Released: January 15, 2013. Table 1: Commodity Prices and Price Forecast in Nominal US Dollars. Actual. Forecast. Commod
Commodity Price Forecast Update Released: January 15, 2013 Table 1: Commodity Prices and Price Forecast in Nominal US Dollars Commodity
Actual 2000 2010
Forecast 2017
Energy Coal, Australian Crude oil, avg, spot Natural gas, European Natural gas, US LNG, Japanese
$/mt $/bbl $/mmbtu $/mmbtu $/mmbtu
40.1 36.9 4.2 1.6 5.7
39.7 22.9 2.8 1.7 3.6
26.3 28.2 3.9 4.3 4.7
99.0 79.0 8.3 4.4 10.8
121.4 104.0 10.5 4.0 14.7
96.4 105.0 11.5 2.8 16.7
93.0 102.0 11.2 3.5 16.0
91.0 102.2 11.1 4.0 15.5
90.0 102.1 11.0 4.5 15.0
91.0 101.9 10.9 5.0 14.8
91.9 101.7 10.8 5.3 14.5
92.9 101.5 10.7 5.5 14.3
93.9 101.4 10.6 5.8 14.0
94.9 101.2 10.5 6.0 13.8
100.0 101.5 10.0 7.0 12.5
Non Energy Commodities Agriculture Beverages Cocoa Coffee, Arabica Coffee, robusta Tea, auctions (3) ave
¢/kg ¢/kg ¢/kg ¢/kg
260 347 324 166
127 197 118 206
91 192 91 188
313 432 174 288
298 598 241 292
239 411 227 290
235 380 205 285
232 370 190 288
230 360 185 291
229 359 183 295
228 358 182 298
227 357 180 301
226 356 179 305
225 355 177 308
220 350 170 325
Food Fats and Oils Coconut oil Groundnut oil Palm oil Soybean meal Soybean oil Soybeans
$/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt
674 859 584 262 598 296
337 964 290 200 447 247
450 714 310 189 338 212
1,124 1,404 901 378 1,005 450
1,730 1,988 1,125 398 1,299 541
1,111 2,436 999 524 1,226 591
950 2,150 930 520 1,200 570
940 1,950 910 460 1,100 540
930 1,900 900 410 1,050 520
927 1,895 889 407 1,045 519
924 1,890 879 404 1,040 518
921 1,885 869 401 1,035 517
918 1,880 859 398 1,030 516
915 1,875 849 395 1,025 515
900 1,850 800 380 1,000 510
Grains Barley Maize Rice, Thai, 5% Wheat, US, HRW
$/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt
78 125 411 173
80 109 271 136
77 89 202 114
158 186 489 224
207 292 543 316
240 298 563 313
230 290 540 320
215 270 520 300
200 250 500 270
198 248 498 270
197 246 496 271
195 244 494 271
194 242 492 272
192 240 490 272
185 230 480 275
Other Food Bananas US Meat, beef Meat, chicken Oranges Shrimp Sugar, world
$/mt ¢/kg ¢/kg $/mt ¢/kg ¢/kg
377 276 76 400 1,152 63.2
541 256 108 531 1,069 27.7
424 193 131 363 1,515 18.0
868 335 189 1,033 1,004 46.9
968 404 193 891 1,193 57.3
984 414 208 868 1,006 47.5
980 410 201 845 1,005 45.0
970 360 201 860 1,035 40.0
950 315 201 900 1,100 38.0
947 323 202 903 1,110 37.7
944 330 203 906 1,120 37.4
941 338 203 909 1,130 37.1
938 347 204 912 1,140 36.8
935 355 204 915 1,150 36.5
920 390 205 930 1,200 35.0
252 196 396
343 177 533
275 190 595
429 278 848
485 391 939
451 361 876
450 356 875
457 362 885
465 368 902
473 374 919
481 381 937
489 387 955
497 393 974
505 400 1,000
535 425 1,080
206 142 2,276
182 86 3,392
130 67 2,976
228 365 4,333
333 482 4,485
197 338 4,294
180 330 4,200
190 325 4,100
200 320 4,000
205 318 4,010
209 316 4,020
214 314 4,030
219 312 4,040
224 310 4,050
250 300 4,100
222 47 116 180 192
171 41 98 132 119
154 44 123 138 101
501 123 332 382 289
