Relating quantiles and expectiles under weighted-symmetry - CiteSeerX

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May 1, 1997 - bedded both quantiles and expectiles in the general class of M-estimators by proposing asymmetric M-estimators. Some non-parametric ...
Relating quantiles and expectiles under weighted-symmetry Belkacem Abdous1 and Bruno Remillard2 Departement de mathematiques et d'informatique Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres C.P. 500, Trois-Rivieres Quebec, CANADA, G9A 5H7. May 1, 1997 Abstract

Recently, quantiles and expectiles of a regression function have been investigated by several authors. In this work, we give a sucient condition under which a quantile and an expectile coincide. We extend some classical results known for mean, median and symmetry to expectiles, quantiles and weighted-symmetry. We also study split-models and sample estimators of expectiles.

Supported in part by the Fonds Institutionnel de Recherche, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Grant No. OGP0089787. 2 Supported in part by the Fonds Institutionnel de Recherche, Universit e du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Grant No. OGP0042137. Key words and phrases : Quantiles, expectiles, weighted-symmetry, split-models. AMS 1990 subject classi cations: Primary 62G05; secondary . 1


Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry



Given an explanatory variable X and a response variable Y , a regression model attempts to describe the relationship between X and Y . Typical regression models have the form

Y = m(X ) + ";


where the function m is usually referred to as the regression function or regression mean, and " is a known random variable. These kind of models have been widely studied. However other features of Y such as its extreme behavior did not receive as much attention. Recently, in the economics literature, several authors investigated conditional percentiles. These quantities are found to be useful descriptors of regression data sets. It started with a paper of Koenker and Basset (1978) where they de ned conditional quantiles (or regression quantiles) via an asymmetric absolute loss. In the context of linear models (i.e. m(x) = a + bx), if (xi; yi ); i = 1; : : : ; n is a cloud of points in IR2 , and is xed in (0, 1), then a quantile line of order is de ned by y = a^ + ^b x where a^ and ^b minimize n X i=1

 (yi ? a ? bxi )



>0  (t) = j ? 1ft g jjtj = (1jt?j )jtj ifif tt  (2) 0: Later Newey and Powell (1987) criticized the use of regression quantiles in linear models and instead of (2), they proposed an asymmetric quadratic loss: 0


if t > 0 (3) if t  0: These authors called the resulting curves regression expectiles. More details and results on regression expectiles are given by Efron (1991) who used an equivalent criteria to (3) namely (t) =

t j ? 1ft gjt = (1 ? )t 0

! (t) =




(!1ft>0g + 1ft0g )t2;

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


where ! is a positive constant. Finally Breckling and Chambers (1988) embedded both quantiles and expectiles in the general class of M -estimators by proposing asymmetric M -estimators. Some non-parametric estimates of regression expectiles were proposed : smoothing splines (Wang (1992)), kernel estimates (Abdous (1992)). We will see that several models of distributions used in practice indeed possess what we call weighted-symmetry, a notion that generalizes the classical notion of symmetry. Under the hypothesis of symmetry, it is well-known that the center of symmetry, the mean (when it exists) and the median coincide. As pointed out by Rosenberger and Gasko (1983), this fact provides threefold heuristic basis for de ning the location parameter; it also enriches the meaning of location parameter for symmetric distributions and provides a starting point in the search for robust estimators. Motivated by this useful property, we show that in general, under the hypothesis of weighted-symmetry one expectile and one quantile also coincide with the center of weighted-symmetry, thus yielding two estimators of that important parameter of location. In addition, this provides a class of asymmetric distributions which have a \natural" location parameter with the same threefold interpretation as the center of symmetry of a symmetric distribution. This work is organized as follows : Section 2 gives some properties of expectiles and introduces the notion of weighted-symmetry; Section 3 deals with an extension of weighted-symmetry and studies split-models; Section 4 characterizes weighted-symmetry and Section 5 gives some asymptotic results on sample estimators of quantiles and expectiles.

