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Apr 13, 2012 - Relationship among Salivary Carbonic. Anhydrase VI Activity and Flow Rate, Biofilm pH and Caries in Primary Dentition. F. Frasseto T.M. ...
Original Paper Caries Res 2012;46:194–200 DOI: 10.1159/000337275

Received: February 20, 2011 Accepted after revision: January 27, 2012 Published online: April 13, 2012

Relationship among Salivary Carbonic Anhydrase VI Activity and Flow Rate, Biofilm pH and Caries in Primary Dentition F. Frasseto T.M. Parisotto R.C.R. Peres M.R. Marques S.R.P. Line M. Nobre dos Santos Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil

Key Words Carbonic anhydrase VI ⴢ Preschool children ⴢ Primary dentition

Abstract This study aimed to determine the activity of carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme VI (CAVI) in the saliva of preschool children with caries and to investigate the relationship between caries and salivary CAVI activity, salivary flow rate and biofilm pH before and after a 20% sucrose rinse. Thirty preschool children aged 45.3–80.3 months were divided into two groups: a caries-free group and a caries group. Clinical examinations were conducted by one examiner (␬ = 0.95) according to WHO criteria (dmfs) and early caries lesions. From each subject, CAVI activity, salivary flow rate and plaque pH were determined before and after a sucrose rinse. The results were submitted to Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation tests (␣ = 0.05). The results showed that prerinse CAVI activity and its variation were higher in the saliva from caries children than from caries-free children. No difference was found between the two groups in postrinse salivary CAVI activity. After rinsing, biofilm pH differences were lower in both groups (p = 0.0012 and p = 0.0037 for the caries and caries-free groups, respectively). Also, after the sucrose rinse, salivary flow rate significantly increased in caries and caries-free groups (p = 0.0003, p = 0.0037). The variation of

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salivary CAVI activity was negatively correlated with caries (r = –0.501, p = 0.005). Child’s age showed a positive correlation with caries (r = 0.456, p = 0.011). These results suggest that variation of salivary CAVI activity and child’s age are associated with dental caries in preschool children. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel

Dental caries is a consequence of dental hard tissue dissolution under cariogenic conditions of the dental biofilm. The etiology of caries is multifactorial and it is thought to include dietary carbohydrate consumption, microbial composition and the pH-lowering ability of the dental biofilm, and the action of saliva [Bowen et al., 2005; Selwitz, 2007; Llena and Forner, 2008]. Concerning the dental biofilm, dietary habits can result in biofilm acidogenicity, which might influence the caries process. There is some controversy about biofilm acidogenicity and dental caries [Fejerskov et al., 1992; Dong et al., 1999; Shimizu et al., 2008]. While some studies show that biofilm pH may not be the main culprit for caries [Pearce, 1991], others demonstrate that biofilm pH fall is higher in caries-active than in caries-inactive subjects [Dong et al., 1999; van Ruyven et al., 2000]. In respect of saliva, it is known that saliva plays a critical role in oral homeostasis and quantitative changes in salivary secretion may lead to local adverse effects such Prof. Marinês Nobre dos Santos Av. Limeira 901 13414-903 Piracicaba, SP (Brazil) Tel. +55 19 2106 5290, E-Mail nobre @

