Release ENC YOUNG WRITERs.pdf - Google Drive

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ENC YOUNG WRITERS’ WORKSHOP Publication Release Form For students under the age of 18, parents or guardians must sign off this form. The form below indicates approval for the student's name, picture, art, written work, verbal statements, or portraits to appear in program publicity, publications, videos, or on educational agencies’ web sites. For example, pictures, and articles about the “Young Writers’ Workshop” might appear in local newspapers, in studentpublished anthologies, or on program-affiliated websites. These pictures and articles may or may not personally identify the student. The program sponsors may continue to use the pictures and/or videos in subsequent years. AGREEMENT The Student and Parent/Guardian release to Education Nonprofit Corporation (ENC) the student's name, picture, art, written work, verbal statements, portraits, and consent to their use by program sponsors. For student protection, ENC will follow these guidelines: • The student's name, picture, art, written work, verbal statements, portraits shall only be used for public relations, public information, program promotion, teacher education, and classroom instruction. • Student authors will not be identified by personal details other than first and last name. (We will NOT include student e-mail or postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers.) • ENC Writing Project will accede to any written request by a parent or legal guardian for the removal of specific photographs featuring their child, or references to their child’s name. Please note: The purpose of this program is to inspire high quality writing and we will make constant efforts to help students see their work published. Thus, no signed waiver will be sought or required prior to publishing student work. The Student and Parent/Guardian understand and agree that: • No remuneration or compensation (i.e.: money) shall be paid; • Consent and release have been given without coercion or duress; • This agreement is binding upon heirs and/or future legal representatives; • Photos, videos, writing samples, or student statements may be used in subsequent years.

Student's Name: (please print):____________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian: (please print):____________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian:_____________________________________________________ Effective Date of Agreement:________________________

NOTE: ENC has no control of media use of pictures/statements that are taken by participating students or outside parties and shared without our permission.