Relationship between malocclusion severity and treatment success rate in Class II nonextraction therapy Guilherme Janson,a Fabrı´cio Pinelli Valarelli,b Rodrigo Hermont Canc¸ado,b Marcos Roberto de Freitas,a and Arnaldo Pinzanc Bauru, Brazil Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the treatment success rate of Class II malocclusion without extractions, according to initial severity. Methods: Class II subjects (n 5 276) were divided into 2 groups according to the severity of the malocclusion. Group 1 comprised 144 patients with bilateral half Class II malocclusion at the initial mean age of 12.27 years. Group 2 comprised 132 patients who initially had bilateral complete Class II malocclusion at the initial mean age of 12.32 years. The patients’ initial and final study models were evaluated with Grainger’s treatment priority index. Chi-square tests were used to test for differences between the 2 groups for categorical variables. Variables regarding occlusal results were compared with independent t tests. Results: Group 1 had a significantly better final occlusal result, a shorter treatment time, and a higher treatment efficiency index. Conclusions: Based on these results, it was concluded that bilateral half Class II malocclusion has a better treatment success rate than bilateral complete Class II malocclusion when treatment is conducted without extractions. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;135:274.e1-274.e8)
nvestigations have traditionally been concerned with the effects of orthodontic treatment, rather than with the severity of malocclusions or the efficiency of treatment methods.1 This is especially true for treatment of Class II malocclusion in which several treatment methods have been described,2-9 yet their efficiencies have not been comparatively evaluated. Efficiency is the capacity of producing the best results in the least time.10 Theoretically, the greater the Class II anteroposterior discrepancy severity and the older the patient, the smaller the probability of nonextraction correction of the malocclusion.11-13 However, no study has demonstrated the efficiency of the nonextraction approach according to the patient’s Class II anteroposterior severity and age.11 In this study, we aimed to evaluate the treatment success rate of the nonextraction
From the Department of Orthodontics, Bauru Dental School, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Bauru, Brazil. a Professor. b Graduate student. c Associate professor. Based on research by Fabricio Pinelli Valarelli in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD degree in orthodontics. Reprint requests to: Guilherme Janson, Department of Orthodontics, Bauru Dental School, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Alameda Octa´vio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, Bauru, SP, 17012-901, Brazil; e-mail,
[email protected]. Submitted, May 2008; revised and accepted, September 2008. 0889-5406/$36.00 Copyright Ó 2009 by the American Association of Orthodontists. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.09.021
approach to Class II malocclusions, according to the initial anteroposterior discrepancy severity. MATERIAL AND METHODS
The sample, retrospectively obtained from 4000 documented treated patients from the Department of Orthodontics at Bauru Dental School, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, consisted of initial (T1) and final (T2) dental study models of 276 Class II malocclusion patients divided into 2 groups according to anteroposterior discrepancy severity. Group 1 comprised 144 patients (66 boys, 78 girls) with bilateral half Class II malocclusion (molar relationship) at an initial mean age of 12.27 years (SD, 1.49; range, 8.58-16.66 years).14-16 According to their dental stages, 60 patients were in the mixed dentition and 84 in the permanent dentition at T1. All patients in this group finished treatment with the original nonextraction protocol. Group 2 comprised 132 patients (62 boys, 70 girls) who initially had bilateral complete Class II malocclusion (molar relationship) at an initial mean age of 12.32 years (SD, 1.50; range, 7.91-17.25 years).14-16 According to their dental stages, 62 patients were in the mixed dentition and 70 in the permanent dentition at T1. This group had to be subdivided into subgroups 2A and 2B according to having or not completed the original nonextraction treatment plan. This had to be done to include all patients who began 274.e1