as oral infections and caries [Ship et al., 2003]. Whole saliva is a mixture of secretions from the parotid, submandibular, sublingual and minor salivary glands and gingival crevicular fluid. Saliva contains inorganic compounds and multiple proteins that affect conditions in the oral cavity and locally on the tooth surfaces. The salivary buffering capacity, based primarily on bicarbonate ions, is a factor of primary importance in protecting the enamel surface from caries [Wolinsky, 1994]. Among the defense systems of saliva, salivary carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme VI (CAVI) is the only known secreted isoenzyme of the carbonic anhydrase family, which has been detected in the saliva secreted by the serous acinar cells of mammalian parotid and submandibular glands. It catalyzes the reversible reaction of carbon dioxide in a reaction of CO2 + H2O } H+ + HCO3– [Kivelä et al., 1999]. By catalyzing this reaction, CAVI is believed to provide a greater buffering capacity to saliva by penetrating dental biofilm and facilitating acid neutralization by salivary bicarbonate [Kimoto et al., 2006]. Regarding the association of CAVI with dental caries, different results have been provided by the literature. The study by Oztürk et al. [2008] found no significant difference in CAVI concentration when caries and caries-free young adults were compared. On the other hand, the investigation performed by Kivelä et al. [1999] has shown that a low CAVI concentration is associated with a higher caries index; it has also shown a negative correlation between CAVI concentration and DMFT index in individuals with poor oral hygiene. In the same way, Szabó [1974] found a higher concentration of CAVI in 7- to 14-year-old caries-free children than in children with caries. However, a high concentration of salivary CAVI may not necessarily mean that all isoenzyme present in the media is active. Thus, determining the activity of salivary CAVI instead of just its concentration would provide further evidence of the effect of this isoenzyme in protecting teeth from dental caries. Considering the above, the aims of this study were to determine CAVI activity in the saliva of preschool children with caries and investigate the relationship between dental caries and salivary CAVI activity, salivary flow rate and plaque pH before and after a 20% sucrose rinse. Subjects and Methods Ethical Considerations This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of Piracicaba Dental School/State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki under

Carbonic Anhydrase VI Activity and Dental Caries

protocol No. 090/2008. The daycare and preschools granted permission for the study and an informed written consent was given by the children’s guardians. Subjects The study group comprised 30 preschool children of both genders, all of low socioeconomic level, aged 45.3–80.3 months. The children attended public nursery schools in Piracicaba town, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Two groups of preschool children were formed: 17 children presenting caries and 13 being caries-free. The inclusion criteria were the presence or absence of dental caries. The exclusion criteria of the study were the presence of systemic diseases, severe fluorosis, dental hypoplasia, use of braces, antibiotic therapy, and communication or neuromotor difficulties. The two groups presented the following characteristics: the caries group consisted of 10 girls and 7 boys (mean age 62.8 8 17.5 months); the caries-free group consisted of 5 girls and 8 boys (mean age 57.2 8 7.2 months). All children were reported to use fluoridated water (0.7 ppm F) and F dentifrice. Their teeth were brushed at the daycare centers twice a day using fluoridated dentifrice. The children stayed at the daycare center from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and all of them were fed with the same meals. Calibration of the Examiner An examiner considered all components of the diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization and initial caries lesions according to Assaf et al. [2006]. This calibration was assessed by reexaminations of 10% of the children with a 1-week interval to avoid dental examiner memorization. Intraexaminer agreement, measured using kappa calculation, regarding the surface level was 0.95. Theoretical discussions between the examiner and a gold standard were conducted using clinical photographic slides about the use of the criteria and the examination method, including explanations about the diagnosis of early caries lesions. Caries Assessment Clinical examinations were carried out with a focusable flashlight at nurseries using a mirror and a ball-ended probe to remove debris to enhance visualization and confirm questionable findings. Gauze was employed in order to dry or clean the teeth, favoring the identification of early caries lesions. A portable flashlight was also used to make noncavitated lesions more easily recorded. All examinations were carried out by a single clinician, following rigorously strict cross-infection control measures. In the present study, the WHO criteria [World Health Organization, 1997] and early caries lesions according to Assaf et al. [2006] were used for caries diagnosis. The units of evaluation used in the clinical examinations were dmfs (decayed, missing and filled surfaces). Dental Biofilm pH Measurement Biofilm pH was measured according to the method of Kimoto et al. [2006] on different days of saliva collection, to avoid a possible effect of circadian rhythm on salivary flow rate and composition [Ferguson and Botchway, 1980]. Biofilm collection was performed at the same time of the day on buccal and lingual surfaces of primary maxillary molars and primary mandibular molars. To determine biofilm acidogenicity, each subject rinsed his mouth with a 20% sucrose solution at room temperature for 1 min, and two biofilm collections were made: the first one was performed immediately before rinsing with the 20% sucrose solution and the

