Remote Sensing and GIS inputs for Management

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Forest area and skirts its edge in the north till reaching the Morna river near .... alluvium occurs in some of the large valleys in dyno strip having 2-to 3 feet depth on some of ... (0.22 to million cubic meters per Sq. kilometer) The ground water in potable ..... width on either side of the drainage was generated in a separate layer.
Remote Sensing and GIS inputs for Management Plan Preparation of Akola Forest Division

Regional Remote Sensing Center – Central NRSC – ISRO Nagpur


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Remote Sensing and GIS inputs for working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra. Pages Figures Tables References 104 19 05 12 Dr. A.O. Varghese and Dr. A.K. Joshi


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Regional Remote Sensing Center-Central, Nagpur


Scrutiny mechanism


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Compiled By Reviewed by Approved / Dr. A.O. Dr. A.K. Joshi Controlled by Varghese Dr. A.K. Joshi Regional Remote Sensing Center-Central, Nagpur National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO Maharashtra Forest Department ( Working plan) Maharashtra January 2009

13. 14. 15.

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Version 2.0 June, 2013

Date of Publication March 2010 Abstract (with Keywords) Working Plans are the instruments for scientific forest management. They are useful in evaluating the present status of natural resources, assessing the impact of past management practices and deciding management interventions to achieve the objectives of the working plan. The multiplicity of forest products and their uses, and the conflicts it may cause among the stakeholders and various interests makes forestry planning at the working plan level to be considerably complex. The present study has demonstrated that remote sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) in conjunction with forest mensuration data can be successfully used for the generation of various inputs for the preparation of forest working plan. Updation of forest administrative boundaries; generation of stock map; preparation of treatment types; zonation of working circles, felling series & coupes based on treatment types; site suitability analysis for coupe operations & site specific treatment; generation of grazing closure & fire control areas etc can be achieved with greater accuracy, timeliness and cost-effectiveness with the use of geoinformatics than the conventional method. Due to its capability to provide timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scales, frequent and periodical monitoring and evaluation of the forest resources would be possible for proper maintenance and management. Key words – Akola Forest Division, Working plan, Remote Sensing, GIS


Contents Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………… 1 Introduction 1.1. Working plan preparation……………………………………………….. 2 1.2. Need of digital database………………………………………………. 3 1.3 Objective of the study…………………………………………………… 5 Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………… 6 Study Area 2.1 Location………………………………………………………………… …6 2.2 Boundaries…………………………………………………………………8 2.3 Configuration of the Ground…………………………………………… 9 2.4 Relief Features………………………………………………………….. 10 2.4.1 Hills……………………………………………………………………….. 10 2.4.2 Ajanta Range…………………………………………………………….. 10 2.4.3 Melghat…………………………………………………………………… 11 2.4.4 Plateaus…………………………………………………………………… 11 2.5 Geology, Rock and Soil…………………………………………………. 12 2.5.1 Structures…………………………………………………………………. 13 2.5.2 Ground Water…………………………………………………………….. 14 2.5.3 Fresh Water Tract………………………………………………………... 14 2.5.4 Soil…………………………………………………………………………. 14 2.6 Water Supply…………………………………………………………….. 15 2.7 Climate…………………………………………………………………….. 15 2.7.1 Rainfall…………………………………………………………………….. 16 2.7.2 Rainfall…………………………………………………………………….. 16 2.7.3 Humidity…………………………………………………………………… 17 2.7.4 Cloudiness………………………………………………………………… 17 2.7.5 Storms and Winds……………………………………………………….. 17 2.7.6 Special Weather Phenomenon…………………………………………. 18 2.8 Drainage………………………………………………………………….. 18 2.9 Distribution of area………………………………………………………. 18 2.10 State of boundaries…………………………………………………….… 19 2.11 Legal Position…………………………………………………………….. 19 2.12 Rights and Concessions………………………………………………… 20


Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………. 26 Materials and Methods 3.1 Co-ordinate System………………………………………………………26 3.1.1 Co-ordinate system adopted for Working Plans ………………………27 3.2 Materials………………………………………………………………….. 27 3.3 Methodology……………………………………………………………… 29 3.3.1 GRIDBASE generation………………………………………………….. 30 3.3.2 MAPGRID generation…………………………………………………… 30 3.3.3 Vectorization of Administrative boundaries……………………………. 30 of compartment boundary ………………………………….. 31 3.3.4 Spatial data creation for characterizing terrain………………………. 31 3.3.5 Spatial data creation for infrastructure………………………………… 31 3.3.6 Registration of satellite data……………………………………………. 32 3.3.7 NDVI generation and Forest density map preparation………………. 32 3.3.8 Ground validation of Forest type and Density Map………………….. 34 3.3.9 Integration of spatial and non-spatial data with GIS…………………. 34 3.3.10 Preparation of treatment type…………………………………………… 34 3.3.11 Zonation of Working circles, felling series and coupes………………. 35 3.3.12 Suitability class assessments for each administrative unit………….. 35 Chapter 4………………………………………………………………………… 37 Result and Discussion 4.1 General objects of Management……………………………………….. 37 4.2 Factor Influencing objects of Management……………………………. 37 4.3 Classification of the forest types……………………………………….. 38 4.3.1 Dry Teak-bearing forests-5A/C1……………………………………….. 39 4.3.2 Dry mixed deciduous forests-5A/C3…………………………………… 41 4.3.3 Boswellia Forest- 5A/E2………………………………………………… 42 4.3.4 Babul Forest- 5A/E3…………………………………………………….. 42 4.3.5 Southern Thorny Forest type –6A/C1 or open mixed forests………. 43 4.4 Preparation of Treatment Types………………………………………. 44 4.4.1 Protection areas A1 – type……………………………………………… 44 4.4.2 Protection areas A2 – type……………………………………………… 44 4.4.3 Protection areas A3 – type……………………………………………… 45 4.4.4 Open Forest B1-type…………………………………………………….. 45 4.4.5 Forest blanks B2-type…………………………………………………… 45 4.4.6 Well stocked areas D-type (Dense Forest)…………………………… 45 4.5 Working Circles………………………………………………………….. 52 iii

4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.6 4.7

Afforestation working circle Circles…………………………………… 52 Protection / Catchment Area Treatment Working Circle…………….. 53 Selection-cum-Improvement working circle…………………………… 53 Babul ban Working Circle………………………………………………. 53 Fodder Improvement Working Circle (FIWC)…………………………. 53 Non-wood Forest Produce (overlapping) working Circle……………..53 Suitability class assessment for each administrative unit……………. 54 Forest Management Information System……………………………… 54

References……………………………………………………………………… 62 Appendix1………………………………………………………………………... 63 Appendix2………………………………………………………………………... 63 Appendix3………………………………………………………………………... 63

List of tables Table 2.1 Range wise distribution of the forest area………………………….18 Table 3.1. Projection parameters……………………………………………… 27 Table 4.1 Criteria applied for the generation of treatment types…………… 44 Table 4.2 Distribution of treatment types in the ranges of Akola FD………. 52 Table 4.3. Criteria applied for generating suitability classes………………. 55

List of Figures Figure 2.1 Location of the study area………………………………………… 7 Figure 2.2 Ranges of the study area…………………………………………… 22 Figure 2.3 Rounds of the study area…………………………………………… 23 Figure 2.4 Beats of the study area……………………………………………. 24 Figure 2.5 Compartments of the study area…………………………………. 25 Figure 3.1 Satellite image of the study area…………………………………. 28 Figure 3.2 Methodology Flow chart…..……………………………………….. 36 Figure 4.1 Slope map of the study area………………………………………. 46 Figure 4.2 Drainage of the study area…………………………………………. 47 Figure 4.3 Soil Erosion map of the study area……………………………….. 48 Figure 4.4 Forest Crown density map of the study area…….……………… 49 Figure 4.5 Forest Crown density map of Washim Range…………………… 50 Figure 4.6 Treatment types generated for Akola Forest division………….…51 Figure 4.7 Working Circles of the study area………………………………… 56 Figure 4.8 Felling series. ……………………………………………………… 57 Figure 4.9 Soil texture map of the study area………………………………… 58 iv

Figure 4.10 Soil depth map of the study area………………………………. 59 Figure 4.11 Site suitability for various operations in Akola Forest Division. 60 Figure 4.12 Forest Management information System (FMIS)………………. 61


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Working Plans are the instruments for scientific forest management. They are useful in evaluating the present status of natural resources, assessing the impact of past management practices and deciding management interventions to achieve the objectives of the working plan. The multiplicity of forest products and their uses, and the conflicts it may cause among the stakeholders and various interests makes forestry planning at the working plan level to be considerably complex. The particular features of forestry, namely: its long gestation period and investment horizon (often not matching with the social time preference); the difficulty to distinguish between forest capital and incremental growth (often leading to over-exploitation and capital consumption); and the high level of externalities further add to its complexity. The present study has demonstrated that remote sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) in conjection with forest mensuration data can be successfully used for the generation of various inputs for the preparation of forest working plan. Updation of forest administrative boundaries; generation of stock map; preparation of treatment types; zonation of working circles, felling series & coupes based on treatment types; site suitability analysis for coupe operations & site specific treatment; generation of grazing closure & fire control areas etc can be achieved with greater accuracy, timeliness and cost-effectiveness with the use of geoinformatics than the conventional method. Due to its capability to provide timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scales, frequent and periodical monitoring and evaluation of the forest resources would be possible for proper maintenance and management. Integrated layers of administrative boundaries, slope, drainage, forest type, density, soil, site quality and non-spatial data would help the managers for identifying suitable areas for site specific treatment and identifying the potentials & limitations of each compartments. The above mentioned integration of management information system (MIS) and GIS is not only a powerful planning tool for the working plan officer but these digital databases are very potent decision support and monitoring tools for the implementing managers in the real time mode also. In the GIS environment they can make innumerable queries to find answers to their day-to-day management questions.


Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1.

Working plan preparation Indian forests are managed through the working plans, which are revised

once in 10 years conventionally The forest working plans are prepared for each forest division with 5-10% sampling intensity for ground inventory involving one to two years of time frame. Generally it takes 3-4 years to prepare the draft plan and management maps. Forest is a product of climatic factors, edaphic factors, genetic material and externalities. The conventional method of making inputs for working plan using ground survey is tedious process and time consuming. The treatment map is prepared based on ocular estimation. This process results in rather inaccurate and inconsistent treatment maps. Each division has hundreds of coupes due for working each year hence the above task is assigned to many persons with varying degrees of experience and knowledge. All the treatments are supposed to be carried out according to these treatment maps. Hence the weakness of the present practice is self-evident. The Working plan officer generally bases his calculations on rough estimations, as he does not have very accurate and consistent slope / soil / density/ stock maps to work with. Apart from draft plan, conventional preparation of 6 sets of management maps on 1:15800 scale, 2 sets of Grazing Maps, 20-25 Reference Maps require 1-1.5 year time. In addition to this area calculations are made using the graph paper method.

Hence there is every likelihood of manual

error. Moreover the input (ex. map) for him is rather fixed and it is almost impossible for him to generate many alternate and new maps using the features of the original map (strategies before picking the best ones). Working Plans are the instruments for scientific forest management. They are useful in evaluating the present status of natural resources, assessing the impact of past management practices and deciding management interventions to achieve the objectives of the working plan. The multiplicity of forest products and their uses, and the conflicts it may cause among the stakeholders and various interests makes working plan preparation considerably complex. The particular features of forestry, namely: its long gestation period and investment horizon (often not matching with the social time preference); the difficulty to distinguish between forest capital and

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

incremental growth (often leading to over-exploitation and capital consumption); and the high level of externalities further add to its complexity. 1.2

Need for digital databases The problem with the non-digital databases arises because of the sheer

volume of data. It is very difficult to synthesize and comprehend such large volumes through manual systems. The other major problem with manual systems is that of retrieval. Information is generally collected from various sources and at various times, which not only overloads the system but makes it very unreliable and inconsistent too. Managers for land-based systems have to invariably deal with multitude of maps. At present information about forest resources are being collected by forest administration at various levels by manual methods with little mechanical aids such as calculating machines. This information’s are stored in operation records, registers, history sheets, control forms and reports. However in few cases, the use of personal computers is also in vogue for storing the above information. In most of the cases, the lowest administrative level where the data is collected is forest range office and decisions are taken at much higher levels as conservator of forests. The data required at the time of taking management decisions cannot be retrieved because of lack of uniformity in storage procedures and facilities for storage and retrieval of data. These maps are available on different scales and at times even in different projection systems, which makes it very difficult to manipulate geographical information. Because of these and many more problems it is much more convenient to capture the data preparedfor different purposes

data digitally and centrally

Integration of remote sensing data with GIS related decision support systems could make the job of land managers very easy. The entire operational procedure for generating inputs to management plans through remote sensing based inventory sampling and analysis could be automated in a GIS (Porwal, et al, 1994). The plot wise estimates of volume, basal area and frequency according to type/cover stratum it belongs to, could be integrated and estimated in a bottom-up manner from a stratum, compartment, block and thereby to the divisional level with appropriate extrapolation procedures. Essentially, GIS reduces cumbersome aspects of area estimation under different hierarchical level and enhances the fidelity of the data while preserving accuracy and case in computation. Besides this, the quantitative details along with their respective spatial Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

outputs could be useful in visualization and offer various management options like site conditions, slope maps, forest composition, density classes, increment classes, plantations, soil types, geology of the area, volumetric information, forest cover, causes of damages, regeneration status, minor forests products, climate, physiography, forest produce and assessment for local needs, stock/enumeration etc. The database for working plans has to be organized by incorporating inputs from various sources. The data from various sources needs to be systematically organized into the database by following proper data structure and coding standards. Requirement of database is usually different for different type of forest activities within a single organization. For extracting meaning, information from spatial and non-spatial database the package should be robust enough to cater to all needs. A standard (State-of-the-art) GIS package will have to be used for data input, editing, querying, analysis, modeling etc. This call for good coordinated efforts to collect requirements and collect the necessary data (by avoiding redundancy) to effectively organize the final database. For inputting spatial data into information system, It is necessary that the forest resources information is in the form of map, hence primary ground data has to be converted into map format. Such spatial information could be forest type, density, land use and other land resources information while non-spatial data can be climatic & socioeconomic data etc. A good query, processing and analysis system would be able to efficiently perform once the above are systematically followed in creating a comprehensive database. There are several methods by which spatial data can be imported into a geographical information system. This can be done by creating the primary database by digitization/Scanning or can be directly imported through compatible formats. Efficient GIS packages generally allows you the use of both raster and vector type of datasets. This helps in having good flexibility in handling the spatial data in an optimum manner. Another important source of data, which is of great value for forestry sector is space based system (Remote Sensing). Remote Sensing plays a very vital role in the collection of spatial information of forests and related parameters. The information derived through further processing helps in importing the same to Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

geographic information system for further query and other value–added information retrieval. 1.3.

Objective of the study The objective of the study is to generate the inputs for the preparation of

working plan by integrating spatial and non-spatial data from various sources in a GIS environment. The objective necessitates the generation of the following spatial database with a uniform coordinate system, proper data structure and coding standards. •

Spatial data for characterizing terrain

Spatial data for infrastructure

Multithematic spatial resource data

Stock maps

Treatment types

Suitability sites for coupe operations and site-specific treatment

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Chapter 2 Study Area 2.1

Location The forest area dealt with in this Working Plan consists of all Reserved

Forests, Protected Forests and Unclassed Forests of Akola Forest Division at Akola extending over Akola, Alegaon, Patur, Washim, Karanja, Manora, Barsitakli and Malegaon forest ranges. The entire forest area of Akola Forest Division fall within the limits of Akola and Washim civil districts and the boundaries of the division are coterminus with Akola and Washim civil districts boundaries. The Akola civil district is having 7 talukas and Washim civil district comprises 6 talukas and total talukas in Akola Forest Division are 13. This plan replaces the Working Plan of Shri. B.S. Thengdi’s, which has been in force from 1994-95 to 2008-09, duly approved by The Government of Maharashtra, vide letter No./BGT/1095/CR-63/F-2/Dated. The new plan will be for a period of ten years as stipulated by Government of Maharashtra in their reference. The entire forest area dealt under this plan is 810.0961 Sq. Km. Out of this 740.2225 Sq. Km is Reserved Forest, 12.3560 Sq. Km is Protected Forests and 0.5947 Sq. Km is Acquired Forests and 56.9229 Sq. Km. Unclassified Forests. The entire forest area dealt with under this plan lies between the meridians of longitude 760 7’ E To 770 44’ E and parallels latitude 190 51’’ N to 210-17’’ N. The area of Akola Forest Division is situated between the plains of the Penganga and the Purna Rivers. The forest area of Katepurna Sanctuary and Narnala Sanctuary, which were included in Thengdi’s Plan, have been completely transferred to the wildlife wing. These two sanctuaries (Narnala Bird Sanctuary and Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary) have been created in the year 1980 and 1997, respectively. At present the management of the Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary is with Deputy Conservator of forests, Wildlife, Akola, whereas Narnala Bird Sanctuary is with Deputy Conservator of forests, Wildlife, Akot. For management of these sanctuaries, separate wildlife management plans have been under implementation. It is therefore, the forest areas of Katepurna and Narnala Sanctuaries are not included in this plan. The total geographical area of Akola Division is 10574 Sq. Km. whereas the forest area can be computed to 810.0961 Sq. Km. Which constitute 7.66% of the geographical area of the division as against the states score of 20.7%.

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

The forest tract dealt within this Working Plan is situated both in compact blocks as well as in scattered patches. In Alegaon, Patur the forest areas are situated in compact blocks, whereas in the ranges of Akola, Washim Barshitakli, Manora, Malegaon and Karanja, the forest areas are distributed mostly in scattered patches.

2. 2.

Boundaries The boundary of the division in the North coincides with Amaravati district

boundary and Gawilgad hill ranges in the South coincides with Hingoli and Parbhani district boundaries and in the East, Yavatmal and Amaravati districts boundaries and in the West the boundary of division coincides with Buldhana district boundary. The boundaries of the tract dealt with are: North

: Amravati district and Gawilgad hill ranges


: Hingoli and Parbhani district


: Yavatmal and Amravati district .


: Buldhana district.

Starting from the tri-junction of Buldhana, Amaravati, Akola district the boundary runs Eastward along the foot hills of the Satpuda scrap at an elevation of 400 meters, till reaching the triple hill forts of Narnala , Jafarabad and Teliaghat situated with a fascinating scenic beauty at a height of 1000 meters over a flat plateau over looking Payanghat plains. The boundary then runs downstream the bank of the Pathar River, which crosses near the village Popatkheda continuing to skirt the Satpuda scrap keeping all foot- hill villages within the districts. The boundary turns South just near the village Khirkund (budruk) to follow the Adan nadi initially. Later on its main stream, the Bodli River through a flat featureless country meeting the river Purna near the big market village of Dahihanda. There after the boundary runs along the river Purna upstream Eastward keeping the left bank villages within the districts till it reaches the confluence of river Pedhi on its left bank near the village Kolsara of Murtizapur tahsil. There after the boundary runs across the country for short distance towards East and then turns South and Southeast crossing Pedhi river near the village Kurhad and Bombay – Nagpur railway line near Kurum railway station at the mile-stone 615 Km. The boundary then turns towards south keeping the Amaravati and Chandur tehsils of Amarawati district and Ner tehsil of Yavatmal district towards Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

East. Here after the boundary runs through a gently sloping featureless terrain and slowly ascends the slopes of Buldhana plateau and having gained the top level of plateau continuing to run in the same trend till reaching the village of Amkinhi of Mangrulpir tehsil and fort of Shendona nearby. There after the boundary runs towards West along the crestline of hill ridge having at an average elevation of 500 meter for distance around 20 Km. And turns towards South following the edge of a plateau. The boundary of the division descends down to the Penganga valley and run towards West keeping the Hingoli and Parbhani district to its South. There after the boundary follows the river to a considerable distance and deviate from it with near Warud Topha village. It runs in a passion of West- South Westwards till reaching the village Mohojabandi at extreme South West corner of Risod tehsil and keeping Buldhana to its West. The boundary crosses the Penganga once again and descends down to the Northern slope of Buldhana plateau in the Ghatbori Reserved Forest area and skirts its edge in the north till reaching the Morna river near Lakhandwada Eastwards and following it after down Eastwards till it meets with the Mun river. Thereafter the boundary runs North approximately parellel to the course of Mun river around 25 Km and finally joining it near the village Manarkhed and run towards down stream till it meets just with the Purna river. There after, the boundary runs upstream along with Purna river and turns North near the village Wangargaon through a rolling country till reaching the banks of the Wan river just South of Danapur and then it follows the river till the tri-junction at the foot hills of Melghat. 2.3.

Configuration of the Ground The chief hills of the division are the parts of Ajanta system towards South

and Satpudas in the North. The Balaghat plateau situated on the Ajanta hills covers the southern half of this division. The surface is undulating with hills and plains having gentle slope towards South. The tract of Akola Forest Division is mostly occupied by the plains of the Purna and Penganga rivers which is known as Payanghat plain extend North of Balaghat plateau which covering greater part of Northern half of the Division. The altitude in this division varies from 396.34 meter to 548.78 meter above Mean Sea Level (MSL). The highest point in the division is Narnala forest situated at 930 meter above Mean Sea Level in compartment no. 165. The plateau is characterized by slope, ridges and intervening with valleys, which are undulations just enough to maintain natural system of drainage. Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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2.4. Relief Features In this feature the district topographical arrangement can be compared to Buldhana district. The “ relief” falls into three physical units; a narrow Northern in the Akot tehsil, in the Satpuda foot hills, the distinct Purna Plain or Payanghat in the middle, occupying approximately half of the divisional area in the tehsil of Akot, Balapur, Murtizapur and the Balaghat on the top of Ajanta range comprising washim and Mangluroir tehsil to the South. The landscape of the tract is characterized by hilly and the plains are with forested ghat having a bad land topography joining the Mun River.

2.4.1. Hills Most of the area of the division is occupied by Payanghat plain except Northern extreme part of the division in the foot hills of Satpuda and ghat country through which the land rises from the Purna plain through Balaghat plateau .It isolated broken hill terrain in the extreme South-East, in Mangrulpir tehsil is only of relatively higher elevation.

2.4.2. Ajanta Range Ajanta range carrying on its platform the Buldhana plateau (Balaghat plateau) In Washim and Magrulpir tehsil has steep rims facing north and descending to the Purna plains. This hilly ghat is extremely uneven and rough with a ridge of hill masses covered by forests. The average elevation is about 400 meters in the hilly ghat country. It has a curving trend from West to East. It is highly dissected, Carrying every where undissected section of plateaus, forming isolated stretches of Mesa separated by deep river valleys in which the rivers have serpentine courses.


scarp edge comparatively more defined in the Southern part of Balapur and Akola tehsils. Another area of hill terrain comprises in the Southern part of Mangrupir tehsil especially along the boundaries of Yavatmal district. The hill masses rising to an elevation of 500 t0 600 meters is less dissected in the Northern scrap throughout at a comparatively lower elevation. These slopes at many places are cut into by the tributaries of the Penganga forming deep and entrenched valleys that constitutes main lines of the access and habitation development.

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

2.4.3 Melghat Towards Norht of Payanght, an elevated natural features situated in the ranges of Satpuda hills, which is popularly known as Melghat. Only small part of these hills falls in the Akola Forest Division of which the forest has been dealt in this plan. The slopes of these hill ranges generally steep and precipitous. The average elevation of these hill ranges is 701 meters, whereas the maximum elevation is 928.65 meters above mean sea level. These hill ranges from a linear strip average width of 2 to 5 Kilometers. The only true section of higher elevation in this area which are found within the Division are where the boundaries completely dips North over a distance of 5 Kilometer boundary included high level mesa with its over hanging cliff slopes facing South. This situation is noticed at an elevation of 940 meters i.e. Narnala fort having no habitation on its top overlooking Payanghat plain. The ascent through this fort from the plains below is through a spur of hills and ridges to a flat structural level. This foothill ridge is characterized by hill terrains and gullies that have developed extensive debris slopes at many places.

2.4.4 Plateaus The Washim and Mangrupir plateau are in the Balaghat having an elevation about 400 t0 500 meters, which is gently sloping towards East. This plateau is characterized by a number of residual hills, knolls dotting the plains of terrain. It is along the rim of the plateau that the terrain is much more rugged and even developing a ghat aspect. The areas around Washim are much more Plain when compared to area of Mangrupir. The plateau is drained Eastwards mainly and to a lesser extent to the North due to the recession of scarp on Northern ridges.

2.4.5 Plains The plains of Payanghat of Purna valley extended in the middle and Northern part of the Division with an average elevation of 260 t0 300 meter gently sloping towards West. The plain extend over 50 Km. Wide and bounded in the North by scarp of Melghat in the South Ajanta Scarp and it is formed as a result of fault during the recent geological changes as believed by the geologists. These areas are rich in alluvium soil having been brought and deposited by the Purna and its tributaries, which contains kanlar nodules and with fossiliferous nature. The thickness of alluvium is to the extent of 4 meter at many places. Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

2.5 Geology, Rock and Soil The Akola Forest Division is bounded by Southern foothills or Gawilgad range of the Satpuda range of hills on the North, and Ajanta and Satmala hills on the South. The entire division is having more or less fertile alluvial tract drained by the Purna, Katepurna, Adan and Penganga rivers. A team from Geological Survey of India studied about ground water problem and total built of dam site. A brief reference to the geology of the district is made by Balnford (1869) in his publication “On the geology of the taptee and Narmada valleys and some adjoining districts”. Where in the salient features of the Southern part of the Gawilgad range ant the Purna plain are outlined. Engineering geology and Ground water problems of specific area have been dealt with in the unpublished reports of the Geological Survey of India by Jhingran 1950- 1951-1952, Krishna swamy (1958-1959), Roy (1951) and Vaidyanthan (1961, 1961-62). But for a small patch of the upper Gondwana sandstones reported by Vaidyanathan (1961) the entire Division is occupied by Deccan basalt flows with intertrappen beds at places river alluvia and soils. The stratigraphic sequence of these rocks is tabulated below: Formation Soil, river, calcareous kanker and sand etc. Conglomerates Trap dykes Deccan basalt flows with intertrappen beds ash bads

Age Recent Sub-recent Cretaceous to Eocene

In this division there are two geological formation are known to occur viz. Purna alluvium and Deccan trap. The Purna alluvium is confined to Purna valley and occurs in considerable deposits over trap, which contains mixed with calcareous conglomerates an efflorescence of soda salt occur in some of the patches where Babul forest (Accacia nilotica) are situated on the Purna alluvium. The Deccan trap almost covers the entire Division belongs to the cretaceous period when sheets of semi-molten trap broke through the cretaceous strata and found in this area is more or less horizontal layers fashion. The under laying rock of entire division comprises hot gray basalt and numerous samples of amygdalloids with zeo-litic vesicles may be noticed everywhere. The Luner Lake in Buldhana Forest Division falls in this region of trap, which is a large hollow nearly circular more than 1.6 kilometers in diameter with side precipitous. There are no dykes and no traces of Ash beds of lava flows. Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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Thus there is a total absence of every thing that would characterized as a volcano. The soil over the entire trap area varies from light reddish sandy loam on the ridges and hillsides to black cotton soil in valley depressions. The reddish sandy loam is characterized by the presence of fragments of the under lying rock in most of the forest area, which cause variations in suitability for the tree growth according to its depth, critical characters and the structure of underlying rock. In general the soils on the Balaghat plateau are poor and shallow. The alluvium occurs in some of the large valleys in dyno strip having 2-to 3 feet depth on some of the parts of the plateau. The soil varies from murm to light black on slopes and the hill slope flanking are covered with straighting over the surface, and such a condition is very much suitable for the growth of these localities. Basalt is whenever in the form of hard impenetrable rock lies very near the surface, soil is dry shallow quite unsuited to tree growth. In some of the patches granular late rite beds are noticed which are divide of moisture and almost impenetrable by the roots of tree. On such soils the tree growth is scanty stunted and malformed. The Purna alluvium overlies the Deccan trap, which consists of black cotton soil in the calcareous conglomerates that lies immediately below it. The soil of light brown is found along the courses of river called kankary, which contains high percentage of soda salt having depth of 150 feet and more. The width of the belt is roughly 26 Kilometers to the North and 16 kms to the South of Purna river these fertile plains of Purna support good patches of Babul or Acacia nilotica forests. 2.5.1 Structures The entire divisional area constitutes part of Purna valley having basin shaped depressions in the Deccan trap filled by river deposits. The Northern edge of Purna valley basin is having a contract with Satpuda hill and it is suppose to be a faulty line (Roy 1951) in geological formation, which is covered by boulders and debris derived out of the integration of the trap. The basalt rock in the Narnala and in other hill show more or less East-West alignment display dips towards North and in other hill show more or less almost horizontal in deposition .The valley is free from significant structural disturbances normally, however local faults have been noticed at few places for instant the conglomerates beds in the Katepurna river near village Danad Buzurg is suspected to indicate a fault plane (Krihnamurthy, 1959). As the district is not yet been completely mapped geologically the chances of encountering such local Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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disturbances cannot be ruled out. The exposures of basalt on high hill as well as the rocks available in boreholes indicate that a large number of joints, both vertical as well as basal. The massive basalt is more conspicuous in colmner joints. A small patch of upper Gondwana sandstone having a fairly high dip of 30 º towards N 10º W appears to be an inlier, this also indicates possibility of existences of such inlines in the area which may be deciphered on systematic geological mapping of the district.

