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Accepted Preprint first posted on 4 July 2008 as Manuscript EJE-08-0201
Relationships between serum insulin-like growth factor-I levels, blood pressure and glucose tolerance: an observational, exploratory study in 404 subjects
ANNAMARIA COLAO, CAROLINA DI SOMMA, TERESA CASCELLA, ROSARIO PIVONELLO, GIOVANNI VITALE*, LUDOVICA FS GRASSO, GAETANO LOMBARDI AND SILVIA SAVASTANO Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy; * Chair of Endocrinology, University of Milan, Italian Auxologic Institute, Milan, Italy
Key Words: IGF-I, blood pressure, glucose tolerance, diabetes, hypertension. Short title: IGF-I, diabetes and hypertension Word count: Abstract 239 (max 250), text 3454, references 41, Tables 4, Figures 3.
Correspondence to:
Prof. Annamaria Colao MD, PhD Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology “Federico II” University of Naples, Via S. Pansini 5; 80123 Naples, Italy ph : +39-081-7462132; fax : +39-081-5465443/+39-081-7463668 E-mail:
[email protected]
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IGF-I, diabetes and hypertension
Colao et al.
Abstract Background In the general population, low IGF-I has been associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Objective To investigate the relationships between IGF-I levels, blood pressure (BP) and glucose tolerance (GT). Subjects 404 subjects (200 men 18-80 yrs aged). Exclusion criteria: personal history of pituitary or cardiovascular diseases; previous or current treatments with drugs interfering with BP, GT, or lipids, corticosteroids (>2 weeks), estrogens or testosterone (>12 weeks); smoking of >15 cigarettes/day and alcohol abuse (>3 glasses of wine/day). Results 296 had normal BP (73.3%), 86 had mild (21.3) and 22 had severe hypertension (5.4%); 322 had normal GT [NGT (79.7%)], 53 had impaired fasting glucose [IGT (13.1%)], 29 had diabetes mellitus (7.2%). Normotensive subjects had significantly higher IGF-I levels (0.11±0.94 SDS) than those with mild (-0.62±1.16 SDS, p