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Immunogenetics (1997) 47: 37 ± 43
Ó Springer-Verlag 1997
O R I G I N A L PA P E R Antonio Arnaiz-Villena ? Jorge MartõÂnez-Laso Eduardo GoÂmez-Casado ? Nieves DõÂaz-Campos Paulo Santos ? Antonio Martinho Henriqueta Breda-Coimbra
Relatedness among Basques, Portuguese, Spaniards, and Algerians studied by HLA allelic frequencies and haplotypes
Received: 18 April 1997 / 17 June 1997
AbstractmHLA-A, -B, -DRB1, -DQA1, and DQB1 alleles were studied in Iberian and Algerian populations by serology and DNA sequence methodologies. The genetic and cultural relatedness among Basques, Spaniards, and paleoNorth Africans (Berbers or Tamazights) was established. Portuguese people have also maintained a certain degree of cultural and ethnic-specific characteristics since ancient times. The results of the present HLA study in Portuguese populations show that they have features in common with Basques and Spaniards from Madrid: a high frequency of the HLA-haplotypes A29-B44-DR7 (ancient western Europeans), A2-B7-DR15 (ancient Europeans and paleo-North Africans), and A1-B8-DR3 (Europeans) are found as common characteristics. Portuguese and Basques do not show the Mediterranean A33-B14-DR1 haplotype, suggesting a lower admixture with Mediterraneans; Spaniards and Algerians do have this haplotype in a relatively high frequency, indicatingma more extensive Mediterranean genetic influence. The paleo-North African haplotype A30-B18DR3 present in Basques, Algerians, and Spaniards is not found in Portuguese either. The Portuguese havema characteristic unique among world populations: a high frequency of HLA-A25-B18-DR15 and A26-B38-DR13, which may reflect a still detectable founder effect coming from ancient Portuguese, i.e., oestrimnios and conios; Basques and Algerians also show specific haplotypes, A11-B27-DR1 and A2-B35-DR11, respectively, probably showing a relatively lower degree of admixture. A neighbor-joining dendrogram place Basques, Portuguese, Spaniards, and Algerians closer to each other and more sepaThe contribution by Antonio Arnaiz-Villena and Jorge MartõÂnez-Laso is equal and the order of authorship is arbitrary. A. Arnaiz-Villena ( ) ? J. MartõÂnez-Laso ? E. GoÂmez-Casado N. DõÂaz-Campos Department of Immunology, Hospital 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutense, Avda. AndalucõÂa s/n. E-28041, Madrid, Spain P. Santos ? A. Martinho ? H. Breda-Coimbra Centro de Histocompatibilidade do Centro, Lusotransplante, Coimbra, Portugal
rated from other populations. Genetic, cultural, geological, and linguistic evidence also supports the hypothesis that people coming from a fertile Saharan area emigrated towards the north (southern Europe, Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean Islands, and the North African coast) when themclimate changed drastically to hotter and drier ca 10 000 years B.C. Key words Basques ? Algerians ? Portuguese ? Spaniards ? HLA
The documented migrations coming into the Iberian Peninsula are detailed in Table 1 (Ramos-Oliveira 1971a; McEvedy and Jones 1978; GarcõÂa Bellido 1985). Major populations and immigrations with a substantial bearing in the present Iberian genetic pool are as follows (see Table 1): 1) the Paleolitic Iberian population existing by 50 000 years B.C., and who later painted the Altamira caves ca 20 000 B.C.; 2) North Africans entering between 20 000 and 8000 years B.C.; 3) Saharans coming in between 8000 and 4000 B.C., probably forcedmby the drastic climate changes to hotter and drier (Kutzbach et al. 1996); 4) people coming from central Europe (also generically called Celt invasions), during the 1st millenium B.C.; 5) Arabs whominvaded northern Africa (end of the seventh century) and Spain (beginning of the eighth century); they professed the Islamic religion but the people coming into Spain were probably composed of a paleo-North African majority (Berber-speaking people, i.e., Tamazights, Kinder and Hilgemann 1970; Gonem 1996). It is well established that the highly polymorphic HLA system is able to single out individuals (paternity disputes) and populations by using specific allele and haplotype frequencies (discussed in MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995); our previous work has shown that Basques, Spaniards, and Algerians (with a substantial paleo-North African or Berber component) bear similar frequencies of certain HLA alleles
38 Table 1mPopulation in Iberia. Numbers are approximate according to McEvedy and Jones (1978), Ramos-Oliveira (1971 a, b), and GarcõÂa-Bellido (1985) a Many of the invaders were Berber-speaking people (paleoNorth Africans) recently converted to Islam (Kinder and Hilgemann 1976; Gonem 1996) b Data refer to Spain; a parallel qualitative/quantitative population increase is recorded for Portugal (McEvedy and Jones 1978) with a present population of about 10 000 000
Number of inhabitants
Palaeolithic (Altamira Caves painting) 5 000 Mesolithic (warmer climate) 50 000 Neolithic (agriculture) 500 000 Bronze age 2 000 000 Roman rule Barb. Invasions-Roman E. fall Arabic rule End of Arabic rule
and share specific HLA haplotypes, i.e., A30-B18-DR3, A29-B44-DR7, A1-B8-DR3, and A2-B7-DR15 (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1981, 1995; MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995; ArnaizVillena and MartõÂnez-Laso 1996). A recent study of Moroccan Berbers (Izaabel et al. 1996) also supports the notion of a genetic relationship between Berbers and Spaniards. The fact that Basques and Spaniards share the highest frequencies of the same HLA haplotypes, i.e., A29-B44 (ancient western Europeans), A30-B18 (paleo-North Africans), and A1-B8 (central Europe-Celts, Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995), and also share A30-B18 and A2-B7-DR15 with Algerians (Arnaiz-Villena and MartõÂnez-Laso 1996), has led us to propose that Basque and Spaniard genetic pools mainly consist of an admixture of ancient western Europeans, paleo-North Africans, and central Europeans. However, Basques lack A33-B14 (Mediterranean) and show A11-B27, which has been found only in this population and may be a marker of the most ancient Basque population not yet diluted out, because of a relative degree of inbreeding. Previous (Michelena 1964; GarcõÂa-Bellido 1985) and recent (Alonso-GarcõÂa 1996a, b) cultural and linguistic evidencemshows that Basque and Tartessian/Iberic are the same languages and are closely related to Berber; this further supports the notion that ancient Iberians and Basques partially originate from paleo-North Africans. Although data shown in Table 1 refer to Spain, Portugal has had a parallel population increase, including central European invasions during the 1st millenium B.C., and has approximately 10 000 000 inhabitants at present. However, the degree of genetic similarity of Portuguese people to other ethnic groups of the Iberian Peninsula (Basques) and also to Spaniards and paleo-North Africans is not certain. Although Tartessian language and art is also found in the southern half of Portugal (see below and Fig. 1), it is possible that the paleolithic tribes which populated Portugal were distinct from other Iberians. These are the oestrimnios (North Portugal) and cinetes or conios (South Portugal). This paleolithic people was also invaded by North Africans (see Table 1) and their degree of relatedness with Tartessians (Ramos-Oliveira 1971b) is uncertain. Invasions ofmthe ancient Portuguese people by central Europeans (Celts) during the 1st millenium B.C. were frequent and gave rise to the Lusitanians, who were first defined as the
Age (years)
20 000 8 000 4 000 1 000
4 000 000 3 500 000 4 000 000 8 000 000 40 000 000b
100 BC 600 AD 800 AD
External population input
Input size
North Africans Saharans Greeks Phoenicians Central Europeans (Celts) Romans Germanic Arabs
Medium (?) Medium-large (?) Small Small Large (20 ± 40%) Small Small About 30 000a
1 492 AD Present
more or less ªunifiedº western Iberian warriors who fought against the Roman invaders (Ramos-Oliveira 1971b). Therefore, and due to the still undefined genetic relationships of the present-day Portuguese with other Iberians, we obtained and compared for the first time Portuguese HLA allele frequencies and haplotypes (both by serology and DNA analysis) with those of other Iberians and Algerians in order to determinemmore precisely the genetic relationships among Iberian Peninsula ethnic groups and paleo-North Africans.
