Renewable Energy Technologies 2002 I 2006 ■ PROJECT SYNOPSES
Renewable Energy Technologies EUR 22399
This brochure provides an overview of research and development in the field of renewable energy, describing the current state of the art and the results achieved in EU-funded research projects under the Thematic Programme ‘Sustainable Energy Systems’ of the 6th Framework Programme 2002-2006. The projects, which have been compiled into four research areas - photovoltaics, biomass, other renewable energy sources and connection to the grid and socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy – are summarised giving the scientific and technical objectives and achievements od each, plus contact details for the participating organisations.
ISSN 1018-5593
Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme 2002 I 2006
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EUR 22399 – Renewable Energy Technologies – Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme 2002 I 2006 Luxembourg: Office for official Publications of the European Commities 2007 – 160 pp. – 21.0 x 29.7 cm ISBN 92-79-02889-8 ISSN 1018-5593
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EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Research Directorate Energy E-mail:
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Renewable Energy Technologies Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme 2002 I 2006
Directorate-General for Research Sustainable Energy Systems
EUR 22399
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Table of Contents Foreword.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Photovoltaics ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Thin Film Technologies ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
New and Emerging Concepts .......................................................................................................................................................................................
Wafer-Based Silicon .................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Pre-normative Research and Co-ordination Activities ...............................................................................................................
Biofuels for Transport.............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Energy from Crops ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Gasification and H2-production................................................................................................................................................................................
Biorefinery .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Combustion and Cofiring ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Pre-normative Research and Co-ordination Activities ...............................................................................................................
Other Renewable Energy Sources and Connection to the Grid ......................
Wind ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Geothermal ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Concentrated Solar Thermal ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Connection of Renewable Energy Sources to the Grid ..............................................................................................................
Socio-economic Tools and Concepts for Energy Strategy..........................................
Economic and Environmental Assessment of Energy Production and Consumption ......................................................................................................................................................
Social Acceptability, Behavioural Changes and International Dimension related to Sustainable Energy RTD ................................................................................
List of Country Codes .................................................................................................................................................................................................
List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Energy Units Conversion .......................................................................................................................................................................................
The use of renewable energy sources in Europe will increase, leading to a more sustainable energy mix, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a lower dependency from oil. In pursuit of the Kyoto protocol and the revised Lisbon strategy the European Union has set itself the ambitious goal to derive 12% of its total energy consumption from renewable energy sources by 2010. The Framework Programmes for Research and Development (FP) of the European Union have contributed from their beginning to the development of renewable energy technologies. These Community actions have a proven European added value in terms of building critical mass, strengthening excellence and exercising a catalytic effect on national activities. In combination with national activities, working at European level with an adequate combination of innovation and regulatory measures has produced substantial results. For example technological progress has enabled a ten-fold increase in the sizes of wind turbines, from 50 kW units to 5 MW, in 25 years and a cost reduction of more than 50% over the last 15 years. In consequence, the installed capacity has increased 16 times in the last ten years to reach 40 GW in Europe. In 2005, the world production of photovoltaic modules was 1760 MW compared to 90 MW in 1996. Over the same period, the average module price has decreased from about 10 €/W (1996) to about 3 €/W (2005).The average annual growth rate of about 35% in the past decade makes photovoltaics one of the fastest growing energy industries. The European technology platforms (ETPs) established in the energy field (hydrogen and fuel cells, photovoltaics, biofuels, solar thermal technologies, wind energy, smart grids, zero-emission fossil fuels power plant) have demonstrated the readiness of the research community and industry, together with other important stakeholders, such as civil society organisations, to develop a common vision and establish specific roadmaps to achieve it. These technology platforms are already having an influence on the European and national programmes. The platforms themselves are calling for action at European level and a framework for the elaboration of large-scale integrated initiatives needs to be developed for this to happen. This brochure presents an overview on the 64 medium-to-long term research projects aiming at the development of renewable energy sources and technologies, including their connection to the grid and socio-economic research related to renewable energy sources, which were funded through the ‘Sustainable Energy Systems’ programme managed by DG Research under the 6th Framework Programme in the period 2002-2006. Amongst the 64 projects presented here photovoltaics and biomass were the most important sectors, supported with 66.5 M€ and 82.5 M€ respectively, while for the other sources of renewable energy such as wind, geothermal, solar concentrating and ocean energy 45.5 M€ were spent in total. The socio-economic aspects of renewable energy were also studied in projects funded to the level of 20 M€. These long-term research efforts were supplemented by short-term research and demonstration actions in the short to medium term part of the programme, which is not included in this brochure. The projects are grouped by energy source, i.e. photovoltaics, biomass etc. rather than funding instrument. This allows the reader to gain a quick and comprehensive view of the European research activities in each technical area. An electronic version of this brochure will be available on the web ( allowing easy online access to the projects. I hope that this publication will be of interest to many, and particularly those considering further industrial development of renewable energy sources and those planning to participate in FP7.
Raffaele LIBERALI Director
Thin Film Technologies .................................................................................................................................................................................
LARCIS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
SE-POWERFOIL .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
New and Emerging Concepts..........................................................................................................................................................
FULLSPECTRUM ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
HICONV ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
MOLYCELL ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ORGAPVNET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Wafer-Based Silicon............................................................................................................................................................................................
CRYSTAL CLEAR ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Pre-normative Research and Co-ordination Activities .......................................................
PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
PV-CATAPULT .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Advanced Thin Film Technologies for Cost Effective Photovoltaics
Project Structure
The overall goal of this project is to provide the scientific and technological basis for industrial mass production of cost-effective and highly efficient large-area thin film solar modules. This includes the development of the process know-how and the production technology, as well as the design and fabrication of specialised equipment.
Long-term scenarios for a sustainable global development suggest that it should be feasible, by the middle of this century, to provide over 80% of electric power by a mix of energy from renewable sources. Photovoltaics are one important option which can provide a significant share of over 30% of such a mix. This Integrated Project (IP) is focused on the development, assessment and consolidation of photovoltaic thin film technology, and on the most promising material and device options, namely cadmium-free cells and modules, based on amorphous, micro- and polycrystalline silicon as well as on I-III-VI2-chalcopyrite compound semiconductors.
To meet these challenges, existing concepts for materials and technology will be improved and brought to maturity in close cooperation with industry, and new options will be investigated for materials and new types of solar cells to provide the scientific and technological basis for the next generation of PV devices. Accordingly, the research activities range from basic research to industrial implementation. This is reflected in the division of the project into 4 horizontal (trans-disciplinary) and 2 vertical (along value chain) sub-projects:
A successful development will establish Europe as the leading producer of thin film solar modules and maintain European leadership in photovoltaics (PV) over the longer term. The main objectives are two-fold: development and improvement of existing thin film PV technologies, with the goal of increasing the module efficiency/cost ratio towards a target of € 0.5/Wp, and the establishment of know-how and a scientific basis for a future generation of PV modules by developing new device concepts, materials and production processes.
The overall challenge is to provide the scientific and technological basis for industrial mass production of cost-effective and highly efficient, environmentally sound and economically compliant large-area thin film solar cells and modules. By drawing on a broad basis of expertise, the entire range of module fabrication and supporting R&D will be covered: substrates, semiconductor and contact deposition, monolithic series interconnection, encapsulation, performance evaluation and applications. Photovoltaics have become an increasingly important industrial sector over the past ten years. PV is a widely accepted technology and numerous kinds of solar modules and PV systems are commercially available. The expansion Two vertical sub-projects (SP) are oriented along the value of the production volume of PV systems will be chain: SP III focuses on large area, environmentally sound accompanied by considerable cost reductions. chalcopyrite modules with improved efficiencies;
Therefore the main challenges are:
SP IV deals with the up-scaling of silicon-based tandem cells to an industrial level.
• Significantly reducing the cost/efficiency Four horizontal sub-projects have a trans-disciplinary ratio towards € 0.5/WP in the long run. character:
• Providing the know-how and the scientific SP V will provide analysis and modelling of devices and technology for all other sub-project; basis for large-area PV modules by identifying and testing new materials and technologies SP I will demonstrate higher efficiencies of lab scale cells; with maximum cost reduction. SP II will focus on module aspects relevant to all thin film technologies;
• Developing the process know-how and the SP VI will ensure that the performed work will have a production technology, as well as the design positive impact on the environment and society. and fabrication of specialised equipment, An experienced management will help the consortium resulting in low costs and high yield in the meet its goals. production of large area thin film modules.
This Integrated Project, which consists of the six interlinked sub-projects visualised above, covers the area of fundamental research, technological development and production issues relating to the most relevant photovoltaic thin film technologies. For the first time, the research on these technologies will be carried out within a joint scientific framework. Close cooperation of the research teams in the horizontal and vertical projects, in combination with common workshops and panel discussions, will guarantee a continuous
exchange and flow of know-how in both directions. All sub-projects are embedded in a management unit. The management controls the compliance with the objectives, which are defined in milestones and deliverables. It will also coordinate all reporting required, provide legal assistance and moderate all negotiations between project partners concerning relevant commercial and scientific results. The six subprojects contain 23 work packages altogether.
Table 1: IP sub-projects and work packages Sub-project (SP)
SP leader
I. High Efficiency Solar Cells
II. Thin Film Module Technology
III. Chalcopyrite Specific Heterojunctions
IV. Thin Film Modules on glass
V. Analysis and Modelling of Devices and Technology
VI. Sustainability, Training and Mobility
Work WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8
packages CIGS on flexible substrates and for tandem solar cells Advanced multi-junction Si thin film solar cells High-efficiency poly-Si solar cells Isolated substrates Contact technologies Encapsulation Serial interconnection and demonstration Process-related absorber surface modification, wet-chemical or dry interface engineering WP9 Buffer layer deposition by CBD technique WP10 Buffer layer deposition by spray techniques WP11 Buffer layer deposition by sputter technique WP12 Low-cost reactive TCO sputtering from rotatable target WP13 Large-area optics WP14 Process studies and plasma diagnostics WP15 Inline deposition of silicon WP16 Batch deposition of silicon WP 17 Module characterisation WP18 Advanced electrical and optical modelling of thin film solar cells WP19 Materials and device analysis (structural, optical and electrical) WP20 Sustainability assessment of new developments in ATHLET WP21 Thin film implementation scenarios WP22 Mobility and training WP23 Consortium management
Advanced Thin Film Technologies for Cost Effective Photovoltaics Expected Results The state-of-the-art for advanced thin film PV technology and the enhancement within the proposed project is summarised in Table 2.
Table 2: Expected enhancement of the state-of-the-art Technology
12% (Kaneka) 11% (UniNE, FZJ) 9% (Sanyo) 19.2 % (NREL) 16-17% (NREL)
Poly Si CIGS low gap
14% 15% on foreign substrates
CIGS wide gap
12-13% (HMI)
CIGS tandem
7% (HMI)
CIGS wide gap
10% (Sulfurcell)
Equipment for cost-effective production of 10% modules (1 m2 @ costs towards € 0.5/Wp) 10% on 125x65 cm2
6-7% (Unisolar, SCHOTT, Kaneka,...) 10% (Shell, Würth)
CIGS low gap
On metal substrate, SPC On glass, co-evaporation On metal foil, co-evaporation
Planned enhancement in IP (for Europe)
18% on metal foil 9% on polyimide foil 13-14%, advanced equipment. 10% @ 60% IR transparency for tandem applications 15%
Substrate, process (efficiencies) Lab cells On glass, PE-CVD
On glass, sputtering, PVD
On glass, co-evaporation Prototypes, pilot production 10% (Kaneka, FZJ) On glass 30x30 cm2 (FZJ) On glass 3738 cm2 (Kaneka) On glass 5x5 cm2, sputtering, PVD Commercial product On glass, PE-CVD On glass, co-evaporation
11-12%, cost-effectiveness, environmentally sound
Project Information Contract number 19670
Duration 48 months
Contact person Prof. Dr. Martha Ch. Lux-Steiner Hahn-Meitner-Institut GmbH
[email protected]
List of partners
• Reinforcing competitiveness of small and medium-size enterprises (SME): the technology transfer of new solar cell technologies from the lab to industry will help to reinforce competitiveness of small and medium-size enterprises (Solarion, Sulfurcell). It can be assumed that results from this project will inspire the foundation of new companies. • Innovation-related activities, exploitation and dissemination plans: international consolidated solar cell producers, like Shell Solar and SCHOTT Solar, are an integral part of the project. They co-operate closely with the R&D partners. The industries will exploit the results generated within the project. Dissemination of the R&D results will occur internally and externally. Other expected results are:
• Added value of the work at EU level: this project aims at decreasing the cost of PV • Strategic impact: reinforcing competitiveness electricity to competitive levels by focusing and solving societal problems: the aim is to on new and improved thin film technologies improve the cost-effectiveness of thin film and materials. PV modules to substantially increase their contribution to the sustainable energies supply. Europe, Japan and the US contribute the largest share of PV production worldwide. Europe was on a level with Japan in 1997. During 2002 Japan was already responsible for almost 50% of global PV production.
Applied Films GmbH & Co. KG – DE CIEMAT – ES CNRS (ENSCP) – FR ECN – NL Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH – DE Free University of Berlin – DE Fyzikalni ustav Akademie ved Ceske republiky – CZ Hahn-Meitner Institut GmbH – DE Inter-university Micro-electronics Centre – BE Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung GmbH – DE Saint-Gobain Recherche – FR Schott Solar GmbH – DE Shell Solar GmbH – DE Solarion GmbH – DE Sulfurcell Solartechnik GmbH – DE Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich – CH Unaxis Balzers AG – LI University of Gent – BE University of Ljubljana – SI University of Neuchâtel – CH University of Northumbria at Newcastle – GB University of Patras – GR ZSW – DE
Project officer David Anderson
Status ongoing
Expanding the Potential for the Integration of Photovoltaic Systems into Existing Buildings
OBJECTIVES Building integration of PV (BIPV) often leads to a ’high-tech’ and modern appearance of buildings, caused by the typical window-like surface of most conventional PV modules. In many PV systems integrated into existing buildings, the modules do not harmonise with the surroundings. The objectives of this project are to identify the potential and needs for improved BIPV components and systems, as a basis for developing modules without a glass/window-like appearance, to develop and investigate façade elements and overhead glazing, both for the ventilated and the insulated building skin based on CIS thin-film technology, to develop PV roof tiles which have a modified optical appearance for better adaptation to the building skin, to fabricate and test prototypes according to relevant standards and carry out subsequent performance tests, and to develop electrical interconnection components suitable for thin-film modules.
Project Structure
In most cases, the integration of PV systems gives a building a ’high tech’ modern appearance, since most conventional PV modules have a typical window-like surface. Considering, however, that 90% of the building stock is older than 10 years and therefore has a more or less ‘old-fashioned’ appearance, it is evident that aesthetic building integration of PV calls for a lot of willingness from planners and creativity from architects. Many PV systems integrated into existing buildings do not harmonise with the building and its surroundings, indicating a potential for conflict with urban planners. We therefore pay special attention to architectural and aesthetic questions. Another key fact is that the market for refurbishing and modernising old buildings is much larger than the market for new buildings. Therefore, there are not only aesthetic but also important economic grounds for accessing this market.
The project consortium consists of seven industrial partners, two research institutes and three universities. The project comprises a very broad approach to the building integration of CIS modules since two proposals were merged together by the European Commission. The following topics are now being developed and investigated within the project: • The integration of PV into the ventilated building skin • The integration of PV into the insulated building skin • Roof integration with CIS roof tiles. Furthermore, we are investigating aesthetic, technological and legal aspects of integrating PV into existing buildings, as well as developing module components. As a basis for the work mentioned above, studies were conducted into European building regulations that strongly influence the construction and dimensioning of the modules and often forbid the use of what are known as standard PV modules in building integration. Also European surveys on roofing elements and on mullion/transom constructions were conducted. A market study provided information about market needs. Cost-optimised junction boxes which are especially suited for thin film modules are being developed in the project. A solution for the invisible connection of modules integrated in the insulated building skin will also be developed. The prototypes will be tested in accordance with the relevant standards.
Project Information Contract number 503777
Duration 48 months
Contact person Dieter Geyer Zentrum für Solarenergie und Wasserstoffforschung Baden-Württemberg
[email protected]
Expected Results The main goal of the project is to improve the acceptance of PV in architectural environments. For that purpose, the results of this project as regards modification of module appearance will be exploited by the CIS producing partners. The junction box for thin film modules to be developed in the project, as well as innovative edge connectors, will be used by the partners in their module production line: they will also be available for the entire thin film module industry.
Progress to Date PV in façades Prototypes of CIS modules with modified optical appearance on both front and rear sides, for improved integration into surroundings, were developed and characterised.
PV in overhead glazing A prototype of novel overhead glazing includes semi-transparent CIS modules optimised for daylight transmission.
List of partners Dresden University of Technology – DE JRC – IT Ove Arup & Partners Ltd – GB Permasteelisa Group – IT Saint Gobain Recherche – FR Shell Solar GmbH – DE Swiss Sustainable Systems – CH Tyco Electronics AMP – GB Warsaw University of Technology – PL Wroclaw University of Technology – PL Würth Solar – DE ZSW – DE
Project officer
Georges Deschamps
Prototypes of a small junction box especially suited for thin-film modules were developed. Limiting the by-pass diodes to only one per box allows a reduction in both size and cost. It is also possible to use the box for parallel interconnection of the modules.
Status ongoing
PV and architects A workshop on the architectural fundamentals of BIPV was held at the Glasstec fair in Düsseldorf on 9 November 2004.
Building regulations European surveys were conducted on building regulations concerning PV building integration, on architectural glass, on mullion/transom constructions, and on roofing materials suited for PV.
Roll-to-roll Technology for the Production of High-efficiency, Low-cost, and Flexible Thin Film Silicon Photovoltaic Modules
OBJECTIVES The Flexcellence project aims at developing the equipment and the processes for cost-effective roll-to-roll production of high-efficiency thin film modules, involving microcrystalline (µc-Si:H) and amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). In particular its objectives are: to achieve a final blueprint planning of a complete production line for thin film silicon photovoltaic modules with production costs lower than € 0.5/Wp; to design and test the equipment necessary for the realisation of such lines; to demonstrate the high-throughput manufacturing technique for intrinsic µc-Si:H layer (equivalent to static deposition rate higher than 2nm/s); and finally to show that the technology developed in the project is suitable for the preparation of flexible µc-Si:H/a-Si:H tandem cells and modules which satisfy the strictest reliability tests and guarantee long-term outdoor stability.
Expected results
The technical challenges of the project are, on the one hand, to allow the module manufacturers to implement new equipment and processes in their production lines and, on the other hand, to give the equipment manufacturers the possibility of constructing and selling equipment for complete production lines producing unbreakable modules at unbeatable cost.
All aspects necessary for a successful implementation of this novel production technology are considered simultaneously. In order to achieve high efficiency µc-Si:H/a-Si:H tandem devices, effective light-trapping schemes are implemented on flexible substrates and high-efficiency solar cells and modules are developed on these new surfaces. Laboratoryscale solar cells and mini-modules (10*10 cm2) with 11% and 10% efficiency respectively are to be fabricated in order to demonstrate that tandem junction µc-Si:H/a-Si:H can compete with current technologies for electricity output par square meter.
Consequently, all the commercially exploitable results of the project are foreseen as being used directly by the companies involved in Flexcellence: VHF-Technologies is to set up an advanced pilot production line for 2 MW annual capacity by end-2006, and R&R and Exitech are expected to The deposition rates of the intrinsic microbe able to offer standardised roll-to-roll deposition crystalline silicon (µc-Si:H) layers need to be systems and laser scribing processes by the end increased from typically 0.1nm/s to 2nm/s: three of the project. of the most promising techniques for high rate The scientific challenges of the project are to deposition are being investigated: Very High master the different interfaces in multi-layer Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour devices, to develop effective light-trapping Deposition VHF-PECVD, Hot Wire Chemical schemes for n-i-p cells on flexible substrates, and Vapour Deposition HWCVD and Microwave to understand the interaction between the depo- Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition sition conditions (for different kind of deposition MW-PECVD. A benchmarking of the different deposition techniques will take place and will techniques) and device properties. indicate which method emerges as the most cost-effective and could be implemented in the Project structure different pilot production lines of the partners. The project is divided into eight work packages In parallel system aspects, going from the cells to (WP) with a minimum of three participants in the modules, is being studied. The critical aspect each. The composition of the WP should ensure of monolithic cell integration with minimum a maximum cross-fertilisation and exchange of electrical and optical losses will be solved by the scientific and technological know-how. The using scribing/screen-printing techniques and new seven R&D work packages are organised in a logical concepts for more cost-effective encapsulation way, starting from substrate preparation (WP 2), to materials and processes will be investigated. cells with increased complexity (WP 3-5), to the monolithic interconnection issue (WP 6). Then, All the innovative results, hardware developthe complete modules including packaging are ments, concepts and designs developed in the tested (WP 7) and finally, detailed cost assessments project will lead to new systems (substrate for multi-megawatt roll-to-roll production lines preparation/deposition reactor/laser scriber/ are given in WP 8. screen-printer) that will be integrated directly into the pilot production lines. They will also be The exploitation panel is formed of representatives used for the final blueprint of multi-megawatt of the industries in order to optimise the production lines that can achieve the production exploitation strategy of the project. of modules with production costs of less than € 0.5/Wp.
Project Information Contract number 019948
Duration 36 months
Contact persons Prof. C. Ballif / Dr. V. Terrazzoni University of Neuchâtel
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to date As regards the high-quality and cost-effective substrates, a first generation of metal foils with insulating layers and plastic webs with nanotextured surfaces has been developed. Highquality reflectors have already been obtained on PET and PEN (Fig 1(b)). The first devices deposited on these substrates coated by FEP have reached efficiencies higher than 7% and 8% for a-Si:H and µc-Si:H cells respectively (laboratory scale). Single junction a-Si:H modules (surface area: 30*60cm2) with stable efficiency higher than 4% have been obtained on flat substrates on the pilot production line at VHF-Technologies.
Finally, VHF-Technologies has conducted a cost simulation for 1 Mio m2 per year capacity plants for different type of cell technologies on polymer substrates. Preliminary results show that: • The standard EVA/ETFE encapsulation materials dominate the bill for single and tandem cells. • The production costs could be reduced to less than € 0.8/Wpeak for 5% efficiency a-Si:H modules. • The preliminary estimation for µc-Si:H/a-Si:H tandem cells (10% efficiency) leads to production cost lower than € 0.6/Wpeak.
ECN – NL Exitech – GB Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-FEP) – DE Roth und Rau – DE University of Barcelona – ES University of Ljubljana – SI University of Neuchâtel – CH VHF- Technologies – CH
Project officer David Anderson
Status ongoing
With respect to the high-throughput manufacturing technique, ECN and R&R are commissioning a roll-to-roll MW-PECVD deposition system and the UBA is designing a new laboratory scale HW-CVD reactor. On its side, UniNE has already demonstrated the possibility of depositing device-quality intrinsic µc-Si:H layers at 1.7nm/s on 35*45 cm2 substrate area. For the series connection, two priorities are currently addressed by EXI and VHF: the melting induced by the laser scribing at the edge of the laser line, which must be minimised, and the removal of the ITO layer on top of the silicon that must be further developed. On its side, the UL-FEE succeeded in developing a 2D electrical model which already provides information on suitable designs for the metallic contact on VHFTechnologies’ modules.
Large-area CIS-based Thin-film Solar Modules for Highly Productive Manufacturing
OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the project is to develop advanced manufacturing technologies for CIS thin film solar modules both for the electrodeposition and coevaporation approach. The project will improve the manufacturing techniques for low-cost, stable and efficient CIS thin film large-area solar modules. This includes work on the molybdenum back contact, the buffer layer, the CIS absorber, and the quality and process control. Special emphasis is placed on the development of cadmium-free large-area modules and of electrodeposition methods for CIS absorbers. The project will provide a framework for the knowledge, know-how and cross- fertilisation between the groups and technologies involved in the project, i.e. between coevaporation and electrodeposition.
Project Structure
The parallel development objectives of increasing the production yield and efficiencies on large areas and, at the same time, reducing manufacturing costs and material costs are not self-evident. However, these production-relevant criteria are not independent of each other. Some challenges to be overcome in this context are:
The consortium, 10 partners from five countries, consists of four independent industrial firms, three research institutions and three universities. Three firms are CIS module producers in the starting phase or already in an advanced state. The fourth company is a leading European glass manufacturer equipped to provide back-contactcoated substrates on a production level for the CIS module plants. The research institutes and universities offer expertise in the different and complementary approaches to the development of high-quality and low-cost CIS modules and will enable the industrial companies to reach their ambitious goals.
• CIS coevaporation approach on an area of 60 x 120 cm2: to reduce absorber thickness (i.e. materials consumption) but also to increase large-area efficiencies above 13% at the same time; to demonstrate high efficiencies on large area by 3-stage in-line CIS coevaporation. • CIS electrodeposition approach: to demonstrate homogeneous large-area CIS deposition providing modules with efficiencies > 10% at high production yield; precise know-how about the hydrodynamic flux of the reactant is necessary to obtain high lateral homogeneities on large areas.
The project work is distributed between seven work packages (WPs) which are generally further split into sub-WPs (see Figure 1). Two main approaches are investigated, aiming at the cost effective development of: • Large-area modules based on coevaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorbers (60 x 120 cm2)
• To implement a Cd-free buffer for large-area application on coevaporated and electro- • Large-area modules based on electrodeposited Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 absorbers (30 x 30 cm2). deposited absorbers, resulting in at least the same module efficiencies, yield and production Common targets are high production yields and costs as for those with CdS buffer. high efficiencies at reduced costs. The WPs such • To find appropriate in situ and ex situ CIS as contact layers, buffer, quality/process control growth control methods to be implemented and technological/economic assessment provide in a production line for both electrodeposited results and tools which support both absorber approaches. and coevaporated modules.
