Tangerang. Mata Pelajaran. : Bahasa Inggris. Kelas/Semester. : XI (Sebelas).
: SMKN 3 Kota Tangerang
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI (Sebelas)
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Elementary
Kompetensi Dasar
: Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari, baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Talking about hobbies and interest. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Guest Handling.
2. Materi Pembelajaran Talking about hobbies and interest Guest handling Yes-No questions Question taq Questions with question words Gerund as subject and objects Gerund as complement Gerund after preposition Constructions with “too and enough”.
3. Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan : Contekstual Teaching Learning (CTL) Model
: Cooperatif Learning
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Kegiatan pendahuluan Menanyakan kepada peserta didik macam – macam ungkapan tentang talking about hobbies dan guest handling Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran 2. Kegiatan Inti 1. Spoken Cycle A. Building Knowledge of Field 1. Listening Section a. Teacher asks one of the students to come in front of the class. The teacher asks him/her. He/she acts as if he/she were a hotel guest. Based on a hotel registration form below. b. The students answer the questions while listening from the teacher. c. The students complete the conversation while listening from the teacher.
2. Expression Corner 1. The students read the dialog and act it out in front of the class. (Work in pairs) 2. The students complete the dialog 3. The students read the dialogue with the partner then act it out.
B. Text Modelling 1. Reading Section a. The students read the text carefully “Choosing Hotel” b. The students read the text once again then answer the questions that follows.
C. Join Constructions of Text 1. Speaking Section a. The students study the dialogue with a partner then act it out.
b. The students complete the summary of the dialogue “Handling Guest”
D. Independent Construction of text 1. Speaking Section a. The students study the dialogue then act it out in front of the class. (Work in pairs). b. The students arrange the jumbled sentences to make a good dialogue
2. Written Cycle A. Building knowledge of field 1. The students study the dialogue 2. The students observe the following sentences taken from the dialogue above.
B. Text Modeling 1. The students read the text and answer the questions
C. Joint constructions of text 1. The students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reading.
D. Independent Constructions of text 1. The students study grammar a. using too + adjective + infinitive b. using too + adjective + for (someone) + infinitive c. using adjective + enough 2. The students answer the task from grammar
5. Kegiatan penutup 1. The teacher asks the students’ understanding about the chapter. 2. Giving homework 3. Say goodbye
6. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar 1. Laptop 2. LCD 3. Speaker active 4. Buku paket
7. Penilaian 1. Tes lisan 2. Tes tertulis
Tangerang, Juli 2009 Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Dedih, S.Pd NIP. 197712052003121005
: SMKN 3 Kota Tangerang
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI (Sebelas)
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Elementary
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mencatat pesan-pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun melalui alat
Alokasi Waktu
: ….. x 45 menit
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Expressions dealing with telephone conversations”.
2. Materi Pembelajaran a. Expressions dealing with telephone conversations b. Grammar review -
Personal pronoun
Reported speech
Adjective clause
3. Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan : Contekstual Teaching Learning (CTL) Model
: Cooperatif Learning
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Kegiatan pendahuluan a. Menanyakan kepada peserta didik macam – macam ungkapan tentang expressing dealing with telephone conversations. b. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
2. Kegiatan Inti 1. Spoken Cycle A. Building Knowledge of Field 1. Listening Section a. The students write on the book while listening a message on the phone from the computer.
B. Text Modelling 1. Reading Section a. The students practice the dialogue and answer the call.
C. Join Constructions of Text a. The students turn the messages into complete sentences by adding the words in brackets.
D. Independent Consruction of text a. The students match the expressions. b. The students choose the best expressions from the words in brackets to complete the dialogue.
2. Written Cycle A. Building knowledge of field 1. The teacher explains grammar review “Personal pronoun, Reported speech, Adjective clause” 2. The students complete the text with the correct pronouns as object 3. The students complete the sentences, use my, yours, his, her, our, or their. 4. The students find and correct the errors in pronouns usage. 5. The students change the sentences into indirect speech 6. The students rewrite the sentences to be good statements using relative pronouns.
B. Text Modeling 1. The students learn the message.
C. Joint constructions of text 1. The students play the game with their partner.
D. Independent Constructions of text 1. The students match the picture
5. Kegiatan penutup 1. The teacher asks the students’ understanding about the lesson. 2. Giving homework 3. Say goodbye
6. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar 1. Laptop 2. LCD 3. Speaker active 4. Buku paket
7. Penilaian 1. Tes lisan 2. Tes tertulis
Tangerang, Juli 2009 Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Dedih, S.Pd NIP. 197712052003121005
: SMKN 3 Kota Tangerang
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI (Sebelas)
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Elementary
Kompetensi Dasar
: Merinci tugas pekerjaan dan latar belakang pendidikan yang dimilikinya secara lisan dan tulisan. : ….. x 45 menit
Alokasi Waktu
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Telling about people’s job using the simple present tense; Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Telling about people’s educational background using the simple past tense. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Curriculum Vitae” Siswa dapat mengungkapkan berbagai macam ungkapan tentang “Expressing facts and figures”.
2. Materi Pembelajaran Telling about people’s job using the simple present tense Telling about people’s educational background using the simple past tense Samples of curriculum vitae Expressing facts and figures.
3. Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan : Contekstual Teaching Learning (CTL) Model
: Cooperatif Learning
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan pendahuluan Menanyakan kepada peserta didik macam – macam ungkapan tentang Telling about people’s job using the simple present tense Menanyakan kepada peserta didik macam – macam ungkapan tentang Telling about people’s educational background using the simple past tense Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran 2. Kegiatan Inti 1. Spoken Cycle A. Building Knowledge of Field 1. Listening Section a. The students fill the gaps while listening from the speaker. b. The students use the gaps and the words in the box to complete the three sentences through listening. 2. Speaking section 1. The students interpret data 2. The students practice presenting the paragraph to each other.
1. Text Modeling a. The students cross out the errors and write their corrections (work with a partner).
2. Join Constructions of Text a. The students look at the table and use the information to match the first halves of the sentences.
3. Independent Construction of text a. The students read the text and answer the questions.
2. Written Cycle A. Building knowledge of field 1. The students read the text and answer the questions “Telling about people’s job”
B. Text Modeling 1. The students read the text and answer the questions “Telling about person’s educational background”.
C. Joint constructions of text 1. The students read the text and discuss what is the main idea of the paragraph.
D. Independent Constructions of text 1. The students answer the questions 2. The students make sentences. Use the words in the boxes.
5. Kegiatan penutup 1.
The teacher asks the students’ understanding about the chapter.
Giving homework
Say goodbye
6. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar 1. Laptop 2. LCD 3. Speaker active 4. Buku paket
7. Penilaian 1. Tes lisan 2. Tes tertulis Tangerang, Juli 2009 Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris