WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 44, W02420, doi:10.1029/2004WR003724, 2008
Regularity-based functional streamflow disaggregation: 1. Comprehensive foundation P. Carl1 and H. Behrendt1 Received 9 October 2004; revised 8 October 2007; accepted 30 October 2007; published 14 February 2008.
[1] An integrated, largely nonprobabilistic, calibration-free approach is proposed to
identify, estimate, evaluate, and attribute conceptual components of a streamflow time series. We assess its gross functional aggregation from the signal structure alone by consistently exploiting elementary constraints. Starting from the separability concept of linear operator theory, cross connections are revealed of such a blind functional streamflow disaggregation to qualitative dynamics. The algorithm is initialized by a first guess of regular behavior using singular-system analysis (SSA). To approach the regular/ singular borderline of the data and to separate a fast flow from total runoff, this (probabilistic) SSA mode is transformed into a lower envelope to the series via iterative cubic spline interpolation (CSI). Repeated CSI yields a hierarchy of lower envelopes that piles up part of a transient component and converges into a slow one. A lower bound is constructed as an instantaneous low flow using the leading SSA eigenvector. We demonstrate the method for highlands river stations, compare its results with those from distributed hydrologic models, and discuss attributions to overland flow, interflow, and base flow. For independent evaluation we resort to singularity-based multifractal analyses. Citation: Carl, P., and H. Behrendt (2008), Regularity-based functional streamflow disaggregation: 1. Comprehensive foundation, Water Resour. Res., 44, W02420, doi:10.1029/2004WR003724.
1. Introduction [2] Both assessment and projection of water availability or quality and freshwater induced landscape transformation are crucially dependent upon knowledge about the dynamic pathways that water takes after being intercepted at the surface. Distributed hydrologic models are capable, in principle, of providing the desired information [e.g., Beven, 2001]. They represent the direct approach to water mass transduction A, from precipitation f to discharge g by virtue of geomorphology and anthropogenic impress of the basin, B: g rj ; t ¼ Af f ðx; tÞg ¼ GBf f ðx; t Þg ¼ Gfgðx; t Þg
(G is streamflow aggregation, g is the vector of flow components, x is space, t is time, and r (rj) is river network coordinates (of station j)). Soils, rocks, vegetation and the drainage network form a multi(ple)-fractal material carrier c(x) of infiltration, percolation, and of a progressively concentrated basin-wide flow dynamics, g(x, t) = g(c(x), f(x, t)) = (B {f (x, t)}. The final aggregation G is brought to pass then by processes such as water table fluctuation within range of the river bank and downstream convolution along the network. [3] Calibration of a watershed model, i.e., parameter identification from aggregated data (hydrographs, flood 1 Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany.
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. 0043-1397/08/2004WR003724
volumes, recession slopes, low flow), is a genuine inverse task. It is rendered ill-posed [e.g., Dietrich et al., 1993] in case of overparameterization and/or equifinality, i.e., if the data support different choices of model physics [Jakeman and Hornberger, 1993, 1994; Chapman, 1994; Steenhuis et al., 1999a, 1999b; Michel, 1999; Beven and Freer, 2001]. Most advanced environmental models are overparameterized. As a consequence, operational performance does not necessarily parallel model complexity [Perrin et al., 2001]. Resorting to a suite of independent, direct and inverse methods is thus indicated. [4] A direct (rainfall-runoff) approach of whatever complexity, even as a probabilistic time series model [Jakeman et al., 1990; Young, 2001], requires calibration and is bound to unbroken sets of areal daily precipitation, at least. The latter may be a problem, not only for historical records or watersheds with low rain gauge density. Moreover, both surface and subsurface parallel flows [Young, 1992] are hard to calibrate in a model, and field measurements are too costly as to become routine. Inverse identification and separation of conceptual components, which dates back to Barnes [1939], remains thus justified. This refers to another class of inverse problems: data disaggregation into consistent sets of spatial, temporal, functional or spectral resolution. [5] Here we outline a minimalistic approach to what we call functional streamflow disaggregation (FSD). The term ‘‘disaggregation’’ is extended beyond its common spatiotemporal use, to include the (complete, balanced, physically founded) inversion of the entirety of hydrologic processes G making up parallel flow aggregation. We use ‘‘decomposition’’ as a technical term and recur on ‘‘separation’’ for
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single components (a disaggregation may involve two or more separations). [6] As an Archimedic point, we adopt the separability concept of the theory of linear operators. Streamflow at catchment outlet is viewed as an aggregate of discernible modes gk(r, t), with individual functional signatures borne in distinct function subspaces Gk. To resort to signature k, the range of a separating inversion T k = (G 1)k must therefore belong to the respective subspace, k = {T k} Gk. Sound functional disaggregation may also bear a spectral one. Blank practice using customary spectral tools, in contrast, may fail to yield functionally relevant results in a hydrologic context. Fourier domains, for example, overlap for classical base flow, interflow and overland flow [Spongberg, 2000]. Even the multiscale wavelet transform (WT) [e.g., Mallat, 1999] and the data-adaptive singularsystem analysis (SSA) [Vautard and Ghil, 1989] show unspecific responses. [7] In section 2 we trace out inferences from our separability axiom, pose them into the hydrologic context, and relate the approach briefly to other methods and fields. Technical aspects and the algorithm are sketched in sections 3 and 4. Single-station demonstrations are given in section 5 for three highlands river catchments (Danube and Elbe basins). We provide close comparison with the rainfallrunoff approach using distributed hydrologic models: Large Area Runoff Simulation Model (LARSIM) [Bremicker, 2000], Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) [Arnold et al., 1998] and Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM) [Krysanova et al., 1998]. Section 6 offers a summary; technical details are found in Appendix A.