Materials and methods Population sample One-hundred-and-seventy-six unrelated Spaniards from Madrid (MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995), 82 unrelated Basques from San Sebastian with recorded Basque surnames in the last three generations (MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995), 106 unrelated Algerians from Algiers without recorded European admixture (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995), and 236 unrelated Portuguese from Coimbra were used for HLA determination and phylogenetical calculations (Breda-Coimbra and co-workers, in preparation).
HLA serotyping, DNA sequencing, and statistics HLA class I (A, B, C) and class II (DR, DQ) typing was done by a twostep microlymphocytotoxicity technique on T or B lymphocytes (Danilovs et al. 1980), respectively, using the 11th and 12th International Histocompatibility Workshop and local reagents. DNA extraction, amplification of genomic DNA, dot-blot hybridization, oligonucleotide probes, and DNA sequencing were done as described in detail by Arnaiz-Villena and co-workers (1995). HLA -A, -B, -DR and -DQ allele DNA sequencing was only done when indirect DNA typing yielded ambiguous results. Statistical analysis and dendrograms were performed as well according to the methods detailed in Arnaiz-Villena and co-workers (1995). In summary, the linkage disequilibria between two alleles and the level of significance (p) for 2 ´ 2 comparisons were computed using the formulae of Mattiuz and co-workers (1970). The linkage disequilibria for comparison of more than two alleles were calculated using the 11th International Histocompatibility Workshop methodology (Imanishi et al. 1992b). The relative linkage disequilibria (RLD) as well were calculated as described by Imanishi and coworkers (1992b) and Degos (1982). The HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DRB3, -DQA1, and -DQB1 allelic frequencies and linkage disequilibria were calculated by using two Fortran IV computer programs
(Vicario et al. 1990). In addition (see Table 2), most frequent complete haplotypes were tentatively deduced from 1) the 2, 3, and 4 HLA loci haplotype frequencies (see Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995; MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995); 2) the previously described haplotypes in other populations (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1981; Imanishi et al. 1992b); and 3) haplotypes if they appeared in two or more individuals and the alternative haplotype was well defined. This logical combination is more accurate for the class II loci DRB1, DRB3, DQA1, and DQB1, but is somewhat less dependable for HLA-A-B, DR, or HLA-A, B. For comparison of phenotype and haplotype frequencies the reference tables of the 11th International Workshop were used (Imanishi et al. 1992b). Phylogenetic trees (dendrograms) were constructed with the allelic frequencies by using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method (Saitou and Nei 1987) with the genetic distances between populations (Nei 1972), using the software DISPAN containing the programs GNKDST and TREEVIEW.
