RESERVATIONS: Hotel reservations can be made at the Perdido Beach Resort by phone or online. To make reservations by pho
REGISTRATION FORM FOR ALABAMA YOUNG LAWYERS ORANGE BEACH SEMINAR AT PERDIDO BEACH RESORT May 17-19, 2018 Name_______________________________________ Firm________________________________________ Address_____________________________________
Please return this completed registration form and payment to:
City/State/Zip_________________________________ Fee: $299.00 * $250.00 for First Year ASB Admittees Free CLE admission if you are (please check):
Alabama Young Lawyers Section c/o S. Brett Holsombeck 905 Montgomery Highway Suite 201 Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35216
____ I am a Student Member ____ I am a member of the ASB Leadership Forum for 2018
State Bar I.D. #; ASB-__________________________ E-Mail______________________________________ Please check if you plan on playing in the Golf Tournament.
Make checks payable to Alabama Young Lawyers Section For more information contact S. Brett Holsombeck at (205) 824-7767 or
[email protected]
Spaces are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Team Member Names: 1.___________ 2.______________
3._____________ 4._______________ Golf Tournament Fee: $125.00 GENERAL INFORMATION RESERVATIONS: Hotel reservations can be made at the Perdido Beach Resort by phone or online. To make reservations by phone, call 800-607-7020 and be sure to reference Group Code 15134 to receive the special group rate. Hotel reservations can also be made at Condominium reservations can be made at the Caribe Resort by phone, call (251)980-9000 ext. 1 and be sure to reference Group Code “Young Lawyers Group.” Both the Perdido Beach Resort and Caribe Resort are providing special rates and holding a limited number of rooms on a first-come, first-served basis. Any special requests in regard to sleeping rooms are based on availability at time of arrival. The deadline to receive special group rates is May 3, 2018 so please make plans accordingly. CLE CANCELLATION POLICY: Full refund for registration fees, minus a $25 administrative fee, will be given if we are notified by May 1, 2018. MCLE CREDIT: This course is pending approval by the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Committee of Alabama for a maximum of 6 hours credit including 1.0 hours of ethics. It is the responsibility of each attorney to maintain records of attendance. Please be sure to include your Alabama Bar Membership number on the registration form. GOLF TOURNAMENT: The format will be a four-man scramble. There will be a $125 entry fee per person. Refreshments will be served and various prizes will be awarded. Please register in advance using the registration blank in this brochure. Spaces are limited on a first-come, first-served basis. If you plan on playing with a team, please include the names of the four person team with this registration form.