play in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in Ayurvedic System which is ... Massage. Usually non religious. Does not give donation. Helping those who.
Ancient Science of Life,
Vol No. X No. 2 October 1990, Pages 114 - 121
RELATION BETWEEN FOSA AND PRAKRTI KRISHNA KANT Shree Lakshmi Narayan Ayurvedic College, Amritsar, Punjab, India. Received: 28 February, 1986 Accepted: 20 November, 1988 ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the significance of prakrti pariksa which has a key role to play in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in Ayurvedic System which is embodied by tridosa theory. The ancient ayurvedists had eternal and scientific knowledge about genes in the human beings, which are the entire basis of conception, development and existence of all human beings. Constitution (Prakrti) of an individual is primarily genetic in origin. Concept of Prakrti Ancient ayurvedic scholars Caraka, Susruta and Vagbhata unanimously accepted that, ‘PRAKRTI’ of an individual is determined at the time of conception and it can never be changed till last breath. As stated in Susruta Samhita, genetic factors and certain environmental factors like diet, activity, country, climate and age also influence the constitution of an individual. A person with optimum health has balanced constitution (SAMA PRAKRTI) where the three biological elements VATA, PITTA, KAPHA are normal both qualitatively and quantitatively. Very few individuals have balanced or healthy constitution. A vast majority of people have an unhealthy constitution where one, two or all the three elements are unequal. Depending upon the dominant dosa in the reproductive elements, the constitution is called ‘Vata Prakrti’, ‘Pitta Prakrti’, ‘Kapha Prakrti’ and according to permutation, Vata-Pitta, VataKapha, Pitta-Kapha and Tridosaja Prakrti.
Acarya Kasyapa, a renowned paediatrician postulated that drugs, diet and drinks consumed by the pregnant lady also play some role in the formation of ‘Prakrti’ of foetus. Importance of knowledge of Prakrti Caraka paid much attention to the concept of ‘PRAKRTI’. He said ‘The best physician is one, who considers the time and place along with nature (PRAKRTI) of each and every patient before administration of medical therapy”. Knowledge of ‘Prakrti’ is equally important in surgical treatment. Susruta elucidates that surgery should be undertaken only after knowing the ‘PRAKRTI’ of the patient. This will help better healing and rapid recovery. The prognosis of various diseases is judged from the constitution of the patient. In Ayurvedic system various types of diets are recommended to the patients on the basis of their PRAKRTI. For example patients of
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Kapha Prakrti should avoid food which increases the ‘Kapha’ in the body. Similarly various do’s & don’ts are also recommended.
There are certain drugs which are contraindicated in some patients on the basis of PRAKRTI. For example, Bhallataka (Semecorpus anacardium) should not be given to the patients of “Pitta Prakrti” as it gives severe reaction in these patients.
The following table gives in detail the characterstics of persons with Vata, Pitta, Kapha and Sama Constitution. VATA PITTA I. QUALITIES RELATED TO SELF CONTROL a). Conscience:
Wavering Conscience, lack of Follows to some Follows dictates of Always follows extent dictates of his conscience dictates of his Conscience. his conscience conscience b). Control over mind: No Control over mind
Fairly good control
Good control
Ideal control
Forgiving Nature
Forgiving Nature
Tolerates physical and mental strains
c). Forgiving Nature: Absent d). Tolerance: Absent
Absent e). Mind
Moderately mind
Weak mind
strong Strong mind with Strong mind with good qualities many good qualities
II. QUALITIES OF MIND AFFECTING SOCIETY & PEOPLE a). Nonviolence Aggressiveness: Aggressive Destructive, violent
| Aggressive, Not aggressive Aggressive to those who have not surrendered
b). Friendship: Having very few friends, does Very few friends
Pages 114 - 121
Follows violence
friends, Many
not last long
lasting friendship
c) Theism Antheism, Nonreligious
d). Donations: Does not give donation
e). Helping Attitude: Absent
f). Stealing: Stealing g). Kindness: Harsh to people
lasting friendship
Usually religious
non Religious
Does not donation
give Large donation after Donor thinking well
Helping those who Helping nature ask for help
Loving every one and helping every one
Kind only friendly people
to Kind
h). Desires & Likes Music, Laughter, hunting, arts, Flowers, application Scientifica, Can enjoy anything hot and humid climate, of pastes, cold philosophical but does not crave Massage environment literature, sleep, for it music, warm food items, warm environment III. QUALITIES FOR ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE a) Intellect: Wavering intellect, intellect not Intelligent, brilliant organized b). Memory: Poor memory, memory
Wavering Fair
c). Thoughts: Wavering thoughts
d). Concentration: Unsteady, inability concentrate
Fairly thoughts
Good intellect
Intelligent, brilliant
Good memory
Very good memory
steady Steady thoughts
Steady thoughts
to Fairly steady, can Steady mind, good Steady mind, concentrate fairly concentration concentrates very
Pages 114 - 121
well d). Concentration: Unsteady, inability concentrate
e). Grasping Power: Quick grasping power
f). Knowledge: Poor
to Fairly steady, can Steady mind, good Steady mind, concentrate fairly concentration concentrates very well well
Takes long time to Quick grasp power
Moderate knowledge
g). Interest in Philosophy & Science Learned No interest
