Renegade Woodcarvers Roundup Renegade Woodcarvers Roundup

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Oct 26, 2012 ... In the National Santa. Claus Carving Competition he has received 2 Honorable Mentions in 4 years of entries. However, in 2006 he walked ...
Wayne Shinlever Knoxville, TN.

Wayne Shinlever is a native resident of Knoxville Tennessee. Born and raised in Knoxville and currently resides there with his wife Judy. Wayne is a D.A.R.E. Officer for the Special Services Division of the Knox County Sheriff ’s Department. He has been carving since 1985 and loves it more with every passing year. Not only does he carve for the enjoyment, but he also passes along the craft to others by teaching carving classes. For the last 10 years he has taught at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brass Town, NC. As well as the Tennessee Valley Wood Carver School in Crossville, TN. Also the Wood Crafts Shop in Knoxville, TN. In addition to various private clubs up and down the Eastern coast.

Renegade Woodcarvers Roundup

He has won more competition ribbons than he can keep up with. In the National Santa Claus Carving Competition he has received 2 Honorable Mentions in 4 years of entries. However, in 2006 he walked away with the Grand Prize in the competition! His entries into the International Caricature Carvers Competition have earned a 2nd and 3rd best in show.

Pete LeClair

Gardner, MA Pete, author of three books, Carving Caricature Heads & Faces, Carving Caricature Figures from Scratch and Carving Caricature Busts, is a retired Operating Engineer, living in Gardner, Massachusetts. He began carving caricatures in 1973. In 1978 he started teaching carving in the adult education system in the city of Fitchburg, MA. In 1990 he started showing his caricatures at woodcarving shows, which led to requests to teach seminars throughout this country and Australia.

Pete was elected to the CCA in 1994. Pete is available for a limited number of seminars each year. He does not judge exhibits or shows. His carvings are available for sale.

For more information, contact Steve Brown at (270) 821-8774 or [email protected].

A Caricature Carving Experience

October 22-26, 2012

The Renegade Roundup will be held at the James E. Ward Ag Center in Lebanon, Tennessee, just 23 miles East of Nashville, off Interstate 40, exit 239 north, then 1 1⁄2 miles on right. The cost of the Roundup is $200.00 with a minimum of $100.00 deposit to secure your place in the seminar with the balance due by October 15, 2012. Download the registration form now by visiting The Renegade Roundup brings together 5 nationally known caricature carving instructors. Students will carve with a new instructor each of the 5 days.

The instructors include:

Allen Goodman

Maryville, TN.

A whittle bit about me. When I was 9 my mother bought me my first knife. Owning a knife was a big responsibility and I still have the knife in my collection. At 17 I took my first workshop with Tom Wolfe. That afternoon we toured Tom’s gallery to see all of his woodcarvings. I knew then and there what I wanted to do the rest of my life. I have been carving for over 20 years and have carved with such notable carvers as Harold Enlow, John Burke and Helen Gibson. I have been teaching 17 years at carving clubs throughout the southeast and at the John C Campbell Folk School. In the last few years I have started making my own brand of woodcarving knives and provide a sharpening service for carvers. I have started a YouTube channel “allengoodman69” to help folks learn to carve. I have contributed articles to Carving Magazine. I have 3 DVD’s available through . It is my belief, If you want to carve, all you have to do is “want to”...the rest will come with patience and lots of practice.

Steve Brown Madisonville, KY

Steve and Martha Brown are from western Kentucky. Steve has been carving since 1978 and teaching since 1986. Steve has won numerous national and international awards and is the author of Carving Pen Figures and Carving Figural Kaleidoscopes. Along with some of the major seminars, he has taught week-end and week long seminars throughout the country. Steve is the founding and only member of Karicature Karvers of Kentucky. Chain pulls, bottle stoppers, and Santa figures are just a few of the roughouts you can choose to carve. Take this opportunity to learn Steve’s simple approach to carving faces and figures.

Gary Falin Alcoa, TN

Gary and Marilyn Falin live south of Knoxville in eastern Tennessee. Gary has been carving for 30 years and teaching carving for 15 years. For the last few years he has been working as a professional carver and teacher. Prior to carving full time, Gary taught a variety of subjects in secondary school. Gary teaches in carving clubs all over the United States and in several woodcarving schools, such as the J.C. Campbell Folk School and the Tennessee Valley Woodcarving School. As an award- winning carver, Gary has won first place at the International Woodcarvers Congress and the Dollywood Woodcarving Showcase. He also won Best of Show and various other awards at the Caricature Carvers of America Competition in 2003. Gary became a member of the Caricature Carvers of America in 2004.

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