619 185 435 538 421
540 186 459 462 405
500 175 430 430 390
490 160 410 425 370
480 150 380 420 350
478 145 375 415 345
476 140 369 409 339
474 135 364 404 334
472 130 359 399 329
470 125 354 394 324
460 105 330 370 300
Agricultural Raw Materials Timber Logs, Cameroonian $/cum Logs, Malaysian $/cum Sawnwood, Malaysian $/cum Other Raw Materials Cotton A Index ¢/kg Rubber, Malaysian ¢/kg Tobacco $/mt Fertilizers DAP Phosphate rock Pottasium chloride TSP Urea
$/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt
Metals and Minerals Aluminum Copper Iron ore Lead Nickel Tin Zinc
$/mt $/mt ¢/dmtu ¢/kg $/mt ¢/kg ¢/kg
1,775 2,182 28 91 6,519 1,677 76
1,639 2,661 33 81 8,864 609 151
1,549 1,813 29 45 8,638 544 113
2,173 7,535 146 215 21,809 2,041 216
2,401 8,828 168 240 22,910 2,605 219
2,023 7,962 128 206 17,548 2,113 195
2,200 7,800 130 210 18,000 2,200 210
2,400 7,400 132 215 18,200 2,250 220
2,500 7,000 135 220 18,500 2,300 230
2,537 6,980 136 221 18,948 2,346 232
2,575 6,960 138 222 19,407 2,392 234
2,614 6,939 139 223 19,877 2,440 236
2,653 6,919 141 224 20,358 2,488 238
2,693 6,899 142 225 20,851 2,538 240
2,900 6,800 150 230 23,500 2,800 250
Precious Metals Gold Silver Platinum
$/toz c/toz $/toz
608 2,080 679
383 483 472
279 495 545
1,225 2,015 1,610
1,569 3,522 1,719
1,670 3,114 1,551
1,600 3,100 1,544
1,550 2,950 1,469
1,500 2,800 1,395
1,479 2,768 1,379
1,458 2,737 1,363
1,437 2,706 1,348
1,417 2,676 1,333
1,396 2,646 1,318
1,300 2,500 1,245
a/ iron ore unit for years 1980 to 2005 is cents/ dmtu, thereafter is $/dmt. Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group.
Next update: April 2013
Commodity Price Forecast Update Released: January 15, 2013 Table 2: Commodity Prices and Price Forecast in Real 2005 US Dollars Commodity
Actual 2000 2010
Energy Coal, Australian Crude oil, avg, spot Natural gas, European Natural gas, US LNG, Japanese
$/mt $/bbl $/mmbtu $/mmbtu $/mmbtu
52.7 48.4 5.5 2.1 7.5
41.0 23.7 2.9 1.8 3.8
29.4 31.6 4.3 4.8 5.3
87.6 70.0 7.3 3.9 9.6
98.7 84.6 8.5 3.3 11.9
79.9 87.1 9.5 2.3 13.8
75.7 83.0 9.1 2.8 13.0
72.5 81.4 8.8 3.2 12.3
70.4 79.8 8.6 3.5 11.7
69.8 78.3 8.4 3.8 11.3
Non Energy Commodities Agriculture Beverages Cocoa Coffee, Arabica Coffee, robusta Tea, auctions (3) ave
¢/kg ¢/kg ¢/kg ¢/kg
342 455 426 218
131 204 122 213
101 215 102 210
277 383 154 255
242 486 196 237
198 341 188 240
191 309 167 232
185 295 151 230
180 281 145 228
Food Fats and Oils Coconut oil Groundnut oil Palm oil Soybean meal Soybean oil Soybeans
$/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt
884 1,127 766 344 784 389
348 997 300 207 463 255
504 799 347 212 378 237
995 1,243 798 335 890 398
1,406 1,616 915 324 1,056 440
921 2,019 828 434 1,017 490
773 1,750 757 423 977 464
749 1,554 725 367 876 430
Grains Barley Maize Rice, Thai, 5% Wheat, US, HRW
$/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt
103 164 539 227
83 113 280 140
86 99 227 128
140 165 433 198
168 237 441 257
199 247 467 260
187 236 440 260
Other Food Bananas US Meat, beef Meat, chicken Oranges Shrimp Sugar, world
