Releasing Hormone (GHRH)

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May 31, 2007 - G 2002 Pulsatile growth hormone secretion persists in genetic .... Walker RF, Codd EE, Barone FC, Nelson AH, Goodwin T, Campbell SA 1990 ... Mayo KE, Godfrey PA, Suhr ST, Kulik DJ, Rahal JO 1995 Growth hormone-.
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Endocrinology 148(9):4440 – 4449 Copyright © 2007 by The Endocrine Society doi: 10.1210/en.2007-0441

Evidence that Ghrelin Is as Potent as Growth Hormone (GH)-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) in Releasing GH from Primary Pituitary Cell Cultures of a Nonhuman Primate (Papio anubis), Acting through Intracellular Signaling Pathways Distinct from GHRH Rhonda D. Kineman and Raul M. Luque Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago; and Research and Development Division, Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois 60612 Ghrelin is more effective than GHRH in stimulating GH release in normal adult humans and monkeys in vivo. This robust effect of ghrelin has been largely attributed to regulation of hypothalamic input, whereas the direct effect of ghrelin on pituitary GH release has been minimized by the observation that ghrelin has only a modest impact on GH release, compared with GHRH, in cultures prepared from human fetal pituitaries and GH-producing adenomas, as well as pituitaries from nonprimate species. However, comparable in vitro studies have not been performed to test the direct effect of ghrelin on normal adult primates. Therefore, in the present study, primary pituitary cell cultures from female baboons (Papio anubis) were used as a model system to test the direct effects of ghrelin on primate somatotrope


N VIVO, GH SECRETION is stimulated by exogenous treatment with GHRH and ghrelin and inhibited by somatostatin (SST) (1–3). It is clear that the positive actions of GHRH on GH release are largely mediated by direct interaction with pituitary somatotropes (1, 4). In contrast, animal studies indicate that the GH-releasing activities of ghrelin are mediated by both central augmentation of GHRH release (5, 6), coupled with suppression of SST tone (7), in addition to direct effects at the pituitary level (8 –10). In humans, the relative contribution of the central vs. the direct pituitary actions of ghrelin on GH release remains a subject of debate. A role for ghrelin-induced GHRH release is supported by the observation that the GH-releasing actions of a synthetic ghrelin analog (GHRP-6) are blunted in the presence of a GHRH-receptor (GHRH-R) antagonist (11), and ghrelin has only modest effects on GH output in individuals with hypothalamic-pituitary disconnection (12–14) and in patients with inactivating mutaFirst Published Online May 31, 2007 Abbreviations: AC, Adenylyl cyclase; GC, guanylyl cyclase; GHRH-R, GHRH receptor; GHS, GH secretagogue; GHS-R, GH secretagogue receptor; L-NAME, N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; PKA, protein kinase A; PKC, protein kinase C; PLC, phospholipase; PRL, prolactin; qrtRT-PCR, quantitative real-time RTPCR; SST, somatostatin; TPA, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Endocrinology is published monthly by The Endocrine Society (http://, the foremost professional society serving the endocrine community.

function. In this model, both ghrelin and GHRH increased GH release in a dose-dependent fashion. Surprisingly, at maximal concentrations (10 nM), both ghrelin and GHRH elicited a robust increase in GH release (4 and 24 h, respectively), and both up-regulated GH secretagogue-receptor and GHRH-receptor mRNA levels (24 h). Combined treatment with ghrelin and GHRH resulted in an additive effect on GH release, suggesting that distinct intracellular signaling pathways are activated by each ligand, as confirmed by the use of specific inhibitors of intracellular signaling. Together, these results present the first evidence that a direct effect of ghrelin on somatotrope function may play a major role in stimulating GH release in primates. (Endocrinology 148: 4440 – 4449, 2007)