2.5.2 Ground Water The study of hydrology in the Purna part of valley basin revealed that the Division could be divided into two categories of tracts i.e. (i)

Fresh water tract


The Saline tract

2.5.3 Fresh Water Tract This tract is extended in the Northern part of the Division nearer to the Gawigad range covered by the boulders and debris. In these areas fresh water is available at a depth of 3 to 5 meters from the surface. Roy- (1951) studied fresh water availability in this area and has estimated the annual rate of replenishment of ground water of this fresh water tract to the extent of 20 million cubic feet per sq. mile. (0.22 to million cubic meters per Sq. kilometer) The ground water in potable with chloride contents varying from 8 to 50 parts per million.

2.5.4 Soil In this division 17 soil series have been recognized and mapped based on the morphological differences of the soil. 17 soil series have been identified and mapped digitally are listed below: Amaravati, Chikhali, Chankapur, Datal, Dhanvali, Dhotra, Erode, Kund, Kesarkhedee, Murtizapur, Maroda, Nagardas, Palana, Pattiannarai, Sonala, Sarupkhed, Wadegaon Majority is of Kund followed by Amaravati, Palana, Nagardas etc. The soil of the entire tract varies from a light reddish sandy loam on the ridges and hillsides of black cotton soil in valleys and depressions. The reddish sandy loam of varying consistency intervent with the rounded fragments underlying rock covers most of the forest area. This varies suitability for tree growth according to its depth Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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and physical characteristic and the structure of underlying rock. The soils of Balaghat plateau in general are poor and shallow and the medium depth whereas in the low lying areas and depressions the soil in general are deep as a result of depression from layers usually, the hills slopes flanking revent are covered with boulders, strewen over the surface which facilitates better growth of trees as these soils accord a sage lagment for seeds and a good foot hold for tree growth. Wherever, the basalt is in the form of hard impenetrable rock lies near the surface soil is bright and shallow and quite unsuited for tree growth and in such areas the tree growth is poor and open which is witness natural gaps of tree growth. In some localities because of the presence of granular latic belts the soils are almost impenetrable and laccum in moisture which does not support proper tree growth and on such soil in the tree growth is invariably scanty stunted, malformed.

2.6. Water Supply There are two main rivers flows in this division, one is the Purna and second is the Penganga. Katenpurna, Shahanur, Morna, Nod are the tributaries of the Purna river and Uma, Adan, the Pus are the tributaries of the Penganga river. The villages, which are situated on the banks of these river and their tributaries, are generally better places for drinking water. The other villages have a lot of problem of drinking water especially during the months of summer. Erratic rainfall in the past few years has aggravated the situation of drinking water in this division .In the year 2005 there was lot of scarcity for drinking water in Akola town and a special train was arranged for drinking water supply to Akola city by the district administration. The ground water potential is very poor especially in Akola and Akot tehsils, which is aggravated by salt-water availability in the ground water. Precipitation is received mainly through Southwest monsoon and it is harvested in dams, tanks and wells.

2.7 Climate The climate of Akola Forest Division is characterized by considerable variations especially in summer temperatures in this division. The summer is long and hot. Akola town has got the reputation of being one of the hottest places in India with 48.85ºc as the highest temperature recorded in May 1878. The average mean daily maximum temperature is 42.2ºc and the average mean daily minimum temperature is 27.5ºc. The heat in the summer is intolerable during daytime whereas Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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nights are comparatively tolerable. The weather in the plain areas of the division is invariably warm in the daytime even in winter and in summer. The hill taluqas mainly Washim amd Mangroolpir have slightly cooler than other taluqas of the division. This area represents pronounced seasonal variation i.e. summer season, rainy season and winter season. The summer starts in the month of March and continues up to June. The rainy season in general starts from second week of June and c continues till September of every year. Whereas the winter season commences in the second week of October and Continues upto February of every year.

2.7.1 Rainfall The Akola Forest Division is situated in a less rainfall Zone. The precipitation in this area mainly received through South- West monsoon however a little rainfall received through North- East monsoon also. Average annual rainfall in this division is 804.6 mm. The rainfall during monsoon comes to above 85 % of the annual rainfall. July being the rainiest month. The highest average rainfall amounting the 150% of normal rainfall occurred in 1949, whereas the lowest rainfall, which was only 45% of the normal rain, occurred during August 1920. The rainfall data of 13 stations from 1994 to 2007 indicate that average rainfall at Malegaon station records high with level 1182.95 millimeter. Whereas average rainfall of Akot station is 618.46 mm, which is the lowest average in, compared to other stations. The highest recorded rainfall is 1350 mm at Malegaon station in 1994. Whereas minimum rainfall recorded is 330.40 millimeter at Telhara station in 2004. Maximum average rainfall is recorded in entire division (all stations) is 1002.72 millimeter in the year 2002. Whereas minimum average rainfall of entire division (all stations) is 526.9 millimeter in the year 2004. An average the number of rainy days are 48. This number varies from 42 at Balapur t0 52 at Washim, Karanja. The heaviest rainfall recorded in 24 hours any station in entire division was 355.6 millimeter at Washim on 26th June 1994.

2.7.2 Temperature There is a meteorological observatory in the division located at Akola and the data available at this observatory may be taken as representative of the meteorological conditions obtained in this division in general. The temperature rises Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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rapidly after February and continuous till May and May is the hottest month of the year. In the month of May the mean daily maximum temperature at Akola is 42.4°C (108°F) and daily minimum temperature is 27.5° C (81.5°F). During period from April to June on individual days the day temperature rises up to 46°C and the heat is sometimes relieved by thunders and showers around mid –June there is considerable drop in temperature with the arrival of South-West monsoon showers and the weather becomes pleasant. After the withdrawal of monsoon the day temperature increases gradually and a secondary maximum in day temperature is reached in October. However the night temperature decreases gradually after September. The temperature of both day and night decreases rapidly from November till December and December is the coolest month in the year. During winter season the mean daily maximum temperature is 29.3°C (84.7°F) and the mean daily minimum temperature is 11.9°C (53.4°F0. The Western disturbances which occurs North India in the winter months the cold wave from North India affects the division resulting the dropping of temperature to 2° to 4° C during nights sometimes. The highest temperature recorded at Akola was 47.8° C in May 22 of 1947 and the lowest minimum temperature was 22° C (36°F) on 9th Feb 1887.

2.7.3 Humidity In general the weather conditions are dry and hot in this region. During the months of South- West monsoon, the humidity fluctuate between 60% to 80% whereas in summer months the humidity drops down to 20% or even less.

2.7.4 Cloudiness During the Southwest monsoon season the sky is heavily clouded in the second half of summer season and the post monsoon season there is moderate cloudiness particularly in the afternoon .In the rest of the year the sky in general clear or lightly clouded.

2.7.5 Storms and Winds Winds are generally light to moderate with some strengthening in speed in the second half of hot season and in the early parts of monsoon season. The winds are mostly from North- East during post-monsoon and early winter season. By February Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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the winds become Westerly or Northwesterly and this phenomenon will continue till June. During the Southwest monsoon season winds storm direction between Southwest and Northwest. 2.7.6 Special Weather Phenomenon In addition to monsoon depression in the Bay of Bengal and move from West to Northwestward through the central parts of the country. The division experiences strong winds and widespread heavy rains. The thunderstorm occurs in all the months of year and their frequencies being the East during December and January months and the highest during the month of June, July and September. Sometimes storms and depressions of post monsoon months also affects the weather conditions of the division. 2.8 Drainage The drainage system in the division includes two major rivers i.e. The Purna and the Penganga. The other minor rivers are tributaries of the above rivers. Theyare the Katepurna, Shahnur, Morna, Mun, Man, Nod and Uma which are the tributaries of the Purna river. The tributaries of Penganga are the Adan, the Aran, Arunawati and the Pus. 2.9 Distribution of area The total area of the division covered under this working plan is 81009.61 Ha. Extended over 13 tehsils in 2 Districts .The Akola Division has been administratively divided into a ranges wise distribution of their area is given as under Table 2.1 Range wise distribution of the forest area No


No. of RF PF Acquired Unclassifi Total Comp Land ed Forest 221 4316.52 0.00 0.00 104.69 4421.21
































































10858.50 697.01

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The total geographical area of this division is 10,59,586 Ha out of which 80009.27 ha is forest area as per in Shri. Thengdi’s Plan, which was roughly 8.4% of the total geographical area. The areas of Katepurna and Narmda Sanctuaries have been transferred to wildlife wing therefore the present Working Plan deals with the remaining forest area, which is 81009.61 Ha. Under the control of Dy. Conservator of Forests Akola Forest Division.

2.10 State of boundaries Total length of boundary is 2121.75 km out of which 21.29 km is natural boundary and 2100.28 km is of artificial boundary. The total length of external boundary of forest is about 1415.94 km including A- class and C- class Reserve Forests and Protected Forests. All the forestlands have been notified in terms of survey numbers adopted by the revenue department. The boundaries of Reserved Forest area have been clearly demarcated in the field, which are maintained less than five-year demarcation programmed. As the forest area is distributed in honeycomb pattern within private land is also not possible due to local people. The demarcation of Reserve Forest is very much clear when compared to Protected Forest. In the recent past precasted pillars are erected in some of the forest areas after through demarcation by DILR and in other areas the precasted pillars are to be erected. The entire forest and private lands need to be demarcated thoroughly and pre- cast pillars erected expeditiously and maintain regularly. Appropriate demarcation maintenance and regular vigilance have become inevitable in the recent times because of the increasing encroachment and hike in land value.


Legal Position The Government forests of originally notified where as state forest under the

Berear Forest (Amendment) Law of 1891 or lands declared as unoccupied Government Waste lands. In 1911 the Indian Forest Act, VII of 1878 was applied to Berar as a result of Government of India’s notification No. 2197- I-B, all the state Forests that were notified under Berar Forest Law. Later on additions and alternations in the Govt. Reserved Forest vide Government of India’s notification number 719-I of 13th December 1927. All the Reserved Forests of West Berar Division was notified and defined as ‘A’ or ‘C’ class forest depending upon their constitution of area and the classifications were notified under Indian Forest Act. The Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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changes in ‘A’ and ‘C’ class areas were effected by executive orders .The forest area of Akola Forest Division covered under this plan has been notified Reserved Forest and Protected Forest, under the Indian Forest Act 1927, except 6752 ha. Unclassified forest.


Rights and Concessions The ‘A’ Class Reserve Forests are not burdened any adverse rights where as

the ‘C’ –class Reserve and Protected Forests are heavily burdened with grazing concessions. Grazing concessions are controlled to the extent of cattle unit i.e. to be allowed as per the “Grazing Policy” of the State Government. Grazing rules have been formed vide Government Resolution no. MFP- 132211-Y dated 6th December 1968 for effective control on grazing in forest area. The Protected and Unclassified forests are burdened with Nistar and Grazing rights as given in Miscellaneous Regulations.

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Chapter 3 Materials and Methods 3.1 Co-ordinate System In the emerging information market place, geographic or geo-spatial information occupies a prominent position. In fact, the use of high quality, reliable, geo-spatial information is critical to virtually every sphere of socio-economic activity – disaster management, urban planning, land management, agriculture, infrastructure development and Forest Management Information System (FMIS), etc. For precise mapping, image positions must be related to some kind of reference system that specifies location on the Earth’s surface. The reference system may be a transformation of the geodetic co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) or it may be any other mathematically related rectangular system such as adopted by Survey of India (Polyconic projection based system). The compartment boundary maps are usually prepared on topographical maps at 1:50,000 scale. These maps are zoomed by 4 times and the compartments, beats, round and range boundaries marked on it. Each topographical map is project individually with Polyconic projection. To generate a mosaic of the all the forest administrative boundaries at the state level, a coordinate system is required. The coordinate system will facilitate a seamless mosaic of the forest administrative boundary maps and other related maps. The information flow in the planning process looks like a triangle and Topographical Network, Administrative Network and Watershed Network represent the three vertices. Basically the information is generated at the toposheet level, preferably at 1:50,000 scale. The maps are compiled at the administrative areas, in most of the cases at the division level. Integration and action plans are generated at the compartment level using the integrated approach with compartment as the basic developmental planning unit. These action plans are to be transferred on to the large-scale maps, for micro-level planning, implementation and sub-sequent monitoring purposes. For seamless mosaic of the database and hassle free flow of information, the coordinate system is designed.

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3.1.1 Co-ordinate system adopted for Working Plan Divisions of Maharashtra A rectangular coordinate system is adopted to represent meridians and parallels, positions of various points and all features of the surface of the earth or reference surface, on the map on which these are projected. The following parameters are used for generating the coordinate system, such as Extent of area to be projected; Selection of a projection system; Selection of origin and choice of axes; and Adoption of suitable large assumed value to the origin to make all coordinates positive (False Origin). If the objective is to develop a coordinate system for a particular state, the limiting bounds of the state (Upper left and Lower right coordinates) are taken as the extent of the area. Origin is generally chosen as the intersection of central meridian with central parallel. Depending upon the type of projection, the geometric origin or projection origin is considered as the coordinate origin. To accommodate for the negative values, high values (1000000, 1000000) instead of (0,0) is assigned for the origin. The important aspect is the selection of projection system for a particular state. A projection with less distortion is identified for a particular state. Table 3.1. Projection parameters


Projection type



Modified Everest

Central Meridian

76 45 00.000000

Latitude of origin

18 52 48.566820

First standard parallel

16 37 30.000000

Second standard parallel

21 07 30.000000

False Easting


False Northing


Materials The following materials are used for carrying out the project. •

Forest Administrative Boundary maps, provided at 1:50,000; and 2”: 1Mile scale.

Forest mensuration data

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Satellite image of IRS P6 LISS III of the Division (November 2007) (DOP: 98 / 057)

The compartments boundaries are marked on reference maps. these maps are zoomed by 4 times and the compartments are transferred onto the maps. These maps are at the scale of 2”: 1 Mile. In some areas, the compartments boundaries are marked on 1:50,000 scale maps. These maps are used in this project. These maps are checked before scanning, for clear boundary demarcation and for compartment number. If boundaries are not clear, boundaries are redrawn and numbers are rewritten on the maps before scanning. Repetitive coverage provided by satellite data helps in selecting the required season / period data for forest studies. The period of satellite data is of utmost importance. The reflectance from the forest is dependent on the growth of the crown and its chlorophyll content. A deciduous forest would, therefore, not give proper reflectance in the leafless period. Thus, data of the summer season for such forests is not suitable for classification. During the rainy season, it is difficult to find cloud free data and similar reflectance of agriculture and similar areas poses problems in delineation of forest of forest cover during this period. Therefore, the data of rainy season is often not suitable for the assessment.

For tropical moist and dry

deciduous forests of Central India December - January period satellite period data are the ideal one. 3.3 Methodology The methodology adopted for the project is described in the flow chart. The methodology consists of the following sequence of steps. •

GRIDBASE generation

MAPGRID generation

Vecorization and codification of administrative boundaries

Updation of compartment boundaries

Spatial data creation for characterizing terrain

Spatial data creation for infrastructure

Registration of satellite data

Forest type classification and mapping

NDVI generation and Forest Density Map generation

Ground validation of Forest type and Density Map

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Integration of layers (spatial and non-spatial)

Preparation of Treatment map

Zonation of Working Circle, Felling series and coupes

Suitability class assessment for each administrative unit

Generation of fire lines, grazing closure area, Fire Control Areas, etc

3.3.1 GRIDBASE generation On the basis of coordinate system a template for the extent of study area is created. A 24-meter resolution raster file is generated using the four extreme endpoints Latitude and Longitude. The raster file is having 24-meter resolution, as the satellite image is has resolution of 23.5 m. The graticule vector file is generated at the interval of 5’ on which administrative boundary maps are tiled. 3.3.2 MAPGRID generation The scanned maps are tiled to the GRIDBASE file. The intersections of the graticule in the map sheet are tied to the graticule vector file of the GRIDBASE. A second order transformation model is developed to register the scanned map sheets. All the 16 intersections are taken as GCP’s in the transformation model. The thresholds identified for the transformation model are, the residual error should be less than 2 pixels and the rms error of the model is less than 1 pixel. The model accuracies are analyzed before applying the transformation model.

The outputs

from this activity are the geo-referenced forest administrative boundary maps and these outputs are used for digitization. All the maps falling in the study area georeferenced and cutting exactly the outer boundary of each map sheet makes a mosaic. A combined file is generated in Image Processing (IP) environment to facilitate geo-referencing of the satellite data. 3.3.3 Vectorization, codification and topology building of Administrative boundaries The digitization of the forest administrative boundaries is carried out in a systematic manner. Initially, the forest division boundary is digitized followed by range boundaries, round, beat and compartment. The digitization of the compartment boundaries is carried in the order of compartment boundaries so that no compartment boundary is missed out. Heads-on digitization is adopted for

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digitization of administrative boundaries. The thresholds like arc/snap tolerance, node-snap tolerance, fuzzy tolerance and weed tolerance are set according to the 1:50,000 scale mapping thresholds. The digitized boundaries are corrected for dangles, undershoots, overshoots, etc. After errors are removed, the topology is created for all the digitized features. This will enable the layers to be compatible to the GIS environment. The polygons are generated for division, range, round, beat and compartment areas. The forest administration boundaries basically consist of compartment as the basic unit, followed by beat, round, range, division and circle at the state level. Each division is divided into ranges and each range is further divided into rounds and each round is again divided into beats and then to compartments. In another way, the forest area is divided into reserved forest, protected forest and un-classified forest. The codification starting with the two digit code for division followed by range, round, beat and ending with four digit code for compartments.

Updation of compartment boundary with the latest georeferenced village map

Updation of the compartments has been done with the help of the latest georeferenced village maps prepared by Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre (MRSAC, 2002). Georeferenced village map cover pertains to the Akola Forest Division integrated with the Akola compartment boundary coverage and forest survey numbers & revenue survey numbers were segregated out from each villages and codified separately. The forest survey numbered areas latter on dissolved with compartments and revenue areas were separated out from the compartments. 3.3.4 Spatial data creation for characterizing terrain For characterizing the terrain, spatial data like slope and drainage have been generated. Mainly two types of slopes have been categorized base on the management plan requirement i.e. below 250 slope and 250 & above.

All the

streams and rivers has been digitized from the SOI toposheets and later on updated with the rectified satellite image. Based on the drainage layer, a buffer area of 20m width on either side of the drainage was generated in a separate layer. 3.3.5 Spatial data creation for infrastructure In addition to the administrative layers, other layers, which would be useful in working plan preparation, are also generated in GIS environment. The features such Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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as transportation network, village locations and village built-up areas are generated. 3.3.6 Registration of satellite data The LISS III image corresponding to December is selected. The window for selection of satellite data is very crucial. The season is selected in such a way that the background grass is dried, majority of the crops are harvested and the trees have not shed their leaves. In central India, December/January months are the ideal months satisfying these conditions. Multi-spectral IRS LISS III image is selected for generating NDVI and arriving at the forest crown density map for the forest division. The satellite data is acquired from NRSA Data center, Hyderabad. The location accuracy of the satellite data is of the order of 150 – 200 m. To improve the location accuracy of the data, the satellite images are precisely geo-referenced using the ground control points. The real world coordinates of the GCP’s are acquired from the topographical maps. A second order transformation model is developed to register the satellite data. Around 15 – 25 GCP’s are taken to develop a transformation model. The thresholds identified for the transformation model are, the residual error should be less than 2 pixels and the rms error of the model is less than 1 pixel. The model accuracies are analyzed before applying the transformation model.

The outputs

from this activity are the precision product of the LISS III image. This product is used for generating forest density map.

3.3.7 NDVI generation and Forest density map preparation Vegetation indices are particular combinations of spectral responses in different wavelength bands, which emphasize a particular feature of the vegetation. The development and use of vegetation indices is guided by three general objectives such as (a) to enhance, through an appropriate combination of spectral bands, the relevant vegetation features. Ideally, the indices should have a better-defined relationship with physiological properties of the crop and forest vegetation than individual spectral measurements; (b) to standardize the representation of crop forest species spectral response (useful in region to region or year to year comparisons); and (c) to reduce the dimensions of the data sets (i.e. an index reduces to one data set the n sets which contribute to its calculation). It is also worth noting that ratio indices have the added advantage of being dimensionless; this Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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renders the calibration of the radiance values to reference standards unnecessary (calibration of the index with respect to ground features remains, of course, necessary). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is widely used in forestry studies. The NDVI is defined as the ratio of the difference between the near infrared and red reflectance to their sum or NDVI = ( near infrared - red ) / ( near infrared + red ) The index is called normalized because it is divided by the sum of radiance's and thus normalizes somewhat for differences in solar spectral irradiance's. The NDVI is dimensionless and can take values from -1 to +1. Negative values are found when the red reflectance is higher than the near infrared as for certain types of dry soils. The value of the NDVI is mainly determined by the difference between the near infrared response, which increases with increasing vegetation in the scene, and the red response, which decreases with decreasing vegetation. For forest density classification, a forest mask is generated and non-forest area is masked out from the image. Published maps and ground information are used for the preparation of the forest mask. All the forestland comprising of compartment numbers are considered for the generation of the mask. After masking out the non-forested area, density classification of the forest cover is done using NDVI transformation. Crown density classification of the forest has been done as per the methodology developed by Forest Survey of India (FSI, 1987). For the categorization of density classes, the NDVI image and FCC of the same area are opened side-byside and analyzed. Threshold values for different density classes are determined on the NDVI image and forest cover is classified accordingly. Classification of the forest cover is done as very dense forest (> 70% crown density), dense forest (40% to 70% crown density), open forest (10 – 40 %) and scrubland (< 10%). The other categories in the forest area are forest blanks where the area is devoid of any vegetation and water bodies. For this study, FSI’s dense category again divided in to dense and very dense forest. •

Very dense forest

All lands with tree cover of canopy density of 70 percent and above

Dense forest

All lands with tree cover of canopy density between 40 percent to 70%

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Open forest

All lands with tree cover of canopy density between 10 to 40 percent


All lands with poor tree growth mainly of small or stunted trees having canopy density less than 10 percent

Forest blanks

Forest area devoid of any forest vegetation

Water bodies

River/Tanks/Lakes/Ponds, etc.

The classes identified are very dense forest, dense forest, open forest, scrubland forest, forest blank and water bodies. The administrative boundaries are digitized and are overlaid on the satellite data and classified map. The output is used for ground validation in the field. 3.3.8

Ground validation of Forest type and Density Map The GIS layers and the forest types and density map (hardcopy) outputs are

generated and supplied to the forest department. The forest department officials had validated all the outputs and provided the necessary feedback. The suggestions are incorporated and the final maps are generated. 3.3.9 Integration of spatial and non-spatial data with GIS The forest type, density, other GIS layers and collateral information is integrated in GIS environment to generate the treatment map. In this environment, all the layers are analyzed with respect to other layers and corrections are incorporated accordingly. 3.3.10. Preparation of treatment types Different categories of treatment types will be generated from the integrated GIS layer as per the under mentioned guidelines. For treatment type generation coverages of slope, drainage with 20-meter buffer, forest density, forest type and forest plantation has been integrated to GIS. Weihtages have been given according to the need of treatment type generation mentioned below An area having 25 degree slope and more than a quarter hectare in extent will be consider for protection area A1 category. This area will be estimated from the integrated coverages of slope. Twenty meter buffer along the streams, which has been generated from drainage cover, will be use for categorizing Potection area A2 type. Similar buffer zones of A2type areas will be generated for other mesic sites. Area susceptible to excessive Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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erosion is supposed to categorize in protection area A3 class. These areas can be generated from the soil erosion prone coverge prepared for the study. B1(Open forests) B2 (Forest blanks/scrub Forest) and D (Well stocked areas, Dense forest) treatment types will be generated from crown density layer excluding area of A1, A2 and A3.

3.3.11. Zonation of Working circles, felling series and coupes For the purpose of information of working circles, compartments can be used as units for distribution. The allocation of compartments is based on preponderance of suitability of a specific working circle. Each working circle constitutes some 4-6 felling series and each felling series contains approximately twenty coups. 3.3.12 Suitability class assessments for each administrative unit A suitability map depicting potentials and limitations of each compartment was prepared for site-specific treatment in the division. The potential areas for plantations, afforestation, reforestation, meadow development, gap filing, tending, selection felling, percolation tanks, continuous contour trenches/discontinuous contour trenches, etc were generated by modeling in GIS by the guidelines given for the working plan preparation of Maharashtra.

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Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 4.1

General objects of Management Keeping in view the principles laid–down in the National Forest Policy, the

following are the general objectives of the forest management. To preserves the forest cover on hill slope, along streams, watercourses and water body in order to prevent soil erosion and to check siltation in tanks, and to maintain their essential protective and life support functions, including, regulation of water regime and to maintain the ecological balance. To meet the expectation of the wildlife protection and biodiversity conservation. To restore the augment tree cover in under stocked and degraded forests and to improve productivity and growing stock of natural forest using appropriate modes of management and techniques. To enhance the productivity of fire wood, fodder non wood produce, small timber and construction wood require for meeting local household demands, particularly of the tribal communities. To improve the fodder and grazing availability to local communities. To ensure optimum sustained yield of desirable forest produce and services consistent with other objectives as well as national and state forest policies. 4.2

Factor Influencing objects of Management The most significant damage causing to the forest is from fires, followed by

grazing and exotic weed lantana. Frost and drought also causing damages to the forest in some areas. The forests of this area are having 50% proportion of valuable species primarily like teak. The natural generation of teak and mixed forest is not up to the mark; seedlings and saplings are far short of the required numbers in some places. The attack of teak defoliator (Hyblaea puera) and the leaf skeletoniser (Eutectona macheralis) is another problem facing by the teak plantations and natural teak forest. Nearly half of the forest area of this division adjoins the Project Tiger Reserve; thereby require treatment in conformity with the Project Tiger Reserve for biodiversity conservation.

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Forest fires, through not heavy, are of common occurrence in the recent past, Due to highly combustible undergrowth consisting of dry grass and Lantana, a tiny spark can trigger off a conflagration in a short time. The high hot winds during summer combined with the hilly configuration enhance the spread of fire easily when it occurs and engulfs vast areas before it can be brought under control. By using the GIS layers prepared for the present study like transportation network, slope map, forest type map etc, a fire risk zone can be prepared for mitigating the problem. When integrating with collateral data like wind, the direction of the movement also can be predict by stimulation through a model. Bamboo is the most demanded forests produce in the division by local communities especially the Burads. The uncontrolled bamboo extraction and bamboo flowering has resulted in shrinking of bamboo areas in the division. The bamboo areas required special focus and treatment to reverse this trend. Excessive grazing and uncontrolled fires are the main adverse factors causing degradation of forests in the division. Uncontrolled grazing resulting in trampled regeneration and compact soils devoid of humus. The NWFPs species form a substantial proportion of the forest crop of which contributes substantially to the livelihood of local tribal communities. The forest areas rich in NWFPs require special thrust for their sustainable management and use in the interest of local communities by involving them through JFMCs. 4.3

Classification of the forest types The geographical distribution of specific vegetation and its spatial relationship

is one of the important aspects to be considered in the long-term management process. Vegetation type of an area has direct bearing on the practice of scientific forestry. Mapping and monitoring of forest cover is one of the foremost requirements for its planning, management and conservation. Vegetation maps provide a framework for forest resources and serve as a standard record of time for comparative study about a stand of vegetation in future.