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Table 1. Means 8 SD of salivary CAVI activity and CAVI variation in the two groups of children

Variables Prerinse CAVI Postrinse CAVI ⌬CAVI

Caries group 42,752.11832,476.62a 30,828.87825,937.81a –11,923.24817,022.03a

Caries-free group

p value

19,130.79816,911.68a 21,962.15817,124.77a 2,831.3689,831.13b

0.0516 0.5165 0.0047

Prerinse CAVI = CAVI activity before rinse of 20% sucrose; postrinse CAVI = CAVI activity 5 min after 2-min rinse of 20% sucrose. p values derived from Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. Groups whose means are followed by a distinct letter differ statistically (p < 0.05).

second one 5 min after the mouth rinse. Dental biofilm samples were collected with sterile curettes, placed in microdishes, diluted in 40 ␮l of distilled water and stirred. Each measurement of pH took about 30 s, including 10–15 s for a stable reading to be obtained. The pH was read with a glass electrode (model 6261-10C, Horiba Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) that had previously been standardized in pH 4.0 and 7.0 standard buffers at the start of each biofilm sample measurement and the response in pH 7.0 buffer checked again at the end. Then the difference in biofilm pH for the upper (upper ⌬pH) and lower arches (lower ⌬pH), respectively, between prerinse values and pH values 5 min after the 1-min sucrose rinse was determined. Salivary Flow Rate One sample of stimulated saliva was collected from each subject that chewed Parafilm for 2 min and deposited this saliva in a cup, as previously described by Dawes and Kubieniec [2004]. Salivary flow rate was calculated by measuring the total volume of saliva and dividing this by the collection time for each child, obtaining the salivary flow rate in milliliters per minute [Ericsson and Hardwick, 1978]. After calculating the salivary flow rate, saliva samples were stored in 1.5-ml centrifuge microtubes, kept in a polystyrene box containing ice, and were frozen at –70 ° C for later determination of the activity of CAVI. After the first saliva collection, the preschool children performed a rinse with 2 ml of a 20% sucrose solution for 1 min. After 5 min, a second sampling of stimulated whole saliva was carried out to determine the effect of sucrose on the salivary flow rate as well as on the activity of CAVI. All saliva samples were collected in the morning 30 min after breakfast.  


Determination of CAVI Activity in Saliva After salivary flow rate measurement, the samples were frozen at –70 ° C for later analysis of CAVI activity. The determination of CAVI activity was performed by the zymography method [Kotwica et al., 2006]. It was performed on saliva, since this isoenzyme can adhere to the acquired pellicle and promote the neutralization of excess acid by catalyzing the reaction of H+ + HCO3– } CO2 + H2O, which constitutes the most important buffer in the oral environment [Leinonen et al., 1999]. It is important to mention that before starting the analysis of enzymatic CAVI activity, Western blotting was performed to make sure that indeed we would be working with the respective isoenzyme. We used anti-CAVI (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., USA). To analyze CAVI activity, saliva was kept frozen at –70 ° C. After being thawed, 200 ␮l of sa 



Statistical Analysis The statistical analysis was performed considering two groups of children (caries-free and with caries) as the dependent variables. The independent variables were: pre- and postrinse CAVI activity, the variation of CAVI activity (⌬CAVI), salivary flow rate, upper biofilm pH variation (upper ⌬pH) and lower biofilm pH variation (lower ⌬pH). Each variable under study was submitted to Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. In addition, the correlation between dental caries and all variables under study was assessed by the Spearman correlation test. The level of significance was set at 5%.