Figure 1: Work packages
Project Information Contract number 019757
Duration 48 months
Contact person Dr. Michael Powalla Zentrum für Sonnenenergieund Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden Württemberg
[email protected]
Expected Results
List of Partners
Overall result should be to leverage the European CIS technologies and to improve their competitiveness, both in relation to established PV technologies and to international markets. The cooperation and cross-fertilisation of different institutes, firms and approaches are expected to result in:
CNRS – FR Electricité de France – FR Hahn-Meitner Institut – DE Saint Gobain Recherche – FR Solibro – SE University of Barcelona – ES University of Uppsala – SE Würth Solar – DE ZSW – DE Zürich University of Technology – CH
• Large-area modules manufactured by coevaporation and applying cost-effective methods with efficiencies > 13.5% on 0.7 m2. • The development of cadmium-free buffer layers for modules on an area of up to 0.7 m2 with an efficiency > 12%. • The development of electrodeposited lowcost CIS modules with efficiency > 10% on 0.1 m2 (estimated cost < 0.8 €/Wp).
Website to be defined
Project officer Georges Deschamps
Status ongoing
It is expected that basic investigations at universities and R&D institutes on, for example, stabilisation of the back contact, in situ and ex situ CIS process Figure 2: Façade integration of CIS modules: control, substitution of the CdS buffer by an the ‘Schapfenmühle’ tower in Ulm (Germany) with 2 environmentally harmless and physically superior 1400 frameless CIS modules of 60 x 120 cm . alternative, will be successfully transferred to production-relevant areas. Thus any result achieved can be directly exploited within the consortium.
Progress to Date All activities and work packages are within the time schedule. Very promising results have already been achieved with a novel chemical-bathdeposited Zn(S,O) buffer layer resulting in at least the same efficiencies as achieved by standard CdS buffers. Best cell efficiencies with this novel buffer on inline-deposited CIS exceed 15%. Within the first months of the project, four additional bilateral meetings were held between UB-EME and EDF/CNRS and between ZSW and CNRS/EDF in order to organise the cooperation in detail.
Development of Roll-to-roll Manufacturing Technology for Production of High-efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Modules
OBJECTIVES SE-PowerFoil focuses on high-efficiency flexible thin film silicon PV modules, produced in a roll-to-roll process on metal foil. The scientific and technical objectives are to achieve high efficiency 12% thin film silicon laboratory devices, the development of 10% tandem or triple- junction large-area pilot line modules, and a high rate (1-3 nm/s) industrial plasma deposition technology for high-performance microcrystalline silicon layer deposition. The innovative deposition technology in the pilot line for novel transparent conductive oxide (TCO) in a high-throughput thermal CVD deposition process will be tested, and a prototype flexible module installed in representative outdoor monitoring stations for lifetime monitoring, demonstrating less than 2% performance decrease per year and improved yield compared to existing PV technologies. A full economic assessment of €/kWh potential of project results will be included.
Project Structure
Solar energy is the ultimate future energy source. It is a clean and sustainable source of energy that can provide a significant share of our energy needs and greenhouse gas emission reductions. At present, solar energy is much more expensive than conventional energy.
At the beginning of the project, a small work package WP 1 is devoted to detailing the specifi cations of the high-performance flexible PV modules and underlying systems. In WP 2 the full efficiency potential of flexible thin film silicon PV modules is explored on a lab scale: the challenge in this WP is to assemble all individually optimised building blocks of a micromorph device and drive their cooperative performance in an actual flexible module to a world class level of 12% stable efficiency. The basic approach will be to pursue parallel research on the individual building blocks and systematically measure progress by integration into complete flexible micromorph modules.
SE-Powerfoil aims at the development of roll-toroll manufacturing technology for production of high-efficiency flexible photovoltaic (PV) modules. These photovoltaic modules allow for easy integration and installation leading to low-cost PV systems. This is essential to create mature subsidy-independent markets for solar electricity, cost-competitive with conventional electricity sources. The target is to develop 12% efficient PV modules, with more than 20 years’ outdoor lifetime WP 3 deals with the production cost of flexible thin film PV modules. Focus will be on the crucial and manufacturing costs below € 0.5/Wp. production steps of the applied roll-to-roll procesFlexible PV laminates will allow versatile use in sing technologies. This includes the development of growth markets with € billion-size economic large-scale, reliable and fast homogeneous potential: deposition technologies for the high-performance • Large power markets in which the PV laminates transparent conductive oxide (TCO) window will substantially contribute to European layer and for the active silicon layer. In WP 4, objectives to establish a future dent electricity pilot line PV flexible thin film Si PV modules will supply system and to strengthen the be manufactured, with an efficiency of 10%, based European industry and export position. on existing know-how and the (preliminary) results of the WPs 2 and 3. At the start of the • Mass markets where flexible solar cell laminates project as well as at mid-term, PV modules from provide cost-efficient lightweight portable the pilot line will be exposed to outdoor climate power, including, for example, personal conditions for true power output monitoring. electronics, ICT, security, leisure, medical, This work package also deals with an accelerated military and affordable power for electrifilifetime assessment in accordance with to IEC cation in rural and remote regions. standard 61646.
Project Information Contract number 038885
Duration 36 months
Contact person Dr. R. Schlatmann Helianthos
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected Results Combination of the results of WP 2 (efficiency), • Highly efficient lab-scale PV module devices WP 3 (crucial elements of production cost) and • Processing technologies for the TCO, silicon WP 4 (pilot line manufacturability, monitored and back contact layers output and accelerated lifetime) will allow for a realistic overall economic assessment of flexible • L x 30 cm2 modules with 10% efficiency and 20 years’ lifetime. thin film Si PV modules produced in a full production plant.
CNRS – FR CVD Technologies Ltd – GB Forschungszentrum Jülich – DE Helianthos b.v. – NL Institute of Physics, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Prague – CZ Uniresearch b.v. – NL University of Salford – GB University of Utrecht – NL
Project officer David Anderson
Status ongoing Detailing (WP 1)
Project potential
Objectives and assessment criteria
Device potential
Light management Transparent conductive oxide Top cell Bottom cell Tandem Triple
Manufacturing potential
Roll to roll manufacturing technique Automated and continuous process Fast deposition techniques Low costs metal subtrates
Economic potential
Pilot line module manufacturing Stability and climate tests (IEC 1646) Outdoor monotoring Economic evaluation
Business potential
Planning monitoring and control Explotation and IPR management Dissemination
12% = Work package 2 Production costs < 05 €/Wp = Work package 3 Lifetime > 20 year = Work package 4 Project management = Work package 5
Towards the Production of Cost-competitive Photovoltaic Solar Energy by Making the Most of the Solar Spectrum
OBJECTIVES FULLSPECTRUM is a project whose primary objective is to make use of the full solar spectrum to produce electricity. The need for this research is easily understood, for example, from the fact that present commercial solar cells used for terrestrial applications are based on single-gap semiconductor solar cells. These cells can by no means make use of the energy of below band-gap energy photons since these simply cannot be absorbed by the material. The achievement of this general objective is pursued through five strategies: the development of high efficiency multi-junction solar cells based on III-V compounds; the development of thermophotovoltaic converters; research into intermediate-band solar cells; the search for molecules and dyes capable of undergoing two photon processes; and the development of manufacturing techniques suitable for industrialising the most promising concepts.
Project Structure
Solar radiation is a diluted energy source: only approximately 1000 Joules of energy per second per square meter are accessible. It is clear to us that strategies to reach the ultimate goal of a module cost of € 1/Wp will necessarily have to go through the development of concepts capable of extracting the most of every single photon available. In this respect, each of the five activities envisaged in this project to achieve the general goal has to confront its own challenges.
The Project is coordinated by Prof. Antonio Luque (Instituto de Energía Solar) assisted by Projektgesellschaft Solare Energiesysteme GmbH (PSE). The Consortium involves 19 research institutions listed at the end of this text. As mentioned, to make better use of the aforementioned solar spectrum, the project is structured along five research development and innovation activities:
• Multi-junction solar cells. This activity is led by The multi-junction activity pursues the developFhG-ISE with the participation of RWE-SSP, ment of solar cells that approach 40% efficiency. IES-UPM, IOFFE, CEA-DTEN and PUM. To achieve this, it faces the challenge of finding • Thermophotovoltaic converters. Headed by materials with a good compromise between latIOFFE and CEA-DTEN. IES-UPM and PSI are tice matching and band-gap energy. The also participating in this development. thermophotovoltaic activity bases part of its success on finding suitable emitters that can • Intermediate-band solar cells. This activity is led by IES-UPM. The other partners directly operate at high temperatures and/or adapt their involved are UG, ICP-CSIC and UCY. emission spectra to the cell’s gap. The other part relies on the successful recycling of photons so • Molecular based concepts. This activity is led by that those that cannot be used effectively by the ECN. The other groups involved are FhG-IAP, solar cells can return to the emitter to assist in ICSTM, UU-Sch and Solaronix. keeping it hot. • Manufacturing techniques and pre-normative The intermediate-band solar cell approach research. This activity is led by ISOFOTON. IESaddresses the challenge of proving a principle of UPM, INSPIRA and JRC are also involved. operation which would see a significant improvement in the performance of the cells. In addition, every two years, the project sponsors The activity devoted to the search for new molecules a public seminar on its results and provides engenders the challenge of identifying molecules grants to students worldwide to enable them to capable of undergoing two-photon processes: attend the seminar as part of dissemination that is molecules that can absorb two low-energy activities. Formal announcements are made on photons to produced a high-energy excited the FULLSPECTRUM webpage. state or, for example, dyes that can absorb one high-energy photon and re-emit its energy in the form of two photons of lower energy. Among all of the above concepts, the multijunction approach appears to be the most readily available for commercialisation. For that, the activity devoted specifically to speeding up its path to market is the development of trackers, optics and manufacturing techniques that can integrate these cells into commercial concentrator systems.
Expected Results The multi-junction solar cell approach pursues the better use of the solar spectrum by using a stack of single-gap solar cells incorporated in a concentrator system, in order to make the approach cost-effective (Fig. 1). The project, at its outset, aimed at cells with an efficiency of 35%. This result has already been achieved by FhG-ISE in the second year of the project and the consortium now aims to achieve efficiencies as close as possible to 40%. In the thermophotovoltaic approach the sun heats up, through a concentrator system, a material called the ‘emitter’, leading to incandescence (Fig. 2). The radiation from this emitter drives an array of solar cells, thus producing electricity. The advantage of this approach is that, by an appropriate system of filters and back-reflectors, photons with energy above and below the solar cell band-gap can be directed back to the emitter, helping to keep it hot by recycling the energy of these photons that otherwise would not be converted optimally by the solar cells. By the conclusion of the project, it is expected that the system, made up basically of the concentrator, emitter and solar cell array can be integrated and evaluated. Figure 1: Schematic illustrating the operation of a multi-junction solar cell in a concentrator system
The ‘intermediate-band’ approach pursues better exploitation of the solar spectrum by using intermediate-band materials. These materials are characterised by the existence of an electronic energy band within what otherwise would be a conventional semiconductor band-gap. According to the principles of operation of this cell, the intermediate band allows the absorption of low band-gap energy photons and the subsequent production of enhanced photocurrent without voltage degradation. The project also expects to identify as many intermediate-band material candidates as possible, as well as demonstrate experimentally the operating principles of the intermediate-band solar cell by using quantum dot solar cells as workbenches.
Fig. 2. Emitter heated up by the sun through a concentrator system.
Towards the Production of Cost-Competitive Photovoltaic Solar Energy by Making the Most of the Solar Spectrum Progress to date As mentioned under the ‘molecular based concepts’ heading, it is expected to find dyes and molecules capable of undergoing two-photon processes. Dyes - or quantum dots - suitable for incorporation into flat concentrators are also being evaluated. Flat concentrators are essentially polymers that, by incorporating these special dyes into their structure, are capable of absorbing high-energy photons and re-emitting them as low-energy photons that match the gap of the solar cells ideally. This emitted light is trapped within the concentrator usually by internal reflection and, if the losses within the concentrator are small, can only escape by being absorbed by the cells.
As far as multi-junction activity is concerned, monolithically stacked triple-junction solar cells (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge), with an efficiency exceeding 35% at a concentration of 600 suns, have been obtained. Because of their band-gap (1 eV), (GaIn)(NAs) solar cells are being researched for their possible implementation as the fourth cell in a four-junction monolithic stack, in order to approach the goal of 40% efficiency. In this regard, efficiencies of 6% have been measured for this cell. The technological processes related to the mechanical stacking of thin film GaAs solar cells onto silicon as well as the mechanical stacking of a dual-junction GaInP/GaAs cell onto a GaSb cell have also been experimentally studied. In this respect, it has been necessary to research the crystal growth of GaSb using the Czochralski method of sufficient quality. As a result, a 6%-efficient GaSb solar cell has been obtained when operated below a GaInP/GaAs solar cell at 300 suns.
Within the manufacturing activity, it is expected to clear the way towards commercialisation for the most promising concepts. This is the case for multi-junction solar cells and, within this activity, it is expected to develop for example trackers with the necessary accuracy to follow the sun at 1000 suns, and ‘pick and place’ assembly techniques to produce concentrator modules at competitive In the thermophotovoltaic activity, GaSb solar prices, as well as draft the regulation that has to cells with 19% efficiency, for integration in a serve as the framework for the implementation thermophotovoltaic system with a tungsten of these systems. emitter, have been measured. Moreover, in connection with the multijunction activity, these cells show 6% efficiency when used at the back of a GaInP/GaAs dual-junction cell in a mechanical stacked multi-junction approach operated at 300 suns. Two geometries (cylindrical and conical) have been analysed for the chamber that has to contain the cells. The cylindrical configuration has been found to be more suitable for final system production.
Figure 4: Atomic force microscope image of a layer of quantum dots.
Within the framework of research into the intermediate-band solar cell, test devices have been manufactured using quantum dots (Fig. 4). These devices have demonstrated the production of photocurrent for sub-band-gap energy photos, and experiments have been best interpreted when a quasi-Fermi level has been associated with each band, just as the related theory has proposed. Chalcopyrite semiconductors substituted by several transition metals have been identified recently as plausible intermediate-band material candidates. These add up to the TiGa3As4 and TiGa3P4 systems previously identified and whose energetics as intermediate-band materials has been studied. The analysis has revealed that
Project Information Contract number 502620
Duration 60 months
Contact person Prof. Antonio Luque Polytechnical University of Madrid
[email protected]
List of partners
the incorporation of Ti is characterised by figures similar to those of Mn in GaAs, a system in which such incorporation has been found experimentally to be possible. As regards research into new molecules and dyes for a better use of the solar spectrum, the efficiency of some solar cells has been improved by the application of a polymer coating containing a luminescent dye that shifts the spectrum towards wavelengths that are better converted into electricity by the cells. The research on a dye-doped flat concentrator has increased its efficiency from below 1% to over 1.7% through the application of better mirrors and dyes. Moreover, the use of quantum dots has also been anticipated in order to increase the photogenerated current of a solar cell by spectrum shifting. Optical modelling has been developed and has become a valuable tool in the optimisation of the flat concentrator. Among the concepts above, multi-junction solar cells are closest to commercialisation. In this regard, significant progress has been made, for example, in aspects related to the manufacture of the optics, and the development of encapsulation and trackers with high pointing accuracy to operate these cells in high-concentration systems. Up to five new releases of advanced concentrators (primary) have been moulded (Fig. 6), improving moulding conditions in order to achieve the highest possible optical efficiency. More than 100 optical assemblies with these new releases have been encapsulated on 1mm-2--single junction III-V-cells Off-track angle under 0.1º with 95% probability for several complete days has been proven in first trials. As for the development of a pre-regulation for the deployment of concentrator systems, the consortium is participating in the preparation of the IEC TC82 WG7 regulation. Solar simulators for the characterisation of concentration modules are also being developed.
Figure 6: Computer-assisted design of an advanced concentrator.
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas – ES ECN – NL Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-ISE) – DE Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-IAP) – DE Imperial College – GB Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute – RU Inspiria S.L. – ES Isofoton S.A – ES JRC – IT Paul Scherrer Institute – CH Philipps University of Marburg – DE Polytechnical University of Madrid – ES Projektgesellschaft Solare Energiesysteme mbH – DE RWE Space Solar Power – DE Solaronix – CH University of Cyprus – CY University of Glasgow – GB University of Utrecht – NL
Thus far, results achieved comprise:
• 35.2% efficient multijunction solar cell at 600 suns
• 6% efficient (GaIn)(NAs) solar cell
Garbiñe Guiu Etxeberria
• 19% GaSb solar cell in thermophotovoltaic system
Project officer
• Different configurations for the thermophotovoltaic systems studied • Quantum dot intermediate-band solar cell test devices operational • Chalcopyrite substituted by several transition metals studied as IB materials • Spectrum shift achieved using polymer coating with luminescent dyes • Advanced compact concentrators • Trackers of increased accuracy.
High Concentration PV Power System
OBJECTIVES The aim of this project is to develop, set up and test a new high-concentration – 1000x or more – PV system with a large-area III-V-receiver. This will be achieved by integrating two technology fields: the high concentration of the sunlight will be obtained using technologies experienced in solar thermal systems like parabolic dishes or tower systems. The high-concentration photovoltaic receiver is based on the III-V solar cell technology. To deal with the high concentration, Monolithic Integrated Modules (MIM) will be developed and will be assembled as Compact Concentrator Modules (CCM). The CCM prototypes will be implemented at three solar test installations in Cologne, Almería and Israel. The tests will be evaluated and compared with other types of systems. The objectives of the project are directed towards high-efficiency concentrating photovoltaics to reach the system cost goal of € 1/Wp by 2015.
Challenges Existing and innovative solar concentrators were evaluated for their properties in high-concentration photovoltaics. Plant types were identified that fulfil the technical requirements of homogenous irradiation distribution with solar concentration factors of 500 to 2000 suns and cost-effective implementation perspectives. The conclusions were that Modified Spherical Dish (Tailored Concentrator) configurations look more suitable for meeting current technology requirements than classical Parabolic Dish solutions. The results shown with this design are promising. It has been proposed to build and test a tailored concentrator for HICONPV technology with this design.
under real manufacturing constraints. The proposed final configuration was not optimised for 1000x but rather close, so it is necessary to take into account the optimised structural heliostat concept, where the shape of the concentrator is no longer round but rectangular. Rectangular concentrators allow us to keep the gravity centre lower for the same aperture area. This has a strong influence on the structural design and the final cost.
Project Structure
In this project, two ways will be explored in order to reach a cost-effective solution: the use of existing mature concentrators and the use of a new tailored concentrator. During development, the focus will be on significant cost reduction. Therefore, current cost-efficient concentrators developed in the area of concentrating solar thermal power plants will be used in combination with high-concentration PV. The concentrator system has to meet specifications on flux distribution and accuracy, safe operation and reliability. Taking advantage of the achievements in concentrating solar thermal systems, this will reduce system costs significantly due to mass production. Further cost reduction aspects of An innovative heliostat variant was evaluated the selected concentrator system will be for its properties in high-concentration photoaddressed. voltaics, demonstrating that the proposed Torque Tube Heliostat design concept promises significant cost advantages over existing heliostat Expected Results designs. This can be achieved with a much lower The concept of this research project focuses construction height of the TTH, which reduces specially on: drastically the wind loads on the structure and • New monolithic integrated modules with the required specific drive power. efficiencies of 20% and above. The aim of this tailor concentrator is to prove the real possibilities of this innovative conceptual • Module design for irradiation up to 1000 suns. design, and to see the performance of the concept • Adaptation of already proven concentrators concepts that promise high quality and high reliability.
Project Information Contract number 502626
Duration 36 months
Contact person Valerio Fernández Quero Solucar
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to Date • High cost-reduction potential due to the use of • An advanced heliostat concept has been adapted concentrators that will be produced in developed with small low-cost ganged units: this high numbers for solar thermal power plants. has the potential to reduce the concentrator cost to below € 500/kW of capacity. The result will be a high-quality, high-concentrating PV system prototype that promises high • A spherical concentrator has been proposed cost-reduction potentials compared to nonfor small systems with up to 5 m of focal length. concentrating PV. This concept is unique in the With a central and a peripheral reflector, this world and will be an import step for the EU will be able to provide flux profiles which towards the most competitive and dynamic seem appropriate for PV arrays. It is an on-axisknowledge-based economy in the world in this design with two-axis tracking that provides targeted area. even power levels over the whole year. Drawings have been presented. • An industrial dish concentrator design has been prepared. The concentrator is composed of hexagonal spherical-curved low-cost mirror facets. Prototype components are in preparation.
Ben Gurion University of Negev – IL CIEMAT – ES DLR – DE Electricité de France – FR Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG–ISE) – DE PSE GmbH – DE RWE Space Solar Power GmbH – DE Solúcar Energía, S.A.– ES University of Malta – MT
Project officer Rolf Ostrom
Status ongoing
• IMs have been delivered for the prototype modules. A prototype CCM has been fabricated and successfully tested at the solar furnace. Several MIM modules and CCM prototypes have been prepared and delivered to the test facilities. Tests have been performed at the big-dish Petal facility at Ben Gurion University and at the DLR solar furnace. A test set-up has been developed for the PSA solar furnace for solar flashing of prototype cells by means of a mechanical shutter and a high-speed control and data acquisition system. CCM interconnection schemes have been studied and the inverter design has been optimised for the high currents and the modular concept.
Molecular Orientation, Low Band-gap and New Hybrid Device Concepts for the Improvement of Flexible Organic Solar Cells
OBJECTIVES Molycell aims at demonstrating the technical feasibility of organic solar cells. The project has targeted two different technologies: hybrid organic/inorganic solar cells and bulk hetero-junction organic solar cells.
To reach MOLYCELL goals, the following points The project is managed as a series of six linked are addressed in parallel: work packages, covering a large field of research from the development of new materials to their • Design and synthesis of new materials to characterisation, the elaboration of solar cells overcome the large mismatch between the and their evaluation. absorption characteristics of currently available polymer materials and the solar spectrum, and WP 1: Design, Synthesis and Basic Chemical also to improve the relatively slow charge Analysis of Novel Organic Hole Conductors: the transport properties of organic materials. objective of reducing the band-gap of conjugated polymers to 1.8 eV in a first stage and then to 1.6 eV • Development of two device concepts to have been achieved through the development of improve efficiencies: the ‘all-organic’ solar efficient synthetic strategies. The charge carrier cells concept and the nanocrystalline metal mobilities of these polymers are in line with oxides/organic hybrid solar cells concept. expectations, and hole mobilities above 10-4 cm2/V.S have been demonstrated.
All-organic solar cells Devices are based on donor-acceptor bulk heterojunction built by blending two organic materials serving as electron donor (hole semiconductor, low band-gap polymers) and electron acceptor (n-type conductor, here soluble C60 derivative) in the form of a homogeneous blend and sandwiching the organic matrix between two electrodes. One of these electrodes is transparent and the other is usually an opaque metal electrode. In addition to the incorporation of polymers with improved light harvesting and charge transport properties, two concepts are developed to improve efficiencies: • An innovative junction concept based on the orientation of polar molecules • A multi-junction bulk donor-acceptor heterojunction concept.
Nanocrystalline metal oxides/organic hybrid solar cells Devices are based upon solid-state hetero-junctions between nanocrystalline metal oxides and molecular/polymeric hole conductors. Two strategies are addressed for light absorption: the sensitisation of the hetero-junction with molecular dyes, employing transparent organic hole transport materials and the use of polymeric hole conductors having the additional functionality of visible light absorption.
Project Structure
WP 2: Metal Oxide Development: new lowtemperature processes for the deposition of mesoporous nanocrystalline metal oxide films on flexible substrates have been developed for the elaboration of solid-state nanocrystalline metal oxide/organic hybrid solar cells. Due to accelerated recombination of injected electrons, the efficiencies of cells built on these films remain low compared to benchmark devices, and further studies should reveal the exact origin of this behaviour. To overcome this difficulty, an alternative strategy based on the elaboration of cells on flexible Ti foils has been developed, leading to an inverted structure which shows highly promising initial results. Alternative methodologies for the fabrication of mesoporous nanocrystalline metal oxide films have also been studied. Among these, evaluation of mesoporous films made by supramolecular templating has led to promising results and a novel approach has been developed in which the porous metal oxide layer is replaced by a blend of TiO2 nanorods with a conjugated polymer. WP 3: Advanced Characterization and Modelling: a detailed understanding of the fundamental properties and behaviour of the novel materials developed in WP 1 and WP 2 is necessary to check their mutual compatibility and suitability for improved solar cell energy conversion efficiency.
Project Information Contract number 502783
Duration 30 months
Contact persons Stéphane Guillerez Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
[email protected]
List of Partners
Expected Results For that, quantitative models of device function The results expected at the end of the project have been developed and validated by a range of with one or both devices concepts are: experimental data, leading to: • Certified 5% solar to electric energy conversion • Identification of parameters limiting device efficiency under Standard Test Conditions performances. (AM1.5 simulated sunlight, 100 mW/cm2, 25°C) for a 1 cm2 cell on glass substrate. • Identification of specific design improvements. • Certified 4% solar to electric energy conversion • Prediction of optimum device efficiencies efficiency under Standard Test Conditions achievable with each device concept. (AM1.5 simulated sunlight, 100 mW/cm2, 25°C) WP 4: All-Organic Device Development: based for a 1 cm2 cell on flexible substrate. on the donor-acceptor bulk hetero-junction • Fabrication methodologies compatible with concept, two innovative principles are explored large-scale reel-to-reel production on flexible in parallel and low band-gap polymers issued from substrates. WP 1 are tested. The two innovative principles explored are one based on a junction induced by • 3000 hours of stable operation under indoor conditions, defined in consultation with endthe orientation of polar molecules, and one users, with a roadmap for establishing the based on a multi-junction bulk donor-acceptor stability required for outdoor operation. hetero-junction concept. Proofs of concept studies for the innovative devices are now in • Fabrication from non-toxic materials. progress. First two-terminal multi-junction solar cells, in particular, were shown with near doubling Materials and fabrication costs determined of the open-circuit voltage as compared to the to be consistent with projected production single-junction device. A prototype device with costs < € 1/Wp. a certified efficiency of 4% on 1 cm2 glass substrate has been realised, and an efficiency of 3% on 10 cm2 flexible substrate has also been demonstrated.