2. Functional and Spectral Disaggregations 2.1. Conceptual Alignment [8] Causations of hydrologic modes (weather and climate variability, land use, water management, geomorphology, vegetation) may bear mutually extinguishing (‘‘destructive’’) interference. By virtue of mass conservation, a streamflow integrates this in a strictly nonnegative, additive way that outlaws any counterbalance. Though individual flow regimes may be highly nonlinear, aggregation of parallel flows is thus a linear operation on nonnegative entities that show ‘‘constructive,’’ nonextinguishing interference. Excepting interactive anthropogenic impacts, selective losses, or trigger effects, this feature traverses to catchment outlet. [9] We split G into lateral flow concentration from the basin X to the river network R, P ?{g(x, t)}, and downstream convolution, P k{g}(rj, t), across the network. A set of flows g(xj, t) from the catchment of station j is thus aggregated into local streamflow by virtue of two projectors in sequence, g rj ; t ¼ G g xj ; t ¼ P k P ? g xj ; t ;
which are linear, but a priori neither mutually orthogonal nor commuting ones. We have also not excluded mixing at this point, i.e., exchange between different flow components. [10] The integral, spatially and functionally aggregated runoff at catchment outlet (the ‘‘output’’) is a central spot in
the terrestrial water balance. Areal precipitation, the ‘‘input,’’ cannot be directly measured as yet. Which part of upstream information (Rj, c(xj)) becomes manifest in g(rj, t) depends to a great deal just on the spatiotemporal and functional features of rainfall f, however. This relates to the question if all relevant hydrologic modes are sufficiently excited over a study period [Young, 2001], i.e., if subspaces Gk are ‘‘filled.’’ [11] Estimates of effective rainfall by inversion of the left-hand part of (1) bear assumptions (of course), are nonlinear and refer originally to overland flow [Chow, 1964]. The linear component structure at catchment outlet may be assessed without such a closure, thus avoiding its nonlinear detour (and hypotheses) to prepare rainfall-runoff analysis and associated functional disaggregation. Runoff at location rj is viewed as a local sum of K conceptual modes here, K X g rj ; t ¼ gk rj ; t ;
which individually combine upstream contributions. We replace the unknown lateral P aggregation P ? thus withb a b ? = , and impose commutability, G = fictitious local one, P b kP b? = P b k. By virtue of this hypothesis, inversion T , b ?P P which aims to (re)construct a vector of local flows, g rj ; t ¼ T f g g rj ; t ;
b ? alone. Finally, FSD operator T becomes a partial one of P must be reducible, i.e., settle to partial inversions T k over distinct function subspaces Gk (rj suppressed henceforth), gk ðtÞ ¼ T k f g gðtÞ ¼ T fgk gðt Þ
(cf. also section A1). This consequence of the separability demand [Achieser and Glasmann, 1981] is fundamental to the present outline. Assumptions in the back as just quoted preserve separability in ruling out mixing in the water body by friction, turbulence, jets etc.: Water becomes separately transduced and convolved (‘‘routed’’) in its functional modes. Note that (4) comprises embedding, a basic task in dynamic systems analysis from time series [Sauer et al., 1991]. [12] We do not use a delay system as data model but bear the ‘‘convolutive’’ nature of streamflow aggregation in mind by an autocovariance-based, adaptive initialization using the SSA. Given the smoothing effect of convolutions [e.g., Chapman, 1985], the strategy developed here is basically rooted in a small set of inversions T k for regular streamflow behavior. 2.2. Notes on Unit Hydrograph Approaches [13] Integral transforms are clearly among the candidates for our operators T k. The (one-sided) Laplace transform (LT) is archetypal of the unit hydrograph (impulse response function (IRF)) theory, a central concept in hydrology [e.g., Dooge, 1959; Rodrı´guez-Iturbe and Valde´s, 1979]. The catchment response (instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH)), which may be formulated as a convolution integral, is the target of hybrid metric-conceptual (HMC)
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rainfall-runoff modeling [e.g., Jakeman et al., 1990; Young, 2001]. This use goes beyond the original dedication of the IUH to direct runoff and flood forecasting. The LT background of the approach bears the assumption of initially empty storages [e.g., Dietrich et al., 1993], though, which seems best justified in the original alignment of the theory. Still, HMC models comprise established approaches to modern hydrologic data analysis. Up to five ‘‘unobserved components’’ have been isolated, for example, when recruiting meteorological information in a data-based mechanistic (DBM) study of the Coweeta experiment [Young, 2001]. [14] Another cautionary note concerns the nature of the LT itself. It has a limited information capacity [McWhirter and Pike, 1978], like many integral transforms (section A1), and its short-scale results may be corrupted by noise. System identification (algebraic form of the IUH) might become selectively influenced, so that calibration and determination of effective rainfall may be imputed. Probabilistic HMC modes do not generally preserve nonnegativity and may show functional singularities (‘‘edges’’) even in their slowest scales [Jakeman et al., 1990]. The latter might reflect a tradeoff between stability and accuracy when inverting the convolution integral. To what extent such functional features are tolerable depends on the objectives of a study. A variety of causes for potential data errors notwithstanding, does the method we present strictly consider the water balance, a useful property in the search for signatures of nonlinear dynamics and when applying FSD within the context of distributed hydrologic modeling. [15] In an earlier, inverse approach, Hino and Hasebe [1981] used an IRF kernel-based, linear filter for both rainfall-runoff analysis and streamflow disaggregation. Their conceptual view on daily (hourly) runoff as directly driven by white (colored) noise effective rainfall, component by component, implies a rigid relationship which is a generic feature of the impulse response approach to streamflow analysis: g k ðtÞ ¼ Affk gðt Þ:
The problem is delegated this way to another type of inverse tasks, input identification. Lacking the typical shape of recession [Mitosek, 2000], the concept of white noise – driven streamflow may hardly apply to daily records from larger catchments, however. Base flow separations by Hino and Hasebe [1986] for single storm, hourly records are indeed more convincing, in light of response criteria as given by Nathan and McMahon [1990], than their continuous, seasonal analyses of daily data are. A concise survey of base flow methods is given by Furey and Gupta [2001] who introduce a physically founded generalization of time domain filtering. It does not root in the assumption of unique recession or frequency signatures of individual components but rests upon availability, quality, and consistent sampling of rainfall. [16] In short, cutoff frequencies, timescales or compound mechanistic quantities make up customary criteria for the inverse identification of flow components. There remains the question of whether those constituents of a conceptual hydrologic notion might not bear more qualitative signatures as well, say, as in the work of Sivakumar et al. [2001], who