2 PROPERTIES OF EXPECTILES From now on, we will consider only the case of a single random variable, since the regression case (1) can be obtained by studying the random variable ". De nition 1 Let X be a random variable with distribution function F . Let 2 (0; 1) be xed. Suppose that X has a nite second moment. We say that  is an th expectile of F if h


 = argmin E j ? 1fX g j(X ? ) : 2









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Figure 1: Expectiles (solid curve) and quantiles (broken curve) of a normal N (0; 1). Remark that when X has only a nite absolute moment of order one, then instead of (4), one may de ne  by  = argmin E [ (X ? ) ? (X )] where is given by (3). Quantiles and expectiles both characterize a distribution function although they are di erent in nature. As an illustration, gure 1 plots curves of quantiles and expectiles of the standard normal N (0; 1). Since E [ (X ? ) ? (X ) ] is di erentiable in ,  satis es h


E [jX ?  j] = E 1fX  g jX ?  j ; which is equivalent to saying that G( ) = , if the law of X is not concentrated at one point, where Rt (x) G : t 7! R ?11 jjtt ?? xxjj dF dF (x) : ?1 Hence  may be expressed as the -quantile of the distribution function G. The following theorem due to Newey and Powell (1987) gives some properties of expectiles. +

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


Theorem 1 Suppose that m = E (X ) exists, and put IF = fxj 0 < F (x) < 1g. Then for each 0 < < 1, a unique solution  of (2) exists and has the

following properties:

1. (i) As a function  : (0; 1) 7! IR,  is strictly monotonic increasing. 2. (ii) The range of  is IF and  maps (0,1) onto IF . 3. (iii) For X~ = a + bX , the th expectile ~ of X~ satis es: (

+ b ~ = aa + b ? 1

if b > 0 if b < 0

Proof: See Newey and Powell (1987, Theorem 1).

If the mean exists and if the median is uniquely de ned, we have 1=2 = mean and 1=2 = median; if in addition F is symmetric about , i.e. 1 ? F ( + x) ? F ( ? x ? 0) = 0; 8x 2 IR;


where F (t ? 0) = lim F (t + h), then h"0

 = =  = = : 1 2

1 2

Our aim is to extend a similar relationship to any in (0, 1). To this end, observe that when the mean 1=2 exists, it satis es the following equation: Z 1h


1 ? F (1=2 + z ) ? F (1=2 ? z ) dz = 0;



Moreover, the integrand in the previous equation corresponds to the term on left-hand-side of (5). Thus, for an th expectile, a similar equation to (6) should give us a generalization of the classical symmetry. Indeed, for 2 (0; 1) and any distribution function F such that  exists,  satis es Z1 0

[1 ? F ( + z ) ? !F ( ? z )] dz = 0

where ! = (1 ? )= . Therefore one possible generalization of the classical symmetry is given by the following de nition.

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


De nition 2 A random variable X or its distribution function F is said to

be weighted-symmetric about  if and only if F is such that

1 ? F ( + jxj) ? !F ( ? jxj ? 0) = 0; 8x 2 IR; (7) where ! = (1 ? F ())=F ( ? 0). Remark that equation (7) in the last de nition is equivalent to the following: for any Borel subset A in (0; 1), !P (X ?  2 ?A) = P (X ?  2 A): This concept of weighted-symmetry is not new. It has been used by Parent (1965) in order to construct sequential signed rank tests for the onesample location problem. Wolfe (1974) gave a characterization of weightedsymmetry and some related results. Our motivation in studying weightedsymmetry came from the reading of the nice papers of Aki (1987) and Nabeya (1987) who considered weighted-symmetry as an extension of the problem of testing symmetry about zero. In fact, weighted-symmetry is a special case of alternatives to symmetry proposed by Lehmann (1953). In the next theorem, we explore the relationship between the center of weighted-symmetry, and certain quantile and expectile. From now on, we will suppose that the distribution function F is such that the quantiles are uniquely de ned, i.e. the support of the underlying random variable is an closed nite interval or an interval of the form [a; +1), (?1; b] or (?1; +1).

