Release Form

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Alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia are not permitted. If this is violated, you will be immediately dismissed from the

(APRIL 2017)

CODE OF BEHAVIOR/HOSPITALITY GUIDELINES To be reviewed and signed by parent/guardian AND youth participant We wish you an early welcome to the 2017 Quo Vadis Retreat! We are confident it will be a great experience, leading you closer to Christ and having a great time together. As the retreat will be held at Santa Teresa Parish, there may be other parish groups sharing parish facilities. This sharing of space with priests, seminarians, retreatants, and staff is similar to that which takes place in a family home. For this to work, each of us must be considerate of other people in the facility for space, privacy and a peaceful atmosphere. Please review the following expectations: •

Come open and ready to learn and grow.

No one (except staff) is permitted in the kitchen area. Drinks and snacks will be provided in another designated space.

Do not leave trash around the building and grounds. Any vandalism will result in immediate dismissal from the camp.

Stay with the group and do not roam around the building or grounds. You will have recreational time permitted in designated areas.

Participants are expected, health permitting, to attend all activities.

Everyone will be assigned to a sleeping area. You may not switch areas. In case of an emergency, it is necessary to know where each person is sleeping.

No visiting is allowed during quiet hours, in order to ensure everyone is able to get the amount of sleep needed during the retreat. No one is permitted to enter any other sleeping areas.

Do not leave your corridor during nighttime hours.

Alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia are not permitted. If this is violated, you will be immediately dismissed from the camp.

Any item listed on the ‘Do Not Bring” list (sent out a month before the camp) will be confiscated and may/or may not be returned to you at check-out. “Words to the wise”…leave it at home!

Weapons or simulated weapons of any kind are not permitted. This includes but is not limited to: firearms of any kind, airflow guns, BB guns, knives, etc.

Treat each other with respect. Be Christ to each other.

We respectfully ask for your cooperation and are sure that you will adhere to this simple code of behavior. You represent the Church and are called as a young man to project an image of Christian consideration and respect to all others and to the property around you. I understand and agree to the Camp Code of Behavior and realize that infractions may result in my dismissal. Participant’s Signature: Print Name:

Date Signed:

Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18): Print Name:

Date Signed:

Mail completed forms to: Diocese of San Jose Vocations Office | 1150 North First Street, Ste 100 | San Jose, CA 95112

QV 1 CODE OF BEHAVIOR – PAGE 1 OF 1 The Chancery ● 1150 North First Street ● Suite 100 ● San Jose, California 95112-4966 ● (408) 983-0100 ●