propose temporal rainfall disaggregation on the basis of selfsimilarity arguments borne in the qualitative theory of dynamic systems. 2.3. Conceptual Cross Connections [17] Reasoning for a qualitative, nonprobabilistic FSD approach may refer to established facts. A theorem by Lebesgue states that every ‘‘charge,’’ or real function z(t) of bounded variation, admits a unique representation z(t) = z ac(t) + z sc(t) + z d(t), where z ac, z sc and z d are its absolutely continuous, singular continuous (‘‘noise’’) and discontinuous (step function) parts, respectively [Berezansky et al., 1996]. For ‘‘masses’’ m(t) (or nonnegative charges), the discontinuous part becomes the point mass mp [Reed and Simon, 1972]. Another conceptual template concerns the topological classification of strange attractors into global structure (bounding tori), intermediate one (branched manifolds) and fractal fine structure [Tsankov and Gilmore, 2003]. The relevance of deterministic chaos in hydrology has been highlighted by Sivakumar [2000, 2004]. Note also that the two universal classes of dynamic behavior, regular and chaotic, leave space for intermediate (‘‘pseudointegrable’’) systems. [18] To render this qualitative background practicable we may distinguish streamflow components gs(t) and gt(t) on slow (geomorphoclimatic) [Rodrı´guez-Iturbe et al., 1982] and transient (‘‘geomorphosynoptic’’) manifolds, Gs and Gt, from fast flows gf(t) comprising the system’s singular behavior. The conceptual view of comprehending singular dynamics in a fast mode, leaving more smooth transient and slow ones, has been motivated above with a view on convolutions. Excepting small and geomorphologically simple catchments, as well as hydraulic effects (i.e., focussing on the motion of water in our conceptual view on streamflow components here), spikes, edges and ‘‘jumps’’ in precipitation should not penetrate the hierarchy of hydrologic modes. Some sort of Nash cascade [Nash, 1959] is certainly found in most catchments. Though this is admittedly a simplifying picture, flow singularities that may emerge in a ‘‘responsive’’ vadose zone are not bound to external forcing [Faybishenko, 2004]. [19] In contrast to (6), the left part of (1) is thus specified as gk ðtÞ ¼ Ak f f gðt Þ
(k = s, t, f ). Reducibility is less obvious for the direct, basin-wide process than for the local, inverse case (5), i.e., Ak{f} 6¼ A{fk} in general. In reducing the basin-wide bB b to the identity operator I, i.e., water mass processing G to throughflow unaffected by the material carrier c(x), the equal sign would virtually dislocate the scene of hydrologic mode generation into the atmosphere. Though (3), (4) and (5) pose a limited task as well (mode generation at catchment outlet, in essence), this conceptual boldness is avoided. Given the variety of flow regimes they offer [e.g., Faybishenko, 2004], unsaturated soils or fractured rocks, for example, might well be viewed as hydrologically active media. [20] Like any mass, streamflow is a ‘‘measure’’ because of its nonnegativity and additivity. Orthogonal runoff modes may thus hardly exist. Strictly, this excludes most customary methods from use in hydrologic inversion. Differential streamflow hydrograph analysis, however, matches our aim
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to take bearing on borderlines of distinct dynamic behavior. To this end, we design lower envelopes to the data, and refer thus to their measure property (cf. sections 3 and A4). Related concepts in image processing include ‘‘slope transforms’’ and ‘‘minimal convolutions’’ [Maragos, 2001]. Note also a solid conceptual link to potential theory [Kishi, 1964]. 2.4. Basic Structures of Consistent Data Reduction [21] Theorem (5) is an adequate abstraction of our hydrologic task. We seek a complete inversion (4) that obeys (5): g ðt Þ ¼
gk ðt Þ ¼
T k f g gðtÞ:
Conceptually, each T k bears a (back)projection P k; that is, property (5) specifies as T k{g}(t) = P kT {g}(t) = gk(t) 2 Gk. Commutability P kT = T P k is a condition of reducibility of T [e.g., Achieser and Glasmann, 1981], and for the unknown P k we may fix ‘‘idempotence’’ (P 2k = P k) at this point. [22] For a reducible transform T , subspaces Gk are invariant manifolds: Application to elements gk(t) 2 Gk reduces T to T k, thus reproducing elements of Gk. Projector P k represents the one, ideal transform that leaves gk(t) even unchanged (a manifestation of its idempotence). P k is a special case of those T ks which generate just a ‘‘shadow’’ of the data object, i.e., preserve its functional signature: T k fkn lkn fkn ¼ 0:
This homogeneous (eigen)equation generalizes theorem (5), i.e., relaxes our reducibility condition. It bears the elementary expression of projective invariance under operation of T k: Among all elements of Gk, eigenfunctions fkn are just those exceptional ones which remain invariant, save scaling by k , a their eigenvalues lkn. Depending on its set {lkn}nn=1 (nondegenerate) partial inversion T k yields a projectively scaled, topologically equivalent image of the target component. Preservation of functional signatures and phase space topology, a compelling consequence of separability, is just what we demand of a disaggregating streamflow inversion. [23] We are lead now to the spectral complement of any functional, time domain view. Resorting to (8), g ðt Þ ¼
XX k
lkn x kn fkn ðt Þ
provides a functional and spectral (de)composition in one k (cf. section A1). The set {lkn, fkn}n1 of eigensolutions comprises the details of how the phase space topology of (sub)system k is reflected by the image we have of its dynamics. [24] An essential extension, as with the SSA, admits of nonstationary contributions by individual eigensolutions, i.e., of time-dependent projection coefficients x kn (sections A1 and A2). The more fundamental inhomogeneous generalization, T l ffg :¼ T ffg lf ¼ y;
poses our task into its broader context again, including the mixing problem. The ‘‘sea’’ of solutions to (11) that provide
irreducible maps between distinct function spaces (Gf ! Gy) is covered by the resolvent set r(T ) of corresponding ls. These solutions are also called ‘‘regular,’’ whereas the complementary set of ls, the spectrum s(T ), comprises all ‘‘singular’’ (somehow exceptional) ones. Among them is the eigensystem {li, fi}n1 of T where a symmetry, yi fi, rules out mixing, i.e., restores reducibility. [25] The implied target of SSA is the singular system of T , {li, fi, yi}s1. This set of s solutions has a ‘‘mirror image’’ to (11), T *{y} ly = f, by another, adjoint operator T *. It extends the projective invariance provided by the eigensystem to include seesaws between discernible subspaces. Explicitly, though, SSA solves the eigenproblem of the normal operator T T * = T * T (with eigenfunctions of T but squared eigenvalues [Pike et al., 1984]). It is thus also topology preserving, but only in second moment statistics (section A2). [26] Partial spectra sk(T ) may support a functional view if one-to-one relations exist to discernible features of gk(t). This raises also the question of spectral reducibility, i.e., of whether or not sk(T ) = s(T k) [Dunford and Schwartz, 1963]. Subspaces Gk (k = ac, sc, p) may relate to phase space flows (k = s, t, f ), and so may respective spectra, but not in an overly naive way (the point spectrum sp for example, to which the eigenvalues belong, comprises smooth solutions). Moreover, modern spectral theory calls for subclassification [Last, 1996]. How well either partition matches the classical one of base flow, interflow and overland flow (k = b, i, r) is subject to physical judgment (section 5.4).