Results and discussion
Characteristic HLA allelic frequencies in Portuguese compared with other populations The HLA discriminating ability to single out populations is well established; the discovery of new loci and the presently available DNA typing and sequencing of new alleles have dramatically increased the variety of HLA allelism (Tsuji et al. 1992). Certain alleles are frequent only in specific populations (i.e., A36, A43 in Negroids) and the strong linkage disequilibrium between HLA neighboring loci demonstrates that certain combinations of contiguous alleles (HLA haplotypes) show a characteristic frequency or are distinctive in certain living populations (Imanishi et al. 1992b). Once the HLA ability to identify populations has
Fig. 1mMap detailing most significant and frequent HLA haplotypes in Basques, Portuguese, Spaniards, and Algerians. . : Iberian language recorded; :: Tartessian language recorded; X: Iberian-Berber language recorded (Alonso-GarcõÂa 1996b)
been established, it is a unique tool for studying the origins of relatively isolated groups, as the characteristic HLA allele frequencies of founder populations have not been completely diluted out with time. Mixing HLA allele frequencies with those of another system, and which come from nondiscriminative low polymorphic genetic systems (i.e., ABO, MN, Rh), would tend to homogenize populations and make the HLA-relatedness analysis less discriminative; separate distance matrixes and dendrograms should be performed for each set of data (Martinez-Laso et al. 1995). In the present work, it was found that the following HLA-A, -B, and -DR frequencies of the Portuguese populations differ significantly (P50,05; Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995; MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995 and see Fig. 2 legend): (1) from Basques ± decreased: A11, A29, A30, A31, B44, DR15, DR3; increased: B35, B49; (2) from Spaniards ± decreased: A11, A29, A30, A32, B18, B50, DR10; increased: B35; (3) from Algerians ± decreased: A30, B50, B38, B53 DR15, DR10; increased: none (Fig. 2 legend). A neighbor-joining dendrogram based on the allelic frequencies obtained by DNA typing/sequencing (HLADR and -DQ DNA) and by HLA-A and -B serology showed that Portuguese are close to Basques from San Sebastian, with a distance similar to that of Spaniards from Madrid (Fig. 2). Algerians, Portuguese, and Basques also show that they are more related to one another than to other Europeans; it is remarkable that Iberians and Algerians cluster
together with relatively high bootstraps, particularly in the case of Portuguese and Basques. This supports the conclusion that Iberians and Algerians are more closely related to each other than to other Europeans. The fairly long Basque and Sardinian branches may reflect a relative isolation that they have undergone among Europeans (see MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995); this tends to increase the frequency of certain alleles already present in the founder population (i.e., HLAA30, -B18, -DR3). These results have been suggested by Imanishi and co-workers (1992a) using HLA-A and -B alleles and fewer individuals. It was found that Iberians clustered closer to Africans than to Europeans; Middle East and Magreb (i.e., Algerians) populations were not included due to lack of data. In addition, local selection effects may also modulate present major histocompatibility complex allele frequencies and it is possible that this may have occurred in the presently studied populations; however, such effects have not been identified. Characteristic HLA linkage disequilibria found in Portuguese and their comparison with those found in Basques, Spaniards, and Algerians Extended haplotypes in Portuguese had been poorly studied previously, partlymdue to a small sample and to a lack of HLA DNA sequencing data in Portuguese (Imanishi et al. 1992b). An exhaustive serological and DNA typing study was made in order to compare Portuguese population with Spaniards, Sardinians, Basques, Algerians, and others. The presently available data suggest that there is a common Iberian and paleo-North African origin for Basques, Spa-