tions in the GHRH-R (15, 16). However, a dominant role for ghrelin-induced GHRH release in modulating GH output is questioned by reports showing that ghrelin-induced GH release is consistently higher than that evoked by a maximally effective dose of GHRH (14, 17–21). In addition, bolus injection of ghrelin or its synthetic analogs [GH secretagogues (GHSs)] can act synergistically with GHRH to release GH (18, 21, 22), and GHRP-6 remains an effective GH-releasing agent even after continuous GHRH infusion (23). A dominant role for SST in ghrelin-mediated regulation of GH release is also questioned by the recent finding that the GH response to ghrelin does not vary among states of low, medium, and high-SST tone (24). All the aforementioned in vivo observations, coupled with the fact that the GH-releasing actions of ghrelin (or GHS) are modest compared with those of GHRH, in primary cultures established from human fetal pituitaries (25, 26), GH-producing pituitary adenomas (25), and in pituitary cultures from nonprimate animal models (9, 27–29), have led to the hypothesis that in humans, ghrelin mediates a yet to be identified factor(s) important in GH release (30, 31). However, it should be noted that the direct pituitary effects of ghrelin on GH release in normal, adult humans remain unknown. Therefore, the present study was conducted using primary pituitary cell cultures prepared from normal adult baboons (Papio anubis) as a primate model to compare and contrast the direct impact of ghrelin and


Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release

Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449

GHRH alone, and in combination on GH release, synthesis, and intracellular signaling. Materials and Methods


serum-free basic media. Each treatment was repeated a minimum of three times on different pituitary cell preparations (three to four wells per treatment per experiment).

Hormone and cAMP analysis

Culture reagents All reagents used in this study were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) unless otherwise specified. Ghrelin was purchased from Phoenix Pharmaceuticals (Burlingame, CA). ␣-Minimum essential media, HEPES, horse serum, and penicillin-streptomycin were obtained from Invitrogen (Grand Island, NY). Activators [forskolin and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA)] and inhibitors (MDL-12,330A, H-89, Go6983, PD-98,059, LY-294,002, Nifedipine, ethapsigargin) of intracellular signaling pathways were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, except U73122, N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), and LY-83,583, which were purchased from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI).

Culture media were recovered and stored at ⫺80 C for subsequent analysis of GH concentrations using a human GH ELISA (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Webster, TX). In addition, to verify the specificity of the response, prolactin (PRL) levels were measured on select samples using a human PRL ELISA (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc.). In some cultures, media were removed, lysis buffer was added, and lysates were recovered and stored at ⫺80 C for analysis of intracellular cAMP accumulation, as assessed by the cAMP Biotrack EIA system following protocol 3 of the manufacturer’s instructions (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ).

Animals and pituitary collection

RNA isolation and quantitative real-time RT-PCR

Pituitaries were obtained from randomly cycling female baboons (P. anubis, 15–25 yr of age) within 15 min after sodium pentobarbital overdose. The baboons used represent control animals from a breeding colony, all under Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approved studies conducted by other University of Illinois at Chicago investigators. After killing, the pituitaries were excised immediately. For some pituitaries, the posterior pituitary was removed and the remaining anterior pituitary cut into small pieces (⬃20 – 40 mg), which were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at ⫺80 C until extraction for total RNA (see below, RNA isolation). Other pituitaries were placed in sterile cold (4 C) basic media consisting of ␣-minimum essential media, 0.15% BSA, 6 mm HEPES, and 10 IU/ml penicillin and 10 ␮g/ml streptomycin, and transported to the laboratory, where they were washed twice with fresh media, the posterior lobes were discarded, and tissue was dispersed into single cells for culture (see below, Primary pituitary cell culture).

Total RNA from primary pituitary cell cultures and whole tissue was extracted using the Absolutely RNA RT-PCR Miniprep Kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) with deoxyribonuclease treatment, as previously described (32, 33). The amount of RNA recovered was determined by the Ribogreen RNA quantification kit (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR). Total RNA was reversed transcribed in a 20-␮l vol using random hexamer primers with enzyme and reagents supplied in the cDNA First Strand Synthesis kit (MRI Fermentas, Hanover, MD). The cDNA obtained was treated with Ribonuclease H (1 U; MRI Fermentas), and duplicate aliquots (1 ␮l) were amplified by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qrtRTPCR) using the Stratagene Brilliant SYBR green QPCR Master Mix. Details regarding the development, validation, and application of a qrtRT-PCR to measure expression levels of baboon GH, GHRH-R, GH secretagogue receptor (GHS-R), and cyclophilin A (used as a housekeeping gene) have been recently reported by our laboratory (32, 33). To identify an appropriate primer set for real-time amplification of baboon PRL cDNA, a partial sequence of the coding region of the baboon PRL gene was obtained by PCR sequencing using PCR-amplified cDNA products from total RNA extracted from baboon anterior pituitaries, as previously described. This sequence (559 bp) was submitted to GenBank (no. EF419886) and used to select baboon-specific primers for real-time PCR that amplified an 183-bp product, using an annealing temperature of 61 C. Primer sets for baboon GH, GHRH-R, GHS-R, PRL, and cyclophilin A used in this study are provided in Table 1.