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treatment with a nonextraction approach. Subgroup 2A comprised 107 patients (49 boys, 58 girls) at an initial mean age of 12.24 years (SD, 1.45; range, 7.91-16.33 years) who finished treatment with the original nonextraction protocol. According to their dental stages, 56 patients were in the mixed dentition and 51 in the permanent dentition at T1. Subgroup 2B comprised 25 patients (13 boys, 12 girls) who were reevaluated and had changes in their initial treatment plans, requiring 2 maxillary premolar extractions; nonextraction treatment was unsuccessful due to poor patient compliance. In this way, more reliable and consistent results could be obtained regarding the percentages of patients successfully treated without changes in initial treatment plans. The patients in this group had an initial mean age of 12.65 years (SD, 1.66; range, 9.42-17.25 years). According to their dental stages, 6 patients were in the mixed dentition and 19 in the permanent dentition at T1. Two hundred thirty-one patients had Class II Division 1 malocclusions (121 in group 1, 92 in subgroup 2A, and 18 in subgroup 2B), and 45 had Class II Division 2 malocclusions (23 in group 1, 15 in subgroup 2A, and 7 in subgroup 2B). The additional selection criterion was the presence of all permanent teeth up to the second molars at T2. Molar relationships were assessed on the models, by using the location of the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar and the mesial buccal groove of the mandibular first molar as reference points. Sample selection was based exclusively on the anteroposterior dental relationship at T1, regardless of any other dentoalveolar or skeletal characteristic. Regarding the initial treatment planning, all patients should have been treated without extractions or at least were originally planned to be treated without extractions. Additionally, the patients selected for the study had to have both T1 and T2 dental study models in good condition and clinical records that described sex, age at T1, and treatment time. The mechanics used with the fixed edgewise appliances in both groups were characterized by 0.022 3 0.028-in brackets, associated with extraoral headgear to distalize the maxillary teeth or restrict maxillary forward displacement. Class II elastics were also used when applicable, to aid in correcting the Class II anteroposterior relationship. The usual wire sequence was 0.015-in Twist-Flex or 0.016 Nitinol wire, followed by 0.016-, 0.018-, and 0.020-in, and finally a 0.021 3 0.025 or an 0.018 3 0.025-in stainless steel archwire (all from 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif). Deep overbites were usually corrected by reversed and accentuated curve of Spee. The treatment priority index (TPI)17 was calculated on the T1 and T2 study models of each patient, accord-
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ing to Table I. The TPI provides weighted subscores for overjet, vertical overbite or open bite, tooth displacement, and posterior crossbites, as well as summary scores reflecting the overall severity of the malocclusion. With the exception of rotation and displacement, all TPI components are measured along a continuous scale from positive to negative values. Thus, mandibular overjet and open bite are entered as negative overjet and negative overbite, respectively. A constant corresponding to the molar occlusion is added to the TPI score. Total scores on the TPI range from 0 to 10 or more, with higher scores representing more severe malocclusions.18-20 The TPI components are defined as follows (Fig).18,19 1.
Overjet: the anterior distance from the most mesial part of the labial surface of the maxillary central incisor to the labial surface of the opposing mandibular incisor, measured perpendicularly to the coronal plane. Overbite or open bite: with the dental models in centric (convenience) occlusion, the amount of vertical overlap of the maxillary central incisor over the mandibular central incisor taken as a ratio of the total crown height (cervix to incisal edge) of the mandibular incisor. Tooth displacement: the sum of the number of teeth noticeably rotated or displaced from ideal alignment, plus 2 times the number of teeth rotated more than 45 or displaced more than 2 mm. First molar relationship: a constant comprising the severity of the malocclusion, based on the relationships between the maxillary and mandibular first molars. Posterior crossbites: measures buccolingual deviation in occlusion of postcanine teeth. The measurement is positive for buccal crossbite (first molar positioned too far buccally) and negative for lingual crossbite. Crossbite is also scored as the number of teeth deviating from ideal cusp-to-fossa fit by a cusp-to-cusp relationship or worse.18,19
Two copies of the Figure were required to calculate each patient’s TPI. On the first, the achieved value corresponded to the initial severity of the malocclusion, whereas the second showed the final occlusal status after orthodontic treatment. The improvement as a result of orthodontic treatment was assessed by 2 methods. The first used the TPI change: the difference between the T1 and T2 scores. The second was the percentage of TPI reduction, which reflects the TPI change relative to the T1 score and is calculated by dividing the difference between the T1 and T2 TPI values by the initial
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Table I.