Theorem 2

1. (i) Assume that there exists ! > 0 such that for all x  0, the following condition is satis ed:

1 ? F ( + x) ? !F ( ? x ? 0)  0; where = (1 + !)?1 . Then    : 2. (ii) Suppose that F is weighted-symmetric about  and (1 ? F ())=F ( ? 0) = !. If = (1 + !)?1 , then

 =  = :

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


Moreover, for any u 2 (0; ),

 = 21 u + 12  ?u! : 1

Proof (i)

Put ?(t) = of  , ?( ) = 0. Hence

Z1 0

[(1 ? F (t + z )) ? !F (t ? z )] dz . By de nition

?( ) = ?(  ) ? ?( ) Z 1 f[F ( + z) ? F ( + z)] + ! [F ( ? z) ? F ( ? z)]gdz: = 0

On the other hand, if we assume that [(1 ? F ( + z )) ? !F ( ? z ? 0)]  0; 8z  0; then ?( )  0. This implies that there exists at least one z0  0 such that [F ( + z0) ? F ( + z0 )] + ! [F ( ? z0 ) ? F ( ? z0)]  0: Hence    .

(ii) Weighted-symmetry about  entails that !F ( ? 0) = 1 ? F ()  min (!F (); 1 ? F ( ? 0)) : Consequently

F ( ? 0)  1 +1 ! =  F (); i.e.  =  . As for the assertion  =  , the hypothesis of weighted-symmetry gives Z1 [(1 ? F ( + z )) ? !F ( ? z ? 0)] dz = 0: An integration by parts enables to write 0


or equivalently

1fx>g + !1fxg (x ? )dF (x) = 0;


j1 ? 1fxgj(x ? )dF (x) = 0;

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


i.e.  =  . Next, let u 2 (0; ) be xed; weighted-symmetry implies that  =  . Set one z0 =  ? u. If u0 = F ( ? 0) < u1 = F (), then u =  for all u 2 [u0 ; u1]. Using weighted-symmetry, we get u1 = 1 ? !u0 . Therefore, for any u 2 [u0 ; ], 1 ? !u 2 [ ; u1 ]; hence u =  = 1?!u. Finally, if z0 > 0, then weighted-symmetry implies that 1 ? F ( + z0) = !F ( ? z0 ? 0) = !F (u ? 0)  u! and

1 ? F ( + z0 ? 0) = !F ( ? z0) = !F (u)  u!: Combining the last two inequalities, we obtain

F ( + z ? 0)  1 ? u!  F ( + z ); 0


proving that 1?u! =  + z0 = 2 ? u. This completes the proof of the Theorem. Remark. Part (i) of Theorem 2 is an extension of a sucient condition for the mean, median, mode inequality given by Van Zwet (1979).

3 EXTENSION OF WEIGHTED-SYMMETRY AND SPLIT-MODELS Weighted-symmetry, as introduced in De nition 2, is somewhat restrictive. It compares the distribution function at two symmetrical points  + jxj and  ? jxj. However, in many practical cases, one needs to compare F at  + jxj and  ?jxj=!0 with !0 > 0. Therefore, we propose the following generalization of weighted-symmetry, which will replace De nition 2 in the sequel.

De nition 3 A random variable X or its distribution function F is said to be weighted-symmetric about  if and only if there exist two positive constants !1 and !2 such that 1 ? F ( + jxj) ? !1 F ( ? jxj=!2 ? 0) = 0; 8x 2 IR:


Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


Observe that !1 must satisfy : !1 = (1 ? F ())=F ( ? 0). In addition, equation (8) in De nition 3 is equivalent to the following useful property: for any Borel subset A of (0; 1), we have

! P (X ?  2 ?A) = P (X ?  2 ! A): Weighted-symmetry is not a mathematical construction just for the fun of it. We now give a brief review of some weighted-symmetric models used in practice. One such model is the two-piece normal, also called the joined halfGaussian distribution or the split-normal distribution in the literature. 1