Above all, it helps

considerably in designing the present and future management strategies. It becomes multipurpose and predicts more valuable information about the ecosystem when superimposed with soil and geological maps. In addition to this, vegetation maps help in locating sample stands, in enabling ecological and succession studies, in helping analytical research of plant communities and also realizing the status of Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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certain extinct species and to indicate information on endemic, endangered or threatened taxa. As per the classification of forest type of India by Champion and Seth, the forest of Akola Forest Division falls in Group5: “ Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest”. The forest type further belongs to Sub group 5A-“ Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests” which in the subtypes considerable local variation occur in the crop depending mainly upon edaphic factor, climate condition, topography, rainfall, frost treatment of the crop. The forest can be sub divided into the following local type. A)

Dry teak bearing forests-5A/C1


Dry mixed deciduous forests- 5A/C3


Boswellia Forests-5A/E2


Babul Forest- 5A/E3


Southern Thorn Forests type-6A/C1


Fodder Reserve with brush wood type –5D/S4

Some patches of forest constitute open and mixed patches of forest, which can be categorized into Southern Thorny Forest, type 6A/C1. Fodder Reserve with bushy woods is mainly grasslands and these can be classified into5D/S4.In this Division majority of forest area constitutes open and degraded forests except Patur and Alegaon and part of Karanja range adjoining to Pusad Division, which are having fairly good quality of forests. The site quality of the area is mainly IV B with some packets of site quality IV A interspersed in depressions and valleys. Site quality III is seldom noticed in few packets of Alegaon range. The natural regeneration of teak and its associates inadequate due to adverse edaphic, climatic and biotic factors. The natural regeneration in most of the places failed to establish due to combined impact of these factors. The understorey vegetation is not well defined and undergrowth is scanty except grasses in monsoon. A brief discussion regarding the forest types of the division is as under. 4.3.1 Dry Teak-bearing forests-5A/C1 In this type superior Teak forest are found which are confined to area crop, better rainfall, its soil condition and area of favorable climate condition. These forests are mainly occurring in valleys and gently sloping areas with Northern aspects.These forests are extended on the plateau surrounding the forest villages of Ambabarwa and Chunkhadi continuing upto Mangeri village in Ambaparwa reserve. The sites Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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quality varies from IV A to IV B. The crop condition is generally well on sheltered lower slopes of hills and valleys of alluvium soils. The crop density varies from 0.4 to 0.6 with some blank and under stocked patches. The Teak (Tectona grandis) is a dominating species, which constitute upto 80% in some of the patches. The crop with its natural associates of Ain (Terminalia alata), Dhawda (Anogeissus latifolia), Lendia (Lagerstroemia parviflora), Shiwan (Gmelina aoborea), Kalamb (Mitragyna parviflora), Telia, Shisham (Dalbergia latifolia), Bija (Pterocarpus marsupium) etc. The crop is mainly young to middle aged dominating with malformed crop. In some of the patches, the status of natural regeneration is satisfactory. The Sandal (Santalum album) trees are noticed in Chikalwal round and Narnala forest area. The status of natural regeneration of sandal is poor. Teak is the most dominating species and with its associates in this forest. Teak (Tectona grandis) is principal species and main associates are Dhawada (Anogeissus latifolia), Ain (Terminalia alata), Tiwas (Ougenia oogeinessis), Lendia (Lagerstroemia parviflora) and Tendu (Diospyrous melanoxylon). Some of the other associates are Satpudi (Dalbergia paniculata), Bhirra (Chloroxylon swietenia), Kalamb (Mitragyna parviflora), Rohan (Soymida febrifuga), Salai (Boswellia serrata), Semal (Bombax ceiba),








(Pterocarpus marsupium) and Bel (Aegle marmelos). The understorey consists of trees shrubs, grasses and climbers. The major tree species are Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Aonla (Emblica officinalis), Char (Buchanania lanzan), Dudhi (Wrightia tinctoria), Ghoti (Ziziphus xylocarpa), Palas (Butea monosperma), Dhaman (Grewia tiliaefolia), Moyen (Lannea grandis), Bartondi (Morinda tinctoria), Lokhandi (Ixora parviflora). Shrubs constitutes Bharati (Gymnosporia montana), Parijatak (Nyctanthes arbortristis), Mororphali (Helicteres isora), Dhayati (Woodfordia fructicosa), Rainmunia (Lantana camara), Tendu (Diospyrous melanoxylon) interspersed with grasses like Bhurbhusi (Eragrostis tenella), Kodmor (Apluda varia), Marvel (Dilabthium annulatus), Dub (Cynodon dactylon), Paonya (Ischoemum sulcatum).The major climbers seen in these forests are Palasvel (Butea superba), Mahul (Bauhinia vahlii), Pivervel (Combretum ovalifolium), Chilati (Acacia pinnata), Iruni (Ziziyphus oenoplia), Gunj (Abrus precatorious), Rankand (Dioscorea bulbifera), Randraksh (Vitex tenuifolia).

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4.3.2 Dry mixed deciduous forests-5A/C3 These forests formed as the most important common type, situated generally in dry exposed localities where the layer of soil is superficial and the soil moisture is low with heavy grazing and frequent fires. Majority of this forest conformed to site quality IV B however at a very few places it is found patches of site quality III And IV A, which are confined mostly in sheltered pockets, Nala banks and gentle slope plateau, where soils having a considerable depth. Teak occurs in gregarious patches forming 60 to 80% of over wood. At some places Salai becomes a dominating species and on exposed spurs Dhawada comes under Salai. On many sites of old cultivation and open area Palas, Ain, Lendia and thorny species appear first and Teak follows rapidly. The natural regeneration of teak is sporadic on lower gentle slopes and decreases along the steeper slopes and very sparse on hilltops. Most of the regeneration of teak is of coppice origin. Due to its endurance against fires and other damaging effects. Frequent trees of this forest are Salai (Boswellia serrata), Dhaora (Anogiesus latifolia), Aonla (Emblica officinalis), Palas (Butea monosperma), Ber (Ziziyphus jujuba), Ghont (Zizyphus xylopyra), Ain (Terminalia tomentosa), Ahl (Morinda tinctoria), Jamrasi (Elaeodendron glaucum), Khair (Acacia catechu), Hiwar (Acacia leucophloea) Achar (Buchnania latifolia), Tendu (Diospyrous melanoxylon), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Kalamb (Mitragyna parviflora), Gongal (Cochlospermum gassipium), Mahua (Madhuca latifolia), Moyen (Lannea grandis), and Behera (Terminalia bellerica). Koha (Terminalia arjuna) is common along most of the bigger nallas and streams. Other less common associates are (Ougenia



Bija (Pterocarpus marsupium), Tiwas





swietenioides), Kulu (Sterculia urens), Kusum (Schleichera oleosa). Reproduction of teak is often quite good and among other species Dhaora, Palas, Lendia, Ain and Kulu regenerate well. Teak and most other species coppice well. Undergrowth is not dense, except in moist valleys or along nala banks where Nirgudi (Vitex negundo), Marorphal (Helicteres isora), and Bhandar (Colebrookia oppositifolia), Bharati (Gymnosporia montana) are found patches. In dry localities Bharati (Gymnosporia montana), Chilati (Mimosa rubicaulis), stunted Khair (Acacia catechu) occurs, and at very few places Lantana (Lantana camara) and Kharasi (Byctanthes arobortristis) are found. The principal grasses are Sheda (Schima nervosum), Ghonad (Themeda quadrivalvis), Kusal (Heterpogan contortus), Rusa (Cymbopogon martini) and Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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Bhurbhusi (Eragrostis tenella). Common climbers are Chilati-choti (Acacia pennata), Malkangni (Celastrus paniculata), Piwarbel (Combretum decandrum), Negbel (Cryptolepis buchanani), Dudhi (Hemedesmus indicus), Dhimarbel (Ichnocarpus frutescens), Mahul (Bauhinia vahlii), Ironi (Zizyphus oenoplia).

4.3.3 Boswellia Forest- 5A/E2 This type of forest covers many reserves in Ambabarwa, Hamdari, Cidona, etc. It occurs almost as a pure crop on dry and exposed soils at mixture with a few scattered Khair, Rohan, Ghont, Chilati, etc. These forests are dominated by Salai and representing of degraded forests. The site quality of teak is IV B. In many areas Salai crop is mostly malformed and unsound. The reproduction Salai is fairly good whereas natural regeneration of Teak and other species is scanty. 4.3.4 Babul Forest- 5A/E3 Babul bans found in waterlogged areas in some of the broader valleys mainly of Morna reserve of Akola Range. In this area Babul bans are found along streams and nalas. Most of these forests are situated in the Payanghat however some scattered blocks of forests found on the Northern part of Balaghat plateau commonly known as Babul bans. Three main varieties of Babul have been identified – 1)Telia, 2) Kauria , 3) Ramkati.

Ramkati appears like broom with ascending cupressi

formed branches. This variety grows faster but occurs in sporadic form of forest and found adjoining to cultivations. Religious sentiment is attached against the felling of this variety. Both Telia and Kauria prefer deep moist soils. Telia variety grows faster and long-lived. Based on economical value Telia variety is considered as much superior for the purpose of timber used for various agricultural implements. The wood of telia variety is compact, closed grained, durable, and seasons well whereas timber of Kauria variety is coarse, brittle and seasons badly and cracks during the process and it is used rarely. Both the varieties have almost equal fuel value. Babul (Acacia nilotica) is a strong light demander and it is not a good coppicer, Karuia variety is much more susceptible to fungus attack. Majority of Babul bans consists of Kauria variety and floods along streams are disbursing seeds. The growth of Babul is good on deep soil and well-drained alluvium along the bank of Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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rivers and nalas. Kauria grows well on light black soil and poor on shallow and hard soils, slow stunted growth hardly achieve 20 feet in height. It germinates well and grows faster. Babul forest occurs almost pure. However, at places following species are found scattered in them: Apta (Bauhinia racemosa), Ahl (Morinda tinctoria), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Bahera (Terminalia belerica) rarely noticed, Chandan (Santalum album), Ghont (Zizyphus xylopyra), Lasora (Cordia myxa), Umber (Ficus glomerata), Chinch (Tamrindus indica), Jamun (Eugenia jambolana) along nala banks, Kawit or Kith (Feronia







parvifolia), Koha or Arjun (Terminalia arjuna), Lendia (Lagerstroemia parviflora), Maharukh (Ailanthus excelsa), Palas

(Butea monosperma ), Ain (Terminalia

tomentosa), Pakar (Ficus infectoria), Panjra (Erythrina suberosa), Lokhandi (Ixora parviflora), and Sitaphal (Anona squamosa). The undergrowth generally consists of Chilati (Mimosa rubicaulis), Ber (Ziziphus jujuba), Bharati (Gymnosporea montana), Nirgudi (Vitex negundo), Tarwad (Cassia auriculata), Tarota (Cassia tora), Pachara (Capparis grandis), Yelati (Dichrostachys cinerea), Takal (Clerodendron phlomoids) and a few herbs. The climbers are Chilati choti (Acacia pennata), Gunj (Abrus precatorius), Ironi (Zyzyphus oenoplia) Piwarbel (Combretum decandrum), Wassanbel (Cocculus vilosus), and Kanchkhuri (Mucuna pruriens). The common grasses found in this forest are Bhurbusi (Eragrostis tenella), Sheda (Ischaemum laxum), Ghonad (Anthistiria ciliata), Kunda (Ischaemum pilosum), Kushal (Andropogon contortus), Marvel (Dichanthium annulatum), Paunya (Ischeomum sulcatum), Tikhari (Cymbopogon martini), Harali (Cynodon dactylon), Kusli (Aristida funicalata), Musrut (Iseilma laxum), Nandbar (Panicum javanicum), Pakli (Apluda varia) and Seprut (Panicum isachme). 4.3.5 Southern Thorny Forest type –6A/C1 or open mixed forests These forests occur intermixed with te8ak. Teak occurs in strips of forests in areas adjoining to teak forest in all the large reserves. Dense patches of better quality mixed crop found along banks of watercourses. The site quality is very poor, IVB or lower abd are usually situated in soils varying from Murrum, light black cotton to deep black cotton soils. Common species are Palas, Dhawda, Amaltas, etc.

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4.4 Preparation of Treatment Types Preparation environmental



treatment protection

types of









characteristics of growing stock in the forest and forest produce utilization. Each compartment for the purpose of annual coupe operations and site specific silvicultural treatment have to be divided in to be various treatment types on the bases of the criteria, as given in the table 4.3. Delineation of various treatment type areas on treatment maps will adhere to the following general guideline. Table 4.1 Criteria applied for the generation of treatment types. Treatment Areas



Protection areas

A1-type A2-type A3-type B1-type

Area having more than 25 degree slope Twenty m. wide strip on both sides of stream Area susceptible to excessive erosion Open forests (density 0.4 to 0.10)


Blank or scrub forests (density < 0.10)


Pole crop of the identified valuable species, suitable for retention of the future crop, having density 0.4 or more and old plantation. Dense teak plantation. Areas having density 0.4 and over.

Open Forests Blank/Scrub Forests Pole crop & Old plantation

C2-type Well-stocked D-type Area

Minimu m patch Size Any size

2 hectare

1 hectare

2 hectare

4.4.1 Protection areas A1 - type Areas having 25 degree slope and more than a quarter hectare in extent have been classified as A1-type. This area has been estimated from the integrated coverage of slope, drainage buffer, density and forest types. Area, which is coming above 25o slope, categorized in to this type. The entire forest coming under this category will be protected from harvesting. A total area of 15789.26 ha is coming under this type. Area statistics of treatment types coming under each administrative units, range, round, beat and compartment, are given in the appendix 2. 4.4.2 Protection areas A2 - type Twenty meter on either side of the drainage is the basic criteria for this area. This area has been generated from the drainage cover by giving twenty meter buffer Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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region. Similar buffer of the A2-type areas has been generated along water body and tanks. Rivers or streams shown on the base map on the compartments digitized and updated using satellite image for generating the drainage cover. The entire forest coming under this category will be protected from harvesting. 6614.11 ha area is coming under this treatment type in Akola Forest Division. 4.4.3 Protection areas A3 - type The main objective of the generation of this category is to maintain and improve the soil cover of the areas as safeguard against further soil erosion. These areas have been generated from the soil erosion prone coverage prepared. A total area of 20053.01 ha is coming under this treatment type in Akola Forest Division. 4.4.4 Open Forest B1-type Area coming under open forest in the integrated cover excluding the protection areas is considered for this category. Distinct patches of the B type areas are having a minimum area of 2 hectare in extent. This criterion is applying for defining the B1 and B2 type. The delineation within B type needs ground truth collection in open forest. A total area of 11852.82 ha is coming under this treatment type in Akola Forest Division. 4.4.5 Forest blanks B2-type Area coming under forest blanks in the integrated cover excluding the protection areas is considered for this category. A total area of 20639.78 ha is coming under this treatment type in Akola Forest Division. 4.4.6 Well stocked areas D-type (Dense Forest) Area coming under dense forests in the integrated cover excluding the protection areas is considered for this category. Dense patches of the D type areas having minimum area of 2 hectare in extent. A total area of 7110.51 ha is coming under this treatment type in Akola Forest Division.

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Table 4.2 Distribution of treatment types in the ranges of Akola FD Range-name Akola Alegaon Alegon Barshitak Barshitakali Barshitakli Karanja Malegaon Manora Patur Washim 4.5

A1 A2 A3 A 1556.66 278.47 918.15 2753.23 5011.87 751.72 1629.68 7393.31 370.01 37.03 165.47 572.5 230.45 623.78 2589.81 3444.07 0 14.94 125.06 140 198.09 445.79 846.79 1490.64 936.11 938.02 3004.62 4878.7 1515.05 1141.99 3641.8 6298.81 2913.19 928.05 3799.21 7640.43 2858.33 917.7 1698.05 5474.02 199.65 536.75 1634.38 2370.73

B1 613.5 1215.55 32.16 1444.13 9.35 622.77 1386.42 1944.86 1294.63 2299.95 989.73

B2 1531.82 1368.13 90.59 3001.35 26.91 3784.2 3554.52 1921.24 2432.95 1400.47 1527.68

D 235.41 826.82 28.12 990.48 0.82 133.7 589.84 1700.21 637.71 1326.82 640.81

Working Circles There are 11 ranges, 34 rounds, 137 beats and 803 compartments in Akola

forest division. Treatment of each range, round, beat, compartment depends upon the requirement, situation & condition of forest, status of regeneration need of local people, availability of labor force, staff and resources. Depending upon object of management & method of treatment there are following working circle.  Selection Cum Improvement Working Circle (SCI)  Afforestation Working Circle (AWC)  Catchment Area Treatment Working Circle (CAT)  Babul ban Working Circle  Fodder Improvement Working Circle (FIWC)  Non-wood Forest Produce (overlapping) working Circle 4.5.1 Afforestation working circle Areas having sparse tree, open areas without tree growth and isolated small forest patches are including in the afforestation-working circle (AWC). In such areas the focus will be upon tending of existing rootstock supplemented by seeding, plantation wherever necessary. Involvement of local community is considered local for management of such areas as well as afforestation of open areas and isolated patches. The term afforestation includes reforestation and management of existing rootstock. This area marked out from the GIS layers by selecting areas coming under below 40 % crown density and not included in the protection areas A1, A2 and A3. Total area estimated for this working circle is 27067.60 ha. Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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4.5.2 Protection working circle / Catchment Area Treatment Working Circle The main objective of Catchment Area Working Circle Treatment Working Circle is to control siltation into irrigation, drinking water project, water bodies & reservoirs. Total area included in this working circle is about 9254.49 ha. Catchment Area Treatment includes soil & moisture conservation method, drainage treatment, and improvement of vegetation cover to prevent soil erosion and to check runoff in Catchment areas. 4.5.3 Selection-cum-Improvement working circle Compartment having sufficient dense tree cover and mature tree fit for harvesting with adequate regeneration are allotted to the to the selection-cum improvement working circle (SCI). This working circle is expected to produce firewood and timber. This area has been demarcated from the density coverage with limited ground truth information. Total area coming in this working circle is 30779.54 ha area, which belongs to A class forest.

4.5.4 Babul ban Working Circle Babul ban are situated in scattered patches. Principal species is babul (Acacia nilotica). Three varieties of babul have been identified – Telia, Kauria & Ramkati.Telia & Ramkati prefer deep moist soil & well-drained alluvium along river nalabank. Area included in Babul ban Working Circle is about 1962.59 ha.Babul bans are the result of artificial regeneration by agro-silvimethod.

4.5.5 Fodder Improvement Working Circle (FIWC) It includes portion of ‘A’ Class & ‘C’ Class Reserved Forest. The main objective is to create Grass Ramna’s and to provide fodder of improved quality & quantity to the cattle population. Total area included in this Working Circle is about 10039.37 ha. 4.5.6 Non-wood Forest Produce (overlapping) working Circle Areas of “Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) consists of goods of biological origin other than wood, derived from forests, other wooded land and trees outside forests." (FAO, 2000). The Main difference between NWFP and NTFP is that the NWFP excludes (in most cases) charcoal, fuel wood, construction materials (FAO, 2000). NWFPs such as honey, axle wood (Annogeissus latifolia) gum (Edible), Salai Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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(Boswellia serrata) and Kalai (Sterculia urens) gum (Non-Edible), Bamboo spp., Charoli (Buchnania lanzan), Mahua (Maduca longifolia) flowers, Tendu (Diospyrous melanoxylon) leaves, Palas (Butea monosperma) leaves, Bibba (Semecaredium occidentale), Harda (Terminalia bellerica), Behada (Terminalia chebula), Tamarind (Tamarindus indica), Aonla (Emblica officinalis), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Drumstick (Moringa oleifera), Bauhinia vahlii, (Dendrocalmus strictus) Bamboo, (Bambosa bambos) Katang Bamboo, Gulvel (Tinospora cordifolia), Murud Sheng (Helecteres isora), Safed –Musali (Chlorophytum borivilianum), yams and tubers are harvested in Akola Forest Division. 4.6 Suitability class assessment for each administrative unit Integrated layers of administrative boundaries, slope, drainage, forest type, density, soil, site quality and non-spatial data would help the managers for identifying suitable areas for site specific treatment and identifying the potentials & limitations of each compartments. A suitability map depicting potentials and limitations of each compartment was prepared for site-specific treatment in the division. The potential areas for plantations, afforestation, reforestation, meadow development, gap filing, tending,







trenches/discontinuous contour trenches, etc were generated by modeling in GIS by the guidelines given for the working plan preparation of Maharashtra.


Forest Management Information System The entire operational procedure for generating inputs to working plans

through remote sensing based inventory sampling and analysis could be automated in a GIS. The plot wise estimates of volume, basal area and frequency according to type/cover stratum it belongs to, could be integrated and estimated in a bottom-up manner from a stratum, compartment, beat, round, range and thereby to the divisional level with appropriate extrapolation procedures. Essentially, GIS reduces cumbersome aspects of area estimation under different hierarchical level and enhances the fidelity of the data while preserving accuracy and case in computation. A good query, processing and analysis system would be able to efficiently perform once the above-mentioned methodologies are systematically followed in creating a comprehensive database. Integrated layers of administrative boundaries, slope, drainage, forest type, density, soil, site quality and spatial data for Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

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infrastructure would assist the managers for identifying suitable areas for site specific treatment. The above mentioned integration of management information system (MIS) and GIS is not only a powerful planning tool for the working plan officer but these digital databases are very potent decision support and monitoring tools for the implementing managers in the real time mode also. In the GIS environment they can make innumerable queries to find answers to their day-to-day management questions. Table 4.3. Criteria applied for generating suitability classes No Suitability class



Teak Plantation



Areas having less than 10% crown density with very deep soil depth (> 25 cm), loamy soil texture and a minimum area of 5 ha, excluding protection areas (A1, A2 and A3) Areas having less than 10% crown density with very deep soil depth (> 25 cm) and a minimum area of 5 ha, excluding protection areas A1, A2 and A3 Areas having less than 10% crown density with shallow to moderately deep soil depth (10 to 25 cm) excluding protection areas A1, A2 and A3 Areas of forest blanks, scrubs with shallow to very shallow soil cover in 1 km periphery of settlements A2 areas

Plantation 3

Afforestation / Reforestation


Fodder Improvement


Bamboo Plantation Seeding Non-Timber forest produce Enrichment planting / gap filling

6 7


Tending and selection felling Cement / massionary dam Percolation tanks


Protection areas

8 9

Forest blanks associated with shallow to very shallow soil cover and slope upto 5% Compartments having less regeneration in which areas of 10–40% crown density excluding protection areas A1, A2 and A3 Compartments having greater than 40% crown density excluding protection areas A1, A2 and A3 A2 Protection areas having below 20 slope Areas having below 20 slope associated with forest blanks Areas coming under protection areas A1, A2 and A3

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


RS & GIS inputs for Working plan preparation of Akola Forest Division, Maharashtra

References Rama Krishna Rao G, (2009). Working Plan for Akola Forest Division, Yavatmal forest circle, Volume –I, 2009 to 2018-19, pages-423 Tewari, D. N. (1992). A monograph on Teak (Tectona grandis Lin.) Anon.(1992). Forest Law, The Union of Myanmar , Anon. 1993.Forestry Fact Sheets. Forest Resources Division , Forest Department, Myanmar. Brandis , D.(1896).The Burna Teak Forest , Garden and Forest Vol IX Bryant, R.L. (1993). Contesting the resources; the politics of forest management in Colonica Burma (Ph.D. Thesis). Haig L.T. Huberman ,M. A. and U Aung Din .1958. Tropical Silviculture, 1.FAO. 68-78 Kermode , C.W.D. (1964). Some aspects of Silviculture in Burma. Central Press Rangoon. Kermode, CW.D. (2006). Teak, Tropical Silviculture Vol.II, FAO, Rome. Pp. 108178. Stebbing ,E.P.(1947). The Teak forests of Burma, Nature, Vol. 160. Tint, K. and Schneider,T.W. (1980). Dynamic growth and yield models for Burma Teak, Hamburg University. FRG. Traver,G. Champion, H.G (1938). Manual of Indian Silviculture.Oxford University Press. Thwin ,B. and Han, S. (1991). Management of Teak and hardwoods stands for sustainable production.