3. Regularization [27] Having discussed conceptual issues of our FSD approach, it remains to sketch technical opportunities and limitations. An efficient, robust method is devised that exploits incontestable constraints and is neither bound to specific catchments or regions, nor to the validity of special assumptions or to availability and quality of rainfall data. [28] To arrive at unique, stable and relevant solutions, inverse methods have to be regularized [Engl et al., 1996], i.e., fortified by prior knowledge. Base flow separation from streamflow, for example, may rest upon geochemical, filter theoretical or physical constraints [Furey and Gupta, 2001]. Though the IUH exploits even causality and prior information about the relevant function space, it shows sensitive dependence on nonnegativity [Boneh and Golan, 1979]. This underlines the roˆle of the measure property in hydrologic inversions. The water balance (i.e., mass conservation) is our natural constitutive constraint, and we employ nonnegativity, smoothness, causality and a ‘‘limiter control’’ as regularizers. [29] Generically local constraints like nonnegativity require locally adapting regularization. This calls to mind the splines which are constructed over a local basis [Unser, 1999] (section A3). Further, the low-flow concept exploits just the measure property (distance to the abscissa) as a signal parameter. Base flow separation, at last, relies traditionally on the functional shape of recession, another local criterion. Our time domain approach via lower streamflow envelopes is thus hydrologically (yet not mechanistically) guided.
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[30] Spectral methods, like harmonic analysis [Gaskill, 1978], the WT or SSA, form a fundamental class of statistical regularization [Tenorio, 2001]. Unfortunately, they exploit orthogonal basis expansion. Though greedy waveform (time domain) methods like matching pursuits [Mallat and Zhang, 1993] do not enforce orthogonality, they are also unspecific to data which are measures. They share this shortage with any Hilbert space method that refers to the global functionals scalar product or variance (the second statistical moment where the sign of data is lost) as constitutive building blocks. [31] In the search for a strategy in Banach space of blind hydrologic inversion we have thus well-established but less adequate Hilbert space methods at disposal. Induced by Neumark’s theorem on spectral estimates in Hilbert and Banach spaces [Achieser and Glasmann, 1981], we circumnavigate this by projecting initial estimates in Hilbert space on the hydrologic process. For modes with nonlocal time support we resort to initial embedding by the SSA. This method has been invented just in order to detect qualitative dynamics in principal modes of variability [Broomhead and King, 1986; Vautard and Ghil, 1989]. Leading SSA modes, even if hydrologically ‘‘odd,’’ should bear time domain signatures of environmental and anthropogenic causations of streamflow variation. In rectifying an SSA mode via cubic spline interpolation (CSI) (section A3), we mimic a ‘‘hydrologic transform’’ by posterior imposition of constraints (section A4). With regard to spurious effects, interpolating splines are well suited to serve the idea of parsimony [e.g., Young, 2001] in signal processing. Moreover, our iterative backprojection is neither a purely mathematical stratagem nor just a technical stopgap. It may in fact emulate the natural interplay, in the atmospheric and terrestrial branches of the hydrologic cycle, between sources and rectifiers (like rainfall) that transform meteorological data into hydrologic ones.
4. Summary of the Algorithm [32] The present FSD algorithm (cf. section A4 for the set of formulae) starts with a leading SSA mode g0(t), labeled ssa. By proper choice of the (embedding) window we try to guarantee that this first guess of slow modulations in g(t) reflects all sufficiently excited slow runoff components. Rectification R+ follows, which imposes nonnegativity and further elementary constraints by use of iterative CSI. The result is a lower envelope gs1(t) to g(t), and the difference of both separates our estimate gf (t) of a fast component. [33] Another use is made of g0(t) when defining a lower bound. We construct an instantaneous low flow g‘ (t) (ILF; mode label ilf) as a running, smoothed fit from below of envelope gs1(t), using both leading eigenvector and time window of the SSA. This ilf mode controls a hierarchy of K 1 envelopes gesk(t) from a CSI-based operator iterate. We call the subcomponent piled up this way a ‘‘driven transient’’ one, gtd(t) = gs1(t) gesK(t). The hierarchy converges into our estimate of a slow mode, gs(t), which keeps distance from g‘(t) during periods of enhanced streamflow. The difference between both completes the transient mode, gt(t), by a ‘‘free transient’’ sub-
component, gtf(t) = gs(t) g‘(t), not captured by the rules applied to plot out the driven transient one. [34] Following the terminology in signal analysis, we call this full FSD algorithm a ‘‘greedy’’ one (a related term in potential theory is ‘‘balayage’’ [Kishi, 1964]). A shortcut version (which might suffice for many purposes) dispenses with constructing the hierarchy, leaving the overall transient flow as residue, gt(t) = g(t) gf(t) g‘(t) = gtd(t) + gtf(t).