Fig. 2mNeighbor-joining dendrograms showing relatedness between Iberian, North African, European, and other populations. Distances between populations were calculated by using HLA-A and -B (serology) and DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 (DNA sequence) frequencies. Allele frequencies of Spanish-Basques from MartõÂnez-Laso and co-workers (1995); frequencies of Algerians from Arnaiz-Villena and co-workers (1995); other population data are from Imanishi and co-workers (1992b), except Portuguese who are used for the first time in this work. Phenotypic allele frequencies in Portuguese are: 1) HLA-A:mA1 (21); A2 (53); A3 (17); A23 (6); A24 (14); A25 (3); A26 (8); A11 (8); A28 (8); A29 (10); A30 (2); A31 (2); A32 (4); A33 (4). 2) HLAB:mB51 (17); B52 (2); B53 (1); B7 (16); B8 (12); B44 (23); B45 (2); B13 (3); B14 (13); B62 (6); B57 (11); B58(4); B18 (6); B49 (12); B50 (0.4); B55 (2); B27 (5); B35 (22); B37 (4); B38 (5); B39 (4); B60 (5); B61(1) 3) HLA-DR:mDR1 (24); DR15 (16); DR16 (6); DR3 (21); DR4 (27); DR11 (18); DR12 (2); DR13 (23); DR14 (7); DR7 (32); DR8 (6); DR9 (1); DR10 (2)
niards, and Algerians according to historical, linguistic, and HLA genetic studies (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1981; Roychouldhury and Nei 1988; Benmamar et al. 1993; MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995; Alonso-GarcõÂa 1996b; Arnaiz-Villena and MartõÂnez-Laso 1996). HLA-A/-B and HLA-DR/-DQ associations were calculated (not shown; Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995; MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995) and the most common assigned extended haplotypes in Portuguese, Spaniards, Basques, and Algerians are shown in Table 2. A pre-neolithic Saharan northwards migration and admixture with ancient Iberians In the present work, not only HLA-A and -B, but also DR frequencies have been used to test relatedness between Algerians and other Europeans, particularly northern Med-
41 Table 2mMost frequent HLA-A, -B, -C, DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 haplotypes in Iberian Peninsula and North African populations (haplotype frequencies) Haplotypes
Spaniards (n = 176)
Portuguese Basques (n = 236) (n = 80)
Algerians (n = 102)
Possible haplotype origin
A2 ± Cw7 ± B7 ± DRB1*1501 ± DQA1*0102 ± DQB1*0602a
Paleo-North Africans/ Western Europeans
A33 ± Cw8 ± B14 ± DRB1*0102 ± DQA1*0101 ± DQB1*0501b
A1 ± Cw7 ± B8 ± DRB1*0301 ± DQA1*0501 ± DQB1*0201c
A30 ± Cw5 ± B18 ± DRB1*0301 ± DQA1*0501 ± DQB1*0201d
Paleo-North Africans
A29 ± Cbk ± B44 ± DRB1*0701 ± DQA1*0201 ± DQB1*0201e
Western Europeans
A3 ± Cw7 ± B7 ± DRB1*1501 ± DQA1*0102 ± DQB1*0602f
Western Europeans
A25 ± Cbl ± B18 ± DRB1*1501 ± DQA1*0102 ± DQB1*0602g
A26 ± Cbl ± B38 ± DRB1*1301 ± DQA1*0103 ± DQB1*0603h
Common to French-Basques (HF: 0.036), Cornish (HF: 0.036), Austrians (HF: 0.026), and Britons (HF: 0.023) (Imanishi et al. 1992b) and does not appear in high frequency in northern Caucasoids, such as Scandinavian, or in other Mediterraneans. This haplotype is mainly found in England, Spain, Portugal, and northern Africa b Shows the highest frequency in Armenians (HF: 0.031) and is also high in frequency or present in other Mediterranean Caucasoid populations such as Sardinians (HF: 0.027), French (HF: 0.014), Greeks (HF: 0.011), and Italians (HF: 0.007) (Imanishi et al. 1992b). This haplotype does not appear in Basques and has a much lower frequency in northern European Caucasoid population (Martinez-Laso et al. 1995). The fact that Armenians (and not Basques) bear this marker does not support a theory that Basques and Armenians are related and with common descent. Armenians may have acquired this haplotype during their historical Middle East Mediterranean settlements in the middle ages (Martinez-Laso et al. 1995). Alternatively, this haplotype may be of Armenian origin c British (HF: 0.029) and Danish (HF: 0.034) show similar frequencies. Germans (HF: 0.048), Austrians (HF: 0.053), Yugoslavs (HF: 0.077) show higher frequencies (Imanishi et al. 1992b). This haplotype may