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR ECN – NL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – CH Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-ISE) – DE Imperial College – GB Inter-university Microelectronic Centre – BE J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry – CZ Johannes Kepler University of Linz – AT Konarka Austria – AT Konarka Technology AG – CH Siemens – DE University of Ege – TR University of Vilnius – LT
Project Officer Garbiñe Guiu Etxeberria
Status ongoing
WP 5: Metal Oxide/Organic Hybrid Device Development: solid-state metal oxide/organic solar cells on glass and flexible substrates have been developed following two distinct routes and employing an optically transparent organic hole conductor or an organic material that serves the functions of both hole transport and light absorption. Using different organic or inorganic dyes, in combination with a transparent molecular hole conductor, efficiencies of over 4% have been reached. WP 6: Device Evaluation/Cost Assessment: an initial evaluation of device processing and stability for metal oxide/organic and all organic devices has been carried out, leading to the identification of critical stress factors. A definition of the specifications requested for a 4% flexible solar cell (5% on glass substrate) has also been established.
Coordination Action Towards Stable and Low-cost Organic Solar Cell Technologies and their Application
OBJECTIVES The goal is the establishment of a common understanding for future investments and strategies concerning organic photovoltaics by allowing closer relations between the various organisations of scientific and technological cooperation in the two largest organic solar cell communities in Europe; by facilitating the transfer of results from European research to the European PV industry, and by fostering measurement standards and prediction of the performance of organic PV cells and modules. Other objectives are to disseminate results to the whole sector by means of various tools such as an OrgaPvNet website and identification of technology gaps and determination of requirements for sustainable future growth. The result will be an integrated vision in the form of a European Organic Photovoltaics Technology Roadmap.
Challenges One can observe a strongly growing R&D effort in the domain of solar cells based on organic layers. This progress is essentially based on the introduction of nano-structured material systems to enhance the photovoltaic performance of these devices. The growing interest is fuelled by the potentially very low cost of organic solar cells, thanks to the low cost of the involved substrates, the low cost of the active materials of the solar cell, the low energy input for the actual solar cell/module process and, last but not least, the asset of flexibility.
In order to have a real impact on the PV market, additional progress is needed at the level of efficiency, stability and application technologies to allow the exploitation of these solar cell technologies for power generation on a larger scale. The OrgaPvNet coordination action consortium aims to foster the progress needed on these issues by integrating a number of leading institutions in association with the main industrial players in this field.
In addition, the ease of up-scalability of the required application technologies lowers the threshold for new players to enter this field. These efforts have resulted in the creation of technologies which are approaching the stage of first industrialisation initiatives. These industrial activities target in the first instance the market of consumer applications where energy autonomy can be ensured by integrating these flexible solar cells with a large variety of surfaces.
Project Structure
1 Project Manager Dr. Laurence Lutsen (IMEC) & 2 Scientific Coordinators Prof. Dr. Michael Grätzel (EPFL) Prof. Dr. Serdar Sariciftci (JKU Linz)
WP6 Network Management
Auditors European Commission
Reporting Dissemination Exploitation
Project coordinator IMEC
Advisory Board
Group 1
Coordination Committee 1 Project Manager (PM), 2 Scientific Coordinators
EU Networks, Industrials,
(SC) and 6 Expert Group Leaders (EG) Leaders
Interest Groups
ExpertGroup 3
ExpertGroup 5
ExpertGroup 6
Materials and Cell Development
Cell characteriza tion and modelling
Cell & Modules performances
Stability & Sealing
Technology for large volume production
Analysis of socio economical impact of OSC technology
Expert group Leader Jef Poortmans (IMEC)
Expert group Leader James Durrant (ICL)
Expert group Leader Jan Kroon (ECN)
Expert group Leader Andreas Hinsch (FHG/ISE)
Expert group Leader Christoph Brabec (Konarka A.)
Expert group Leader Geert Palmers (3E)
17 R&D Partners from 15 different European and Associated Countries who are also National Representatives of the PV Community + 4 Innovative European SMEs Partners + 1 industrial Partner
Project Information Contract number 038889
Duration 30 months
Contact person Dr. Laurence Lutsen Inter-university Microelectronics Centre
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected Results We believe that a Coordination Action is an appropriate vehicle by which the isolated competences that exist around Europe in this field can be integrated, structured and organised. In this way a powerful Organic Photovoltaic Platform will be created that can sustain the leading R&D position of Europe within this domain and, in the end, strengthen European competitiveness in a sector which is of high strategic relevance in ensuring a sustainable energy supply.
OrgaPvNet will contribute to this by: • The exchange of information during the workshops organised by the network • Scientific exchanges between partners by research visits by scientists and student grants • The setting-up of a web-based database containing news, resources, project results, reports, links, seminars, training courses, job opportunities, grants
Key actions to reach the above-mentioned • Elaboration of a ‘Who is Who’ guide to the objectives are: organic photovoltaic field • To promote interaction between scientists • Elaboration of the European Organic • To take advantage of the previous experience Photovoltaic Roadmap: identification of of research groups scientific priority areas and formulation of research and development strategies. • To join forces to maximise the synergy between individual skills, thus obtaining the best achievable global results
3E nv – BE Bar-Ilan University – IL CNRS – FR Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR Consiglio Nationale Ricerche Milano – IT ECN – NL Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-ISE) – DE Greatcell Solar S.A – CH Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin GmbH – DE Imperial College – GB Institute Català d’Investigacio Quimica – ES Inter-university Microelectronics Centre – BE IVF Industrial R&D Corporation – SE J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry – CZ Konarka Technologies Austria – AT Merck – GB Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – CH Solaronix S.A – CH University of Ege – TR Johannes Kepler University of Linz – AT University of Patras – GR University of Vilnius – LT
Website not yet available
• To provide an appropriate communication channel between academic groups, SMEs and industrials.
Project Officer Garbiñe Guiu Etxeberria
Status ongoing
Who is
Website/ E -tools
Who guide Expert groups Meetings Contacts with other EU and non-EU Networks, projects
Scientific personnel exchange activities
WP1 Coordination and Information Exchange Platform
WP2 (a-e)
Socio-economic and
Synergy with the National
Policy study
PV programs
State of the Art Report Comparison Study with Asia & U.S
Advisory Board EU Networks, Industrials, Interest Groups Input
WP5 Organic Photovoltaic Roadmap
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics: Low-cost, Highly Efficient and Reliable Modules
OBJECTIVES The integrated CrystalClear project is a research and development project dedicated primarily to cost reduction of solar (photovoltaic, PV) modules, which form the heart of any solar energy system and which account for some 60% of the turnkey price of roof-top installations. The objective of the CrystalClear project is to enable a price reduction to a level of € 3.0-3.5/Wp, which roughly corresponds to electricity generation costs of 15-40 eurocents per kWh, depending on location in the EU. At the same time, CrystalClear aims to improve the environmental quality of solar modules by the reduction of material consumption, replacement of materials, and design for recycling. Last but not least CrystalClear wants to enhance the applicability of solar modules by tailoring to customer needs and improving product lifetime and reliability.
Sub-project 1: Feedstock
There is a rapidly increasing awareness and urgency concerning the transition to a sustainable energy supply. The greenhouse effect and also dependence on energy imports, local air pollution and unavailability of energy for poor people are seen as major problems to be addressed ambitiously and immediately. For the longer term, the depletion of fossil fuel reserves needs to be faced. Solar energy can play a key role in solving all these problems, but still has a very small impact today. By far the most important barrier to large-scale use of solar energy is the current price of systems. Therefore CrystalClear tries to lower the direct fabrication costs of PV modules, while at the same time improving the environmental profile.
Of the five sub-projects dealing with the different steps of the value chain, SP 1 is dedicated to the subject of the so-called feedstock, the high-purity silicon from which solar cells are made. For solar cells (as well as for microelectronic chips) a high grade of silicon is required. It is customary to speak of solar-grade silicon. The production of this high-purity silicon requires advanced equipment, is expensive and energy-intensive. SP 1 aims at testing alternative manufacturing methods for high-purity silicon that are under development. In addition to this, SP 1 aims at gaining better scientific understanding and practical know-how on solar-grade silicon.
Key activities for achieving this are:
Sub-project 2: Wafers
• Strongly reducing the consumption of expensive materials (especially silicon, but also others), as well as introducing the use of cheaper materials.
Once high-purity (solar-grade) silicon has been obtained, it has to be brought into a form suitable for solar cells. CrystalClear is about crystalline silicon in the form of wafers. SP 2 focuses on the two crucial steps required to turn feedstock into wafers: ingot crystallisation and wafer sawing. First, emphasis will be on achieving a higher productivity of the crystallisation equipment (the furnaces), by applying larger crucibles and better use of the capacity, which will lead to an increase of ingot weight by about 80%. Second, the utilisation of ingot material will be increased dramatically by different improvements of the sawing process. Next to an increase in wafer size (from standard size of 125 x 125 mm2 to 200 x 200 mm2), the wafer thickness will be decreased from about 300 µm to 150 µm or even less. In addition to the work on ingots and sawing or cutting, research will be done on an alternative method of wafer formation, namely ribbon growth (EFG, Edge-defined Film-fed Growth, and RGS, Ribbon Growth on Substrate).
• Increasing the electricity output of solar modules. • Developing highly automated, high-throughput, low-cost manufacturing processes. • Screening materials, processes and products in relation to sustainability and suitability for large-scale use.
Project Structure
To reach these goals, CrystalClear is organised in eight sub-projects (SPs), five of which deal with a specific part of the production chain. In addition, one sub-project (SP 6) covers all sustainability aspects, while SP 7 focuses on integration. Finally, SP 0 is devoted to management of this large consortium and to communication with the EC project officers and contracting departments. The sub-projects are divided in different work packages, in which the actual research is being carried out.
Multicrystalline silicon blocks. WAFER-BASED SILICON
Sub-project 3: Thin film
Sub-project 6: Sustainability
Another research line pursued in the project is the use of so-called thin-film ‘wafer-equivalents’ (SP 3). In this case, a thin (typically 10-20 m) high-quality silicon layer is deposited onto a cheap substrate such as low-grade silicon or ceramic material. If well designed, the cell properties determined by the thin active layer can be very good, while the costs may be reduced, both because of the small amount of high-grade silicon used and because no sawing is needed. The work in this sub-project is aimed at achieving efficiencies comparable to those of solar cells based on cut wafers or ribbons, but at lower manufacturing costs.
Although PV is based on the use of sunlight and therefore a fully renewable energy technology, its environmental quality (sustainability) is partly dependent on energy consumption during manufacturing and on the materials used. SP 6 covers two main aspects:
Sub-project 4: Cells Solar cell manufacturing is a key issue in cost reduction strategies for PV. By enhancing cell efficiency, using thin (< 200 µm) and large (> 150 x 150 mm2) silicon wafers, processing low-cost material, increasing process quality, yield and throughput, and implementing cell designs to allow for low-cost module assembly (such as back-contact schemes), a substantial decrease of production costs per watt peak can be achieved. The different work packages in SP 4 deal with each of these topics.
Sub-project 5: Modules The research and development efforts of subprojects 1 to 4, from silicon feedstock to finished cells, come together in SP5 which deals with the final ‘product’ of CrystalClear: the solar module. This sub-project aims at developing advanced module concepts and corresponding highly automated and fast module assembly technologies, which should of course be fully matched with the cells developed in SP 4. The research is specifically targeted at advanced cell interconnection schemes for large and thin wafers and for back-contact cells, at new module materials, and at ‘single shot’ encapsulation as well as onematerial concepts.
• Further development of module recycling technology • Analysis of the environmental impacts of module manufacturing by means of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method.
Sub-project 7: Integration The CrystalClear project tackles all aspects from the starting materials up to the completed solar module. However, it is important that no one aspect of this value chain is optimised without due regard to the others or to the sustainability of the overall technology. SP 7 will be the focus for this integration. Key activities concern cost calculations, internal roadmapping, communication and a socio-economic impact study of the factors that will influence the exploitation of the technology.
Expected results CrystalClear is targeted to attain a price reduction for grid-connected systems to a level of roughly € 3/Wp or less, which roughly corresponds to electricity generation costs of € 0.15-0.35/kWh, depending on location. This is within the range of consumer electricity prices in parts of Europe, which will greatly encourage the use of solar energy on a large scale. To assure its sustainability, CrystalClear aims to decrease the energy pay-back time of PV systems from 3-5 years to roughly 1-2 years, depending on different locations corresponding to different levels of insolation (NW and Central Europe versus Southern Europe).
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics: Low-cost, Highly Efficient and Reliable Modules Progress to date
Mc-Si wafers covered with PECVD SiN as they come out of a quasi in-line PECVD system. Source: IMEC
In SP 1 the first tests of new silicon material (Wacker solar-grade silicon produced in a fluidised bed reactor) have been carried out. For such evaluation of new solar-grade silicon feedstock materials developed outside the CrystalClear consortium, well-defined baseline cell manufacturing processes have been established. Three baselines at different partners have been used to process wafers from two different directionally solidified reference ingots. These baseline solar cell results are used for comparison of the Si material quality of new feedstock materials. The impurities present in normal multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) wafers were determined by a literature study as well as by chemical analysis of wafers and ingot samples. The effect of relevant impurities on solar cell performance has been investigated, to work towards a practical specification of the so far rather vaguely defined term, ‘solar-grade’ silicon. The experimental approach for this investigation was established. In SP 2 the first super-size ingots of 80% increased weight (400-450 kg) were analysed and their electrical and mechanical quality was found to be very similar to the standard ingots of today’s production. In silicon ribbon growth by the EFG (Edge-defined Film-fed Growth) technique, two new feedstock materials have been tested and compared to reference material. No differences with respect to feeding, ribbon growth and mechanical and electrical quality of the wafers were found. The use of new materials gives more flexibility in the selection of starting silicon and less dependency on few suppliers.
• recrystallised silicon layers on mechanically supporting substrates. Significant progress was achieved with the SiC intermediate layers that are needed to allow recrystallisation of high-quality layers on a lowquality substrate: they are now conductive and mechanically stable. High-speed Zone Melting Recrystallisation (ZMR) to recrystallise silicon layers was done up to 400 mm/min. Cells of high-speed layers showed a comparatively large detrimental effect of the high scanning speed on layers which were epitaxially thickened after ZMR. Cells directly made from ZMR layers (no epitaxy) show nearly no decrease in voltage. A large-area ZMR cell (86 cm2) achieved 8.4% efficiency in a 20µm ZMR + epitaxy layer. SP 4 aims for low-cost cell processes for thin and large solar cells resulting in high efficiency. Key research issues are new passivation process schemes for the rear side, such as dielectric layers combined with local back-surface fields (BSFs), new cell designs and novel processes for high efficiencies. Furthermore, new BSF processes are under development for the standard cell concept to reduce wafer bowing. Fundamental studies on SiNx:H passivation are performed in CrystalClear. It has been found that the SiN bond density in the layer is the parameter that determines the surface and bulk passivating quality for layers deposited with very different methods. Using laser-fired contacts with low-temperature PECVD a-Si/SiO2 stack, an efficiency of 21.3% was reached. This is the highest efficiency reported for non-thermal oxide rear-side passivation. Using a process based on screen-printed and SiNx:H as passivating layer at the rear, efficiencies up to 16.0% were obtained on 180 µm thin mc-Si wafers.
The first new Ribbon-Growth-on-Substrate (RGS) wafers of regular and small thickness (down to 110 µm) were produced and processed to cells. Efficiencies obtained were 13% for regular thickness and 11% for thin wafers. The latter corresponds to a record low silicon consumption Solar cells on ultra-thin wafers have been prepared of 3.3 grams per watt-peak. and reached >15% efficiency on mechanically In SP 3 of CrystalClear, three approaches to thinned 80-90 µm mono-crystalline silicon. wafer-equivalents are being pursued: Spraying has been used as diffusion source to • free-standing thin films produced by lift-off fabricate solar cells. This process is very well suited for thin wafers. On standard thicknesses of thin silicon films from a wafer of about 270 µm, 17.5% efficiency has been • epitaxial wafer equivalents, a sole silicon epitaxy reached on mono-crystalline silicon. The process on low-cost silicon substrates is now transferred to wafers of reduced thickness.
Project Information Contract number 502583
Duration 60 months
Contact person Wim Sinke Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands
[email protected]
List of partners
The introduction of thinner and larger cells is expected to have a large impact on the yield of module manufacturing. Therefore, in sub-project 5, alternative interconnection technologies are being explored which can relieve the stress experienced by the cell. After an evaluation, the developments have focused on replacing the conventional soldering technology by the use of fast- curing conductive adhesives. Modules have been manufactured and have entered a test phase. The industrial introduction of back-contacted solar cells is supported by the development of advanced module manufacturing concepts. Of the suggested novel manufacturing technologies and concepts, module casting and roll lamination were selected for further exploration. For roll lamination the first conceptual tests using existing equipment from other fields are promising and dedicated equipment has been installed. In SP 6 the environmental analysis activities were focused mainly on current silicon, cell and module production technology. Together with 11 European and US photovoltaic companies, most of them partners in the CrystalClear project, an extensive effort has been made to collect Life Cycle Inventory data for production of crystalline silicon modules. On the basis of such LCI data the environmental impacts of PV systems can be evaluated using a Life Cycle Assessment approach. The new set of LCI data covers all processes from silicon feedstock production to cell and module manufacturing. All commercial wafer technologies are covered, that is multi- and mono-crystalline wafers as well as ribbon technology. The collected data can be considered representative for the technology status in 2004. The data have also been made available to the public domain ( The energy pay-back times of PV systems were calculated to be respectively 1.6, 2.1 and 2.5 years for ribbon, multi and mono-Si technology (Southern Europe). These results are considerably lower than previously published estimates, and they have the great
advantage that they are now based on real production data. In the outlook for near-future silicon technology, it was estimated that an energy pay-back time of around one year can be achieved for multiand ribbon silicon technology. If fluidised bed reactor technology can be applied successfully to deposit solar-grade silicon feedstock material, wafer thickness can be halved and module efficiency can be increased to 15-16%. Modules from different project partners have been recycled at the pilot recycling installation. Reclaimed wafers have been successfully reprocessed and used in a new module. SP 7 has the role in CrystalClear of bringing together the activities of the other sub-projects (that have specific roles in the PV module value chain) and of ensuring consistent focus in order to achieve the overall project objective of delivering solutions offering a € 1/Wp module cost. A cost model has been developed as a project tool to evaluate the prospective technology innovations and to analyse benchmark cost data collected from the industrial partners. The analysis has detailed the average module cost of the industrial partners on the project in 2003, just prior to the start of the CrystalClear project. Looking to future cost reductions by stretching the existing technology to limits not yet contemplated (as defined in the roadmapping activity) could reduce the module cost close to the project goal of € 1/Wp.
BP Solar – ES CNRS (PHASE) – FR Deutsche Cell – DE Deutsche Solar – DE ECN – NL Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-ISE) – DE Inter-university Microelectronics Centre – BE Isofoton – ES Polytechnical University of Madrid – ES Photowatt – FR REC – NO Scanwafer – NO Shell Solar – DE Schott Solar – DE University of Konstanz – DE University of Utrecht – NL
Project officer Rolf Ostrom
Status ongoing
• First samples of new solar-grade silicon tested • Super-size silicon ingots successfully grown • Conductive silicon carbide barrier layers for wafer-equivalent substrates developed • Secrets of silicon nitride passivation unveiled • High-efficiency cells made on very thin silicon wafers • Innovative method for cell interconnection developed • Energy pay-back time of solar modules unexpectedly short • Crystalline silicon solar modules may be produced at very low costs
Development of Solar-grade Silicon Feedstock for Solar Cells by Purification and Crystallisation
OBJECTIVES FoXy aims to develop cleaning and crystallisation processes for metallurgical SoG-Si feedstock, optimise associated cell and module processes, and set parameters for these types of feedstock.
Expected results
The FoXy partnership will answer the need of the • Remove inclusions above 20 µm and reduce PV market for low-price and high-quality solar the level of inclusions down to 5 µm by 80% grade (SoG) Si feedstock by: of initial levels. The particles to be removed include SiC from primary silicon and recycled • Further developing and optimising refining, silicon, Si3N4 from recycled silicon, and oxides purification and crystallisation processes for from slag treatment processes and remelting metallurgical SoG-Si feedstock, as well as for of silicon. recycled n-type electronic grade Si. • Estimates based on similar figures for refining • Optimising associated cell and module of aluminium show that the total cost of processes. electrochemically refined SoG-Si would be • Setting input criteria for metallurgical and less than € 10 per kg. The raw silicon will be electronic n-type silicon to be used as raw purified with new techniques, such as fastmaterials for SoG-Si feedstock. casting and electrochemical treatment, reducing the cost of the final feedstock Transferring the technology from laboratory to considerably from the present situation. industrial pilot tests.
Project structure WP2: Cleaning & Refining HDN Deutsche DeutscheSolar: Solar: Highly Highly doped doped n n-type type waste waste Deutsche Solar: n-type purification in pilot equipment Deutsche Solar: Bridgman crystallisation (large scale)
WP4: Material Characterisation
WP5: Cell optimisation
WP1: Cleaning & Refining DMR ScanA/SUN: SOLSILC feedstock
SINTEF/ Fesil : Recycled Si
SINTEF: Small scale purification Fesil: Pilot scale purification
Pillar: Cz crystallisation
SINTEF: SIMS, LECO analysis NTNU: GD -MS, PVScan (particle analysis) UMIB: PL, EBIC, IR, SEM ECN: ICP -AES, IR, lifetime analysis
P-type cell process: UKON: high efficiency baseline, ECN: industrial baseline, Isofoton : industrial pilot
Isofoton : demo module, n-type module recycling, ECN: LCA
Figure 1: Graphical presentation of work packages
SINTEF: Modelling
SINTEF: Bridgman crystallisation (small scale)
Characterisation: UKON: lifetime, IV/SPR, IR thermography, UMIB: PL, EBIC,IR, SEM. ECN: lifetime, IV/SPR, FTIR, CoRe
WP6:Modules& Recycling
WP3: Electrochemical refining ScanA/SUN: SOLSILC feedstock
Fesil : MG -Si production
NTNU, SINTEF: Electrochemical refining SINTEF: Bridgman crystallisation (small scale)
UKON: lifetime
N -type cell process: UKON: high efficiency baseline, ECN: industrial baseline, Isofoton : industrial pilot Increased yield: ECN: RPECVD, belt furnace gett., UKON: mechanical stability, MIRHP, tube furnace gett,
WP7: Integration & exploitation
By developing a close partnership along the whole value chain from feedstock to module production, a foundation is created for new investments in SoG-Si feedstock production and subsequent commercial use of the material produced. The FoXy consortium aims at achieving a significant cost reduction (down to € 15 per kg) through more efficient cleaning processes for raw materials, and.securing high-volume production of SoG-Silicon by developing recycling techniques for end-of-life products.
Project Information Contract number 019811
Duration 36 months
Contact person Aud Wærnes SINTEF
[email protected]
List of partners
• Transfer the developed processes into industrial (pilot) lines within the project (months 30-36), and create a platform for acceptance of the new (standardised) SoG-Si. • • • •
All the partners will benefit from the FoXy results. After successful completion of the project, Deutsche Solar is planning to invest in a 600 ton/year vacuum refining plant to remove n-type dopants. The treated material is for internal use within the Test refined material under production conSolarworld group and for external use as well. ditions. Deutsche Solar intends to deliver n-type solar Set standards for SoG-Si. silicon wafers to international solar cell manufacturers as a new product. Establish a pilot plant on recycling of highly doped n-type material. The Solsilc route will be further developed and commercialised in parallel with the FoXy project. Optimise processes for refining of solar grade The Solsilc material will benefit from the new feedstock and waste from the ingot and cleaning and crystallisation processes developed wafer producer. by FoXy. The project results will be presented at A lifecycle analysis on the developed processes: appropriate conferences and fairs. • At least one of the processes will have an energy payback time of six months. For Progress to date average Southern European solar irradiation, The FoXy project started on 1 January 2006 and the energy payback time (EPBT) for complete is still in an early phase. A series of artificially installed PV systems ranges from 1.7 to contaminated n-type ingots has been made in 2.7 years depending on the technology. order to optimise the n-type cell process. In • Industrially produced wafers with at least addition, small-scale refining has been carried 16% cell efficiencies and improved yield. out with promising results.
Impurity level
Deutsche Solar – DE ECN – NL FESIL – NO Isofoton – ES Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NO Pillar – UA SINTEF – NO ScanArc – SE Sunergy Investco – NL University of Konstanz – DE University of Milano-Bicocca – IT
Project officer Rolf Ostrom
Status ongoing
Refining by directional solidification Liquid
>100ppm Liquid
Liquid Solid 2040), • Deducing lessons for large-scale implemenbased on energy crops. Estimating the transport tation and related socio-economic effects at energy demand in 2040 and a 50% use of EU level. available biomass for BTL fuel production, a • Drawing strategic conclusions and deriving substantial part of the transportation energy practical recommendations for mastering an demand could be substituted. early transition to an affordable and sustainable • Goal and scope for the LCA and an economic transportation system. and technological assessment were agreed. • Providing the basis for achieving a cost target The acquisition of necessary data from the of 70 eurocents/litre diesel equivalent within thermochemical production pathways was the subsequent demonstration phase of the completed in 3/2006. best selected technologies. • In August 2005 the 1st European Summer School on Renewable Motor Fuels took place at Based on an understanding among relevant the University of Trier’s campus in Birkenfeld, players in industry, SME, agriculture, research, etc, Germany. More than 120 people participated in RENEW has the vision to develop commonly the three-day course dedicated to all aspects of agreed strategic recommendations concerning the second-generation biofuels. The next European technological and market potential of different Summer School on Renewable Motor Fuels is fuels and their production technologies. planned for summer 2007 in Poland.
