Religious and national identity among the Balkan Muslims: A ...

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Thse boy coniinued my tDslating inreminendy dis dicle rhroughort inb English lne (April 1930s l9qa). ..... to pople- the and Torbesh regiotr opinion populaion klan to I a {a tnnd before in it\ Mac.nonia' .... Tlle Au!r, Tdbsh hoss Jir, d: I tu lel -,1:.






Letodiikiston Destins politiquestl'mre "nationimpufiiti.te" lcs nusulm!rr r€r nAdl.r


en Gra.e

l'6miglcrlon rurque !. da..n.l.ven€nr r. .in€h.


de l,alie



ft ft D'iIUDt5II Dtff(Nn(ll!ttIrtilalioMLt5 i 0 l , N l 0 l l1l t i 0 l i t t0t t ! ! i t ! t i 5 r u t' l t t 5 0llI0ilD5 0 Aol0ti50qaL!

|l 0u( lIRtltAloAttu LtvRt


lAsi( enlnreerdu


5rirhonor PCiMAiIOCLOU p.hutru*crm&i3sen nianlus(s F-tao, -a mmnat,am ) mos thtsrlt n nuslim!

'IROUSE ;;uiaiaa-i Mrrph: Kmal.

enTuquic ? ncone dc la vie erdu ciidm . lilojdehFanil i - NoEs5urI srhiicir, ds radji*s dc Busl$

- Fad il avoir p€DrdeI lllo

,*-"t-r--...** #####*4"ft b Turquh.lEnmP" eutupa.nn., L Udon erS.v$$

;--.-',.-.8.* ",,ii*i+*"i*?ffi H.ydlshe Frunshei.v.,a,r:rr't ,a


La situdkn tadjit! e! \ na a d.t huntin( ttk, le Uakngeketu de ld tre aune tutue$esociolo.iqu.,rlgiot np.citt tl. glhltu .tu\ rohJlit : entale oB lrontires ptuan, idlologiques mparahL!, et non ..dainet detutu ell.t lui tdhle ttgion Etk I ei znJintara qu ? protht". a Maseou, l "A.aaget

Nous r.Met!ob16 Dtuaignon I un .ler hoil!.u$ !) Tadjikiton, d d@n eNtu! le I .ohl1t.t Fru lur.e tolt ..s d.tnt

12 tavoil tl Ali Atuiun ) nak ausi du (hums?, tn pudiru) Sh approchcglabal., es.ntiellc Jacatkesut .tuelatusponb jltslt te! dttails. I4 Turyui..l4i.nt, plaqu. tournank tu I^ hunuitr lequ.l fti?nt SlephaF A? T dlrolo enent d I aubedr LUI poD aecid.ntuR parhti lalqutls rcppot a d.s pats .onparahl.! , Altq Motto

NousrcwonsahGrl.r de notu .lernite liwr^on) ar ,hiw^nnir? itullp.ndait. Stl.n h ont nint l.s nrnizrz: anniet du , le gouwnthl(t Pl^ ftednat,

Djariri d Fl€deft cdrc, r. zrr*l

cani.rd ataa '0 ln Mannhdre titub d h tundztlta-ndrn^


Todaytwo intemingledconcep$haunttne Baltans:..ligion and .dtionllisn.Iwill liK anehlta thorcri.ilapproach rotheserro oncept In rhs onrext ol lne hhroryof **Ern Europe,narionalism h a cane,fter thc religiondd tlercforc cohsionidslogy foughtft o takeia place,Uilike d. id{loly of4ligion wid codespondod eith "God s is focusof socieialloyalry,rhe idFlogy of to Feudalhm Mtionalhncor*pondento Crpitalisnwitl mrion at thh focus.nrc mtagonisn*s obviousirdeed and thc F ench Rsvolutionol 1789 onfiscatedde churchpopeny, Napoluonsubduedlhe Churchlo lhe state follorelloie anorber *ell unt tnebdginning andanticlericd hss in Fradce Ituereningly, ln. Xemalisr .dionalismrhd tnlLowed rheWsteB and, (i,e., organized panicuhr, French n del lslam in ine onhodor oificirl religion)to lne levelof a genesldiredoratEof rhegovernment machitr*ydd closeddd bann.! thc iniitutio.sof heierodox k1d (i.e. pradised p€ph) religion d undesroodmd b! rhe such d rr&tzr md iotrEht thn trd asain$r.li8ionin a .ari.r. Mormver,Kemint nalionalnm socialm€liumin@opdablyl6s onveni.ntthande onein 1789bod in md pople s loyahyto religion. lems of nodeofprodudion religion How*er, in connd& dh bai! hitoricalconflidbeiween onc cb detat a nunbd of cass in lhhh rcligionand ud nationalism,