be of Indo-European-Celtic origin (Degos and Dausset 1974) d Also found in Sardinians (HF: 0.114), and French-Basques (HF: 0.047) (Imanishi et al. 1992b). Its frequency is much lower or absent in other Caucasoid populations. This haplotype was defined as Iberianpaleo-North African (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1981). Bouali and coworkers (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995) found this haplotype to be the first most frequent in Algerians; it was described as B18-BfF1 e This haplotype is found in similar frequencies in Cornish (HF: 0.054), but Danish, French, and Italians show lower frequencies (50.022, Imanishi et al. 1992b). Thus, it is tentatively assigned to ªwestern Europeansº f It has been defined as a northern European haplotype (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995) due to its high frequency in Danish (HF: 0.036), Austrians (HF: 0.032), Czecks (HF: 0.025), Yugoslavs (HF: 0.024), and also in French (HF: 0.018) and Italiens (HF: 0.006) (Imanishi et al. 1992b) g It is also present in the USA (HF: 0.009) and in Brazilians (HF: 0.007), probably due to Portuguese ancestors (Imanishi et al. 1992b) h It is not described in other populations tested (Imanishi et al. 1992b). For further discussion of haplotypes see Arnaiz-Villena and co-workers (1995)
iterraneans such as Spaniards, Basques, Sardinians, and especially Portuguese. The same 11th Workshop methodology was used (see Materials and methods). Portuguese, Basques, and Spaniards cluster together with Algerians, an African population. This also supports the theory that Iberians and paleo-North African Hamites (also represented by Berbers at present) are genetically related populations with common ancestors and that Basques may be a relative isolate of these primitive Iberian populations (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1981; MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995). In addition, results obtained analyzing haplotype frequencies, particularly the characteristic haplotype A30-B18, which is probably a marker of neolithic Iberian people (MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995), further support the notion of a relatedness between paleo-North Africans and present-day Spaniards and Basques (Iberians). Other genetic data that apparently singled Basques out from surrounding populations were mostly based on blood groups. Rh-negative phenotype high frequency and B group low frequency, once regarded as distinctive of Basque populations (Mourant 1947), has been found to be a general characteristic of other neighboring western European populations. Rh-negative gene frequencies (cde) are: Spanish-Basques (0.44), Portuguese (0.54), Isle of Man (0.43), Spaniards (0.38), French (0.41), Irish (0.42), and English (0.39). B-gene frequencies: Basques
(0.03), Portuguese (0.05), Irish (0.07), Spaniards (0.06), French (0.06), and English (0.06) (Roychouldhury and Nei 1988). Thus frequencies of Basque Rh-negative and B phenotype are not significantly different from surrounding populations, although a distinctive effect might be expected due to the Basques' historic relative lack of substantial admixture with neighbors and invaders (Caro-Baroja 1981; Roman-del-Cerro 1993). The Portuguese population however lacks A33-B14 and A30-B18 haplotypes (see Table 2 and Fig. 2); this suggests that the Mediterranean and Paleo-North African genetic background is not very significant in Portuguese, who may have remained in relative genetic isolation compared with present-day Spaniards (Ramos-Oliveira 1971b). In summary, Portuguese, Spaniards, Basques, and Algerians, the latter mostly bearing a Paleo-North African or Berber component (Julien 1961), seem to share a genetic background among themselves that is not generally shared with other Europeans (with the exception of Sardinians) or Mediterraneans. A high frequency of A29-B44-DR7 is a marker for ancient western Europeans, including Portuguese, Basques, and Spaniards; it is also common in Irish, southern English, and western French (Degos and Dausset 1974; Imanishi et al. 1992b) and may follow a geographical distribution close to the high Rh-negative phenotype. A2-
B7-DR15 is the one haplotype common to Algerians, Basques, Portuguese, and Spaniards; Cornish, Austrians, and Germans (Imanishi et al. 1992b) also show a significant incidence of this haplotype. Its distribution is similar to that of A29-B44 in Europe (but broader) and this finding suggests that not only northwards were Saharan invasions responsible for the common genetic background found in Iberians and paleo-North Africans, but that a more ancient relationship may have existed between white North Africans (Hamites) and western and central Europeans. A30B18-DR3 is most probably a Paleo-North African marker which is also found in a high frequency in Basques, Spaniards, and Sardinians, but not in Portuguese. A33B14-DR1 