liva was added to 200 ␮l of Tris buffer for zymography, and from the total of 400 ␮l of sample only 15 ␮l was placed in each channel of the gel. This material was stirred for 1 min before being placed on acrylamide gel at 12%/0.8% bisacrylamide, which remained for 21 h at 30 V in the refrigerator. After electrophoresis, the gel was washed for 20 min in 10% isopropanol diluted in 100 mM Tris, pH 8.2 followed by two washes of 100 mM Tris, pH 8.2. The gel was incubated in bromothymol blue 0.1% in 100 mM Tris, pH 8.2, for 30 min at 4 ° C. The reaction of CAVI was observed after immersing the gel in distilled deionized water saturated with CO2. The gels were photographed, and the image obtained from the bands was quantified by Image J쏐 software [Collins, 2007], which calculated the luminescence in the area of the bands and quantified the CAVI activity in numerical value (pixels area). After determining CAVI activity before and after a 20% sucrose rinse, variation of CAVI activity (⌬CAVI) was obtained (difference between postrinse CAVI activity and prerinse CAVI activity).


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Table 1 shows that the two groups of children presented statistically significant differences in CAVI variation (p = 0.0047). Prerinse CAVI activity was higher in the caries group and probability was close to the significance level (p = 0.0516). However, we found no difference between the two groups in postrinse CAVI activity (p = 0.5165). We also noted that the prerinse CAVI activity was significantly higher than the postrinse CAVI activity in the caries group but not in the caries-free one (p = Frasseto/Parisotto/Peres/Marques/Line/ Nobre dos Santos

0.0191 and p = 0.2213, respectively, data not shown). In respect of salivary flow rate and plaque pH, no difference was found between caries and caries-free groups (salivary flow rate before 20% sucrose rinse (ISFR) p = 0.1738, salivary flow rate 5 min after 2-min sucrose rinse (FSFR) p = 0.1071, upper ⌬pH p = 0.4513 and lower ⌬pH p = 0.9499, data not shown). Table 2 shows that for both groups after the sucrose rinse, the biofilm pH difference in the upper arch (upper ⌬pH) was statistically significantly higher than that in the lower arch (lower ⌬pH; p = 0.0012 and p = 0.0037 for the caries and caries-free group, respectively). Table  2 also reveals that in both groups, the salivary flow rate significantly increased after the sucrose rinse (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.0037 for caries and caries-free groups, respectively). The correlations between dmfs and variable characteristics are shown in table  3. The results demonstrate that the variables that showed a statistically significant correlation with dental caries were child’s age (r = 0.456 and p = 0.011) and ⌬CAVI (r = –0.501 and p = 0.005). Discussion

Table 2. Means 8 SD of clinical parameters in the two groups of

children Groups

Variables (mean 8 SD)


ISFR 1.3180.98 upper ⌬pH 1.7580.68

FSFR 2.3681.28 lower ⌬pH 1.2180.51

ISFR 0.7180.53 upper ⌬pH 2.0180.93

FSFR 1.5480.94 lower ⌬pH 1.3680.89


Carbonic Anhydrase VI Activity and Dental Caries

0.0003 0.0012 0.0019 0.0037

ISFR = Salivary flow rate before 20% sucrose rinse; FSFR = salivary flow rate 5 min after 2-min sucrose rinse; upper ⌬pH = biofilm pH difference in the upper arch: resting pH and 5 min after 2-min rinse of 20% sucrose; lower ⌬pH = biofilm pH difference in the lower arch: resting pH and 5 min after 2-min rinse of 20% sucrose. p values derived from Wilcoxon test.

Table 3. Spearman correlation coefficients and probabilities of statistical significance between dental caries and the analyzed variables


Salivary CAVI, the unique secreted isoenzyme of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme family, protects dental enamel from caries by acting in the local environment of dental surfaces [Leinonen et al., 1999]. To investigate its function in the oral cavity, we determined its activity in whole saliva from preschool healthy children. In our study, we performed a quantitative analysis of the activity of salivary CAVI instead of evaluating just isoenzyme concentration. With respect to the CAVI activity, our results showed that the prerinse activity of CAVI as well as its variation were higher in the saliva of caries children than in caries-free children (table 1). Regarding the prerinse CAVI activity in children with caries, our results are not in agreement with those reported by Szabó [1974], who found a higher concentration of CAVI in 7- to 14-year-old caries-free children than in children with caries. Our findings also differ from those of Kivelä et al. [1999], who demonstrated a low but significant negative correlation between the CAVI concentration in saliva of young adults and DMFT index. However, it should be pointed out that while the methods of analysis employed by the previous authors were able to determine just the concentration of salivary CAVI, in the present study we used the zymography method [Kotwica et al., 2006] to quantitatively determine the activity of

