This method is based on the method described by BE SSEY et al. (1946). Levels of mineral (Zn, Ca, Mg) in the serum were assayed by the atomic absorption.
Feb 5, 2016 - type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and progression to the pre-diabetic state. ... been shown to be associated with the incidence of T2DM[11]and the pro- ... PPG, postprandial plasma glucose; FINS, fasting ..... ated with vitamin B12 and fo
Fax: (522) 266 8017 or 266 8078. E-mail: [email protected]. A single-theme conference on Alcohol in Gastroen- terology will be held in Lucknow April 3, 2005.
Jong Myoung Yoo, M.D., Seung Tae Han, M.D., Bi Ro Kim, M.D., ... Byoung Geun Han, M.D., Wonju Christian Hospital, 162, Ilsan-dong, Wonju 220-701, Korea.
Patients with a global PSQI score > 5 were defined as "poor sleepers." Fac- ... Results: The median ADMA levels of the poor sleepers were increased compared.
Jun 1, 2007 - Mahdi k. nama*. MBCHB, DAM. Summary: Background:Dyslipideamia is an important major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which.
to analyze the association between serum DHEA ..... American Societies for Experimental Biology, ... Journal of the Federation of American Societies for.
Relationship between Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Concentration and Physical Fitness after an Exercise Training in Postmenopausal Middle-aged Women Nayoung Ahn·Kijin Kim* Keimyung University
ABSTRACT Nayoung Ahn · Kijin Kim. Relationship between Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Concentration and Physical Fitness after an Exercise Training in Postmenopausal Middle-aged Women. The Journal of Kinesiology, 2017, 19(4): 85-93. [PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between serum dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentration and physical fitness after exercise in middle-aged women. [METHODS] Subjects were randomly assigned to yoga and elastic band resistance exercise group (55.21±3.78 yrs, n=11) and non-exercise group (54.10±2.51 yrs, n=7). The exercise group participants performed upper and lower extremity exercise three times per week for 12 weeks. Body weight, height, %fat, serum DHEA concentration, sit-up, grip strength, and one leg stand (with close eyes) were measured on subjects. [RESULTS] Serum DHEA concentration showed an increased trend after exercise training as compared to before exercise training, but no significant difference between before and after exercise training. Also, variables related to physical fitness as sit-up, grip strength, and one leg stand were significantly (p