Registration : Observation form

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Edmonton Suzuki Flute and Recorder Society. BEGINNER REGISTRATION FORM. 1. Complete form and mail with required payments to: ESFRS, 162 Bonnie ...
Edmonton Suzuki Flute and Recorder Society

Edmonton Suzuki Flute and Recorder Society





2. 3.


CONTACT ESFRS AT [email protected] for schedule of lessons and classes to observe. You may observe lessons and classes before registering for the program, or you may wish to register first to reserve a place in the program before you begin observing. Lesson observations are for parent and child together. Discuss what you have seen after each observation, and be aware of the specific things that catch your childʼs attention. Please have teachers sign this form after each observation to confirm that you have completed the suggested minimum number of lesson and group class observations. When you have completed the observations, send the form in to ESFRS, 162 Bonnie Doon Mall, PO Box 68178, Edmonton, AB, T6C4N6 , along with your registration if you have not already registered. You are always welcome to observe more than the suggested minimum. The more you observe, the easier it will be when you start your own lessons.



* indicates primary contact * - all ESFRS notices will be sent to this person

Student Name Student Birthdate (dd/mm/yy)

Student Name

INDIVIDUAL LESSONS - suggested minimum: 2 lessons, at least 1 beginner Date


Complete form and mail with required payments to: ESFRS, 162 Bonnie Doon Mall, PO Box 68178, Edmonton, AB, T6C4N6 Upon receipt of form, you will receive an email confirmation of your registration. This will reserve your place in the program. Lessons do not begin until observations are completed and all payments are received.

Lesson Length (min)

Beginner? Instrument? Y/N Flute or Recorder


Instrument FLUTE / RECORDER / UNDECIDED (circle one)

Teacher Signature 1st Parent name* Street Address*

City, Province* Postal Code* Telephone home*

Telephone work*

Cell email* (all ESFRS notices will be sent via email to this address. Make sure it is one you check regularly)

2nd Parent name

GROUP CLASSES - suggested minimum: 1 Thursday night class Date


Teacher Signature

Address (if different from above)

Telephone - home (if different from above)


(if different from above)


(if different from above)

Telephone - work*

Edmonton Suzuki Flute and Recorder Society BEGINNER PAYMENT FORM & A/V RELEASE 1. 2.

Complete form and mail with required payments to: ESFRS, 162 Bonnie Doon Mall, PO Box 68178, Edmonton, AB, T6C4N6 Do not send in lesson payments until observations completed. If there is a delay in completing observations, lesson tuition may need to be pro-rated based on remaining lessons in term.

PAYMENTS REQUIRED Registration fee!

If this fee is already paid this year through another sibling in the program, please give name of sibling here:

$110 per family

! Beginner fee


(first year students only)!

Volunteer fee


(cheque postdated to Oct. 1, 2012 - will be returned upon completion of volunteer duty)!

Tuition fee (for 36 1/2 hour lessons)


(Siingle payment for entire year - cheque dated Sept 1, 2011)! or (10 cheques postdated Sept. 1 - June 1 , amount $117.73 each)!

10 cheques for$117.73 each





Edmonton Suzuki Flute and Recorder Society [email protected] 780-887-1421

AUDIO/VIDEO RELEASE I understand that photographs, audio and video recordings may be taken of my child while he/she is participating in ESFRS activities. The Suzuki Association of the Americas requests videos of teachers in action with students as part of their teacher accreditation program. I understand that my children may appear in videos made and submitted to the SAA for this purpose. I give permission to the ESFRS to use photos / audio recordings / video recordings of my child(ren) for teacher accreditation, as well as brochures, newsletters, websites, and other materials that are used to promote awareness of the program and celebrate student accomplishments. My child(ren)ʼs image will not be altered in any way that is not considered acceptable.

______________________________________________________________________ Signature of parent or guardian Date

“If love is deep, much can be accomplished” Shinichi Suzuki (1898 - 1998)