2013 (IPCSM 2013). Organized by: Faculty of ... 5-6 October 2013. Venue:
Convention Hall ... pers will be publish in Jurnal Sains dan. Matematik (JSM)
OVERVIEW For the last decade has witnessed the development in science and mathematics.
All participants and presenters, except for invited speakers, MUST register for the
Thus, ensuring a sustainable life is one of the most critical issues facing by the Malaysia
Participants submitting abstracts should also sub-
and the world. In the quest of sustainable
mit a registration form with the required fee. Regis-
future, multidisciplinary post graduates which
tration fee covers
are our next generation researcher and
conference materials,
lunch and snack during coffee breaks.
educationist in chemistry, physic and biology are needed to play the roles to meet this
All registration fee should be made payable to “BENDAHARI Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris” via online at :
http://epayment.upsi.edu.my/onlineseminar/ or bank transfer or bank draft or local order.
challenge. The conference will provide a platform for post graduate of various science and mathematics to share and discuss about the
Theme: Research in Science and Mathematics Catalyze Sustainability for the Future
sustainable future. It also enables them to get an overview on today's challenges and the For registration and submission, please do it online at :
http://www.ipcsm2013.my/v1/index.php/regis tration
development activities in their area.
FURTHER INFORMATION Chairman Dr Azmi Mohamed Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Mathematics Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris 35900 Tanjung Malim Perak MALAYSIA Phone: +6015-4811-7582 Email:
[email protected]
Date: 5-6 October 2013 Venue: Convention Hall, E-Learning Building, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Organized by: Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris http://www.ipcsm2013.my
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The APCSM 2013 Secretariat welcomes papers either for oral or poster presentation from researchers, academicians, and students for the conference based on the following topic of interest : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Environmental and Green Chemistry Natural Product and Biological Chemistry Science and Engineering Technology Optics and Photonics Astrophysics Theoretical physics Solid State Physics Physics and renewable energy Bioinformatics Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Microbial Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Environmental Biochemistry and Biotechnology Statistics and Probability Pure and Applied Mathematics Computational Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Chemistry, Physic, Biology, Mathematics and Science Education
5 June 2013 5 July 2013
Deadline for abstracts Notification for the acceptance
5 September 2013
Deadline for early registration
5 – 6 October 2013
IPCSM 2013
Interested parties shall submit an abstract either for oral or poster presentation in English not exceeding 300 words using Microsoft Word-readable format. The abstract should consist of :
Title of paper
Name and address of authors;
Maximum of 5 keywords of the paper
The abstract should be sent by e-mail to the conference secretariat. The abstract and manuscript preparation format can be downloaded in our conference website. The paper shall be written in MS WORD format, Arial font size 10, single spacing and not more than six A4 pages. After refereeing process, accepted papers will be publish in Jurnal Sains dan Matematik (JSM) UPSI.
REGISTRATION FEES The fee will cover conference materials, breakfast, lunch and refreshment. Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who have successfully attended the conference. Tour to Cameron Highland is also provided for free. The fee for the conference is as follows : Local postgraduate
RM150.00 (USD 50)
International postgraduate
RM 300.00 (USD 100)
Internal (UPSI) postgraduate
RM100.00 (USD 35)
VENUE AND ACCOMODATION The conference will be held at Convention Hall, E-learning Building, Universiti Pendidkan Sultan Idris. Participants are required to make their own arrangement and accommodations. There are several hotels near the conference venue that participant can choose to stay in. Hotel Sahara Inn
05 4595999
Hotel Bunga Raya
05 4594388
Hotel Cahaya
05 4594454