Abengoa Bioenergia S.L. – ES Asociacion de Investigacion y Cooperacion Industrial de Andalucia – ES B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH – DE Biomasse-Kraftwerk Güssing GmbH & Co. KG – AT CERTH – GR Chemrec AB – SE Clausthaler Umwelttechnik Institut GmbH – DE CRES – GR DaimlerChrysler AG – DE Deutsche BP AG – DE EC Baltic Renewable Energy Centre – PL Ecotraffic ERD AB – SE Electricité de France – FR ESU-services Rolf Frischknecht – CH Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH – AT Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH – DE Institut für Energetik und Umwelt GmbH – DE Instytut Technologii Nafty – PL National University of Ireland – IE Paul Scherrer Institut – CH Renault Recherche et Innovation – FR Renewable Power Technologies Umwelttechnik GmbH – CH Skogsindustrins tekniska forskningsinstitut AV – SE Södra Cell AB – SE Syncom F&E-Beratung GmbH – DE Total – FR UET Umwelt- und Energietechnik Freiberg GmbH – DE University of Lund – SE Vienna University of Technology – AT Volkswagen AG – DE Volvo Technology Corporation AB – SE ZSW – DE
Project officer Erich Naegele
Status ongoing
Global Process to Improve Cynara Cardunculus Exploitation for Energy Applications
OBJECTIVES The use of biomass in Europe for energy applications is growing in importance year by year. Northern European countries have higher biomass exploitation, with a high production of wood and crop residues due to a more appropriate climate. Mediterranean countries must find proper dry-farming methods with low exploitation costs and targeting the use of land set aside in recent years. In order to achieve this goal, the BIOCARD project is focused on ‘Cynara Cardunculus’, commonly know as ‘Cynara’, as an alternative crop for solid and liquid biofuel production.
Challenges The proposal aims at demonstrating the technical • Reduce emissions from fossil fuels ––> CO2 reduction costs and economic feasibility of a global process for exploitation of cardoon (Cynara Cardunculus L.) • Develop a heterogeneous process to produce in energy applications. This energy crop is parbiodiesel, offering several advantages over ticularly suited to the Mediterranean region, homogeneous processes: where problems of water insufficiency prevail. • A solid catalyst can be re-used A combined process to produce a low-cost liquid • The washing steps, reducing large water biofuel from seeds and energy from lingo-celluvolumes losic biomass is proposed. Different technologies • High-quality glycerine for biomass energy conversion will be studied and compared. In addition to breaking the cost • New raw material for energy production barriers, new heterogeneous catalysis for liquid biofuel production will be tested.
Project Structure
The main objectives are:
The project has been subdivided into six work • Promote the use of biomass and liquid biofuels packages: in Mediterranean areas WP 0 Project coordination • Improve: WP 1 Energy crop management and • Cynara crop harvesting • Cynara biomass valorisation WP 2 Biomass valorisation for energy • Cynara seeds valorisation conversion • Reduce liquid biofuel production costs: WP 3 Cynara seeds valorisation for energy • New heterogeneous catalysis conversion ––> Regeneration of the catalyser • Use as an alternative fuel in fossil power plant WP 4 Overall technical and economical evaluation. Feasibility study WP 5 Dissemination and exploitation activities
Whole cynara biomass bales
Lignocellulosic biomass
Oil Press-cake
Oil Press-cake
Cynara Valorisation
Waste biomass
Project Information Contract Number 19829
Duration 39 months
Contact person Juan Azcue Salto Tecnatom S.A
[email protected]
List of Partners
New heterogeneous catalysis CYNARA OIL Homogeneous catalysis
Mixes characterization for stationary engine use.
Commercial mower + Static separation CYNARA
Pulverised Burners tests New mobile Harvesting machine
Increase yield
Centro de Investigation de Recursos y Consumos Energeticos – ES Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas – ES Endesa – ES Experimental Institute for the Mechanisation of Agriculture C.R.A. – IT Fundacion Gaiker – ES MAN B&W – DE Tecnatom SA – ES Polytechnical University of Madrid – ES Queens University, Belfast – GB Technical University of Denmark – DK University of Bologna – IT VTT – FI
Grate -fired boiler tests ASHES Fluidised bed tests. opencms/Biocard/Web
Project Officer Erich Naegele
Pre -treatments
Status ongoing Logistic issues
Project Structur
Expected Results This project is expected to promote the use of • Reduce liquid biofuel production costs: • Use of Cynara seeds to produce biofuel biomass and liquid biofuels in Mediterranean through traditional catalysis process areas where climatic conditions are not advan• Use a new heterogeneous catalysis process tageous, through the complete exploitation of for biodiesel production Cynara products, giving a global solution that could contribute to European policies of energy • Analyse biodiesel combustion alternatives for supply and CO2 reduction. electricity production: The main BIOCARD objective will be covered • Develop mixes of Cynara biofuel and through several intermediate goals: Cynara oil for use in large stationary diesel engines • Optimisation of crop conditions to yield in biomass production Finally and taking account of the project results, a technical and economic assessment will be • Development of new machinery to improve made of the global process as an alternative to seed separation from Cynara biomass traditional fuels for electrical generation. • Analyze biomass combustion alternatives: • Co-combustion in burners • Combustion in grates • Combustion in fluidised beds
Renewable Energy from Crops and Agro-wastes
OBJECTIVES The overall objective is to produce from biomass a sustainable fuel source that can be integrated into the existing energy infrastructure in the medium term, and in the longer term will also provide a safe and economical means of supplying the needs of a developing hydrogen fuel economy.
Expected Results
The concept is based on the use of anaerobic digestion (AD) as a means of producing methane from biomass, including energy crops and agricultural residues. The technology of biochemical methane generation is well established: the breakthrough to a cost-effective and competitive energy supply will come from engineering and technical improvements to increase conversion efficiencies and from reductions in the cost of biomass by the introduction of integrated systems, including novel and multi-use crops and agrowastes. The research aims to determine how the technology can best be applied to provide a versatile, low-cost carbon-neutral biofuel in an environmentally sound and sustainable agricultural framework.
The results will add to EU databases on bioenergy crops, give engineers the necessary tools to further develop the technology, and provide the farming community with evidence of profitable energy production without subsidy and within the EU’s target cost for renewable energy. The work contributes to security and diversification of the energy supply, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, soil amelioration and reduced water pollution. It will also create opportunities for increased employment in agriculture and reinforced competitiveness in technology exports.
Project Structure The first phase of the work identified energy crops and agro-wastes best fitted to energy production in an integrated farming environment. It considered the energy losses in production and processing, and used these to set net energy production targets as a technological goal. The role of storage and pre-treatments to enhance or reduce energy production is considered. Co-digestion is being evaluated as a means of improving energy yields from materials which are uneconomic for biogas production. Some agricultural residues are also being investigated as potential high-yielding substrates. Innovative bioreactor designs and operation modes have been tested to determine their suitability for energy production from crop materials. A European database of bio-kinetics for use in design and operation is being established. True life-cycle costs of biogas production are being determined from large-scale trials. These will allow verification of laboratory data and predictive models, including decision support systems to optimise energy production. The work allows for the need to achieve continuity of energy supply in an integrated farming environment, and addresses broader issues of sustainability, environmental impact and the influence of socio-economic factors on application and uptake.
Progress to Date Methane potential of crops • A range of plant species grown and sampled to provide material for Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) assay.
• Working BMP protocol established and being used as a basis for further development to look at growth stages and optimum harvest times. • Conditions of the test evaluated and found to depend on a number of factors. • Database established for different crop types.
Crop preparation and storage • Some potential to increase methane production by alkaline and water-based pre-treatments, and certain spoilage organisms. • More important, poor treatment or storage conditions reduce biogas yields.
Project Information Contract number 502824
Duration 36 months
Contact person Prof Charles Banks School of Civil Engineering and the Environment University of Southampton
[email protected]
Digestion trials
List of partners
Trials conducted over a range of operational loading • Two-phase systems: rates and retention times to establish kinetic data • treatment of post-distribution agro-wastes for different crop species and agricultural wastes. at thermophilic temperatures shows no advantage in process stability or performance compared to single phase controls; • uncoupling of solids and liquids retention time in a first-phase mixed reactor with maize as a substrate failed to show improvement in rates of hydrolysis and solids destruction.
Centre for Under-utilised Crops, University of Southampton – GB Greenfinch Ltd – GB Institute for Agrobiotechnology, BOKU University – AT Institute of Applied Microbiology, BOKU University – AT Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas – ES Metener Ltd – FI Organic Power Ltd – GB University of Jyväskylä – FI University of Southampton – GB University of Venice – IT University of Verona – IT University of Wageningen – NL
Technology innovations
Process modelling
• Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM1) being used as a basis for Virtual Laboratory and • Single-bed systems using grass and maize DSS. give poor results – even with pH control: • Permeating bed reactors
• permeating bed with second-stage high-rate Energy models reactors gives greater potential for stable • Database of energy inputs into the cultivation operation and biogas production; of different crop types established. • may be some potential for certain crop types, but preliminary results indicate • Energy usage model developed based on typical plant configurations and substrates. overall process efficiency is poorer than for single-phase mixed reactors.
Project officer Philippe Schild
Status ongoing
Integrated farming systems • Major progress in understanding the relative importance of factors affecting crop selection and overall energy yield in an integrated farming environment: in particular effect of biomass yield and fertiliser input requirements.
Dissemination • Plug flow reactors: • interesting gas and acid production profile; • may have some potential for certain waste types, and the concept could be further exploited for refined fuel production and biorefinery intermediates; • still to explore very high solids systems with high recycle rates.
• Successful dissemination activities have led to the exchange of ideas and the creation of valuable links with key actors and audiences. • IWA ADSW-2005 conference: special workshop on AD of agricultural residues. • Jyvasyla University Summer School 2005: Renewable Energy – biogas from energy crops and agro-wastes. • Joint CROPGEN-IEA Bioenergy workshop 2005: Energy crops and biogas – pathways to success?
AER-gasification with in-situ Hot Gas Cleaning Using Biomass for Poly-generation
OBJECTIVES The project work concentrates on the development and demonstration of a new, efficient and low-cost steam gasification process for clean conversion of solid biomass. By in situ gas cleaning/conditioning, a product gas with a high H2 content (> 70 vol. %), high heating value (15 MJ/Nm3; due to low CO2 and negligible N2 contents), and low tar/alkali/sulphur concentration is generated. Due to the high product gas quality, it is suitable for various applications like CHP (Combined Heat and Power) generation, SNG (Substitute Natural Gas), hydrogen or synthesis gas production. Besides the delivery of an improved catalytic CO2 sorbent bed material, the project aims to open up new biomass potentials such as humid and mineral-rich resources. The overall goal is the operation of the 8 MWth power plant at Guessing in AER mode.
Challenges The main characteristic of the AER (Absorption Enhanced Reforming) process for the efficient and low-cost conversion of biomass is a CaOcontaining bed material, a CO2 sorbent. It circulates between two fluidised bed reactors, takes up CO2 in the reaction zone of a steam gasifier, and releases CO2 in the combustor. As a result of the in situ CO2 removal, the reaction equilibriums are shifted towards hydrogen production and the tar concentration is reduced. Since the CO2 absorption is a highly exothermic reaction, the released heat is integrated directly into the endothermic gasification/reforming process. The principle of the AER process is illustrated in Fig. 1, applying two fluidised bed reactors with circulating sorbent bed material.
agglomeration, these feedstocks are difficult to handle in fluidised bed gasifiers. In the case of AER conditions, low gasification temperatures (< 750°C) and the CaO-containing bed material are supposed to prevent agglomeration.
The comparable low AER gasification temperature has further interesting effects. The methane content of the raw gas increases, and tars mainly consist of primary and secondary tar components (like phenol and toluene) instead of poly-cyclic compounds, being problematic in subsequent process steps. Despite the low temperature level, the tar content is still small due to the CO2 sorbent. Considering commercial realisation, the downstream gas cleaning unit can be simplified, because the product gas quality is increased by While biomass is gasified with steam in the first implementing in situ hot gas cleaning, thereby fluidised bed reactor at 650-700°C (1 bar), the reducing plant complexity and costs. loaded absorbent material is transported – Important advantages of the AER process were together with gasification residues – into a second demonstrated in the recent European AER-GAS fluidised bed reactor for regeneration. This calciproject. They are briefly summarised as follows: nation reaction at ca. 800°C is achieved through combustion of biomass residuals. Additional fuel • Product gas with high hydrogen content (up to 80 vol. %) is needed, allowing the adjustment of the process temperature. Two gas streams are • Low CO2 content obtained, a H2-rich product gas as well as a CO2• Low tar content (< 500 mg/m3) by in situ hot enriched flue gas. gas cleaning The requirements on appropriate CO2-sorbent bed materials are high: sufficient mechanical stability, • In situ heat supply for endothermic biomass conversion. The following figure shows a typical suitable sorption properties, and preferably also composition of the raw product gas and of catalytic activity encouraging tar removal. the lower heating value (LHV) obtained durFurther challenges are to consider mineral-rich ing continuous wood gasification in the AERbiomass resources like straw as fuel for gasifiFICFB gasifier. cation. Due to ash melting, leading to bed material H2 -rich Product Gas
CO2 -rich Flue Gas
Chemical Loop
Additional Fuel
Solid Products Regenerator
AER Gasifier Steam T = 600 – 700 °C (1 bar)
Air T > 800 °C (1 bar)
Principle of AER process: Coupling of two fluidised bed reactors for the continuous production of an H2-rich gas from biomass. The sorbent bed material circulates between the AER gasifier (CO2 absorption) and the combustor (CO2 desorption).
Project Information Contract number 518309
Duration 36 months
Contact person Dr. Michael Specht Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW)
[email protected]
List of partners Within WP 4, the 8 MWth plant at Guessing is operated in order to prove the feasibility of scale-up of the AER process and in order to assess the economic aspects of the process. The existing gas engine is modified to be operated with the H2-rich product gas for electricity production. Recorded data will be provided for process analysis, efficiency calculation and economic analysis, undertaken in WP 5. As a result, the Thus, the AER process has a high potential for AER mode will be compared with the normal decentralised efficient poly-generation of heat, gasification mode in order to point out the market power and fuel from different biomass resources. potential and the cost-reduction potential of the new technology. These results show that the product gas is not only suitable for combined heat and power generation, but also for e.g. hydrogen or substitute natural gas (SNG) production. On one hand, the product gas composition can be controlled by process conditions (e.g. by temperature). On the other hand, it can be upgraded downstream e.g. by machination or by gas separation.
Project Structure The structure of the project with its five work Expected Results packages (WP) and the contributing partners. Main Whereas in the former AER-GAS project the outcomes of single WPs are added to show the feasibility of the AER process was proven with networking. very good results (e.g. high product gas quality), WP 1 concentrates on the delivery of a suitable this follow-up project concentrates on the CO2 sorbent bed material, a core component of demonstration of the technology on an industrial the AER process. Natural materials (e.g. dolomite, scale, as well as on new aspects like multi-fuel limestone) are characterised in terms of: compatibility, material research and tar formation/ removal mechanisms. Important expected • Mechanical stability results are listed as follows. • Catalytic activity towards tar reforming • Production of a raw product gas from bio• CO2 absorption capacity during repeated mass with low tar, sulphur and alkali content, absorption/regeneration cycles. Pre-treatment increased H2 concentration, and high calorific value. methods are developed and deactivation mechanisms are investigated in order to • Proof of the multi-fuel compatibility of the improve the performance of the CO2 sorbent. technology by using different fuels, e.g. WP 2 deals with the analysis of the tar formation/ straw, and wood with various moisture levels. decomposition process in the presence of different • Availability of CO2 sorbent with high absorbents in order to further reduce the tar mechanical and chemical cycle stability. content and to optimise the in situ gas cleaning. Furthermore, natural and commercial catalysts are • Mechanically and chemically stable catalyst (preferable natural catalyst or sorbent) to screened and characterised in terms of attrition enhance conversion reactions in the gasifier. and activity. Pre-selected materials are delivered to partners in WP 3 and WP 4. • Proof of scale-up by adaptation of the existing power plant at Guessing (8 MWth biomass In WP 3, the multi-feedstock compatibility is gasifier) to the AER technology; data basis investigated by gasification of mineral-rich biofor future plant design. mass (e.g. straw) and of humid wood. Due to low gasification temperatures and the presence of • Proof of power generation from H2-rich AER CaO (increasing the ash melting point), agglomproduct gas by adaptation of the existing gas eration of the bed material is not expected. engine at Guessing. The gas composition is analysed, not only with respect to the major compounds (H2, CH4, CO, • Proof of the economic and energetic advanCO2), but also alkali, tar and sulphur. tages of the innovative technology.
Biomasse-Kraftwerk Guessing GmbH – AT FORTH (ICE-HT) – GR Institute for Energy Technology – NO GE Jenbacher GmbH & Co OHG – AT Paul Scherrer Institute – CH University of Cyprus – CY University of Stuttgart – DE Vienna University of Technology – AT ZSW – DE
Project officer Maria Fernandez Gutierrez
Status ongoing
Advanced Biomass Gasification for High-efficiency Power
OBJECTIVES The BiGPower project is related to the development of second-generation high-efficiency biomass-to-electricity technologies which have the potential to meet the targets of cost effective electricity production (< € 0.05/kWh by 2015) from a wide range of biomass and waste fuels in size ranges typical of locally available feedstock sources (below 100 MWe).
Challenges The BiGPower project aims to develop reliable, cost-effective and fuel-flexible gasification technologies for high-efficiency small-to-medium scale (1-100 MWe) power production from biomass. The project is designed to create the fundamental and technical basis for successful industrial follow-up developments and demonstration projects aiming for commercial breakthrough by 2010-2020. This overall aim is approached by carrying out, in a pre-competitive manner, well-focused R&D activities on the key bottlenecks of advanced biomass gasification power systems.
Project Structure
In all biomass gasification processes, the product gas contains several types of gas contaminants which have to be efficiently removed before utilising the gas in advanced power systems. The key technical solutions to be developed are: • High-temperature catalytic removal of tars and ammonia by new catalytic methods • Development of innovative low-cost gas filtration and the control of different gas contaminants by sorbents (HCl and alkali/ heavy metals). Three of the most potential power production cycle alternatives are examined and developed:
Three promising European gasification technologies • Gas engines in this target size range have been selected to form • Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) the basis for the development of the secondgeneration processes: • The simplified Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) process. • Air-blow novel fixed-bed gasifier for size range of 0.5-5 MWe. The performance and techno-economic feasibility of these advanced gasification-to-power concepts • Steam gasification in a dual-fluidised-bed will be examined by carrying out case studies in gasifier for 5-50 MWe. different European regions. • Air-blown pressurised fluidised-bed gasification technology for 5-100 MWe.
Figure 1: Focus of BIGPOWER project.
Expected Results The work plan for BiGPower is divided into seven The most economical gasification technology that R&D work packages and supporting project can be realised on a small scale (below 5 MWe) is management: fixed-bed gasification. However, most of the available biomass residues in Europe do not WP 1 Advanced gas cleaning meet the requirements of commercial fixed-bed WP 2 Dual fluid-bed gasification gasifiers. Usually the bulk density is low, the fuel is fibrous and also contains fines, which creates WP 3 Novel air-blown gasification problems with the gas flow in gasifiers relying WP 4 Improved pressurised gasification on gravity for fuel feed in the reactor. Thus, fixedbed gasifiers can only be operated with highWP 5 Advanced gasifier engine plants quality and expensive wood chips, briquettes or WP 6 Biomass Gasification Molten Carbonate pellets, which makes their use uneconomical. The Fuel Cell system development new NOVEL-gasification technology uses forced fuel feeding, making it possible to effectively WP 7 Case studies and techno-economic utilise such biomass residues and energy crops that assessment cannot otherwise be used in fixed-bed gasifiers The partners in this project are complementary in without expensive pre-treatment. their expertise and, clearly, the close cooperation The gasifier can be operated with a wide range of top research groups and innovative industrial of biomass residues (moisture content 0-55%, companies will strongly promote the introduction particle size from sawdust to large chips). The of the advanced gasification technologies to the first generation Novel CHP plant (2 MWe and 4 European market. The three gasification techMW district heat) is presently under construction nologies of the project consortium represent the in Kokemäki, Finland. The basis of this technology most promising technologies for the biomass-towas created in previous EU projects realised in electricity markets as defined in the RES-e and 1997-2002 (by project partners VTT and CHP Directives and, together, they can cover the Condens). The BiGPower project is aiming to create whole range of potential sizes, different fuels a basis for the second-generation Novel process, and applications. The cooperation of gasification which can be used in advanced power cycles of manufacturers, gas cleaning developers, and the project and with the whole range of biomass engine and fuel cell suppliers is also a unique and waste fuels. feature of the BiGPower project, which could not have been realised on a national or bilateral basis.
Advanced Biomass Gasification for High-Efficiency Power
The innovative dual fluidised-bed gasification process was originally developed in Austria in the late 1990s (by TUV and Repotec). This gasification process can produce a medium-heating-value gas without the need for expensive oxygen plant. As the product gas does not contain diluting nitrogen, it can be utilised more easily in gas engines, fuel cells or gas turbines originally developed for natural gas. This gasification process also has a good potential for small-scale production of hydrogen or synthetic natural gas. The first-generation dual fluid-bed process has been demonstrated in Guessing, Austria (2 MWe and 5 MW district heat). The BiGPower project is aiming to create the basis for the secondgeneration dual fluid-bed process, which can be used in advanced power cycles of the project (gas engines, fuel cells) as well as in future H2/CH4 production systems.
selected optimised gasification technologies with new innovative gas engine and MCFC concepts.
In all biomass gasification processes, the product gas contains several types of gas contaminants, which have to be efficiently removed before utilising the gas in advanced power systems. The high concentrations of tars, nitrogenous species and alkali-metals are typical challenges for biomass gasification that have created numerous operational problems in previous gasification plants. The project partners have already been able to overcome this critical barrier of biomass gasification by using first-generation catalytic gas-cleaning and/or oil-scrubbing. However, these present gas-cleaning methods are expensive and have only limited utilisation potential. The BiGPower project is aiming to develop effective and reliable novel gas cleaning methods which can be realised with substantially lower investment and The third gasification technology of the project operation costs and with higher availability than team, air-blown pressurised fluidised-bed gasifi- the present technology. cation, was developed in the 1990s (by Carbona The simplified IGCC process based on pressurised and VTT), originally for Integrated Gasification air-blow gasification and hot-gas filtration offers Combined Cycle power plants and for size ranges the best potential for increasing substantially the 30-150 MWe. The gasification and gas-cleaning efficiency of biomass-based electricity production steps of the first-generation process were sucin large-scale power production. This gasification cessfully demonstrated in the 20 MW pilot plant technology was developed in Finland in the early in Tampere, Finland. Presently this technology is 1990s and successfully demonstrated in two pilot applied in a gas engine demonstration project in plants in ca. 20 MW fuel size-range (Tampere and Skive, Denmark (5 MWe, 15 MW district heat). In the Värnämo). However, the commercial breakBiGPower project, the basis for second-generation through of BIGCC technology requires further pressurised fluidised-bed gasification will be development and cost reduction of the processes, created for IGCC plants and large gas engine which is the target of the BiGPower project. plants. In small-scale (1-15 MWe) power production, the most potential systems are based on either advanced gas engines or molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC). The most developed state-of-the-art gas engines for the target size-range have been developed in Austria (by GE Jenbacher) and, according to VTT preliminary studies, the most potential fuel cell system for biomass gasification applications has been developed in Germany (by project partner MTU CFC Solutions). The aim of the BiGPower project is to study and develop new innovative power concepts integrating
Project Information Contract number 019761
Duration 36 months
Contact person Esa Kurkela VTT
[email protected]
List of participants
Progress to Date In gasification applications especially, the CO slip from the engine can be considerable. The values can be in the range of thousands of ppm, which clearly exceeds the emission standards in many European countries. Consequently, this matter can become a major hurdle in the commercialisation of gasification-based engine power plants. Therefore special emphasis has to be paid to the control of CO, in addition to all other gaseous emissions. Furthermore, contaminated wastewater from gas scrubbers and condensers requires treatment before it can be discarded, and it would be advantageous if complete wastewater recycling in the process could be achieved. Therefore the development of near-zero emission power plant concepts is one of the main R&D topics in the BiGPower project.
The project started in October 2005, in accordance with the work plan. In WP1 first new catalyst materials have been produced by MEL, Norta, TKK and VTT and catalytic filter samples have been made by Madison Filter. The laboratory and bench-scale testing has also started. In WP2 (Novel fixed-bed gasifier), studies on waste water minimisation have been carried out and the slip-stream testing of new catalysts from WP1 has been started. In WP3, the experimental activities at TUV on improved fuel flexibility have been started by TUV and Repotec. In WP4, IGCC process modelling and a gas turbine survey have been carried out by Carbona and CERTH. In WP5 and WP6, GEJ and MTU have started their activities on optimised gas engine and fuel cell processes for biomass gasification gas.
Biomasse Kraftwerk Güssing – AT Carbona Oy – FI CERTH – GR Condens Oy – FI Helsinki University of Technology – FI GE Jenbacher GmbH & Co KG – AT Madison Filter Ltd. – GB MEL Chemicals – GB MTU CFC Solutions GmbH – DE Notra UAB – LT Repotec GmbH – AT Vienna University of Technology – AT VTT – FI
Project officer Philippe Schild
Status ongoing
All the technologies selected for this project have the required potential to meet the targets of efficient, reliable and economically attractive power production. In addition, these technologies cover the whole range of most potential electricity production capacities from 0.5 MWe up to 100 MWe. Only the very small scale (kW-scale) and, on the other hand, the 500-1000 MWe concepts are excluded from this proposed project.
Slip stream catalyst testing at Kokemäki Novel gasification demonstration plant.
Biomass Fuel Cell Utility System
OBJECTIVES Fuel cell systems for biomass have to meet at least two outstanding challenges: fuel cell materials and the gas cleaning technologies have to treat the high dust loads of the fuel gas and gas pollutants like tars, alkalines and heavy metals, and the system integration has to allow efficiencies of at least 40-50% even within a power range of a few tens or hundreds of kW in order to achieve the cost targets of € 0.05/kW. The BIOCELLUS project addresses in particular these two aims – the investigation of the pollutants’ impact on the fuel cell, and the development and demonstration of an integrated fuel cell system which meets the special requirements of biofuels.
Project Structure
Energy from biomass needs highly efficient small-scale energy systems in order to achieve cost-effective solutions for decentralised generation. Especially in Mediterranean and southern areas and for applications without adequate heat consumers, highest efficiencies are needed due to the fact that no revenues for heat may be achieved. Thus fuel cells are an attractive option for distributed generation from biomass and agricultural residues.