Forest Department (WP), Maharashtra

RRSC - Nagpur


Appendix - 1 Akola Forest Division - Treatment types and Preponderence in compartment (ha) Comprtment 390 393 393a B100 B101 B102 B103 B104 B105 B106 B107 B108 B109 B110 B111 B112 B88 B89 B90 B91 B93 B94 B96 B97 B98 B99 C63 C64 C65 B116 B119 B121 B122 B123 B124 B125 B126 B127 B128 B129 B130 B131 B132 B133 B134 B135 B136 B137 B138 B139 C16 C17 C18 C19 C66 C86 386 B39


A2 23.36 0.39 11.07

A3 363.66

0.76 2.15 0.82 0.28 0.32

0.48 0.82 0.21 2.92 0.84 2.40 0.70 0.18

0.99 1.60 0.16 1.29 0.96 0.11

2.72 0.14 0.07 0.40

0.84 1.24 0.01

0.48 0.46

1.87 0.03 0.44


2.42 2.93 0.00

0.08 0.44 0.18 0.26 1.48 1.35 1.25 2.33

15.28 1.71 3.71 0.69

3.33 7.83 3.77 8.86

8.36 23.42 8.78

A 387.02 0.39 11.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 2.15 0.82 0.28 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.82 0.00 0.21 2.92 0.00 0.84 2.40 0.70 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.60 0.68 1.29 0.96 0.11 0.00 1.87 5.17 3.52 0.08 0.48 0.44 0.18 3.33 8.92 6.48 10.22 1.25 2.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.64 25.12 3.71 9.95 0.46

B1 16.34 1.56 9.37 0 0.28 0.37 1.28 1.08 2.82 1.09 0.15 0.03 0 0 2.17 0.67 1.89 0.74 0.22 1.16 0.16 0.38 0.52 0.45 0.10 0 0.65 2.39 2.47 0.17 7.50 7.19 1.60 4.31 1.17 4.37 0.25 0.49 1.61 10.84 1.08 1.23 0.88 2.27 0.07 0 0.17 1.68 4.02 0.61 0.00 0.00 0 55.43 0.93 3.39 0 0

B2 19.40 9.77 14.73 4.99 3.93 7.65 3.55 1.76 1.04 6.84 8.42 9.31 3.77 3.75 0.48 3.24 2.21 0.01 1.55 2.01 0 0.45 0 5.73 0 5.43 6.79 3.80 3.65 7.15 2.48 6.24 2.44 3.35 3.98 3.23 0.26 0.36 0.38 1.39 0 0.23 0 1.11 0.08 0.00 0.00 0 0.88 0.00 26.17 14.74 9.55 179.86 28.36 39.68 0.02 3.80

D TOTAL 10.81 433.58 0 11.72 38.50 73.67 0 4.99 0.06 4.27 0 8.02 0.03 4.86 0.84 4.45 1.42 7.43 0 8.75 0 8.84 0 9.66 0 3.77 0 3.75 0.44 3.57 0.21 4.94 0 4.10 7.12 8.08 3.00 7.67 0.12 3.28 6.21 7.21 3.26 6.50 0.38 1.61 0.18 6.36 5.38 5.66 2.66 8.08 0 7.44 0.63 6.83 1.12 8.23 0 8.93 0.49 11.14 0.00 14.72 0.00 5.00 0.01 7.78 0 5.16 0.70 10.17 0.27 5.96 0.08 4.44 0 2.06 2.48 15.19 1.07 2.59 0.63 2.27 0 4.22 1.97 14.27 0.02 6.66 0 10.23 5.86 7.28 4.26 8.27 2.13 7.02 4.59 5.20 0.00 26.17 0 14.74 0 9.55 7.98 266.90 0.03 54.45 0.00 46.77 0 9.98 0 4.25

Prepond. A B2 D B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 D D B2 D D A B2 D B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 A A B1 B1 B1 B1 A A A A D D B1 D B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A B2 63

Comprtment B40 B41 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B50 B51 B52 B53 B56 B58 B60 B61 B62 B63 B63a B64 B65 B66 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79 B80 B81 B84 B86 B87 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B3 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34

A1 0.21



0.97 1.87 0.73 0.04 0.24

1.31 5.61

2.99 1.20

2.45 0.05 0.22

1.48 0.05 0.91 2.25 0.11

0.62 0.56 1.08

15.85 8.60 13.12 9.44 13.74 6.35 1.08 5.80 6.74 18.94 9.20 6.94 14.15 10.76 3.53 12.29 8.25 4.21 5.64 10.09 5.08 3.32 2.09 2.86


1.44 1.14


A 0.21 0.97 1.87 0.73 0.04 1.55 5.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.84 9.80 13.12 9.44 13.74 6.35 1.08 5.80 6.74 18.94 9.20 6.94 14.15 10.76 3.53 12.29 10.70 4.26 5.86 10.09 5.08 4.80 2.13 3.78 2.25 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.56 1.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.44 1.14 0.00 0.00 1.67 0.00

B1 0 0 0 0 0 0.18 0 7.10 7.19 7.02 5.64 7.84 23.17 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.33 1.86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 1.55 2.25 0 2.03 0 0.00 0.37 1.11 0.18 3.57 3.04 2.05 0.61 0 4.11 1.24 0.47 0.21 0 1.00 1.71 0.29 1.93 6.19 1.75 0 0.85 1.05 0 0

B2 11.59 6.95 6.63 2.95 3.56 6.71 0 7.79 6.95 7.33 5.93 9.05 31.99 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 1.48 0.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.43 0 2.36 0 10.56 1.10 0.40 0.68 3.54 2.33 1.84 0.25 2.96 4.71 3.09 2.12 0.27 2.28 3.88 1.19 0.54 8.27 2.79 4.45 13.08 9.30 2.55 4.75 4.91

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.72 0 1.21 1.44 1.11 6.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0 0 0.47 0 0 0.00 0.07 0 2.48 1.22 7.12 0.05 0.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 11.80 7.92 8.50 3.68 3.60 8.43 5.61 15.61 14.15 15.56 13.01 36.83 71.24 13.12 9.44 13.75 6.35 1.08 5.80 10.55 21.37 9.20 6.94 14.15 10.76 3.53 12.29 10.70 4.26 5.86 11.68 7.76 4.80 6.99 3.78 12.81 1.58 1.58 0.86 9.59 6.58 11.62 1.46 4.72 8.83 4.33 2.59 0.48 2.28 4.87 2.90 0.82 10.20 8.98 7.63 14.22 10.15 3.59 6.42 4.91

Prepond. B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A B2 B1 B2 B2 A B2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B2 A B2 B2 B1 B2 B1 B1 D B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 64

Comprtment B35 B36 B37 B38 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C1 162a 162b B10 B9 C4 170 170b C3 162c 163a 163b 164 165 166 167 168 169 CA5 403 B142 B143 B145 B175 B176 B177 B178 B179 B180 B181 B182 B183 408 B160 B161 B162 B163 B164 B165 B166 B167 B168 B168a B169 B170 B171 B194 B150 B151 B152 B153




0.52 0.00 0.93 1.97

35.65 66.86 11.99 0.01 6.17 166.35 2.67 16.34 125.51 27.64 245.88 126.63 149.44 126.05 270.93 140.30 10.14

1.19 41.90 7.62 0.79 1.05 16.96 44.31 1.60 0.08 5.50 0.15 9.60

62.29 21.63 7.78

19.87 2.20 0.43 17.91 39.50

4.60 1.52 2.42 2.67 1.18

1.58 5.57 2.98 4.51



6.22 1.07

7.29 0.81 0.56 1.82 0.40 0.46 0.72 0.23 1.27 0.51 0.96 3.75 0.82 0.09 2.40 0.20

3.50 3.36


0.58 4.09

7.48 3.69 5.23 6.01

A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.93 1.97 0.00 1.19 139.84 96.10 20.57 1.05 0.01 23.13 230.53 6.47 16.84 23.42 125.66 76.73 245.88 126.63 149.44 130.65 270.93 143.40 2.42 18.38 4.16 4.51 0.00 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.29 7.03 1.65 4.64 1.82 0.40 0.46 0.72 0.23 1.27 0.51 0.96 3.75 0.82 0.09 9.88 3.89 8.72 9.37

B1 0.47 0 0 4.17 1.44 3.00 1.48 6.58 1.60 1.05 6.51 1.60 1.43 4.48 38.07 59.55 2.43 47.10 9.32 0.66 4.15 0 0 0 6.47 0 1.84 16.67 8.83 0.62 2.27 0.01 3.64 3.65 1.33 0.62 1.67 2.74 1.31 0.95 2.49 47.30 0.97 0.03 0.67 0.61 1.67 2.90 2.28 0.69 3.84 0.20 6.57 0.63 0.25 4.10 2.26 0.46 0.08 0.07

B2 2.13 7.19 9.07 3.57 2.85 8.64 3.37 1.94 0.62 156.31 15.01 3.79 5.41 5.91 94.02 183.60 0.90 15.97 13.11 1.69 6.90 0 0 0 26.07 0 1.95 29.84 25.46 0.16 1.08 0.79 6.56 1.53 0.30 0.45 4.44 3.51 7.78 3.78 5.08 131.11 1.05 0.07 0.04 0.49 0.24 1.25 0.40 2.26 2.04 0.63 3.95 0.74 0 1.04 1.18 0.65 0.30 0.20

D 0 0 0 6.33 0.16 0.40 0.26 1.24 0.77 0 0.54 0 0.00 0.02 4.37 7.04 0.11 0.90 0.31 0 0.39 0 0 0 0.12 0 0.23 1.81 3.49 0.55 0.01 3.98 0.19 0 4.58 2.15 0 0 0 0 0 10.66 5.22 0.25 0.92 3.22 0.57 0 2.75 1.01 0.39 1.04 4.02 10.94 2.56 0 0.00 0 0.38 0.17

TOTAL 2.60 7.19 9.07 14.58 4.45 12.97 7.07 9.76 4.19 297.20 118.16 25.95 7.89 10.42 159.58 480.72 9.91 80.81 46.15 128.01 88.17 245.88 126.63 149.44 163.32 270.93 147.41 50.73 56.16 5.49 7.85 4.78 12.59 5.17 6.21 3.36 6.11 6.25 9.09 4.73 7.58 196.35 14.27 2.00 6.27 6.13 2.87 4.62 6.16 4.19 7.53 2.38 15.49 16.06 3.64 5.23 13.33 5.00 9.49 9.80

Prepond. B2 B2 B2 D B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 B2 A A B2 B2 B2 A A B1 A A A A A A A A A B2 B2 A A D B2 B1 D D B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A A D B1 B1 D B2 B1 D B1 D D B1 A A A A 65

Comprtment B154 B155 B156 B157 B158 B172 B173 B174 C2 CA2 CA3 CA4 17 18 58cl C278 C162 58 59 C201 60 C276 20 21 22 19 13a 14a 13b 14b 12a 6 7 12b 11 15 16 2 C204 3 C205 4 5 8 9 31 32 25 33 34 23 24 24b C206 26 27 28 C202 C203 C221

A1 1.09 0.14 0.28 2.30 0.34

A2 0.57 0.57

A3 12.40 9.59 15.87

1.26 3.28 0.88 0.70 24.20

130.25 139.11 1.33 62.71 0.09 114.56 155.08 177.90 97.50 207.34 131.04 61.00 86.94 73.49 172.18 22.66 22.99 47.30 174.46 210.58 23.65 151.48 144.64 194.30 92.93 154.78 51.45 75.95 202.21 106.31 87.87 119.40 227.67 236.80 212.02 171.96 176.83 6.74 5.30 109.95 67.36 74.44


0.07 0.87 14.56 6.69 0.71 30.93 23.03 4.94 2.91 15.79 0.37 9.69 22.19 34.56 24.72 17.40 20.88 1.23 12.78 19.92 16.51 11.94 33.01 18.83 24.01 27.62 5.47 36.09 1.18 29.11 8.88 11.85 18.17 27.19 37.37 16.35 7.08 8.42 29.79 4.04 9.04 1.77 6.75 12.29 16.74 3.47 4.18 0.28

134.17 32.22 3.24 31.76 65.86

45.31 5.61 7.11 48.92 89.21 66.75 31.89 56.60 22.37 58.17 31.02 8.24 64.72 39.25 104.72 37.21 50.28 1.36 9.41 27.38 76.30 47.83 28.21 81.18 1.25 11.89 104.68 27.25 8.04 0.01 14.94 20.50 14.06

A 13.49 10.15 16.58 0.28 3.56 3.62 0.00 0.88 0.70 24.20 0.07 0.87 278.98 178.01 5.28 125.41 0.09 203.44 160.02 2.91 239.01 103.48 224.13 202.15 184.78 178.41 122.77 249.66 23.90 58.14 125.39 222.00 230.77 23.65 249.21 202.73 323.03 157.77 5.47 241.15 1.18 81.93 94.23 241.44 200.78 162.89 184.98 325.20 245.13 232.33 306.43 208.12 23.83 7.08 131.63 100.15 105.24 3.47 4.18 0.89

B1 1.16 1.26 6.61 3.02 0 0.14 5.46 6.31 0.12 0 1.21 2.93 10.77 16.58 3.78 18.50 0.06 68.13 19.78 5.74 25.70 1.84 14.63 26.76 90.55 25.11 45.21 32.41 0.93 10.35 39.68 34.25 22.15 0 20.67 15.37 8.69 41.16 12.30 41.81 1.82 68.19 12.91 8.94 22.90 68.23 82.37 13.36 19.83 14.01 30.65 8.11 29.64 0.16 13.31 17.35 41.24 23.62 12.13 0.13

B2 0.49 0.05 1.49 0.06 0.24 0.02 6.03 3.49 7.53 0.01 8.24 21.63 13.36 10.92 0.07 254.19 1.55 16.95 10.41 17.21 11.58 1.10 5.33 7.09 19.46 16.42 20.09 3.67 2.82 8.05 23.04 8.05 10.15 0 5.76 6.43 0.74 56.03 76.34 61.88 12.13 90.25 12.14 1.42 17.01 12.42 8.77 1.88 6.03 4.50 6.25 10.83 80.37 32.99 23.62 18.51 35.32 12.67 71.67 0.05

D TOTAL 0.08 15.21 0.36 11.82 0.96 25.63 8.86 12.23 2.08 5.87 0 3.78 0 11.49 0.16 10.84 0 8.35 0 24.21 0 9.51 1.23 26.66 7.62 310.73 9.42 214.93 1.61 10.74 8.21 406.30 1.32 3.01 43.64 332.15 9.49 199.69 0 25.86 8.17 284.45 2.76 109.18 22.84 266.92 16.46 252.46 26.68 321.47 31.08 251.02 15.13 203.20 54.39 340.13 0.44 28.09 9.75 86.28 17.87 205.98 10.35 274.65 11.02 274.08 0 23.65 44.22 319.86 25.94 250.47 16.93 349.39 45.13 300.08 0 94.11 35.17 380.01 0.18 15.31 46.29 286.66 18.97 138.25 7.60 259.40 23.22 263.91 14.41 257.96 74.11 350.24 25.44 365.88 11.68 282.66 17.90 268.75 48.67 392.00 5.98 233.03 12.88 146.72 0.61 40.84 3.93 172.50 11.16 147.17 6.08 187.88 3.88 43.64 0 87.98 0.46 1.54

Prepond. A A A D A A B2 B1 B2 A B2 B2 A A A B2 B2 A A B2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B2 A B2 B2 A A A A A A A A A A B2 B2 A A A B1 B2 A 66

Comprtment C222 C223 C224 C225 C277 29 29cl 30 10 1 C279 C280 133 134 398 391 392 399 84 87 131 132 80 81 82 83 C251 C252 C253 85 128A 128B 129 129B 130 123 124 125 126 93 95 127 88 135 136 394 395 396 397 CA1 C67 C68 C70 C71 C73 B113 B114 B115 B117 B118


3.74 104.69 0.52 119.76 214.75 155.26

1.33 17.45

1.13 4.13

59.52 0.58

1.97 10.93 10.32 28.71 7.34 5.23 4.02 25.24 0.44 30.94 18.44


2.43 52.73

A2 0.73 0.76 13.53 1.95 18.03 3.27 22.72 1.33 25.49 3.16 7.05 28.61 35.76 3.35 41.62 2.91 14.59 21.41 16.72 19.68 33.21 17.28 14.38 8.04 22.80 3.54 0.35 20.45 3.75 17.81 13.74 3.74 23.24 26.60 34.07 31.14 22.68 24.20 13.01 28.21 14.36 13.27 22.15 9.46 6.67 8.36 2.62 14.94 7.50 7.62 7.18 3.38 4.17 0.41


3.50 33.06 16.59 67.61 0.07 82.35 83.05 186.51 13.29 98.06

147.17 27.05 104.22 83.69 79.14 35.27 1.11 89.44

126.58 1.55 26.09 50.77 26.75 146.88 95.30 239.80 285.00 105.78 165.45 78.93 103.35 120.32 22.25 130.06

125.06 77.69 24.15


A 0.73 0.76 0.00 13.53 9.18 155.78 20.38 210.10 216.15 263.09 3.16 90.10 216.45 66.50 3.35 139.68 2.91 15.72 168.59 47.91 123.90 116.90 96.42 109.17 9.74 112.24 0.00 5.51 11.28 157.35 34.01 51.23 69.74 30.48 174.14 147.14 274.32 347.08 128.46 208.09 91.94 131.56 134.68 35.52 152.52 9.46 6.67 8.36 5.05 140.00 137.92 31.77 7.18 3.38 5.23 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

B1 0.78 0.10 0 1.61 0.80 36.38 0 34.07 2.97 28.86 0.28 0.05 20.09 67.54 5.25 87.65 13.09 31.59 33.66 55.52 41.69 59.07 107.90 46.55 49.81 47.17 4.47 1.42 0.23 67.17 37.02 20.31 53.49 9.99 77.48 99.01 33.56 30.52 38.34 43.33 31.63 71.68 34.18 24.61 3.07 9.02 63.50 9.49 14.03 9.35 0.98 12.00 2.44 0.41 7.14 0 0.80 0.30 0 0.44

B2 9.14 1.90 12.25 158.47 0.47 19.87 0 38.51 4.95 57.40 22.34 5.90 91.57 295.33 58.10 254.78 44.55 241.13 53.56 61.03 51.06 222.62 98.70 66.75 163.40 139.88 31.25 18.09 17.70 175.16 35.37 24.39 74.70 2.66 83.84 78.17 27.20 25.13 19.59 23.82 28.06 55.10 56.99 54.08 74.43 72.56 37.47 64.44 78.69 26.91 13.14 60.98 44.62 37.43 73.81 2.55 3.14 6.56 6.60 11.89

D 0 0.02 0 0 0.89 11.76 0 5.06 6.75 21.37 0 0 5.69 20.83 0.82 15.13 2.39 13.68 16.99 69.96 28.72 11.87 100.37 50.59 48.74 42.19 0.10 0.59 0 45.72 28.36 71.54 42.52 14.33 52.33 64.06 32.91 7.30 37.27 22.56 26.91 88.49 21.61 2.01 0.01 0 3.03 0.45 0.41 0.82 0.92 1.12 0.12 0 1.18 0 0 0 0 0.44

TOTAL 10.66 2.78 12.25 173.60 11.35 223.79 20.38 287.74 230.82 370.73 25.78 96.05 333.80 450.20 67.51 497.24 62.93 302.12 272.79 234.42 245.38 410.47 403.38 273.06 271.69 341.48 35.82 25.60 29.21 445.40 134.76 167.47 240.45 57.46 387.79 388.38 368.00 410.02 223.66 297.79 178.54 346.82 247.47 116.21 230.02 91.04 110.67 82.73 98.18 177.08 152.97 105.86 54.35 41.22 87.36 2.96 3.94 6.86 6.60 12.77

Prepond. B2 B2 B2 B2 A A A A A A B2 A A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A D A B2 B1 A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 D B2 A A A A A A A A A A B2 A B2 B1 B2 B2 A A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 67

Comprtment C211 C72 C79 C83 C84 C85 C81 C82 C212 C171 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C69 C78 C80 C87 C5 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C20 C21 C6 C7 C8 C9 C208 C209 C210 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C43 C44 C53 C56 C58 C59 C60 C22 C23 C24 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36




6.15 19.55

0.01 9.83



19.13 32.85 8.65


3.77 0.12

2.02 0.39 1.66



9.57 7.27

9.16 6.20 0.01 7.59 5.24 18.14 3.59 6.69 5.79 9.29 9.64 13.50 5.14 1.55 4.94 0.00 0.43 6.21

1.31 9.63 9.78 0.26 1.90 5.95 20.73 2.12 29.42 2.44 1.19 1.70 13.92 0.00 2.54 8.86 2.17 16.02 0.02 0.75 1.78 19.01 1.09 16.67 0.52 1.79 10.15 8.48 13.80 12.24 6.74 4.88 3.03 9.22 2.01 1.71

52.67 65.44

10.63 18.84 19.81 128.43 44.52 5.54

0.05 6.37 2.70 6.80 9.78


2.35 2.50

82.74 2.59 0.36 8.16


A 0.00 6.15 19.55 0.00 9.16 6.20 0.01 7.59 57.91 83.59 3.59 16.51 16.42 28.13 29.44 141.93 57.76 1.55 10.47 0.00 2.21 6.21 0.00 0.00 1.36 35.13 45.33 15.71 11.68 5.95 29.18 20.92 29.42 2.44 1.19 1.70 20.04 2.50 2.66 8.86 2.17 18.03 0.02 1.13 3.45 101.75 1.09 23.63 0.87 9.95 36.07 8.48 170.20 21.81 14.02 4.88 3.03 9.22 2.01 1.71

B1 0.51 2.23 11.81 0.18 8.95 1.35 0.21 3.13 7.90 48.14 7.78 4.58 6.93 8.74 3.54 7.70 1.24 0.73 1.15 2.01 1.34 26.72 0.10 0.40 0.81 14.62 2.00 15.67 2.58 2.99 35.60 12.04 33.15 6.75 0.72 2.03 32.02 0.42 1.85 17.84 7.57 43.52 0.29 1.89 4.69 18.45 2.11 7.31 0.47 2.84 9.54 44.80 1.00 5.93 13.31 3.53 2.52 34.87 3.77 4.03

B2 0.57 70.47 234.55 1.96 78.57 98.77 10.52 101.93 27.02 14.32 18.86 40.78 23.42 5.41 22.62 26.61 10.14 7.51 68.13 2.02 2.70 37.17 7.26 66.55 25.40 131.15 97.45 46.08 15.38 163.48 187.72 120.59 260.21 67.60 76.43 4.99 65.20 0.47 76.94 74.63 1.62 178.81 5.45 0.00 18.87 115.00 2.49 162.71 5.82 4.31 81.67 43.35 18.11 78.42 18.53 19.53 37.21 55.23 13.95 10.72

D TOTAL 0.06 1.15 0.01 78.85 0.42 266.32 1.71 3.85 1.54 98.22 0.35 106.68 0 10.75 0 112.65 1.27 94.10 12.32 158.38 4.00 34.23 0.39 62.26 0.04 46.80 1.04 43.32 1.00 56.61 0.13 176.36 0 69.15 0 9.78 0.26 80.02 0.26 4.30 0.21 6.46 8.14 78.23 0 7.36 0 66.94 0.00 27.57 2.81 183.70 0.21 144.98 0.00 77.46 0.10 29.74 0.06 172.48 10.43 262.93 3.93 157.48 2.31 325.09 0.58 77.36 0.00 78.35 0.38 9.09 1.79 119.05 0 3.40 0 81.44 4.36 105.69 1.42 12.78 1.02 241.38 0 5.77 5.14 8.16 0.56 27.57 1.39 236.60 0.07 5.76 0.32 193.97 0 7.16 0 17.10 0.94 128.21 24.63 121.27 1.06 190.37 1.85 108.01 3.57 49.43 1.09 29.03 0.00 42.75 3.29 102.61 0 19.72 0.14 16.60

Prepond. B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A B2 B2 B2 A A A A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 D B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A B2 B1 A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 68

Comprtment C37 C38 C39 C42 C74 C75 C76 C77 114 115 407 409 410 411 411a 414 B192 B193 B203 412 412a 425 426 B252 B253 B255 B256 B257 B258 B259 B260 B261 B262 B263 B264 B265 B266 B267 B268 B268a B269 B270 B271 B272 B273 B274 B275 B276 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C159 418 B206




A2 0.16 11.65 3.57 1.37 2.53 8.35 4.74 0.52 24.32 25.50 0.09 0.71 0.72 1.61


0.33 0.09




1.35 2.87 23.77


1.89 11.79 2.73 5.86 1.52 2.75 0.43

5.94 0.46 1.22 0.20

0.02 2.06


12.98 85.43

41.86 80.51

197.55 2.46 3.84 6.48

0.02 0.08 0.94 1.37 0.00 0.68 0.22

2.29 2.95 1.91


0.09 0.09 0.73 0.85

2.78 0.00 1.97 0.75 0.91 1.11 0.74 22.38 14.42 6.01 13.41 1.40 1.28 3.75 10.02 1.79 9.62 9.77


0.29 2.62


18.86 108.65 4.45 40.15 100.91

A 0.16 11.65 3.57 1.37 15.51 95.26 4.74 0.52 68.46 106.01 0.09 0.71 0.72 1.61 0.00 0.33 0.11 0.00 1.89 0.00 7.00 2.87 229.41 2.46 3.84 1.91 20.33 2.73 5.86 1.54 2.75 0.51 0.94 1.37 5.94 3.43 4.39 2.11 1.77 0.29 5.40 0.09 2.07 1.48 1.76 0.00 1.11 0.74 22.38 14.42 6.01 34.13 1.40 1.28 22.61 118.67 6.23 49.78 110.68 16.44

B1 1.01 19.01 1.97 2.11 5.39 6.36 9.64 1.87 89.09 121.29 1.00 2.53 3.26 2.20 3.74 6.84 0.01 0.18 2.69 2.63 1.72 1.14 15.23 1.05 0.39 0.68 0.56 0.19 0.24 2.55 0 1.06 1.37 0.04 0 0.08 3.11 3.08 0.33 4.90 5.10 1.36 0.55 0.03 0 4.17 7.27 3.79 37.56 7.82 7.81 9.18 0 1.98 2.31 0.63 0.33 19.68 8.21 0

B2 10.24 118.91 10.87 1.42 54.51 46.73 16.26 1.16 74.11 31.45 64.71 5.63 4.97 0.64 13.27 6.32 0.00 0.15 0.10 4.60 7.23 16.67 68.60 0.62 0.20 2.92 2.09 1.05 3.61 5.86 0.81 5.84 5.11 3.32 2.83 0.28 0.23 1.21 0.04 3.16 1.09 0.00 0.01 0 0.17 0.28 1.21 0.04 77.48 168.46 23.03 92.87 4.19 4.91 13.05 35.15 11.18 10.99 11.77 0

D TOTAL 0.19 11.61 5.87 155.44 0.35 16.76 0 4.89 0.14 75.56 0.30 148.65 15.58 46.22 0.89 4.44 22.68 254.34 69.61 328.36 0.28 66.08 0.51 9.38 2.00 10.95 2.80 7.25 0.00 17.02 0.44 13.93 3.34 3.46 2.84 3.18 4.77 9.45 0 7.23 6.41 22.35 0 20.69 3.68 316.92 0 4.13 0.01 4.43 0 5.51 0.45 23.43 0 3.98 0 9.71 0 9.95 0 3.56 0 7.41 0 7.42 0 4.73 0 8.77 0 3.79 0.89 8.62 0.40 6.80 2.29 4.42 0.69 9.04 1.63 13.22 3.84 5.30 1.88 4.51 2.08 3.60 9.36 11.28 4.64 9.08 3.03 12.63 0.37 4.95 3.12 140.54 0.36 191.07 1.42 38.26 1.50 137.68 0 5.59 0.21 8.38 0.19 38.16 0.01 154.46 0 17.74 18.36 98.81 3.99 134.65 0 16.44

Prepond. B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 A B2 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 D B2 B1 D D D B2 B2 B2 A A A B2 A A A B2 A B2 B2 B2 A A A B1 D B1 A D A D D D B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A B2 A A A 69

Comprtment B207 B208 B209 B210 B211 B212 B213 B215 B216 B217 B218 B219 B220 B221 B222 B223 B224 B225 B226 C166 C213 C88 422 424 C110 C111 C112 C113 C119 C164 C165 404 405 406 B204 B205 426cl 427cl1 427cl2 137 C173 C174 C217 430 431 432 433 434 C152 C153 C154 C155 C156 C157 117 118 119 120 121a 121B

A1 9.28 7.59 3.60 5.88 2.79 4.83

3.05 1.93 0.01 2.74 0.36 0.70 19.36 0.37 15.22 1.95 8.01

6.05 8.20





0.30 1.19 0.16 1.41 0.48 2.80 1.00 0.03 1.26 0.97

0.06 3.46


1.46 1.81 0.61 12.44 0.38 1.90 17.36 10.19 3.78 1.67 0.27 10.83 0.89 8.12 4.51 3.78


9.08 57.29

3.34 2.34 3.25 24.27 28.43 3.72

3.39 0.84 0.10

7.55 29.02

52.28 5.94 14.87 26.63 2.64

56.97 50.72 84.88 1.40

0.26 1.58 1.96 108.21 142.43 175.51 43.95 16.05 38.12 60.90 30.62 6.35 5.81 8.00

5.21 7.53 23.90 16.28 13.42 40.72 35.41 62.21 45.48 12.17 5.69


72.04 16.04 54.65 8.39 97.76 211.62 177.17 249.98

A 9.28 7.59 8.98 5.88 2.85 8.58 1.19 0.16 1.41 0.48 2.80 7.93 0.03 4.31 2.90 0.01 4.19 0.36 2.50 40.86 12.44 0.75 10.98 89.87 12.14 3.78 9.68 3.61 10.83 3.23 3.25 38.44 32.94 15.69 0.00 10.94 29.86 0.10 0.00 109.25 6.01 65.59 111.51 2.64 1.40 0.26 35.41 1.96 0.00 185.46 166.00 254.07 68.62 127.23 290.46 273.48 342.81 51.84 17.98 13.69

B1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.35 0.22 0.89 0.75 3.61 2.06 3.49 2.64 0.45 0.18 1.77 0.34 2.70 0.92 7.48 10.27 1.19 4.22 11.29 6.78 2.66 0.01 15.08 1.57 0.23 4.88 1.64 3.34 0.17 0.23 2.32 7.73 6.74 100.03 12.67 21.63 12.67 3.21 0.21 0.51 0 17.74 0.60 9.46 5.44 18.02 24.02 3.70 44.49 27.17 36.41 92.59 33.39 27.84

B2 0 0 4.00 0 0.00 0.01 0.29 6.42 3.81 0.00 0.26 0.65 1.17 4.20 0.13 0.00 5.45 4.64 3.93 8.13 104.80 107.78 2.21 117.31 63.07 5.87 54.85 12.65 33.02 0.79 0.22 21.67 13.58 2.57 0 0.50 9.52 8.08 10.27 192.54 48.86 28.96 76.28 12.90 4.34 1.81 0.32 23.81 0 38.85 41.50 132.38 87.58 3.50 19.39 16.90 73.96 253.90 128.53 71.66

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.11 0 0.48 1.07 4.74 0.95 2.57 4.80 7.71 2.02 0 0 0.69 0.65 1.87 1.14 0.81 1.45 6.40 4.67 0.31 0 3.73 0.01 0.00 1.13 1.00 14.02 2.78 0.25 0.63 6.41 0.90 26.93 0.88 1.42 0.12 1.34 0 0.16 0.03 0.23 2.91 1.38 1.92 5.48 6.51 0.91 18.13 14.77 26.02 14.43 2.99 1.81

