer
A) Durban: 563 Smith Street,
Durban, 4000.
B) Pietermaritzburg: 426
KwaZulu Natal
Langalibalele Street (Longmarket Street), Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
(031) 251 9300 (T) (031) 251 5822 (F) P O Box 37180 Overport Durban 4067
a) Higher Certificate in Computer Technical Support [A,B][HEQSF Aligned : Contact Mode] b) Diploma in Public Management and Administration [A,B][HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance/Contact Mode] c) Diploma in Travel and Tourism [A,B] [HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode] d) Diploma in Information Technology [A,B] [HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode] e) Diploma in Accounting [A,B] [HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode] f) Diploma in Journalism [A,B] g) Diploma in Public Relations [A,B][HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode] h) Diploma in Business Management [A,B] i) Diploma in Marketing Management[A,B] j) Diploma in Human Resource Management
k) Diploma in Executive Secretarial Computer Studies [A,B]
IHT Hotel School (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms Zanette Swart Manager
Bellville: First Floor, Bellville Mall,
Western Cape a) Diploma in Hospitality Management
Richmond: Atlas Studios, 33 Frost
Cnr Bill Bezuidenhout and Strand Street, Bellville,7536.
(021) 948-0664 (T) (021) 948-0574 (F)
PO Box 6682 WELGEMOED 7538 IMM Graduate School of
Higher Certificate in Marketing(HEQSF ‐ 31 ‐
‐ 32 ‐
Marketing (Pty) Ltd
Avenue, Corner Owl Street, Braamfontein, 2092.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr N C Tattersall Chief Executive Officer
c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
(011) 628- 2000(T) (011) 726-4505 (F) P O Box 91820 AUCKLANDPARK 2006
j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q)
Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd (The) (The following institutions are sites of delivery) : 1. Rosebank College 2. College Campus
A) Braamfontein: 46 Juta 2007/HE07/002 Street, Corner Station Road and 2 Station Street, Braamfontein, 2001. B) Randburg: 1 Renaissance Place, 444 Jan Smuts Avenue, Bordeaux, Randburg, 2194. C) Port Elizabeth: 1st Floor,
aligned : Distance Mode) Higher Certificate in Export Management (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) Certificate in Retail Marketing Certificate in Sales Management Diploma in Marketing Diploma in Advertising Diploma in Marketing Research Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing Communications) Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing) Diploma in Marketing Management (HEQSF aligned -360 credits: Distance Mode) Diploma in Export Management HEQSF aligned -360 credits: Distance Mode) Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) (Marketing Management) Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing Management) HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Marketing & Management Science Master of Philosophy in Marketing HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode)
1) Certificate in Office and Computing Studies [A, E, H,L] 2) Certificate in Computer Technical Support [A, E, H,L] 3) Certificate in Construction and Engineering Drafting [A, E, H,L] 4) Certificate in Secretarial Studies [A, C,
E, H,L]
‐ 32 ‐
‐ 33 ‐
3. Varsity College 4. Vega, The School of Brand Communications 5. The Design School Southern Africa CONTACT DETAILS: Mrs S Ferndale Registrar (011) 676 8021 (F) (011) 783 2574 (T) PO Box 2369 RANDBURG 2125
Mercantile Bank Plaza, Ring Road, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6045. D) Pretoria: MidCity Square, Corner Jorissen Street and Johnston Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002. E) Pretoria: 239 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 001. F) Pretoria: 116 Clearwater Road, Corner Clearwater and Glenwood Roads, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. G) Durban: Grideye Office Park, 16 Imvubu Park Place, Imvubu Drive, Riverhorse, Durban, 4000. H) Durban: 4th Floor West Towers, 331 Dr Pixley KaSeme Street, Durban, 4001. I) Durban-North: Corner Glenwood Old Boys Club, 12 Radar Drive, Durban-North, 4051. J) Durban-Westville: 1 Link Road, Corner Link and St James Avenue, Westville, 3630. K) Cape Town: 11 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8000. L) Cape Town: 7th Floor, Rosebank College House, 44 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. M) Cape Town: Varsity Place, Belmont Office Park, Belmont Road, Rondebosch, 7700.
Certificate in Business Computing [C,
Certificate in Management Principles
7) 8) 9)
D, F, I, J, M, N, O,P]
[C,D, F, I, J, M, N, O ]
Certificate in Computer Engineering [C,
D, F, I, J, L, M, N, O, P]
Certificate in Executive Secretarial Studies [C,D, F, I, J, M, N, O] Higher Certificate in Photography [B,
G, K, D]
10) Higher Certificate in Business Principles and Practice [A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J,
L, M, N, O, P, Q ]
11) Higher Certificate in Office Administration [A, C, ,D, E, F, H,
I, J, L, M, N, O, P]
12) Higher Certificate in Call Centre Operations [A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J,
L,M, N, O]
13) Higher Certificate in Information Technology in Support Services [A, C,
D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
14) Higher Certificate in Information Technology in Business Applications [A,
C, D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P]
15) Higher Certificate in Sports Coaching
[A, C, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, Q]
16) Higher Certificate in Event Management
[A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q] 17) Higher Certificate in Journalism [A, C, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, Q] 18) Higher Certificate in Bookkeeping [A,
‐ 33 ‐
‐ 34 ‐
N) Pietermaritzburg: St Charles’ College, Harwin Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. O) Sandton: 1 Waterstone Drive, Off Benmore Road, Benmore Gardens, Sandton, 2196. Auckland P) Johannesburg: Park, The Curatio Building, No 3 Annette Road, Auckland Park, 2006. Q) Midrand: 11 Janadel Avenue, Riverview Business Park, Midrand, 1682. R) Pretoria: Brooklyn Design Square, Veale Street, ERF 415, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0001. S) Sandton: Main Site: AdvTech House, Building 3, Block 7 Inanda Greens, 54 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196.