Primary pituitary cell culture Anterior pituitaries were dispersed into single cells after an enzymatic and mechanical disruption, as previously described (32, 33). A single pituitary yielded approximately 25 ⫻ 106 cells with more than 98% viability, as determined by the trypan blue dye exclusion method (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA). Cells were plated onto 24-well tissue culture plates at a density of 200,000 cells per well in 0.5 ml basic media containing 10% horse serum. After a 48-h incubation (37 C), media were removed, and cells were preincubated for 1 h with fresh, warm (37 C) serum-free media to stabilize basal GH secretion. After the preincubation period, media were replaced with serum-free media containing treatments consisting of either human GHRH or ghrelin alone, or in combination, forskolin, or TPA. After a 4 or 24-h incubation period, media were recovered for hormone analysis, whereas cells were extracted for total RNA (see below). In experiments using inhibitors of intracellular signaling, media containing the inhibitors were added after the 1-h preincubation period. Ninety minutes later, the media were exchanged with media containing the inhibitor combined with GHRH and/or ghrelin and incubated for an additional 4 h, and media were recovered for hormone analysis. Controls consisted of cells cultured in

Statistical analysis Basal mRNA values and GH released into the media did vary between pituitary cell preparations, likely due to variations in age, body condition, and reproductive status, which were out of our control. Therefore, within each experiment, values were normalized to vehicle-treated controls (set at 100%), and the results are reported as means ⫾ sem of all experiments. Each treatment group was tested on a minimum of three separate pituitary cultures prepared from different animals, and within each pituitary cell preparation (experiment), the treatment was repeated in three to four wells. Differences among treatment groups were assessed by ANOVA (one or two-way ANOVA), followed by NewmanKeuls test for multiple comparisons. P ⬍ 0.05 was considered significant.

TABLE 1. Baboon-specific primers for amplification of transcripts of GH, GHRH-R, GHS-R, PRL, and cyclophilin A used for qrtRT-PCR GenBank accession no.

Primer sequence

Nucleotide position










Cyclophilin A



Sn 21 As 163 Sn 74 As 185 Sn 389 As 535 Sn 14 As 196 Sn 351 As 472

Product size (bp)

143 112 147 183 122


Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449

Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release

All statistical analyses were performed using the GB-STAT software package (Dynamic Microsystems, Inc., Silver Spring, MD).

Results and Discussion Validity of baboon primary pituitary cell culture as an appropriate model to predict how ghrelin/GHRH modulates human somatotrope function

GH release (% of control)

Our understanding of the direct pituitary effects of ghrelin/GHRH-mediated GH secretion has largely been formed by studies conducted in nonprimate species, or in pituitary cell cultures established from human fetal pituitaries or GHproducing adenomas (9, 10, 25–27, 29, 34 –37). For the most part, the results indicate that the direct effects of ghrelin on GH release are modest compared with GHRH and cannot explain the dramatic in vivo effect of ghrelin on GH release in normal human adults (14, 17–21). However, to date, an appropriate model system has not been used to discount unequivocally a major role for the direct actions of ghrelin in mediating human GH release. Given that many similarities exist at the physiological and genomic levels between human and subhuman primates, the latter have been used to test a variety of hypotheses that cannot be tested in human subjects. In fact, it has been previously reported that rhesus monkeys, like humans, have a robust in vivo response to ghrelin (38), indicating that nonhuman primate models can be appropriate models to study the mechanisms by which ghrelin mediates GH release in humans. In the current report, baboon (P. anubis) pituitary cell cultures were used to supply the first information regarding the direct actions of ghrelin on GH secretion in primates. Comparison of partial baboon mRNA sequences [generated in this and previous studies (32, 33)] with human sequences important in GH release and synthesis revealed a close homology (GH 98%, GHRH-R 99%, GHS-R 97%, PRL 97%, and PIT1 97%), whereas the baboon sequences diverged from nonprimate species (73– 91% homologous when compared with transcripts of pig, rat, mouse, and sheep). Together, these findings suggest that information gained regarding regulation of somatotrope function in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons can be extrapolated to humans. 1000

d c,d


Primary pituitary cell cultures

271,597 ⫾ 96,891 5,741 ⫾ 1,216 1,635 ⫾ 430 1,210,160 ⫾ 444,960 143,585 ⫾ 11,902

336,047 ⫾ 116,149 7,535 ⫾ 2,300 1,711 ⫾ 604 1,429,300 ⫾ 400,893 119,122 ⫾ 24,001

Values represent means ⫾ SEM. There were five separate whole pituitary extracts and seven separate primary pituitary cell cultures.