TOTAL 9.28 7.59 12.98 5.88 2.86 8.59 11.93 6.81 6.59 2.30 11.41 11.59 7.27 15.95 11.18 2.22 11.41 5.35 9.83 50.57 126.59 119.93 15.19 212.84 92.91 21.10 67.49 16.26 62.66 5.59 3.70 66.12 49.15 35.63 2.95 11.92 42.33 22.32 17.91 428.76 68.43 117.61 200.58 20.09 5.95 2.74 35.75 43.74 3.51 235.15 214.87 409.95 186.73 135.34 372.47 332.31 479.20 412.77 182.89 115.00

Prepond. A A A A A A B1 B2 B2 D D A B1 D D D B2 B2 B2 A B2 B2 A B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 A A A A A D A A B2 B2 B2 B2 A A B2 B2 B2 A B2 D A A A B2 A A A A B2 B2 B2 70

Comprtment 122A 122B C167 C168 C169 C170 C61 C62 116 B251 B288 B289 B290 B291 C114 C116 C120 C57 419 420 421 B277 B277a B278 B279 B280 B281 B282 B283 B284 B285 B286 B287 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C108 C109 C40 C41 223 224 225 413 415 416 417 423 B228 B229 B230 B231 B232 B233 B234 B235 B236

A1 47.85 4.68 40.84 1.04 0.02


A2 42.02 5.75 9.37 29.18 16.05 6.94 12.99

A3 181.65 4.46 72.03 163.61 65.63 9.59 10.96

37.18 2.48 1.49

159.53 7.50

1.02 0.04


0.16 0.72

0.48 0.87

2.01 14.47 1.43 1.39 1.23 1.22 1.49 0.92 0.48 0.89 1.10

0.10 1.18 0.83 0.61 1.86 11.33 6.92



4.62 8.18 6.35 0.32 7.55 1.27 1.23

3.46 4.56 11.51

3.85 2.47 0.04 0.20 0.52 1.42 0.89

1.24 2.60



51.75 53.78 2.44 12.26 5.32 39.33 62.37

A 271.51 10.21 86.08 233.63 82.72 16.54 23.95 0.00 197.46 9.97 1.49 1.02 0.04 0.00 2.01 114.55 1.43 1.39 1.23 1.22 11.73 0.92 0.48 0.89 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.82 1.18 0.83 0.61 1.86 63.56 61.56 2.44 0.00 14.87 5.32 43.95 70.55 6.35 0.32 7.55 2.90 0.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 3.85 2.47 0.04 0.20 0.52 1.42 4.35 4.56 11.51 1.24 2.60

B1 25.08 25.59 8.98 77.13 13.10 26.18 1.68 0.21 38.94 0.00 3.47 4.93 3.64 4.29 8.75 0.99 0.86 0.25 2.74 5.96 2.33 0.01 0.19 0.03 4.62 5.25 9.62 0 1.14 0 1.10 0.71 5.71 8.51 0.00 1.22 1.35 5.85 0 1.18 0.39 5.09 2.37 13.96 0.68 2.76 5.32 3.02 1.59 3.49 11.30 0.01 0.02 0.08 0 0 0 0 2.10 1.97

B2 31.22 56.97 1.03 39.12 52.68 21.25 148.55 31.54 87.63 0.05 2.90 6.80 0.62 4.27 16.90 5.79 0.97 18.66 16.17 3.57 7.13 0 0.07 0.03 0.68 0.02 0.04 3.72 3.76 3.40 4.79 7.93 8.82 22.19 3.04 1.14 1.90 23.51 0.08 8.14 7.36 15.20 23.48 6.98 1.07 3.07 6.24 18.70 9.64 4.84 70.41 0.00 0 0 0.42 3.18 0 0.00 4.49 0.07

D TOTAL 23.49 351.30 0.58 93.35 3.70 99.79 24.78 374.66 1.38 149.88 3.57 67.55 0.18 174.36 0 31.75 11.78 335.82 0 10.03 1.18 9.03 1.39 14.14 10.08 14.39 0.56 9.12 1.06 28.72 0.40 121.73 0.66 3.92 0 20.30 0.96 21.10 0.09 10.84 0.58 21.76 4.39 5.32 4.24 4.97 3.32 4.28 0.82 7.23 1.34 6.61 4.20 13.86 0 3.88 0.47 6.19 0 4.57 0.05 6.76 0.38 9.62 2.28 18.66 2.44 96.69 0 64.60 0 4.80 0.18 3.43 0.40 44.63 0 5.40 0.48 53.74 0 78.31 1.98 28.62 0 26.16 16.04 44.52 9.68 14.33 0 5.82 4.00 16.80 0 21.73 0 11.23 4.52 16.70 2.92 87.10 1.23 1.28 1.58 1.79 0.18 0.78 7.69 9.53 0 7.53 0 4.56 0 11.51 1.56 9.39 3.77 8.41

Prepond. A B2 A A A B1 B2 B2 A A B1 B2 D B1 B2 A A B2 B2 B1 A D D D B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A A B2 B2 A A A B2 B2 D D B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 D D A D A A A B2 D 71

Comprtment B237 B238 B239 B240 B241 B242 B243 B244 B245 B246 B247 B248 B249 B250 C115 C117 C118 400 96 97 98 E4 E5 100 100cl1 100cl2 101 101cl 102 99 E20 E30 161 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 111 112 113 103 104 105 105cl 106 E18 E19 E31 E32 E33




A2 0.04 0.29 0.29 1.15 2.68 2.09 3.42 0.82 0.25


0.80 0.67 0.66 1.59 6.61 1.82

10.16 6.00 66.80 1.48 2.31 3.37 9.76


6.17 4.37

17.13 12.81 36.52 10.14 14.41 1.66


1.63 0.50 5.02 10.86 16.05 28.50 6.10 2.56 2.96 16.72

23.05 1.46 10.93 6.18 1.62 2.76 56.02

35.18 28.27 38.49 208.38 74.72 1.37 120.77 14.04 4.18 85.89 10.66 27.41 56.64 12.94 72.05



4.59 1.08 0.01 2.15

2.45 4.72

0.12 1.54 14.09 3.68 1.86 0.58 15.01 45.96 14.50 18.84 26.69 24.08 0.19 15.46


237.00 91.47 15.25 41.72 183.89 6.36 0.34 0.65



5.69 9.79



A 0.04 0.29 0.36 1.15 2.68 2.09 3.42 0.82 0.25 0.00 0.80 0.67 0.66 0.00 3.22 0.50 46.81 40.95 54.54 236.88 90.97 9.93 2.96 204.29 15.51 6.49 112.30 12.12 48.11 62.82 14.56 2.76 134.01 0.00 3.42 0.00 7.04 5.80 0.01 8.32 4.37 0.19 1.54 20.77 3.68 1.86 0.58 269.14 150.24 29.75 97.08 210.57 40.58 0.53 30.52 1.66 7.24 0.00 59.27 9.79

B1 1.67 1.68 0.89 0.01 0.92 1.56 2.65 0.90 1.38 0.91 3.41 6.52 2.76 4.19 2.43 0.37 2.47 40.89 32.39 40.98 9.14 19.61 23.86 17.10 1.64 0.55 42.45 15.04 32.56 11.34 0.05 1.08 84.28 4.22 3.27 8.02 19.88 0.89 0.34 0.37 0.19 0 0 3.02 1.43 0 0.26 4.59 152.37 72.04 58.30 10.50 56.82 8.99 32.24 0.02 0 0.11 4.08 17.75

B2 3.74 2.48 0.87 0 0 3.01 0.31 1.79 2.96 4.46 7.57 0.02 0.22 1.43 29.17 2.64 8.29 50.39 15.52 26.73 9.62 40.63 26.63 17.57 0.43 0.18 12.06 7.50 14.04 7.97 2.38 21.74 150.93 8.57 4.74 4.50 20.51 18.09 1.94 17.40 6.90 0.00 10.51 120.60 55.30 21.79 2.85 15.49 54.48 12.55 26.54 9.73 34.60 5.10 12.89 2.02 10.79 22.88 17.00 25.77

D TOTAL 0.33 5.77 0.12 4.57 1.98 4.10 7.69 8.85 2.53 6.12 5.13 11.79 9.25 15.63 2.18 5.69 1.70 6.30 0 5.37 1.18 12.96 2.63 9.84 0.76 4.41 0.10 5.72 0.20 35.03 0 3.51 0.75 58.32 13.60 145.83 29.76 132.21 11.11 315.69 2.48 112.21 2.14 72.31 0.86 54.32 3.18 242.15 0.10 17.68 0.04 7.27 35.53 202.34 7.81 42.47 18.46 113.17 0.89 83.02 0 16.99 0 25.58 18.97 388.20 0 12.79 0.67 12.10 1.14 13.65 4.98 52.40 0.05 24.83 0.25 2.53 0 26.10 0.04 11.49 0 0.19 0 12.05 0.72 145.10 0.41 60.82 0 23.65 0 3.69 1.57 290.78 35.74 392.84 91.18 205.52 29.67 211.59 4.46 235.27 53.14 185.13 9.21 23.83 21.01 96.66 0 3.70 0 18.02 0.02 23.01 0.38 80.73 3.58 56.88

Prepond. B2 B2 D D A D D D B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 A B2 A A A B2 B2 A A A A B1 A A A B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A B1 D A A B1 D B1 B2 B2 B2 A B2 72

Comprtment E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E44 E45 E46 107 108 E11 E12 E39 E40 E41 E42 E43 E47 E48 E49 109 110 E52 E53 E54 E55 35 36 47 51a 51b 52 37 41 42 43 46 38 39 40 79 90 91 92 94 E1 E10 E2 E3 E6 E7 E8 E9 86 89 86Cl 141 C139 C147 C148


0.65 0.62 6.03

43.14 19.95

0.11 0.17 20.88

149.95 46.41 74.08 52.53 1.05 46.55 64.68 41.36 70.20 134.84 128.75

83.89 61.29 7.34 2.92

A2 14.48 8.97 12.37 14.17 2.00 3.53 3.90 9.46 18.32 10.85 3.95 4.38 7.07 0.61 2.73 2.30 0.57 0.68 0.01 19.36 9.12 2.15 4.07 0.01 15.23 9.51 36.23 20.18 7.21 30.52 26.35 28.29 45.78 45.34 17.47 45.01 35.98 58.40 12.00 22.23 26.44 24.99

A3 42.99 49.41 17.40 28.60 17.44 12.46 136.00 51.50 93.45


42.65 15.74

32.30 31.15 94.67 32.08 20.65 72.63 102.99 90.37 22.99 22.83 177.26 139.69 270.56 68.18 30.72 151.48 146.49 29.72

5.61 19.55 4.18

7.89 2.14 6.54

1.90 123.78 58.02

5.64 37.75 17.21 0.92 30.15 15.46 3.67 3.80

15.85 2.46

0.17 46.44 0.74

148.34 31.67 253.15 62.20 11.56 15.27

A 57.47 58.38 30.42 43.39 8.02 20.97 16.36 145.46 112.96 124.25 3.95 4.38 10.24 0.00 0.61 2.73 2.30 0.68 0.68 0.18 82.89 24.87 0.00 2.15 36.37 0.01 196.33 55.92 204.98 104.78 8.26 97.72 163.66 172.64 206.35 203.16 169.06 222.27 175.67 412.85 141.48 60.28 177.92 174.40 29.72 5.61 0.00 27.44 6.49 52.98 0.74 0.00 7.54 309.87 75.23 32.59 299.15 80.12 15.23 19.08

B1 15.15 5.82 16.30 20.09 9.85 1.21 1.12 0.55 46.52 3.95 5.01 1.18 3.25 0 3.50 0.35 1.53 2.89 0.87 0.23 26.27 19.85 0.98 10.66 18.67 0.44 29.26 27.54 28.91 26.48 24.86 40.66 35.70 3.58 73.57 101.31 59.03 35.89 7.59 28.45 11.62 78.23 63.49 48.69 1.39 17.07 4.10 18.10 15.26 9.01 0.65 0.00 14.70 52.06 35.70 3.06 4.81 12.89 0.38 0

B2 60.93 49.51 65.41 31.50 2.27 28.69 1.37 1.24 23.09 1.12 22.90 15.96 8.29 5.47 5.05 15.23 10.84 0.48 11.81 12.39 4.89 7.73 0.34 1.98 16.37 3.04 3.31 1.88 12.94 5.18 14.61 3.03 18.62 0.94 27.41 26.65 16.07 25.71 19.32 25.92 6.90 8.37 47.75 50.89 4.40 4.21 18.42 13.80 35.01 8.86 43.03 3.31 55.48 54.17 5.84 3.45 1.71 47.53 0 38.28

D TOTAL 3.96 137.52 0.25 113.96 1.50 113.63 3.45 98.43 2.12 22.26 0 50.86 0.16 19.00 0.00 147.25 33.44 216.01 13.30 142.62 0.60 32.47 0.35 21.87 2.35 24.13 0 5.47 0 9.17 0 18.31 0.00 14.66 0.15 4.19 0.09 13.44 0 12.81 102.67 216.72 45.40 97.85 0 1.32 16.40 31.19 18.66 90.08 0 3.49 38.95 267.84 30.39 115.73 101.72 348.54 68.28 204.73 35.24 82.96 163.64 305.06 22.81 240.79 3.06 180.21 38.84 346.17 63.05 394.16 51.86 296.02 14.05 297.91 0.91 203.49 9.45 476.67 2.35 162.34 71.32 218.20 10.30 299.46 36.91 310.90 3.85 39.35 16.45 43.35 1.56 24.07 11.20 70.55 0.20 56.95 1.64 72.49 0 44.42 0 3.31 5.71 83.43 124.29 540.39 117.60 234.38 6.58 45.68 2.19 307.86 0.13 140.67 0.03 15.64 0 57.36

Prepond. B2 A B2 A B1 B2 A A A A B2 B2 A B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 D D B1 D A B2 A A A A D D A A A A A A A A A B1 A A A B1 B2 A B2 A B2 B2 B2 A D A A A A B2 73

Comprtment C158 142 C149 C150 140A 140B 154 C151 C207 138 139 436 C137 C138 C54 C55 143A 143B 144 144A C215 C216 435 437 C160 C121 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 429 429cl 148 149 C140 C141 146 147 C143 C144 C145 C146 C142 C214 C136 C163 C219 C161 C220 150 151 145a 145b 152 153 64 65 69 70


24.51 0.13 53.47 89.59 21.84 80.34 90.61 0.39 1.55

186.84 67.89 1.74 22.06 0.51

A2 2.09 19.85 15.72 41.68 26.02 17.56 5.96 16.29 9.83 44.36 27.63 7.81 2.02 2.01 2.77 4.13 18.12 18.89 17.13 16.25 33.37 31.80 48.74 9.04 3.48 2.28 1.36 13.25 11.34 7.11

0.27 2.65 106.86 7.40 19.22 284.02 33.35 52.05 37.61 3.22 9.22 7.06 10.89 158.66 46.81 236.53 30.57 0.46 8.65 0.12 11.51 2.98 2.50 6.73 99.40 4.71 34.39 0.00 159.64 221.28 50.79 278.86 380.92 253.32 20.65 68.79 28.30

7.82 0.86 17.96 0.01 6.05 3.80 23.85 7.29 13.44 6.76 33.39 23.87 42.44 21.33

A3 4.77 233.23 110.78 83.90 259.21 28.13 23.33 75.44 30.88 271.41 156.46 5.88

28.53 85.21 15.59 15.38 187.75 115.20

15.01 63.07 63.01 5.33 6.87 530.12 101.15 99.48 158.87 24.69 77.29 199.09 145.13


22.18 75.09 14.18 31.97 32.52 10.54 30.84 18.29 52.75 79.60 123.52 94.37

A 6.86 253.09 126.50 150.09 285.37 99.15 118.88 113.57 40.71 396.11 274.70 7.81 8.28 3.55 2.77 4.13 46.66 104.10 219.56 99.52 222.87 147.00 70.80 9.04 3.98 2.28 16.36 76.31 74.35 12.44 7.14 639.63 127.77 416.85 248.53 37.13 95.24 404.55 412.23 0.46 8.65 1.35 14.49 2.50 0.00 6.73 129.39 5.57 127.44 0.01 179.87 257.05 107.16 296.70 425.21 278.36 106.79 172.25 194.26 115.70

B1 1.24 9.53 23.34 102.35 0.63 20.60 36.59 4.43 13.46 27.62 24.25 0.84 17.89 2.66 1.63 1.44 69.55 35.02 22.86 50.19 17.79 18.08 30.28 8.75 27.31 6.46 0 4.37 13.85 24.32 0.24 72.64 28.51 41.69 86.80 2.52 17.29 90.23 40.54 0.52 39.23 1.03 40.03 3.50 0.25 0 14.92 0.92 65.33 1.56 20.63 3.72 63.55 14.24 7.97 1.36 90.97 62.83 55.96 73.01

B2 20.98 5.32 20.76 96.63 3.01 70.38 19.92 76.19 71.41 57.28 71.15 141.36 43.35 12.69 15.42 31.64 21.59 42.44 37.17 23.69 27.69 77.26 464.56 36.62 62.61 18.30 1.82 10.04 27.97 16.93 1.22 224.73 51.04 40.42 30.99 15.28 39.53 23.78 19.92 0.00 17.22 6.89 24.05 39.33 13.76 0.18 18.85 2.10 41.35 6.59 16.97 2.85 57.30 20.51 3.84 0.55 29.75 20.89 46.58 31.46

D 0 4.23 0.98 12.01 0.27 1.13 15.63 0.41 3.87 7.41 6.18 0.01 2.69 0.41 0 0 57.61 43.49 32.83 31.83 2.98 2.22 13.32 6.06 9.24 0.85 0 2.46 1.56 1.01 0.01 28.34 20.71 28.29 37.30 1.27 11.06 28.14 17.72 1.09 9.25 0 26.29 0.37 0 0 9.49 0 89.88 0 10.77 4.17 22.59 14.95 8.50 4.48 29.44 22.34 25.99 30.57

TOTAL 29.08 272.17 171.58 361.08 289.28 191.27 191.02 194.59 129.46 488.42 376.28 150.01 72.22 19.31 19.81 37.22 195.41 225.06 312.41 205.23 271.31 244.56 578.96 60.47 103.14 27.88 18.18 93.18 117.72 54.70 8.61 965.34 228.02 527.25 403.61 56.20 163.11 546.70 490.41 2.07 74.36 9.28 104.86 45.70 14.01 6.90 172.65 8.60 324.00 8.16 228.25 267.79 250.61 346.40 445.52 284.75 256.95 278.31 322.78 250.73

Prepond. B2 A A A A A A A B2 A A B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 A A A A A B2 B2 B2 B2 A A A B1 A A A A A A A A A D B1 B2 B1 B2 B2 A A A A B2 A A A A A A A A A A 74

Comprtment 71 44 45 54 55 50 53 48 49 56 57 C243 C244 C245 75 76 77 78 66 68 67 C241 C242 63 p1 p2 p3 387 61a 72 73 74 388 62a 62b C172 C246 C247 C248 C249 C250 210 211 209 212 155 156 157 E84 E85 E86 E87 E88 E89 E90 E91 158 159 401 402

A1 50.69 109.44 262.41 162.86 133.69 163.56 37.90 126.45 209.86 15.26 18.89

41.06 19.28 39.24 37.51 16.83 28.84 2.09 5.53 32.28 152.02 164.59 318.78 10.37 65.59 121.19 65.09 61.20 8.42 48.40 18.72 106.42 72.13 0.02 13.98

2.87 1.16 37.10 29.90 13.56 1.58 5.11 12.59 0.90


A2 46.80 19.02 26.04 4.89 0.14 15.17 21.19 11.42 6.60 23.78 29.82 12.01 1.25 0.56 11.52 13.11 12.62 10.24 35.61 26.41 61.98 0.93 0.95 63.67 5.44 17.16 51.66 23.09 17.16 34.61 30.83 37.98 5.47 20.07 40.24 13.58 11.06 4.66 1.57 26.36 40.88 29.87 49.88 2.63 11.41 28.74 26.00 0.66 1.80 0.49 24.29 6.54 1.51 26.29 6.58 25.16 25.86 5.12 42.86

A3 44.75 13.61 20.48 21.85 0.95 17.34 22.97 16.12 5.07 16.92 93.78 53.87 1.07 29.04 43.64 42.43 22.93 100.16 123.18 252.65 1.00 1.08 102.78 1.13 11.17 61.23

35.75 41.82 63.61 59.03 3.44 0.00 1.97 20.99

3.16 127.51 0.94 95.04 101.22 11.04 4.31 0.03 43.85

33.58 163.32 0.79 35.44 121.02

A 142.24 142.08 308.92 189.60 134.78 196.08 82.06 153.98 221.53 55.96 142.49 65.88 1.25 1.62 81.62 76.02 94.29 70.68 152.59 178.43 314.63 4.03 7.55 198.72 158.59 192.93 431.66 33.46 82.75 191.56 137.74 162.78 64.49 28.49 92.08 32.30 119.46 97.77 1.59 0.00 40.34 40.88 33.03 180.26 4.74 143.55 159.86 37.04 18.53 3.38 5.62 80.72 7.43 1.51 59.87 6.58 188.48 26.65 51.99 163.88

B1 181.67 33.48 87.68 8.02 1.00 17.61 38.20 12.28 8.22 50.28 54.08 5.53 6.33 1.13 41.19 27.70 48.74 37.64 162.62 40.38 91.51 0 0 147.42 12.93 45.83 205.51 26.51 43.05 100.93 92.09 89.68 7.37 33.90 56.82 128.94 36.71 6.08 2.83 2.56 22.73 120.85 43.76 135.69 16.34 23.38 71.09 78.18 3.95 10.17 0.64 102.55 8.49 6.44 11.64 6.03 4.19 82.72 0.79 18.46

B2 58.74 11.87 14.65 2.87 2.90 5.69 2.20 1.66 3.67 5.69 2.77 1.33 2.38 0.15 33.75 15.85 47.94 24.24 39.67 21.57 20.42 0 0.00 107.75 37.67 41.56 66.49 158.19 64.60 40.91 53.62 27.76 20.31 45.37 96.16 48.21 38.96 12.17 1.39 4.16 86.50 298.37 163.64 206.03 19.50 4.50 26.03 26.20 1.67 13.88 8.96 78.98 2.36 1.65 74.15 15.90 19.22 43.95 18.14 49.14

D TOTAL 78.19 460.84 43.01 230.44 57.25 468.50 17.32 217.81 0.39 139.06 79.46 298.83 58.89 181.35 67.40 235.33 35.48 268.91 97.27 209.20 73.99 273.34 8.23 80.97 5.34 15.30 0.72 3.63 4.43 160.99 4.65 124.22 11.70 202.66 3.89 136.45 45.56 400.45 10.41 250.79 79.43 505.99 0 4.03 1.75 9.30 41.21 495.11 6.59 215.78 34.34 314.65 59.02 762.69 2.49 220.64 13.42 203.82 64.80 398.20 60.70 344.14 37.96 318.18 0.64 92.81 22.54 130.30 45.24 290.30 25.87 235.32 11.42 206.55 3.56 119.57 0.97 6.78 0.30 7.02 2.65 152.22 139.15 599.25 29.08 269.50 129.51 651.50 2.51 43.09 27.60 199.03 38.72 295.69 101.91 243.34 2.19 26.34 1.68 29.11 0 15.22 18.18 280.43 4.58 22.86 3.34 12.94 1.87 147.53 3.65 32.15 0.09 211.98 8.75 162.07 0 70.92 3.58 235.06

Prepond. B1 A A A A A A A A D A A B1 A A A A A B1 A A A A A A A A B2 A A A A A B2 B2 B1 A A B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A D A B2 B2 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 A B1 A A 75

Comprtment A1 A2 A3 A B1 B2 D TOTAL E75 20.85 1.30 22.15 12.56 13.66 5.76 54.14 E76 40.43 1.35 41.78 2.98 6.41 1.06 52.23 E77 2.07 0.29 2.36 1.17 0.75 1.90 6.18 E81 3.03 26.03 103.27 132.33 9.14 12.05 0.41 153.93 E82 1.11 6.78 7.89 1.38 0 1.66 10.93 E83 1.10 2.57 3.66 4.83 1.83 2.05 12.37 C107 0.61 1.00 13.34 14.94 0.84 1.67 0 17.46 C175 8.19 16.37 111.18 135.74 29.12 36.15 14.42 215.43 C176 7.46 103.94 111.40 3.55 22.10 2.68 139.72 C177 8.23 8.23 13.58 49.89 6.16 77.86 C178 16.13 173.03 189.15 2.89 41.18 1.59 234.81 C179 25.60 106.03 131.64 3.57 27.36 0.48 163.05 C180 4.05 12.11 102.32 118.48 4.83 15.57 0.31 139.20 160 0.02 13.95 13.97 36.40 41.46 50.06 141.89 C218 6.05 6.18 12.24 19.11 114.83 2.37 148.55 E50 0.65 0.65 0 15.02 0 15.67 E51 2.94 16.43 19.37 2.96 3.82 0.00 26.15 E56 2.48 2.48 2.10 3.95 0.15 8.68 E57 3.53 3.53 29.15 7.13 3.20 43.00 E58 3.87 3.87 8.03 11.84 0.16 23.90 17.28 E59 3.24 7.67 10.91 40.56 20.24 88.99 E60 0.95 23.61 122.38 146.93 8.75 7.59 5.58 168.85 E61 23.03 23.03 6.87 3.87 4.18 37.94 Total 15789.26 6614.11 20053.01 42456.38 11852.82 20639.78 7110.51 82059.50

Prepond. A A A A A B1 A A A B2 A A A D B2 B2 A B2 B1 B2 B1 A A


Appendix-2 Allotment of compartments in to Working Circles (WC) and Felling series (FS) Range Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Patur Patur Malegaon Malegaon Patur Patur Patur Malegaon Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Patur Patur Patur

Round Malsur Malsur Malsur Malsur Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Malsur Malsur Malsur Malsur Malsur Malsur Alegaon Alegaon Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Medshi Medshi Mungla Mungla Mungla Mungla Mungla Mungla Mungla Chondhi Chondhi Mungla Medshi Chondhi Chondhi Chondhi Medshi Chondhi Chondhi Chondhi Chondhi Chondhi Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Patur Bodkha Bodkha

Beat Sawergaon-2 Sawergaon-3 Sawergaon-4 Zarandi Wasali-1 Wasali-1 Zarandi Zarandi Pahadsingi-1 Pahadsingi-1 Pahadsingi-2 Pahadsingi-2 Alegaon-1 Alegaon-1 Umarwadi Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Pimpardoli-1 Pimpardoli-1 Pandurna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-2 Sonuna-2 Bhavarad-1 Bhavarad-1 Pandurna-1 Pandurna-2 Bhavarad-2 Bhavarad-2 Kolgaon Regaon-1 Regaon-1 Regaon-2 Kolgaon Kolgaon Mungla-1 Andhar Savangi Andhar Savangi Mungla-2 Kalakamtha-1 Chondhi-3 Chondhi-3 Chondhi-2 Medshi Chondhi-2 Chondhi-1 Chondhi-1 Sawerkhed Sawerkhed Pachran Shekapur-1 Shekapur-3 Bodakhal Bodkha-2 Bodkha-2

Comp 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 63 64 65

Area 300.08 380.01 286.66 138.25 274.65 274.08 259.40 263.91 230.82 319.86 250.47 349.39 310.73 214.93 251.02 266.92 252.46 321.47 392.00 233.03 365.88 172.50 147.17 187.88 223.79 287.74 257.96 350.24 282.66 268.75 267.84 115.73 240.79 297.91 203.49 476.67 180.21 346.17 394.16 230.44 468.50 296.02 348.54 235.33 268.91 298.83 305.06 181.35 217.81 139.06 209.20 273.34 332.15 199.69 284.45 495.11 256.95 278.31


FS Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Umardari Umardari Umardari Umardari Umardari Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Alegaon Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Sonuna Sonuna Sonuna Umardari Sonuna Sonuna Sonuna Sonuna Sonuna Pandhurna Pandhurna Umardari Umardari Pandhurna Andhar Savangi Pangra Pangra Kolgaon Kolgaon Kolgaon Kolgaon Kolgaon Andhar Savangi Andhar Savangi Andhar Savangi Andhar Savangi Medshi Andhar Savang Medshi Medshi Medshi Medshi Medshi Chikhalkhed Chikhalkhed Pandhurna Pandhurna Pandhurna Pandhurna Sakharvira Chikhalkhed 77