$/mt ¢/kg ¢/kg $/mt ¢/kg ¢/kg
495 362 99 525 1,511 82.9
559 265 112 549 1,106 28.6
475 216 147 407 1,696 20.2
769 297 168 915 889 41.6
787 329 157 724 970 46.6
816 343 172 720 834 39.4
330 257 520
355 183 551
308 213 666
379 246 751
394 317 764
271 187 2,986
188 89 3,508
146 75 3,332
202 324 3,837
292 61 152 237 252
177 42 101 136 123
173 49 137 154 113
Agricultural Raw Materials Timber Logs, Cameroonian $/cum Logs, Malaysian $/cum Sawnwood, Malaysian $/cum Other Raw Materials Cotton A Index ¢/kg Rubber, Malaysian ¢/kg Tobacco $/mt
Forecast 2017
69.3 76.8 8.1 4.0 10.9
68.9 75.3 7.9 4.1 10.6
68.4 73.8 7.7 4.2 10.2
67.9 72.4 7.5 4.3 9.8
65.4 66.3 6.5 4.6 8.2
176 276 141 226
172 270 137 225
168 265 134 223
165 259 130 222
161 254 127 220
144 229 111 212
727 1,485 704 321 821 407
712 1,455 683 312 802 398
697 1,426 663 305 784 391
683 1,397 644 297 767 383
668 1,369 625 290 750 376
654 1,341 607 282 733 368
588 1,209 523 248 654 333
171 215 414 239
156 195 391 211
152 190 382 208
149 185 374 204
145 181 366 201
141 176 358 198
138 172 350 195
121 150 314 180
798 334 164 688 818 36.6
773 287 160 685 825 31.9
743 246 158 704 860 29.7
727 248 155 693 852 28.9
712 249 153 683 845 28.2
697 251 151 674 837 27.5
683 252 148 664 830 26.8
669 254 146 655 823 26.1
601 255 134 608 784 22.9
374 299 727
366 290 712
364 288 705
364 288 705
363 287 706
363 287 707
362 287 708
362 286 709
361 286 715
350 278 706
271 392 3,646
163 280 3,560
147 269 3,419
151 259 3,267
156 250 3,127
157 244 3,079
158 238 3,033
159 233 2,987
159 227 2,942
160 222 2,897
163 196 2,679
443 109 294 338 256
503 150 354 438 342
447 154 380 383 336
407 142 350 350 317
390 127 327 339 295
375 117 297 328 274
367 111 288 318 265
359 105 279 309 256
351 100 270 300 248
344 95 262 291 240
336 90 253 282 232
301 69 216 242 196
Fertilizers DAP Phosphate rock Pottasium chloride TSP Urea
$/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt $/mt
Metals and Minerals Aluminum Copper Iron ore Lead Nickel Tin Zinc
$/mt $/mt ¢/dmtu ¢/kg $/mt ¢/kg ¢/kg
2,329 2,863 37 119 8,553 2,201 100
1,695 2,752 34 84 9,167 629 157
1,734 2,030 32 51 9,669 608 126
1,924 6,672 129 190 19,312 1,807 191
1,952 7,177 136 195 18,625 2,118 178
1,677 6,601 107 171 14,548 1,751 162
1,791 6,349 106 171 14,651 1,791 171
1,912 5,896 105 171 14,501 1,793 175
1,954 5,472 106 172 14,463 1,798 180
1,948 5,359 105 170 14,549 1,801 178
1,943 5,250 104 167 14,640 1,805 176
1,937 5,144 103 165 14,733 1,808 175
1,932 5,039 103 163 14,825 1,812 173
1,926 4,936 102 161 14,916 1,815 172
1,895 4,444 98 150 15,357 1,830 163
Metals and Minerals Gold Silver Platinum
$/toz c/toz $/toz
798 2,730 891
397 500 488
312 554 610
1,084 1,785 1,425
1,276 2,864 1,398
1,384 2,581 1,286
1,302 2,523 1,257
1,235 2,350 1,171
1,173 2,189 1,090
1,135 2,126 1,059
1,100 2,065 1,029
1,065 2,006 999
1,032 1,949 971
999 1,893 943
850 1,634 814
a/ iron ore unit for years 1980 to 2005 is cents/ dmtu, thereafter is $/dmt. Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group.