C, D, E, H, F, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
19) Higher Certificate in Art and Design
[B, G, R]
20) Higher Certificate in Brand Building Practice [B, D, G, K] 21) Higher Certificate in Creative Development [B, D, G, K] 22) Higher Certificate in Human Resource Practices [A, D, E,H,P] 23) Higher Certificate in Fashion Merchandising [Main Site: S
24) Advanced Certificate in Professional Photography [B, D, G, K] 25) Advanced Certificate in Information Technology in Support Services [A, C,
D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q (Contact)]
26) Advanced Certificate in Information Technology in Support Services [Main
Site: S (Distance)]
27) Advanced Certificate in Web Development [D,P] 28) Advanced Diploma in Brand Innovation
[B, D, G, K]
29) Diploma in Communications Management [B, D, G, K] 30) Diploma in Programming [A, E, H,L] 31) Diploma in Internet Engineering [A,
E, H,L]
32) Diploma in Business Management [A,
E, H,L]
33) Diploma in Business Information Technology [A, E, H,L] 34) Diploma in Graphic Design and Web ‐ 34 ‐
‐ 35 ‐
Development [A, C, D, E, H, L,P] 35) Diploma in Accounting and Financial Computing [A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J,
L, M, N, O, P]
36) Diploma in International Travel
[A,C,D, E,F, H,I, J, L, M, N, O, P]
37) Diploma in Tourism and Tour Operations [A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J,
L, M, N, O, P]
38) Diploma in Advertising Management
[A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P] 39) Diploma in Journalism [A, C, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O] 40) Diploma in Sport Management [A, C, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O ] 41) Diploma in Public Relations [A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
SAQA ID: 58694) 42) Diploma in Public Relations [A, C, D,
E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
SAQA ID: 88523) 43) Diploma in Marketing Management
[A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P]
44) Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship [C,D, F, I, J, L,
M, N O, P]
45) Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management [A, C, D, E, F, H, I,
J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
46) Diploma in Information Technology in Network Management [A, C, D, E,
F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
47) Diploma in Information Technology in ‐ 35 ‐
‐ 36 ‐
Software Development [A, C, D, E, F,
H, I, J, L M, N, O, P, Q]
48) Diploma in Information Technology (Networking) [C, D, F, I, J, M, N,
O, P]
49) Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) [C,D, F, I, J, L, M,
N, O, P]
50) Diploma in Information Technology (Management) [A, C, D, E, F, H, I,
J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
51) Diploma in Integrated Brand Communications [B, D, G, K] 52) Diploma in Sport Development and Management [A, C, E, F, H, I, J, L,
M, N, O, Q]
53) Diploma in Information Technology in Web Development [A, C, D, E, F,
H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P]
54) Diploma in Computer-based Graphic Development [A, C, D, E, F, H, I,
J, L, M, N, O, P]
55) Diploma in Commerce in Business Management [A, C, D, E, F, H, I,
J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, S]
56) Diploma in Commerce in Marketing Management [A, C, D, E, F, H, I,
J, L, M, N, O, P, Q]
57) Diploma in Journalism Studies [A, C,
E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, Q] 58) Diploma in Business Accounting [A, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P,Q, S] 59) Diploma in Human Resource Management practice [A, C, D, E, H,
L, P]
‐ 36 ‐
‐ 37 ‐
60) Postgraduate Diploma in Brand Contact Management [B, G, K] 61) Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education [Distance Education] (Main Site: S) 62) Postgraduate Diploma in Investment Banking ( Distance) (Main Site: S) 63) Bachelor of Arts Honours in Creative Brand Communication [B,G.K]Previously registered as Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Communications Management) 64) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Brand Leadership) [B, G, K, D] 65) Bachelor of Arts in Creative Brand Communication [B, G, K, D] previously registered as Bachelor of Arts (Communications Management) 66) Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design [B,
G, R] 67) Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design [B,
G, R] 68) Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design [B,
G, R] 69) Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication [C, F, I, J, M, N, ‐ 37 ‐
‐ 38 ‐
O, Q] 70) Bachelor of Commerce [C,F, I, J, M,
N, O, Q, S] 71)Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing [B, D, G, K, P] 72)
Digital in
[C,F,I,J,M,N,O,Q] 73) Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality Management [C,F, I, J,
M, N, O, Q] 74) Bachelor of Information Technology in Business Systems [D, P] 75) Bachelor of Business Administration (Main Site:S)(Distance) 76) Bachelor of Business Administration in Brand Buildingts and Management [B,D,G,K] (Previously registered as Bachelor of Arts in Brand Building and Management ) 77) Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Brand Communication [B,D,G,K] 78) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design [B,R] 79) Master of Arts in Creative Brand Leadership [B, K] ‐ 38 ‐
‐ 39 ‐
Inscape Education Group (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr R Edmonds Director (011) 327- 2002 (T) (011) 447-7054 (F) P O Box 87605 HOUGHTON
A) Pretoria: 431 Atterbury Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0001. B) Johannesburg: 1 Cecil Avenue, Corner Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate, Johannesburg, 2001. C) Cape Town: 302 The Armoury, Buchanan Square, 160 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7925. D) Durban:106 Montepelier Road, Morningside, Durban, 4000.
d) e) f)
International Academy of Health and Skincare (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms M Grewe Chief Executive Officer
a) Higher Certificate in Architectural Technology [A,B,C,D] b) Higher Certificate in Fashion Design[A,B,C,D] c) Higher Certificate in Interior Design
A) Cape Town: 2nd Floor, Federal Building, Tulbagh Square, Hans Strijdom Avenue, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001. B) Johannesburg: 3rd Floor, South Tower, 5th and Maude Street, Nelson Mandela Square, Sandton, 2001.
Higher Certificate in Design Techniques[A,B,C,D] Diploma in Graphic Design [A,B,C,D] (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Interior Design [A,B,C,D] HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Design [A,B,C,D] HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Western Cape Diploma: Health and Skin Care Therapy
(021) 421 6661 (T) (021) 425 1880 (F) PO Box 6342 ROGGEBAAI 8012 50.
International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms I Dougans
2000/HE07/014 A) Sandton: 68 Wessel Road, Rivonia, Sandton, 2196 B) Kempton Park: 23 Highveld Road, Kempton Park, 1618. C) Cape Town: ''The Grimley'', Unit 201, 2nd Floor, 14 Tuin Plein, Cape
Diploma in Therapeutic Reflexology [A,B,C]
‐ 39 ‐
‐ 40 ‐
Town, 8001.
(011) 807-7184 (T) 086-671-3401 (F) P O Box 68283 Bryanston JOHANNESBURG 2021 International College of Bible Roodepoort: 16 Mare Street, and Missions NPC Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 2001.
CONTACT PERSON: Dr Frank Shayi Principal
a) Higher Certificate in Theology(HEQSF aligned : Mixed Mode) b) Diploma in Theology(HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) c) Bachelor of Arts in Theology(HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) d) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theology
(011) 760 6252 (T) (011) 760 4681 (F) PO Box 2214 ROODEPOORT 1725
‐ 40 ‐
‐ 41 ‐
International Hotel School (Pty) Ltd (The) Mrs T. Nathoo Academic Development Manager (031) 536 6500 (T) (031) 536 6563 (F)
A) Johannesburg (Main Site):
Atrium 140 Kelvin Drive, Gallow Manor, 2191. B) Kwa-Zulu Natal: 124 Jan Hofmeyr Road, Westville, 3631, Kwa-Zulu Natal. C) Cape Town: Sable Square Outlet Shopping Village (Block B), 142 Democracy Way, Marconi Beam, Milnerton, 7435.
KwaZulu Natal
b) Diploma in Hospitality Management [A,B,C] (HEQSF aligned - 360 Credits: Contact Mode) c) ) Higher Certificate in Hospitality Management [A,B,C]
Postnet Suite 138 Private Bag X02 GLENASHLEY 4022
International Trade Institute of Southern Africa NPC
a) Diploma in Professional Cookery and Kitchen Management [A,B,C] (HEQSF aligned 360 Credits: Distance Mode)
d) Higher Certificate in Food and Beverage Management [A,B,C]
Rivonia: Trade Development House,
Eden Gardens, 16 Wessel Road, Rivonia, 2191.
CONTACT PERSON: Ms Rose Dunn-Blatch Director
g) Certificate in International Trade (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) b) Advanced Certificate in International Trade (Exports/Imports) c) Diploma in International Trade Management (Exports/Imports) HEQSF aligned 360 credits : Distance Mode)
(011) 807-5317(T) (011) 807-5321(F) P O Box 2475 RIVONIA 2128 54.
Isa Carstens Academy (Pty) Ltd
Stellenbosch: 101 Aan de Gragt 2000/HE07/025 Building, 5 Plein Street, Stellenbosch, 8000.
Western Cape a) Diploma in Health and Skin Care Therapy
[A,B] b) Diploma in Somatology(HEQSF aligned 360 ‐ 41 ‐
‐ 42 ‐
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs I Carstens-Roos Managing Director
B) Pretoria: 426 Kings Highway,
credits: Contact Mode) [A,B]
Lynwood, Pretoria, 0001.
(021) 883-9777(T) (021) 886-6061(F) P O Box 149 STELLENBOSCH 7599 55.
Life Healthcare Group (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms P Naicker Quality Assurance Manager
A) Roodepoort: 91 Leader Road,
a) Higher Certificate in Fashion b) Diploma in Fashion (Design/Commercial) [A,B] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Berea, Durban, 4001.
C) Port Elizabeth: Oasim North,
Ms F Somerville
Advanced Diploma in Medical and Surgical Nursing (HEQSF aligned 120 credits: Contact Mode)
Robertville, Roodepoort, 1724.
(011) 219 9052 (T) 0866732936 (F)
LISOF (Pty) Ltd
B) Durban: 82 South Ridge Road,
Ground Floor, Havelock Street, Central Port Elizabeth, 6001. East London: St Dominic’s Hospital, 45 St. Mark’s Road, East London, 5241. Pretoria: Room 1, Denneboom Park, Denneboom Road, Die Wilgers, Pretoria, 0001. Bloemfontein: Medovs Building, Corner Victoria Avenue & Ella Street, Willows, 9300. Cape Town: 1st Floor, The Park, Park Lane, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405. Benoni: 18 Lakeview Crescent, Kleinfontein Lake , Benoni, 1501.
