Jul 6, 2015 - Exposures to ambient air pollution and secondhand smoke (SHS) have ... models with specific interaction terms by applying the delta method. ..... Solid lines show estimated mean LTE4 as a function of secondhand smoke ...
Research Article Received: 13 October 2014,
Environmetrics Revised: 6 July 2015,
Accepted: 7 July 2015,
Published online in Wiley Online Library: 10 August 2015
(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/env.2354
Regression calibration with instrumental variables for longitudinal models with interaction terms, and application to air pollution studies M. Stranda,b*, S. Sillauc , G. K. Grunwaldb and N. Rabinovitchd In this paper, we derive forms of estimators and associated variances for regression calibration with instrumental variables in longitudinal models that include interaction terms between two unobservable predictors and interactions between these predictors and covariates not measured with error; the inclusion of the latter interactions generalize results we previously reported. The methods are applied to air pollution and health data collected on children with asthma. The new methods allow for the examination of how the relationship between health outcome leukotriene E4 (LTE4 , a biomarker of inflammation) and two unobservable pollutant exposures and their interaction are modified by the presence or absence of upper respiratory infections. The pollutant variables include secondhand smoke and ambient (outdoor) fine particulate matter. Simulations verify the accuracy of the proposed methods under various conditions. © 2015 The Authors. Environmetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Keywords: measurement error; errors in variables; ambient PM2:5 ; cigarette smoke; LTE4 ; cotinine
1. INTRODUCTION Exposures to ambient air pollution and secondhand smoke (SHS) have been implicated as health risks, particularly for some conditions such as asthma (Chilmonczyk et al., 1993; Roemer et al., 1993; Peters et al., 1997; Vedal et al., 1998; Ostro et al., 2001; Wallace et al., 2003; Rabinovitch et al., 2006, 2011). In terms of subject exposure, measurement error is inherent to air pollution studies because most have used fixed (central) monitors at a distance from study subjects. Even for studies that have used personal monitors, determining fractions of pollution due to SHS and outdoor sources involves estimation. Regression calibration with instrumental variables (RCIV; Carroll et al., Chapter 6, 2006; Buonaccorsi, Chapter 5, 2010; Buzas and Stefanski, 1996) can be used to minimize bias in health-effect estimates due to measurement error by employing data from both fixed and personal monitors as well as other variables related to exposure. Regression calibration methods are well established and have been extended for longitudinal or clustered data within recent decades, most commonly by employing linear mixed models (Bartlett et al., 2009); nonlinear mixed models, Ko and Davidian, 2000; or generalized linear mixed models (GLMM; Carroll et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1998, 1999). Specific extensions for RCIV using GLMMs have also been made (Li and Wang, 2012). These articles provide framework for estimation but do not give explicit forms for specific models with interaction terms. Other recent measurement error methods articles involve interaction terms, but not longitudinal data or instrumental variables (e.g., Wong et al., 2004; Huang et al., 2005). We previously derived explicit forms of RCIV estimators and variances for longitudinal models with interaction terms between the unobservable predictors, that is, the true exposure measurements of interest, while adjusting for covariates not involved in interactions (Strand et al., 2014). Here, we extend these forms to allow interaction between the unobservable predictors and the covariates. This extension allows us to account for situations where the health–exposure relationship may be modified by subject characteristics or conditions. Regression calibration with instrumental variables algorithms employ unbiased but measured-with-error variables (unbiased surrogate variables) and variables that are linearly related to the true predictors of interest (instrumental variables) to obtain consistent and nearly
Correspondence to: M. Strand, Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, National Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson St., M222a, Denver, CO 80206, U.S.A. E-mail: strandm@njhealth.org
Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, National Jewish Health, Denver, CO, U.S.A.
Department of Biostatistics & Informatics, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO U.S.A.
Department of Neurology, Colorado School of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO U.S.A.
Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish Health, Denver, CO U.S.A. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Environmetrics 2015; 26: 393–405
© 2015 The Authors. Environmetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The copyright line for this article was changed on 29 October, 2015 after original online publication.
unbiased estimators of the coefficients of the true predictors. Two particular algorithms are often used to carry out RCIV, one that obtains the calibrated estimates as functions of estimates from the two separate model fits (RCIV1) and another that obtains predicted values from one model fit, then plugs these predicted values into a second model in place of the unknown predictors (RCIV2). Carroll et al. (2006) and Hardin and Carroll (2003) describe methods to obtain asymptotic variances for estimated coefficients of interest in generalized linear models using “stacked estimating equations” for RCIV1 and/or RCIV2 estimators, but recommend the use of empirical (sandwich) variances due to model approximations with this approach. Thurston et al. (2003) proved that RCIV1 and RCIV2 estimators have the same asymptotic variances when the outcome follows a generalized linear model of exponential family form and when there may be multiple covariates measured with error. In this article, we determine both model-based and empirical asymptotic variances of RCIV1 estimators in linear mixed models with specific interaction terms by applying the delta method. This approach allows for true covariance structures to be retained (based on underlying models and assumptions), although in practice, we have found that approximations to covariance structures have worked adequately. Our motivating application involves a longitudinal air pollution and health study conducted on children with asthma at the National Jewish Health in Denver and reported in Rabinovitch et al. (2011) and Strand et al. (2014). In the first article, we examined the relationship between a biomarker of inflammation, leukotriene E4 (LTE4 ), and two instrumental variables related to pollutant exposures: urinary cotinine (related to SHS exposure) and outdoor fine particulate matter (related to personal ambient fine particulate matter exposure), plus their interaction. Using these instrumental variables plus a small number of days of measured-with-error but unbiased exposure concentrations from personal monitors (the unbiased surrogate variables), we then used RCIV in the second article to estimate the slopes of the two unobserved pollutant exposure variables, plus their interaction. Both reports demonstrated that while increases in exposures to ambient fine particulate matter and SHS each had adverse effects on health, greater dose–response relationship for one pollutant occurred when the other pollutant was at lower levels. Some preliminary analyses suggested that the health–pollutant relationships for subjects might depend on whether or not children had upper respiratory infections (URIs or “colds”). The extended models presented in this paper allowed us to examine this, and could be used to study other potential effect modifiers. In this paper, we first derive the form of regression calibration estimators for the extended RCIV1 model, which includes interactions between unobservable predictors and observable covariates, and derive asymptotic standard errors for all estimators in this model using the delta method. We then revisit the air pollution and health data to better understand the role of URIs in the health-exposure relationship. Finally, the precision and accuracy of the estimation method are assessed via simulation.