Baseline characteristics and results of the intergroup comparisons (ANOVA and chi-square tests)
Initial age (y), mean (SD) Initial TPI, mean (SD) Sex Male Female Type of Class II Division 1 Division 2 Dental stage Mixed dentition Permanent dentition
Group 1 (half Class II) (n 5 144)
Group 2 (complete Class II) (n 5 132)
Subgroup 2A (n 5107)
12.27A (1.49) 7.88A (2.23)
12.32A (1.50) 8.86B (1.42)
12.24A (1.45) 9.00B (1.48)
0.9169† 0.0000†,*
66 78
62 70
49 58
121 23
110 22
92 15
60 84
62 70
56 51
Different letters represent statistically significant differences in post-hoc comparisons (Tukey HSD test). *Statistically significant at P \0.05.; †ANOVA; ‡chi-square test.
TPI score. Additionally, treatment efficiency was assessed. This was defined as the change in occlusal characteristics, evaluated with the TPI, in a period of time and calculated by dividing the percentage of TPI reduction by treatment time.21 This ratio provided the treatment efficiency index (TEI). Additionally, successful treatment was defined as a final TPI score less than 2 points.17 Sixty pairs of dental study models were randomly selected and remeasured by the same examiner (F.P.V.) after a 1-month interval. The casual error was calculated according to Dahlberg’s formula,22 S2 5 Sd2/2n, where S2 is the error variance and d is the difference between the 2 determinations of the same variable. The systematic errors were estimated with dependent t tests at P \0.05.23 Statistical analysis
Means and standard deviations for each variable were calculated to enable characterization of the groups. Normal distributions were verified by the KolmogorovSmirnov test (for T1 and T2 TPI scores, TPI change, percentage of TPI reduction, and TEI). Results of this test showed that all variables were normally distributed. Therefore, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparison between the groups for initial age and severity of malocclusion at T1 (initial TPI). Chi-square tests were used to evaluate compatibility between groups regarding sex distribution, type of Class II malocclusion, and dental stage of the patients, and also to compare the percentages of patients who were successfully treated (final TPI \2) in both groups. The t test was used to compare final TPI scores, TPI change, percentage of TPI reduction, treatment time, and the TEI between group 1 and subgroup 2A. Results were
regarded as significant at P \0.05. These analyses were performed with Statistica software (Statistica for Windows, version 6.0, Statsoft, Tulsa, Okla). RESULTS
No variable had a systematic error, and the range of casual errors varied from 0.43 (final TPI) to 0.85 (initial TPI). Group 1, group 2, and subgroup 2A were initially similar according to age, sex, type of Class II malocclusion, and dental stage distribution. The initial TPI score was significantly smaller in group 1 than in group 2 and subgroup 2A (Table I). The percentage of patients successfully treated (final TPI \2) was significantly greater in group 1 compared with group 2 (Table II). Even when the patients of subgroup 2B (reevaluated and with 2 maxillary premolars extracted) were excluded from the comparison, the percentage of group 1 patients successfully treated was still significantly greater compared with subgroup 2A (Table III). The results of the comparison between group 1 and subgroup 2A showed that group 1 had a significantly smaller final TPI, a shorter treatment time, and a greater treatment efficiency index (Table IV). DISCUSSION
The groups were compatible regarding initial age, sex, type of Class II malocclusion, and dental stage distribution, therefore eliminating any influence of these variables in the results24,25 (Table I). However, group 2 and subgroup 2A (complete Class II) were characterized by greater malocclusion severity at T1; this was expected because the TPI highly depends on the molar anteroposterior relationship. The greater the
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Fig. Treatment priority index (TPI) data collection form.