p value

dmfs r

ISFR FSFR Upper ⌬pH Lower ⌬pH Age Prerinse CAVI Postrinse CAVI ⌬CAVI

0.315 0.325 –0.223 –0.088 0.456 0.344 0.052 –0.501

p 0.90 0.080 0.236 0.643 0.011* 0.063 0.784 0.005*

* Statistically significant (␣ = 0.05); n = 30.

salivary CAVI. This is particularly important since a high concentration of the isoenzyme CAVI in saliva may not necessarily mean that all isoenzyme present in the media is active. In respect of postrinse CAVI activity, a significant decrease was observed in the saliva of the caries group. One possible explanation for these results could be that CAVI catalyzes the reaction of CO2 + H2O } H+ + HCO3– in both directions in a way that it may neutralize or acidify the media depending on the conditions in the oral cavity. Another possible explanation for these findings is that the Caries Res 2012;46:194–200


children with caries may have had a high daily sugar consumption since it is know that this sugar consumption pattern is significantly correlated with early childhood caries [Nobre dos Santos et al., 2002; Parisotto et al., 2010]. Moreover, in the presence of a sugar-rich diet and acid formation by metabolism of the microbial flora on dental surfaces, there is a possibility that salivary CAVI activity might be lower after the sucrose rinse and that acid neutralization via conversion of salivary bicarbonate and microbe-delivered hydrogen ions to carbon dioxide and water by CAVI did not occur completely [Leinonen et al., 1999]. Regarding the caries-free group, no change occurred in CAVI activity after the sucrose rinse. This result is probably related to the fact that in caries-free children, a less virulent microbial flora, such as Streptococcus sanguinis, Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus mitis, which are associated with healthy tooth surfaces [Loesche et al., 1984; Corby et al., 2005; Takahashi and Nyvad, 2011], may have contributed to less frequent pH drops than in caries children. However, since salivary pH and/or buffering capacity were not determined in the present study, we can only speculate that in caries-free children the ACVI activity might not be as necessary to speed the neutralization of acid during the frequent cariogenic challenges as in caries children [Kivelä et al., 1997b]. Another result of this study was that the variation of CAVI activity was higher in the caries children than in their caries-free counterparts. This result is related to the fact that while a significantly lower postrinse CAVI activity was found in the caries group, a numerical increase in isoenzyme activity was observed in the caries-free group (table  1).This different behavior of CAVI activity may partially be explained by genetic polymorphisms of the CAVI gene. Gene polymorphisms are mechanisms by which individuals may exhibit variations within the range of what is considered biologically normal. Single nucleotide polymorphisms occur at a high frequency in the human genome and can affect gene function. It is known that salivary CAVI, the only secreted isoenzyme of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme family, is one of the major protein constituents in human parotid saliva [Fernley et al., 1995]. In this respect, a recent study by Peres et al. [2010] showed that polymorphisms in exons 2 and 3 produced changes in the amino acid sequence in the secreted protein ( and had therefore a potential to interfere with the function of the enzyme. Their results also showed that rs2274327 (C/T) polymorphism is associated with salivary buffer capacity. It is likely that this change may interfere with the func198