To confirm that the baboon primary pituitary cells maintain differentiated function after dispersion and culture, the absolute mRNA levels (copy numbers/0.05 ␮g total RNA) of GH, GHRH-R, GHS-R, PRL, and cyclophilin A (used as a housekeeping gene) were compared between whole tissue extracts and extracts prepared from pituitary cultures 4 h after incubation in serum-free media, and the results are shown in Table 2. Transcript levels did not significantly vary between in vivo and in vitro samples, indicating that the cell preparation and culture conditions did not dramatically impact gene expression important in somatotrope function. It should also be noted that in these tissue extracts and pituitary cell preparations from female baboons, PRL expression was greater than GH, consistent with previous reports demonstrating that lactotropes are more abundant than somatotropes in female pituitaries (39, 40). Together, these results indicate that the culture system used maintains differentiated somatotrope function, and real-time RT-PCR can accurately reflect physiologically relevant differences in gene expression. Direct effects of GHRH and ghrelin on GH release

As shown in Fig. 1, both GHRH and ghrelin (4 h incubation) stimulated GH release from baboon pituitary cell cultures in a concentration-dependent manner. Specifically, GHRH stimulated basal GH release from baboon somato1000










b,c 400



GH GHRH-R GHS-R PRL Cyclophilin A

Whole pituitary




TABLE 2. Absolute cDNA copy number/0.05 ␮g total RNA of gene transcripts in the whole pituitary vs. primary pituitary cell cultures (control groups) of female baboons, as determined by qrtRT-PCR





200 0

Con 10-11 10-10




a Con 10-11 10-10


Concentration (-Log M) FIG. 1. Effect of GHRH (left) or ghrelin (right) treatment (4 h) on GH release from baboon pituitary cell cultures. Data are expressed as percentage of controls (Con), set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of four independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). Dose responses were assessed by one-way ANOVA, and values that do not share a common letter (a, b, c, or d) significantly differ (P ⬍ 0.05).

tropes at doses equal or more than 10⫺9 m, whereas ghrelin consistently released GH at 10⫺10 m or higher. Neither ghrelin nor GHRH altered PRL release at a maximal dose (10 nm; data not shown), which is at odds with previous reports showing that ghrelin could enhance PRL release in fetal pituitary preparations and in PRL-producing adenomas (25), indicating that the physiological/pathophysiological state dictates the specific effect of ghrelin on pituitary hormone release. Although ghrelin proved more potent than GHRH in releasing GH, the maximal effect of both secretagogues was similar. It should be noted that the absolute impact of ghrelin on GH release at a maximal dose (10 nm) ranged from 2.5fold, to as high as 80-fold more than vehicle-treated controls, depending on the individual pituitary preparation. We also observed that within each cell preparation, the relative magnitude of response to GHRH paralleled that of ghrelin. These findings are consistent with reports in vivo showing that human responses to ghrelin are variable, with mean responses ranging from 2.5- to 190-fold of baseline (14, 18, 19, 24, 41). These initial findings demonstrate that, in contrast to the modest effect of ghrelin on pituitary cell cultures prepared from nonprimate species (8 –10, 27, 29, 42), the direct effects of ghrelin on GH release in a primate model are dramatic and comparable to that of GHRH. Therefore, these results present the possibility that a direct pituitary effect of ghrelin could play a dominant role in the dramatic increase in GH after ghrelin treatment in humans. Effects of ghrelin and GHRH on mRNA transcript levels important in somatotrope function