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Table II.
Comparison of treatment success rate between groups 1 and 2 (chi-square test) Group 1 (n 5 144) (half Class II)
Final TPI \2
Group 2 (2A 1 2B) (n 5 132) (complete Class II)
*Statistically significant at P \0.05.
Table III.
Comparison of treatment success rate between group 1 and subgroup 2A (chi-square test) Group 1 (n 5 144) (half Class II)
Final TPI \2
Subgroup 2A (n 5 107) (complete Class II)
*Statistically significant at P \0.05.
Table IV.
Comparison between group 1 and subgroup 2A (independent t test) Group 1 (n 5 144) (half Class II)
Subgroup 2A (n 5 107) (complete Class II)
Final TPI TPI change TPI reduction (%) Treatment time (mo) TEI
1.23 6.64 82.52 25.06 3.70
1.09 2.61 16.91 9.92 1.41
1.83 7.16 79.56 31.20 2.92
1.77 2.13 19.98 11.05 1.44
0.0010* 0.0927 0.2066 0.0000* 0.0000*
*Statistically significant at P \0.05.
anteroposterior discrepancy, the higher the score. Thus, molar relationship is extremely important in the final malocclusion severity score. There might be some criticism for using Grainger’s TPI17 for evaluation of the T1 and T2 occlusal statuses instead of the more recent and currently more used peer assessment rating (PAR) index.26-30 The reason for this was that the PAR has some limitations in evaluating the posterior segment anteroposterior relationship, as pointed out earlier.31-33 To overcome this deficiency, it was suggested that there should be a different PAR index to separately evaluate Class I, Class II, and Class III malocclusions.34 In this study, an efficient index to evaluate the posterior segment anteroposterior discrepancy was crucial because this is where the major differences are in the final TPI (treatment success rate) between these Class II malocclusions with distinct severities.11,35,36,37 Group 1 had a higher percentage of treatment success, demonstrating that the greater the malocclusion severity, the less satisfactory the final occlusal result,
as previously suggested16 (Table II). In this comparison, group 2 included patients originally planned to be treated without extractions; that later changed to treatment with 2 maxillary premolar extractions because of poor compliance. Obviously, these patients were considered to have failed. For this reason, it might be argued that these patients should have not been included because they could have biased the results. Therefore, another comparison was made without these patients, but the results still demonstrated that group 1 had a better occlusal success rate than subgroup 2A; this confirms the assumption that greater Class II anteroposterior malocclusion severity at T1 is related to less satisfactory occlusal outcomes at T216,38 (Table III). Changing 25 patients of 132 in group 2 to the 2 maxillary premolar extraction protocol suggests that only good compliers remained in subgroup 2A. Therefore, if patient compliance had been matched in the groups, it could be speculated that the actual difference in treatment success rates between group 1 and subgroup 2A would be even greater than observed.