2. METHODS 2.1. The models We consider linear mixed models, including random intercepts to account for subject heterogeneity in the responses, and a serial correlation structure for within-subject repeated measures. Although fitting models does involve approximation to the covariance structures as will be discussed later, including these two features in the approximated structures has allowed us to obtain reasonably accurate inferential results for parameters of interest, as verified through Monte Carlo simulation. The continuous outcome variable Yij for subject i at time j , i D 1; ; n and j D 1; ; ri is expressed as a function of the unobservable predictors (X1ij , X2ij and their interaction), covariates measured without error that are involved in interactions with at least one of the unobservable predictors (denoted as Zij ), covariates without error that are not involved in interactions with the unobservable predictors (denoted as Zij ), and random terms to incorporate the correlation due to longitudinal measurement of subjects. If each Z term is allowed ; Z ; ; Z /, to interact with all terms in Xij D .1; X1ij ; X2ij ; X1ij X2ij / and we let Zij D .Z1ij ; Z2ij ; ; Zkij /, Zij D .Z1ij 2ij mij then the model of interest is (1) Yij D Xij ˇ X C Zij ˇ Z C Zij ˝ Xij ˇ Z C biY C ij where biY N.0; b2Y / is a random intercept term for subjects and i D .i1 ; i2 ; ; ir i /t N.0; Ri /. We assume that the random intercept and error terms are independent of each other and that the subjects are independent. We use the spatial power structure for Ri , jt t 0 j which has the form C ov.ij ; ij 0 / D Ri .j; j 0 / D ij ij 2 , for days tij and tij 0 in the study period associated with observations j and 0 j , respectively, for subject i . This is a generalization of the AR(1) structure and is useful when data are collected intermittently, such as in our data application. (In our application, we do not consider days without data to be missing values because data collection was designed to be intermittent.) The fixed-effect parameter vectors are defined as ˇ X D .ˇ0X ; ˇ1X ; ˇ2X ; ˇ3X /t , ˇ Z D .ˇ Z1 ; ˇ Z2 ; : : : ; ˇ Zk /t , ˇ Z D
.Œˇ Z1 t ; Œˇ Z2 t ; ; Œˇ Zm t /t , where ˇ Zp D .ˇ0 p ; ˇ1 p ; ˇ2 p ; ˇ3 p /t , for p D 1; :::; m. The ˝ symbol indicates the Kronecker product; X ; : : : ; Z X ). Let because Xij and Zij are both row vectors, the resulting product will also be a row vector with 4m elements: (Z1ij ij mij ij ˇ D .Œˇ X t ; Œˇ Z t ; Œˇ Z t /t denote the entire set of 4.m C 1/ C k fixed-effect parameters in model (1). In our data application, Y is natural log leukotriene E4, or ln(LTE4 ), and X1 and X2 are SHS and fine ambient particulate matter exposure concentrations, respectively. Both of the pollutant variables are considered in terms of fine particulate matter (technically, particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter, or PM2:5 ), and measured in g per m3 . Our primary models included an indicator for URI, or “cold” status (Z1 D 1 for presence, 0 for absence) as the covariate allowed to interact with X variables, and study year (Z1 ; : : : ; Z4 ; the last year was the reference year) as covariates not involved in interactions. If not all interactions between Z and X variables are required, then the model can be reformulated as Yij D Xij ˇ X C Zij ˇ Z C
m X
.p/ Z
p Zpij Xij ˇ .p/ C biY C ij
© 2015 The Authors. Environmetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Environmetrics 2015; 26: 393–405
, for p D 1; : : : ; m and ˇ p is the corresponding subset where Xij is the (nontrivial) subset of Xij to be included in interactions with Zpij .p/ of ˇ Zp . Instead of observing the predictors of interest, X1 and X2 , we observe instrumental variables M1 and M2 that are linearly related to them:
X1ij D 0 C 1 M1ij C biX1 C !1ij X2ij D 0 C 1 M2ij C biX2 C !2ij
where bi p N.0; b2Xp / are random intercepts for subjects, for p D 1; 2, and !1ij and !2ij are error terms with !pi D .!pi1 ; !pi2 ; : : : ; !pir i /t N.0; R!pi /. As with (1) [or (2)], we assume that the random intercept and error terms are independent (for each equation), subjects are independent, and assume the spatial power structure for R!pi . Instrumental variables in our application are cotinine (M1 , measured in ng per mg of creatinine), a metabolite of nicotine that can be measured in the urine and used as a biomarker of exposure to SHS, and ambient fine particulate matter concentrations measured by a fixed outdoor monitor (M2 , measured in g per m3 ). We can generalize (3) so that M1 and M2 are included in both equations. Such an expanded model was considered in Strand et al. (2014). One of the difficulties of this model