De nition 4

1. (i) A random variable X has the continuous two-piece normal (CTPN) distribution with parameters , 1 > 0 and 2 > 0 if its probability density function is (

exp(?(x ? ) =(2 )) if x   f (x) = A A exp(?(x ? ) =(2 )) if x >  2



2 1 2 2

where A = 2=( 2 (1 + 2 )). 2. (ii) A random variable X has the discontinuous two-piece normal (DTPN) distribution with parameters , 1 > 0 and 2 > 0 if its probability density function is (

exp(?(x ? ) =(2 )) if x   f (x) = A A exp(?(x ? ) =(2 )) if x >  1





2 1 2 2


with A1 = 22=( 21(1 + 2 )) and A2 = 21=( 22(1 + 2)).

We can see easily that both the CTPN and the DTPN distributions are weighted-symmetric with !1 = !2 = 2 =1 and !1 = 1=!2 = 1=2 respectively. Split-normal models were used and studied by several authors, perhaps the rst one being Fechner (1897) (see Runnenburg(1978)). Later, Gibbons and Mylroie (1973) used these models to t impurity pro les data in ionimplementation research. Since then, they have been used in applied physics, see Gibbons et al (1975). An application in economics may be found in Aigner et al (1976) who used split-normal models in the estimation of production

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frontiers. Properties of split-normal models have been investigated by John (1982) and Kimber (1985). Finally Lefrancois (1989) applied split-normal models to the estimation of future values in a forecasting process. More general models than the DTPN models have been considered by Gupta (1967). The corresponding probability density may be written: f (x) = g(x)1(x  0) + g(x= ) ?11(x > 0); where  > 0 and g is symmetric about 0. These models are weightedsymmetric with !1 = 1 and !2 = 1 : A very simple and curious weighted-symmetric model is the uniform distribution on (a; b). Indeed, for any c 2 (a; b), the uniform distribution is weighted-symmetric about c with ? c: !1 = !2 = cb ? a Finally, let X1 and X2 be two independent exponential random variables with parameters 1 and 2 respectively. Then Z = X2 ? X1 is weighted-symmetric with !1 = !2 = 2 : 1 More generally, any symmetric model may be split in order to obtain a weighted-symmetric model. Indeed, let Z be a random variable with distribution function G symmetric about 0. Let  2 IR, 2 (0; 1), 1 > 0 and 2 > 0. Then ( ? 1jZ j with probability X =  + 2jZ j with probability (1 ? ) is a random variable whose distribution function is ( if x   ( x?1 ) F (x) = 2(2 G x ?  ? 1) + 2(1 ? )G( 2 ) if x >  and X is weighted-symmetric with !1 = 1 ? and !2 = 2 : 1

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


For particular values of , 1 and 2, we retrieve CTPN, DTPN models, and Gupta's alternatives. Some characteristics of F may be easily derived from those of G. We summarize some of them in the following proposition. The proof of this proposition is omitted since these results are obtained by standard manipulations. Proposition 1 1. (a) If G is unimodal then F also does. 2. (b) Let be xed in (0; 1). Put  (F ) and  (G) for th quantiles of F and G respectively. Then 8 <  + 1 (G) if  (F ) =(2 )  = : (G)  ? 2(1? )=(2(1? )) if > + 3. (c) Let r > 0, if r;G = E (Z r 1fZ 0g ) is nite, then + E (X ? )r = r;G [2(1 ? )2r + 2 (?1)r ]; and + E jX ? jr = r;G [2(1 ? )2r + 2 1r ]: Finally, let us mention that the relationships between quantiles, expectiles and weighted-symmetry given in Theorem 2 still hold for the weightedsymmetry given in De nition 3. Theorem 3 Let !1 > 0 and !2 > 0 be xed. Set = (1 + !1)?1 and 0 = (1 + !1 !2)?1 1. (i) Assume that for all x  0, the following condition is satis ed: 1 ? F ( + x) ? !1F ( ? x=!2 ? 0)  0: Then

   : 0

2. (ii) Suppose that F is weighted-symmetric about  relatively to (!1 ; !2 ). Then  =  = : Moreover, for any u 2 (0; ),  = 1?!11u++!!2 u : 2 0

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Proof The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.