Range Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Malegaon Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Malegaon Barshitak Barshitak Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Barshitak Malegaon Barshitak Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak

Round Malrajura Malrajura Malrajura Bodkha Bodkha Bodkha Patur Patur Patur Malrajura Malrajura Malrajura Malrajura Pangra Dhaba Dhaba Dhaba Dhaba Dhaba Dhaba Pangra Dhaba Lohgad Pangra Pangra Pangra Pangra Lohgad Pangra Lohgad Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Dhanora Dhanora Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad

Beat Malrajura-1 Malrajura-2 Malrajura-1 Chinchkhed-1 Chinchkhed-1 Chinchkhed-2 Khanapur-1 Khanapur-2 Khanapur-2 Gondhalwadi Gondhalwadi Gondhalwadi Gondhalwadi Devthana-1 Rajankhed Rajankhed Rajankhed Rajankhed Chincholi Sakni Pangra-1 Jambvasu-1 Sakharvira Pangra-2 Devthana-1 Devthana-1 Devthana-2 Mandoli Devthana-2 Mandoli Amana-1 Amana-1 Amana-1 Amana-3 Amana-2 Amana-2 Amana-3 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-2 Kinhiraja-2 Kavardari Kavardari Kavardari Dhanora Dhanora Yedshi Wanoja Wanoja Wanoja Wanoja Dhanora Dhanora Dhanora Dhanora Sakharvia

Comp 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 123 124 125 126 127

Area 400.45 505.99 250.79 322.78 250.73 460.84 398.20 344.14 318.18 160.99 124.22 202.66 136.45 162.34 403.38 273.06 271.69 341.48 272.79 445.40 540.39 234.42 247.47 234.38 218.20 299.46 310.90 297.79 39.35 178.54 132.21 315.69 112.21 83.02 242.15 202.34 113.17 211.59 235.27 185.13 96.66 216.01 142.62 216.72 97.85 290.78 392.84 205.52 254.34 328.36 335.82 372.47 332.31 479.20 412.77 388.38 368.00 410.02 223.66 346.82


FS Chikhalkhed Chikhalkhed Sakharvira Sakharvira Andhar Savangi Andhar Savangi Sakharvira Morna Morna Morna Morna Morna Morna Morna Mendra Mendra Mendra Mendra Lohgad Lohgad Pangra Pangra Pangra Sakharvira Pangra Pangra Morna Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Pangra Wagha Amana Amana Amana Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Kawardari Pangra Pangra Pangra Wagha Wagha Wagha 78

Range Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Karanja Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Malegaon Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Washim Washim Washim Washim Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Patur Patur Akola Barshitak Barshitak Akola Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Malegaon Washim Washim

Round Lohgad Lohgad Dhaba Dhaba Barshitakli Barshitakli Pinjar Pinjar Mangrulpir Giroli Giroli Giroli Giroli Manora Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Shendona Shendona Shendona Shendona Giroli Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Amana Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Akot Risod Risod Risod Risod Somthana Somthana Somthana Akola Patur Patur Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Barshitakli Barshitakli Amana Washim Washim

Beat devdari-1 devdari-2 Jambvasu-2 Jambvasu-2 Mahan Mahan Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Kasola Sawergaon Khapri Sawergaon Khapri Bhildongar Hivra Hatoli-2 Rui-1 Rui-2 Palodi-1 Palodi-2 Fulumri Fulumri Shendona Shendona Mendra-1 Ansing Ansing Ansing Shirpuri-1 Shirpuri-1 Tornala Tapovan Amboda Amboda Amboda Amboda Amboda Amboda Shahanur-2 Mohaja-1 Loni Loni Mohaja-2 Zodga Zodga Zodga Loni Karla Patur Borgaon Paranda Paranda Borgaon Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Mahan Paranda Amana-1 Shirpuri-1 Shirpuri-1

Comp 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 144 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 209 210 211 212 223 224 225 386 387 388 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402

Area 240.45 387.79 245.38 410.47 333.80 450.20 116.21 230.02 428.76 488.42 376.28 307.86 272.17 312.41 546.70 490.41 527.25 403.61 228.25 267.79 445.52 284.75 191.02 199.03 295.69 243.34 211.98 162.07 141.89 388.20 245.88 126.63 149.44 163.32 270.93 147.41 480.72 651.50 599.25 269.50 43.09 44.52 14.33 5.82 9.97 220.64 92.81 433.58 497.24 62.93 11.72 91.04 110.67 82.73 98.18 67.51 302.12 145.83 70.92 235.06


FS Wagha Wagha Wagha Mahan Mahan Mahan Barshitakli Alegaon Pangra Pangra Khapardari Khapardari Khapardari Khapardari Manora Palodi Palodi Palodi Shendona Shendona Shendona Ansing Poha Ansing Sawargaon Ansing Alegaon Poha Poha Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Risod Risod Risod Risod Karanja Karanja Karanja Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Borgaon Barshitakli Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Amana Alegaon Alegaon 79

Range Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Manora Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Manora Manora Manora Alegon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Alegaon Alegaon Akola Akola

Round Murtijapur Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Murtijapur Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Somthana Karanja Somthana Somthana Somthana Karanja Somthana Somthana Somthana Karanja Somthana Karanja Karanja Karanja Manora Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Manora Manora Manora Malsur Amana Amana Amana Kinhiraja Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Giroli Giroli Manora Manora Manora Shendona Shendona Chikhalwal Chikhalwal Akot Akot

Beat Hirpur Kherda Kherda Kherda Belkhed Kurum Belkhed Belkhed Belkhed Girda Zodga Belkhed Zodga Zodga Zodga Kajaleshwar Wai Wai Wai Karanja Zodga Karanja Girda Girda Sawergaon Talap Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Pohradevi Bhuli Pohradevi Sawergaon-1 Amana-2 Amana-2 Amana-2 Kavardari-1 Wanoja Wanoja Wanoja Wanoja devdari-1 devdari-1 devdari-1 Wasali-1 Wasali-2 Umarwadi-1 Umarwadi-2 Khaperdari Khaperdari Hatoli-2 Hatoli-2 Hatoli-2 Ratanwadi-1 Ratanwadi-2 Umarwadi-1 Umarwadi-2 Shahanur-1 Shahanur-1

Comp 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 1 100cl1 100cl2 101cl 105cl 121a 121B 122A 122B 128A 128B 129B 12a 12b 13a 13b 140A 140B 143A 143B 144A 145a 145b 14a 14b 162a 162b

Area 56.16 66.12 49.15 35.63 66.08 196.35 9.38 10.95 7.25 7.22 16.80 13.93 21.73 11.23 16.70 134.65 21.10 10.84 21.76 15.19 87.10 212.84 20.69 316.92 965.34 20.09 5.95 2.74 35.75 43.74 578.96 150.01 60.47 370.73 17.68 7.27 42.47 23.83 182.89 115.00 351.30 93.35 134.76 167.47 57.46 205.98 23.65 203.20 28.09 289.28 191.27 195.41 225.06 205.23 250.61 346.40 340.13 86.28 118.16 25.95


FS Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Karanja Karanja Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Karanja Somthana Poha Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Wagha Mahan Mahan Mahan Wagha Mahan Mahan Umardari Alegaon Umardari Alegaon Khapardari Sawergaon Manora Manora Manora Shendona Shendona Umardari Alegaon Ansing Ansing 80

Range Akola Akola Akola Akola Alegaon Alegaon Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Manora Malegaon Malegaon Alegaon Patur Patur Patur Malegaon Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola

Round Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Boradi-1 Akot Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Manora Medshi Medshi Alegaon Patur Patur Patur Rajankhed Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola

Beat Amboda Amboda Amboda Shahanur-2 Pimpardoli-2 Sonuna-2 Borgaon Belkhed Girda Nandgaon Nandgaon Nandgaon Sawergaon Talap Kalakamtha-2 Kalakamtha-2 Alegaon-1 Karla Patur Patur Panjare Shahanur-1 Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Bordi Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Paranda Paranda Paranda Kanshivni Paranda Paranda Kanshivni Bordi Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Bordi Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni

Comp 162c 163a 163b 170b 24b 29cl 393a 411a 412a 426cl 427cl1 427cl2 429cl 51a 51b 58cl 61a 62a 62b 86Cl B10 B100 B101 B102 B103 B104 B105 B106 B107 B108 B109 B11 B110 B111 B112 B113 B114 B115 B116 B117 B118 B119 B12 B121 B122 B123 B124 B125 B126 B127 B128 B129 B13 B130 B131 B132 B133 B134 B135 B136

Area 46.15 128.01 88.17 9.90 146.72 20.38 73.67 17.02 22.35 42.33 22.32 17.91 228.02 204.73 82.96 10.74 203.82 130.30 290.30 45.68 7.89 4.99 4.27 8.02 4.86 4.44 7.43 8.75 8.84 9.66 3.77 12.81 3.75 3.57 4.94 2.96 3.94 6.86 8.93 6.60 12.77 11.14 1.58 14.72 5.00 7.78 5.16 10.17 5.95 4.44 2.06 15.19 1.58 2.59 2.27 4.22 14.27 6.66 10.23 7.28

WC SCI SCI SCI SCI AWC AWC FIWC FIWC AWC AWC AWC AWC AWC SCI AWC AWC AWC AWC AWC AWC Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban

FS Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Alegaon Alegaon Barshitakli Somthana Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Medshi Pangra Pangra Pangra Sawerkhed Sawerkhed Sawerkhed Akot Loni Loni Loni Katepurna Loni Loni Loni Katepurna Katepurna Loni Akot Katepurna Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Akot Katepurna Loni Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Loni 81

Range Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Karanja Karanja Akola Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja

Round Akola Akola Akola Akot Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Akot Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Akot Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Akot Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Akot Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Murtijapur Akot Karanja Karanja Murtijapur Akot Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akot Karanja Karanja Karanja

Beat Kanshivni Kanshivni Kanshivni Bordi Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Bordi Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana Bordi Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Bordi Kurum Kurum Mana Mana Mana Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Bordi Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Bordi Belkhed Belkhed Kurum Bordi Belkhed Kherda Kherda Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Bordi Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar

Comp B137 B138 B139 B14 B142 B143 B145 B15 B150 B151 B152 B153 B154 B155 B156 B157 B158 B16 B160 B161 B162 B163 B164 B165 B166 B167 B168 B168a B169 B17 B170 B171 B172 B173 B174 B175 B176 B177 B178 B179 B18 B180 B181 B182 B183 B19 B192 B193 B194 B20 B203 B204 B205 B206 B208 B209 B21 B210 B211 B212

Area 8.27 7.02 5.20 0.86 5.49 7.85 4.78 9.58 13.33 5.00 9.49 9.80 15.21 11.82 25.63 12.23 5.87 6.58 14.27 2.00 6.27 6.13 2.87 4.62 6.16 4.18 7.53 2.38 15.49 11.62 16.06 3.64 3.78 11.49 10.84 12.59 5.17 6.21 3.36 6.11 1.46 6.25 9.09 4.73 7.58 4.72 3.46 3.18 5.23 8.83 9.45 2.95 11.92 16.44 7.59 12.98 4.33 5.88 2.86 8.59

WC Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban

FS Loni Katepurna Katepurna Akot Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Akot Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Poha Hirpur Poha Poha Barshitakli Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Poha Poha Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Akot Hirpur Hirpur Katepurna Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Akot Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Hirpur Akot Poha Poha Poha Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Karanja Poha Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja 82

Range Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja

Round Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akot Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Somthana Somthana Akot Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Akot Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Akot Somthana Somthana Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akot Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja

Beat Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Bordi Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Kajaleshwar Zodga Zodga Bordi Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Bordi Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Zodga Bordi Zodga Somthana Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Bordi Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda

Comp B213 B215 B216 B217 B218 B219 B22 B220 B221 B222 B223 B224 B225 B226 B228 B229 B23 B230 B231 B232 B233 B234 B235 B236 B237 B238 B239 B24 B240 B241 B242 B243 B244 B245 B246 B247 B248 B249 B25 B250 B251 B252 B253 B255 B256 B257 B258 B259 B26 B260 B261 B262 B263 B264 B265 B266 B267 B268 B268a B269

Area 11.93 6.81 6.59 2.30 11.41 11.59 2.59 7.27 15.95 11.18 2.22 11.41 5.34 9.83 1.28 1.79 0.47 0.78 9.53 7.53 4.56 11.51 9.39 8.41 5.77 4.57 4.09 2.28 8.85 6.12 11.79 15.63 5.69 6.30 5.37 12.96 9.84 4.41 4.87 5.72 10.03 4.13 4.43 5.51 23.43 3.98 9.71 9.95 2.90 3.56 7.41 7.42 4.73 8.77 3.79 8.62 6.80 4.42 9.04 13.22

WC Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban

FS Karanja Poha Poha Karanja Karanja Karanja Akot Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Barshitakli Poha Karanja Karanja Poha Poha Poha Karanja Poha Karanja Karanja Akot Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Poha Poha Poha Karanja Poha Poha Akot Poha Poha Karanja Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja 83

Range Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Karanja Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola

Round Akot Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Akot Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Akot Somthana Somthana Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola

Beat Bordi Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Wai Wai Wai Wai Bordi Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Somthana Somthana Bordi Somthana Somthana Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Bordi Loni Bordi Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Bordi Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Bordi Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni

Comp B27 B270 B271 B272 B273 B274 B275 B276 B277 B277a B278 B279 B28 B280 B281 B282 B283 B284 B285 B286 B287 B288 B289 B29 B290 B291 B3 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 B36 B37 B38 B39 B4 B40 B41 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B5 B50 B51 B52 B53 B56 B58 B6 B60 B61 B62 B63 B63a B64 B65

Area 0.82 5.30 4.51 3.60 11.28 9.08 12.63 4.95 5.32 4.97 4.28 7.23 10.20 6.61 13.86 3.88 6.19 4.57 6.76 9.62 18.66 9.03 14.14 8.98 14.39 9.12 7.63 14.22 10.15 3.59 6.42 4.91 2.60 7.19 9.07 14.58 4.25 4.45 11.80 7.92 8.50 3.68 3.60 8.43 5.61 12.97 15.61 14.15 15.56 13.01 36.83 71.24 7.07 13.12 9.44 13.75 6.35 1.08 5.80 10.55

WC Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban

FS Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Barshitakli Barshitakli Akot Barshitakli Akot Akot Barshitakli Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Akot Barshitakli Loni Loni Barshitakli Barshitakli Loni Barshitakli 84

Range Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Washim Karanja Karanja Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Barshitakli Karanja Manora Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja

Round Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akot Pinjar Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Washim Somthana Somthana Pinjar Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Somthana Karanja Pinjar Somthana Manora Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja

Beat Loni Bordi Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Bordi Loni Loni Loni Loni Loni Borgaon Borgaon Shahanur-1 Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Bordi Patur N. Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Shirputi-2 Wai Wai Patur N. Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Somthana Zodga Somthana Zodga Zodga Karanja Patur N. Somthana Savergaon Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda Girda

Comp B66 B7 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79 B8 B80 B81 B84 B86 B87 B88 B89 B9 B90 B91 B93 B94 B96 B97 B98 B99 C1 C10 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C11 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C12 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128

Area 21.37 9.76 9.20 6.94 14.15 10.76 3.53 12.29 10.70 4.26 5.86 4.19 11.68 7.76 4.80 6.99 3.78 4.10 8.08 10.42 7.67 3.28 7.21 6.50 1.61 6.36 5.66 8.08 297.20 66.94 96.69 64.60 4.80 3.43 44.63 5.40 17.46 53.74 78.31 27.57 92.91 21.10 67.49 16.26 28.72 35.03 121.73 3.51 58.32 62.66 183.70 3.92 27.88 140.54 191.07 38.26 137.68 5.59 8.38 38.16

WC Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban Babulban AWC FIWC FIWC CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT AWC CAT CAT FIWC FIWC CAT FIWC FIWC FIWC AWC FIWC AWC CAT CAT FIWC FIWC CAT AWC FIWC CAT CAT FIWC FIWC FIWC

FS Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Loni Barshitakli Loni Loni Loni Barshitakli Loni Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Loni Katepurna Katepurna Akot Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Katepurna Loni Katepurna Katepurna Patur Kurum Somthana Poha Poha Poha Poha Poha Ansing Poha Poha Kurum Somthana Manora Somthana Somthana Sawargaon Karanja Sawargaon Karanja Manora Manora Borgaon Somthana Manora Karanja Somthana Manora Manora Somthana Somthana Somthana 85

Range Karanja Barshitakli Karanja Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Barshitakli Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Barshitakli Manora Manora Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Manora Karanja Akola Manora Manora Alegaon Manora Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Karanja Akola Karanja Barshitakli Patur Karanja Karanja Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Akola Washim Akola Akola

Round Karanja Pinjar Karanja Manora Manora Manora Manora Manora Shendon Manora Manora Giroli Pinjar Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Giroli Giroli Giroli Pinjar Giroli Giroli Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Giroli Karanja Akola Manora Shendon Alegaon Shendon Karanja Karanja Karanja Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Akola Mangrulpir Pinjar Patur Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Akola Washim Akola Pinjar

Beat Girda Patur N. Girda Savergaon Savergaon Savergaon Savergaon Savergaon Fulumri Bhuli Bhuli Bhildongar Patur N. Palodi-2 Palodi-2 Shendurjana Rui-2 Rui-2 Rui-2 Rui-2 Bhildongar Bhildongar Hivra Patur N. Hivra Mendra-2 Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Kolambi Bhildongar Girda Kanshivni Pohradevi Shendona Alegaon-1` Fulumri Karanja Karanja Kajaleshwar Wanoja Wanoja Wanoja Kanshivni Wanoja Jamkeshwar Patur Kasola Kasola Shirputi-2 Shirputi-2 Shirputi-2 Shirputi-2 Shirputi-2 Kanshivni Shirputi-2 Kanshivni Bordi

Comp C129 C13 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 C136 C137 C138 C139 C14 C140 C141 C142 C143 C144 C145 C146 C147 C148 C149 C15 C150 C151 C152 C153 C154 C155 C156 C157 C158 C159 C16 C160 C161 C162 C163 C164 C165 C166 C167 C168 C169 C17 C170 C171 C172 C173 C174 C175 C176 C177 C178 C179 C18 C180 C19 C2

Area 154.46 144.98 17.74 18.18 93.18 117.72 54.70 8.61 6.90 72.22 19.31 140.67 77.46 56.20 163.11 45.70 2.07 74.36 9.28 104.86 15.64 57.36 171.58 29.74 361.08 194.59 3.51 235.15 214.87 409.95 186.73 135.34 29.08 98.81 26.17 103.14 324.00 3.01 172.65 5.59 3.70 50.57 99.79 374.66 149.88 14.74 67.55 158.38 235.32 68.43 117.61 215.43 139.72 77.86 234.81 163.05 9.55 139.20 266.90 8.35


FS Somthana Kurum Somthana Manora Manora Manora Manora Karanja Manora Karanja Karanja Shendurjana Kurum Manora Manora Shendurjana Palodi Palodi Palodi Palodi Sawergaon Sawergaon Khapardari Kurum Khapardari Shendurjana Sawargaon Shendurjana Shendurjana Sawargaon Sawargaon Shendurjana Shendurjana Sawargaon Patur Sawargaon Karanja Alegaon Alegaon Manora Manora Karanja Kurum Kurum Kurum Patur Kurum Pangra Pangra Shirputi Shirputi Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Patur Shirputi Patur Patur 86

Range Barshitakli Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Manora Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Karanja Manora Manora Manora Karanja Washim Manora Barshitakli Manora Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Barshitakli Barshitakli Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Barshitakli Patur Barshitak Barshitak Barshitak Barshitakli Barshitakli Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegon Barshitakli Alegon Barshitakli Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli

Round Pinjar Alegaon Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Malsur Malsur Pimpardoli Giroli Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Barshitakli Dhaba Karanja Palodi Manora Manora Mangrulpir Washim Shendon Pinjar Shendon Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pimpardoli Pinjar Pinjar Medasi Medasi Chondhi Chondhi Chondhi Patur Patur Patur Patur Pinjar Patur Dhaba Dhaba Dhaba Pinjar Pinjar Alegaon Pimpardoli Alegaon Malsur Pinjar Malsur Pinjar Akot Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar

Beat Patur N. Shekapur-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sawergaon-2 Sawergaon-3 Pimpardoli-2 Mendra-2 Pinjar Pinjar Patur N. Pinjar Paranda Jambvasu-2 Kajaleshwar Shendurjana Hatoli-2 Pahradevi Kasola Tornala Fulumri Sonkhas Shendona Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonuna-1 Sonkhas Sonkhas Chandhi Chandhi Sawerkhed Sawerkhed Sawerkhed Patur Patur Patur Patur Pinjar Patur Rajankhed Rajankhed Rajankhed Pinjar Pinjar Shekhapur Sonuna-1 Alegaon-1 Sawergaon-1 Pinjar Sawergaon-1 Pinjar Shahanur-2 Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas

Comp C20 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C21 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C22 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C23 C24 C241 C242 C243 C244 C245 C246 C247 C248 C249 C25 C250 C251 C252 C253 C26 C27 C276 C277 C278 C279 C28 C280 C29 C3 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35

Area 172.48 25.86 43.64 87.98 94.11 15.31 40.84 129.46 9.09 119.05 262.93 3.40 1.15 94.10 126.59 14.01 271.31 244.56 200.58 148.55 8.60 128.21 8.16 1.54 10.66 2.78 12.25 173.60 121.27 190.37 4.03 9.30 80.97 15.30 3.63 206.55 119.57 6.78 7.02 81.44 152.22 35.82 25.60 29.21 105.69 12.78 109.18 11.35 406.30 25.78 241.38 96.05 5.77 80.81 108.01 49.43 29.03 42.75 102.61 19.72


FS Kurum Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Alegaon Mendra Pinjar Pinjar Kurum Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Karanja Shendurjana Manora Sawargaon Shirputi Shirputi Shirputi Patur Shendona Shendona Shendona Shendona Shendona Shendona Patur Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Kurum Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Patur Kherda Patur Kherda Kherda Kherda Kherda Kherda Kherda 87

Range Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Karanja Karanja Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Manora Manora Barshitakli Karanja Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Karanja Karanja Akola Akola Akola Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Barshitakli Karanja Barshitakli Barshitakali

Round Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Akot Somthana Somthana Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Manora Manora Pinjar Somthana Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Mangrulpir Mangrulpir Akola Akola Akola Akola Barshitakli Barshitakli Pinjar Pinjar Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Barshitakli Pinjar Pinjar Dhaba Dhaba Barshitakli Barshitakli Barshitakli Akola Pinjar Karanja Pinjar Rajankhed

Beat Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Shahanur-1 Wai Wai Sonkhas Pinjar Pinjar Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Patur N. Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Jamkeshwar Pinjar Hartoli-2 Hartoli-2 Pinjar Somthana Pinjar Pinjar Patur N. Pinjar Wanoja Wanoja Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Kanshivni Mahan Mahan Jamkeshwar Patur N. Mahan Mahan Paranda Mahan Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Sonkhas Jamkeshwar Paranda Patur N. Jamkeshwar Chincholi Chincholi Paranda Paranda Paranda Kanshivni Jamkeshwar Kajaleshwar Patur N. Rajankhed

Comp C36 C37 C38 C39 C4 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C5 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C6 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C7 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C8 C80 C81 C82 C83 C84 C85 C86 C87 C88 C9 CA1

Area 16.60 11.61 155.44 16.76 159.58 28.62 26.16 4.89 8.16 27.57 34.23 62.26 46.80 43.32 56.61 7.36 176.36 69.15 9.78 236.60 19.81 37.22 5.76 20.30 193.97 7.16 157.48 17.10 174.36 31.75 7.43 6.82 8.22 54.45 152.97 105.86 80.02 325.09 54.35 41.22 78.85 87.36 75.56 148.65 46.22 4.44 4.30 266.32 77.36 6.46 10.75 112.65 3.85 98.22 106.68 46.77 78.23 119.93 78.35 177.08


FS Kherda Kherda Kherda Kherda Patur Mahan Kherda Kherda Kherda Kherda Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Borgaon Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Pinjar Shendurjana Shendurjana Pinjar Sawergaon Kherda Kherda Borgaon Kherda Barshitakli Barshitakli Kherda Kherda Kherda Kherda Lohgad Lohgad Mahan Borgaon Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Lohgad Borgaon Lohgad Shirputi Shirputi Shirputi Patur Patur Patur Patur Rajankhed Borgaon Borgaon 88

Range Akola Akola Akola Akola Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Washim Washim Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Washim Washim Washim Washim Malegaon

Round Rajankhed Rajankhed Rajankhed Boradi-1 Pangra Pangra Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Pangra Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Amana Pangra Amana Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Amana Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Amana Washim Washim Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Kinhiraja Washim Washim Washim Washim Pangra

Beat Rajankhed Rajankhed Rajankhed Kutasa Devthana-3 Devthana-3 kinhiraja-1 kinhiraja-1 Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Devthana-3 Kavardari-1 Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Tapovan Devthana-3 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kinhiraja-1 Amana-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kavardari-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-1 Kinhiraja-1 Amana-1 Tornala Tornala Kinhiraja-2 Kinhiraja-2 Kinhiraja-2 Kinhiraja-2 Tornala Tornala Tornala Tornala Devthana-3

Comp CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 E1 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E2 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 E3 E30 E31 E32 E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E39 E4 E40 E41 E42 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 E49 E5 E50 E51 E52 E53 E54 E55 E56 E57 E58 E59 E6

Area 24.21 9.51 26.66 50.73 43.35 24.07 32.47 21.87 12.79 12.10 13.65 52.40 24.83 3.70 18.02 70.55 16.99 2.53 26.10 11.49 0.19 12.05 145.10 60.82 23.65 3.69 56.95 25.58 23.01 80.73 56.88 137.52 113.96 113.63 98.43 22.26 24.13 72.31 5.47 9.17 18.31 14.66 50.86 19.00 147.25 4.19 13.44 12.81 54.32 15.67 26.15 1.32 31.19 90.08 3.49 8.67 43.00 23.90 88.99 72.49


FS Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Borgaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Malegaon Shirputi Shirputi Malegaon 89

Range Washim Washim Malegaon Washim Washim Washim Malegaon Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Malegaon Washim Washim Patur Patur Patur

Round Washim Washim Pangra Washim Washim Washim Pangra Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Washim Pangra Washim Washim Patur Patur Patur

Beat Tornala Tornala Devthana-3 Shirputi-1 Shirputi-1 Shirputi-1 Devthana-3 Shirputi-1 Shirputi-1 Shirputi-1 Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Devthana-3 Ansing Ansing Dawasi Dawasi Dawasi

Comp E60 E61 E7 E75 E76 E77 E8 E81 E82 E83 E84 E85 E86 E87 E88 E89 E9 E90 E91 p1 p2 p3

Area 168.85 37.94 44.42 54.14 52.23 6.18 3.31 153.93 10.93 12.37 26.34 29.11 15.22 280.43 22.86 12.94 83.43 147.53 32.15 215.78 314.65 762.69


FS Shirputi Shirputi Malegaon Ansing Ansing Ansing Malegaon Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Ansing Malegaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon Sawargaon




4.58 8.08 8.47 3.58 3.69

11.25 0.85 0.01


0.04 0.37 0.93 0.45


1.54 1.92

0.84 2.41 0.73

0.21 0.35 1.29 1.07 2.95 0.98 0.13 0.03

2.00 0.73 1.92 0.73 0.17 1.20 0.10 0.29 0.51 0.50 0.08

3.11 2.22

0.21 2.92

16.43 1.50 9.25

0.47 5.67

0.17 5.47 1.74 1.10 0.52

2.42 3.34 0.00

3.26 7.90 5.29

0.99 0.62 0.16

1.29 0.31 0.11


1.43 0.03 0.03

0.46 1.13 0.00

0.04 0.54 0.14



0.50 0.62

1.25 3.05

1.10 6.12 0.72 2.39 0.08 1.91 0.26 0.36 0.38 0.77

6.88 0.41 6.16

1.68 0.88 3.98 1.35

0.23 0.98 0.02

0.67 2.38 2.52 0.15 7.59 7.15 1.48 4.50 1.07 4.29 0.25 0.51 1.68 11.01 1.19 1.15 0.88 2.26 0.37

