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funding creating big art installations and their exposure at the Teleki Castle Park .... the theme and requirements to c
REGULATION OF ORGANIZATION AND PARTICIPATION for the Contest from the Awake Art Camp, for funding creating big art installations and their exposure at the Teleki Castle Park (Gornesti, Mures county), and in different public locations from Mures county. Chapter 1. General dispositions Art. 1. Culturaft Association in partnership with the Mures County Council and the Order of Architects of Romania, Mures Branch organizes the contest for selection of participants for Awake Art Camp and financing the creation of minimum 5 and maximum 7 big art installations, within the budget established by this Regulation for each installation – named hereinafter the Contest. Art. 2. Awake Art Camp will take place between 24 and 31 of August 2017, in Gornesti, Mures county, named hereinafter the Camp. The temporary exhibition of selected projects and completed within the Camp, will take place in Teleki Park, from the Teleki Castle assembly, Gornesti, Mures county, Historical Monuments of A Category, according to the List of Historical Monuments (MS-II-a-A-15689; MS-II-a-A-15689.01; MS-II-a-A-15689.02), named hereinafter the Park. The exhibition will take place between 31 August 2017 and 10 September 2017. Art. 3. This Regulation establish the principles and procedures for organization of the Contest. Art. 4. To achieve the purpose of the Contest there shall be established a selection Committee, named hereinafter the Jury, and a Commission for review the appeals. Art. 5. The Jury composed of experts and representatives of the organizers, will review the submitted documentations for the contest and will name the winners following these criteria: • • • •

originality of the project; the theoretical foundations and the representativeness of the concept in the context of the theme; the expected impact on the public; feasibility of the project: the feasibility of practice (assembly, disassembly and transport) and compliance within the estimated budget.

Art. 6. The list of submitted and winning projects will be made public at the end of the selection procedure on the Contest website: www…. Art. 7. Participants at the Contest may submit complaints relating exclusively if the Regulation was respected when the Contest took place. Appeals may be filed at the Culturaft Association (address - Louis Blanc, no.8, Bucharest), at the Mures Branch of the Order of Architects of Romania (address: >>>>>) or emailed in PDF format, signed, to address ... . within three (3) working days from public communication of the results. They will be analyzed and resolved within 5 (five) working days from the deadline for complaints submission, by a Commission for review, consisting of three members appointed by the organizing institutions. Chapter II. The Theme

Art. 8. The theme is closely linked with location of the Camp and the Park. [………..] Subsequent events which will include these big art installations will be: • •

The exhibition from Medieval Citadel, in Targu Mures, in partnership with Mures County Council and Targu Mures City Hall; Annual […] Architecture organized by Mures Branch of the Order of Architects of Romania.

Art.9. Participants are asked to develop a concept and artistic project to create a big art installation, according to technical requirements described in Chapter VI, Art. 24 – 25 – 26. The proposed work can be an existing art installation or a part of it, in case the author / authors believe that the work comes under the theme presented in Art. 8 and within the budget set out in Art. 11, and will not raise transport and the assembly problems according to Art. 25 and 26. Chapter III. Financing forms Art.10. Organizers will provide funding to a maximum of 7 projects, worth 3000 euros, noting that this amount could be increased depending on the number of selected works. Art. 11. If the project budget exceeds the amount of 3000 euros, the participant assumes the responsibility for personal funding. We do not accept partnerships with third entities would require promotion. Art. 12. The organizers will cover the costs of accommodation and three meals per day, during the Camp. […] Chapter IV. Conditions and Rules for participation in the Contest Art.14. The Contest, organized under this Regulation, is a public one, opened to participation for individual authors or groups, or non-profit organizations (NGO) registered in Romania, active in art and contemporary architecture. Art.15. By participating in the Contest, person/group or NGO who proposes a project are in the same time it’s author, under the Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, with later changes and supplementations, with the possibility that, if the proposed project will be selected, to establish through negotiation with the organizers the conditions of its realization. If negotiations with the organizing institutions to conclude contracts fails, they have the right to invite to negotiations, competitors ranked on the following places in the order decided and announced by the jury, in order to conclude contracts. Art.16. At the Contest can’t participate people involved in its organization, in development of this regulation, employees of organizing institutions, members of the selection committee and the committee for review and their family members, to the second degree. Chapter V Contest, conditions for registration and selection