GHRH is a known stimulator of GH gene expression; however, to our knowledge, no studies have been conducted to examine the direct effects of ghrelin on GH gene expression. Studies have been conducted using GHS, and depending on the time of treatment and the species studied, either positive or no effects on GH mRNA levels have been observed (1, 42, 43). In the present study, treatment of primary baboon pituitary cell cultures with ghrelin at a dose that evoked maximal GH release (10 nm) did not significantly alter GH mRNA levels after 4 or 24 h of incubation (Fig. 2). However, 10 nm GHRH did result in a modest but significant increase in GH mRNA levels after 24 h treatment, which is consistent with previous reports (44 – 47), whereas neither ghrelin nor GHRH altered PRL mRNA levels (data not shown). Because it has been previously observed that ghrelin/GHS and GHRH can differentially regulate GHS-R and GHRH-R in a homologous and heterologous fashion depending on the time of incubation, culture conditions, species, and age studied (47–54), we also examined the impact of ghrelin and GHRH on regulating receptor synthesis in adult female baboon pituitary cell cultures. As shown in Fig. 3, ghrelin and GHRH resulted in acute (4 h) homologous down-regulation of their own receptor mRNA levels, whereas 24 h incubation significantly increased receptor expression. A biphasic effect of homologous regulation of receptor expression for both ghrelin and GHRH, has been previously reported in the rat (44, 48, 49, 51). Of interest is the observation that ghrelin and

Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449




175 150 125






100 GH mRNA (% of vehicle-treated controls)

Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release

75 50 25 0 Control





150 125

a a

100 75 50 25 0 Control



FIG. 2. Effect of 4- (top) and 24-h (bottom) treatment of GHRH or ghrelin (10 nM) on GH mRNA levels in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. The GH mRNA copy number was determined by qrtRTPCR, and values were adjusted by the cyclophilin A copy number as an internal control. Values are expressed as percentage of controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of four independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). Values that do not share a common letter (a or b) differ significantly (P ⬍ 0.05).

GHRH could up-regulate mRNA levels of their respective receptors after 24 h treatment. These results suggest that sustained ghrelin stimulation enhances the effects of GHRHmediated signaling, whereas sustained GHRH stimulation in turn enhances the effects of ghrelin-mediated signaling by augmentation of receptor synthesis. Interaction and intracellular signaling pathways of ghrelin and GHRH-mediated GH release

In the majority of studies conducted to date, combined treatment with maximal doses of GHRH and ghrelin (or GHS) results in an additive effect on GH release in primary pituitary cell cultures prepared from nonprimate species (1, 28, 55–57). An additive effect of GHRH and GHS was also observed in cultures prepared from GH-producing human adenomas (25), suggesting that GHRH and ghrelin work through distinct intracellular pathways to release GH. Consistent with previous reports, the effect of combined treatment with a maximal dose of ghrelin and GHRH (10 nm each) on GH release was additive in baboon pituitary cell cultures after 4 h incubation (Fig. 4). The stimulatory effect of GHRH and ghrelin, when applied alone, was still evident after 24 h incubation, whereas the additive effect of combined treatment was lost. Therefore, subsequent studies using specific intracellular signaling inhibitors were conducted at the 4-h time point to define the specific pathways activated by ghrelin and GHRH to induce GH release.


Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449

Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release







4h a














0 Control GHRH Ghrelin

Control GHRH Ghrelin

24h 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0



24h b b


Control GHRH Ghrelin

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0



GH release (% of control)

mRNA (% of vehicle-treated controls)


b b



100 0


Control GHRH Ghrelin

GHRH + Ghrelin

24h b

b b



200 a 100 a

0 Control GHRH Ghrelin Control GHRH Ghrelin

FIG. 3. Effect of 4- and 24-h treatment of GHRH or ghrelin (10 nM) on GHRH-R (left) and GHS-R (right) mRNA levels in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. Receptor mRNA copy numbers were determined by qrtRT-PCR, and values were adjusted by the cyclophilin A copy number as an internal control. Values are expressed as percentage of controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of four independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). Values that do not share a common letter (a or b) differ significantly (P ⬍ 0.05).

Based on previous reports demonstrating that GHRH stimulates the release of GH by activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC)/cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) intracellular signaling pathway, whereas ghrelin exerts its positive effects on GH release mainly through the phospholipase C (PLC)/inositol triphosphate/protein kinase C (PKC) route (1, 58, 59), we first verified that receptor-independent activation of these pathways by forskolin (a direct activator of AC) and TPA (a direct activator of PKC) could also release GH in baboon pituitary cultures. As anticipated, both forskolin (1 ␮m) and TPA (0.1 ␮m) resulted in a robust release of GH compared with vehicle-treated controls (Fig. 5). To test whether the separate initiation of these pathways is important in GHRHand ghrelin-mediated GH release, cells were pretreated with an inhibitor of AC (MDL-12.330A; 10 ␮m) or PLC (U73122; 50 ␮m) 90 min before application of GHRH and ghrelin alone, and in combination (Fig. 6). In keeping with the essential role of the AC/cAMP/PKA pathway in GH-releasing activity of GHRH and the PLC/inositol triphosphate/PKC pathway in the GH-releasing activity of ghrelin (1, 58, 59), inhibition of AC activity effectively blocked GHRH-mediated GH release, whereas inhibition of PLC activity abolished ghrelin-mediated GH release. These results indicate that unique intracellular signaling pathways are activated by the separate application of GHRH and ghrelin. This conclusion is further

