What is nested sub query and correlated subquery? Why it has. been used? Give relevant examples to insert and update usi
Q5/10L/11-13 Reg. No
St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) St. Joseph’s College Road, Cuddalore – 607001 CS509- Relational Database Management System Time : 3 hrs Max Marks :75
SECTION – A (5X5=25) Answer any FIVE Questions 1.
What are the five main functions of a database administrator?
With necessary examples, explain various categories of attributes used in ER model.
Explain Tuple relational calculus.
Briefly explain 4NF.
Differentiate inner join and outer join. Explain with an example.
Explain how grant and revoke privileges given to the function or procedure with examples.
Explain three levels of data abstraction.
Consider the following: stud (rollno, sname, class, sex, mark1, mark2, mark3, mark4, mark5, and total).Create a table with the given information. Calculate total from all marks and display maximum total mark in each class. SECTION – B (5X10=50) Answer any FIVE Questions
Discuss in detail about database system architecture.
Q5/10L/11-13 10. Construct an ER diagram for Employee Payroll system. 11. With relevant examples, discuss various operations of relational algebra. 12. Consider the following relational database employee (employee-name, eno, street, city,pnone_no) works ( eno, employee-name, company-name, salary) company (eno, company-name, city) manages (eno, employee-name, manager-name) Give an expression in SQL to express each of the following queries : a. Modify the database such that now Raja lives in Chennai b. Find the company with smallest payroll. c. Assume the companies located in several cities. Find companies located in every city in which Bank of India is located d. Find the company with most employees. 13. What is meant by functional dependencies? Explain BCNF in detail. (2+8) 14. Explain Integrity Constraints in SQL. 15. What is aggregation in an ER model? Develop an ER diagram using aggregation that captures the following information : Employees work for projects. An employee working for a particular project uses various machinery systems. Assume necessary attributes. State any assumptions you make. Also discuss about the ER diagram you have designed. (3+7) 16. What is nested sub query and correlated subquery? Why it has been used? Give relevant examples to insert and update using nested sub query. (3+2+ 5)
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