I) A) Johannesburg: 2nd Floor, Design
District Building, Cnr. 7th Avenue and Keyes Avenue, Rosebank,
‐ 42 ‐
‐ 43 ‐
Academic Head (011) 326 1692 (T) (011) 326 1767 (F)
Johannesburg. B) Pretoria: 1st Floor, Clocktower Building, (Building No.2) Hatfield Square, Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001.
c) Bachelor of Arts in Fashion [A,B](HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) d) Bachelor of Arts Honours in Fashion
PO Box 1284 PARKLANDS 2121 57.
Lyceum College (Pty) Ltd. CONTACT PERSON: Professor P Beard Academic Director (031) 251 9300(T) (011) 208 5822(F) 92 Overport Drive Juniper House 4th Floor OVERPORT Durban 4078
Braamfontein: Mineralia Building, 78 2001/HE07/011 De Korte Street, 2001 .
KwaZulu Natal
a) Certificate in Project Management b) Certificate in Office Management c) Certificate in Marketing and Sales Management d) Certificate in Entrepreneurship Management e) Certificate in Production and Operations Management f) Certificate in Quality Management g) Certificate in General Management h) Certificate in Personnel Management i) Certificate in Public Relations j) Certificate in Credit Management k) Certificate in Purchasing and Stores Management l) Certificate in Financial Management m) Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice n) Higher Certificate in Fleet Management (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) o) Diploma in Metropolitan and Traffic Policing p) Diploma in Fleet Management (240
q) Higher Certificate in Incident Management r) Higher Certificate in Paralegal Studies s) Higher Certificate in Paralegal Studies Commercial Practice t) Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice u) Diploma in Grade R Teaching v) Diploma in Public Administration ‐ 43 ‐
‐ 44 ‐ w) x)
y) z)
aa) bb) cc) dd) ee)
(HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) Higher Certificate in Law Enforcement – Supervision (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) Higher Certificate in Law Enforcement – Media Relations (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) Diploma in Management(240 credits) Diploma in Fleet Management (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) Diploma in Management (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) Diploma in Criminal Justice (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) Advanced Diploma in Traffic and Metropolitan Policing (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) Advanced Certificate in Project Management (HEQF Aligned: Distance Mode) Postgraduate Diploma in Traffic Policing
ff) Bachelor of Business Management gg) Bachelor of Commerce in Management hh) Bachelor of Administration in Licensing Practice ii) Bachelor of Arts in Disaster and Safety Management
MANCOSA (Pty) Ltd t/a Management College of Southern Africa CONTACT PERSON: Mr A Shaikh Quality Assurance Director (031) 300 7200(T)
Durban: 26 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000.
KwaZulu Natal
a) Advanced Certificate in Management Studies (HEQF Aligned: Distance Mode) b) Advanced Certificate in Financial Planning c) Higher Certificate in Accounting d) Higher Certificate in Public Management e) Higher Certificate in Information Technology f) Higher Certificate in Supply Chain Management g) Higher Certificate in Business Management (HEQSF Aligned: Distance Mode) ‐ 44 ‐
‐ 45 ‐
(031) 300 7254(F) PO Box 49494 EASTEND 4018
h) Higher Certificate in Local Government and Development Management (HEQSF Aligned: Distance Mode) i) Higher Certificate in Labour Studies (HEQSF Aligned: Distance Mode) j) Diploma in Management Studies k) Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management (HEQSF Aligned: Distance Mode) l) Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Management m) Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (HEQSF Aligned: Distance Mode) n) Bachelor of Public Administration (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) o) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) p) Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) q) Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) r) Bachelor of Commerce in Information and Technology Management(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) s) Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain Management Management (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) t) Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Human Resource Management (HEQSF Aligned 120 credits: Distance Mode) ‐ 45 ‐
‐ 46 ‐ u) Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Marketing Management (HEQSF Aligned 120 credits: Distance Mode) v) Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Public Administration (HEQSF Aligned: Distance Mode) Previously: Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours) w) Master of Business Administration (General)
MEDICLINIC (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms A Stroh Manager (021) 809 6500 (T) (021) 886 6233 (F) PO Box 456 STELLENBOSCH 7599
Midrand Graduate Institute (Pty) Ltd t/a MGI CONTACT PERSON: Ms J Blake Registrar (011) 690 1821(T)
2008/HE07/006 A) Cape Town/Bellville: Tijgerpark 1, Willie van Schoor Drive, Bellville, 7530. B) Nelspruit: 1 Louise Street, Sonheuwel Extension, Nelspruit, 1200. C) Bloemfontein: 2nd Floor, Quantum Building, 3rd Avenue, Bloemfontein, 9301. D) Sandton: Corner Peter Place, HF Verwoerd Drive, Bryanston, 2021. E) Pretoria: 132 Cilliers Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002. F) Polokwane: Corner Thabo Mbeki and Burger Street, Polokwane, 0750. A) Midrand: 44 Alsation Road, Glen 2001/HE07/008 Austin, Extension 3, Midrand, 1685. B) Port Elizabeth: 1st Floor, Building 4, Ascot Office Park, Cnr. Ascot and Connyngham Roads, Greenacres, 6056. C) Randburg: 6 Hunter Avenue,
Western Cape
x) Master of Business Administration (Tourism Development and Management) a) Diploma in General Nursing
[A,B,C,D,E,F] b) Diploma in Operating Department Assistance [A,B,C,D,E,F] c) Advanced Diploma in Health Services Management and Leadership [A,E]
a) Bachelor of Business Administration [A] b) Bachelor of Commerce in Law [A] c) Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
d) Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management [A] e) Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management [A] f) Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism ‐ 46 ‐
‐ 47 ‐
(011) 315-2824(F) PO Box 2986 HALFWAY HOUSE 1685
G) H) I)
J) K) L)
Milpark Business School (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms G Castrillon Director: Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs (011) 718 4010 (T)
D) East London: 6 Stewart Drive,
Management [B,C] Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Business Management [A] h) Bachelor of Arts [A] i) Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations [A] j) Bachelor of Arts in Journalism [A] k) Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design
Randburg, 2194.
Berea, East London, 5241. Bedfordview: 2nd Floor, 14 Skeen Boulevard, Bedfordview, 2008. Potchefstroom: 12 Esselin Street, Die Bult, Potchefstroom, 2522. Bloemfontein: 1st Floor Tourist Centre, 60 Park Avenue, Willows, Bloemfontein, 9301. Cape Town: 11 Lansdowne Road, Brookside, Claremont, 7708. Pretoria: Menlyn Corporate Park, Building A, 175 Corobay Avenue, Corner Garsfontein and Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria, 0181. Durbanville: Kaapzicht Building, 9 Rogers Street, Tygervalley, 7530. Nelspruit: Orchards Village, Corner N4 and Du Preez Streets, Nelspruit, 1200. Durban: 59 Adelaide Tambo Drive, (Old Kensington Drive), Durban North, 4067.
A) Johannesburg: Corner Landau
Terrace and Main Road East, Melville, Extension 2, Johannesburg, 2000. B) Cape Town: 2nd Floor Sunclare, Corner Protea and Dreyer Roads, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708.
l) Bachelor of Psychology [A,B.C,D] m) Bachelor of Science (Internet Communication)
n) Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Management [A] o) Bachelor of Science in Informatics [A] p) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science [A] q) Bachelor of Science in Biomedicine [A] r) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology [A] s) Master of Psychology (Counseling) [A]
a) Higher Certificate in Management Development (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) [A] b) Certificate in Bank Credit [B] c) Certificate in Financial Planning [A and B] (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) d) Certificate in Sales (Banking Services) [B] e) Higher Certificate in Banking (Financial Services)[B] (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) ‐ 47 ‐
‐ 48 ‐
086 639 7622 (F)
PO Box 91714 AUCKLAND PARK 2006
g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w)
Monash South Africa Incorporated in Australia External Non-Profit Company CONTACT PERSON: Ms M Enslin
Roodepoort: 144 Peter Road, Ruimsig, Roodepoort, 1724.