5. Demonstration 5.1. A Distinctive Spectral Perspective [35] The fractal nature of hydrologic data is demonstrated in Figure 1 by multifractal analysis for three highlands stations from headwater catchments: Hammereisenbach (upper Danube watershed, Breg catchment; southwestern Germany), Krenstetten (Ybbs watershed, Urlbach catchment; central Austrian part of the Danube basin) and Blankenstein (Elbe basin, Upper Saale catchment; eastern Germany). These spectra of singularity provide a ‘‘microscope’’ for evaluating the nature of fluctuations in a data set (the associated operator is a partition function which captures scaling properties). They should show a canonical (unbroken, inverse parabolic) shape for headwaters, a choice intended here to minimize the challenge to hydrologic models. [36] Rules of thumb how to ‘‘read’’ such dimension spectra, D(h), are sketched in Figure 1: (1) weaker (stronger) fluctuations are found to the right (left) of the maximum; (2) an integer (noninteger) Ho¨lder exponent h at maximum D(h) points to a regular (fractal) carrier (generally, h characterizes the type of singularity); (3) spectral parts with negative h bear ‘‘violent’’ fluctuations; (4) those with negative D(h) point to latent events. Mallat [1999] gives a broad exposition, including the wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) method employed here. To suppress the bulk of regular behavior, we use the tenth derivative of the Gaussian (DOG10) as analyzing wavelet. [37] We cannot recur here on studies with identical periods, but have checked that D(h) is remarkably stable for the observed streamflow at Krenstetten (1987 – 1996 versus 1992– 2001). It is broader than for Hammereisenbach (1987 – 1996) and Blankenstein (1982 – 1992), and left shifted. Distributed hydrologic models used for comparison include LARSIM [Bremicker, 2000] in the upper Danube, SWAT [Arnold et al., 1998] in the Ybbs, and SWIM [Krysanova et al., 1998] in the Saale watersheds. For a brief introduction into each model and catchment [cf. Carl et al., 2008]. [38] As far as this can be inferred from different stations and periods, the models show distinct responses in terms of fluctuations they generate. Both LARSIM and SWIM tend to underrate strong(er) events (right-shifted model spectra as compared to those of observed data). SWAT seems to better reflect the fractal nature of the data, though there is a steeper descent in the left part of the spectrum than observed. Violent fluctuations are thus underrepresented, but not dropped. SWAT and SWIM spectra have a similar, leftskewed shape, which may result from the kinship of both models. The carrier of the LARSIM spectrum becomes regular, that of the SWAT spectrum clearly remains fractal.
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Figure 1. Wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) based spectra of singularity (analyzing wavelet DOG10) for three gauges and watershed models: daily observed and simulated total streamflow for Hammereisenbach (upper Danube, Germany, Breg, 1987 – 1996; model LARSIM), Krenstetten (Ybbs, Austria, Urlbach, 1992– 2001; SWAT) and Blankenstein (Elbe, Germany, Upper Saale, 1982 – 1992; SWIM). 5.2. Time Domain View: Shortcut FSD and Models [39] We shed a time domain glance on these data and their disaggregations for 1992, where the three data sets overlap. LARSIM, SWAT and SWIM all provide estimates for total daily streamflow and its base flow, interflow and overland flow components (gb, gi, gr, respectively). For direct comparison between empirical and model results, which illustrates to what extent our method emulates selection rules of a model, we provide FSD analyses of the simulated total runoff here. [40] Figure 2 shows observed and LARSIM total flows for Hammereisenbach, as well as modes of the model’s synthesis (top) and FSD analysis for the simulated series (bottom: ilf, transient, fast and the initializing ssa mode; g‘, gt, gf and g0, respectively). The watershed model is prepared for use in operational flood forecasting and generates an enhanced surface runoff to this end. One notes a reduced interflow as compared with the transient FSD mode, and a rather flat base flow. Overland flow and interflow fluctuations in LARSIM are functionally distinct, but not in their timescales. Shortcut FSD separates functionally discernible flows with distinct timescales of events for the corresponding fast and transient modes, and a more pronounced ilf component. Clearly, it does not (and should not) emulate selection rules of the specific LARSIM version used. [41] SWAT runoff for Krenstetten (Figure 3) reproduces the observed one less well than LARSIM does for Hammereisenbach and SWIM for Blankenstein (model vs. observation unlagged correlation/regression slope: 0.59/0.50, 0.87/ 0.86 and 0.90/0.79, respectively). Violent fluctuations are underestimated in general (recall also Figure 1), but assignment to flow components according to their functional features is reasonable, excepting small fluctuations on top of the base flow. Shortcut FSD analysis takes part of the model’s interflow into its fast component, not into the
Figure 2. Analysis of 1992 daily streamflow, in m3/s, for gauge Hammereisenbach. (top) Observed and LARSIM total runoff (g) and LARSIM components base flow (gb), interflow (gi), and overland flow (gr = g gi gb). (bottom) LARSIM total runoff (g) and its shortcut functional disaggregation into ilf (g‘), transient (gt), and fast (gf = g gt g‘) components; dash-dotted line is ssa mode g0. transient one, but the general runoff composition is similar to that provided by SWAT. SWIM data for Blankenstein (Figure 4) bear a weakness in the spring-to-summer recession (best visible in the full series) as compared to observation, which affects the seasonal cycle of base flow. Both functional features and timescales of flow components are convincing, however. Shortcut FSD largely emulates the model’s selection rules. [42] In summary, spectral and time domain views together do not hint at one among these watershed models as clearly superior. A broader perspective is presented in part 2. Figure 5 shows simulated yearly percentage contributions to total runoff of the three flow components, as well as those of shortcut FSD for both model gener-
Figure 3. As in Figure 2 but using SWAT for Krenstetten. 6 of 12
Figure 4. As in Figure 2 but using SWIM for Blankenstein. ated and observed data. Weighted means for each analysis period are given in Table 1. For SWAT and SWIM, shortcut FSD of the simulated runoff largely confirms attribution of its ilf modes to base flow. FSD tends to assign a higher contribution to its fast mode, at the expense of the transient one, as compared to SWAT overland versus interflow. Given the field knowledge about both components, though, this difference of 4%
(total), even if a systematic one, does not appear to be relevant. [43] Best aggregated overall matching, including shortcut FSD of the observed data, is achieved for SWIM here in each of the three components. Functional features of total daily streamflow are best represented by LARSIM, whereas the SWAT watershed model seems superior in the spectral view presented. That the leftmost spectra in Figure 1 (which comprise the strongest fluctuations) belong to Krenstetten is certainly consistent with the (pre)alpine impact there. 5.3. Greedy Disaggregations of Observed Data [44] We present the higher functional resolution of greedy FSD using observed streamflows. Figure 6 shows the effect of constructing the envelope hierarchy after K = 16 iterations each for data between 1991 and 1993 available at the three stations. Note that the slow mode gs(t) preserves more hydrologically consistent SSA information (g0(t)) during episodes of enhanced streamflow than the ilf mode g‘(t) does. [45] To quantify and illustrate the performance of the iterative process, Figure 7 shows maximum correlations and corresponding lags of the evolving slow mode, gs1(t), gesk(t) (k = 2, . . . , K), with respect to both ssa and ilf modes, g0(t) and g‘(t). At a first glance, g0(t) leads gs(t) by a couple of days, which in turn leads g‘(t) (upper Danube) or settles unlagged on the latter (Ybbs). The jump at k = 15 in the lag with respect to the ilf mode for Blankenstein marks a stable feature across the Elbe basin, however (the delay is due to a
Figure 5. Yearly percentages of total runoff attributed to overland flow (gr), interflow (gi), and base flow (gb) by LARSIM for Hammereisenbach (1987– 1996), SWAT for Krenstetten (1992 – 2001), and SWIM for Blankenstein (1982– 1992) compared to (top to bottom) fast (gf), transient (gt), and ilf (g‘) FSD modes of both simulated and observed data for the same stations, models, and periods. 7 of 12
Table 1. Weighted Mean Percentages, for the Entire Analysis Period of Each Case, of Total Runoff Attributed to Overland Flow, Interflow, and Base Flow by LARSIM for Hammereisenbach, SWAT for Krenstetten, and SWIM for Blankenstein Compared to Fast, Transient, and Instantaneous Low-Flow FSD Modes for Both Simulated and Observed Dataa Hammereisenbach (LARSIM) 1987 – 1996
Model FSD.mod FSD.obs
Krenstetten (SWAT) 1992 – 2001
Blankenstein (SWIM) 1982 – 1992
51 23 20
27 44 43
22 33 37
20 24 30
46 42 32
34 34 38
22 21 22
39 38 40
39 41 38
See also Figure 5 for details.