4 CHARACTERIZATION OF WEIGHTEDSYMMETRY When signed ranks are used for continuous random variables, the theory of distribution-free tests for the center of symmetry is essentially based on the following property. " If a random variable X is symmetric about , then jX ? j and 1fX g are stochastically independent." Wolfe (1974) extended this result to the weighted-symmetry given in Definition 2. In the following theorem, we establish the same result for the weighted-symmetry introduced in De nition 3. Theorem 4 Let !1 and !2 be two positive constants. Let X be a random variable with distribution function F and such that F ( ? 0) = F () = (1 + !1 )?1. Put jX ? j!2 = jX ? jf1fX>g + !21fX gg; and 8 > if X >  < 1 if X =  sign(X ? ) = > 0 : ?1 if X <  Then jX ? j!2 and sign(X ? ) are independent if and only if X is weightedsymmetric about  relatively to (!1 ; !2 ). Proof First, we prove suciency. We have to show that if F is weightedsymmetric about , then, for any x > 0 and y = ?1; 0; 1 Pr (jX ? j!2  x; sign(X ? ) = y) = Pr(jX ?j!2  x)Pr(sign(X ?) = y): (9) Indeed, when y = 1, Pr(jX ? j!2  x; sign(X ? ) = 1) = Pr( < X  x + ) = F (x + ) ? F (); Pr(jX ? j!2  x) = F ( + x) ? F ( ? !x ? 0) = 1 +! !1 F ( + x) ? !1 ; 2 1 1

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


Pr(sign(X ? ) = 1) = 1 +! ! : This gives (9). Cases y = 0 and y = ?1 may be proved similarly. Next, it remains to show that if the two random variables jX ? j!2 and sign(X ? ) are stochastically independent, then F is weighted-symmetric about . Indeed, the independence of jX ? j!2 and sign(X ? ) entails that for any x > 0 Pr (jX ? j!2  x; sign(X ? ) = 1) = F (x + ) ? F () = Pr (jX ? j!2  x)Pr(sign(X ? ) = 1)  = F ( + x) ? F ( ? !x ? 0) 1 +! ! ; 1




which in turn implies that F is weighted-symmetric about  relatively to (!1; !2 ). Remark. The characterization given in Theorem 4 may be used to extend many results on rank tests to weighted-symmetry's tests. For example, Wilcoxon's signed rank test can be generalized in the following way. Suppose you have a sample X1 ; : : : ; Xn and the null hypothesis is: this sample comes from a weighted-symmetric distribution about  relatively to (!1; !2 ). To test that hypothesis, de ne the statistic

ARn =

n X i=1

sign(Xi ? )Rank (jXi ? j!2 ) :

Note that we obtain Wilcoxon's signed rank statistic when !P2 = 1. Then, under the null hypothesis, ARn has the same distribution as ni=1 i"i, where the "i are i.i.d random variables such that P ("i = 1) = !1 =(1 + !1 ) and P ("i = ?1) = (1 + !1 )?1.

5 ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF SAMPLE EXPECTILES AND QUANTILES In this section we deal with sample expectiles and quantiles. Results below are quite standard and are easily obtained by means of M-estimation theory. Note that some of these results were obtained by Breckling and Chambers (1988) for M -quantiles.


Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


Consider a sample X1 ; : : : ; Xn of size n, from F . Fix in (0, 1), then an th sample quantile of F is given by:

n; = argmin

n X i=1

j ? 1f Xi?  gjjXi ? j: (

) 0

In other words, if the sample arises form the density

f (x; ; ) = (1 ? ) exp (?j ? 1f x?  g jjx ? j); x 2 IR; 1


) 0

then n is the maximum likelihood estimator of the location parameter . Thus among all estimators of  the th sample quantile has the minimum asymptotic variance at f1(; ; ). Similarly, n; the sample th expectile of F satis es 0

n; = argmin

n h X




1 + (! ? 1)1f(Xi?)0g (Xi?)2;

(with 0 = (1 + !)?1 )

The iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm may be used to evaluate n; . Observe that n; is the maximum likelihood estimator of  when the sample comes from the probability density p! i h 2 0 f2(x; ; ) = p exp (? 1 + (! ? 1)1f(x?)0g (x ? )2=2); x 2 IR; p 2 (1 + ! ) In order to determine how n; and n; asymptotically behave, it suces to make use of the useful concepts of the in uence curve discussed in Hampel (1974) and M -estimation theory (see, e.g., Ser ing (1980)). Indeed, standard manipulations show that the gross-error-sensitivity (see Hampel (1968, 1974)) of  is in nite, indicating the non-robustness of  and its extreme sensitivity to the in uence of wild observations. Whereas the th-quantile  has a bounded gross-error-sensitivity which means that  is not a ected by contamination of the data by gross errors. The expectile  is resistant to systematic rounding and grouping since its local-shift-sensitivity is bounded. The th quantile has an in nite local-shift-sensitivity since its in uence curve has a jump at  . This means that  is a ected by rounding and grouping. Finally, both  and  are not protected against suciently large outliers because their rejection points are in nite. 0







Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


Next, it is well known that if  is unique then n; !  a.s. as n ! 1, and if f ( ) > 0 then n; is asymptotically normal with mean  and variance 12 = (1? )=(nf 2 ( )); (see Ser ing (1980, page 77). Similar results hold for n; . Standard results in M -estimation theory enable us to show that under mild conditions, n; !  a.s. as n ! 1, and n; is asymptotically normal with mean  and variance 22 0







1 + (! ? 1)1f(x? )0g (x ?  )2dF (x) 2 2 = : n [1 + F ( )(! ? 1)]2 When  and  coincide i.e. F is weighted-symmetric about  (or  ), then the comparison of n; and n; may be made by means of the asymptotic relative eciency e(n; ; n; ) = 22 =12 . For the particular case = 1=2 and symmetry, Lehmann (1983, page 359) showed that the asymptotic relative eciency of the sample median to the sample mean is bounded below by 1/3. A similar result holds for e(n; ; n; ) and unimodal weightedsymmetric densities. Without loss of generality, we will assume that the center of weighted-symmetry is zero. Theorem 5 If the underlying density f is unimodal and weighted-symmetric about zero or more generally f is weighted-symmetric about zero and satis es 0








f (x)  f (0) 8x; then, the asymptotic relative eciency of n; to n; is such that 0

e(n; ; n; )  13 : 0

The lower bound being attained for uniform distributions and no others.

Proof A mimic of the proof given by Lehmann (1983, page 359) enables to prove that the distribution function minimizing e(n; ; n; ) is the uniform p p p ? 1 ? 1 distribution on (?(1 + !) ; !(1 + ! ) ). This concludes the proof. Open questions. Many results on median, mean and symmetry are to be extended to quantiles, expectiles and weighted-symmetry . Some of them are 0

Quantiles, expectiles and weigthed-symmetry


 n; should be more appropriate for estimating the center of weighted0

symmetric short-tailed distributions, and n; should be better for weightedsymmetric long-tailed distributions.  When we estimate the center of a weighted-symmetric distribution, estimators based on criteria similar to that of Breckling and Chambers (1988) are more robust than n; and n; .  When ! the parameter of weighted-symmetry is unknown, how it would be estimated? etc. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the two anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier version of the paper. 0

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Bruno Remillard Departement de mathematiques Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres Trois-Rivieres, Qc Canada G1K 7P4 e-mail : bruno [email protected]