The BIOCELLUS project addresses in particular these two aims. Hence the first part of the project will focus on the investigation of the impact of these pollutants on the degradation and performance characteristics of SOFC fuel cells, in order to specify the requirements for an appropriate gas cleaning system. These tests will be performed at four existing gasification sites, which represent the most common and applicable gasification technologies. A long-term test at a commercial gasification site will demonstrate Due to their robustness, solid oxide fuel cells the selected gas cleaning technologies in order (SOFCs) are applicable above all other concepts to verify the specifications obtained from the to the use of gaseous fuels from biomass. They gasification tests. operate with exhaust gas temperatures between 800°C and 1000°C and are able to convert not The results will be used for the development, only hydrogen but also carbon monoxide and installation and testing of an innovative SOFC gasieven hydrocarbons. But; even if the fuel gas fication concept, which will especially match the matches the strict requirements of SOFC mem- particular requirements of fuel cell systems for the branes, the main challenge of the conversion of conversion of biomass feedstock. The innovative biogenous fuel gas is to achieve the required concept comprises heating an allothermal gasifier efficiency of the fuel cell system. Common bio- with the exhaust heat of the fuel cell by means of mass fuel cell systems with realistic boundary liquid metal heat pipes. Internal cooling of the conditions will hardly reach efficiencies above stack and the recirculation of waste heat increases 30%, due to the low hydrogen and methane the system efficiency significantly. This so-called content of biogenous fuel gases, which reduces TopCycle concept promises electrical efficiencies of the fuel cell efficiency and the physical limitation above 50% even for small-scale systems without of the cold gas efficiency of any gasification any combined processes. system. Thus the system performance and the thermal integration of the gasification process Expected Results are of particular importance. The main three results of the project will be: Fuel Cells for biomass conversion therefore have • The performance characteristics of SOFC memto meet at least two outstanding challenges: branes (‘polarisation curves’: cell voltage with • Fuel cell materials and the gas cleaning techrespect to the current density) for different gas nologies have to treat high dust loads of the compositions and varying operational condition. fuel gas and pollutants like tars, alkalines and Measuring the cell voltage and its degradation heavy metals. under realistic conditions is inevitably necessary for a reliable estimation of fuel cell efficiency, • The system integration has to allow efficiencies requirements for the gas conditioning system of at least 40-50% even within a power and the economic assessment of upcoming range of a few tens or hundreds of kW: this SOFC concepts based on biomass feedstock. can be realised with the TopCycle concept. • The design and demonstration of an appropriate gas cleaning concept which matches the severe requirements of SOFC systems.
Project Information Contract number 502759
Duration 36 months
Contact person PD Dr.-Ing. J. Karl Munich University of Technology
[email protected]
List of partners Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – GR COWI – DK Delft University of Technology – NL DM2 GmbH – DE ECN – NL Graz University of Technology – AT HTM Reetz GmbH – DE iT consult – DE MAB Anlagenbau – AT Munich University of Technology – DE National Technical University of Athens – GR Prototech – NO Siemens – DE Technical University of Denmark – DK University of Ljubljana – SI University of Stuttgart – DE
Website Testing set-up at 168 hours testing
Project officer • The conception and demonstration of an innovative stack and system design (internal stack cooling by means of heat pipes) that meets the special requirements of highly efficient fuel cell systems with integrated gasification of biomass and wastes. This will be measured and evaluated by means of a detailed cost analysis based on the chosen system design.
Progress to Date In order to characterise the performance of SOFC membranes with different gas compositions and varying operational conditions, two test rigs have been designed and built, one for planar and one for tubular SOFCs. With the help of these test rigs preliminary tests with synthetic wood gas have been carried out, in order to identify degradation processes with gas mixtures of hydrocarbons. After successful testing with synthetic gases, tests at three different gasifiers have been carried out. At all gasifiers, two fixed bed and one fluidised bed gasifier, no degradation of the membranes was observed during short-term testing, the longest lasting 168 hours. The testing will be continued at one other gasifier with different testing parameters.
SOFCs. The gas cleaning device has proved its functionality and reliability during testing at the different gasifiers, as no degradation was observed during the 24-hour tests. It will be further improved and adapted for long-term testing at a commercial gasification site.
Jeroen Schuppers
Status ongoing
An innovative stack design, which implements the TopCycle concept with its high efficiencies by means of heat pipes, has been conceived for planar and for tubular fuel cells. These two designs achieve an effective heat transfer from the stack towards the gasifier on the one hand, and an isothermal temperature distribution within the stack which avoids carbon deposition on the other hand. The two concepts will be tested by building short prototype stacks first, after which the consortium will vote for the most promising concept to be realised through a 5kW stack.
In order to make these tests at the gasifiers feasible, a gas cleaning device has been designed and built which comprises desulphurisation, particle removal and pre-reforming. The pre-reforming can be bypassed in order to examine the effects of higher hydrocarbons on the performance of TopCycle Concept
Clean Hydrogen-rich Synthesis Gas
OBJECTIVES The primary aim of the CHRISGAS project is to demonstrate within a five-year period an energy-efficient and cost-effective method of producing hydrogen-rich gases from biomass which can then be transformed into renewable automotive fuels such as FT diesel, DME and hydrogen. This syngas process is based on steam/oxygen-blown gasification of biomass, followed by hot-gas cleaning to remove particulates, and steam-reforming of tar and light hydrocarbons to further enhance the hydrogen yield. The process is planned for demonstration at Värnamo, Sweden, after modifications to the world’s first complete IGCC demonstration plant for biomass. Parallel R&D activities cover the whole value chain from biomass to syngas and include: feedstock biomass logistics, biomass drying integration, pressurised fuel feeding, gasification, hot synthesis gas characterisation, high-temperature filtration/cleaning, catalytic steam reforming and shift gas catalyst characterisation. This will all lead onto the next phase: conversion of gas into motor fuels (Biomass to Liquids, BTL).
Challenges The Kyoto Protocol addresses the need to reduce the transport sector’s dependence on oil. The CHRISGAS project responds directly to this challenge with its aim of arriving at a cost-effective and attractively viable solution to producing a high-quality syngas from the thermochemical process of the gasification of biomass. This gasification/synthesis route is expected to be lower in cost than the hydrolysis/fermentation route. Cost-effective means high-energy efficiency for process competitiveness. This implies the highest possible gas filtration temperature – in the range of 800 to 900°C – with, preferably an acceptable function of catalytic steam reforming to decompose methane, tar and other hydrocarbons when in the presence of certain sulphur compounds. The major forthcoming challenge in the project is rebuilding and putting back into operation the large complex pilot unit, Växjö Värnamo Biomass Gasification Centre, which has been mothballed under a conservation programme for more than five years. The Centre can then be used as a platform for advanced research, development and demonstration and testing of biomass gasification. It is hence being designed to include possibilities for gas cleaning and upgrading as well as conversion of gases to gaseous and/or liquid energy carriers at semi-industrial level. Another significant technical challenge is to find a solution to reducing the inert gas consumption and its presence in the syngas. An innovative piston system for feeding biomass to the gasifier is being developed within the project to tackle this.
Project Structure The hub of this project is based around the Växjö Värnamo Biomass Gasification Centre (VVBGC) in Sweden and the use of the biomass-fuelled pressurised IGCC (integrated gasification combined-cycle) CHP (combined heat and power) plant in Värnamo as a pilot facility. By building VVBGC around this plant, gasification research and demonstration activities can be conducted at a much lower cost than if a new R&D facility was to be built. This part of the project is supported by the RTD and demonstration parts of the CHRISGAS project.
The project also concentrates on research-related networking, training and dissemination activities, as well as on socio-economic research on the non-technical obstacles for penetration into the markets of the technologies concerned.
Progress to Date As mentioned, the key work areas of the project are related to the activities around the Värnamo pilot plant. During the first 18 months a study providing conceptual engineering design alternatives (including mass and energy balances, definitions of all streams, PFD, PID, basic equipment specifications, etc.) has been performed, as well as an initial risk assessment. A basic engineering study of the planned rebuild using an external engineering consultant has also been completed. This later part has been funded outside the project. In addition a thorough status review of the existing pilot plant at Värnamo has been conducted. Maintenance needs and modification requirements have been identified and this work is ongoing at the plant. In the status review the gasifier, feed system, ash system and gas cooling as well as auxiliary systems were checked for function and/or quality.
Project Information Contract Number 502587
Duration 60 months
Contact Person Dr Sune Bengtsson Växjö Värnamo Biomass Gasification Centre
[email protected]
List of Partners
The studies within the work area ‘Fuel Supply and Management’ are well advanced. The methodological approach to estimating potential biomass resources has been developed, and data concerning agricultural and forest residues has been collected for Spain, France, Italy and Greece. In these evaluated countries, the potential of agricultural field residues have been found to reach 160 million o.d.t/year and the forest residues potential 36 million o.d./t year. The required databases are ready to be used throughout the EU. To investigate the influence of process/fuel parameters on steam/oxygen blown CFB gasification, a considerable number of experiments have been carried out in atmospheric conditions at the laboratories of two of the partners, using common fuels supplied by one of the partners. These results are a very valuable base for the large pilot demonstration programme at Värnamo. Pilot research work has also been conducted, resulting in knowledge within the area of measurement techniques and the characterisation of gaseous and aerosol trace components that are present in the gasifier raw gas. The experiments in this area are aimed at using and developing methods for high-temperature measurement of particles without changing the original aerosol. A key process area and piece of equipment for the CHRISGAS project is an efficient and robust hot gas filter. A design has been produced for a novel hot gas filtration unit, to be placed and tested for filtration on the laboratory gasifier at the research premises of one of the partners. The novelty is related to the new type of back-pulsing system, as well to the application of a catalyst for tar cracking on the filter material surface.
Catalyst lifetime and degradation rate in the gasifier raw-gas atmosphere is another significantly important area within CHRISGAS. The specific trends of the deactivation using 20 and 50 ppm of H2S in the feed have been observed in laboratory tests, as well as the positive effect of increasing the temperature and O2 concentration. The analysis of the catalyst exposed to sulphur deactivation has shown a specific decrease of available Ni atoms attributed to NiS formation. An increase of the Ni0 crystal size, associated with the high temperature obtained during the tests with oxygen, has also been observed. A reactivation of catalyst activity takes place when adding oxygen to the catalyst. This is very significant in making the catalytic reforming process viable. In conjunction with the characterisation and activity studies on reformer catalysts, the first year of the project has indicated that the pilot plant would benefit from studies on commercial water gas shift catalysts. Work has therefore been expanded within CHRISGAS to encompass such water gas shift catalyst investigations.
AGA-Linde – DE Catator – SE CIEMAT – ES Delft University of Technology – NL Foschungszentrum Jülich – DE KS Ducente – SE Pall Schumacher – DE Perstorp – SE Royal Technical University – SE S.E.P. Scandinavian Energy Project – SE Södra – SE TK Energi – DK TPS Termiska Processer AB – SE University of Bologna – IT University of Växjö – SE Valutec – SE Växjö Energi – SE Växjö Värnamo Biomass Gasification Centre – SE
Project Officer Philippe Schild
Status ongoing
The main dissemination activities have concentrated on raising public awareness of the project and of the technical possibilities of producing automotive fuels from biomass. The production of a flyer, a website and posters with their broad approach, as well as project presentations at conferences in Washington DC, Moscow, Beijing, Seville, Stockholm and in several other European cities, have formed a major part of dissemination activities. One of three planned workshops has already taken place and a further training and dissemination activity is planned at the University of Bologna for early September this year, with a summer school covering the whole scope of the CHRISGAS project.
From Biomass to Electricity through Integrated Gasification/SOFC system
OBJECTIVES The project aims at developing an innovative biomass-to-electricity concept with high electric efficiency based on SOFC technology combined with a gasification process. The main objective is thus to produce a gas suitable for SOFC application through reliable, up-scalable and cost-effective staged gasification of biomass, with less environmental problems from stream containing tars or char.
Challenges The overall technical objective is to develop a tar decomposition and gas cleaning system that can be integrated with biomass gasifiers. The resulting challenge is to prepare a basic design for a fullscale (1-50 MWth) innovative gasifier and gas treatment system for integrated biomass gasification SOFC systems with the following expectations:
be suitable as a catalytic agent for the reduction of tar concentration at high temperatures (900°C or higher). Two new designed up-scalable staged gasifiers are being developed, integrating tar removal technologies based on char beds. Two different char-bed systems (with or without bed material) are being developed and tested on a laboratory and pilot scale. The advantages of both • Tar content of the gas < 10 mg tar/Nm3 gas designs will be further evaluated and compared. • Cold gas efficiency > 85% for the whole gasi- A specific and more fundamental task aims at better fication process understanding tar formation and its destruction in char beds, in order to minimize the tar content • Carbon conversion > 99% in the gas. • Minimal process waste streams and byMoreover, the performance of an SOFC is investiproducts so as to reduce the environmental gated in relation to the presence of organic comimpact of the waste from the gasifier and the pounds (representing tars) and inorganic impurities operational cost. in the feed gas, in order to determine the required gas specification for possible utilisation in an SOFC. Project structure According to these specifications, a complete train of a dry gas cleaning system downstream from the The technical concept for this project is to design gasifier will be implemented and the operation an up-scalable char bed that can be integrated parameters will be identified. Finally a long-term into existing gasifiers, in order to reduce tar testing of two complete integrated gasification/fuel concentrations to a level low enough to avoid cell stack plants will be performed on woody biotar-related problems in a solid oxide fuel cell mass, for at least 100 hours each. (SOFC) system. Indeed char has been proven to
tar reduction
S and Cl adsorption
particle reduction
WP1: project co-ordination WP2
TKE char-bed
ECN char-bed
processevaluation tar research WP6
WP7: technical, economical and ecological assessment SOFC sensitivity and proof-of-concept WP9: dissemination
Units of the system with the working packages acting on the different parts
Project Information Contract number 503122
Duration 36 months
Contact person Dr. Philippe Girard Cirad
[email protected]
List of partners Cirad – FR Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR ECN – NL FORCE Technology – DK Institute of Chemical Technology – CZ Risoe National Laboratory – DK Technical University of Denmark – DK TK Energi AS – DK
Expected results
Inorganics behaviour and modelling
The two suggested concepts are innovative gasification technologies which enable an efficient conversion of biomass into a tar-free gas. As the produced gas is expected to be a clean gas with very low tar content, and because an appropriate dry cleaning system will solve inorganic contamination, various applications can be considered, including fuel synthesis. The achievement within the project will be the two fuel cells coupled to gasifiers for at least 100 hours each.
Thermodynamic calculations were performed by CEA to evaluate the composition of syngas at equilibrium, taking into account the conditions of gasification. For condensable species in the gas, the range of temperature where condensation occurs is determined for each species. This is of importance for corrosion risks evaluation and also for gas cleaning strategy.
Gas cleaning system
Jeroen Schuppers
Progress to date
A dry gas cleaning system is currently being designed in order to reduce the levels of particles, S-compounds, Cl-compounds and alkali to a level acceptable to the SOFC. Three gas cleaning trains (two lab-scale and one pilot-scale) are going to be dimensioned and built. ICT has constructed the facility and performed experiments to test the efficiency of sorbents that will be used, mainly with regards to HCl and H2S.
During the first 18 months of the project, the work has been devoted to the following activities:
Char-bed gasification
Project officer
The two different designs are in progress of development by TKE and ECN. In both cases, cold models have been built and led to experimental data useful to the design and construction of hot SOFC vs pollutants lab-scale pilots which are currently being or have been tested. A pilot gasifier including a hot char So far, the sensitivity of a single SOFC has been investigated with respect to organic compounds bed has been designed and constructed at TKE. with synthetic pre-mixed gases. There was no impact of C2H2 and C2H4, which are reformed. Tar research Toluene is reformed but induces a degradation The activities are carried out to gain knowledge of the cell due to carbon deposition. Naphtalene on tar formation and destruction in char beds: creates a sharp and irreversible degradation. This degradation might be decreased or avoided by • An analytical quantitative protocol with a increasing the H2O content and/or limiting the SPME method is under development at CEA. maximum allowable concentration of the organic • Lab-scale experiments have been conducted at compounds. The facility aiming at studying the DTU to characterise char in terms of residual tar influence of inorganic pollutants on SOFC material release. A comparison with char obtained on a is almost ready for experiments at CEA. pilot-scale pyrolysis unit at CIRAD is in progress. • The partial oxidation mechanisms of tar destruction are being investigated at DTU. • Axperiments are in progress at RISOE and CIRAD to study tar destruction in char beds, with regards to the nature of tars and the origin of char. At RISOE, experiments with isotopelabelled compounds aim at determining the mechanisms of irreversible binding.
Bacteria also like to make Hydrogen!
OBJECTIVES The main scientific objective is the development of a two-stage bioprocess for the cost-effective production of pure hydrogen from biomass. Amongst the challenges are pretreatment technologies for optimal biodegradation of energy crops and bio-residues, maximum efficiency in conversion of biomass to hydrogen, assessment of installations for optimal gas cleaning, minimal energy demand and maximal product output through system integration and identification of market opportunities for a broad feedstock range. The main technological objective is the construction of prototype modules of the plant which form the basis of a blueprint for the whole chain from biomass to pure hydrogen. Points to be studied are prototypes of equipment for mobilisation of fermentable feedstock, reactors for thermophilic and photoheterotrophic hydrogen production, devices for monitoring and control, and equipment for optimal gas cleaning. Socio-economic objectives are to increase public awareness and societal acceptance and the identification of future stakeholders.
Challenges The main challenge addressed in this project is the expected increase in demand for hydrogen from renewable resources which will arise from the transition to the hydrogen economy. Furthermore, the project adds to the number and diversity of routes for supply of hydrogen from renewable sources, giving greater security of energy supply at the local and regional level.
advantage of the process is the production of acetate as the main by-product in the first fermentation. Acetate is a prime substrate for photoheterotrophic bacteria. Through the combination of thermophilic fermentation with a photoheterotrophic fermentation, complete conversion of the substrate to hydrogen and CO2 can be achieved.
HYVOLUTION is structured around this core issue with a design aimed at closely associating Project structure the events in the chain from biomass to hydrogen. The aim of HYVOLUTION is described by the full The work packages addressing hydrogen production title: non-thermal production of pure hydrogen are surrounded by studies in system integration and from biomass. societal integration in order to develop an economically viable, fully sustainable process for The core issue at stake is the combination of hydrogen production (Fig. 1). a thermophilic fermentation (also called dark fermentation) with a photoheterotrophic fermen- The process starts with the conversion of biomass tation. In the first fermentation, thermophilic to make a suitable feedstock for the bioprocess bacteria are used to start the bioprocess. This (WP 1). The ensuing bioprocess is optimised in offers two important advantages. First, ther- terms of yield and rate of hydrogen production mophilic fermentation at >70 °C is superior in through integrating fundamental and technoterms of hydrogen yield when compared with logical approaches, addressed in WP 2 and 3. fermentations at ambient temperatures. In ther- Dedicated gas upgrading is developed for high mophilic fermentations, glucose is converted to, efficiency in small-scale production units dealing on the average, 3 moles of hydrogen and 2 moles with fluctuating gas streams (WP 4). Production of acetate as the main by-product. In contrast, costs will be reduced by system integration, in fermentations at ambient temperatures, the combining mass and energy balances (WP 5). average yield is only 1-2 moles of hydrogen per The impact of small-scale hydrogen production mole of glucose: butyrate, propionate, ethanol plants is addressed in socio-economic analyses or butanol are the main by-products. The second performed in WP 6.
WP 5
System integration
Exergy Exergy analyses
gas gas
WPWP 1 Biomass 1 Biomass Pretreatment Pretreatment andand logistics logistics
WP 2 Thermophilic Thermophilic fermentation fermentation
WP 3 Photo Photo -fermentation fermentation
WP 4 Gas upgrading upgrading
Fermentables Fermentables
Organic Organic acidsacids
Cleaning Cleaning
to ,, CO CO2 HH 2 2
to CO2 H 2 Hand 2 andCO
and quality and quality 2
assessment assessment
and organic organic acids acids
liquid liquid
WP 6
Societal integration
Figure1: Structure of HYVOLUTION
Socio Socio --economics economics
Project Information Contract number 019825
Duration 60 months
Contact person Dr. P.A.M. Claassen University of Wageningen
[email protected]
List of Participants
Expected results In HYVOLUTION, 10 EU countries, Turkey and Russia are represented with prominent specialists from academia and industries and six Small and Medium-size Enterprises. The participants in HYVOLUTION have a complementary value in being biomass suppliers, end-users or stakeholders for developing specialist enterprises, stimulating the new agro-industrial development that will be needed to make the HYVOLUTION objectives of small-scale sustainable hydrogen production from locally produced biomass come true.
Production of hydrogen from biomass at 75% of theoretical efficiency. Introduction of crop-to-hydrogen chains in EU agricultural systems and the systematic utilisation of bio-residues in hydrogen generation. Optimal application of thermophilic bacteria through an increased understanding of metabolism, genomics and proteomics.
Industrial application of the thermophilic production processes that will result from the The aim of HYVOLUTION is to deliver prototypes development of dedicated bioreactor prototypes of the process modules which will be needed to with associated monitoring and control. produce hydrogen of high quality in a bioprocess Dedicated, high-efficiency gas upgrading systems which is fed by multiple biomass feedstock. To designed to handle small and frequently changing achieve this aim, a coherent set of scientific and flow rates with different compositions. technological activities is required which are interdependent and accompanied by system and Special gas sensor systems to enable monitoring societal integration to ensure optimal economics and exert control. and societal implementation. Modelling and simulation software of unit processes to produce control strategies for bioprocesses. Identification of the markets which will benefit from a local industry for hydrogen production from biomass.
Agrotechnology & Food Innovations - NL ADAS - GB Air Liquide - FR A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis - RU Awite Bioenergie, Martin Grepmeier & Ernst Murnleitner GbR - DE Bioreactors and Membrane Systems - RU Enviros Ltd - UK Middle East Technical University - TN National Technical University of Athens - GR Profactor Produktionsforschungs GmbH - AT Provalor BV - NL RWTH Aachen - DE Technogrow B.V. - NL University of Lund - SE University of Szeged - HU University of Wageningen - NL Vienna University of Technology - AT Warsaw University of Technology - PL Wiedemann Polska - PL
Project officer Philippe Schild
Status ongoing
Blueprint for an industrial bioprocess for decentralised hydrogen production on a small scale from locally produced biomass.
BIOCOUP Integrated Project: ‘Co-processing of Upgraded Bio-liquids in Standard Refinery Units’
OBJECTIVES The BIOCOUP Integrated Project is aimed at developing a chain of process steps to allow a range of different biomass feedstocks to be co-fed to a conventional oil refinery to produce energy and oxygenated chemicals. The overall objective is to respond to the increasing demand for biofuels with a new innovative processing route that may become industrial after 2010.
Challenges The overall innovation derives from integration of bio-feedstock procurement with existing industries (energy, pulp and paper, food) and processing of upgraded biomass forms in existing mineral oil refineries. This will allow a seamless integration of bio-refinery co-processing products to the end-consumer for products such as
transport fuels and chemicals, and thus provide an important stimulus to biomass acceptance and further technological development of biomass production routes.
Project Information Contract number 518312
Duration 60 months
Contact person Yrjo Solantausta VTT
[email protected]
List of partners
Project Structure The structure of the project reflects the different • Conversion to chemicals: to identify optimal steps of the BIOCOUP processing route depicted recovery and fractionation strategies and in the diagram below: technologies for the production of discrete target compounds from bio-liquids. The project has six sub-projects, each of which deals with critical areas of the proposed biomass • Scenario and life cycle analysis: to outline a utilisation chain. The overall objectives in each low-risk, low-cost development path for the sub-project are: most promising bio-refinery chain(s), a path based on stage-wise validation, demonstration • Biomass liquefaction and energy production: and implementation. to reduce bio-oil production costs. • Transversal activities: to optimise the impact • Upgrading technologies: to develop deof the project by a structured management oxygenation technology and scale it up to of the project and the coordination of the process development unit scale. standardisation, exploitation and dissemination • Evaluation of upgraded bio-liquids in standard activities. refinery units: to assess the viability of upgraded bio-liquids co-processing in a standard refinery.
Albemarle – NL Alma Consulting Group – FR Arkema – FR Biomass Technology Group – NL Boreskov Institute of Catalysis – RU Chimar – GR CNRS – FR Helsinki University of Technology – FI Institute of Wood Chemistry – DE Metabolic Explorer – FR Shell Global Solutions – NL Slovenian Institute of Chemistry – SI STFI-Packforsk – SE Uhde Hochdrucktechnik GmbH – DE University of Groningen – NL University of Twente – NL VTT – FI
Website to be defined
Project Officer Maria Fernandez Gutierrez
Status ongoing
Expected Results Objectives
Main results
Fractionation and liquefaction of the biomass
Processes to produce bio-oils from viable biomass feedstocks to be used in subsequent de-oxygenation process
De-oxygenation of bio-oils
De-oxygenation processes
Co-refining of intermediates in existing plants
Co-refining processes
Produce bio-fuels by co-refining
Produce chemicals from biomass
Bio-based raw materials for chemicals
Chemicals Conversion of intermediates to valuable products by bio-chemical processes
Processes for bio-transformation of intermediates
Biomass for the Market Competitive and environmentally friendly synthesis of bioprodu of secondary energy carriers through the biorefinery approach
OBJECTIVES BIOSYNERGY aims to use biomass for synthesis processes (transportation fuels, platform chemicals) and energy production (power, CHP) by the application of innovative, fully integrated and synergetic biorefinery concepts using advanced fractionation and conversion processes, and combining biochemical and thermochemical pathways. The use of biomass for the production of transportation fuels, and to a lesser extend energy, is still more costly than the use of traditional petrochemical resources.
Challenges The use of biomass for the production of transportation fuels, and to a lesser extent energy, is still more costly than the use of traditional petrochemical resources. The overall aim of BIOSYNERGY is to achieve sound techno-economic process development of integrated co-production of chemicals, transportation fuels and energy from lab scale to pilot plant. This project will be instrumental in the foreseen establishment of facilities for integrated co-production of bulk BCyL bioethanol pilot plant of Greencell in Babilafuente quantities of chemicals, fuels and energy from (Salamanca, Spain) a wide range of biomass feedstocks. The major innovations include: • Advanced technologies for the physical/ chemical fractionation of various biomass feedstocks (pre-treated barley straw and DDGS from the pilot plant, and straw and clean wood as representatives of European biomass streams) into their components for further downstream processing.
Project Structure The activities within this BIOSYNERGY IP are subdivided into nine separate but strongly integrated work packages, viz.: WP 0 Management activities
WP 1 • Innovative technologies for the thermoWP 2 chemical/biochemical conversion of these feedstocks into biomass-derived intermediate WP 3 products (e.g. butanol, phenolic oils, furfural). WP 4 • Downstream processing of biomass-derived intermediates into value-added chemicals and WP 5 energy carriers, using integral biomass-toproducts chain design, analysis and optimiWP 6 sation.
Advanced physical/chemical fractionation Innovative thermochemical conversion Advanced biochemical conversion Innovative chemical conversion and synthesis Conceptual design of biorefinery validation pilot plant of Greencell in Salamanca Integral biomass-to- products chain design, analysis and optimisation
WP 7 Demonstration at pilot scale WP 8 Training of personnel and knowledge dissemination
Project Information Contract number 038994
cts together with the production
36 months
Contact person Drs. ing. René van Ree Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected Results The most important results, i.e. those with great • Basic design of an innovative cellulose relevance towards meeting the EU programme ethanol based biorefinery process in which the goals, are: residues are upgraded to added-value products (chemicals, power, CHP). • Technical, socio-economic and ecological European perspective of integrated refinery • Appropriately trained personnel in the relevant processes for the co-production of chemicals, industries, RTD institutes and universities. transportation fuels and energy from biomass • Knowledge dissemination (website, workby performing integral biomass-to-products shops, lectures, etc.) chain design, analysis and optimisation. • Lab-scale development and pilot-scale demonstration of biorefinery-based composing sub-processes, i.e.: physical/chemical fractionation processes, thermochemical conversion processes, biochemical conversion processes, and chemical conversion and synthesis processes.
Agroindustrie Recherches et Développement – FR Agrotechnology & Food Innovations – NL Aston University – GB Biomass Technology Group – NL – DE Cepsa – ES Chimar – GR CRES – GR Delft University of Technology – NL DOW Benelux – NL ECN – NL Glowny Instytut Gornictwa – PL Greencell – ES Institut Français du Pétrole – FR Joanneum Research – AT JRC – BE VTT – FI
Project officer Maria Fernandez Gutierrez
Status ongoing
Interrelation of the WPs and their execution as a function of project development (integrated project approach)
Ash and Aerosol Related Problems in Biomass Combustion and Co-firing
OBJECTIVES BIOASH focuses on solving open ash-related problems in biomass combustion and biomass/coal co-firing systems. BIOASH therefore aims to investigate the release behaviour of ash-forming compounds from biomass fuels in fixed-bed and pulverised fuel combustion systems, and to determine missing thermodynamic and viscosity data as a basis for investigations concerning aerosol and deposit formation. BIOASH also focuses on the development of advanced models for a more precise prediction of aerosol and deposit formation, with respect to the release behaviour of ash-forming elements from the fuel. Furthermore, a new technology for cost-effective and efficient aerosol precipitation in small-scale biomass combustion units is being developed. Another focus is on investigating the effect of particulate emissions from biomass combustion and co-firing on ambient air quality and related health risks.
Challenges The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the solution of open ash- and aerosol-related problems in biomass combustion and biomass/ coal co-firing systems. For medium- and largescale systems these problems mainly concern deposit formation in furnaces and boilers, as well as corrosion, while for small-scale applications fine particulate emission control is of interest. Moreover, health risks caused by particulate emissions from biomass combustion and co-firing need to be investigated.
bark, waste wood) and straw are considered. Olive residues and sawdust are investigated for biomass co-firing in coal-fired power stations.
Expected Results
BIOASH will provide new insights into ash and aerosol formation during biomass combustion and biomass/coal co-firing and provide the basis for developing improved models to predict aerosol and deposit formation in furnaces and boilers. These models should be applicable for Some previous projects have already attempted the design and optimisation of combustion to investigate the basic mechanisms responsible plants but should also be used as supporting for the behaviour of ash-forming elements in tools for optimised fuel choice and fuel blending. combustion units, and this work is being continued within BIOASH. A major starting point is thus A second relevant result of the project will be the basic research into the release of ash-forming development of a new aerosol precipitation technoelements from the fuel to the gas phase. These logy for small-scale biomass combustion units, with release data provide the basis for developing high separation efficiency at comparably low costs. new codes for the simulation of aerosol and Finally, the project will provide new data concerning deposit formation. An improved data basis conhealth risks caused by fine particulate emissions cerning thermodynamic and viscosity data of from biomass combustion. This data, together with typical biomass combustion- derived ashes is available comparable data for particulate emissions needed, however, to further advance these models. from other emission sources (e.g. diesel soot), No economically affordable and efficient fine should support regional and national authorities in particle separation devices are presently avail- the definition of emission limits. able for small-scale biomass combustion units: therefore, the project also focuses on the develProgress to Date opment of such a technology. Air pollution caused by particulate emissions affects human One important objective of the project is the health but it is still unclear which parameters characterisation of the BIOASH fuels, using both (chemical composition, particle size) are the conventional and novel methods. Wet chemical most relevant concerning the toxicity of these analyses, SEM/EDX analyses, CCSEM analyses, particles. In order to determine the toxicity of fine chemical fractionation tests as well as investigaparticulate emissions from biomass combustion tions by DTG/DSC were undertaken, and thermoand biomass/coal co-firing plants, in vivo and in dynamic equilibrium studies were carried out vitro studies are carried out using particle samples based on the results of these analyses. All BIOASH fuels were investigated and evaluated collected during real-scale test runs. and the analytical data was summarised in databases.
Project Structure
The investigations within BIOASH are based on laboratory tests as well as test runs at pilot-scale and real-scale biomass combustion and co-firing plants. Furthermore, theoretical mathematical modelling of ash, aerosol and deposit formation is applied. In this context, the results from the test runs are used to gain substantial high-quality data for the calibration and validation of the models developed. Woody biomass fuels (wood,
The release behaviour of ash-forming elements from the fuels was studied under fixed-bed conditions and under pulverised fuel combustion conditions. The laboratory-scale tests as well as the planned evaluation work were successfully concluded, providing comprehensive information about the release of relevant ash- and aerosolforming elements (K, Na, S, Cl, Zn and Pb) during combustion.
Project Information Contract number 502679
Duration 36 months
Contact person Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ingwald Obernberger Graz University of Technology
[email protected]
List of partners
So far test runs at four real-scale biomass combustion and co-firing plants have been performed. Innovative high-temperature particle sampling devices (new types of deposit probes as well as a high-temperature low-pressure impactor), developed during the first project year to provide deeper insights into particle and deposit formation processes, were successfully applied during these test runs for the first time. The conRelease of Cl under fixed-bed conditions Explanations: siderable volume of data obtained (fuel and ash BM1: spruce, BM2: bark, BM3: waste wood, BM6: straw compositions, data about aerosol and deposit formation etc.) will be compared with the data from the lab-scale tests. Furthermore, the data will The final aim will be to link fuel characterisation be utilised as a basis for calibrating and verifying data with models describing the release of ashthe models developed within the project. forming elements from the fuel and thereby build up an appropriate basis for the modelling A code for the simulation of aerosol formation of residual ash, aerosol and deposit formation in biomass combustion processes was also processes during biomass combustion and co- improved. The comparison of modelling results firing processes. and measurement data gained from the test runs has already proven the applicability of this DTG/DSC studies are carried out in order to predict code for aerosol formation prediction in biomass the melting behaviour of Zn- and Pb-rich ash combustion processes. Work on deposit formation mixtures. The results of the tests have been used modelling has already started and will continue to improve a thermodynamic melting model for during the third project year. alkali salt mixtures containing Pb and Zn. During the third project year this model will be further During the real-scale test runs aerosol emission improved and will then act as an important tool samples were taken and forwarded for in vivo for the development of a deposit formation model and in vitro studies concerning health effects of fine for biomass combustion and co-firing plants. particulate emissions from biomass combustion and co-firing. The results of this work will be available Viscometer measurements have been performed at the end of the project. to validate and extend the range of existing empirical correlations for calculating particle viscosities. Carefully selected synthetic samples as well as pre-ashed fuel samples of the BIOASH fuels have been analysed. The results of these tests have already provided valuable input for modelling tasks. Further viscosity measurements are planned for the third project year.
ECN – NL Eindhoven University of Technology – NL Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-ITEM) – DE Graz University of Technology – AT Institute of Power Engineering – PL Mawera Feuerungsanlagen GmbH – AT Mitsui Babcock Energy Ltd. – GB Standardkessel GmbH – DE Technical University of Denmark – DK University of Abo – FI
Project officer Erich Naegele
Status ongoing
Another important task of the project is to determine the corrosion potential of ash deposits. To do this, small pieces of superheater material coated with different types of synthetic deposits are exposed to a synthetic flue gas. Experiments are conducted at different exposure times (up to 3-4 months) at two different temperatures. The results will help to address the corrosive potential of deposits formed during biomass combustion and biomass co-firing. Fly ash particles impacting a deposit probe
New Burner Technologies for Low Grade Biofuels to Supply Clean Energy for Processes in Biorefineries
OBJECTIVES The project aims at developing new combustion technologies for bio-residues. Innovative combustion technologies like flameless oxidation (FLOX®) and continuous air staging (COSTAIR) will be enhanced by re-burning and co-firing in order to meet this goal. Two basic types of BIO-PRO burners will be developed to meet this goal, a pilot burner for gas and liquid fuels and a pilot burner for solid fuels applying a pre-gasification step for the solids without gas cooling. The technology to be developed will be able to self-adjust to different fuel qualities (fuel moisture 10-50%). For emissions of the investigated fuels, the upper limit for CO will be 30 mg/m3 (currently 50 mg/m3 is typical) and NOx will be reduced by 50% (starting point for dry wood chips in available combustion systems = 210 mg/m3).
Challenges The production of fuels and other materials from biomass, summarised as biorefineries, is expected to grow steadily over coming years. Several of the existing technologies like biodiesel or bio-alcohol production suffer from the fact that they consume considerable amounts of fossil energies while converting only a fraction of the carbon input into the desired product. Advanced technologies are necessary to overcome this drawback and to utilise the residues arising in the process. The BIO-PRO European project aims at the development of easy and robust technologies to convert the residues of the biorefinery processes to energy, thus allowing them to selfsupply the required energy.
the fuel quality and an adoptive control loop on-line. This will first be applied to the GL-burners and then transferred to the S-burners. This methodology will be used to develop a first and a second generation of prototype burners. The second generation will be equipped with the control system. A GL- and an S-burner of this second-generation prototype will be tested on industrial appliances.
Expected Results The prototypes of the new burners will be brought to pre-commercialisation level (two pilot scale burners and operation guidelines). The accompanying socio-economic assessment will assess the economic viability of the new technology (life-cycle assessment) on the one hand, and will show promising markets for a subsequent dissemination of the technology on the other (dissemination strategy). A successful development and application of the technology is expected to have the following impact:
The core activity of the project is to convert new burner technologies, originally developed for natural gas, to burn low calorific value (LCV) gases generated from biomass. Within the BIO-PRO project, the flameless oxidation technology (FLOX) and the continuous air staging technology (COSTAIR) are being transferred to these new applications. Both technologies have several benefits compared to conventional combustion systems, especially the high reduction potential • Increased use of bio-residues, increasing the in thermal NOx and CO emissions. Of particular utilisation of biomass in Europe by up to 50% importance for the combustion of gases generated (basis 54.175 toe in 1998): this will reduce from biomass is the improved flame stability, CO2 emissions by 46 Mio t/a (basis: energy despite varying fuel qualities. consumption 1998). • Improved European competitiveness in the global market, accounting for up to 15,000 Based on the waste materials derived from new jobs. biorefinery processes, two types of burners will • NOx emissions from biomass combustion sysbe developed in line with the fuel mix: biogas, tems will be reduced within 10 years by fermentation residues, fibres etc. The methodology approx. 76,500 t/a (basis: biomass consumpof the work programme is as follows: tion 1998). • Every development will start with the work on gas/liquid BIO-PRO burners (GL-burner): first experiments will be made on existing burner test rigs, subsequently new burners will be developed.
Project Structure
• In parallel, a pre-gasification unit will be installed in order to facilitate the development of the solid BIO-PRO burner (S-burner): developments in the GL-burners will be transferred and adapted on this test rig. • A new control technology will be developed, Figure 1: NOx and CO emissions for LCV gases (mixture of incorporating a self-diagnosis module assessing methane/flue gases) with different calorific values
Project Information Contract number 502812
Duration 36 months
Contact person Dr. Roland Berger University of Stuttgart
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to Date GL-burner development – FLOX technology can be operated at a low level of excess oxygen The development of a FLOX burner adapted to LCV gases and bio-liquids is carried out at the Foundation of Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology in Switzerland. The investigations are conducted with a 20 kW FLOX combustor provided by WS Wärmeprozesstechnik. The tests with combustion air temperatures of 300°C and higher have shown that a stable and complete combustion can be achieved with LCV gases above 2.1 MJ/Nm3 High emission of nitrogen oxides originated from fuel nitrogen will doubtless occur when solid biofuels, e. g. residues of flour or oil mills, are burned. Therefore, further investigations concentrate on possible measures for NOx emission reduction for the solid burner system. A first approach is to provide a reduction zone downstream from the pre-gasification zone. First tests regarding NOx reduction potential were carried out in a double-staged combustion chamber with a FLOX combustor using methane as fuel. The tests have shown that the proposed reduction measure can reduce the NOx emissions by 40%.
(below 4% O2) that results in a higher efficiency of the total system, and the emissions can be significantly decreased. Compared to the original burn-out zone, CO emissions are reduced by 60-80% and NOx emissions by 20% respectively. Tests with other bio-residues, especially ones with high N-content, are ongoing. For further NOx reduction an external flue gas recirculation will be installed.
Delft University of Technology - NL Foster Wheeler - FI Foundation of Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology - CH Gas-Wärme-Institut - DE Institut Energetiky - PL TPS Termiska Processer AB - SE University of Stuttgart - DE University of Ulster - GB WS Wärmeprozesstechnik - DE
Project officer
S-burner development COSTAIR technology
Tests with an S-burner based on the COSTAIR technology and combined with a cyclone gasifier (BIOSWIRL) were conducted at TPS Termiska Processer AB. Comparative tests with the developed COSTAIR burner and the original burner showed similar results in tests with three different fuels. CO emission was on the same level for both types of burners, but emission of NOx was slightly lower in tests with the original burner, compared to the COSTAIR burner. The performance of the burner was however satisfactory at this stage of development, considering the difficulties encountered regarding adapting the COSTAIR concept to the Bioswirl gasifier and scaling up S-burner development – FLOX technology the design from a laboratory scale of 30 kW to a The S-burner development based on the FLOX pilot scale of 1 MW. technology is carried out at the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT). A new FLOX burner for the test Industrial test of 1st FLOX burner prototype facility at USTUTT was designed and combined with a fixed-bed pre-gasifier that provides a hot Industrial tests with a first prototype FLOX burner and tar-loaded LCV gas to the burner. First tests were carried out on a 1.5 MW atmospheric CFB with wood chips have shown that the burner gasifier operated by Foster Wheeler. The burner was tested over a period of 176 hours. The FLOX burner operated very reliably and without any problems over the whole test period. The CO emissions in all test runs were below 15 mg/Nm3 (@ 3% O2) and the NOx emissions mostly below the limit value of 400 mg/Nm3 (@ 3% O2). Thermal NOx emissions are mostly eliminated by the FLOX burner. The emitted NOx is mainly generated by fuel nitrogen. Further optimisation of the burner is necessary to further reduce NOx emissions.
Philippe Schild
Status ongoing
Figure 2: NOx and CO emissions with and without an NOx injection
Synergy Effects of Co-processing of Biomass with Coal and Non-toxic Wastes for Heat and Power Generation
OBJECTIVES The proposed study aims at determining the limits of optimised operation that could be beneficial in disposing of waste and promoting biomass for energy in an environmentally acceptable way. Fluidised bed systems are particularly well suited for such a co-firing operation, because of their versatility with regard to fuel. The important output of the proposed work would be that biomass and wastes would be used in co-firing applications, thus enhancing the prospect for wide range of availability of the co-fuel. It has still to be demonstrated that some combinations of, for example, biomass with a certain waste could have specific advantages, either for the combustor performance or for the flue gas cleaning, or for ash behaviour. The integration of biomass with its whole supply chain into a multi-fuel-based nationwide heat and energy supply system is also comprehensively investigated for Portugal, Italy and Turkey.
Challenges Apart from securing the supply of different • The economics of the whole supply chain for resources at the expense of fossil fuels, particuenergy have yet to be demonstrated on a full larly biomass, there are other problems like lack commercial scale. of experience, economics and environmental • The social acceptance of the co-firing concept consequences: using multi-fuels has still to be demonstrated, • Experience with multi-fuel use is very limited as there is a great need for a detailed environor, in many case, confined to solving localised mental analysis, management and communienvironmental problems, even if some effort cation towards local and neighbouring has been made in the past at research level in populations to control possible negative the EU by various research centres. reactions. • The management practices of handling multi-fuels are less developed than in many Project Structure industrial plants, because this may require COPOWER is managed according to the following investment: without any apparent benefits, structure created ad hoc for the project. companies are not willing to make such Steering Committee: this committee is responsible investments. for the execution of the project and will assess • The selection of different fuels to blend could the progress of the project with regard to the be important for operational considerations work plan presented. The leader of the steering and could undermine the economics. committee, the project manager, is the coordi• Uncertainties can arise about what could be nator of the project, INETI. Each organisation expected, as operational problems introduce has a representative on the steering committee. high risk levels not acceptable to companies. It is the steering committee which is responsible for the successful execution of the project and • Uncertainties associated with the cost of difreports to the European Commission. It prepares ferent fuels could dissuade companies to use the regular technical and financial progress them. reports to be sent to the Commission. The coor• The environmental benefits of establishing a dinator is responsible for the transfer of funds new chain of fuel supply are still not well from the Commission to the partners. It is in touch with those responsible for each work understood. package group to contribute their elements of • There is a lack of information about the synergy progress reports and to ensure that each partner between different fuels to achieve high proexecutes its part in accordance with the targets ductivity during energy production. defined over the time period specified. • The use of biomass and wastes for electricity Work Package Groups (WGs): each group comproduction is technically possible, but efficienprises by partners actively participating in the cies are low compared with more traditional specific work package. The leader of the work systems, especially for smaller plants: there is package is responsible for the group, under the a need for policies to provide incentives. leading guidance of a nominated Work Group • There is a lack of environmental impact studies Leader. Each Work Group Leader is responsible for multi-fuel systems, due to a shortage of for the implementation of each task of the work information about the environmental conse- programme as set out in the proposal. Joint quences. meetings in the form of workshops are held to exchange the information between different work package groups.
Project Information Contract number 503806
Duration 36 months
Contact person Prof. Ibrahim Gulyurtlu INETI
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to Date Dissemination Manager: a special group dedicated to the dissemination activities is set up and managed by a specific WG Leader. This group is responsible for transfer of information outside the consortium and for the implementation of the dissemination strategies, as agreed internally, to the project partners.
Expected Results The project aims: • To provide for three countries – Portugal, Italy and Turkey – information on the potential of biomass and non-toxic waste materials from different sources for co-firing.
The project has six work packages and WP 1 has been completed at the end of the first year, as planned. WP 2 is about to finish, and WP 3 will last until the end of the project’s combustion studies and is hence currently ongoing. WP 4 is progressing in accordance with the original plan. WP 5 has just started. WP6 is the coordination, which is ongoing.
Carmona SA – PT Chalmers University of Technology – SE ENEL Produzione S.p.A. – IT Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology – DE Imperial College London – GB INETI – PT New University of Lisbon – PT Sabanci University – TR Stadtwerke Duisburg AG – DE University ‘Federico II’, Naples – IT
Project officer Erich Naegele
Status ongoing
• To assess the fluidised bed co-firing potential to deal with the types of fuels to be considered, evaluating the process requirements to improve the combustion of the different blends of fuels to be used. • To perform a complete environmental impact assessment and LCA of the product from data to be obtained, thus assessing the socio-economic impact of the co-firing in large-scale power plants. • To collect data and provide knowledge for engineering to optimise the whole of the supply-to-energy-production chain by correctly applying the synergic combinations of multi-fuel use • To assess the applicability of the proposed system in other EU countries as well as in developing countries.
Boosting the Energetic Use of Biomass by Standardisation
OBJECTIVES The development of European standards is seen as a major driver to expand the market for and the use of solid biofuels. This expansion is needed to fulfil the aims defined within the European Commission’s White Paper on renewable energy, the directive on ‘green’ electricity from renewable energy and the European Biofuel Directive, as well as various political goals at the national level. As a result the European Commission had already given a mandate a couple of years ago to CEN, the European Standardisation Organisation, to develop standards for solid biofuels. A Technical Committee – CEN TC 335 ‘Solid Biofuels’ – was founded by CEN to develop such standards. Against this background the aim of the BioNorm II project is it to carry out pre-normative research in the field of solid biofuels, in close collaboration with the work of CEN TC 335 “Solid Biofuels’.
Challenges To develop the market for solid biofuels within the EU, European standards are urgently needed. At the moment several ‘Technical Specifications’ (or pre-standards) are available which have to be upgraded to European standards within the next three years. But industrial applications have shown that there are still considerable gaps in knowledge and that additional information has to be integrated. Against that background, the goal of the BioNorm II project is to support the ongoing standardisation efforts, especially for the development of improved solid biofuel specifications and rules for conformity of the products with their specified requirements. To achieve this, the following aspects will be addressed within this project in detail:
Due to the wide range of standards to be developed by CEN TC 335, this project will focus on aspects urgently needed by the industry to increase the markets for solid biofuels where significant pre-normative R&D effort is required. The specific aims of the different work packages are as follows:
WP 1 ‘Sampling, sample reduction and sample planning’ The objective of WP I is to provide essential information to CEN TC 335 ‘Solid Biofuels’ about three aspects of sampling of solid biofuels: • The size and number of increments to be taken from a wider range of material-types than was covered in the recently completed BioNorm project.
• Development of sampling and sample reduction methods for further materials as well as • The most appropriate systems for reducing those samples to test-portions. sampling plans • Improvement of existing reference test methods • The best location(s) in typical production processes at which to take samples, and the • Development of new reference test methods appropriate frequency of sampling and testing, again for a wide range of solid biofuels. • Development of rapid on-site test methods
• Development of improved quality measures, Task I.1 of WP I of BioNorm II will extend the work of the BioNorm I project on increments and especially adapted to solid biofuels. sample reduction by applying broadly the same Additionally the results of this pre-normative methodology to a second selection of materials work will be transferred directly into the ongoing and test methods, including solid biofuels that standardisation process to allow for the deveare specially relevant for Southern Europe (e.g. lopment of improved European Standards and agricultural residues from the production and acceptable Technical Specifications. processing of olives and grapes), as well as some others that are of general interest across the EU Project Structure (other kinds of wood chips and bark). The work packages of BioNorm II and their interdependencies are shown below. WP0, the project management part, has not been included in this diagram since it is in the nature of this work package that it interacts with all other work packages.
Task I.2 of WP I covers a subject not considered in the recently completed BioNorm project, i.e. matching the location and frequency of sampling and testing to the variance of the materials in real time.
Expected Results
WP 2 ‘Test procedures’
Against the background of the abovementioned challenges, it is the aim of the BioNorm II project to carry out pre-normative research in the field of solid biofuels in close collaboration with the work of CEN TC 335 ‘Solid Biofuels’.
In several areas concerning the test methods for solid biofuels, the European standardisation process cannot continue without pre-normative work. This applies to both reference test methods and rapid tests.
Project Information Contract number 038644
Duration 3 years
Contact person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kaltschmitt Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung
[email protected]
List of partners
Reference test methods Among the reference test methods, concepts for the determination of impurities and for the determination of bridging properties of fuels are not available so far. Such definitions had been included in the business plan of CEN TC 335 ‘Solid Biofuels’, but their elaboration had to be postponed due to the lack of suitable testing methods and the relevant basic experience. It is the objective of Task II.1 to develop and test appropriate measuring technologies for both parameters.
Rapid test methods
Against this background WP III focuses on: • Quality planning (Task III.1) • Quality improvement (Task III.2) • Quality policy (Task III.3) resulting in procedures and methodologies which give operators throughout the overall provision chain valuable information about the following aspects: • Most appropriate technical and managerial quality measures.
The very successful basic research, method • Most appropriate test methods for quality development and method evaluation carried out control of different biofuels at different posiin the recently completed BioNorm project led to tions within the different supply chains a number of drafts of CEN Technical Specifications applied. for the determination of chemical parameters in • Most effective procedure to improve the fuel solid biofuels. During this pre-normative R&D work, quality considering both the use of potentials questions arose that need to be clarified before the for improvement as well as cost effects in the Technical Specifications can be transformed into light of quality improvement. European Standards. Furthermore, additional rapid test methods are necessary to decrease • Guidance on how to deal in practice with interanalyses costs and to obtain necessary information actions of quality assurance, quality control, much faster. quality planning and quality improvement, and further management aspects. This should Currently, the available methods are not suffiresult in the development of a management ciently developed for the characterisation of tool for companies dealing with solid biofuels. biofuels with low sulphur and low chlorine content. The proposed research will improve the methods accordingly. Additionally, the methods WP 4 ‘Biofuel specifications’ will be extended to apply to the determination of Biofuels are specified by some key properties, e.g. bromine and iodine in biofuels. These elements moisture content, particle size and ash content. are currently completely neglected. Such key properties could be for wood pellets, e.g. the diameter, the average length including WP 3 ‘Quality measures procedures’ the degree to which this length might vary, the maximum allowed share of fines (i.e. wood powder), To allow for an increase of the market for solid and the maximum ash content. But for the time biofuels, a steady fulfilling of required fuel spebeing only aspects resulting from the fuel supply cification of a defined product quality is essential. chain have been considered. This does not The specification of the fuel (according to a reflect the needs of industry fully since the standard or specific needs defined by a certain requirements set by the end-use technology (i.e. plant) should be the result of an agreement the combustion or gasification unit) also have between one operator and the next operator to be taken into consideration. In small-scale within the overall supply chain. The next operator combustion units, fuel quality has a great influence should be considered as the customer of the on the emission levels of combustion; it is therefore previous one. Specifications can also be estabessential to determine limit values of the properties lished according to anticipated market demands, for different type of units by combustion tests. whereas the specification is often a combination of customer requirements, market demands and the operator’s preconditions.
Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology – AT Bruins & Kwast – NL Bundesanstalt für Landtechnik – AT Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques – BE CIEMAT – ES Comitato Termotecnico Italiano – IT CERTH – GR Danish Technological Institute – DK ECN – NL Elsam Kraft – DK Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology – DE Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung – DE Institute of Process Engineering and Power Plant Technology – DE Kompetenzzentrum für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe – DE Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse – AT Latvian Forestry Research Institute – LV Mann Engineering GmbH – DE Marche University of Technology – IT Partner Halm80 Aps – DE Sparkling Projects – NL Riga University of Technology – LV Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University – DK Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SE Swedish National Testing and Research Institute – SE VTT – FI
Website BioNorm/Standardisation.htm
Project officer Erich Naegele
Status ongoing
The Network of Excellence ‘Overcoming Barriers to Bioenergy’
OBJECTIVES The aim of the Bioenergy NoE is to identify and address key RTD needs that can help overcome barriers to the expansion of bioenergy markets in Europe. To overcome these barriers, development of the entire chain from resource base to end-use markets has to be considered. A significant increase in the use of bioenergy cannot take place without the involvement of industry and, as a result, such a desired increase can be viewed in terms of business opportunities. The primary objective is to integrate partner activities to create a ‘Virtual Bioenergy RTD Centre’ and to develop a deep and durable integration, to be extended beyond the period of Community financial support. Interaction with other European public R&D instruments will also be encouraged.
Challenges Bioenergy has the potential to provide the largest share of renewable energy sources in Europe. The use of bioenergy has to be increased significantly if the goals of the EC on security of supply and environmental drivers are to be met. To allow bioenergy to reach its full potential, key barriers must be resolved: the challenge is to identify and address key RTD needs that can help overcome the barriers to the expansion of the bioenergy market. Integration in bioenergy R&D, in addition to new technology and business concepts, is needed, and the Bioenergy NoE has to respond to the demands of the EC and industry. The critical tasks will be to: • Support generation of new bioenergy opportunities through improved RTD capabilities. • Back up and influence policies and legislation.
A new WP structure was implemented in 2006. It is based on those industrial sectors in which bioenergy plays a role and future business opportunities may be identified. The WP structure will be built upon the initial work, JER project initiatives, identified strategic drivers including key EC directives, and identified market opportunities. The RES-E, Biofuels, Emissions Trading and Landfill Directives are the most essential of the key drivers and market opportunities within the area.
Expected Results
The expected principal result at the end of the • Enhance knowledge-sharing, education and five-year period is an integrated R&D structure, mobility. a ‘Virtual Centre of Excellence’ that will influence The mission is to create a ‘Virtual Bioenergy RTD the implementation of the main EC directives and Centre’ that exploits the capabilities of the partners the expansion of R&D and business opportunities in building a thriving and successful bioenergy in the bioenergy area in Europe. A considerable increase in the use of bioenergy cannot occur sector in Europe. without the participation of industry. Therefore the intended increase has to be analysed in Project Structure terms of business opportunities. Bioenergy NoE is a partnership of eight leading The integration was initially intended to focus institutes in bioenergy RTD from across Europe on the non-technical barriers. During the second and is coordinated by VTT, Finland. In 2004-2005, phase, the target will be to activate and carry activities were carried out within Work Packages out a JER phase and to plan the integration (WPs): Integration Activities 1-8, Spreading of structure. During the final phase, the focus will be Excellence (SEA), Jointly Executed Research (JER), on executing the integration. After the mapping and Coordination. The initial joint programme of of partner activities and barrier analysis with activities and the integration structure was RTD goals definition, integration will proceed with based on the detailed integration areas (Figure 1). the planning and establishing of JER projects. Integration will take place in practice through common NoE projects, which will be funded outside the current NoE framework, resulting in the preparation of integrated projects and identification of market opportunities and industry needs.
Figure 1. Structure of partnership and responsibility areas of Bioenergy NoE.
Each partner has its area of expertise and initial responsibility coordinated within the NoE. The mapping of partners´ activities, together with the subsequent barrier analysis and RTD goal definitions carried out within the WPs, will provide the basis for final integration with JER activities.
Project Information
Barriers to market introduction and the definition of RTD goals
Integration is also expected to result in wide human mobility, researcher exchange, and education and training among the partners. Interaction with other European public R&D instruments, such as the ERANET Bioenergy and Research Infrastructure, will be a target. European Technology Platforms for the 7th Framework Programme are examples of initiatives in which NoE can also have an active role.
Progress to Date Initial mapping of partners´ RTD activities The mapping exercise on RTD activities of the partners was carried out and completed in 2004, and has been since analysed and reviewed. The mapping report provides a solid foundation that will determine the future work of the NoE. The analysis shows that there is comprehensive coverage of all the identified bioenergy topics with an overall high level of complementarity in most areas. There are clearly some areas of overlap but often at different scales of operation and with different objectives, and early integration attempts will focus on these areas. There is also an extensive range of facilities and expertise within the consortium that permits almost every aspect of bioenergy systems to be studied, from fundamental science and technology R&D to system analysis. Detailed information on the capabilities and capacities of partners can be found on their websites, which can be accessed from the NoE website,
Identification and analysis of barriers to bioenergy and the definition of RTD goals have been carried out within the different WPs. A uniform approach was created for the barrier analysis, dividing the expected barriers into the following categories: economics, legislation, technology, biomass supply, sustainability and social aspects. Most of the main barriers to the increase in bioenergy utilisation relate to these topics. The Bioenergy NoE covers almost the entire field of bioenergy, from production to use. The barrier analyses carried out within the WPs resulted, as expected, in a wide variety of non-technical and technical barriers. The overall impression is that the non-technical barriers dominate, and economic barriers are the most prominent ones. However, no single barrier stands out as the most important; it is the interaction of many barriers that impedes the rapid expansion of bioenergy use. Insufficient availability of low-cost biomass feedstock has been seen as a major barrier in most areas, except biowaste-to-energy applications. There might be competition for biomass resources in large-scale applications, e.g. forest industry and liquid biofuel production. Furthermore, competition for land use is discussed in terms of energy crops. The price structure of biomass is influenced by local, national and European policy issues, environmental and energy taxes as well as supporting and legislative instruments. As well as non-technical barriers, a large number of technology-related barriers were identified within the different areas of bioenergy. Even omitting the economic barriers and biomass availability constraints, technical barriers were considered critical in introducing novel production and utilisation technology, e.g. in the area of transportation biofuels. A whole-chain approach and demonstration were emphasised in most WPs. R&D work was suggested to overcome a wide variety of technical barriers related to individual
The Network of Excellence ‘Overcoming Barriers to Bioenergy’ Initial recommendation of integration actions The technical and organisational scope for integration has received a preliminary analysis. The integration structure based on business sectors scenario has been proposed as the most constructive approach. The second 18-month period starting in 2006 is built upon this approach. The final structure of integration can be established only after the RTD goals and RTD market opportunities have been analysed in detail and major common JER initiatives have been launched. The NoE interaction with other European public R&D instruments, such as the Technology Platforms, ERANET Bioenergy, and IP projects, has been process steps within production and utilisation addressed. The NoE partners have representatives in schemes. the Forest Industry and Biomass for Road Transport Platforms. The RTD goals identification of JER topics and proposal preparation is currently in progress A summary of the NoE activities for the first three within the WPs. The next step is to prioritise com- years is schematically presented in Figure 3. mon topics and proposals regarding integration benefits and business opportunities.
Spreading of Excellence
An overview ‘Bioenergy in Europe: Opportunities SEA has developed a communication plan that and Barriers’ was published in 2006 and can be provides a coherent programme of internal and found on the Bioenergy NoE website, external communications targets for the life of the project. For the first 18 months, the target audience was the EC, as well as NoE partners and researchers, in order to promote a strong corporate identity and build a sound foundation for future integration. After this period, the target audience will be expanded to include other governmental organisations across Europe, the European bioenergy industry and bioenergy research community.
Project Information Contract number 502788
Duration 60 Months
Contact person Kai Sipilä VTT
[email protected]
List of partners:
Highlights of Results A Bioenergy NoE internal newsletter has been established. It is a quarterly publication and the first five editions have been published. A website has been created (, and a dedicated programme of Researcher Exchange has been launched to give every researcher the opportunity to exchange findings. Two annual NoE researchers´ meetings have been organised, the first at FZK in Karlsruhe in 2004 and the second at ECN in Petten 2005. During the first phase, nine joint project proposals were submitted to the 6th Framework Programme.
The mapping of partners’ RTD activities carried out in 2004 provides a solid foundation for future work. Identification and analysis of barriers to bioenergy and definition of RTD goals were carried out in the WPs as a well-defined task and resulted in the pinpointing of a wide variety of nontechnical and technical barriers. The integration process has continued through the planning of jointly executed projects. A new WP structure driven by policy and business opportunities was developed and implemented in 2006. A communication plan for internal and external targets was developed, a Bioenergy NoE newsletter was established, and a website was created. Several Coordination researcher exchange visits have been organised. All partners have a representative in the During the first phase, nine joint project proposals Bioenergy NoE board which meets about five were submitted to the 6th Framework Programme. times a year. A coordination team participates in the preparation of material for the board meetings. Email, phone, and the eMeeting system have been the main means of communication for the team. A password-protected document management system and web-based eMeeting platform have been established to enhance NoE researcher communication. A financial support structure has been established to catalyse researcher exchange and mobility and joint application initiatives. Several research exchange visits have been organised, and JER projects were started in 2005.
Aston University – GB EC Baltic Renewable Energies Centre – PL ECN – NL Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe – DE Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique – FR Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH – AT University of Lund – SE VTT – FI
Project officer Jeroen Schuppers
Status ongoing
Co-ordination Platform to Promote European Co-operation in Biomass Cofiring
OBJECTIVES NETBIOCOF will promote European cooperation between research organisations devoted to the research, development and application of biomass co-firing in new and existing power plants. It will aim for the integration and unification of efforts and the exchange of knowledge and expertise between West and East Europe to promote the development and uptake of innovative methods and technologies and expand the use of biomass co-firing. A biomass co-firing expert platform and a coordination platform will be established in order to coordinate and assess ongoing research and to develop suitable assessment activities, with the aim of identifying best practices, gaps in knowledge and barriers to further execution, as well as proposing strategies of implementation and directions for future research.
Challenges The promotion of renewable energy has an important part to play in redefining the European strategy in the energy sector. Since 1997, the EU has been working towards the ambitious target of a 12% share of renewable energy in gross inland consumption by 2010. In 1997 the share of renewable energy was 5.4% and by 2001 it had reached 6%. Bio-energy already provides 64% of all renewable energy sources (RES) of the European Union, thus leading the way for a sustainable pattern of energy generation. Despite the advances already gained in the bio-energy sector, the overall development lags far behind the goals fixed in the White Paper of the European Commission. According to this document, the contribution of bio-energy should increase from 45 Mtoe in 1995 to 135 Mtoe in 2010. However, it will not be possible for the EU-15 to achieve such targets alone, due to the scarce national biomass resources existing in some countries (e.g. the Netherlands). Today, the inclusion of ten new Member States gives the opportunity for reaching the European goals, since the new Member States bring to the EU a significant bio-energy potential. The new Member States provide additional potential for the development of biomass energy such as huge and unexploited biomass resources, surplus of agricultural production, opportunities for energy crops, adoption of EU Directives and a strong agricultural lobby. However the prevailing energy system is characterised by a presence of large quantities of fossil fuels available for energy purposes, which has resulted in a more or less fully fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure. Due to this situation, the implementation of stand-alone biomass-based power technologies in this region will not be enough to provide the bio-energy demand. Consequently, biomass co-firing in already existing coal-fired power plants is one of the most feasible bio-energy options.
expertise and suitability. The Expert Groups (EGs) are an advisory and active body composed of specialists in each biomass co-firing field who, besides accomplishing the scientific and technical counselling and monitoring tasks, will discuss hot topics and deliver publishable reports. The diverse activities and tasks are divided into 7 WPs, each associated with a key objective.
WP 1 ‘Evaluation of current State-of-the-Art and identification of best practices’ WP 1 starts at the beginning of the project and aims to collect relevant information about current state-of-the-art, successful experiences and applications of biomass co-firing in the various relevant areas (biomass production, pre-treatment and supply, thermal conversion and energy use). This work package will also allow the identification of best practices throughout the region, focusing on the potential of Central and Eastern European countries for the extended implementation of this renewable source.
WP 2 ‘Assessment of on-going research and identification of gaps in knowledge’ WP 2 identifies the research and development institutions and organisations throughout the region, in order to map current activities, in particular in the Central and Eastern European countries. Additionally the work performed within task 32 of the IEA Bioenergy Action will be taken into account.
WP 3 ‘Identification of barriers of implementation’
WP 3 will process the information gathered in previous steps in order to evaluate the current status of biomass co-firing at a laboratory and practical level, and to identify technical and non-technical barriers to its extended application at the European level, in particular in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). A list Project Structure of requirements for the co-firing technology for further application in Europe, especially in the The coordination activities are implemented CEECs, will be compiled. through two different processes, classified as work packages and expert groups. The work WP 4 ‘Coordination of research packages (WPs) will be accomplished by all and development - R&D’ members of the consortium who will work WP 4 will coordinate research efforts on biomass together on specific tasks in line with their co-firing throughout the region, in particular
Project Information Contract number 020007
Project duration 24 months
Contact person Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schories Technologie Transfer Zentrum Bremerhaven
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected Results with applications related to its extended use in the CEECs. Among the most important activities covered by this work package will be the task of identifying and shaping European research clusters in biomass co-firing, making recommendations for future research and development, creating and managing a database platform, and organising staff secondments.
WP 5 ‘Proposal of strategies for implementation’ The development of this working package will be a key process in completing NETBIOCOF goals, since it will be the format by which discussion and evaluation of biomass co-firing performance and suitability in targeted countries is undertaken. The outcome of this work package will be a list of scientific, technological, legal, socioeconomic and cooperation strategies to promote the use of biomass co-firing.
The overall objective of NETBIOCOF is to establish a biomass co-firing expert and coordination platform at an integrated European level, as well as a network of expertise that will encourage unification of efforts to develop biomass cofiring, by highlighting the future research and the required synergies needed to make the technology a reliable, safe, available and durable source of energy. The principal outputs expected from NETBIOCOF are: • A better co-ordinated European research and development integrated activity in biomass co-firing • The establishment of defined European expert groups in the biomass co-firing field • A network website and database platform • Clear action guidelines for future research and development in biomass co-firing
WP 6 ‘Dissemination and Exploitation’
• A set of strategies for the extended use of WP 6 will bring to the general public and relevant biomass co-firing to overcome the current stakeholders the knowledge gathered through the barriers. coordination of efforts, by developing a website, These clear outputs from the establishment of presentations, workshops, publications and the the NETBIOCOF network aim to have specific final conference. impact in the European Union, as well as in WP 7 ‘Project management’ other Central and Eastern European countries. WP 7 is involved with the management of the project and is responsible for all of the other work packages. Each expert group is led by two members (one from West Europe, the other from the CEECs) with vast experience in the field, who will guarantee the complementation and fluent exchange of knowledge between the participants. The expert groups have been defined in line with the process chain of biomass co-firing in the following way: EG 1: Biomass resources (Leaders SLU and EAU) EG 2: Biomass supply and pre-treatment (Leaders: VTT and NYME)
Bioazul – ES Biomasse Projekt GmbH – DE Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques – BE CIEMAT – ES Elsam Engineering A/S – DK Estonian Agricultural University – EE ETA Renewable Energies – IT EUBIA – BE EUREC – BE Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal – PL Institut ‘Jozef Stefan’ – SI Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research ‘Sosny’ – BY Kema Nederland BV – NL Landeskammer für Landund Forstwirtschaft Steiermark – AT Lithuanian Forest Research Institute – LT MB Finishing Engineering – DE Scientific Engineering Center ‘Biomass’ – UA Sofia University of Technology – BG Swedish Agricultural University – SE Technologie Transfer Zentrum Bremerhaven – DE Timisoara University of Technology – RO TNO – NL TUBITAK – TR University of West Hungary – HU VTT – FI
Project Scientific Officer
Progress to Date The NETBIOCOF project is approximately at the halfway stage. The tasks related to the preliminary state-of-the-art review and mapping of current research activities have been completed: the identification of best practices and technical and non-technical barriers is now being carried out. The consortium has produced informative project leaflets and distributed them among its network of contacts. The webpage has been running since the first month of the project, hosting a powerful online database which contains information on biomass co-firing provided by the partners, as well as the public project deliverables.
Erich Naegele
Status ongoing
EG 3: Biomass co-firing technologies (CIEMAT and SEC) EG 4: Energy use (Lk-Stmk and TUS)
Other Renewable Energy Sources and Connection to the Grid Wind.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
NIGHT WIND .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
POW WOW ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
UPWIND ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Geothermal ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
EGS PILOT PLANT ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ENGINE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
HITI................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...
I-GET ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ocean .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
WAVEDRAGON .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
WAVESSG ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Concentrated Solar Thermal .............................................................................................................................................................
DISTOR ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ECOSTAR ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
HYDROSOL II .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
SOLHYCO ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
SOLREF ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Connection of Renewable Energy Sources to the Grid ......................................................
DERLAB ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
IRED ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
MORE MICROGRIDS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Storage of Wind Energy in Cold Stores
OBJECTIVES Night Wind addresses the following strategic objectives: integrating renewable energy resources into the European energy service network by providing new facilities for energy storage, increasing the economic value of wind energy by providing means to deliver the energy at peak demand hours, and increasing the competitiveness of SME Cold Storage facilities by providing adding ‘energy storage’ as an additional service to be provided for the European energy service network. The overall impact is that the project will offer a solution to integrate wind energy with energy storage in the European electrical grid, giving space to a further growth in the use of wind energy worldwide and a contribution to the Kyoto targets at the same time.
Challenges The integration of wind power into the national or EU energy supply systems is becoming relatively more problematic with increasing installed capacity and production, especially due to a mismatch of supply and demand of energy. The wind energy is produced at rather random times, whereas the energy use pattern shows distinct demand peaks during day time and office hours and low levels during the night.
the balance between wind energy production and actual electricity demand. This is the case for ‘island operation’, with delivery of surplus energy to the grid, and also for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) where windmills are physically located elsewhere than (existing) cold stores, but controlled in an interdependent way to support the European energy service network. Design of control strategies, with the help of powerful simulation tools, will be the main task of the The random production of wind energy cannot Night Wind project. easily be accommodated on the grid by switching on and off conventional energy suppliers, like coal fired power plants. This would lead to an Project Structure increase of CO2 emissions, rather than the The research stage of the project includes the reduction of CO2 emissions which is desired. following topics: In order to accommodate the random production • Potential, economic & trade aspects of Wind of wind energy in the grid, it is desirable that Power DER + Cold Store DSM alternative (renewable and conventional) electricity producers balance out the difference • Design and modelling of infrastructures for island operation of Wind Energy + Cold Store between production of wind energy and electricDSM ity demand. The Night Wind project aims to store wind energy produced at night in refrigerated • Control concepts and algorithms for Wind warehouses, and to release this energy during Energy + Cold Store DSM grid integration daytime peak hours. • Quality preservation of frozen products during The concept underlying Night Wind makes use of minor temperature fluctuations existing technology, extended with novel control strategies. These are needed to set the temperature • Legal issues in refrigerated warehouses to a level that reflects • Demonstration and introduction outline plan.
Optimum storage / release of wind energy in line with consumption pattern
Project Information Contract number 020045
Duration 24 months
Contact person S.M. van der Sluis, M.Sc TNO
[email protected]
List of Partners
The demonstration phase of the project should mark the start of a larger-scale implementation. Therefore, the project will include the preparation of an implementation outline plan, which will be based on the preliminary experiences gained in the demonstration, and will include input from representatives in the sectors that are directly involved in the implementation: the refrigerated warehouse sector and the energy distribution sector.
Essent Energy Trading – NL Dutch Association of Refrigerated Warehouses – NL Partner Logistics Europe BV – NL TNO – NL Risoe National Laboratory – DK Sofia University of Technology – BG Spanish National Renewable Energies Centre – ES
Project Officer Stefano Puppin
Progress to date Project kick-off meeting planned for September 2006.
Status ongoing
Expected Results The Night Wind project intends to bring a concept to the demonstration stage. It starts with a kick-off meeting, followed by a phase in which literature will be surveyed and a technical specification established. The benefits of the concept need to be detailed, both the benefits on a macroscopic scale from the European viewpoint of integrating RES with the energy network, and the benefits on a smaller scale for energy distributors, warehouse owners and end-users. It is furthermore necessary to address a number of basic research topics – such as the effect of temperature fluctuations on the quality of stored refrigerated and frozen products – before the idea can be demonstrated with minimal risk.
Coordinating the Prediction of Renewable Offshore Energy Production
OBJECTIVES POW’WOW is a new project trying to harmonise approaches to wave and wind modelling offshore, helping the short-term forecasting and wake research communities by establishing virtual laboratories, offering specialised workshops, and setting up expert groups with large outreach in the mentioned fields. Two Virtual Laboratories, one for offshore wake modelling, the other one for short-term forecasting, will be set up. Two guides on best practices will be written, one on short-term forecasting (bringing the experiences of high wind penetration countries to those with little wind power) and one for wake modelling. In the end, this Coordination Action will also support preparation of further initiatives such as a Network of Excellence or an Integrated Project.
Challenges Climate change is related to the way we generate electricity. As part of the Kyoto effort to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, the European Union has an overall target of 12% of energy (22% electricity) from renewables by 2010.
behind turbines and wind farms), it shall also be seen how to better integrate the long-term and short-term prediction of offshore energy resources from a modelling standpoint.
Wind energy is the fastest growing renewable energy source in the European Union. By 2003 more than 28,000 MW of wind energy capacity had been installed in Europe (600 MW offshore). The wave resource in European waters is even larger: 120-190 TWh/year (offshore) and 34-46 TWh/year (nearshore). Yet, despite many research efforts from the 1970s onwards, relatively little installed capacity exists, although prototypes have been developed in many countries. The proposed project seeks to integrate further the wind and wave energy communities to maximise the research effort on resource assessment and to utilise expertise from wind energy short-term forecasting and wave energy resource assessment for optimal planning and operation of offshore energy technology.
Project Structure
While some of the project resources go into specialised activities supporting research in the three fields individually (wave power, short-term prediction of wind power, and offshore wakes
A number of workshops are envisaged in quite specialised areas, usually leading to a document detailing out the progress in the field. One is a cross-cutting workshop with the aim of crossfertilising the separate approaches in the offshore meteorology community, integrating wind and wave resource modelling. Another workshop is planned on integrating and implementing wake models in short-term forecasts of wind power. A third workshop is already in preparation for October 25, 2006, on the best practice in short-term prediction of wind power, where high-penetration utilities can present their experiences with the day-to-day use of short-term forecasting tools to utilities quite new to the game. The results of this workshop should go into a document detailing the best utility practice in short-term forecasting.
The project is largely structured around three topical work packages, for wave energy (both long-term and short-term), short-term prediction of wind power (both onshore and offshore: long-term prediction of wind resources is only a problem in complex terrain, which is too dissimilar to the other activities to be included here), and wakes behind offshore turbines and wind farms. Two additional work packages deal with management and dissemination activities and future work. The dissemination in the field of short-term forecasting also includes connections to colleagues outside Europe.
Expected Results
In the fields of wave modelling and short-term forecasting, two expert groups are being set up, for support of politics, but also for dissemination activities outside Europe. The expert groups will also identify potential new research topics for funding agencies. One problem hindering progress, especially in the economically sensitive field of offshore wind power but also in wind power in general, is the
Project Information Contract number 019898
Duration 36 months
Contact person Dr. Gregor Giebel Risoe National Laboratory
[email protected]
List of partners Armines – FR Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg – DE Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – IT EC Baltic Renewable Energy Centre – PL Energy & meteo systems – DE INETI – PT Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications – GR Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik – DE Risoe National Laboratory – DK Spanish Nacional Renewable Energies Centre – ES Technical University of Denmark – DK University ‘Carlos III’ Madrid – ES
Project officer Thierry Langlois d’Estaintot
Status ongoing
lack of good accessible data. This will be taken care of by the establishment of two Virtual Laboratories, one for short-term forecasting, the other one for wakes. The idea is, in part, to take some of the cumbersome work of data acquisition out of the research projects themselves and put it here, and in part to have common evaluation criteria and common evaluations of the work, and being able to compare one’s own research with the best (and worst) in the field. This idea is somewhat modelled on two very successful efforts, one being and the other one the Anemos case studies and benchmarking process. In, qualitychecked measurement campaigns (of usually short duration) have been put into a central repository in a common data format, so that institutes that have signed up to it can download the data and use it. The data spans 165,000 hours from 57 sites and is used for many different purposes, ranging from resource assessment to structural high-resolution measurements on actual wind turbines for load cases. The other case to model on is the Anemos benchmarking exercise, where in all 11 different models were fed with the same NWP data for six wind farms in Europe. One institute (CENER) did the common evaluation and presented the results in London at the EWEC conference in November 2004. One important aspect of this was the development of a common evaluation procedure and common evaluation criteria, led by IMM. The details of
access to data, the potential worries of the data owners (wind turbine data and NWP) about making their data public, and the exact demands for publication from ViLab participants will have to be decided on during setting-up of the ViLab.
Progress to Date Currently, the expert groups are established, and work goes on towards establishing the Virtual Laboratories. Also, the first workshop has been announced on the website ( BestPracticeWorkshop.htm). It will be held in conjunction with the 6th Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms in Delft (see The date is October 25, 2006. Please see the website for registration details.
Finding Solutions to Design Limitations of Large Wind Turbines
Project Structure
The objectives of the UpWind project are to achieve a state-of-the-art design methodology for very large wind turbines and to establish the largest turbine dimensions that can be designed reliably. This will be a critical analysis of advances in the following scientific disciplines, with a view to the design of large wind turbines of >10 MW installed power.
In order to realise a significant contribution of wind energy to the global electricity supply (e.g. 20%) in the future, very large wind turbines with an installed power of over 10 MW each, operating as wind ‘power plants’ (often called wind farms) of several hundreds of megawatts capacity will become necessary. Such machines are not available yet and their design requires the highest possible standards, encompassing complete understanding of external design conditions, availability of materials with extreme strengthto-mass ratios, advanced integrated control and measuring systems, all geared towards the highest degree of reliability.