‘‘smoothing-resistive’’ peak in the envelopes here): The slow mode gs(t) lags behind both g0(t) and g‘(t). Though such distinctions might bear hydrologic relevance, one should neither overstrain minor effects nor rush to physical conclusion. We notice the very existence, however, of apparently systematic tendencies in the (operatively selfsimilar) CSI-based iteration, and in its result, for different hydrologic systems. 5.4. Discussion [46] To further evaluate our disaggregation, spectra of singularity are shown in Figure 8 for the observed runoff at Hammereisenbach (1987 – 1996). Those of its FSD components which directly derive from the envelope hierarchy (fast, driven transient, slow; gf, gtd, gs, respectively) are clearly disjoint in their carrier position. Since these spectra provide independent diagnostics, the three-modal structure is noticeable. The free transient spectrum gtf has a less canonical shape (not shown), but its impact on the full transient one (gt) is weak. The ilf (g‘) spectrum is discernible yet not disjoint from the transient mode regime. In place of the fractal carrier position, this mode is distinct here in its capacity, D(hmax), and in the shape of the spectrum.
Figure 6. Effect of greedy FSD in partial flow estimates for observed daily discharge: upmost envelope gs1 = g gf and modes slow (gs, 16 iterations), ilf (g‘), and ssa (g0) for (top) Hammereisenbach (1991– 1993), (middle) Krenstetten (1992 – 1993), and (bottom) Blankenstein (1991– 1992).
[47] As for attribution of FSD modes, the question arises if all slow waters, gs(t), should be interpreted as base flow, gb(t). Though Figure 8 might suggest a positive answer, all distributed models we have consulted so far hint at a negative one. We are thus induced to tentatively understand the result presented in Figure 6 as supporting the reasoning in favor of transient subcomponents. As a consequence, we assign the ilf mode to base flow. The slow manifold of our greedy FSD operator (iterate) does thus not directly host one of the classical streamflow components here. [48] The fast component shows mostly a reasonable time domain behavior, including the location of implied surface runoff events beneath individual storm hydrographs. Pending direct assessment of an instantaneous mode [Young, 2001] via its singularity structure, we may attribute gf(t) to classical overland flow, gr(t). The transient mode, with intermediate scale of fluctuations and functional shape, covers recession slopes of storm hydrographs or of groups of them. Though we have directly identified its dominating, operatively self-similar (driven transient) contribution, the full mode gt(t) remains here as equivalent of the traditional interflow, gi(t), when completing the classical conceptual
Figure 7. Approach toward slow component gs by successive envelopes gs1, gesk(k = 2, . . . , 16) for observed daily streamflows at Hammereisenbach (1987 – 1996), Krenstetten (1992– 2001), and Blankenstein (1982 – 1992). Shown are (left) maximum correlations (right) at corresponding lags with respect to both (top) ssa (g0) and (bottom) ilf modes (g‘).
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Figure 8. WTMM-based spectra of singularity (analyzing wavelet DOG10) for observed daily streamflow at Hammereisenbach (1987– 1996) and their FSD components. picture . . . by shortcut FSD. This latter fact seems attractive for practical reasons, though it does not necessarily imply, of course, the most conclusive attribution. [49] Since Figure 8 addresses singular dynamics it might indicate that flow components which directly belong to the FSD hierarchy are best suited to map the phase space topology of (pre)chaotic motions behind the data (section 2.3). This deserves inquiry using longer time series, direct reconstruction of the singularity mode, and detailed study of distinctions in these spectra, their qualitative similarities (as seen for the other two stations here; not shown) notwithstanding. Recurring to Lebesgue, we expect to learn more about functional aspects of the singular continuous spectrum [Last, 1996], with its proximity to chaotic dynamics, and about the transient mode regime [Avron and Simon, 1981], from such a singularitybased supplement to the present FSD approach.