10.91 38.61

0.89 1.43

0.32 0.22 7.20 3.06 0.09 6.38 3.36 0.38 0.12 5.38 2.69 0.57 1.12 0.51

0.03 0.71 1.79 0.19 2.50 1.15 0.58 2.43 0.09


Fodder Improvement

Tending/selection felling

2.31 2.27

Gap filling/Enrichment planting

1.89 3.06

Medow development/aromatic grasse

2.85 4.51 14.58 4.99 3.94 7.67 0.64 0.76 1.34 2.17 0.86 0.48 0.24 0.35 0.59 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.82

5.89 0.22


Miscellaneous plantation


Teak plantation

0.01 0.13 11.07

Bamboo plantation (Seeding)

Massionary/Cement/ Earthern Dam

Protection areas

18.73 361.15

Percolation tank

390 393 393a B100 B101 B102 B103 B104 B105 B106 B107 B108 B109 B110 B111 B112 B88 B89 B90 B91 B93 B94 B96 B97 B98 B99 C63 C64 C65 B116 B119 B121 B122 B123 B124 B125 B126 B127 B128 B129 B130 B131 B132 B133 B134



Appendix-3 Akola Forest Division - Site suitability for different Applications

0.25 432.53 11.70 73.50 4.99 4.15 8.02 4.90 0.08 4.52 7.47 8.75 0.00 8.80 0.25 9.66 0.12 3.77 0.05 3.75 3.24 0.07 4.96 0.00 4.15 8.15 7.70 3.21 7.32 6.53 1.62 6.28 5.63 8.16 7.55 0.25 6.58 0.62 8.29 0.00 9.13 2.39 11.17 14.57 0.01 4.91 7.92 5.12 10.15 0.01 5.89 4.44 0.06 2.12 0.94 15.30 2.88 2.11 4.15 0.34 14.41 0.26 6.66 91

B135 B136 B137 B138 B139 C16 C17 C18 C19 C66 C86 386 B39 B40 B41 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B50 B51 B52 B53 B56 B58 B60 B61 B62 B63 B63a B64 B65 B66 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79 B80 B81 B84 B86 B87 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23




1.29 2.29

0.17 1.71 3.98 0.48

0.88 0.19

1.47 0.60 8.55 25.01



0.68 14.45 0.08 0.02 3.71 0.20

0.43 1.65 0.02 0.02


24.47 14.16 9.55 46.87 128.68 26.59 0.05 1.08 0.02 3.61 11.49 6.95 6.63 2.95 3.56 6.32

0.97 1.87 0.73 0.04 1.31

5.88 4.23 2.06 4.67 0.04 0.05

55.46 0.89 3.36



3.99 0.06 0.71 0.25 0.64 0.31


5.57 7.66 6.81 7.26 5.91 9.22 31.78

16.24 9.73 13.06 9.47 13.86 6.35 1.08 5.80 6.74 18.99 9.41 6.89 14.30 10.73 3.51 12.29 10.77 4.28 5.91 10.07 5.08 4.76 2.03 3.77

1.48 0.46

1.21 1.46 1.11 6.37


1.43 2.29


0.30 2.22



10.56 1.12 0.32 0.57 2.99 0.62 0.65

0.54 0.89

2.33 1.87









7.02 7.24 7.06 5.58 8.17 23.01


0.22 1.66 4.51 2.01 2.08 0.26

1.03 1.63


0.40 1.16 0.21 3.62 3.03 2.09 0.61 4.14 1.28 0.54 0.22

0.01 0.04 2.55 1.22 7.16 0.06 0.48

0.50 0.66 0.21 0.08

10.34 7.34 8.23 6.92 5.15 26.17 14.80 9.55 267.07 54.35 46.41 10.08 4.25 11.80 7.92 8.50 3.68 3.60 8.43 5.57 15.44 14.05 15.53 12.95 37.10 70.89 13.06 9.47 13.86 6.35 1.08 5.80 10.55 21.31 9.41 6.89 14.30 10.73 3.51 12.29 10.82 4.28 5.91 11.50 7.67 4.76 6.70 3.77 12.80 1.65 1.52 0.78 9.66 6.57 11.73 1.43 4.63 8.65 4.36 2.62 0.48 92

B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B3 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 B36 B37 B38 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C1 162a 162b B10 B9 C4 170 170b C3 162c 163a 163b 164 165 166 167 168 169 CA5 403 B142 B143 B145 B175 B176 B177 B178 B179 B180 B181 B182 B183 408 B160 B161 B162 B163 B164 B165 B166

0.68 3.87 1.14 0.54 8.23 2.72


1.46 1.14

4.44 13.08 8.81 2.20 4.68

0.07 0.26 1.70 4.91 2.13 7.19 5.55

90.36 92.79 20.58

1.24 29.77 3.36 0.04 0.73 0.34

52.21 13.61 3.25




0.51 8.03 0.66 5.80 4.55 4.55

15.43 36.96 0.43 5.20 1.60 0.15 2.59

193.82 6.12 0.43 21.89 126.44 74.12 244.50 118.83 148.64 126.70 265.37 141.37 7.80 4.08 4.27

1.70 0.42


5.13 1.61 5.61





25.78 1.04 25.51



1.58 0.76 4.77

2.93 8.65 3.41 1.91 0.59 72.15

0.07 4.06 80.42

80.46 5.36 1.14

13.00 4.49

0.10 0.58 0.41 0.07

5.59 4.84 0.22 1.23 0.00 0.46 0.68

0.34 0.20 0.39 0.06

6.34 0.16 0.37 0.22 1.23 0.77



1.14 1.35 0.59 0.01 0.16 1.20 5.18 0.88 1.12 2.34 0.06 1.26


4.37 7.08 0.11 1.09 0.26




0.22 1.81 3.84 0.59



1.80 16.70 10.05 0.66 2.21

5.04 1.11 0.02 0.39 1.89 0.00 7.78 3.74 5.15 3.33

4.23 1.55 3.03 1.46 6.48 1.67 1.08 6.39 1.71 1.39 4.55 38.20 59.60 2.36 48.72 9.32 0.66 4.19


0.23 0.67 2.29

0.29 0.08

3.52 2.51

1.80 19.96

0.85 1.05


0.52 0.02 0.88 1.99


0.04 0.00

1.01 1.72 0.34 1.90 6.27 1.60

2.47 3.32

31.57 0.83



3.70 3.83 1.41 0.64 1.65 2.78 1.36 1.06 2.53 47.30 1.05 0.21 0.62 0.58 1.66 2.89 2.23

4.32 0.16

0.80 0.11 0.85 1.37 0.23

4.79 2.18 0.09 0.13

10.65 7.37 0.46 0.86 3.21 0.56 2.84

2.11 0.28 0.40 0.16 0.09 0.31

2.28 4.87 2.86 0.88 10.12 8.99 7.50 14.22 10.03 3.50 6.47 4.91 2.60 7.19 9.07 14.64 4.67 12.93 7.09 9.62 4.27 296.97 118.04 26.18 7.94 10.57 159.57 480.99 9.91 80.80 46.17 128.92 88.16 245.01 126.86 149.30 163.96 271.16 146.76 50.54 56.28 5.44 7.55 4.99 12.56 5.17 6.22 3.32 6.10 6.24 9.14 4.80 7.68 196.40 14.36 2.05 6.36 6.09 2.84 4.63 6.19 93

B167 B168 B168a B169 B170 B171 B194 B150 B151 B152 B153 B154 B155 B156 B157 B158 B172 B173 B174 C2 CA2 CA3 CA4 17 18 58cl C278 C162 58 59 C201 60 C276 20 21 22 19 13a 14a 13b 14b 12a 6 7 12b 11 15 16 2 C204 3 C205 4 5 8 9 31 32 25 33 34


0.34 3.75 0.83 0.04 9.06 3.92 5.44 5.93 12.80 10.06 16.20

1.25 0.45 0.66

1.87 0.35

0.74 3.97 0.22 6.58 0.63 0.25 4.11 2.25 0.46 1.23 0.07 1.11 1.21 6.81 3.05


2.55 0.82


0.91 0.59 0.65 0.69 2.30

0.07 0.18 0.18

0.21 0.05 0.72

1.51 3.43 6.03 3.49

0.87 0.70 0.40


276.84 169.62 4.67 0.18 94.81

0.07 0.89 1.68 6.83 0.61 0.23 27.70

196.42 155.05

1.96 0.58 0.24


234.95 103.26 214.87 193.07 170.44 167.32 113.16 232.80 22.63 50.75 113.22 210.90 219.75 23.74 227.74 196.66 320.00 136.58 221.56


53.38 85.90 237.17 190.87 149.19 154.70 0.26 317.77 237.71 229.35

0.41 0.56

7.08 4.90 2.76 3.84

8.57 8.91 13.57 8.96 9.31 0.19 16.25 1.23 7.69 11.79 11.66 0.97 7.96

0.17 1.34 0.00

1.22 1.58

4.95 1.82 42.77 7.79 0.65




0.57 1.56 3.91 11.60 3.66 0.71


20.04 5.84 3.13 0.00 21.23 0.26 5.22 7.65 19.01 1.17 12.13 28.67 8.97 0.86 4.13 0.55 6.56 0.46 13.58 29.79 5.81 7.39 2.92 0.04 0.02 0.01


0.87 3.83 2.65 1.29

3.41 2.99

7.37 0.01 6.21 20.43 3.35 0.03 2.98 0.22

34.85 172.56 0.63 1.30 1.70 1.25

3.13 0.56 8.73 14.84 3.45 0.81

2.09 4.20 11.24 1.39 0.49 14.79 2.68 4.64


14.80 2.02 5.40

1.90 2.10


2.34 0.69 2.30





0.93 67.53 10.99 2.71

30.35 0.94 0.68 8.56 1.60 0.63

26.69 1.57

19.95 3.27 4.38 1.33


2.89 7.16 1.56 0.47 0.98 0.74 0.80


3.91 1.48 3.91

0.30 5.64 6.09 0.12 1.29 2.89 10.78 16.73 3.82 18.32 0.05 68.03 19.62 5.87 25.69 1.86 14.68 26.65 90.56 25.20 45.05 32.27 0.95 10.27 39.86 34.59 22.12 20.69 15.28 8.73 41.13 12.47 41.78 1.80 68.34 13.02 8.97 22.97 68.08 82.15 13.33 20.12 13.97

0.96 0.40 1.04 4.08 10.96 2.67

1.68 0.95 0.51 0.36 0.99 9.18 4.11

0.38 1.00 0.62 0.75

1.18 0.00 0.57 0.16 0.54 0.50 0.02 0.23 0.07

0.05 0.16 0.01 1.23 7.60 9.39 1.60 8.05 1.34 43.58 9.34 8.12 2.76 22.83 16.38 26.80 31.24 15.14 54.20 0.43 9.98 17.89 10.56 11.32 44.38 26.00 16.95 44.88 35.19 0.16 46.39 19.21 7.59 23.50 14.51 74.12 25.46 11.78 17.88

1.66 4.44 0.06 4.48 0.09 4.19 1.19 0.48 3.26 0.28 1.85 1.30 4.39 2.69 1.56 3.09 0.15 2.46 4.30 3.72 1.72 1.29 1.88 0.75 4.62 1.15 4.35 9.94 3.31 0.73 2.68 3.96 2.31 0.92 1.77 0.84

4.20 7.48 2.34 15.52 16.17 3.74 5.06 13.07 5.03 9.62 9.49 15.16 11.85 25.41 12.25 5.85 3.79 11.66 10.50 8.35 24.16 9.60 26.78 310.31 215.01 10.77 405.78 3.06 332.08 199.48 25.64 284.53 108.97 266.89 252.07 320.91 250.85 203.25 339.50 28.31 86.67 205.70 276.10 273.72 23.74 320.15 250.08 349.56 299.76 94.28 379.94 15.26 287.41 139.47 259.27 264.48 258.09 349.65 366.01 283.43 268.63 94

23 24 24b C206 26 27 28 C202 C203 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C277 29 29cl 30 10 1 C279 C280 133 134 398 391 392 399 84 87 131 132 80 81 82 83 C251 C252 C253 85 128A 128B 129 129B 130 123 124 125 126 93 95 127 88 135 136 394 395 396 397 CA1 C67

296.32 205.96 9.22 4.75 0.01 129.57 88.35 87.29


8.70 138.23 20.28 201.98 215.18 0.29 247.51 89.44 0.09 203.02 14.82 1.84 108.54 7.08 0.86 155.56 28.23 109.25 1.44 94.76 84.13 91.99 1.48 0.44 92.04

0.08 0.59 5.05

9.97 0.34 1.43 0.41 4.31 19.94 1.66 1.98 8.14 13.43 0.01 3.45 2.78 0.98 3.20 13.51 0.26 0.30 0.81 9.13 0.85 1.95 12.25 0.06 13.48 3.76 0.42 12.28

0.01 1.31 0.23 4.65 3.22 1.00 5.95 0.02 0.09 1.48 6.52

0.66 10.93 4.57 133.52 23.68 29.29 53.33 28.72 0.46 157.93 125.97 261.30 0.28 329.12 118.81 200.26 86.53 108.27 130.27 25.69 0.31 142.42

0.13 135.34 27.73 86.24

1.17 4.67 0.84 0.38 0.62


0.87 33.54 1.35 4.87 8.22 3.48

0.58 18.38 1.77 18.99

4.41 8.93 29.33 31.23 17.43 8.15 0.10 13.01 0.00 5.41 38.81

154.85 1.98


8.01 4.80 4.01 1.32 0.00 2.01 15.27 30.41 1.87 9.72 4.33 0.43 0.57 4.73 12.46 2.26 27.10 30.05 22.98 12.63 194.16 3.17 11.81 41.89 28.49 9.32 199.57 34.11 1.88 1.39 34.25 7.34 7.37 8.83 70.31 103.20 12.61 0.59 8.27 14.10 15.67 1.19 24.01 14.43 2.42 9.77 25.68 21.75 9.16 62.59 107.80 10.64 7.02 20.83 31.74 6.46 16.70 25.89 21.75 8.06 0.69 55.33 96.53 20.38 0.09 93.05 34.62 24.64 3.86 0.94 0.35 8.63 14.28 26.78 96.97 1.79 18.69 2.79 7.16 12.41 4.68 3.40 12.61 10.65 1.39 38.45 28.48 1.68 11.90 18.45 20.71 36.65 16.77 7.58 11.66 12.73 0.00 1.05 9.21 2.89 9.45 1.13 3.22 7.65 1.46 5.21 1.23 15.02 7.58 22.78 7.66 24.84 4.24 23.83 9.82 9.29 40.77 9.81 0.37 9.57 0.11 12.47 1.77 6.61 0.93 32.15 8.35 0.64 62.31 2.29 0.02 45.05 4.69 1.09 20.69 2.40 16.38

0.20 4.61 26.69 2.72 24.96 8.06 61.43 73.25 3.50 6.95 0.88 0.31 52.45 26.07 0.54 33.02 2.63 0.11 35.57 35.62 0.29 7.32 0.04 7.30 0.09 6.56 17.55 9.08 48.28 11.17 5.14 5.52 1.03 1.50 0.80 1.85 0.35 58.88 24.65 23.89 9.93 19.06 0.70 0.03 1.14 15.56 29.61 0.37 72.17 57.99 0.10

33.41 0.82 0.00

30.66 8.26 30.55 0.14 13.07 18.38 42.34 23.88 12.31 0.07 0.81 0.12 1.50 0.79 37.88

48.78 6.04 13.17 0.63 3.93 11.68 6.05 3.86

1.62 0.90 2.24 1.15 1.32 3.60 4.09 2.61 0.50

0.41 0.06

0.94 13.63

0.29 5.31

34.18 5.29 3.30 3.02 6.89 0.22 28.93 21.14 1.82 0.23 0.40 0.03 0.60 20.30 5.69 1.28 68.05 20.94 9.18 5.25 0.79 0.66 87.90 15.19 2.63 13.19 2.32 1.36 31.55 13.70 1.62 33.77 16.93 3.25 55.37 70.10 6.67 41.47 28.83 10.33 59.04 11.87 6.90 108.39 100.79 3.97 46.49 50.59 6.17 50.02 48.97 3.11 47.26 42.25 4.83 4.50 0.09 0.08 1.65 0.76 0.43 0.23 67.65 45.58 7.98 37.09 28.34 2.38 20.52 72.05 3.10 53.50 42.71 5.17 10.01 14.45 0.35 77.38 52.26 9.48 99.62 64.33 2.87 33.71 33.02 1.31 31.19 11.41 1.85 38.23 37.33 5.37 43.72 22.62 2.97 31.61 27.05 3.06 71.53 88.41 7.01 34.11 21.55 3.36 24.94 2.06 3.63 3.19 0.01 1.90 9.28 0.55 63.66 3.03 4.52 9.41 0.45 1.31 14.41 0.42 1.78 9.57 0.94 3.93 4.35 13.07 2.62

392.19 233.41 147.35 40.93 172.17 147.19 188.07 43.77 88.29 1.45 10.75 2.98 12.25 173.65 11.34 223.36 20.28 288.27 231.37 370.32 25.92 96.03 333.64 450.71 67.08 498.64 63.04 302.06 272.57 234.26 245.01 410.86 404.62 272.84 271.99 341.92 35.88 25.86 29.21 445.61 134.27 167.87 241.08 57.51 387.81 388.30 367.78 409.84 223.48 298.45 178.43 346.07 246.98 116.58 230.19 91.84 110.90 82.47 97.93 177.06 152.80 95

C68 C70 C71 C73 B113 B114 B115 B117 B118 C211 C72 C79 C83 C84 C85 C81 C82 C212 C171 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C69 C78 C80 C87 C5 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C20 C21 C6 C7 C8 C9 C208 C209 C210 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C43 C44 C53 C56 C58 C59 C60 C22 C23





5.39 7.17 3.28 3.49 0.41



1.20 25.85 8.27 7.61 2.23 3.03 6.07

0.22 0.46

0.03 6.17

1.83 0.29 0.01 0.69 53.84 75.10 7.34 11.37 23.72 23.93 138.68 8.12 48.04 5.54

9.33 13.51

0.07 6.57 2.93 6.92 10.42

6.87 19.09 0.35

0.47 1.51

2.49 0.39

0.02 0.00 0.39 6.20

1.11 0.09 1.10 1.31 0.94 0.54 0.08 0.15

2.89 2.49 0.82 3.26

85.76 2.75 0.36 10.02 14.53

7.35 6.16 0.00 6.91 4.06 8.78 3.57 4.87 4.73 4.68 5.51 3.13 0.89 1.54 4.91

1.26 10.98 12.16 0.12 0.05 4.76 19.93 1.31 29.18 2.28 1.19 1.32 14.72 1.73 5.60 2.17 16.41

2.07 2.93 0.32 1.57 0.52 0.05 1.86 2.33

0.61 60.21 24.19 117.91 1.54 0.81 3.85 14.82 4.42 85.79 12.93 9.23 5.80 2.45

6.33 0.73

8.67 0.05 2.00 2.67 37.35 7.28 4.59 1.61 5.97 4.30 6.70 5.54 3.57 6.39 16.55 5.35 6.71 0.50 0.02 0.42 4.20 9.46

0.49 0.03 5.54 0.73 0.41 0.35 1.45 2.02 2.49 13.53 1.19 0.53 0.64 0.73 1.55 16.11 14.57 0.52 2.11 0.56 0.17 12.73 0.78 4.65 3.81 3.01

1.84 9.70 1.22 2.16 31.15

7.34 83.17 0.02 75.52 78.79 0.13 5.93 14.92 12.99 11.60 32.65 22.04 2.95 12.72 24.44 0.08 7.51 35.12 0.15


58.81 2.69 23.46 80.99 45.97 100.48 45.55 9.83 12.67 147.01 23.27 154.87 103.09 162.56 90.37 13.81 47.06 75.49 4.86 3.09 62.50 45.48

26.62 64.54 124.38

0.66 25.95 1.37 68.09 3.69 3.76 40.01 7.08

12.01 2.44 0.39 7.19

1.21 0.09 1.28

0.85 0.33 6.60 11.88

0.02 0.00 0.37 5.81 0.37 17.72

18.64 29.08 65.00

1.33 51.46

16.10 85.60 80.25

42.18 31.71

0.44 0.54 2.14 11.83 0.15 9.09 1.37 0.20 3.14 7.90 48.37 7.80 4.62 6.95 8.69 3.66 7.69 1.28 0.72 1.09 2.03 1.49 26.96 0.08 0.34 0.76 16.18 4.36 16.61 2.57 2.77 35.76 12.09 33.37 6.76 0.70 1.96 31.87 0.42 1.66 17.91 7.72 44.31 0.33 1.89 5.51 18.09 2.11 8.16 0.50 2.84 10.89 44.76

0.34 0.07 0.35 1.81 1.53 0.29

1.39 12.19 4.01 0.39 0.04 1.18 1.06 0.09

0.22 0.26 0.47 8.30

2.83 2.45 0.00 0.10 10.36 3.99 2.27 0.55 0.38 1.96

4.43 1.42 1.09 5.32 1.45 1.30 0.15 0.46

0.97 24.59

1.14 105.69 0.01 54.20 0.04 41.06 0.24 87.55 0.33 2.96 4.10 6.86 6.60 12.69 1.23 0.80 78.75 1.81 266.48 3.83 1.06 98.77 0.55 106.78 10.62 1.36 112.67 0.57 94.25 1.24 158.68 1.68 34.47 1.25 62.38 0.78 47.02 0.53 43.60 0.01 56.59 0.90 176.15 0.10 69.32 9.78 1.62 79.87 4.30 0.18 6.32 78.81 7.36 0.34 66.77 0.28 27.44 4.47 183.29 3.65 144.95 0.97 76.96 0.01 29.61 0.39 172.48 4.06 262.45 1.09 157.74 1.38 324.91 0.02 77.34 0.28 78.15 8.99 1.20 119.75 3.33 0.75 81.27 0.94 106.13 0.24 12.88 3.56 241.72 5.90 8.35 0.17 27.71 1.99 235.91 0.34 5.88 2.23 194.17 0.02 7.20 17.17 6.09 128.35 1.45 121.07 96

C24 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C42 C74 C75 C76 C77 114 115 407 409 410 411 411a 414 B192 B193 B203 412 412a 425 426 B252 B253 B255 B256 B257 B258 B259 B260 B261 B262 B263 B264 B265 B266 B267 B268 B268a B269 B270 B271 B272 B273 B274 B275 B276 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126

0.63 166.13 0.17 0.37 0.63


13.25 87.34

50.76 96.46

3.77 216.97 2.52 3.77 1.39 9.61 6.44 2.70 7.20 4.55 0.83 0.10 0.35 0.34 2.13 2.92 2.98 2.06

0.22 3.36 2.83 0.10 12.84 2.02 0.06 8.10 0.34 4.81 3.03 0.14 0.94 8.23 10.58 2.02 1.62 0.31 0.09 0.24 11.55 17.60 3.58 0.23 1.36 1.48 0.63 1.59 4.83 0.30 5.79 2.49 4.70 16.29 0.56 1.07 16.89 9.70 0.09 2.99 0.65 5.45 0.73 4.96 1.61 0.63 13.32 0.34 6.35 0.13 0.00 0.15 0.70 0.21 4.59 1.35 2.54 6.85 0.40 2.40 1.68 3.83 2.39 17.86 0.02 0.05 0.02 2.95 1.95 0.16 1.67 0.95 1.75

0.00 0.82 0.33 0.10 0.22 0.52

0.26 3.03

0.74 1.17 0.76 0.91

2.26 21.55

0.00 1.09 1.85 0.21 0.90 0.01 1.22 1.35 0.02 0.81 0.01

0.09 1.02 0.12 0.62 1.10 21.21 0.44 13.50 0.59 5.46 0.30 12.24 0.02 1.38

0.82 4.69 1.72 0.38 1.15 0.28 0.20

13.88 55.22 4.19 8.57 6.89 20.70 11.83 10.35 1.95 6.11 9.56

24.31 15.99 10.34 29.32 23.55 2.04 8.25 93.87 0.03 49.05



71.51 21.24 61.52

1.31 2.14 47.67

12.91 1.69

0.52 1.58

1.99 1.87 1.30 3.27 2.22 3.16

0.12 3.10 3.09 0.34 4.97 5.19 1.36 0.53 0.04

1.05 3.24 0.60 0.00

1.68 2.30 0.55 6.67 0.54

0.95 18.63 159.38

0.10 3.05 2.55 2.32 1.13 15.03 1.03 0.39 0.71 0.67 0.20 0.24 2.56

0.88 3.74 5.68 1.10 3.19 0.12 0.19 5.87 0.34 0.13 0.30 15.42 0.84 23.00 69.68 0.30 0.33 2.06 2.80 0.36 3.37 2.79 5.24 6.91 3.80 0.01 0.45

0.92 1.49 0.04


0.17 0.20 0.00

0.96 8.69 14.32 3.45 2.51 34.78 3.86 4.12 1.08 18.99 2.00 2.11 5.39 6.58 9.61 1.98 88.95 121.22 0.98 2.62 3.29 2.14 3.74 6.77

54.76 4.45 21.74 85.43 3.65

4.22 7.33 3.96 37.30 7.79 7.80 9.24

0.03 0.97 0.53 2.21 0.71 1.91 3.81 1.90 2.72 10.10 4.64 3.06 0.40 3.13 0.47 1.46 1.50

1.47 190.36 1.24 108.34 1.14 50.19 0.15 29.04 0.79 42.68 0.21 102.19 0.27 20.01 0.19 16.71 11.56 1.26 155.49 1.26 16.98 4.97 0.72 75.59 4.22 148.37 46.03 4.44 3.72 254.84 3.91 328.48 0.26 66.13 9.05 11.03 7.18 17.06 13.82 3.50 3.04 9.20 7.14 0.69 21.97 20.66 4.17 317.19 0.61 4.18 0.15 4.38 5.60 0.78 23.30 0.15 3.99 0.46 9.65 0.91 10.01 3.53 0.41 7.43 7.65 0.42 4.82 0.42 8.70 0.06 3.72 0.10 8.46 0.25 6.98 0.06 4.36 9.18 0.34 13.15 0.05 5.25 0.03 4.43 0.19 3.70 0.10 11.28 0.03 9.09 0.28 12.74 5.10 2.71 140.53 1.01 191.59 0.78 38.38 0.80 137.73 5.59 97

C127 C128 20.47 C129 116.35 C130 0.07 4.84 C159 44.32 418 107.71 B206 16.44 B207 9.28 B208 7.59 B209 5.80 5.38 B210 5.88 B211 2.86 B212 5.90 2.67 B213 B215 B216 B217 B218 B219 7.68 B220 B221 B222 B223 B224 B225 B226 C166 40.80 C213 0.75 C88 422 10.76 424 102.43 50.87 C110 0.29 C111 C112 C113 3.34 C119 C164 2.82 C165 3.21 404 5.55 28.42 405 30.56 406 5.56 B204 B205 10.51 426cl 29.69 427cl1 427cl2 137 67.64 C173 C174 63.61 C217 101.25 430 431 1.40 432 433 35.48 434 C152 C153 182.10 C154 2.85 160.07 C155 2.76 237.89 C156 52.66 C157 0.12 126.28

0.76 0.72


0.54 1.37 2.15 1.39 5.27 2.18

0.82 2.81

4.09 10.17

1.95 2.27 0.58 0.33 19.56 8.26

35.17 10.16

0.16 0.61 4.05

8.78 6.23

0.19 0.18 0.00 18.16 4.11


1.22 0.16 1.31 0.44 2.79 0.04


0.29 6.36 3.80 0.20

1.29 0.97

0.14 0.00 0.02 0.54





0.02 12.47 0.45 0.45 0.03 5.39 1.64 6.41 4.65 3.79 1.63 0.99 0.27 0.05 10.71 0.56

0.03 3.25 0.03 1.83 4.63 2.00 4.77 0.03 1.84 104.36 1.13 26.33 29.20 5.79 54.94 1.86 1.28

