Name of candidate______________________. Signature ... Signature. Terms and conditions. 1) Members of the organizing tea
Office of BRCA
Rendezvous 2017 Application form for Rendezvous 2017 Executive Team Member/Co-ordinator
I would like to apply for a position in the organizing team of Rendezvous 2017. My CGPA at the end of 1st Semester 2016 - 2017 is __________ I have been staying in the______________ hostel since ________________
Name of candidate______________________ Signature __________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Time: ______________________________________ Entry No_________________________________ Department________________________________ Mobile No_______________________________ E mail: _____________________________________
Position applied for: 1) ___________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ___________________________________
a) What is your vision for Rendezvous 2017? (Please be specific, bullet points will be appreciated and do not exceed limit of 150 words)
Give three bullet points indicating what you would like to change if selected for your first preference? (Not more than 200 words)
c) Give 5 bullet points indicating your contribution to Rendezvous 2016 or any other institute level organizational activities on this single page only.
All information furnished in this application is true to my knowledge. If selected, I shall a) Abide by the code of conduct prescribed for Rendezvous team members and carry out my responsibilities with complete honesty and integrity at all times. b) I shall not make any commitments on behalf of IIT Delhi, without specific approval of President BRCA/ Dean of students as applicable. c) I shall complete and finish all jobs assigned to me, within a specified time period. d) I shall at all times, abide by the rules and regulation of BRCA, IIT Delhi and its constitution.
Attachments (please tick against the attachment list and write names of recommenders): 1) Copy of grade sheet (latest received) 2) One page CV 3) Recommendation*
Any other references (Give name of the person/Contact No. whom we can contact for verification. We may also call other people for the background check) Name........................................ Mobile No..............................
Name of the applicant
Terms and conditions 1) Members of the organizing team cannot participate in any event during Rendezvous. 2) Students holding any other administrative position during the same academic session cannot apply for any position in Rendezvous. 3) Decision of President BRCA regarding team selections will be final and binding to all. 4) The selected person can be impeached from the position if his work is found to unsatisfactory and irresponsible. The final discretion of this judgement lies with President BRCA and General Secretary BRCA. 5) Members of the organizing team are not allowed to hold any official Position of Responsibility. 6) Candidates should have a minimum CGPA of 7.0 to be eligible to apply.
*Recommendations from OC/CTM/Co-ordinator of Team Rendezvous 2016 will be accepted. (Recommendations from CTM/Co-ordinator/ OC of any other fest will not be accepted. Moreover a CTM/Co-ordinator/ OC of Rendezvous 2016 can only forward 3 applications of a person who worked in their team.)
Format for Recommendations: Name of recommendee: ____________________________________ Name of the recommender: _______________________________________ Mob. No. of recommender: ____________________________________________ Position Held in Past: ______________________________________ Position Held in Present: ______________________________________ How do you know the applicant? ● In event __________________ Your role ___________________Applicant’s role ___________________ How do you rate the abilities of the applicant (on a 7 pt. scale, where 7 is highest)? ● As a team player _____________ ● As a creative person ____________ ● As a crisis manager ____________ ● As a communicator _____________ ● As a strategist ______________ Please write 3 weaknesses of the person.
Why have you chosen to recommend the applicant? (3 bullet points)