rh. oirdrt!*joi


by cERr or Pdis rd

nationalismn&ry. religionsupponingnadonalhnor the nriional idmtiry 16r. The mainon6 ce be L Whenthse is r third ohBbn idalogy thd ihrar.N boih (a

me EmpiE beforeI poe t. RlsiNhich

in pr

prccs sa onn epfldenco 2. In cae ol dp qitsce c6e olJe*s andevenarabsi

ol tne ChosenPoole' conep! a in

3. Who tne elemenamakirg a narion(mg!age, nalionalD ac.) srerak, in rhich 6e relieionplaysthdroleof socialpanero ,1.Emergenctsituarionslike war: 5. When6ereis r'Ndional Churchr 6. In c6s *here nle religionof de doninantnationis dlal of ine doninaredone,tne .eligionof ihe lanersupDonsiis it\ lational identityarlst. Tnis ld cde is de oneI ll ty ro dkcus herein lhe o I said roday bui onenus beginby noting0tt $h lheno nodrngnew.Onftelonu"ry. i q.. veryturmu in$.Ommd Tbe Or.onm nillef sy$en asigned lcgal Muslinnboriri4 in a mmnerunknown evento'lay.I! or ,rldrr hadtne autioriry b ruiedeir communnies, to RoyalCoun,od to olledtd6. In $e beginnine ot l9tlr lenrury,L\e Bak/n bourgsisi $roq enoqhro aGmprro drawrheiro*n tedtorialboundanA. i'16 of lfie FrenchR*olution rea.hedtn. aread tnh oeriod.inis atreadyhad a strcn8 rdmp{a.d : Tlle Oinodox Church*. The ' Oniodor .hu!ch6 h.d main,ine,l-hei powe'JIng de Otu lh&k to rbe rcle Nsigr€d @ 6em in lhe riler sy*m andb one suppoicr of lhe nalionalist movementslhar bec6 und6 Bpdially Rusid infllence,This ws how ,ll the Balkd popl6 auionomyo. indepsddce from $e OtrommEmpneberren 1820

2. Albmias,whowo we

loown for rheir n

3, Tte BosDia6, who led b ale np tne 'm rl lr, *ere aho Muslim.Th

Aft{ lnis thsreticnl introdtrction,I should note sone stsiking Mpl6 oi lhe inte!&lion ber*eenreli8ion and 0ationalismin l]le sa of oms Frti'e befr'e I Dro.e€!h dFtu


L Ru$ia which in practicewd de nost infruontialcountryin rhx pepla, proc*sw6 ordonoxa monof $e Balkan epddencc s lale5 1912airhou8h 2. Albanims,whdwon&ek independence hehavior, wcrEMuslim like fie known for thci. naiional(tic sere rho *erc moreTu.kish 3. TlleBosnians, redto tate up tne dm again$lhe iilideLi It, wereaho Muslia. Therehadtcverbeen 4. To cire m sxamplefroD ihe eanernpM of rhe Empne: Ine io D6ple wd crllen by rhe Oironzns Milleti Sddtkt ll-t'e layal no! thc mtionalist uniry)sincalheycaused in 6td! Anatoliatookup the armsas l e a in 1394dd under ' n 0 u . b c eT h s e n a u o n l l . dL , , i ' f q d e . o , e l y C r e S oa n . i e . ox Almsia6 who were Carholisor Prctstant did nol develo! dY isn, nor did lneyl€ht$rheOnomanin rhcmnk of Ru$tan ir rhcFi.s world wd. It is aho interesingro remobs that Catholic oldered by inlre l9l5 depotuiion 6lmt Amenim werenotincluded gldce d rhis intermingled relarionship bdwet rd nationalismin rhehistoryof the Balkans,pe cd



Dai . F,rrrd. rcor, p.