Next update: April 2013
Commodity Price Forecast Update Released: January 15, 2013 Table 3: Weighted Indices of Commodity Prices and Inflation, 2005=100 1980
Actual 2000 2010
Projection 2017
Price indices in nominal US dollars Energy 66.0 Non-energy commodities 102.2 Agriculture 119.6 Beverages 157.7 Food 124.6 Fats and oils 120.4 Grains 126.8 Other food 128.0 Raw materials 88.0 Timber 68.1 Other Raw Materials 109.9 Fertilizers 89.1 Metals and minerals a/ 68.1 Base Metals b/ 73.9 Precious Metals 162.7
43.4 84.0 90.5 90.5 90.6 82.3 99.4 93.6 90.2 82.3 98.9 65.4 72.8 78.1 81.3
53.2 72.2 78.7 76.8 76.6 76.6 79.9 73.8 84.7 90.9 77.9 67.0 59.5 63.0 63.6
144.7 173.9 170.4 182.1 169.6 184.5 171.8 148.2 166.3 130.5 205.4 187.2 179.6 169.2 272.2
188.2 209.9 209.0 208.2 210.1 222.7 238.5 167.8 206.7 153.5 264.8 267.0 205.5 193.2 371.9
187.4 190.0 194.0 166.2 211.6 230.0 244.2 157.9 165.3 142.7 189.9 259.2 174.0 168.6 378.3
182.6 186.2 187.8 158.4 204.8 220.5 239.0 153.1 161.7 142.1 183.1 244.8 176.3 170.8 378.3
182.8 180.4 179.6 155.3 191.7 206.0 224.7 143.0 162.4 143.9 182.6 231.9 176.1 169.9 352.8
182.8 175.4 173.2 153.3 181.3 196.0 208.8 137.0 163.5 146.6 182.0 219.8 174.9 167.3 339.9
182.8 175.6 173.1 153.1 180.5 194.6 207.7 137.4 165.1 149.3 182.4 215.4 176.1 168.2 335.3
182.7 175.7 173.0 152.9 179.8 193.3 206.7 137.8 166.7 152.1 182.8 211.2 177.3 169.2 330.8
182.5 175.9 173.0 152.8 179.1 191.9 205.6 138.1 168.4 154.9 183.2 207.0 178.5 170.2 326.3
182.4 176.2 173.0 152.6 178.4 190.6 204.6 138.6 170.1 157.8 183.6 203.0 179.8 171.2 321.9
182.3 176.5 173.1 152.4 177.7 189.3 203.6 139.0 172.4 161.6 184.1 199.0 181.0 172.2 317.5
183.4 177.7 172.7 151.7 174.0 182.8 198.6 140.2 180.1 173.8 186.9 180.6 187.7 177.7 296.6
Price indices in real 2005 US dollars c/ Energy 86.6 Non-energy commodities 134.1 Agriculture 156.9 Beverages 207.0 Food 163.4 Fats and oils 158.0 Grains 166.4 Other food 167.9 Raw materials 115.5 Timber 89.3 Other Raw Materials 144.2 Fertilizers 116.9 Metals and minerals a/ 89.4 Base Metals b/ 97.0 Precious Metals 213.4
44.9 86.9 93.6 93.6 93.7 85.1 102.8 96.8 93.3 85.1 102.2 67.7 75.3 80.8 84.1
59.5 80.8 88.1 86.0 85.8 85.7 89.5 82.6 94.8 101.8 87.2 75.1 66.6 70.6 71.2
128.1 154.0 150.9 161.3 150.2 163.4 152.1 131.2 147.2 115.5 181.9 165.7 159.1 149.8 241.1
153.0 170.7 169.9 169.3 170.8 181.1 193.9 136.4 168.0 124.8 215.3 217.0 167.0 157.1 302.4
155.4 157.5 160.8 137.8 175.4 190.7 202.4 130.9 137.0 118.3 157.4 214.9 144.3 139.7 313.6
148.7 151.6 152.9 128.9 166.7 179.4 194.5 124.6 131.6 115.7 149.1 199.3 143.5 139.0 307.9
145.6 143.7 143.1 123.7 152.7 164.1 179.0 113.9 129.4 114.7 145.5 184.8 140.3 135.3 281.1
142.9 137.1 135.4 119.8 141.7 153.2 163.2 107.1 127.8 114.6 142.3 171.8 136.7 130.8 265.8
140.4 134.8 132.9 117.6 138.6 149.5 159.5 105.5 126.8 114.7 140.0 165.4 135.2 129.2 257.5
137.8 132.6 130.5 115.4 135.6 145.8 155.9 103.9 125.8 114.7 137.9 159.3 133.7 127.6 249.5
135.3 130.4 128.2 113.2 132.7 142.3 152.4 102.4 124.8 114.8 135.8 153.4 132.3 126.1 241.9
132.8 128.3 125.9 111.1 129.9 138.8 149.0 100.9 123.9 114.9 133.7 147.8 130.9 124.7 234.4
130.4 126.3 123.8 109.0 127.1 135.4 145.7 99.4 123.3 115.6 131.7 142.4 129.5 123.2 227.2
