In this scenario, your QuickBooks data is stored on the computer at the shop/office and you need ... PERSONAL NOTE: I ha
QuickBooks® Solutions for Your Business “Thinking Beyond the Ledger”
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EVER RUN INTO THIS PROBLEM? QuickBooks is on the computer in the office. You’re not in the office, but need access to your QuickBooks. What to do? Solution
SET up what is known as a remote access or a hosted solution to get into your QuickBooks!
AVOID THIS COMMON MISTAKE! Please, please, please… Don’t screw around making backup copies of your QuickBooks and then restoring backup copies to other computers and using it there. This is NOT an effective remote access solution and is prone to self-induced headaches. I guarantee you will have a meltdown sometime and use the wrong version of your QuickBooks data and/or overwrite days or weeks worth of transactions by forgetting which was the most current version of the data.
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BETTER WAYS TO REMOTELY ACCESS YOUR QUICKBOOKS We’ll begin our discussion of remote access under the simplest of scenarios – you are the only user of your QuickBooks data. In this scenario, your QuickBooks data is stored on the computer at the shop/office and you need to get into it from your home office or from out on the road via your laptop. Or maybe your bookkeeper needs to get into your QuickBooks data from their office.
Potential solutions… ! GoToMyPC – your office computer stays on and waits for you to securely connect to it from ANY other location that has an internet connection. Once you make the connection, you can use QuickBooks, print to the office printer or your local printer, AND access all other information that is stored on your office computer (i.e. Word documents, etc.). Current pricing for this service: $99/year with a 12 month subscription. Comes with a 30 day free trial. CAN BE USED WITH: QuickBooks Pro, Premier, Enterprise PERSONAL NOTE: I have used GoToMyPC in my business for over five years now. It flat out works. Never had a problem with it, and the support was excellent for the questions I have asked!
QBox – Designed for smaller businesses, this solution allows for easy syncing of your QuickBooks information across multiple computers. Contains a unique file-locking tool so that only one person can enter transactions in the company file, while others can read information (but can’t change it) while the file is locked. Also, it is a great tool to completely eliminate the hassles of accountant’s copies. It is not designed for an office where multiple people are entering transactions at the same time. Works with QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Enterprise CAN BE USED WITH: QuickBooks Pro, Premier, Enterprise
Remember! With all of the solutions above, only one person can be accessing the QuickBooks data at a time. If you need more than one person and/or multi-site capabilities for your QuickBooks, see the notes below for some suggestions.
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As your business grows, more of your employees will likely need access to the company QuickBooks information while working away from the office. In addition, you may have more than one physical location and each location needs to be centrally tied into the company QuickBooks information.
Potential solutions…
Windows Remote Desktop/Terminal Services - this solution will likely require some IT assistance to set up. However, once it is up and running, it can offer a whole new world of opportunities for your staff to access not just QuickBooks, but all of the computer resources within your business. There is no monthly or annual fee for the Remote Desktop/Terminal Services solution. However, there is separate licensing that has to be purchased from Microsoft that will run on your server to allow these remote connections to happen seamlessly. You’ll want to connect with your IT provider for pricing on the licenses and installation/setup services. CRITICAL NOTE: Windows Remote Desktop/Terminal Services is only supported as a remote access option for companies running the Enterprise version of QuickBooks. Some firms have had success running the Pro and/or Premier versions of QuickBooks in this environment, but they have forged their own trail in doing so – Intuit does not support Windows Remote Desktop for the Pro or Premier versions and will not answer any questions pertaining to it.
QuickBooks Hosting Services – instead of setting up your own server and software as explained in the Windows Remote Desktop option above, these third party hosting services do it for you. By choosing this option, you don’t incur any upfront hardware or software costs (other than the cost of QuickBooks of course). Instead, you pay the hosting company a monthly fee per user to take care of things for you.
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This is also referred to as “putting your QuickBooks in the cloud”. Hosting provides you the ability to get to your QuickBooks information 24/7 without the need for IT support costs. Generally, the costs for hosting run about $40-$50/user per month. Two of the leading companies when it comes to hosting QuickBooks are InSynQ and Right Networks. Be sure to understand their terms of service, fee structure and other important information as you evaluate whether moving your QuickBooks to the cloud makes sense for your business. Many businesses have found the hosted solution to be perfect for their needs and a great way to reduce their IT costs as well. CAN BE USED WITH: QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Enterprise
ARE THERE OTHER OPTIONS TOO? As the world of technology evolves, there are sure to be other solutions that emerge for remotely accessing QuickBooks. The above list is not meant to be all-encompassing. Rather, it is designed to provide insights on some of the most common solutions I have seen while working with QuickBooks over the last thirteen years. I hope you found it informative!
Help is here! Benefit from having a trusted, professional advisor on your team at a fraction of the cost of full-time staff. My clients enjoy our working relationship simply because I don’t talk “accounting or technology speak” – I can discuss your problems and offer solutions in plain English. See what my clients are saying about the help and insight I have provided for them. Contact me for help before you throw up your hands in frustration! Working together, we can determine the extent of your QuickBooks problems and put a solution in place. Let’s get your QuickBooks and accounting problems ironed out soon! About Scott “Your training has literally revolutionized the way we run things here. Everyone in our entire company- from Customer Service, Purchasing, Marketing, Shipping to Management has benefitted greatly from what you have taught us! I couldn’t recommend your expertise more- I would tell any Quickbooks user that a session with you is mandatory. The ROI is literally 50 fold for our company.” Victoria Marquard-Schultz, Esq. General Counsel & Regulatory Director Applied Home Healthcare Equipment, LLC
Scott’s QuickBooks Services
"I would definitely recommend Scott Gregory to anyone looking for a QuickBooks specialist." ~ Margo Strunk, Office Manager, AllCraft Wellman, Inc.
Take the guesswork out of using QuickBooks for your financial needs – get the help of a trusted QuickBooks expert that has been helping businesses for years: ONE-TO-ONE CONSULTATION Let me help resolve areas of confusion and ensure you are using QuickBooks the right way- don’t waste time sitting in a “QuickBooks class” and then discover the class doesn’t answer your specific questions! We can meet on-site or over the Internet for as little as an hour, or as long as it takes to get things right!
INITIAL QUICKBOOKS SETUP Just starting with QuickBooks? If your company data file is not set up correctly, you will be paying for it over and over again in higher accounting fees and troubleshooting expenses. Ensure you start your QuickBooks journey with a solid foundation! Don’t blow this critical step in your QuickBooks journey.
TRAINING – INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP Put my QuickBooks expertise to work with your staff and adapt QuickBooks to the specific needs of your business – I make QuickBooks training easy, and you don’t have to leave the office! Don’t guess at how to use QuickBooks to meet your specific needs!
TROUBLESHOOTING/PROBLEM RESOLUTION Working together, we can determine the extent of your QuickBooks problems and put a solution in place to prevent them from happening again. Let’s talk before you toss your computer out the window!
CONVERSION FROM AN EXISTING SYSTEM Tap into my expertise to help minimize the pains of converting to QuickBooks and ensure success for you and your team! Moving from your existing accounting software to QuickBooks doesn’t have to be a scary or budget-busting event.
HELP SELECTING THE RIGHT QUICKBOOKS ADD-ON SOFTWARE Trying to extend the functionality of QuickBooks? Avoid the classic mistakes many businesses do when looking for new software, especially packages that integrate with QuickBooks. Work with a QuickBooks expert to ensure your success.
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