h). Respect for Teachers: No respect for teachers
i). Plans: Short term plans
j) Debate: _____
Interest philosophy Science
in Interest and philosophy science
Some respect for Respects teachers teachers
Short terms plans
in &
Respects teachers
Far sighted, long Far sighted, long term plans term plans
Difficult to conquer ____ to debate
k) Belief in Authoritative Texts: Cannot understand Challenges authoritative texts authoritative texts
Firm believer in Firm believer in authoritative texts authoritative texts
IV GOOD & BAD QUALITIES a) Character and Conduct: Uncultured Good conduct
b) Truthfulness: Absent
Pages 114 - 121
Truthful Trustworthy
Cultured and good conduct
& Truthful trustworthy
V. EMOTIONS a). Irritability: Gets quickly excited
Quickly excited
Calm, not crying Has full control excessively even in over his emotions infancy
b) Anger: Gets angry quickly
Gets angry quickly, Does not get angry Rarely gets angry. gets angry in quickly. Anger of excess. mild degree but lasts long
c) Jealousy: Jealous
Jealous of others
d) Greed: Greedy
Not greedy even Absent during childhood
e) Enemity: Enemity
Long-lasting enemity
f) Fear: Fearful
Frightened quickly
g) Happiness & Moods: Changing Moods
h) Love Falls a prey to sex instinct
Gets happy quickly, Steady happy changing moods
moods, Happy contented
Moderate control Fair, control over Good control over over sex urge sex urge sex urge
VI. BASIC QUALITIES OF SELF a) Speech: Incoherent speech, talkative Insulting speech
Does not use harsh language. Consistent & thoughtful speech
b) Shame: Shameless
Sense of present
c) Gentleness: Harsh
d) Courage:
Pages 114 - 121
Talks only when necessary, talks truth pleasant speech
shame Not shameless
e) Bravery: ______
f) Adventure: ______
g) Pride: ______
Not proud
h) Love for praise: _____
Loves Praising
Not affected praise
VII. SENSE & MOTOR ORGANS: a) Ability to tolerate Strain: Cannot tolerate exertion Cannot tolerate Tolerates both Tolerates easily, mental or physical physical & mental physical & mental strain strain strain b) Activities: Unsteady, fast movements
Average movement
Slow movement
Quick movement & actions
c) Beginning of any activity is Not quick quick:
Beginning of any Quick beginning of activity is slow any activity
d) Energy: Moderate
e) Strength: Weak
Moderate strength
VIII. BUILD Tall, thin & poorly built parts Delicate, medium Large, well built, Well built & strong of body, not well placed, dry, build, flabby, soft steady, strong, rought, weak proportionate & well placed parts of the body IX. SEX INSTINCT a). Sex desire: Weak sex instinct Weak sex urge Intense sex urge Full control over sex desires
Pages 114 - 121
b) Semen: Scanty
c) Libido: ____
Limited libido
Good libido
Good libido
d) Offspring: Few children
Few children
Many children
Many children
e) Ladies: Disliked by ladies
Not appreciated by Liked by ladies ladies
X. GENERAL APPEARANCE a) Appearance: Not beautiful, dry and ______ emanciated b) Look: Unsteady, unpleasant
c) Colour: Dark
d) Forehead: Small e) Gait & Speed: Fast gait, Fast speed like camel f) Face: Rough
Penetrating look
Pleasant appearance
angry Loving, pleasant
White complexion Fair colour with reddish or yellowish tinge
Large, fleshy
Average tiger-like Delicate
Red palm and soles
Pages 114 - 121
Delicate & pleasing
& by
Beautiful attractive and pleasant
Pleasant complexion
speed, Slow & steady, Average Elephants-like steady gait
g) Eyes: Unsteady, dry, lusterless, Normal movements, sunken, partially open during small pink sclera, sleep unable to bear light, burning sensation h) Limbs: Thin, rough, well differentiated
Liked appreciated ladies
Unctuous, white Lustrous sclera, big eyes, pink conjunctive, watery
Long unctuous _____ smooth limbs
i) Skin: Dry, rough, thin prominent veins.
cracked, Soft, thin, warm, Soft lustrous, wet, _____ wrinkled skin with cold and unctuous pink, reddish moles to touch and skin eruptions
j) Hair: Dry, rough, thin smoky and Early graying of cracked hair, less in number hair; baldness; pinkish or reddish soft, thin hair or, less in number k) Nails: Dry, small, rough, discoloured, Pinkish cracked nails
Strong, dark, large ______ dark, blue, thick growth, good quality
Soft, Oily, Smooth, _____ white & steady
XI. APPETITE Irregular, eating, quantities frequently
small Good, eating, large Less appetite quantity of food, eating frequently
Less Thirsty
Moderate sleep
Sleepy, loves sleep
XIII. SLEEP Less, disturbed, wakeful XIV. DREAMS Wandering in sky, top of trees, Electric lighting, Lotus, swan, lakes _____ mountains & dry places fire, stars, Red rivers, birds, etc coloured trees XV. VOICE Rough, high pitched, unclear, Clear, high pitched weak, low toned, exhausted & fast speech
Pages 114 - 121
Deep, pleasant Clear and resonant resonating
XVI. MONEY Small income
Moderate income
Lucky & fortunate
Lucky & fortunate
Long life
Long life
Modern Concept
The importance of such study of PRAKRTI and Dosha goes a great way if most of the recent modern medicines are introduced to Ayurvedic system of medicine analyzing their therapeutic actions on Dosa and Prakrti. By this way it can easily be deducted that the particular medicine causes reaction in the patient of particular nature and the same medicines does not cause any reaction in the patients of other natures.
Conclusively, it is quite obvious that selection of the wholesome therapeutics and the constitution of individuals are based on Prakrti which is embodied by Tri-Dosas. Selected Bibliography 1. Caraka Samhita 2. Susruta Samhita 3. Kasyapa Samhita 4. Ashtangahridaya
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