is found in Mediterraneans, but not in Basques or Portuguese, reflecting the relative lack of contact with Mediterraneans common to both Basques and Portuguese; these latter groups also share one of the highest frequencies of the Rh phenotype (see above). Armenians show a high frequency of this haplotype, which counters the postulated ancient relationship between Basques and Armenians (Urartu) (MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995). A1-B8-DR3 is found in Portuguese, Spaniards, Basques, and European groups from northern, central, and eastern Europe (Imanishi et al. 1992b), and is an ancient pan-European haplotype. A25B18-DR15 is only found in Portugal among Europeans; it is also observed in white North Americans and in Brazilians (Imanishi et al. 1992b). It is probably a marker for the ancient Portuguese people in Europe and for people of Portuguese descent in America. A26-B38-DR13 is a specific Portuguese marker not found in any other part of the world, and it probably existed in the first western Iberians. Therefore, Portuguese is a relatively distinct population among Iberians according to our HLA data. They seem not to have had a significant contribution to their genetic pool from paleo-North Africans (A30-B18) and Mediterraneans (A33-B14) on the one hand, and on the other hand they show two specific haplotypes, A25-B18-DR2 and A26-B38DR13. The pan-European (probably Celtic) haplotype A1B8-DR3 is shared by Portuguese, Basques, and Spaniards and may reflect the arrivale of new genes together with central European (Celtic) invaders, who entered the Iberian Peninsula during the 1st millenium B.C. (see Table 1); the western-European haplotype A29-B44-DR7 is also shared in a high frequency among Portuguese, Basques, and Spaniards (Table 1 and to Table 2 legend). Almost specific haplotypes have also been found in Basques (A11-B27DR1) and in Algerians (A2-B35-DR11) (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1995; Martinez-Laso et al. 1995); these may reflect the founder effect which is more easily seen in populations that have undergone a relatively lower degree of admixture than others (i.e., Spaniards). Lastly, linguistic data (Fig. 2) support the theory that the Iberian and Tartessian languages are the same and are still spoken ± with many local dialects ± by Basques and North African Berbers (Alonso-GarcõÂa 1996a, b). On the basis of linguistic and genetic data, together with the fact that the Sahara Desert was dried up between 10 000±6000 B.C, as demonstrated by space shuttle (Columbia) radar (Mc Cauley et al. 1982) and further documented by Kutzbach and
co-workers (1996), it is feasible that northward migrations took place from a large and probably densely populated area of the Sahara (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1981, 1985 MartõÂnez-Laso et al. 1995). Some white Paleo-North Africans (Hamites, bearing HLA A30-B18 haplotypes) reached the Iberian Peninsula, while others may have settled in Sardinia, Crete [Linear A is also being deciphered based on the Basque language (J. Alonso-GarcõÂa, manuscript in preparation)], Etruria in Italy (the Etruscan language has also been deciphered on the same basis) (J. Alonso-GarcõÂa, manuscript in preparation), and also in the fertile Nile area and in Sumer. Both the ancient Egyptian (now Coptic) and Sumerian languages are classified together with Basque and Berber among the Hamitic group of languages (PenÄa-Guzman 1983). Greek culture, art, and philosophy were in part taken from the sophisticated Cretan culture, speaking, and writing Linear A (Beltran et al. 1992) and Sumerians are at the roots of western culture; the first documented mathematics, astronomy, writing, and urbanism are found in Sumerian cities (Gowlett 1993). Thus, it is possible that the more ancient roots of our civilization may be found by investigating Saharan art and culture of around 10 000± 6000 B.C; indeed many paleolithic and neolithic tools (including a possible autochtonous chariot) and paintings are strewnmthroughout themSahara Desert (Mockhtar 1990). AcknowledgmentsmThis work was supported in part by grants from the Ministerio de EducacioÂn (PM-57±95), FIS (94±0367) and the RamoÂn Areces Fundacion. We are grateful to F. Uceda and J.M. Martin-Villa for help in the preparation of the manuscript.
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