6. Summary and Conclusions [50] An exploratory tour has been presented to highlight bare essentials and the potential of a largely objective, blind approach to streamflow inversion into functionally discernible, hydrologically relevant modes. Our regularity-based disaggregations hint at three- to four-modal FSD structures borne in elementary hydrologic prior knowledge. That they may bear disjoint partial spectra of adequate operators has been illustrated by multifractal analyses. The strategy is not parameter-free, but does neither depend on meteorological data nor require system identification or calibration. It may thus be useful in a variety of hydrologic (and data) situations. Assessments beyond the highlands environment chosen here for demonstration are found in part 2. [51] To make clear what our concepts and technical decisions mean, we have sketched a ‘‘contextualized’’ mathematical background where indicated. Our separability premise simply requires streamflow components to be functionally discernible. Though this is by no means a truism, it does certainly not unacceptably narrow the task. Some of our choices are not compelling under the separability axiom: physically founded regularizers, SSA-based
initialization and the lower (ILF) bound. The latter is a sort of ‘‘minimal convolution’’, however, a concept related to that of lower envelopes which is physically likewise justified. Technical parameters (length of the SSA window, CSI knot selection rules) will become optimized in future applications, including situations not yet covered (e.g., frozen soils, marshland). [52] The method makes temperate demands on computational and personnel resources, so it might serve routine diagnostics without binding countable research or operational potential. By construction the technique is a priori correct in both overall structure of singularities and total flow. It may thus help unveiling and clearing deficiencies in hydrologic models. Further potential applications include guidance of calibration for models suffering from equifinality, or support in identifying modal structures of runoff at gauges influenced by water management. The complex aggregate ‘‘streamflow’’ is disaggregated not only for obvious hydrologic reasons, however. As an archive of climatic signatures, runoff data may help identifying qualitative dynamics the system in the back follows. Clues on the forcing that shapes terrestrial hydrology might be found in selective responses of discharge modes. A well-founded, blind functional disaggregation should also bear the potential to contribute in reconstructions of the historic terrestrial hydrologic cycle. [53] From the very beginning of their ‘‘invention,’’ streamflow components have been viewed as conceptual entities. A relevant question reads thus: Is there a practical or conceptual gain from the premise chosen, separability, and from its consequences? We mean to have shown that answers may turn out positive, and will further substantiate this in part 2. Let us turn the question for clarity: What is the gain for functional streamflow disaggregation of using additional data, with their measurement problems and under hidden assumptions, over the prior knowledge used here? [54] Any single method is insufficient in general to analyze all relevant aspects of a complex dynamic system. For a detailed catchment study, it will be reasonable to exploit the maximum of available data. In using streamflow inversion with a view to climatic signatures, in contrast, it would not be wise to prejudice the results by extensive recourse to meteorological information and related presumptions. We followed a conceptual line here in touch to qualitative dynamics and may have found a proper blind solution. FSD response to different types of data error deserves separate in-depth inquiry. The impact is perhaps sign-dependent, though most disturbing to our lower-envelope approach are substantial localized setbacks (e.g., erroneous shifts in the decimal point) that may be detected by the naked eye . . . prior to ‘‘blind’’ analysis. Reconstruction of the singularity mode might also help identifying certain types of data error. Fortunately, the issue is irrelevant when analyzing model outputs, within the context of one of the envisioned fields of FSD application.
Appendix A:
Technical Details
A1. Signal Transmission and Reduction [55] Signal theory distinguishes in (5) the unknown object k(t) from its known P image gk(t). Projector P k yields gk = gP nk nk g k, gk 2 Gk), its idempon¼1 x kn fkn and gk = n¼1 x kn fkn (
9 of 12
tence P k{fkn} = fkn and T {fkn} = T P k{fkn} = T k{fkn} = condition (5) into (10) via lknfkn. This translates P reducibility k gk(t) := T { gk}(t) = nn¼1 lknx knfkn(t). Both sets of projection k k and {x kn}nn=1 , relate thus to one another, coefficients, {xkn}nn=1 x k = xk /lk , via the eigenvalues. Once element (li, fi) is n n n P P available in an eigenexpansion g(t) = ni¼1 x ifi(t) n = knk, object mode gi(t) may be estimated by projecting image g(t) on eigenfunction fi(t), R in Hilbert space via scalar product x i hg, fii := T1 T g(t) fi ðt Þdt (overbar represents complex conjugation). Object and image coincide if and only if li = 1 8 i 2 [1, n]. [56] Computational tractability requires truncation of eigenexpansions at finite N. This serves stability as well since inversion of a signal transduction system Z
g ðt Þ ¼ T fggðt Þ
kðt; t Þ g ðt Þ dt
by its discrete analogue may result in unstable numerical solutions: Excepting the Fourier transform, mostly jlij ! 0 for i ! 1. (A1) is thus also insensitive to high-frequency (or short-scale) components, which cannot be distinguished then from noise. Convergence is therefore not guaranteed for arbitrary k [Pike et al., 1984]. This concerns also the IRF approach to rainfall-runoff analysis, where the righthand side of (A1) becomes a convolution integral, with g as (effective) rainfall f and kernel k(t, t0) as the IUH, h(t t0). Noise in the data g(t) aside, an embedding dimension of the corresponding dynamic system would provide a proper cutoff N of the spectrum {li} used to recover g(t). A2. Singular-System Analysis (SSA) [57] SSA provides a genuine statistical decomposition of the data g(t) in (A1). It roots in the point spectrum of the Karhunen-Loe`ve transform (KLT) [Karhunen, 1946] and emulates the delay coordinate approach to dynamic systems analysis from time series. The KL expansion exploits dependence in second-order statistics and is complete and optimal in the sense of captured variance. The SSA eigenvalue problem is an integral equation of convolution type, T S ffi gðt Þ :¼
1 q
Z Cg ðt t Þfi ðt Þ dt ¼ li fi ðt Þ ;
remarkable properties: (1) minimum curvature (least inclination to oscillations); (2) maximum regularity; (3) best approximation. The latter is the domain of smoothing splines. We need an exact method here, interpolation. In contrast to polynomial interpolation, spline interpolation does not require mth-order splines for m knots, G s {g l, tl}m 1 . The interpolating function g (t) is built instead of m shifted and scaled copies of a single function sn(t), thus forming a local basis of the (formal) series expansion [Hou and Andrews, 1978], g s ðtÞ ¼ J nG ðt Þ
A3. Cubic Spline Interpolation (CSI) [58] Splines sn(t) are piecewise polynomial functions (n represents polynomial degree) with a strong smoothness constraint, continuity at the knots (g l, tl) 2 G up to the (n 1)th derivative (g l g (tl)). This imparts to them
m X
gls sn ðt tl Þ:
Function sn(t tl) deviates from zero only in a Q environment of tl; the number of knots per Q depends on the order n of the spline. Coefficients {gsl } are determined at the knots, and interpolation gs = J nG J n{{g l, tl}m 1 } has the sampling points as knots; so it reproduces G precisely. A cubic spline, s3(t), the one most commonly used [Hou and Andrews, 1978], has smooth first and continuous second derivatives, both at the knots and between them. A concise tutorial and reference source is found in work by Unser [1999]. A4. Estimation of Flow Components [59] For a first-guess leading SSA mode, g0(t) := T S0{g}(t) = E 0T S{g}(t), which comprises the excited slow variations, we dispense with data centering (arithmetic mean g) and use an embedding window of q = 40 days throughout. These choices define our spectral function E 0, an equivalent to high-pass variance filtering T~ S (T S0{g}(t) = g0(t) g~(t) = T~ S{g(t) g} + g). Neither do we leave the Hilbert space nor can we rule out crossing between g0(t) and g(t) this way. SSA mode g0(t) becomes thus the target of iterative CSI correction J G3j ( j = 1, . . ., J; J is number of iterations). This rectification R+ , i.e., posterior imposition of nonnegativity, is furnished with causality and smoothness constraints in the CSI knot selection rules (not discussed here in detail). It is part of our (also iterative) projection from Hilbert to Banach space (spectral function F 1 = R+ E 0). To simplify boundary conditions, we apply it to the difference series d0(t) = g(t)
g0(t). The result is a lower envelope to g(t),
with the unknown kernel k in (A1) replaced by the normalized autocovariance function of the data set g at lag t, Cg(t t)/q [Vautard and Ghil, 1989]. Each li of the KL spectrum has the physical meaning of a variance, and completeness of SSA is P assured by ili = Cg(0). q is a time window here, not the support T of the data. PNSSA decomposition proceeds via g(t, t) = PN g (t + t) = i¼1 i i¼1 x i(t)fi(t), where the principal compobecause of the windowed nents xi become time-dependent R + t) fi ðt Þdt. SSA modes are approach, xi(t) := 1q q g(t R reconstructed via gi(t) = J1 J xi(t t)fi(t) dt (J = q, except at the boundaries). A certain freedom in the choice of N (or q) relates to embedding.