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Advanced Certificate in Financial Planning [A and B] (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) National Certificate in Banking Service Advice [A and B] Higher Certificate in Short Term Insurance [B] Higher Certificate in Office Administration [A and B] Higher Certificate in Management [A] Higher Certificate in Banking Services [B] Advanced Certificate in Banking Services [B] Advanced Certificate in Management (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) [A] Advanced Diploma in Management [A] Higher Diploma in Banking [A and B] Diploma in Banking [B] Bachelor of Commerce [A and B] Bachelor of Commerce in Banking Management [A and B] Bachelor of Business Administration [A and B] Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning [B] Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration [A] Postgraduate Diploma in Banking (HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) [B] Masters of Business Administration [A] Higher Certificate in Higher Education Studies Bachelor of Social Science Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Public Health(Honours) Bachelor of Computer and Information ‐ 48 ‐
‐ 49 ‐
Institutional Researcher
g) h)
(011) 950-4272(T) (011) 950-4260(F)
Private Bag X60 ROODEPOORT 1725
j) k) l) m) n)
Mukhanyo Theological College NPC
o) p)
Sciences Bachelor of Business Science Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences (Honours) Bachelor of Business Science (Honours)(HEQSF Aligned : Contact Mode) Master of Philosophy in Arts Master of Commerce in Business Systems Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management Master of International Business Master of Philosophy in Computer and Information Science Postgraduate Diploma in Management Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Diploma in Theology Bachelor of Theology
KwaMhlanga: Plot 1, Hospital Street,
a) b)
Nooitgedacht: Plot 195, College
a) Certificate in Ministry b) Diploma in Theology c) Bachelor of Theology
CONTACT PERSON: Mr C Alexander Registrar (013) 947-2179 (T) 0866960709(F) PO Box 954 KWAMHLANGA 1022
Nazarene Theological College
Road, Nooitgedacht, 1739.
(Association incorporated under section 21) ‐ 49 ‐
‐ 50 ‐
CONTACT PERSON: Ms Cathy Lebese Academic Dean 087 985 2366/ 082 328 3649/ 071,696 1919(T) 086 646 1706(F) PO Box 3083 HONEYDEW 2040 65.
Open Learning Group (Pty) Roodepoort: Constantia Park, Cnr Hendrick Potgieter and 14th Avenue, Ltd Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort, 1715. CONTACT PERSON: Ms Sue Reddy Quality Assurance and Accreditation Officer
a) Higher Certificate in Logistics Management (HEQSF Aligned : Distance Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Events Management c) Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Supply Management d) Bachelor of Business Administration and Supply Chain Management
(011) 670 4830 (T) 0866767511 (F) Open Learning House c/o Hendrick Potgieter Road & 14th Avenue WELTEVREDEN PARK 1715 66.
Open Window (Pty) Ltd t/a The Open Window School of Visual Communication
Irene: Sax Building, John Vorster
Drive, Extension East, Irene, X45.
a) Diploma in Visual Communication b) BA Visual Communication Design c) Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication ‐ 50 ‐
‐ 51 ‐
CONTACT PERSON: Dr S Magardie Academic Head
(012) 648 9200/1(T) (012) 665 0253 (F) P O Box 68371 CENTURION 0169 Oval International Computer Education (Pty) Ltd
Durban: 27/31 Joe Slovo (Field)
KwaZulu Natal
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
Certificate in Computers and Management Diploma in Business Management Diploma in Information Technology Diploma in Management Diploma in Public Relations Diploma in Travel and Tourism Bachelor of Commerce in Travel and Tourism Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Commerce
A) Durban Head Office: 292 Anton 2000/HE07/008
KwaZulu Natal
Higher Certificate in Information Technology (Contact and Distance) [A, B,
Street, Durban, 4001.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr A Hansraj Academic Director (031) 305 6192(T) (031) 306 2150 (F) P O Box 2671 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 68.
PC Training and Business College (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr Muni Kooblal Senior Director Quality Assurance & Audits (031) 304-9340(T) (031) 306-7936(F) Private Bag X23 Umhlanga Rocks
Lembede (Smith) Street, Corner Anton Lembede & Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001.
B) Durban: 44 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001.
C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L,M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, BB, CC, DD] (HEQSF Aligned : b)
B, C, D,E, F, G, H, I, J,K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, CC, DD] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits:
C) Johannesburg: 32 Diagonal Street, Corner Sauer & Johannesburg, 2001.
D Pretoria: 13 Church Square, Corner
Mixed Mode) Higher Certificate in Business Administration (Contact and Distance) [A,
Bank and Church Street, 0001. d)
Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Office Administration (Contact) [B, P, R, U] )(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Systems Engineering
‐ 51 ‐
‐ 52 ‐
E) Johannesburg: 141 Main Street,
(Contact)[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L,M, N, O, P, Q, S, T, V, W, Y, Z, AA, BB, CC, DD] )(HEQSF
Corner Main & Von Weilligh Street, Johannesburg 2001.
F) Randburg Campus: 112 Bordeaux Drive, Corner Bordeaux and Andrews Drive, Randburg, 2000.
G) Pietermaritzburg: 235 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
P, Q, R, S, U, AA, BB, CC]
H) Cape Town: 49 St George’s Mall, Corner Castle Street & St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8000.
I) Bloemfontein: 22A Aliwal Street, Corner Elizabeth and Aliwal Street, 9301.
J) Braamfontein: 68 De Korte Street,
Corner De Korte and De Beer Street, Braamfontein, 2001
K) Pretoria: 165 Jacob Mare Street, Pretoria, 0001.
L) Pretoria: 287 Struben Street, Pretoria, 0001.
M) Pretoria: 76 Andries Street, Pretoria, 0001.
Advanced Certificate in Systems Engineering
[A, C, D, G, H, I, L, N, P, Q, S, Z, AA, BB, CC] )(HEQSF Aligned 360
credits: Contact Mode) Advanced Certificate in Office Administration (Contact) [B, P, R,U] Advanced Certificate in Commerce (Contact)
[A, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, P, R, T, U, W, Y, Z, AA, BB, DD] Diploma in Business Administration [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N,P,R,U, V, W, X, Y, T, CC, DD] (HEQSF Aligned 240 credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Business Administration [E,
F, G, H, I, J, L, N, P, R, T, U, W, Y, Z, AA, BB, DD] (HEQSF Aligned
360 credits: Mixed Mode) Diploma In Information Technology [A, B,
credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Information Technology [A, C,
0001. Pretoria, 0001.
)(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Advanced Certificate in Business Administration [B, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, P,R,T,U, CC] )(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
N) Pretoria: 421 Church Street, Pretoria, O) Pretoria: 336 Paul Kruger Street,
Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Advanced Certificate in Information Technology [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, L, N,
C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T,V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, BB, DD, CC] (HEQSF Aligned 240 D, F,G, H, I, M, O, P, Q, S, T, W, X, Y, Z, AA, BB, DD] )(HEQSF ‐ 52 ‐
‐ 53 ‐
P) Kempton Park: 22 Voortrekker Street, Kempton Park, 2001.
Q) Johannesburg: 33 Troye Street, Johannesburg, 2001.
R) Braamfontein: 76 Jorrisen Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
S) Braamfontein: 23 De Beer Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
T) Vereeniging: 20 Voortrekker Street,
Vereeniging, 1928.
Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Computer Applications [A, C,
D, F, G, H, I, K, M, O, P, Q, S, T, W, Y, Z, AA, BB, DD] )(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Commerce [A, B, U, R, N ] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Bachelor of Science ( Information Technology Management) [A, C, D] (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Bachelor of Business Administration [A, B, C, D, E, F, L, N, R, U](HEQSF Aligned 480 credits: Contact Mode)
U) Durban: 52 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001.
V) Midrand: 181 Moritz Road, Midrand,
Bachelor of Business Administration [U, N, R] )(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
W) Edenvale: 54 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale, 1609.
X) Benoni: 90 Elston Avenue, Benoni, 1501.
Y) Polokwane: 52 Church Street, Polokwane, 0700.
Bloemfontein, 9301.
AA) Pietermaritzburg: 21 Timber Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
BB) Kempton Park: 7 Wolff Street, ‐ 53 ‐
‐ 54 ‐ Kempton Park, 2001.