GHRH + Ghrelin

FIG. 4. Effect of 4- (top) and 24-h (bottom) treatment of GHRH and/or ghrelin (10 nM) on GH secretion in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. Absolute GH values were 55 ⫾ 12 ng/ml after 4 h and 242 ⫾ 49 ng/ml after 24-h incubation. Values are expressed as percentage of controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of three to seven independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). Values that do not share a common letter (a, b, or c) differ significantly (P ⬍ 0.05).

supported by the observation that GHRH increased intracellular cAMP accumulation, whereas ghrelin did not (Fig. 7). These results are similar to that reported using GHSs in GH-producing adenomas (37), and primary pituitary cell cultures from rat (60, 61) and sheep (61). However, these results are in stark contrast to the pig, in which both GHRH and ghrelin augment cAMP production, and require AC activity to evoke GH release (10), further demonstrating that there are distinct species’ differences in the intracellular pathways linked to ghrelin-mediated GH secretion. GH release (% of control)



1000 800


600 400 200 0 Control Forskolin

300 250 200 150 100 50 0


Control TPA

FIG. 5. Effect of forskolin (a direct activator of AC) and TPA (a direct activator of PKC) on GH release (4 h) in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. Data are expressed as percentage of controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). Asterisks indicate values that significantly differ from their respective controls assessed by Student’s t test (**, P ⬍ 0.01).

Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release

Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449

Role of adenylyl cyclase (AC) FIG. 6. Effect of inhibition of AC (MDL12,330A; 10 ␮M) (left) or PLC (U73122; 50 ␮M) (right) on GHRH and/or ghrelin-stimulated GH release in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. On the day of the experiment, inhibitors were added to the incubation media 90 min before GHRH and/or ghrelin (4 h, 10 nM each). Values are expressed as percentage of vehicle-treated controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). P ⬍ 0.05: a, vs. control; b, vs. GHRH or ghrelin alone; and c, vs. the same treatment in absence of inhibitor.

GH release (% of control)

ab 400


cAMP levels (fmol/well)


300 a


c c


Control GHRH Ghrelin

b a











U73122 600






Despite ghrelin’s inability to enhance cAMP accumulation when applied alone, ghrelin did augment the actions of GHRH in this regard (Fig. 7). A similar observation using GHSs has been reported in primary pituitary cultures from sheep (61) and rats (60, 61). Interestingly, Cunha and Mayo (62) using Hela-T4 cells cotransfected with the GHRH-R and GHS-R also found that treatment with multiple GHSs and ghrelin did not enhance cAMP, whereas these treatments augmented GHRH-stimulated cAMP accumulation. These authors suggested that ligand-activation of both the GHRH-R and GHS-R results in the direct interaction of these receptors that leads to unique intracellular signaling events. We might speculate that such a situation may be involved in the baboon cultures in that we observed that although the AC inhibitor, MDL-12,330A, did not alter ghrelin-stimulated GH release, it did completely block the combined effects of GHRH and ghrelin (Fig. 6). In contrast, the PLC inhibitor, U73122, only partially blocked GH release when the ligands were applied in combination. Together, these results indicate that: 1) ghrelin alone, or in combination with GHRH, activates PLC to release GH; and 2) AC is essential for ghrelininduced GH release only when combined with GHRH. Additional studies are required to elucidate fully this complex interaction. Given the limited source of baboon pituitary tissue, subsequent studies were performed focusing on the intracellular 600

Role phospholipase C (PLC)





Control GHRH Ghrelin GHRH + Ghrelin

FIG. 7. Effects of GHRH and ghrelin alone or in combination (4 h, 10 nM each) on cAMP accumulation in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. Absolute cAMP levels in control-treated group were 609 ⫾ 81 fmol/well. Values are expressed as percentage of controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). Values that do not share a common letter (a, b, or c) differ significantly (P ⬍ 0.05).

