what a smart woman can do about it) by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol. 12. This
is how love works : 9 essential secrets you need to know by Steven Carter. 13.
Resources for Relationships Relationship support for all phases of commitment For more resource ideas, visit the Resource Place: Edmonds Community College Counseling and Resource Center in MLT 145 (425) 6401358 and see our When Someone You Know...brochures.
LINKS to INFORMATION http://www.uwec.edu/counsel/pubs/bhr.htm Read about Building Healthy Relationships from the University of WisconsinEau Claire. www.parentswithoutpartners.org Parents Without Partners: provides single parents with an opportunity for enhancing personal growth, selfconfidence & sensitivity towards others by support, friendship, & exchange of parenting techniques. www.wamft.org Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy: to find a marriage or family therapist near you. www.prepareenrich.com PREPARE/ENRICH program for couples. To help couples prepare for marriage (PREPARE Program) and to enrich the marriage of those already married (ENRICH Program). http://www.gottman.com The Gottman Institute applies leadingedge research on marriage in a practical, downtoearth therapy. Their therapy relies on intensive, detailed, and longterm scientific study of why marriages succeed or fail. http://buddybuddy.com/partners.html Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples supports the diverse community of committed gay and lesbian partners through a variety of media. http://www.counselingseattle.com CounselingSeattle.Com is an online site where you can find a Therapist or Support Group in your area. http://www.utexas.edu/student/cmhc/booklets/romrelations/romrelations.html University of Texas: Healthy romantic relationships during College.
http://www.helpguide.org/mental/improve_relationships.htm Help Guide: Building Great Relationships with Emotional Intelligence http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/Cat8.html Ulifeline: Healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, True love …could it be true? And much more…
SOME BOOKS ON RELATIONSHIPS Many of these books are available at the Edmonds Community College Library with student EdPass at http://www.edcc.edu/library. Others are available through the SnoIsle Regional Library System at http://www.snoisle.org.
Too good to leave, too bad to stay : a stepbystep guide to help you decide whether to stay in or get out of your relationship by Mira Kirshenbaum.
Women who love too much : when you keep wishing and hoping he'll change by Robin Norwood.
Women, sex, and addiction : a search for love and power / Charlotte Davis Kasl.
Other half : wives of alcoholics and their socialpsychological situation by Jacqueline P. Wiseman
Beyond codependency: and getting better all the time by Melody Beattie
Codependent No More: Melody Beattie
Facing codependence : what it is, where it comes from, how it sabotages our lives by Pia Mellody with Andrea Wells Miller and J. Keith Miller.
Positive discipline for parenting in recovery : a guide to help recovering parents by Jane Nelsen, Riki Intner, and Lynn Lott
Marriage is for loving Muriel James.
Psychology of romantic love : what love is, why love is born, why it sometimes grows, why it sometimes dies by Nathaniel Branden.
Men who can't love : when a man's fear makes him run from commitment (and what a smart woman can do about it) by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol.
This is how love works : 9 essential secrets you need to know by Steven Carter.
Embracing life : growing through love and loss by Dorothy Corkille Briggs.
Intimate partners : patterns in love and marriage by Maggie Scarf.
Is it love or is it addiction , Brenda Schaeffer 2
How to survive the loss of a love / Colgrove,. Bloomfield & Peter A. McWilliams.
The illusion of love why the battered woman returns to her abuser by David Celani.
How to break your addiction to a person Howard m. Halpern
Loving him without losing you Beverly. Engel
Why Marriages Succeed or Fail... And How You Can Make Yours Last John Gottman
The codependent parent Becnel, Barbara Cottman.
By John Gottman: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work When Men Batter Women: New Insights into Ending Abusive Relationships
The Relationship Cure 23.
Permanent Partners: Building Gay and Lesbian Relationships That Last Betty Berzon
The Lesbian Couples Guide by Judith McDaniel
Lesbian Couples: A Guide to Creating Healthy Relationships D. Merilee, Ph.D.Clunis
Midlife Lesbian Relationships: Friends, Lovers, Children, & Parents Marcy R. Adelman
Together Forever by Eric Marcus
The Power of a Partner: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Gay and Lesbian Relationships Richard L., Ph.D. PimentalHabib