s gs1 ðtÞ :¼ Rþ fg0 gðt Þ g ðt Þ d0 ðt Þ d1 ðt Þ
(superscript s stands for ‘‘spline,’’ subscript for ‘‘envelope’’). Here, ds1(t) := R+ {d0}(t) = J D3J(t) is the CSI outcome of the set of knots D {di, ti}m 1 as determined when imposing constraints on d0(t). Envelope gs1(t), which combines SSA information with prior knowledge, leaves thus a potentially hydrologic component as residue, gf ðtÞ g1þ ðt Þ :¼ g ðt Þ gs1 ðt Þ:
We take it as estimate of a fast mode, i.e., adopt an approximation T +f to T f of the form T f T +f := I R+ T S0 (according to (8), the operator-valued sum of allPpartial inversions yields the identity operator, I T id = kT k). [60] The slow manifold is approached in a methodically consistent way. By construction, R+ T S0 estimates an ‘‘opera-
10 of 12
tor complement’’ to T f, and gsl(t) is thus the target of further disaggregation. A resulting hierarchy of lower envelopes, n o s gskþ1 ðtÞ :¼ Rþ gk ðt Þ
(k = 1, . . ., K), however, appears to run into an almost arbitrarily smooth mode. Constraints as imposed by R+ alone might thus be insufficient to endow gsK(t) with physical relevance, i.e., as a slow mode estimate. For another intrinsic constraint, we employ low flow (LF) as a ‘‘hard limiter.’’ A customary LF definition probes the data from below by the box-shaped Haar function (it maximizes the infimum of both), though in an imprecisely discretized (monthly), sequential manner. For internal consistency, we define a running instantaneous low flow (ILF) using SSA window q as timescale and replacing the Haar function by the scaled (a) and offset (w) SSA eigenvector f0, of either sign: ! ðt Þ ¼ að!f0 ðt Þ þ wÞ ðt 2 qÞ: f 0
Variation of a, w and sign provides a best approximation by locally the ‘‘infimal component’’ x(t) = 1q R ± maximizing s qf0 (t)g1(t + t) dt. The ilf mode g‘(t) and operator R‘, Z n o 1 max ðt; t Þx max ðt t Þdt; f g‘ ðtÞ :¼ R‘ gs1 ðt Þ ¼ J J 0
are thus defined in analogy to the SSA (section A2) but as a sort of maximized ‘‘infimal convolution,’’ reminiscent of lower-envelope constructions in image processing [Maragos, 2001]. Mode g‘(t) is estimated from g(t) by T ‘ := R‘R+ T S0. [61] In the greedy FSD version all envelopes but the upmost one, gs1(t) (which is used to define g‘(t) itself), are subject to this additional ILF constraint. We change subscript into e in order to designate this and obtain a set of K further components, in addition to (A5), g2þ ðtÞ :¼ gs1 ðtÞ ges2 ðt Þ gkþ ðtÞ :¼ gesk 1 ðt Þ gesk ðtÞ ðk ¼ 3; . . . ; K Þ þ gKþ1 ðt Þ
gesK ðtÞ
We adopt g+K+1(t) as an estimate of the slow mode, gs(t), and approximate T s thus by an operator iterate, T s T +s := {R+e }K 1R+ T S0. An operatively self-similar mode is grasped this way which we call ‘‘driven transient,’’ gtd(t) = g(t)
gf (t) gs(t). The process does not converge everywhere into the ilf mode, leaving a subcomponent gtf (t) = gs(t)
g‘ (t) that we call ‘‘free transient.’’ Both together form the (shortcut) transient mode, gt(t) = gtd (t) + gtf (t): In a shortcut FSD version, where we dispense with computing the hierarchy, it remains just as the difference gt(t) = g(t)
gf (t) g‘(t) (i.e., T t T +t := I T +f T +‘ ). [62] Acknowledgments. We thank Kai Gerlinger, Fred Hattermann, and Christian Schilling, coauthors of part 2, for permitting use of their model data in advance. P.C. recalls with thanks earlier support from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, in granting access to Ben Santner’s EOF software collection, the basis of our own SSA. For the CSI we rely on technically adapted versions of subroutines spline and splint, found in the classic by Press et al. [1992]. The WTMM code is our own
product, but the wavelet part profited much from Torrence and Compo [1998]. We are deeply indebted to Bellie Sivakumar and two other anonymous reviewers who helped substantially improve our presentation of both methods and results. Last but not at all least our sincere thanks are due to the editors for preserving their sound balance of pertinacity and patience that steered this process.
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H. Behrendt and P. Carl, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Mu¨ggelseedamm 310, D-12587 Berlin, Germany. (
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