It's all about Jesus. Similarly, Caleb left us with a few things to remember that point us back to Jesus. ⢠Keep your
Remember Richardson Send-Off: We celebrated what God has done at Radiant. This is a major change for our church but there is so much to celebrate what God has done in the last 10 years. We see something similar with Ephesians after Paul leaves. Even though Paul eventually goes to other towns and eventually is jailed and killed for his faith, he kept reminding the churches he planted about the main point. It’s all about Jesus. Similarly, Caleb left us with a few things to remember that point us back to Jesus.
• Keep your eyes on Jesus: How are you keeping your eyes on Jesus today? • Grow in your Love for Jesus: How have you experienced the love of Jesus recently? If you feel you haven’t, why do you think that is? • Reflect Jesus to the rest of the world: How are you encouraging others to keep their eyes on Jesus? Who are you reaching out to with the Gospel? • Submit and Surrender to Jesus: What ways have you been submitting your life to Jesus? What things are you having a hard time giving up that is in between you and growing in Jesus?