CC) Johannesburg: 37 Harrison Street, Nelson Mandela Johannesburg, 2000.
DD) Krugersdorp: 7 Monument Street, Krugersdorp, 1739.
Potchefstroom Akademie (Edms) Bpk/Potchefstroom Academy (Pty) Ltd
A) Potchefstroom: 59 James
North West
Bellville: DJ Wood Avenue, Bellville
Western Cape a) Certificate in Executive Secretarial Studies [A] b) Certificate in Graphic Web Design [A]
Moroka Avenue, Potchefstroom, 2531.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs R Marais Head of Department (018) 294-9030(T) (018) 293-1991(F)
P O Box 20355 NOORDBRUG 2522 Prestige Academy (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mrs S de Jongh Principal
Business Park, Corner Voortrekker Street & Mike Pienaar, Bellville, 7530.
Centurion: 1023 Bank Avenue, Centurion, 0157.
(021) 949-5036(T) (021) 948-1859(F)
a) Higher Certificate in Interior Design and Decorating b) Diploma in Health and Skincare c) Diploma in Therapeutic Massage d) Diploma in Therapeutic Reflexology e) Diploma in Therapeutic Aromatherapy f) Diploma in Interior Decorating and Design g) Higher Diploma in Interior Decorating and Design h) Advanced Diploma in Somatology i) Higher Certificate in Photography
c) d) e) f)
P O Box 2220 BELLVILLE 7535
g) h)
Certificate in Business Accounts Administrator [A] Certificate in Desktop Publishing and Computer Art [A] Certificate in Internetwork Systems Specialists [A] Advanced Certificate in Communication Photography [A] Higher Certificate in Design, Film and TV Make-up[A] Higher Certificate in Photography [A] ‐ 54 ‐
‐ 55 ‐ i) j)
Higher Certificate in Business Marketing[A] Diploma in Executive Secretarial Studies
k) Diploma in Graphic Web Design and Web l)
Development [A] Diploma in Business Marketing [A]
m) Diploma in Business Administration
Management [A]
n) Diploma in Information Technology Network
Integration Specialist [A] Diploma in 3-D Design and Digital Animation [A] p) Diploma in Print Production and Design o)
Diploma in Event Management[A] Diploma in Tourism Management[A] Diploma in Business Management [A.B] Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts in Visual Communication Design[A] u) Bachelor of Commerce in Business Marketing q) r) s) t)
Bachelor of Applied Arts in 3D Animation
w) Bachelor of Commerce in Business
Management [A,B]
Production Management Institute of Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd (PMI) CONTACT PERSON: Mr T Smeeton Managing Director (031) 465-4133(T) (031) 0866103612(F) Cell: 082 778 6831
A) Durban: 75 Silverton Road,
Durban, 4000.
B) Durban: 2nd Floor, 6 Prospecton
Road, Durban, 4000. C) Johannesburg: 3 Margaret Avenue, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, 2000. D) Bellville: First Floor, Bellville Mall, Cnr. Bill Bezuidenhout & Voortrekker Road, Bellville, 7530 E) Port Elizabeth: B&E Business
a) Higher Certificate in Operations Management[A,B,C,D,E,F] b) Advanced Certificate in Operations Management[A,B,C,D,E] c) Advanced Certificate in Logistics Management[A,B,C,D,E] d) Diploma in Operations Management[A,B,C,D,E,F](HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) e) Diploma in Production Management[A,B,C,D,E,F] f) Bachelor of Science Honours in Industrial ‐ 55 ‐
‐ 56 ‐
Durban Site:
and Conference Centre 134, Kempton Road, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 6020.
Technology and Management[A,B,C,D,E,F]
Ms Mandy Ford Regional Manager (031) 201 1260 (T) (031) 201 1274 (F) Johannesburg Site: Mr Werner Lottering Regional Manager (011) 394 0454 (T) (011) 394 0474 (F)
P O Box 211089 BLUFF 4036 Red and Yellow School of Logic and Magic (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town: 40 Sir Lowry Road,
Western Cape
a) Diploma in Copywriting b) Diploma in Graphic Design and Art Direction (HEQSF aligned-360 credits: Contact mode) c) Diploma in Marketing and Advertising
Sandton: 4 Pybus Road, Cnr.
a) Higher Certificate in Public Management (HEQSF : Mixed Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Business Management
Cape Town, 8000.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs H Pearson Director (021) 462-1946 (T) (021) 461 4535 (F) PO Box 12415 CAPE TOWN 8010 73.
Regenesys Management (Pty) Ltd
Katherine and Pybus Road, Sandton,
‐ 56 ‐
‐ 57 ‐
(HEQSF Aligned : Mixed Mode) c) Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management (HEQSF Aligned : Mixed Mode) d) Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (HEQSF Aligned : Mixed Mode) e) Bachelor of Business Administration (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Mixed Mode) f) Master of Commerce in Public Management (HEQSF Aligned 180 credits: Mixed Mode)
CONTACT PERSON: Ms Angela Vogt Registrar and Director (011) 669 5000 (T) (011) 669 5001 (F) Postnet Suite 71 Private Bag X9976 SANDTON CITY 2146
g) Master of Business Administration (MBA) (HEQSF Aligned 180 credits: Mixed Mode)
Regent Business School (Pty) Ltd
Durban: 35 Samora Machel Street, Durban, 4001.
KwaZulu Natal
a) b)
CONTACT PERSON: Mr Ravi Kethwari Director
(031) 304-4626(T) (031) 304-7303 (F)
P O Box 10686 MARINE PARADE 4056
f) g) h) i) j) k)
Higher Certificate in Business Management (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Entrepreneurship (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Islamic Finance, Banking and Law Higher Certificate in Accounting(HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Management for Estate Agents(HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Higher Certificate in Healthcare Services Management(HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) Diploma in Financial Management Diploma in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) (HEQSF aligned 120 credits: Distance Mode) Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management & Leadership (HEQSF aligned 120 credits: Distance Mode) Postgraduate Diploma in Management(HEQSF aligned 120 credits: ‐ 57 ‐
‐ 58 ‐ Distance Mode) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) m) Master of Business Administration (MBA) l)
Ruth Prowse School of Art NPC
Cape Town: 5 Elson Road, Top of
Western Cape a) Diploma in Graphic Design (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Birkdale Avenue, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7295.
b) Diploma in Photography (HEQSF Aligned c)
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs Eunice Geustyn Executive Head
360 credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Fine Art (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) Diploma in Jewellery Design (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
(021) 556 5856 (T) (086) 560 2103 (F) P O Box 89 WOODSTOCK 7915 76. South African Theological Seminary NPC CONTACT PERSON: Ms J Mason (011) 234-4440(T) (011) 234-4445(F) P O Box 258 RIVONIA 2128
Rivonia: 61 Wessels Road, Rivonia, 2191.
a) Higher Certificate in Christian Life HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Christian Counselling HEQSF aligned : Distance Mode) c) Higher Certificate in Worship Studies HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) d) Diploma in Biblical Studies e) Bachelor of Theology HEQSF aligned -360 credits: Distance Mode) f) Bachelor of Theology (Honours) HEQSF aligned -120 credits: Distance Mode) g) Master of Theology HEQSF aligned -180 credits: Distance Mode) h) Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)
‐ 58 ‐
‐ 59 ‐
77. Sonett International Academy Fochville: 70 Losberglaan, Foschville, (Pty) Ltd 2515.
North West
Diploma in Somatology (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Western Cape
a) Diploma in Counselling and Communication [A,B] b) Graduate Diploma in Counselling [A,B] c) Bachelor of Psychology [A,B] d) Higher Certificate in Counselling and Communication Skills [A,B] e) Advanced Certificate in Counselling and Communication Skills [A,B] f) Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology in Counselling or Coaching
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs J.M Spamers CEO (018) 771-2270(T) (018) 771-4921(F) P O Box 1012 FOCHVILLE 2515
South African College of 2005/HE07/001 A) Cape Town: 1St Floor ,Sunclare Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd Building, 21 Dreyer Street, (The) Claremont, 7708. B) Johannesburg: 1St Floor, 1 Sixty CONTACT PERSON: Jan Smuts, 160 Jan Smuts Avenue, Dr Ashley Smyth Rosebank, 2196. Academic Dean (021) 671 7692 (T) 086 519 2753 (F)
Box 97 Sunclare Building 21 Dreyer Street CLAREMONT 7708 79.