is that matrices associated with estimators have linear dependencies that need to be dealt with. It does not produce problems with estimators, but just complicates derivations. In this article, we will only consider (3) and not the expanded version primarily for the sake of simplifying notation, although results could be generalized to that case. In addition, the use of (3) seemed to be adequate for the data application, although the expanded version was used in the previous article to demonstrate the methods. The primary difficulty in measuring X1 and X2 is because they are mixed together when measured, along with pollution from other sources. Although we do not observe X1 and X2 , in our application, there is a small amount of data for “unbiased but measured-with-error” versions of these variables, denoted as W1ij D X1ij C U1ij and W2ij D X2ij C U2ij , respectively, where Upij has mean 0 and is assumed X to be independent of bi p , p D 1; 2. Incorporating W1 and W2 into (3) yields 0 W1ij D 0 C 1 M1ij C biX1 C !1ij 0 W2ij D 0 C 1 M2ij C biX2 C !2ij
0 D !pij C Upij , for p D 1; 2. Portions of total measured fine particulate matter attributable to SHS (W1 ) and ambient sources where !pij (W2 ) were estimated using personal monitors, chemical signatures, and methods as described in Strand et al. (2014). This approach is expensive, cumbersome, and still results in measurements with error. But as long as we can assume that the W variables are unbiased for the 0 ; !0 ; : : : ; !0 t X variables, we can apply RCIV. In (4), let !0 pi D .!pi1 pi1 pir i / denote the error vector for subject i and p D 1; 2. We use the spatial power structure for R!0 pi , although it is likely to just be an approximation. Letting Mij D .1; M1ij ; M2ij ; M1ij M2ij /, the health outcome model fit for RCIV1 is
Yij D Mij M C Zij Z C Zij ˝ Mij Z C biY C ij
This is essentially model (1) with Mij used in place of Xij , that is, unobservable predictors are replaced with their instrumental counterparts. Collectively, we define D .Œ M t ; Œ Z t ; Œ Z t /t as the 4.m C 1/ C k fixed-effect parameters in model (5) that correspond with the parameters in ˇ for model (1). Asterisks are included on the random terms in (5) to distinguish them from those in (1). A version of (5) that involves partial interactions can also be written [analogous to how (2) relates to (1)]. Models (4) and (5) are fitted to obtain estimates that are then combined via RCIV1 to achieve the calibrated estimates, which are derived in the next section. The true covariance structure for response variables in models (4) and (5) as well as between responses in (4) and (5) based on underlying models (1) and (3) are displayed and/or discussed in Appendix A. These covariance structures are quite complicated, but our work has shown that using the “spatial power plus random intercept” structures as approximations in models (4) and (5) works reasonably well. This is true for models here as well as those studied in Strand et al. (2014). To recognize these forms as only approximations, asterisks are included on the covariance parameters to distinguish them from parameters in true underlying structures. While using these simpler covariance structures has appeared to be adequate, we also found that ignoring the repeated measures completely leads to very overinflated variances. 2.2. Point estimation 0 ) and (b X2 C ! 0 ) are uncorrelated, we Let Wij D .1; W1ij ; W2ij ; W1ij W2ij /. Based on models (1) and (4), and assuming (biX1 C !1ij i 2ij can write E.Wij jMij / D Mij C, where
1 0 0 0 0
C B B 0 1 0 1 0 C C B CDB C B 0 0 1 0 1 C A @ 0 0 0 1 1
Environmetrics 2015; 26: 393–405
© 2015 The Authors. Environmetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
For our models and assumptions, E Yij jMij ; Zij ; Zij D Ex E Yij jXij ; Mij ; Wij ; Zij ; Zij jMij ; Zij ; Zij D Ex E Yij jXij ; Zij ; Zij jMij ; Zij ; Zij D Ex Xij ˇ X C Zij ˇ Z C Zij ˝ Xij ˇ Z jMij ; Zij ; Zij h i D Ex .Xij jMij /ˇ X C Zij ˇ Z C Zij ˝ Ex .Xij jMij / ˇ Z h i D Ex .Wij jMij /ˇ X C Zij ˇ Z C Zij ˝ Ex .Wij jMij / ˇ Z h i D Mij Cˇ X C Zij ˇ Z C Zij ˝ .Mij C/ ˇ Z