119.9 116.1 112.8 99.1 113.7 119.5 129.8 91.6 117.7 113.6 122.1 118.0 122.7 116.1 193.9
96.7 2.4
89.3 -0.8
112.9 2.4
123.0 8.9
120.6 -1.9
122.9 1.9
125.5 2.2
127.9 1.9
130.2 1.8
132.6 1.8
134.9 1.8
137.3 1.8
139.8 1.8
153.0 1.8
72.3 4.2
88.7 2.1
111.0 2.3
113.4 2.1
115.5 1.9
117.0 1.3
119.5 2.2
122.1 2.2
124.7 2.2
127.4 2.2
130.2 2.2
133.0 2.2
135.9 2.2
151.3 2.2
Inflation indices, 2005=100 d/ MUV index e/ % change per annum US GDP deflator % change per annum a/ b/ c/ d/
Base metals plus iron ore. Includes aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, tin and zinc. Real price indices are computed from unrounded data and deflated by the MUV index. Inflation indices for 2011-2025 are projections. Growth rates for years 1990, 2000 and 2010 refer to compound annual rate of change between adjacent end-point years; all others are annual growth rates from the previous year. e/ Unit value index of manufacture exports (MUV) in US dollar terms for fifteen countries (Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States). Please see the MUV Index and its compilation methodology online.
Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group. Historical US GDP deflator: US Department of Commerce.
Next update: April 2013
Commodity Price Forecast Update Released: January 15, 2013 Table 4: World Bank Commodity Price Index Weights a/ Share of energy and nonenergy indices
Share of sub-group indices
100.0 4.7 84.6 10.8
100.0 4.7 84.6 10.8
100.0 64.9 40.0 11.3 3.4 2.8 4.6 0.5
100.0 30.2 25.3 40.8 3.7
100.0 28.2 8.5 7.1 11.5 1.2
Vegetable Oils and Meals Soybeans Soybean Oil Soybean Meal Palm Oil Coconut Oil Groundnut Oil c/
16.3 4.0 2.1 4.3 4.9 0.5 0.5
100.0 24.6 13.0 26.3 30.2 3.1 2.8
40.8 10.1 5.3 10.7 12.3 1.3 1.1
Other Food Sugar Bananas Meat, beef Meat, chicken Oranges d/
12.4 3.9 1.9 2.7 2.4 1.4
100.0 31.5 15.7 22.0 19.2 11.6
31.0 9.8 4.9 6.8 6.0 3.6
Beverages Coffee Cocoa Tea
8.4 3.8 3.1 1.5
100.0 45.7 36.9 17.4
Agricultural Raw Materials Timber Hardwood Logs Sawnwood
16.5 8.6 8.6 1.9 6.7
100.0 100.0 22.1 77.9
Other Raw Matrials Cotton Natural Rubber Tobacco
7.9 1.9 3.7 2.3
100.0 24.7 46.7 28.7
Metals and Minerals Aluminum Copper Iron Ore Lead Nickel Tin Zinc
31.6 8.4 12.1 6.0 0.6 2.5 0.7 1.3
100.0 26.7 38.4 18.9 1.8 8.1 2.1 4.1
Fertilizers Natural Phosphate Rock Phosphate Potassium Nitogenous
3.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 1.5
100.0 16.9 21.7 20.1 41.3
Commodity Group Energy Coal Crude Oil Natural Gas Non-energy Commodities Agriculture Food Grains Rice Wheat Maize b/ Barley
Precious Metals 7/
Gold Silver Platinum a/ b/ c/ d/
Share of food index
100.0 77.8 18.9 3.3
The weights are based on 2002-04 export values of low- and middle-income countries; the data are taken from the United Nations' Comtrade Database via World Bank WITS system, Food and Agriculture Organization FAOSTAT, International Energy Agency, BP Statistical Review of World Energy, World Metal Statistics, World Bureau of Metal Statistics and World Bank staff estimates. The maize weight includes sorghum. The groundnut oil weight includes groundnuts. The oranges weight includes orange juice.
Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group.
Next update: April 2013
World Bank Commodity Price Indices: Groups and Weights ENERGY 100.0
COAL 4.7
FOOD 40.0
FATS & OILS 16.3
GOLD 77.8%
SILVER 18.9%
Note: Sum of components may not equal group total due to rounding. Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group.
Next update: April 2013
Commodity Price Forecast Update Released: January 15, 2013 Description of Price Series
Maize (US), no. 2, yellow, f.o.b. US Gulf ports
Aluminum (LME) London Metal Exchange, unalloyed primary ingots, high grade, cash price
Natural Gas (Europe), import border price
Bananas (Central & South American), import price, free on truck (f.o.t.) US Gulf Barley (Canada), feed, Winnipeg Exchange, wholesale farmers’ price
Beef (Australian/New Zealand), frozen boneless, 85% chemical lean, c.i.f. U.S. East Coast
Natural Gas (U.S.), Henry Hub, Louisiana Natural Gas (LNG) (any origin), c.i.f. Japan Nickel (LME), cathodes Oranges (Africa & Mediterranean region), European indicative import price, c.i.f. Paris Palm oil (Malaysian), bulk, c.i.f. N. W. Europe
Chicken meat (US) whole birds, broilers, Georgia Dock weighted average, wholesale price
Phosphate rock (Moroccan), 70% BPL, contract, f.a.s. Casablanca
Coal (Australian), thermal, f.o.b. Newcastle/Port Kembla
Potassium chloride, f.o.b. Vancouver
Cocoa (ICCO), International Cocoa Organization daily price
Rice (Thai), 5% broken, white rice, milled, indicative survey price, f.o.b. Bangkok
Coconut oil Rotterdam
Rubber (Southeast Asia), RSS 3, nearby contract SICOM; prior to 2004 RSS 1 grade f.o.b.
Coffee (ICO), International Coffee Organization indicator price, other mild Arabicas, average New York and Bremen/Hamburg markets
Sawnwood (Malaysian), dark red seraya/meranti, select and better quality, kiln dry, c. & f. UK
Coffee (ICO), International Coffee Organization indicator price, Robustas, average New York and Le Havre/Marseilles markets
Shrimps (Mexico), frozen, white No. 1, 26-30 count per pound, wholesale, New York Silver (Handy & Harman), refined, New York
Copper (LME), grade A, cathodes and wire bar
Soybean meal (any origin), c.i.f. Rotterdam
Cotton (“cotton outlook A” index), c.i.f. Far East; prior to 2006 c.i.f. Northern Europe
Soybean oil (Dutch), crude, f.o.b. ex-mill
Crude oil, average spot price of Brent, Dubai and West Texas Intermediate, equally weighed DAP (diammonium phosphate), bulk, f.o.b. US Gulf
Soybeans (US), c.i.f. Rotterdam Sugar (world), International Sugar Agreement daily price, raw, f.o.b. Caribbean ports
Gold (UK), London afternoon fixing
Tea, average of quotations at Calcutta, Colombo and Mombasa/Nairobi
Groundnut oil (any origin), c.i.f. Rotterdam
Tin (LME), refined, settlement price
Iron ore, fines, spot, c.f.r. China 62% fe, in unit of US$/dmt; prior to 2006 (Brazilian) CVRD/Vale sinter feed, f.o.b. contract price to Europe, 66.5-68% fe, in unit of US¢/dmtu
Tobacco (any origin) total unmanufactured US import unit value, twelve-months-rolling-averages
Lead (LME), refined, settlement price
Urea, (varying Europe
Logs (West African), sapele, high quality (loyal and marchand LM), f.o.b. Cameroon
Wheat (US), no. 1, hard red winter, export Gulf
Logs (Malaysian), meranti, Sarawak, Tokyo import price
TSP (triple super-phosphate), bulk, f.o.b. US Gulf origins),
Zinc (LME), special high grade, settlement price
Note: The MUV (unit value of manufacture) is a US dollar trade weighted index of manufactures exported from fifteen economies (Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States). Please see the compilation methodology of the MUV Index online.
Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group.
Next update: April 2013