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tion of CAVI, since the younger T allele was associated with decreased buffer capacity. In the present study no genotyping was performed in the children’s saliva, but considering that isoenzyme expression is regulated at a genetic level, we suggest that the variation of CAVI activity in saliva could partially explain the findings in caries children. Our data give support to this inference, because we showed that variation of CAVI activity was negatively correlated with caries (table 3). Our findings suggest that CAVI may protect the enamel surface by catalyzing the most important buffer system in the oral cavity, thus accelerating the neutralization of acid from the local environment of the tooth surface [Kivelä et al., 1999]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that salivary CAVI may accumulate in the enamel pellicle and function as a local pH regulator on the enamel surface [Leinonen et al., 1999]. The proposed mechanism is that in the enamel pellicle, CAVI is located at an optimal site to catalyze the conversion of salivary bicarbonate and microbe-delivered hydrogen ions to carbon dioxide and water [Leinonen et al., 1999]. Another mechanism recently suggested is that CAVI in saliva penetrates the biofilm and facilitates acid neutralization by salivary bicarbonate. Therefore, biofilm CAVI would contribute to neutralization of biofilm acid, especially in stimulated saliva whose buffering is mainly performed by bicarbonate and thus would help to prevent dental caries [Kimoto et al., 2006]. Although there was no information about the frequency of acidogenic episodes related to children’s daily sugar exposure, biofilm pH in caries as well as in caries-free children decreased significantly after 5 min of rinsing with 20% sucrose solution (p = 0.0012 and p = 0.0037 for the caries and caries-free group, respectively – data not shown). In this respect, the role played by acidogenic bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Lactobacillus and Veillonella should be emphasized [Milnes and Bowden, 1985; Ge et al., 2008]. These bacteria may have contributed to the pH drop after the sucrose rinse and are more prevalent in caries-active children [Parisotto et al., 2010]. However, the two groups showed no difference in biofilm pH before or after rinsing with 20% sucrose solution (table 2). Additionally, in the present work no correlation was found between biofilm pH and caries (r = –0.22 and p = 0.236; r = –0.088 and p = 0.236 for upper ⌬pH and lower ⌬pH, respectively). Early works suggested a consistent relationship between biofilm acidogenicity factors and dental caries [Stephan, 1948; Fosdick et al., 1957], however, other studies have cast some doubt on this association [Fejerskov et al., 1992; Frasseto/Parisotto/Peres/Marques/Line/ Nobre dos Santos

Dong et al., 1999]. These authors showed that not only the variation of biofilm pH but also the frequency of acidogenic episodes may be more important to dental caries than the degree of acidogenicity during an isolated episode [Dong et al., 1999]. Moreover, no correlation was found between biofilm pH and the postrinse CAVI activity (r = –0.045 and p = 0.814; r = –0.023 and p = 0.902 for upper ⌬pH and lower ⌬pH, respectively). These findings may suggest that CAVI is not directly involved in the regulation of the actual biofilm pH. In spite of that, it may speed the removal of acid by catalyzing the reverse reaction CO2 + H2O } H+ + HCO3– when the proton concentration increases [Kivelä et al., 1997b]. An interesting alternative is that CAVI may accumulate in enamel pellicle and function as a local pH regulator on the enamel surface [Leinonen et al., 1999]. Regarding salivary flow rate, we found no statistically significant difference between the caries and the cariesfree groups (p = 0.35 and 0.06 for ISFR and FSFR, respectively, data not shown). This result is in line with Farsi [2008]. Additionally, a significant increase in salivary flow rate was observed after the sucrose rinse in both groups (table 2). This result agrees with previous studies showing that the salivary flow rate increases after a sucrose rinse [Dawes and Kubieniec, 2004]. Our findings

suggest that future investigations should be conducted to search for a possible association between CAVI activity and salivary flow rate and pH, since previous studies investigated only the salivary CAVI concentration and found a weak positive correlation with salivary flow rate [Kivelä et al., 1997a] and no significant correlation with salivary pH [Kivelä et al., 1997b, 1999, 2003]. In summary, our data showed that the variation of salivary CAVI activity and child’s age are associated with dental caries in the primary dentition.

Acknowledgments We thank the São Vicente de Paulo Nursery Piracicaba, SP, Brazil for collaborating with this research, as well as all children who took part in this study. We also thank FAPESP (2008/024126 and 2008/10064-8) and CAPES for financial support.

Disclosure Statement The authors declare that there is no potential conflict of interest as none of the authors have any personal or financial relationship that might introduce bias or affect their judgment.

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Frasseto/Parisotto/Peres/Marques/Line/ Nobre dos Santos

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