South African School of Motion Picture Medium &
A) Johannesburg: 41 Frost Avenue,
Auckland Park, 2092,
Bachelor of Applied Social Science [A,B]
a) Higher Certificate in Film, Television & Entertainment Production[A,B,C] b) Bachelor of Arts in Live Performance ‐ 59 ‐
‐ 60 ‐
Live Performance (Pty) Ltd t/a AFDA (The) CONTACT PERSON: Ms Heather Basson Student Affairs Officer
Johannesburg, 2001. B) Cape Town: 18 Lower Scott Road, Observatory, Cape Town, 8000. C) Durban: 2A Highdale Road, Glen Anil, Durban, 4001.
c) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Live Performance [A,B] d) Bachelor of Arts in Motion Picture Medium
e) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Motion Picture Medium [A,B] f) Master of Arts (Fine Arts) [A,B]
(011) 482-8345(T) (011) 482-8347(F) P O Box 277 MELVILLE 2109 80.
Southern Africa Bible College NPC
Benoni: 13-15 Cloverdene Road,
a) Higher Certificate in Theology (HEQSF aligned credits: Contact Mode) b) Diploma in Theology c) Bachelor of Arts in Theology (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Krugersdorp: Plot 10/R28 Service
h) Higher Certificate in Management (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) i) Diploma in Management (HEQSF aligned 360 credit: Distance Mode) j) Advanced Diploma in Management (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) k) Bachelor of Policing Practice (HEQSF
Clover, Benoni, 1501.
CONTACT PERSON: TE Rappard (Academic Administrator) (011) 969-4497(T) (011) 969-4993(F) P O Box 11165 RYNFIELD 1514 81.
Southern Business School (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr C Vorster Director
Road, Diswilmar, Krugersdrop.
‐ 60 ‐
‐ 61 ‐ aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) l) Bachelor of Business Administration m) Bachelor of Policing Practices (Honours) HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) n) Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) o) Master of Management (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) p) Master of Policing Practice (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode)
(011) 662-1444(T) (011) 662-1462(F) Private Bag X03 HELDERKRUIN 1733
Spero Villioti Elite Design Academy (Pty) Ltd CONTACT DETAILS: Mr Spero Villioti Director
Johannesburg: 3rd Floor, South Wing
a) Diploma in Fashion Design b) Diploma in Fashion c) Bachelor of Fashion
A) Johannesburg: 53 Ley Road, Victoria Park, Johannesburg, 2195. B) Durban: St Henry’s Marist Brothers College, 210 South Ridge Road, Glenwood, 4001.
a) Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies [A] b) Bachelor of Education Honours in Religious and Values Education [A,B] (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) c) Bachelor of Commerce in Philosophy, Politics and Economics [A] (HEQSF aligned 360 Credits: Contact Mode) d) Bachelor of Theology [A] (HEQSF aligned 360 credits : Contact Mode) e) Bachelor of Arts [A](HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) f) Master of Philosophy in Applied Ethics [A] (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) ‐ 61 ‐
Hyde Park Shopping Centre, Corner William Nicol and Jan Smuts Avenue, Hyde Park, 2196.
(011) 325 6088 (T) (011) 325 6079 (F) (011) 325 6088 (T) (011) 325 6079 (F) 83.
St. Augustine College of South Africa NPC
CONTACT PERSON: Prof R van Vuuren Academic Dean (011) 380 9040 (T) (011) 380 9240 (F)
‐ 62 ‐ g) Master of Philosophy in Theology [A] (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) h) Master of Philosophy in Philosophy [A] (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) i) Master of Philosophy in Culture and Education [A,B] (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) j) Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy [A] (HEQSF aligned) k) Doctor of Philosophy in Theology [A] (HEQSF aligned)
P O Box 44782 LINDEN 2104
Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography (Pty) Ltd
Stellenbosch: 41 Techno Road,
Western Cape
a) Higher Certificate in Commercial Photography (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Applied Textile Design (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) c) Bachelor of Arts in Applied Design(HEQSF aligned-360 credit: Contact Mode)
Eastern Cape: 1 Grand Street, Port
Eastern Cape
a) Bachelor of Commerce (Hospitality Management) (HEQSF aligned 360 Credits: Contact Mode) b) Bachelor of Business Administration in Disaster Relief Management
Techno Park, Stellenbosch, 7600.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs B Fassler Director (021) 887-9899 (T) (021) 880-1233 (F) P O Box 762 STELLENBOSCH 7600 85.
Stenden South Africa BV (Incorporated in the Netherlands) Previous Name: Educational Institute for Service Studies International (Pty) Ltd.
Alfred, Eastern Cape, 6170.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr W Hensens General Manager ‐ 62 ‐
‐ 63 ‐
(046) 604-2239(T) 0866044284(F) P O Box 2821 PORT ALFRED 6170
St John Vianney Seminary NPC
Pretoria: 179 Main Street, Waterkloof,
a) b) c) d)
KwaZulu Natal
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Pretoria, 0181.
CONTACT PERSON: Rev Father Molewe Machingoane President
Bachelor of Ministry Bachelor of Theology Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) Bachelor of Theology (Honours)
(012) 460-2039(T) (012) 460-3596(F) P O Box 17128 GROENKLOOF 0027 87.
St Joseph’s Theological Institute NPC CONTACT PERSON: Rev. Fr. S David President (033) 343 5930/3293 (T) (086) 514 5092 (F)
Pietermaritzburg: 546 District Road, 2003/HE08/003 Cedara, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
Higher Certificate in General Philosophy Advanced Certificate in General Philosophy Bachelor of Theology Bachelor of Arts in Theology Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Advanced Certificate in Human and Social Development g) Higher Certificate in Human and Social Development
‐ 63 ‐
‐ 64 ‐
Private Bag 6004 HILTON 3245
Theological Education by Extension College NPC
Johannesburg: 20 Gantner Street:
Haddon, 2091.
CONTACT PERSON: Ms M Baxter Director and CEO
a) Higher Certificate in Theology (HEQSF aligned: Distance Mode) b) Diploma in Theology (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) c) Diploma in Theology and Ministry d) Bachelor of Theology (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode)
(011) 683 3284 (T) (011) 683 3522 (F) PO Box 74257 TURFONTEIN 2140 Towerstone (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town: Corporate Office
Western Cape a) Advanced Diploma in Organizational Leadership.
CONTACT PERSON: Ms M Eagar Project Office Manager (021) 975 0311/ 13 (T) (021) 975 5488 (F) P O Box 4210 DURBANVILLE 7551 ‐ 64 ‐
‐ 65 ‐
TSIBA Education NPC
Mupine: 307 Forest Drive Extension,
Western Cape
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)(HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs L. Cloete Quality Assurance Manager
Higher Certificate in Business Administration (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
(021) 532 2750 (T) (021) 532 3924 (F)
Postgraduate Diploma in Small Enterprise Consulting
Pinelands, 7504.
PO Box 13071 Mowbray CAPE TOWN 7705
Some of the institutions listed above have been issued with notification of the Registrar’s intention to cancel or cancellation of their registration pending the outcome of the consideration of their representation or appeal against his decision. These institutions remain registered private higher education institutions until they are informed by the Department of Education of the outcome of the consideration of their representation or appeal.
‐ 65 ‐
‐ 66 ‐
Listed below are institutions that are granted provisional registration in terms of section 54(3) of the Act. They have not fulfilled all the requirements for registration as private higher education institutions. The registrar, however, believes that they will be able to fulfill the requirements within the period stipulated. Please note: Although certain institutions are registered until 31 December 2012 this does imply that they will be closing at the end of the year. The Department will extend or convert their registration in terms of the Act and the Regulations. If an institution's registration is cancelled the Department will notify the public under point 5 of this Register.