CREECE m'no'ir]ol6'ese I've i1w6km Tnrd(..close the will nor discDsthe onnic6 b@@n Cree Tur*ey aboutthis dinority. Ho*eve., I would li&e to undsline dal s Gr@e calh ir 'Muslimminority , Turkeyidentifia ii a Tlrkkh minori Beforegoiq i o my sociolqi€l co$idsrarioN, I Dus poinloDtoat counnig &e legnnyright i Adicle15 nl thebaanne l. GEse is right,because of 24 July 1923protsting the right ol this minornyidentins Mr.orrq . (rn dn ftaly, taFMld,r^ is rhe term usedto minoritis b beproledal in Tu!key.) It is alsoa fad tl'at lne minority is solelymadeupofTlrks only.

2. Turkeyis right, h*Nse ile Canvtuiananl Pdocal a E\chanqe oJCrcekadnTrtdshPaprlrronrof 30Janudy1923rhd resul rhecompulsory exchange of rhe saidminoliti6 in tnac 1*o ounhis dbw€i np *itoce

of.Apeclive ninoities in Istbbul dd wdrern

(,rarlk), nata menrionof ^nrlr' andnor ol Muslins". Morover, ofilcial lrdrli documensin Frenchdeliveredat me peiiod ide i!

'Turt' ktmbul minoit d ^Grek Dd rheW*tern Thraceminornys unil rhe.o{' d?dr of 1967ir r{m .lsolsedby all crect govemmenls The nost difficult c es de thosc where Tlersfole, se bettq l€vo discussingrhc legalrtuarion I will nd tnrcr dis identityproblemsociologicdly. composniorof the W6tcm TnEe ninorily od tnen Turkishd.nbe* of tnis ninorny identifyineffelves.

usually sp4L a diated of I heuagei lhcy de a Turkified l*n

Pomakstre dercd I\ Tlrkish 6 lhcy go ro

As iior tie qustion Turts hare alwaysaimcdar I of Mslin religion' dn rh ndionrlislicddtu sold. su Onerson for tnh is rharGrt side of d& fronricr. On lne ( Trkish idcntirya shownin political panis, and jn E wha60ev{ in thh nartersee

Ttis sitoationk lery outnunberedrhe toral of all Thr.ce w4 leii io 6reee in notb@nlo4 sinceit *m se i.e., t},e 'nilla i hakin (tu\ Cr.k {c Christians, is., ih ds sjncelha beginn:n8of ! Grek ofiicials in @1y 70sln

s in rnesemirnom ! c

Tne ednic coq)osition of rhe minority s@msro suppodthe clains of Gr@q Anong approxim{ely120,000Muslim sone 30. Pomak,sohe 5000ac ClTsy, de r*t beingTurkish. Pomah d. asidered

to be df Bulgrian d6ce

by Bulg

Greet dacmt by Gr@q ed of Turkishd6e by Tulkey. Durchs Fred de jong, eell *norn for his workson Wsrem ft$€, idenri Pomah6 '...a p6ple ehoseethnicoriginsde nol knoqnpr*isel

), MBtt

trcnha t4 a. t

laneuage, and Turlish s r se.ond a diale.iol Bulgarian 2 &c a TurkifiedMuslimfertle .cgiotsmd PomalsaredevoutMuslims:lheylive in mountainous Itrn Turkish6 dey go to shool r.d eiablnh lontactswid $e Tu*s. As for &e qucdn,nof selaideifi.{ion amorelhe ninoity. &e ,nd Turk havealwaysaifredat livin8s Crelk citiz.nsdf lurkishdq\cont of Mudim rcligion on then htrLl\ a l did for dcvcLopso lir any ol WarernTlrra.e1oT rkcy claimssofar. suchasannexdi,'n Eiionalistic lor rhis hdat GreEre is e.0nomilally aher{ plarethmiheo$er One.ason . . n r . , . g L l e p h " , i , er h e . i d . . l l 1 e 1 o n , t r r .O n u . . . e . . j J urk(h iden y d shownin $en dE$es. vindus ^$cianons. chrbs.dd

lnhal panis, ud in nany odier {ays To nake any don!.*(rn rc bc,!rr I rtu6r n 6 rdr