In the aforementioned equations, we employ the following assumptions that are standard in deriving regression calibration estimators: Wij and Mij are surrogates for Xij in predicting Yij , such that E.Yij jXij ; Mij ; Wij ; Zij ; Zij / D E.Yij jXij ; Zij ; Zij / (see Carroll et al., 2006 for a definition of surrogacy involving distributions); E.Xij jMij ; Zij ; Zij / D E.Xij jMij /; # random terms between models in (4) are uncorrelated and Mij is uncorrelated with Upij , p D 1; 2, such that E.Xij jMij / D E.Wij jMij /. For a given application, whether these assumptions are met should be considered carefully. Violations to these assumptions are a matter of degree; small violations may be inconsequential, but larger violations could be very problematic. We return to this again in the Discussion. In order to determine forms of estimators of ˇ X , ˇ Z and ˇ Z , we first equate terms in the preceding mean derivation with those in the mean of (5), given Mij and covariates: Mij Cˇ X D Mij M Zij ˇ Z D Zij Z h i Zij ˝ .Mij C/ ˇ Z D Zij ˝ Mij Z By properties of the Kronecker product, we can re-express Zij ˝ .Mij C/ D .Zij Im / ˝ .Mij C/ D .Zij ˝ Mij / .Im ˝ C), and hence, the last aforementioned equation becomes Zij ˝ Mij .Im ˝ C/ ˇ Z D Zij ˝ Mij Z where Im is an m m identity matrix. We also note that .Im ˝ C/1 D .Im ˝ C1 /. By utilizing all of these equations and replacing parameters with their maximum likelihood estimators in the mixed model fits, we obtain X O 1 O M ˇO D C Z ˇO D O Z
Z O 1 /O Z ˇO D .Im ˝ C
O indicates that all parameters in C are replaced with their estimators; this matrix is invertible as long as estimates yield a nonsingular where C O 1 can also easily be written in algebraic form. matrix, which is expected. (e.g., O1 and O 1 must be nonzero.) The matrices C1 and C Often, not all interactions may be of interest. A formulation of the model and estimators for partial interactions is given in Appendix B. 2.3. Variance of ˇO O We use the term “approximate” As in Strand et al. (2014), we employed the delta method to obtain the approximate asymptotic variance of ˇ. because of the approximations of covariance structures in the model; asymptotic methods are inherently approximate. Based on the delta O D †t where method, Var.ˇ/ 0 1 † † † B C (7) † D @ † † † A † † †
is the covariance matrix for estimators of fixed-effect parameters in (4) and (5) and is a matrix of partial derivatives with .i; j /th element @ˇŒi , where ˇŒi denotes the i th element of ˇ and ˛Œj denotes the j th element of ˛ D .0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ; t /t . The diagonal elements in (7) @˛Œj are the covariance matrices for fixed-effect estimators in model (4) (first two diagonal matrices) and model (5) (third diagonal matrix), and the off-diagonal matrices contain covariances between fixed-effect parameter estimators between models. Specific forms of † and based on models (1), (4), and (5) and the defined estimators are given in Appendix C. In (7), note that † D † t , † D † t , † D † t .
© 2015 The Authors. Environmetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Environmetrics 2015; 26: 393–405
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of variables involved in the analysis Y
85 24.5 3.85 4.49 5.93 0.35 0.36
64 11.5 0.80 1.51 3.22 0.42 0.49
50 11.3 1.41 1.92 2.34 0.41 0.19
85 24.6 0.75 1.67 5.32 0.64 1.35
Statistic Number of subjects with data available Average number of responses per subject Minimum of subject means Average of subject means Maximum of subject means Average of subject SD’s SD of subject means
90 392.7 2.48 2.67 2.80 0.62 0.07
86 59.1 0 0.18 0.73 0.31 0.17
Y =ln(LTE4 ); W1 =ln(SHS exposure+1); W2 =ln(ambient fine particulate matter exposure + 1); M1 =ln(cotinine); M2 =ln(ambient fine particulate matter from fixed monitor); Z1 =upper respiratory infection (1=present, 0=absent), that is, ‘cold’. Units for pollutant exposure variables and ambient fine particulate matter measured at the fixed monitor were g/m3 ; units for LTE4 were pg per mg of creatinine; units for cotinine were ng per mg of creatinine (all before transformation). Results are combined across study years, Z1 ; : : : ; Z4 .
Negative values occurred due to natural log transformation.
