Dec 19, 2005 - Chih-Hung Chien,1,2 Tzong-Yang Tu,1,2* Shu-Feng Chien,3 Angela Chung-I Li,1. Mei-Jan Yang,1 .... between SRT and PTTs, with Pearson correlation ... v hearing threshold and certificates of hearing impairment. The most.
Relationship Between Mandarin Speech Reception Thresholds and Pure-tone Thresholds in the Geriatric Population Chih-Hung Chien,1,2 Tzong-Yang Tu,1,2* Shu-Feng Chien,3 Angela Chung-I Li,1 Mei-Jan Yang,1 An-Suey Shiao,1,2 Yi-Fen Wang1,2 Background/Purpose: In the geriatric population, the reliability of pure-tone threshold (PTT) is sometimes poorer than that in young adults because of various reasons. This study assessed the relationship between Mandarin speech reception thresholds (SRTs) and PTTs in the aged and developed SRT as a measure for corroborating PTT. Methods: This prospective study enrolled 46 consecutive subjects over 60 years of age. The results of SRT T and PTT were collected from one ear randomly selected from each subject. Simple linear and multiple regressions were used to determine the correlation and linear regression coefficients between SRTs and PTTs at various frequencies. Results: In the simple regression analysis, the correlation coefficient was highest at 1000 Hz (r = 0.949) and 500 Hz (r = 0.922), followed by 250 Hz (r = 0.850) and 2000 Hz (r = 0.792). In the multiple regression model with SRT as the dependent variable and PTTs as predictor variables, the resultant multiple correlation coefficient R was 0.967, while R2 was 0.936. In this model, PTTs at the frequencies of 500 Hz and 1000 Hz contributed significantly to the variance in SRTs with p values of 0.029 and