Akademia NPC
Centurion: Cnr DF Malan &
CONTACT PERSON: Ms M Ellis Registrar (086) 007 225 X2005 (T) (086) 603 7575 (F) PO Box 11760 CENTURION 0046
Eendracht Avenues, Kloofsig, Centurion.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) a) b)
Higher Certificate in Accounting Higher Certificate in Office Administration c) Higher Certificate in Community Development d) Diploma in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. e) Diploma in Marketing f) Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management (HEQSF aligned - 360 credits: Distance Mode)
‐ 66 ‐
‐ 67 ‐
ACT Cape Town (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Ms C Poole Principal
Cape Town: Unit 703&704, No 4 LoopStreet, Cape Town, 8001.
Western Cape
The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) Higher Certificate: Acting for Film
(021) 419 7007(T) 086 6363 978(F) 4 Loop Street Studio 703 Seventh Floor CAPE TOWN 8001 3.
AROS (Akademia Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies)
Pretoria: 1180 Dickensonlaan,
Waverley, Pretoria.
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase)
(Association incorporated in terms of section 21/ Vereniging ingelyf kragtens artikel 21)
CONTACT PERSON: Dr Lourens Marthinus Erasmus Executive Head: Academic (012) 332 3228 (T) 0867184911 (F) PO Box 31120 TOTIUSDAL 0134 4.
The Animation School (Pty)
Cape Town: 42 Searle Street,
Western Cape
(The following programme is registered in ‐ 67 ‐
‐ 68 ‐
Woodstock, 7925.
terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2013)
CONTACT PERSON: Mr N Martins Principal
a) Diploma in Digital Animation (HEQSF aligned-360 credits: Contact Mode)
0861 8222 33 (T) (021) 461-0828 (F) 42 Searle Street WOODSTOCK Cape Town 7925 5.
BHC School of Design (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town: 72 Salt River Road,
Western Cape
Woodstock, Cape Town,8000.
CONTACT PERSON: Ms Heidi Jager Director
(021) 447-7288(T) 086 556 3208(F)
Business Management Training College (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr J Poolman General Manager
Diploma in Interior Design (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode)
b) Higher Certificate in Interior Decorating (HEQSF aligned-360 credits: Contact Mode)
PO Box 13696 MOWBRAY 7705 6.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014)
Fourways: 147, 2nd Road,
chartwell, Johannesburg, 2191.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a)
Diploma in Business Management (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Distance Mode) ‐ 68 ‐
‐ 69 ‐ b)
(011) 708 0159 (T) (011) 708 0170 (F)
Diploma in Human Resources Management (HEQSF aligned 360: Distance Mode)
Private Bag X100 BRYANSTON 2021 7.
Cape Audio College (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr RH de Jager Head
Main Campus: Unit 8b, The
Western Cape
Waverley Business Park, Mowbray, 7700.
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) a) Higher Certificate in Sound Technology (HEQSF Aligned : Contact Mode)
(021) 448 8383 (T) (021) 448 8704 (F )
b) Diploma in Sound Technology and Production
The Waverley Business Park Unit 8b Mowbray Cape Town 7700 8.
Campus of Performing Arts
Johannesburg: 100 Langermann Drive, Kensington, 2094.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs C Farrant Chief Operating Officer (011) 622-7253(T) (011) 613-3288(F)
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Higher Certificate in Music Performance b) Higher Certificate in Music Production c) Higher Certificate in Music Business
100 Langermann Drive Kensington JOHANNESBURG 2094 ‐ 69 ‐
‐ 70 ‐
College of Transfiguration (Association incorporated under section 21)
Eastern Cape: 13 Worcester
Eastern Cape
Street, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, 6139.
The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2016) Diploma in Theology
CONTACT PERSON: PO Box 77 GRAHAMSTOWN 6140 (046) 622 3332 (T) (046) 622 3877 (F) 10. Design Academy of Fashion (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town: 208 Albert Road
Western Cape
Woodstock, Cape Town.
CONTACT PERSON: Ms B Fobian Principal
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Diploma in Fashion b) Higher Certificate (HEQSF Aligned Contact Mode)
(021) 448 9379 (T) (021) 447 6708 (F)
in Fashion 360 credits:
PO BOX 13390 MOWBRAY 7705
11. East London Management Institute (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mrs F Watson Principal
East London: Main Campus: 18 2012/HE07/006 King Street, Southernwood, 5201.
Eastern Cape
The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) a) Advanced Certificate: Graphic Design b) Higher Certificate: Graphic Design
(043) 742 0602(T) ‐ 70 ‐
‐ 71 ‐
(043) 743 0953 (F) 12. Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design (Pty) Ltd
Stellenbosch: 26 Techno Avenue, 2011/HE07/001
Western Cape
Techno Park, Stellenbosch, 7600.
CONTACT PERSON: Mrs Inez Shaw Director : Academic Development
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Diploma in Fashion (HEQSF Aligned 360 Contact Mode)
Design credits:
(021) 880 0775 (T) (021) 880 0066 (F) b) Advanced Diploma in Fashion
PO Box 924 STELLENBOSCH 7599 13. Fernwood Business College (Pty) Ltd
Main campus: 33 Hoofd Street,
Braamfontein, 2017.
CONTACT PERSON: Dr Sazi Kunene College Director
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2013) a) Higher Certificate in Business Management
(087) 353 6903 (T) (086) 086 292 8058 (F) PO Box 31314 BRAAMFONTEIN 2017 14. Friends of Design- Academy of Digital Arts (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON:
Cape Town: 2nd Floor HAK
House, 186 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001.
Western Cape
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Higher Certificate in Print and ‐ 71 ‐
‐ 72 ‐
Ms M Stoffberg Personal Assistant
Publishing b) Higher Certificate in Web Publishing and Interactive Media
(021) 402 0303 (T) 086 743 7426 (F) PO Box 961 GREENPOINT 8051 15. Headstart Mercy Montessori Training Centre (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town: 130 First Avenue,
Western Cape
CONTACT PERSON: Ms S Cunningham Director
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Diploma in Early Childhood Development. b) Diploma in ECD Montessori Teaching. (HEQSF aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
(021) 683 – 3458(T) (021) 797 - 6234 (F) 139 1st Avenue KENILWORTH Cape Town 16. International Institute for Sports Science and Fitness (Association incorporated under section 21)
CONTACT PERSON: Dr JF Nel Head of Institution (012) 342 0681 (T) (012) 342 0682 (F)
Pretoria: 1106 Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Advanced Certificate in Personal Fitness Conditioning Coach (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) b) Higher Certificate in Personal Fitness Trainer (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) c) Higher Certificate in Group Fitness Trainer (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) ‐ 72 ‐
‐ 73 ‐
PO Box 11329 HATFIELD 0028 17. International Peace College South Africa (Association Incorporated under section 21)
Western Cape: Main Campus, Corner of Johnstone and Duine Roads, Rylands Estate, 7764.