a ac


200 100

GHRH + Ghrelin



c Control GHRH Ghrelin

GHRH + Ghrelin

signals important in GH release, when ghrelin and GHRH were applied separately. Inhibition of PKA activity by H-89 (15 ␮m), as well as inhibition of PKC activity by Go6983 (20 ␮m), completely blocked ghrelin-induced GH release, whereas only H-89 was effective in blocking GHRH-mediated GH release (Fig. 8). These results suggest the possibility that ghrelin may activate the PLC/PKC intracellular pathway that signals through PKA to evoke GH secretory vesicle release. Another possibility is that other intracellular signals are involved, as suggested by a report showing that ghrelin requires PKC, PKA, and MAPK to up-regulate Pit1 mRNA levels in primary infant rat pituitary cultures (63). In addition, multiple reports have suggested that these pathways interconnect to mediate various aspects of pituitary function (64 – 67). To determine whether MAPK is also involved in the ghrelin-mediated GH release observed in this report, baboon pituitary cell cultures were treated with an inhibitor to MAPK activity (PD-98,058, 10 ␮m) before stimulation with ghrelin or GHRH (Fig. 8). Inhibition of MAPK activity did not alter GHRH-mediated GH release, as previously observed in human GH-secreting adenomas (68). However, MAPK was clearly required for GH release evoked by ghrelin. How MAPK, PKA, and PKC may interact to mediate the GH releasing effects of ghrelin remains to be determined. Recent reports have implicated that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) mediated generation of nitric oxide and subsequent activation of guanylyl cyclase (GC)-generated cGMP production as an additional intracellular signaling pathway necessary for both GHRH and ghrelin stimulation of GH release in cultures prepared from pigs (69, 70). In rats, NOS/GC is also required for GHRH-stimulated GH release (71), whereas the role of NOS/GC in ghrelin-mediated GH secretion has not been tested to date. In addition, it has been demonstrated that NOS and GC are expressed by somatotropes of different species, including humans (72–75). To determine whether the NOS/NO/GC/ cGMP pathway is required for GHRH- and ghrelin-mediated GH release in the primate pituitary, baboon cells were pretreated with an inhibitor of NOS activity (L-NAME, 10 ␮m) or an inhibitor of GC activity (LY-83,583, 10 ␮m) before GHRH or ghrelin application (Fig. 9, left panel). Both inhibitors completely blocked GHRH-induced GH release but did not affect ghrelinstimulated GH release. These results once again indicate distinct species’ differences in the intracellular pathways linked to ghrelin-mediated GH secretion.


Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449

Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release

GH release (% of control)

Role of PKA


Role of PKC




H-89 a







0 Control

















Vehicle PD-98,059



a a







Role of MAPK

100 50








FIG. 8. Effect of inhibition of PKA (H89; 15 ␮M) (left), PKC (Go6983; 20 ␮M) (middle), or MAPK (PD-98,059; 10 ␮M) (right) on GHRH or ghrelin-stimulated GH release in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. On the day of the experiment, inhibitors were added to the incubation media 90 min before GHRH or ghrelin treatment (4 h, 10 nM). Values are expressed as percentage of vehicle-treated controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). P ⬍ 0.05: a, vs. control; and b, vs. the same treatment in absence of inhibitor.

Finally, given the importance of the Ca2⫹ ion in the response of somatotropes to diverse stimuli (59, 76, 77) and the fact that the relative contribution of each source of Ca2⫹ (extracellular vs. intracellular) to ghrelin- and GHRH-mediated GH release is species dependent (10, 78 – 80), we also tested the relative contribution of extracellular and intracellular Ca2⫹ to ghrelin- and GHRH-induced GH release in baboon pituitary cell cultures. Blockade of plasma membrane L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2⫹ channels by nifedipine (1 ␮m) to inhibit the influx of extracellular Ca2⫹ completely abolished both GHRH and ghrelin-stimulated GH release (Fig. 9,

right panel), whereas blockade of Ca2⫹ release from intracellular pools by thapsigargin (10 ␮m) abolished GHRHinduced GH release but only blunted the effects of ghrelin (Fig. 9). Summary

The results presented here clearly show that ghrelin has a dramatic and potent effect on GH release in primate pituitary cell cultures comparable to that evoked by GHRH. This novel observation presents the exciting possibility that a direct