1.69 1.74 2.52

2.39 9.58 0.46 10.39 2.57 2.39

0.30 0.09

0.50 9.52

41.73 5.70 2.18 0.37 9.67 0.30 2.34

1.01 0.00 2.78 0.86






3.51 5.06 13.35 0.04 16.26 1.17




6.93 0.89 29.86 0.89 10.60 0.77 1.07




12.95 0.60 1.07 18.19 5.23

19.17 23.39 4.61

2.88 88.58 0.17



5.37 0.27 0.81 0.77 3.73 2.21 3.52 4.24 0.41 0.19 1.95 0.50 2.85 1.01 7.28 10.51 1.20 4.93 12.23 6.62 2.72

5.11 0.48 1.02 4.81 0.90 2.44 5.89 9.03 2.11



3.12 1.08 14.94 22.56 100.88 53.46 31.76 0.62 1.80

15.12 1.59 0.24 4.89 1.58 4.59 0.18 0.24 2.42 7.73 7.00 99.55 12.88 21.78 12.63 3.21 0.20 0.51 17.74 0.56 9.43 5.37 18.09 23.87 3.76

0.65 0.98 1.32

0.62 0.29 0.61 0.64 1.65 1.20 0.81 2.46 6.42 4.65 0.29


4.29 2.76 9.54 35.51 143.86 0.80 3.93 42.02 27.47 70.13 4.37 7.06 4.35


0.16 0.78 1.79 1.44

3.68 0.00 1.14 0.88 16.37 2.90 0.24 0.58 6.28 0.85 27.06 0.90 1.47 0.06 1.34 0.16 0.03 0.19 2.88 1.39 1.90 5.51 6.39 0.98

0.45 2.45 1.04 0.03 1.34 0.39 0.08 0.00 1.90 0.00 0.22 2.11 0.41 0.39

0.99 0.54 5.24 1.80 1.54 3.32 0.77

0.32 2.32 1.38 1.22 4.86 2.47 1.17

8.34 37.99 154.41 17.74 98.50 134.83 16.44 9.28 7.59 12.97 5.88 2.86 8.58 11.99 6.79 6.40 2.23 11.53 11.62 6.97 16.00 10.97 2.30 11.40 5.43 9.93 50.56 126.17 120.17 15.48 213.58 93.15 20.84 67.59 16.19 62.60 5.87 3.67 66.39 48.93 35.46 3.08 11.79 42.30 22.15 17.93 427.25 68.48 118.05 200.22 20.26 5.95 2.83 35.83 43.78 3.44 235.12 214.80 410.53 186.93 135.90 98

117 118 119 120 121a 121B 122A 122B C167 C168 C169 C170 C61 C62 116 B251 B288 B289 B290 B291 C114 C116 C120 C57 419 420 421 B277 B277a B278 B279 B280 B281 B282 B283 B284 B285 B286 B287 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C108 C109 C40 C41 223 224 225 413 415 416 417 423 B228 B229 B230 B231

286.17 266.93 326.06 3.91 2.05 2.17 10.60 239.22 5.49 86.11 217.99 72.46 9.58 14.75

7.03 1.19

4.15 6.40 16.59 45.87 0.25 12.20 6.71 13.56 4.63 0.02 0.09 15.59 9.98 6.92 1.93 7.37

179.48 2.90

0.49 1.42 0.66 0.09 1.24 0.70 0.86 0.45 0.88 1.10

0.08 2.48 0.77

1.47 0.71

58.67 59.79 2.45 13.95 5.32 43.38 70.25

11.37 2.80 121.53 6.27 20.70

0.54 0.05 1.69 2.56

2.01 0.55 0.01 0.72 1.14 0.17

7.67 1.27 1.17

3.86 0.41 0.03 0.20 0.52 1.42

0.23 0.50 3.56 2.83 1.76 1.04 2.65 5.13 3.62 4.66

1.63 0.69 0.52


20.30 45.88 7.17 0.00 0.11 56.74 2.12 4.99 0.12 13.20 3.91 15.70 7.84


0.08 0.01 0.68 0.02

0.04 0.11 0.29 0.56 0.21 1.42 0.07

0.91 0.01 0.14

12.46 5.58 1.66 22.82 4.53 28.08

1.04 0.04



17.11 0.03


1.32 2.20 3.68 2.24 2.35 0.75

14.83 14.35 18.22 53.61 76.23 174.24 90.09 34.84 68.73 1.45 15.50 14.59 42.40 11.33

1.20 0.02 0.09 0.43 1.06 5.15 1.07 1.80 0.09

0.48 0.11 6.39 0.32

0.29 2.50 0.02 0.58 6.91 1.08 3.04 6.29 15.77 4.90 4.89 2.09 6.64

2.02 0.67 1.45 3.09 2.93 1.51 15.51 3.03

0.50 7.93 3.78 1.62 1.67

0.58 3.44 0.12 0.32 5.02 6.22


12.80 21.65



1.99 3.26



44.66 27.42 35.91 93.38 34.53 28.91 25.74 25.44 9.13 77.44 13.18 26.14 1.60 0.19 38.90

18.20 14.60 26.27 14.46 2.99 1.93 25.59 0.58 3.70 24.91 1.38 3.58 0.24

3.34 5.57 3.77 4.25 8.83 1.02 0.77 0.26 2.69 6.04 2.41 0.00 0.22

1.09 1.34 10.21 0.40 1.15 0.36 0.73

4.60 5.21 9.68

0.95 0.08 0.57 4.39 4.31 3.44 0.82 1.32 4.21



1.10 0.70 5.84 8.49

0.05 0.37 2.29 2.46

1.27 1.36 6.02

0.14 0.37

1.09 0.39 5.08 2.36 14.09 0.83 2.75 5.12 2.72 1.62 3.52 11.45 0.02 0.08



0.49 1.95 15.94 10.83

4.75 2.69 0.77 3.39 2.64 2.91 4.37 2.33 1.08 6.15 1.14 1.02 1.28 0.01 3.48 0.04 0.44 0.10 0.34 0.10 0.30 0.49 0.10

0.07 0.34 0.27 0.17

0.99 0.55 0.06 0.12 0.40 0.08 0.13 1.08 0.73 0.12 0.01

3.97 0.31 4.63 3.06 1.26 1.59 0.18 7.59


372.76 332.38 478.74 413.68 183.28 115.03 351.52 92.94 100.03 374.95 149.61 67.45 174.43 31.70 335.58 9.97 8.81 14.20 14.64 9.01 28.90 122.09 3.96 20.29 20.98 10.98 21.93 5.25 5.06 4.33 7.20 6.56 13.89 3.88 6.22 4.52 6.76 9.62 18.81 96.73 64.14 4.86 3.43 44.62 5.40 53.80 78.24 28.60 26.69 44.61 14.85 5.79 16.55 20.79 11.28 16.90 87.43 1.30 1.81 0.78 9.42 99

B232 B233 B234 B235 B236 B237 B238 B239 B240 B241 B242 B243 B244 B245 B246 B247 B248 B249 B250 C115 C117 C118 400 96 97 98 E4 E5 100 100cl1 100cl2 101 101cl 102 99 E20 E30 161 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 111 112 113 103 104 105 105cl 106 E18

6.91 4.56 11.50


1.27 2.71 0.08 0.25 0.24 1.11 2.65 2.18 3.46 0.60 0.20

1.73 0.05

0.13 0.16

2.20 38.47 28.37 0.51 41.85 0.19 228.17 81.51 1.37 201.90 15.16 6.51 3.84 98.12 10.77 37.77 62.51 0.04 14.55 1.27

78.56 2.07

0.04 2.84 5.31 4.08 2.47 0.20 0.21 8.22 0.21 0.46 249.74 95.89 17.68 85.61 209.17 16.68 0.34 15.11


3.21 2.39 0.88

0.75 0.68 0.65



0.52 0.00

3.03 10.94 12.44 0.46 8.40 3.31 3.81 2.88 2.45

11.83 1.42 7.92 0.16


1.80 0.26 1.15 0.03





0.64 2.95 4.45 5.10



0.25 1.42 1.51 2.71 0.79 0.75 4.39 2.17


3.05 0.03

2.78 6.31 44.08 37.49 0.32 1.24 4.21 0.15 4.19 0.52 0.01 16.32 0.01 1.37 1.20 3.96 0.04 0.01 1.41 10.42 12.55 0.78 1.45 2.25 2.33 1.54 0.09 0.62 0.03 9.52 45.73 11.86 10.96 1.71 0.01 0.08 23.75 0.18 15.39 2.16


6.03 27.91 4.97 10.43 12.91 33.86 11.42 2.04

3.26 6.51 11.37 3.67

19.39 3.73 1.15 10.09 0.91 1.55 9.37 14.35 2.66


0.09 2.39 2.82 17.99 1.49 111.89 0.55 7.33 0.68 2.06 1.68 3.88 12.39 1.52 0.70 1.23 12.74 1.78 6.37

22.69 1.84 0.53 0.72 15.70 46.67 9.23 18.77 7.91 11.58 4.50 2.05 1.66

96.23 50.13 20.95 2.04

2.54 19.88 0.28 9.23

2.07 2.04 1.87 1.59 0.86 0.91 1.56 2.62 0.90 1.40 0.86 3.51 6.56 2.64 4.25 2.79 0.38 2.50 41.03 32.39 40.92 9.49 19.89 23.66 17.01 1.69 0.58 42.07 14.98 32.69 11.34 1.00 84.57 4.21 3.27 7.77 19.94 0.89 0.37 0.36 0.40

1.59 3.90 0.42 0.04 1.92 7.72 2.43 5.12 9.23 2.20 1.70


1.14 2.65 0.71 0.05 0.43



0.76 13.52 29.64 11.15 2.50 2.15 0.85 3.32 0.10 0.05 35.36 7.83 18.42 0.89

2.38 4.20 1.29 3.16 1.08 1.62 0.88 3.59 0.50 0.17 4.29 1.09 4.98 1.16


0.93 1.29 0.49

0.65 1.18 5.17 0.04 0.23

2.94 1.39

0.74 0.38

0.26 6.74 155.07 72.07 58.17 10.64 56.81 8.86 32.19

3.91 36.96 91.09 29.62 4.45 52.83 9.29 21.07

0.44 0.07


0.40 4.32 0.33 0.15 2.30 0.38

1.00 0.76 0.08 0.03 4.56 12.59 3.29 5.23 1.94 3.07 0.39 1.62

7.41 4.56 11.50 9.52 8.70 6.03 4.28 3.96 8.84 5.99 11.86 15.58 5.62 6.43 5.31 12.89 9.88 4.25 5.72 35.08 3.61 58.05 146.10 132.35 316.05 112.37 72.06 54.06 242.06 17.45 7.31 202.00 42.60 113.15 82.87 17.00 25.52 387.07 12.90 12.11 13.28 52.72 24.93 2.69 26.00 11.43 0.21 12.05 145.14 60.75 23.65 3.70 290.17 392.90 205.23 210.89 235.84 184.68 23.84 96.65 3.82 100

E19 E31 E32 E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E44 E45 E46 107 108 E11 E12 E39 E40 E41 E42 E43 E47 E48 E49 109 110 E52 E53 E54 E55 35 36 47 51a 51b 52 37 41 42 43 46 38 39 40 79 90 91 92 94 E1 E10 E2 E3 E6 E7 E8 E9 86 89 86Cl 141

5.25 22.88

2.10 1.78 2.63




7.06 9.77 8.49 5.53 9.08 14.25 2.17 1.30 0.11 0.40 0.02 11.45 1.91 0.56 3.38 4.38 4.83

69.04 17.76

0.61 2.58 2.28 0.59 0.43 0.28 0.01 14.02 7.45

49.17 52.68 20.65 28.28 19.67 16.05 145.55 101.62 122.73




0.70 34.26 188.49 45.25 185.34 91.83 0.12 80.12 130.41 170.45 186.88 165.66 155.16 215.68 172.09 403.39 122.71 1.00 36.00 172.12 161.94 29.73

0.15 0.18 0.07 0.13

1.79 2.11 0.01 8.04 10.22 19.48 13.21 7.24 17.43 22.96 1.25 19.16 33.57 14.21 5.92 3.51 6.13 7.82 19.81 6.49 9.14

1.84 2.13 0.06

0.37 0.02 0.98

6.18 3.81

11.25 0.17 49.17 0.74

0.11 8.30 284.66 58.26 32.75 297.85

5.62 22.68 17.05 0.04 1.59

2.49 12.39 1.97 0.52

1.44 0.03

0.14 1.98 1.13 0.45 0.08 0.05

8.62 3.50 4.04


1.76 7.75 5.25 5.47 4.09 0.93 5.91


5.69 2.20

11.88 25.29 23.05 21.25 2.38 34.63 26.86 2.16 21.77 1.20

1.15 0.55 0.63 1.12 1.89 1.46 1.16 3.78 14.51 10.75

1.09 1.65 27.69 30.02 3.25 3.14 6.10 9.06 3.32

5.14 3.31 0.01 0.16

12.75 1.63 1.88

8.95 8.84

37.63 46.51 26.87 0.38 6.84 1.33 12.97 0.41 17.12 7.77

0.55 13.97 4.59 0.02 6.65 4.59 4.91 0.27 0.75 14.04 2.94 0.49 0.22

6.23 2.47 9.08 10.56 0.77 14.34 2.44 0.85 2.57 12.89 6.05 2.25 4.37 15.75

10.52 2.38 4.85 4.40 0.76

14.07 0.78 0.58

0.00 0.88 0.29 0.50 0.75 1.52 2.38 19.74 17.71 9.80 0.69 0.63 12.21 0.61 3.11 3.64 0.86 0.26 1.09 1.45 0.25 29.98 0.95 37.20 55.53 11.78 0.36 0.38 0.60

0.06 4.55 17.66 15.22 5.90 16.18 20.34 11.20 1.24 1.13 0.74 46.27 3.95 5.03 1.17 3.29

0.37 3.57 3.95 0.25 1.58 3.55 2.18 0.16 0.03 33.39 13.28 0.57 0.36 2.30

0.03 3.02 2.74 2.27 0.02 2.43 2.46 1.56 0.08 0.17 0.13 3.98 0.74 0.15 0.43 1.95

3.50 0.27 1.43 2.95 0.13 0.87 0.07 0.23 26.22 102.64 19.61 45.39 1.00 10.64 16.26 18.56 18.37 0.47 29.31 38.84 27.99 30.68 29.17 102.04 26.65 68.39 24.39 34.93 40.60 163.56 39.23 25.78 3.43 3.06 73.59 38.57 102.17 63.37 58.99 52.08 35.72 14.28 7.69 0.90 29.54 10.30 14.17 5.43 78.89 72.34 63.73 10.26 48.71 37.03 1.41 3.81 17.01 16.69 4.05 1.56 18.32 14.96 15.92 0.12 8.99 1.71 0.73

0.41 0.25 0.33 0.52 0.04 0.17 0.33 0.86 0.10 0.40 2.03 0.08 2.15 0.93 5.35 1.63 4.21 0.54 9.04 0.14 8.53 8.27 4.47 1.45 0.51 4.59 3.58 4.31 3.30 1.03 0.42 0.64 0.65 2.41 2.34 0.32

15.55 5.72 52.38 124.39 35.54 117.17 3.06 6.65 4.82 2.19

0.62 9.15 2.62 1.10 1.08

18.07 22.95 80.66 56.80 137.98 113.63 113.55 98.88 21.89 50.89 19.21 147.80 215.86 143.02 32.38 21.86 24.11 5.47 9.17 18.23 14.54 4.22 13.36 12.81 216.85 97.95 1.36 31.06 89.37 3.50 267.98 116.33 349.68 205.30 81.89 304.89 239.65 179.10 345.59 394.03 296.52 297.50 203.72 477.15 160.92 217.73 300.79 310.36 39.47 43.43 23.96 70.90 56.89 72.90 44.57 3.31 83.33 540.16 233.95 46.08 308.11 101

C139 C147 C148 C158 142 C149 C150 140A 140B 154 C151 C207 138 139 436 C137 C138 C54 C55 143A 143B 144 144A C215 C216 435 437 C160 C121 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 429 429cl 148 149 C140 C141 146 147 C143 C144 C145 C146 C142 C214 C136 C163 C219 C161 C220 150 151 145a 145b 152 153 64 65


2.31 17.59 0.06 22.70 0.12 0.19 1.49

73.14 15.16 18.34 5.59 249.24 120.00 110.34 285.41 67.34 102.64 105.87 31.07 368.25 261.40



5.96 0.78 0.42

8.50 1.92 0.23 0.11

30.91 90.79 192.45 90.73 209.73 128.62 22.11

0.24 0.79 3.55 1.17

0.51 1.49

2.58 3.16

3.58 3.31 1.04

16.33 74.14 69.84 5.76 6.99 604.18 110.81 398.57 231.09 29.04 82.18 381.71 401.87

0.34 0.54

1.82 0.04 0.16 0.00 0.28 1.14 0.10

1.23 1.64

3.66 21.64 0.10 0.73 1.44 3.45 6.68 36.15 0.06 12.41 6.30 5.33 7.05 9.39 0.00 5.74 3.83 12.99 1.36 7.81 0.23 2.01 1.16 1.40 1.65 2.86 3.72 3.06 16.02 13.52 11.71 9.14 10.78 0.12 17.65 0.86 45.17 14.80 7.82 3.80 3.50 0.85 3.66 0.04 1.06 1.83 0.95 4.10 5.59 0.20 0.93 33.06 0.21 8.93 8.92 18.31 0.94 16.18 3.66 0.36 6.67 0.40 11.87 1.36 8.74 5.76 0.48 8.38 0.29 0.12 3.53 8.11 2.69 0.33



13.05 0.40

38.28 20.95 5.38 16.79 80.59 3.04 10.53 31.72 21.09 10.47 8.44 3.86 9.19 28.62 140.75 0.70 1.53 27.93 14.28 18.04 28.95 10.31 3.51 13.27 18.99 58.18 26.83 402.57 4.75 12.35 0.90


8.46 9.36

0.82 0.00 19.83 0.05 1.65 64.47 62.47 48.29 29.14 41.00 8.99 15.44 0.37 5.36 18.54 0.20 0.12 3.97 4.13 15.09 18.31 0.53 27.54 48.78 13.33

3.78 0.01 14.16

48.82 167.33 45.37 12.99 25.10 6.43 20.85 7.50 6.60 17.94 21.36 14.45 9.87 9.80 14.83 6.76 8.52 4.82 8.03

8.64 34.34 5.58

1.23 9.43 23.36 102.27 0.61 20.82 39.51 4.30 13.35 27.65 24.12 1.03 18.02 2.58 1.80 1.42 69.74 35.00 23.39 50.05 17.63 18.38 30.32 8.75 27.19 6.28 4.30 13.58 23.99 0.22 73.63 28.55 41.81 87.30 2.49 17.61 91.10 40.82 0.54 39.17 1.00 40.76 3.25 0.24

0.13 0.04

4.24 0.94 11.96 0.27 1.20 19.05 0.41 3.70 7.45 6.18 2.82 0.41

57.67 43.63 33.24 31.82 2.95 2.24 13.29 6.01 9.17 0.83 2.42 1.59 0.93 28.58 20.91 28.31 37.32 1.22 12.06 28.68 17.74 1.10 9.33 31.47 0.33

6.94 125.44 113.77 173.73 256.41 0.69 80.22 0.27 290.18 423.91 275.57 83.43 160.97


3.77 1.39 13.84 0.01 6.02 1.15 19.14 7.25 2.21 0.70 1.38 23.24 11.41


13.50 3.30 15.78 5.94 7.87 0.55 33.39 16.29 1.90


9.06 5.08

0.63 7.70

0.05 21.72 6.93 0.25 7.85 0.91 0.09 13.38 2.61

14.86 1.33 64.93 1.62 20.65 3.82 63.59 14.28 7.94 1.37 90.74 62.72

9.46 0.40 90.09 10.75 4.16 23.43 14.91 8.53 4.54 29.58 22.30

2.30 140.98 15.70 57.36 29.21 0.00 271.73 3.95 171.71 16.80 361.25 0.00 289.39 3.77 191.60 2.38 191.64 1.29 193.92 0.53 128.96 0.74 488.50 3.28 376.41 0.51 150.32 0.45 72.32 0.12 18.95 0.00 20.10 0.31 37.22 2.24 196.22 5.80 225.33 3.86 312.73 2.83 205.32 4.74 271.21 3.62 245.66 1.13 578.73 0.55 60.38 1.29 102.79 0.33 27.66 0.76 18.18 0.62 92.73 2.43 117.63 0.73 54.48 0.31 8.46 8.06 967.03 2.39 227.70 1.42 527.46 4.42 403.63 1.17 55.78 1.66 163.19 6.37 546.73 4.46 490.33 2.11 2.13 74.23 0.08 9.19 2.12 104.79 0.47 46.23 0.16 14.01 6.94 4.44 172.47 2.09 8.51 3.85 323.97 0.58 8.16 2.13 228.07 2.12 268.47 6.75 250.41 3.05 347.14 1.92 446.41 0.47 284.12 6.56 256.63 5.30 278.10 102

69 70 71 44 45 54 55 50 53 48 49 56 57 C243 C244 C245 75 76 77 78 66 68 67 C241 C242 63 p1 p2 p3 387 61a 72 73 74 388 62a 62b C172 C246 C247 C248 C249 C250 210 211 209 212 155 156 157 E84 E85 E86 E87 E88 E89 E90 E91 158 159 401

8.01 177.12 104.97 116.17 125.45 291.12 186.26 135.02 183.92 71.03 146.97 214.61 32.73 124.43 58.66


11.91 5.15

1.11 1.87


0.05 14.78 0.01 10.49 26.07 15.66 17.40 3.48 0.03 0.11 12.07 11.00 6.74 6.27 22.83 17.97 7.65 1.30 0.46 6.89 5.82 7.53 9.13 22.96 0.02 8.08 20.63

1.16 71.75 71.14 84.08 53.43 120.38 170.10 288.65 4.05 6.78 0.78 161.19 37.66 153.06 5.41 177.34 15.25 395.57 36.20 10.37 23.09 65.86 17.08 171.92 19.85 117.13 19.52 132.23 22.91 61.02 3.48 8.30 20.10 37.89 10.67 26.60 18.72 13.67 109.44 1.25 9.26 95.70 0.24 1.84 0.02 0.00 1.57

0.00 1.85

26.86 12.66 22.22 4.89 7.58

3.94 9.06 1.63 3.57

2.44 3.90

0.62 0.85


0.08 0.77

0.92 2.96

6.41 0.07 0.02 0.13 4.26 1.05 23.85 1.83 5.48

13.88 1.05 25.20 162.44 4.74 26.69 3.16 29.88 1.54 226.07 0.60 34.61 2.40 2.35 143.43 0.39 0.26 146.04 12.79 0.24 24.59 11.01 25.73 0.00 4.40 0.61 4.54 1.19 0.59 1.43 6.63 0.04 0.16 3.10 0.73 0.24 59.95 0.17 19.40 1.57 0.34 6.73 1.59 42.22 0.08 17.82 0.81 0.29 6.35 3.62 1.91 183.69 4.02 1.31 0.05 25.15 0.05 13.46 38.03 1.61 2.90

2.30 0.81 0.71 0.69

21.23 12.51 37.20 15.75 8.70 9.35 2.68


71.88 20.23 23.90 17.11 1.79 53.05 11.92 4.39 15.04

5.10 7.49

33.16 32.81

7.67 18.12 9.54

6.37 5.91 7.60 2.74

0.68 2.11 0.77


21.47 5.12

0.07 21.74 3.81 0.13 1.51 4.30 2.40 0.19 0.29 1.04 0.29 0.07 0.73 1.98 0.45 0.07 0.00

0.77 13.34 0.95 4.60 0.43 11.74

16.03 6.98 9.59 35.00 149.56 1.31 22.19 46.29 2.01 20.01 0.70 28.00 33.51 11.75 5.32

0.77 35.64


0.57 48.12 36.87 213.95 20.37 141.59 60.41 124.09 19.60 3.60 13.19 1.91 6.97 10.15 40.46 0.70 1.21 0.74 15.27 27.25 11.40


0.02 2.24 0.24 73.40 11.31 1.57 11.35 2.09

55.87 73.01 181.79 33.21 87.72 8.04 0.96 17.43 38.20 12.32 8.13 50.29 54.28 5.59 6.65 1.17 41.70 27.58 49.39 39.36 162.50 40.51 91.53

25.99 30.48 78.16 42.89 57.35 17.30 0.34 79.49 58.93 67.37 35.42 97.30 73.93 8.38 5.48 0.72 5.63 4.61 12.07 4.70 45.66 10.28 79.67

9.94 8.12 9.62 2.40 2.62 0.28 0.22 0.47 2.15 0.93 0.66 3.28 1.07 0.59 1.47 0.11 5.95 3.30 5.42 6.83 6.57 4.41 5.14

1.77 3.75 147.87 41.27 11.07 0.80 13.04 6.50 2.10 1.21 45.45 34.61 6.86 0.62 205.51 58.81 12.41 1.45 26.37 2.45 0.00 4.33 42.88 13.16 5.05 0.86 100.87 64.62 5.72 92.17 60.75 2.86 0.09 90.04 41.88 8.44 7.42 0.60 0.08 0.18 33.86 22.78 3.58 0.55 56.63 45.10 8.30 129.18 25.72 5.50 1.16 36.53 11.30 4.42 0.42 6.18 3.53 1.28 2.84 1.03 0.49 2.45 0.35 22.96 2.63 1.08 73.15 56.40 0.85 43.69 29.17 0.03 108.71 79.19 10.85 16.34 2.55 23.34 27.59 0.61 71.06 38.55 1.25 78.84 101.91 5.95 7.75 5.15 0.60 10.28 1.82 1.14 0.71 0.39 102.67 18.12 11.90 8.41 4.64 1.82 6.44 3.30 0.30 11.32 1.85 6.03 3.66 0.30 4.41 0.13 1.63 82.47 8.55 5.13 0.79 0.67

322.63 250.65 461.23 229.72 468.09 217.95 139.40 298.62 181.39 235.06 268.13 208.80 273.34 81.58 15.58 3.63 160.23 124.97 203.20 135.87 400.59 250.59 505.96 4.05 9.33 495.83 215.62 314.21 762.82 220.14 203.52 397.94 344.22 317.35 92.62 130.32 290.38 235.84 206.65 119.66 6.86 7.05 152.17 598.94 269.71 651.54 43.25 199.22 294.53 243.83 26.16 28.88 15.29 280.28 22.63 13.08 147.52 32.28 212.62 161.31 70.94 103

8.27 28.51 46.25 2.52 1.38 4.79 10.29 0.95 1.47 2.16

1.56 0.74 3.14

3.61 5.79 1.04 1.97 0.41 1.70 2.03 14.84 2.68 6.15 1.60 0.42 0.34 49.92 2.29

3.03 1.89 29.19 7.92 40.54 8.93 7.25

0.08 2.98 0.19 20.12 5.51 4.00

6.87 235.51 2.33 54.34 0.33 52.88 0.24 6.31 2.59 153.46 10.73 0.64 12.34 0.79 17.21 3.25 216.16 0.83 139.80 1.45 77.53 0.01 234.97 0.38 162.94 2.09 138.59 4.40 141.18 1.28 148.46 0.34 15.67 0.90 26.16 0.44 8.37 2.38 42.80 0.73 23.59 1.29 88.87 1.43 168.43 1.83 38.41




5.69 4.37

41.97 2.68

23.85 21.24 0.58 38.30 26.77 0.14 5.49 8.10 66.91 14.68

18.50 12.51 2.97 1.33 9.10 1.31 4.76 0.79 30.95 3.54 13.44 2.88 3.48 4.78 36.26 19.06



1.08 1.12 11.09


18.08 0.77

0.69 0.48 0.19 4.65 2.59 7.24 5.59 8.27 9.32 2.29 13.94 0.04 5.94 0.55 0.65 1.08 0.35 2.25 3.46 3.66 0.06 2.39 12.99 0.25 5.05












0.29 1.98

27.79 2.41 3.86


7.33 2.34


1.76 12.45 128.97 23.17





25.28 134.16 22.47 42.34 2.09 129.94 7.72 3.14 13.84 4.03 123.50 108.91 0.23 0.52 180.71 122.44 2.86 112.47



402 E75 E76 E77 E81 E82 E83 C107 C175 C176 C177 C178 C179 C180 160 C218 E50 E51 E56 E57 E58 E59 E60 E61