Western Cape
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) a) Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies
CONTACT PERSON: Dr A K Toffar Deputy Principal (Academic) (021) 638 1121 (T) (021) 638 1790 (F) PO Box 38316 GATESVILLE 7766
‐ 73 ‐
‐ 74 ‐
18. Lifechange Training Centre
Gauteng: 2015/7 Falcon Crescent 2011/HE08/003
Ext, Lenasia South, 1821. (Association incorporated under section 21)
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Higher Certificate in Ministry
CONTACT PERSON: Dr D K Moodley Principal (011) 855 8783 (T) (011) 855 6337 (F) PO Box 12540 LENASIA SOUTH 1821
19. Private Hotel School (Pty) Ltd Stellenbosch: 33 Vlottenberg Road, Stellenbosch. (The) CONTACT PERSON: Mrs S Jooste Dirctor: Academic Director (021) 881 3792 (T) (021) 881 3793 (F) PO Box 12207 Die Boord STELLENBOSCH 7613
Western Cape
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Higher Certificate in Hospitality Management (HEQSF aligned : Contact Mode) b) Advanced Certificate in Hospitality Education (HEQSF aligned : Contact Mode) c) Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Education (HEQSF aligned : Contact Mode)
‐ 74 ‐
‐ 75 ‐
20. PSG Konsult Academy (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr J.H Cloete Academic Head: Financial Planner Development
Centurion: Corporate 66 office
Park, Block B, 269 Von Willigh Avenue, Die Hoewes, Extension 233, Centurion, 0157.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Higher Certificate in Wealth Management (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode) b) Advanced Certificate in Financial Planning (HEQSF aligned: Contact Mode)
(086) 122 37774 (T) (011) 679 0473 (F) PO Box 11619 DIE HOEWES 0163 21. SAE Institute of South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town: 5 Church Square,
Western Cape
Cape Town, 8001.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2016)
CONTACT PERSON: a) Bachelor of Arts in Sound Production b) Bachelor of Arts in Film Production
Mr D Maclean Director (021) 469 3600 (T) (021) 465 5699 (F) Postnet Suite 204 Private Bag X335 CAPE TOWN 8000 22. Seth Mokitimi Methodist NPC CONTACT PERSON:
Pietermaritzburg: 115 Golf
Road, Epworth, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
KwaZulu Natal
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Diploma in Practical Ministry(HEQSF ‐ 75 ‐
‐ 76 ‐
Dr R Marie Registrar
Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode) b) Bachelor of Theology (HEQSF Aligned
360 credits: Contact Mode)
(033) 846-8615 (T) 0866322647 (F) Postnet Suite 235 Private Bag X6 CASCADES 3202 23. SANTS Private Higher Education Institution (Pty) Ltd
Gauteng: Unit 401 Lynnridge
Mews, 22 Hibiscus Street: Lynnwood 2012/HE07/003 Ridge 0040.
The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015) a) Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase) b) Bachelor of Education (Intermediate Phase) c) Diploma in Grade R Teaching
CONTACT PERSON: Ms C Gossmann Academic Development Manager 0873532555 (T) (086) 576 7214(F) PO Box 72328 LYNNWOOD RIDGE Pretoria 0040
24. Southern African Wildlife College (Association incorporated under section 21)
Limpopo: Main Campus,
Kempiana Farm, Open Road, Kruger National Park.
(The following programmes are registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Higher Certificate in Nature Conservation in Conservation Implementation and Leadership b) Advanced Certificate in Nature ‐ 76 ‐
‐ 77 ‐
Senior Manager: Academic Affairs
Conservation in Trans-Frontier Conservation Management
(015) 793 7346 (T) 086 603 5415 (F) Private Bag X3015 HOEDSPRUIT 1380 25. Turaco Hospitality (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Mr NS Martin Director
Gauteng: Turaco House, 33/35
Bond Street, Ferndale, 2160, Gauteng.
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014) a) Diploma in Hospitality Management (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
(011)789 9934 (T) 086 661 1919 (F) PO Box 777 RANDBURG 2125 26. Union Bible Institute NPC
Kwazulu-Natal: 45 Dennis
Shepstone Drive, Hilton, Kwazulu Natal.
KwaZulu Natal
(The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2014)
CONTACT PERSON: Dr G Mnisi Principal
a) Higher Certificate in Theology(HEQSF Aligned : Contact Mode)
(033) 343 4547 (T) (033) 343 1795 (F)
b) Diploma in Theology (HEQSF Aligned 360 credits: Contact Mode)
Po Box 50 HILTON 3245 ‐ 77 ‐
‐ 78 ‐
SITES OF DELIVERY Gauteng: Edu House, 210 Du Toit Street, Arcadia, 0126.
The following programme is registered in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act until 31 December 2015)
Diploma in Business Administration
(011)789 9934 (T) 086 5740 791 (F) PO Box 11960 DIE HOEWES 0163 Reason for cancellation of registration in terms of the Act and the Regulations Failure to comply with regulations 25(1) and 28(1)(c) Date when cancellation comes into effect: 31 December 2014
‐ 78 ‐
‐ 79 ‐
A de-registered institution is an institution whose registration has been cancelled in terms of section 62(1) of the Higher Education Act. The following institutions fall into this category: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)
Academy of Advanced Technology Academy of Financial Markets Action Learning Business School Europe BV (Incorporated in the Netherlands) trading as the Business School Netherlands South Africa Bantori Business College (Pty) Ltd Beautiko Academy of Beauty (Pty) Ltd Bethel College Belathyme Investments (Pty) Ltd Beautiko Academy of Beauty (Pty) Ltd Bible Institute Eastern Cape Birnam Business College (Pty) Ltd (registered as a FET College) Bond South Africa Cat Group (Pty) Ltd t/a CAT Academy Cape Bible Training Centre Centre for Logistics Excellence (Pty) Ltd Centre for Urban Theological Studies College Campus (Now operating as a site of delivery for The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd) College of Marketing and Sales Management College of Vocational Studies Columbus Commercial College (Pty) Ltd Complimentary Body Works (Pty) Ltd t/a Complementary Health Centre Contemporary Music College Credo College Durban Christian Centre Durban College of Management and Economics Durban Institute of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (Pty) Ltd Evangelies-Gereformeerde Bybelkollege Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa ‐ 79 ‐
28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64)
‐ 80 ‐
Full Gospel Church of God College (The) Gauteng School of Management Training Centre (Pty) Ltd Giyani College of Technology and Management Graduate Academy of South Africa Graduate Institute of Management and Technology (Pty) Ltd Hampton College t/a Hampton Community College Haute Couture School of Fashion Design Helia-D International Health & Beauty Training College (Pty) Ltd Henley Management College (The) Imperial Underwood Campus Institute of Natural Health (Pty) Ltd Jill Farquharson College of Physical and Beauty Therapy Lead and Inspire (Pty) Ltd t/a The Lead and Inspire School of Leadership Linea Academy (Pty) Ltd Lowveld Tertiary College Maccauvlei Training and Conference Centre Mediatek Training Institute Mentornet (Pty) Ltd MSC Private College Natural Health and Beauty College cc New Africa Theatre Association Northern Cape Careers College Patrick Commercial College (Pty) Ltd Pax Commercial College (Pty) Ltd. Pinnacle Business College Primarius Privaat Kollege (Pty) Ltd Promat College of Education Professional Colleges of Southern Africa (PCSA) PRISA Education and Training Centre Reebok Education (Pty) Ltd Rissik Business School (Pty) Ltd Rosebank College (Now operating as a site of delivery for The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd) School of Complementary Health School of Effective Reflexology Methods (Pty) Ltd School of Hand and Foot Reflexology (Pty) Ltd South African College of Complementary Therapies cc South African Faculty of Homeopathy (The) ‐ 80 ‐
65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 7.
‐ 81 ‐
Studium Philosophicum Style Design College (Pty) Ltd Train-A-Child Training for Management Trust Tremar Training College Varsity College (Now operating as a site of delivery for The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd) Vega, The School of Brand Communications (Now operating as a site of delivery for The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd) Yaraka School of Holistic Therapies INSTITUTIONS WHICH HAVE REQUESTED DISCONTINUE THEIR REGISTRATION
Institutions may request that the Registrar discontinue their registration in accordance with the stipulations of the Act and the Regulations. The following institutions fall into this category: a. Complimentary Body Works (Pty) Ltd t/a Complementary Health Centre b.Design School Southern Africa (The) (Now operating as a site of delivery for The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd). c. Helia-D International Health & Beauty Training College d. Lead and Inspire (Pty) Ltd t/a The Lead and Inspire School of Leadership e. Madge Wallace (Pretoria) (Pty) Ltd t/a Madge Wallace International College of Skin Care and Body Therapy. f. Reebok Education (Pty) Ltd. g. Rissik Business School (Pty) Ltd. h. South African Faculty of Homeopathy (The) i. School of Effective Reflexology Methods (Pty) Ltd. j. School of Hand and Foot Reflexology (Pty) Ltd. ENQUIRIES Members of the public who wish to enquire about the process of registration as well as the registration status of a private education institution can contact: The Director Private Higher Education Institutions Department of Higher Education and Training 123 Frances Baard Street ‐ 81 ‐
‐ 82 ‐
Private Bag X 895 Pretoria 0001 Telephone:
(012) 312 5253 (012) 312 5320
(012) 324 6343
E-mail: registrarphei@dhet.gov.za CALL CENTRE: 0800 87 22 22
‐ 82 ‐