O were calculated (Appendix C). When random terms between models in (4) as well as Both model-based and empirical forms of Var.ˇ/ between those in (4) and (5) are uncorrelated, † D 0, although † and † are not necessarily 0. For model-based variances, we set all of these submatrices to 0, primarily to avoid non-convergence or non-positive definite matrix issues. For the empirical-based estimates O we did not set off-diagonal elements to 0. One disadvantage of doing this is the same subject-day records must be used to fit of Var.ˇ/, different models in (4) and (5) so that off-diagonal covariances can be estimated (with our given approach). O used in the data application and simulations, In the following are our steps to calculate model-based and empirical forms of Var.ˇ/ followed by some important notes. O Steps to calculate the model-based form of Var.ˇ/: 1. Set off-diagonal submatrices in (7) to 0. 2. Obtain diagonal submatrices in (7) from mixed model fits. Numerical forms of the diagonal covariance matrices are obtained easily with common statistical packages (for example, using the COVB option in ODS OUTPUT in SAS PROC MIXED or in the y.fit$varFix object in R, when using the lme function from the nlme package). O D †t using forms of as shown in Appendix C, replacing parameters with their estimates. 3. Compute Var.ˇ/ O Steps to calculate the empirical form of Var.ˇ/: 1. Calculate empirical versions of submatrices in (7) using forms shown in Appendix C, where the middle “Var” and “Cov” quantities are calculated based on squared residuals or residual cross products. O D †t using forms of as shown in Appendix C, replacing parameters with their estimates. 2. Compute Var.ˇ/
3. APPLICATION In our analyses, we consider the same data as described and analyzed in Strand et al. (2014), with the addition of the time-varying “cold” indicator variable, obtained through surveys with the children. The variables are defined in Section 2.1, with summary statistics presented in Table 1. Within a study year, data collection occurred approximately from October through April. Data from the first 2 study years (2002– 2004) were available to fit (4), while data from all 4 years (2002–2006) were available to fit (5). Consequently, model-based variances but O For ease of interpretation of parameter estimates, we mean-corrected the W variables in the not empirical variances were calculated for ˇ. fit of (4). Instrumental data were much more abundant and easier to collect than data from personal monitors, making RCIV a natural choice for analysis. Our assumed model for (1) was Yij D ˇ0X C ˇ1X X1ij C ˇ2X X2ij C ˇ3X X1ij X2ij C ˇ Z1 Z1ij C ˇ Z2 Z2ij C ˇ Z3 Z3ij C ˇ Z4 Z4ij Z
C ˇ0 1 Z1ij C ˇ1 1 Z1ij X1ij C ˇ2 1 Z1ij X2ij C ˇ3 1 Z1ij X1ij X2ij C biY C ij
Table 2 shows results of model (4) and (5) fits, while Table 3 shows estimates of the key parameters in (8) via RCIV1. (Note that year 4 was set as the reference, so ˇ Z4 D Z4 D 0.) Our data suggested that the instrumental (M ) variables were only weak to moderately associated with the personal exposure data. This was one of the reasons why more data were sought to fit (4), even though unbiased surrogate data did
Environmetrics 2015; 26: 393–405
© 2015 The Authors. Environmetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Table 2. Estimates of parameters in (4) and (5) for the data application (SE in parentheses) Predictor or covariance quantity
Regression of W1a (personal SHS exposure) on M1
Regression of W2a (personal ambient fine particulate matter) on M2
O0 D 0:26 (0.07) O1 D 0:14 (0.03)
O 0 D 0:52 (0.09)
Regression of Y (LTE4 ) on M1 ; M2 , M1 M2 O0M O1M O2M O3M
D 4:12 (0.08) D 0:09 (0.03) D 0:05 (0.02) D 0:02.0:01/
Cold (Z1 )
D 0:20 (0.15)
Z1 M1
D 0:07 (0.08)
Intercept Cotinine (M1 ) Ambient PM2:5 (M2 ) M1 M2
Z1 Z1
O 1 D 0:17 (0.03)
Z1 Z1
Z O2 1 Z O3 1 O Z1
M1 M2 Year 1 (Z1 )b Year 2 (Z2 )b Year 3 (Z3 )b Random subject variance Correlation
O b2 X1 D 0:15 D 0:47 O ! 0
O b2 X2 D 0:02 D 0:08 O ! 0
O !20 D 0:22
O !20 D 0:17
O 2 D 0:12
Residual variance
D 0:05 (0.05)
D 0:03(0.03) D 0:11 (0.04) O Z2 D 0:24 (0.04) O Z3 D 0:30 (0.04) O b2 Y D 0:11 O D 0:42
W variables were mean-corrected before the fit of (4). There were 458, 560 and 1438 records for analysis in the regression models for W1 , W2 and Y , respectively; see the text for more detail about the variables and models. Correlations are meaningful for responses on consecutive days. Ambient fine particulate matter is denoted as ambient PM2:5 . a Mean
corrected before model fit.
b Relative
to Year 4.
Table 3. Estimates of parameters (or linear combinations of parameters) in model (8) for ln(LTE4 ) based on the RCIV1 estimation method No cold Model term Intercept SHS slope (at mean ambient PM2:5 ) Ambient PM2:5 slope (at mean SHS) Interaction Ambient PM2:5 slope (in absence of SHS)
Estimate (SE)
Cold P-value
Estimate (SE)
ˇO0X C ˇO0Z D 4:41 (0.06) ˇO1X C ˇO1Z D 0:27 (0.20)
Difference P-value