Role of extra- / intracellular Ca2+

Role of NOS/GC


Vehicle 400




a a


a a

GH release (% of control)

FIG. 9. Effect of inhibition of NOS (L-NAME; 10 ␮M), GC (LY-83,583; 10 ␮M), extracellular Ca2⫹ channels (nifedipine; 1 ␮M), or intracellular Ca2⫹ channels (thapsigargine; 10 ␮M) on GHRH or ghrelin-stimulated GH release in primary pituitary cell cultures from baboons. Inhibitors were added to the incubation media 90 min before GHRH or ghrelin treatments (4 h, 10 nM). Values are expressed as percentage of vehicle-treated controls, set at 100% within each experiment, and represent the mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments (three to four wells per treatment per experiment). P ⬍ 0.05: a, vs. control; and b, vs. the same treatment in absence of inhibitor.

300 a


200 b

100 0









Vehicle 500







a 400 a



a 300


300 200 200


b 100

100 0

0 Control






Kineman and Luque • Ghrelin’s Direct Effects on Primate GH Release

Endocrinology, September 2007, 148(9):4440 – 4449


Working model proposed to explain the stimulatory effect of GHRH and Ghrelin alone or in combination on GH release in a non-human primate somatotrope


Ghrelin GHRH-R GH S-R



NOS/NO production

AC/cAMP production


+ + PKA activation


MAPK activation




GC/cGMP production


PLC/IP production


Extrace llu



u cell

lar Ca 2+



ra Ext

FIG. 10. Working model summarizing the second messenger routes activated by ghrelin and GHRH alone and in combination to stimulate GH release in pituitary cell cultures prepared from a nonhuman primate (P. anubis). As shown by the solid arrows, the data presented here using specific inhibitors of intracellular signaling pathways indicate that ghrelin requires PLC/PKC, MAPK, and extracellular Ca2⫹, whereas GHRH requires AC/ cAMP, NOS/GC, and both intracellular and extracellular Ca2⫹. Of interest is the fact that both ghrelin and GHRH require PKA, suggesting that these pathways may converge (intersect) at the level of PKA as diagrammed, or ghrelin and GHRH activate distinct intracellular pools of PKA. How ghrelin activates PKA to augment GH release remains unknown. However, work of others, as indicated by the dashed lines, present several possibilities. Finally, our initial findings indicate that when ghrelin is applied in combination with GHRH, the intracellular signals necessary to release GH are distinct from that observed with ghrelin alone, now requiring AC/cAMP.

GHRH + Ghrelin

+ PKC activation

intracellular Ca2+

GH RELEASE pituitary action of ghrelin may play a major role in the dynamic release of GH observed in humans (14, 17–21) and monkeys (38) after ghrelin treatment in vivo. These results also indicate that the direct actions of ghrelin on somatotrope function are not only confined to the acute stimulation of GH release but may also include augmentation of GHRH-mediated GH release by stimulation of GHRH-R synthesis after prolonged exposure. Finally, the use of specific inhibitors of intracellular signaling revealed that the GH-releasing actions of ghrelin and GHRH, when applied alone to primate pituitary cell cultures, are mediated by distinct intracellular signaling pathways. Specifically, ghrelin requires PLC/PKC, MAPK, and extracellular Ca2⫹, whereas GHRH requires AC/cAMP, NOS/GC, and both intracellular and extracellular Ca2⫹, as illustrated in Fig. 10. Of interest is the fact that both ghrelin and GHRH require PKA, suggesting that these pathways may converge (intersect) at the level of PKA (as diagrammed in Fig. 10), or ghrelin and GHRH activate distinct intracellular pools of PKA (81). Finally, our initial results indicate that when ghrelin is applied in combination with GHRH, the intracellular signals necessary to release GH are distinct from that observed with ghrelin alone, requiring AC/cAMP. Acknowledgments We thank the veterinarian staff of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Biological Resource Center, for its invaluable help, and give special

thanks to Dr. Lisa Halliday for facilitating the collection of the baboon pituitaries used in this study. Received April 5, 2007. Accepted May 21, 2007. Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Raul M. Luque, Ph.D., Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Research and Development Division, M.P 151, West Side, Suite 6215, 820 South Damen Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60612. E-mail: [email protected]. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grant NIDDK 30677 (to R.D.K.) and by the “Secretaria de Universidades, Investigacio´n y Tecnologı´a de la Junta de Andalucia” (to R.M.L.). Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

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