Art.17 Contest’s calendar as it follows: • Submission of documentation: deadline - June 15, 2017, 23:59; • Judging: 16 to 25 June 2017; • Announcement: June 26, 2017; • Filing complaints: deadline – June 29, 2016 at 14:00 at the organizer’s premises specified in Art. 7 or until June 29, 2016 at 23:59 via email; • Appeals review: deadline - July 7, 2016, according to Art.; • Announcement of results - July 7, 2016. Art. 18. Each contestant will submit only a project. If the same author / group submits several projects, each project will fill in different application form, found on the Contest website. Art. 19. From all the projects, the Jury will select maximum 7 projects. After completion of the judging, will be announced publicly the number of projects participating, the name of the author / authors and the title of the selected projects. After completion of judging, organizers representatives will invite the representative or representatives of each team of authors (may be present at this meeting maximum three persons listed in the application form) at a detailing session of the project and to communicate competitors the theme and requirements to create the installations and their preparation before or during the Camp. Art. 20 - Registration and submitting the compulsory documentations Applications will be done free of charge, by completing the registration form and uploading the required parts on the website of the competition, until 15 June 2017 at 23:59. The documentation sent by mail, email or fax, which are incomplete, or does not comply the requirements of organizers will not be considered. Art. 21. Mandatory content of the documentation delivered Documents uploaded to the contest website will include the following: 1. The application form; 2. The project concept. The text will be written in Romanian or English for competitors from abroad, in maximum 500 characters; 3. The technical description of the installation. Description will present the used material, how will they be created, how to grip the wood base on that will be exposed the installations. Technical description will be in Romanian or English for competitors from abroad; up to 1000 characters. NOTE: for the selected projects, authors are required to submit within 15 days after the announcement of final results, until 23 July, a technical description of the project, approved by an authorized engineer; 4. Brief description of the installation, including the design and realization, in Romanian or English for competitors from abroad; up to 500 characters;

5. Rough estimation for the creation of the installation. It will take into account the used materials and the labor involved in making the installation. If the costs exceed the amount provided by the organizers, this aspect will be specified; 6. CV of the author / authors; 7. Portfolio which will contain projects / performed works, in PDF format. Images / Sketches: 1. If the project is a new one, unrealized before the Contest, there must be concept sketches, simulations, pictures, models, by choice. There should be, mandatory, sketches with dimensions, technical drawings, views; 2. If the installation is already created, there must be pictures and sketches with dimensions. Art. 22. By participating in the Contest, the authors agree on the use by the organizers of the Contest submitted materials in the competition for advertising / promotion. Art. 23. Participants have the right to ask questions or seek clarification from organizers about the contest rules, by email at [email protected] until 10 June 2017. Chapter VI. Technical requirements Art.24 The dimensions of the installation The height of the proposed installation will range between 2.5 m - 5 m. On a horizontal plan the installation will fit in a square of 2.5 m. Art.25 Used materials The materials used for the creation of the installations will preferably be light, weatherproof, will enable the exposure of them on long-term outside. The construction will allow the removal of the installation into pieces with a maximum size of 1 x 1 x 2.5 m in order to ensure optimal transmission conditions […] The installation will be fitted with a lock by socket wood that will be exposed. The socket wood will have a maximal size of 3 x 3 x 0.3 m, made of wooden beams of box structure and covered with wooden planks or boards. The socket structure will be made to the specific requirements of each installation. If the installations will have an extremely large weight, it will be provided with an anchoring and foundation, specified in the phase of registration into the competition. Creating a punctual foundation is not allowed, only plane systems, placed directly on the ground. Used materials and construction system will not endanger the environment or visitor’s health. We assume all responsibility for decoration and we must cover minimum operational requirements. Art. 26. The construction and transport facilities for installations The installations will be partly or fully created within the camp. Depending on the project, materials needed for the installation, including full installation made before the Camp and dismantled, will be transported to the location of the Camp on the organizations costs. If the existing facilities, partly or

fully dismantled or materials needed for the installations is at a distance farther than 400 km from the location of the Camp, organizers and authors will share transportation costs under negotiations since signing the contract. The list of needed equipment will be discussed at the meeting for signing the contract and established in agreement with the organizers. Chapter VII. Winners responsibilities Art. 24 The authors of the winning projects will have the following responsibilities: 1. abidance by the rules and conditions included in the contract, made with the organizers for participating in the Camp; 2. the creation of installations under appropriate technical and artistic quality, exercising their responsibility with professionalism and all creative abilities; 3. realization of the installation / installations so as not to affect the integrity of the space that will be exposed; 4. ensure, with the proceeds, according to the contract with the sponsor of the payment of expenses related to the project; 5. attracting co-financing, if the project budget exceeds the amounts allocated by the organizers, 6. to present a status with two weeks before the Camp to organizers.