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Because of the greater occlusal success rate, group 1 (half Class II) also had a smaller final TPI than did subgroup 2A (complete Class II) (Table IV). However, the amount of TPI change and the percentage of TPI reduction were not different between the groups. This was because the malocclusion severity of subgroup 2A was originally greater than in group 1. Treatment in both groups provided a similar amount of occlusal changes, but these changes did not have a similar occlusal success rate because the severity of subgroup 2A was greater than that of group 1. Treatment time was longer for subgroup 2A (complete Class II malocclusion) (Table IV). These findings show that correction of malocclusion needs a shorter treatment time in patients with less severe Class II anteroposterior discrepancies.35,36,39-42 As previously mentioned, the longer treatment time required for the group with complete Class II malocclusion was related to the need to correct the posterior segment anteroposterior relationship.24,35,36,39,42-44 Additionally, orthodontic treatment time was compared between group 1 and subgroup 2A, excluding patients with complete Class II malocclusions who had their treatment plan changed to 2 maxillary premolar extractions. If they were included, treatment time of group 2 would be even longer, because of the time spent in trying to correct the malocclusion without extractions, added to the treatment time with 2 maxillary premolar extractions, increasing the difference in treatment time between these groups. Studies concerned with the variables that can influence treatment time suggest that it might increase if patients miss their appointments or break the appliances.39-41 There is no evidence of a difference between patients with complete or half Class II malocclusions regarding these variables; thus, they can be considered compatible.43,45 Because both groups had similar TPI changes and percentages of TPI reduction, but group 1 had a shorter treatment time, the TEI of group 1 was significantly greater than that of subgroup 2A (Table IV). This result is obvious because it is evident that a Class II malocclusion patient with half the anteroposterior discrepancy of another, treated with similar protocols, would need less treatment time for correction and consequently would have greater treatment efficiency.11,35,36 However, although theoretically understandable, this had not been scientifically shown. These results are related to the greater need of patient compliance in using the extraoral headgear because nonextraction treatment of Class II malocclusion requires correction of molar relationship, and several orthodontic devices for correction of Class II malocclusion are removable and therefore depend on com-
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pliance.6 Consequently, the greater the molar anteroposterior discrepancy, the greater the difficulty for malocclusion correction and the less effective the orthodontic treatment.35,36,42,44,46,47 Clinical implications
These results suggest that special consideration is needed for the initial occlusal anteroposterior malocclusion severity when planning treatment in Class II patients concerning occlusal success rate and treatment efficiency at the evaluated age span. Many treatment protocols might be effective but not efficient. When planning nonextraction treatment for patients with Class II malocclusions, the initial anteroposterior discrepancy plays a great role in the occlusal success rate and treatment efficiency. The greater the Class II anteroposterior discrepancy, the smaller the success rate and the treatment efficiency with the nonextraction protocols investigated. Therefore, it would be preferable to plan nonextraction treatment when the anteroposterior discrepancy is small. As it increases, occlusal success rate and treatment efficiency will be less. This does not mean that a complete Class II malocclusion cannot be treated nonextraction. Treatment can be started without extractions, and, if there is not enough patient compliance, it can be changed to 2 maxillary premolar extraction treatment. However, one should not wait too long to change the treatment plan. If the patient does not comply within 3 months, the 2 maxillary premolar extraction protocol should be started.16,38 If a patient does not significantly comply during the first months of treatment, when compliance is highest, he or she will hardly comply later.48 These considerations apply to the age span that we evaluated and to treatment with removable appliances, especially extraoral headgear as was used here, to correct Class II anteroposterior discrepancy. Better response to nonextraction treatment can be observed in younger patients.13,49,50 It can be argued that these comments do not apply to fixed intraoral distalizers and fixed functional appliances. Concerning fixed intraoral distalizers, the mean treatment times reported were 31.651 and 3152 months for small anteroposterior discrepancies; this is longer than the treatment time of group 1. Reports of treatment time for complete Class II malocclusion correction with intraoral distalizers are not available. Therefore, these results might be extrapolated for these appliances also. With regard to fixed functional appliances, the mean time reported to correct complete Class II anteroposterior discrepancies is 6 to 9 months, which is satisfactory.53,54 However, after Class II anteroposterior correction, patients are usually
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instructed to use a removable functional appliance as an active retainer for additional 12 months.3 This demonstrates that, even with this treatment approach, some patient compliance is necessary in handling treatment, and the results could be similar to our investigation. However, a specific comparison with complete Class II patients treated with fixed functional appliances would help to clarify these issues.
15. 16.
Bilateral half Class II malocclusion had a statistically greater occlusal success rate than bilateral complete Class II malocclusion when treated without extractions. Nonextraction treatment time was significantly greater in patients with complete Class II malocclusion when compared with patients with half Class II malocclusion. Nonextraction TEI is significantly greater in patients with half Class II malocclusion than with complete Class II malocclusion.
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