As the project includes many scientific disciplines which need to be integrated in order to arrive at specific design methods, new materials, components and concepts, the project’s organisation structure is based on work packages (WPs) which variously deal with: scientific research (eight WPs); the integration of scientific results (three WPs); and their integration into technical solutions (four WPs). External communication and the dissemination of project findings are considered essential and therefore have been organised in a separate additional work package (see the figure below).
A review will be made of rotor aerodynamics, aero-elastics, rotor structure and materials, foundations and support structures, control technology, remote sensing, condition monitoring, flow around wind turbine clusters, and the wind power plant/grid interface, followed by the conception of innovative components: rotor blades structure, smart rotor blades incorporating advanced distributed aerodynamic control elements over the blade length, and transmission and electric conversion systems.
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Aerodynamics & aero-elastics
Rotor structure and materials
Foundations & support structures
Control systems
Remote sensing
Conditioning monitoring
Electrical grid
Management 1A.1 Scientific integration
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The working methods and organisation structure ensure that scientific research meets industry needs. This will be achieved by letting the integration work packages guide the scientific work packages to a certain extent.
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1B.4 Technology integration
Project Information Contract number 019945
Duration 60 months
Contact person Peter Hjuler Jensen, Risoe National Laboratory
[email protected]
List of Partners
Expected Results UpWind will not develop a specific very large wind turbine demonstration unit as such, nor will it produce a specific design. UpWind will, however, develop the accurate, verified tools and some essential component concepts the industry needs to design and manufacture this new breed of turbine types. The following examples illustrate not all but some of the most important issues relating to new design tools. UpWind will address the aerodynamic, aeroelastic, structural and material design aspects of rotors. Future wind turbine rotors may have a diameter of over 150 meters. These dimensions are such that the flow in the rotor plane is nonuniform, as a result of which the inflow may vary considerable over the rotor blade. Full blade pitch control will no longer be sufficient. That is why UpWind will investigate local flow control along the blades, for instance by varying the local profile shape. Without associated new control strategies (software), the new control elements – the hardware side of the issue – will be useless. Control strategies will be developed in a separate work package. Also critical analysis of drive train components will be carried out in the search for breakthrough solutions. Wind turbines are highly non-linear, reactive machines operating under stochastic external conditions. Extreme conditions may have an impact a thousand times more demanding on, for instance, the mechanical loading than average conditions require. Understanding profoundly these external conditions is of the utmost importance in the design of a wind turbine structure with safety margins as small as possible in order to realise maximum cost reductions.
A similar argument applies to the response of the structure to external excitations. In order to make significant progress in this field more accurate, linearly responding measuring sensors and associated software are needed. Preferably the sensors should remain stable and accurate during a considerable part of the operational lifetime of a wind turbine. UpWind will explore measuring methods and will look more in detail into new remote sensing techniques for measuring wind velocities. Two integrating work packages are of particular importance: ‘Integrated Design & Standards’ and ‘Up-scaling’. All results from various work packages will serve as an input to assemble an integrated design methodology and to provide inputs to redraft design standards, which in their turn will have a positive impact on certification processes. The work package ‘Up-scaling’ will explore the maximum dimensions (up to an installed power of 20 MW); the new design methodology allows the designers to conceive new wind turbine structures reliably. The work package ‘Training & Education’ will, among others, include the new findings of various work packages into training and education curricula.
CIEMAT – ES Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils – GB CRES – GR Delft University of Technology – NL Det Norske Veritas, Danmark A/S – DK ECN – NL Elsam Kraft AS – DK GE Global Research – DE Ecotecnia, SCL – ES EWEA – BE Fiberblade Eolica, S.A.U. – ES Free University of Brussels (VUB) – BE Fundaction Robotiker – ES Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd. – GB Germanischer Lloyd Windenergie GmbH – DE Institut fuer Solare Energieversorgungstechnik – DE Instytut Podstawowych problemow Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk – PL LM Glasfiber A/S – DK Lohmann + Stolterfoht GmbH – DE Lulea University of Technology – SE National Technical University of Athens – GR Qinetiq Limited – GB Ramboll Danmark A/S – DK Repower Systems AG – DE Risoe National Laboratory – DK RWTH Aachen – DE Samtech SA – BE Shell Winderenergy B.V. – NL Smart Fibres LTD – GB Stichting Kenniscentrum Windturbine Materialen en Constructies – NL Technical University of Denmark – DK University of Aalborg – DK University of Edinburgh – GB University of Patras – GR University of Salford – GB University of Stuttgart – DE Ustav termomechaniky Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky – CZ Vestas Asia Pacific A/S – DK VTT – FI
Project officer Thierry Langlois d’Estaintot
Status ongoing
Enhanced Geothermal Systems: EGS Pilot Plant at Soultz-sous-Forets, France
OBJECTIVES The Soultz project is a long-term research project aiming at developing a new kind of geothermal energy. The Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) principle aims to extract the heat contained in deep-seated rock (between 3000 and 6000 m) by circulating water through a large-capacity natural geothermal reservoir/heat exchanger. This can be created by hydraulic and/or chemical stimulation of the permeability of natural fractures in hydrothermally active regions where deep rocks are permeable enough for the temperature to increase with depth more quickly than normal, due to regional deep water convective loops (200ºC at about 5000 m depth at Soultz).
Challenges From the tests performed in 2005, it appears that the distribution of natural permeabilities in the deep fractured system of Soultz-type geothermal reservoirs is the leading factor in these wells’ productivity/injectivity potential. Consequently, the quality of the connections developed between the wells and the far-field network of natural permeable fractures is of major interest. The main challenge being both to produce maximum flow rates with minimum pumping power and to get the most possible stable production temperatures, it will be necessary to consider carefully the future role of the inter-wells heat exchanger for EGS operations in the context of Soultz- type systems.
today on the market of conventional geothermal practise (oil-lubricated line-shaft pumps and hydraulic drive systems) have rather severe limitations. For this reason, the EEIG ‘Heat Mining’ project developed a programme for submersible pumps and line-shaft pump testing. For down-hole pumps the main problem will be to adapt their equipment to temperatures of the pumped fluid that are higher than present limits (175ºC), while for line-shaft pumps the main problem will be to increase the maximum setting depth of the pumps and to check their tolerances with regard to the linearity of the pumping chamber.
The most challenging questions today are related Then, interactively with the results of the ongoing to corrosion and scaling risks, due to the geoinvestigations and tests, we address the question thermal fluid chemical composition. of the optimisation of the energetic performances of the system (and neutralisation of the associated risk of micro-seismic nuisances) with an appro- Project structure priate strategy. The EEIG ‘Heat Mining’ project is in charge of From a preliminary general review of the existing general on-site management, operations and technologies that could be used to pump geo- partner coordination. Its Supervisory Board controls thermal brine at temperatures higher than a management team that includes one represen175ºC, it appears that the two techniques available tative of each funding member of the EEIG. Management is supported by a scientific coordination team and by an operations management team. The scientific partners and the EEIG are associated within a Consortium Agreement, and most of the scientific partners are also associated GPK3 25MWth 25MWth within the framework of EHDRA (European Hot GPK2 GPK4 Dry Rock Association). Sediments 1500m Granite
35 to 50 Kg/s
35 to 50 Kg/s 70 to 100Kg/s
5000m >200°C
Expected results At termination of the present phase it is expected to have on-site at Soultz an operational pilot plant functioning on the basis of 70 to 100 l/s of permanent brine production at a temperature close to 185ºC. It will be able to produce up to 5 MWe, a part of which will be used for pumping and servicing the peripherals (lighting, surface pumping, cooling, etc.).
Diagram of the Soultz geothermal pilot plant (the values expressed in MWth indicate the maximum recoverable thermal power. The electric power generation resulting from this could reach up to 5 to 6 MW, from which the
It is expected that the synthesis of operational/ technical and scientific results obtained will contribute to: • The final selection of parameters, equipment, techniques (such as flow intensities and distribution, pumping requirements, reinjection
Project Information Contract number SES6-CT-2003-502 706
Duration 36 months
Contact person André Gerard G.E.I.E. ‘Exploitation Minière de la Chaleur’
[email protected]
List of partners
strategy, heat exchanges at surface, monitoring and maintenance techniques) essential to the future scientific/technical/operational programme that will use this pilot plant as a tool for the full design of industrial plants. • The full technical and economical design of a prototype based on a multi-well array. This design will include (for each step of the construction of the prototype) a list of the relevant strategic techniques, accompanied by a critical review of the state of the art in these domains. It will be based mostly on the results of the upscaling elements of the project, but a substantial effort will also be made to take into consideration external views coming from other geothermal operators in the world.
As a consequence of these tests, an interactive programme aiming to improve the wells’ hydraulic performances has already provided the first positive results. Two production pumps are expected to be delivered end-2006 for more powerful tests of the geothermal reservoir and Progress to date for a first evaluation of their performance. Most The platform, equipped with the deep wells and of the surface equipment (heat exchangers cooling all the peripheral equipment for follow-up of devices, first heat/electricity conversion cycle) the impact(s) of the tests, is operational. has now been specified and for a large part already ordered.
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe – DE Bureau de Recherches géologiques et Minières – FR CNRS – FR Deep Heat Mining Association – CH G.E.I.E. Exploitation Minière de la Chaleur – FR GTC Kappelmeyer GmbH – DE Institut für Geowissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsaufgaben – DE Institute for Energy Technology – NO MeSy Geo-Mess-Systeme GmbH – DE
Project officer Jeroen Schuppers
Status ongoing
Work on the connections of the wells on the surrounding mountain range, together with the development of the inter-well exchange zone, had progressed enough for a medium-term circulation test programme (5 months) in 2005. This provided a first evaluation of the inter-wells exchanger(s) and of the surrounding natural reservoir’s behaviour, particularly with regard to the evaluation of the future improvements required for efficient pumping, resistance to scaling/corrosion and wells maintenance.
Enhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe
OBJECTIVES The main objective of the ENhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe (ENGINE) is the coordination of the present research and development initiatives for unconventional geothermal resources and enhanced geothermal systems, from resource investigation and assessment through to exploitation monitoring. The coordination action will provide an updated framework of activities concerning geothermal energy in Europe and the definition of innovative concepts for the investigation and use of unconventional geothermal resources and enhanced geothermal systems. Groups of experts will present a Best Practice Handbook. A scientific and technical European Reference Manual, including the information and dissemination systems developed during these coordination activities, will be prepared.
• A scientific challenge to understand the distribution of heat and permeability at depth in the uppermost crust. High amplitude and small wavelength anomalies, related to local high conductivity layers or highly radioactive sources, may develop on the large wavelength thermal anomalies and present great interest for the assessment of reservoirs for hot dry-rock energy systems.
Large wavelength thermal anomalies are characterised at the scale of Europe and within ultraperipheric regions (Caribbean Island, Canaries) and constitute a source of energy potentially available throughout Europe. However, the use of geothermal energy is limited by the fact that • A technological and economic challenge to it relies on the relatively uncommon geological improve and render cost-efficient investigaconcurrence of rocks being simultaneously tion and development technology in order to water-bearing, hot and permeable, and lying at make these geothermal systems viable. economically accessible depths. Different ways have • A communication challenge to rally the support been tested or are imagined for enhancing and of policy makers and investors and, in certain broadening geothermal energy reserves which can cases, increase the social acceptance of a be classified into unconventional geothermal broader community. resources, i.e. mainly enhanced geothermal systems • A challenge to integrate the different, yet (EGS) and supercritical reservoirs: parallel, research paths that currently exist, • Stimulating reservoirs in hot dry rock systems. namely one for investigation and resource • Enlarging the extent of productive geothermal assessment and another for sustainable fields by enhancing/stimulating permeability exploitation schemes, one for hot dry rocks in the vicinity of naturally permeable rocks. and another for high energy systems. • Enhancing the viability of current and potential hydrothermal areas by stimulation technology and improving thermodynamic cycle.
Project structure
The structure of the project is based on nine • Defining new targets and new tools for reaching workpackages. The project management activities supercritical fluid systems, especially high- are gathered in WP 1. The Information and temperature down-hole tools and instruments. dissemination system of the co-ordination action (WP 2) objectives are: • Improving drilling and reservoir assessment • A working platform for exchanging general technology. or specialised information. • Improving exploration methods for deep • On-line exchange and dissemination of scientific geothermal resources. and technical know-how and practices. Geothermal production levels must also be designed to comply with resource sustainability • Access to a metadata base, specified database, open-source software and models. constraints. Major cost reduction must be accomplished to achieve the objectives of the EU for • An interface with non-member institutes and the use of renewable energies. The development of the international geothermal community. unconventional geothermal resources may also be linked in an ‘unconventional’ way to other • Development and maintenance of a regular contact with the media. industrial activities such as CO2 storage or hydrogen production. In parallel, the environTwo main strategies will be applied in the framemental and social aspects of the development of work of the co-ordination action: geothermal energy are of great importance as the image of this renewable and sustainable • A bottom-up and federative strategy to motivate the scientific community to face up to the energy must be improved, not only in terms of scientific and technical challenges. awareness of decision-makers, but also of Workshops and conferences will be regularly acceptance by the general public. organised to ensure a smooth and streamTo summarise, by exploring unconventional geolined flow of exchanges and coordination. thermal resources, research and development Publications available on journals and on the institutes face: website are the expected deliverables of these work packages.
Project Information Contract number 019760
Duration • The creation of expert groups/panels in charge of defining priorities in the field of research investment and strengthening the links with the financial and political institutions. A Best Practice Handbook and the definition of innovative concepts for the investigation, reservoir assessment and exploitation of geothermal energy will constitute the deliverables of this work. It will include a technical and socio-economic risk evaluation for the development of geothermal energy in Europe.
Phase 1 – Integration
and models collected and compiled during the integration phase of the co-ordination action.
Expected results The main potential impact expected from the coordination action is to reestablish the institutional and political support essential to ensure that geothermal energy reaches its full efficiency and profitability thresholds on a European scale. It is necessary to sensitise the geothermal-energy community to the task of defining innovative research projects. The emergence of such projects requires a capitalisation of the knowledge of the different actors currently playing in the geothermal field; this implies sharing experience, exchanging best practices and clearly identifying the gaps and barriers. The expected impact of this coordination action is that a large scientific research community will be mobilised that is able to promote such spin-off projects with industrial partners.
This integration of scientific and technical know-how and practices will provide an updated framework of activities concerning geothermal energy in Europe. It will cover all initiatives and bottlenecks encountered during the investigation of EGS and unconventional geothermal resources, drilling, stimulation and reservoir assessment and exploitation, economic, environmental and social impacts. For each of these work packages, the The coordination action also intends to play coordination work will be aimed at: a transmission role and constitute an information • presenting the state-of-the-art exchange platform. It will provide an opportunity to integrate and synthesise all information about • defining the most appropriate scientific and know-how, practices, innovations and barriers at technological approaches the level of the steering committee and expert • identifying the main gaps, barriers and groups. This knowledge will be disseminated and unsolved questions made available through the information and publication systems, and should increase the • analysing how such know-how and procedures interest of other potential scientific and industrial can be transferred and bottlenecks overcome. partners. The dissemination will also contribute to The economic factor and the cost-effectiveness of the transfer of knowledge towards those requiring each scientific and technological approach will be more information about the technical and systematically considered. The deliverables will main- socio-economic know-how for developing the ly consist of publications providing access to the geothermal industry, especially in Central and conclusions of these integration activities and, in Eastern Europe. This could speed up the exploitation particular, to the state-of-the-art. of both conventional and unconventional geothermal resources in these countries and thus contribute considerably to the short- and longPhase 2 – Synthesis term goals of the EU of reducing carbon dioxide Four groups of experts will perform an evaluation emissions by increasing the share of renewable of the best practices and innovative concepts to energy. be adopted on the different types of activities. Risk evaluation for the development of geothermal Progress to date energy is aimed at synthesising the main scientific and technical aspects, as well as economic and The kick-off meetings of the steering committee environmental constraints, resulting from the and executive group were held in Potsdam on different expert groups. Deliverables will include 10-11 November 2006. Further information on a Best Practice Handbook and the definition of progress to date can be obtained on the website innovative concepts for geothermal investigation,, where access is provided to reservoir stimulation and assessment and the contents of the launching conference that was held in Orléans on 12-15 February 2006. exploitation. A provisional schedule of workshop and conferences A scientific and technical European Reference is presented where partners can register and Manual for the development of unconventional contribute on-line. geothermal resources will finally present this Best Practice Handbook and will include all publications, information, metadatabases, databases
30 months
Contact person Patrick Ledru Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
[email protected]
List of partners Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières – FR CERTH – GR CFG Services – FR CNRS – FR CRES – GR Deep Heat Mining Association – CH Eotvos University – HU Free University of Amsterdam – NL G.E.I.E. Exploitation Minière de la Chaleur – FR GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam – DE Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland – DK Geologijos Ir Geografijos Institutas – LT Geoproduction Consultants – FR Geowatt AG – CH Institute for Geothermal Research – RU Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Science – RU Institut für Energetik und Umwelt – DE Instituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – IT Instituto Geológico y Minero de España – ES Institutt for Energiteknikk – NO Islenskar Orkurannsoknir – IS Joint Stock Company ‘Intergeotherm’ – RU Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences – DE MeSy GeoMessSysteme GmbH – DE National Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’ – GR ORME Jeotermal A.S. – TR Panstwowy Instytut Geologiczny – PL Physical Institute Russian Academy of Science – RU Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. – NL TNO – NL University of Oradea – RO
Pproject officer Jeroen Schuppers
Status ongoing
High Temperature Instruments for Supercritical Geothermal Reservoir Characterisation and Exploitation OBJECTIVES The HITI project is aimed at solving the technological problems associated with the characterisation and production of supercritical geothermal reservoirs. This implies developing down-hole instruments capable of tolerating temperatures over 300°C, and preferably up to 500°C, with the following functions: temperature, pressure, fluid and rock electrical resistivity, natural gamma radiation, televiewer acoustic images, casing collar location, casing monitoring, fluid flow, chemical temperature sensing and organic tracers. The main objective of this project, and its greatest challenge, is to develop sensors and methods to accurately determine the existing conditions of the reservoir and fluids in situ at the base of a deep geothermal system.
Challenges Over the last few decades, increasing concerns have been directed towards the world’s hydrocarbon energy usage with eventual supply shortfalls and harmful environmental impact. Geothermal renewable energy has been considered one of the major alternatives in the near and distant future. Efficient use of existing geothermal fields and higher energy yields from new sources are seen as priority issues. Recently, ideas to radically improve power extraction from geothermal boreholes have been put forward. A ten-fold increase in power production has been predicted theoretically when drilled from the conventional 3 km to unconventional 5 km depth in Icelandic geothermal regions. An ongoing project, code-named IDDP (Iceland Deep Drilling Project), is being funded by major local power companies with cooperation from European and international societies. For the first time, the scientific community will also be able to study a hydrothermal reservoir at supercritical temperatures. Supercritical fluids have higher enthalpy than steam produced from twophase systems. Large changes in physical properties near the critical point can lead to extremely high flow rates, resulting in the projected ten-fold increase in turbine power production relative to conventional production. The main objective of this project, and its greatest challenge, is to develop sensors and methods to accurately determine the existing conditions of the reservoir and fluids in situ at the base of a deep geothermal system. As well as investigating supercritical phenomena, drilling in this environment can address a wide range of scientific questions related to, for example, the origin of black smokers along mid-ocean ridges and the deposit of hydrothermal ores. Deep drilling has been achieved previously with a world-record depth of 13 km in Kola, Russia. Drilling in geothermal areas up to supercritical temperatures has also been demonstrated in Kakkonda, Japan, reaching 500°C at a depth of 3.7 km. Other reports of near-supercritical temperatures include a well site in Larderello, Italy, at 400°C and Nesjavellir, Iceland, exceeding 380°C. These wells were not designed to utilise the extreme temperatures and pressures for electricity production.
The key parameters to be measured for thermodynamic modelling of a reservoir and production evaluation are well-bore fluid parameters: temperature (T), pressure (p) and nature (i.e. ionic charge). First of all comes temperature and, for this, three main types of down-hole instruments are being considered by HITI: • Wireline instruments, where a cable with electrical wires is constantly connecting the down-hole gauge to a surface computer. • ‘Sick line’ instruments where a metallic wire is used to lower the instrument and the data is gathered on a memory chip inside the instrument, without real-time readout at surface. • Monitoring instruments where distributed temperature sensors along a fibre optic cable are installed inside the borehole and quasicontinuous temperature profiles are obtained during all phases of production. In situ reservoir temperatures might also be obtained from Na-Li geothermometers. These approaches are complementary and should provide a needed cross-calibration. The most appropriate overall approach will be determined as part of the HITI project.
Project Structure The consortium consists of the following eight participants: ISOR, CNRS Montpellier, BRGM, Calidus Engineering, ALT, Oxford Applied Technology, GFZ Potsdam and CRES. Two dedicated tool designers and manufacturers are included (CalEng and ALT), all SMEs working on different instrument types. Two research institutes will manage additional instrument design and implementation (BRGM and GFZ), while the third research institute models high-pressure geophysical environment in a dedicated research laboratory (CNRS Montpellier). In situ instrument testing is achieved by one of the applicants (ISOR), in cooperation with the relevant tool builders and technical observers mentioned above. Technical dissemination and market research is provided by two applicants (Oxatec and CRES), each specialising in different dissemination areas (one state-of-the-art electronic technology, the other geothermal market assessment).
Project Information Contract number 019913
Duration 36 months
Contact person Ragnar Asmundsson Islenskar Okurannsoknir
[email protected]
List of partners
It is believed that this consortium comprises a consistent and complimentary group of leading contributors in their independent fields. High relevance is put on tool development, where most of the budget and man-months are allocated.
Expected Results
If harnessing supercritical geothermal systems proves successful, the demand for down-hole instruments at temperatures envisaged by HITI will go up dramatically. On such occasions, European companies will be able to provide both instruments and the experience of using hightemperature down-hole equipment.
In summary the overall industrial, societal and Over the past decades, a large number of advanced scientific impact of the project can be: down-hole instruments have been developed to meet the demands of the oil industry. Geothermal • Increased knowledge on the utilisation of exploration has greatly benefited from techniques unconventional geothermal wells and reservoir used by the much bigger oil industry and their for electricity production. correspondingly larger research and innovation • Actual evaluation of economic factors. spending. However, the oil industry rarely encounters temperatures above 150°C and • Opening new ways to utilise environmentally hardly ever approaching 250°C. The goal of HITI friendly geothermal energy. is to develop and build instruments and methods • Reinforcement of European leadership in the capable of operating in a reliable manner at design and worldwide sale of high-temperature 300°C and potentially above that limit. Marginal down-hole instruments. demand for such instruments exists from the oil industry, while the geothermal industry is not • Better understanding of the structure and large enough to pay for such developments. dynamics of hot to supercritical geothermal Mechanical tools to measure high temperatures reservoirs from unprecedented in situ meahave been used successfully, but are of less surements and laboratory experiments. quality in the sense that the temperature resolution is low and the measurements are relatively timeconsuming.
ALT – LU Bureau de Recherche Géologiques et Minières – FR Calidus Engineering Ltd – GB CNRS Montpellier – FR CRES – GR Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam – DE Islenskar Okurannsoknir – IS Oxford Applied Technology Ltd – GB
Website, to be opened
Project officer Jeroen Schuppers
Status ongoing
Integrated Geophysical Exploration Technologies for Deep Fractured Geothermal Systems
OBJECTIVES The I-GET project aims at developing an innovative strategy of geophysical exploration. This strategy integrates all the available knowledge, from rock physics to seismic and magnetotelluric (MT) data processing and modelling, and exploits the full potential of seismic and electromagnetic exploration methods to detect permeable zones and fluid-bearing fractures prior to drilling. The ultimate goal is to minimise the mining risk by developing a method tailor-made for geothermal reservoirs. The proposed geothermal exploration approach is applied in European geothermal systems with different geological and thermodynamic reservoir characteristics: in Italy (high enthalpy, metamorphic rocks), in Iceland (high enthalpy, volcanic rocks) and in Germany and Poland (low-to-middle enthalpy, sedimentary rocks)
Project structure
The exploration of geothermal resources aims at the detection and delineation of thermal anomalies and the macroscopic geological structures, such as large-scale permeability or intensely fractured zones, which determine the productivity conditions of the geothermal reservoir. Indeed, many geothermal reservoirs are associated with fractures characterised by high permeability, which are quite often heterogeneously distributed. Nowadays the identification of subsurface zones characterised by high temperatures and high temperature gradients is not a major concern, since many methods and tools are available to estimate the temperatures at depth. The major issue, not yet satisfactorily solved, is the detection of fractures and high-permeability zones. More than 30% of exploitation wells worldwide have been drilled into promising targets, in terms of rock formations at high temperature, but lacking sufficient permeability to sustain commercial production. This percentage of failures significantly increases for exploration wells.
The work is subdivided into seven work packages. Four main topics are identified: • Construction of a petrophysical and geomechanical database obtained from laboratory experiments on geothermal reservoir rock samples belonging to the various geothermal systems under study. The elastic and electric rock properties at the reservoir condition up to the steam/liquid transition of the pore fillings are determined. • Field acquisition and data processing of seismic and MT field experiments at several test sites.
• Geothermal reservoir numerical modelling. Results from (1) and (2) are integrated with the elastic and anisotropic models and with the reservoir engineering well-testing data, in order to verify the presence of fluid-bearing zones inferred from seismic and magnetotelluric experiments. Local 3D models will be built on the basis of field data and laboratory measurements, in order to produce the static image of geological structures and identify the fluidThe search for high-permeability zones is not dynamic behaviour of the fracture system limited to geothermal exploration, but is equally from available well tests. important for hydrocarbon exploration and the detection of deep aquifers. However, a unique • Validation of the methodology applied. challenge to geothermal exploration is posed by the rock environment of geothermal reservoirs. The salinity of geothermal fluids is usually high and temperatures are close to the liquid/steam transition point. High temperature and fluid salinity potentially change rock transport properties even during production. The behaviour of rocks with increasing pressure and temperature has been studied by many laboratory measurements and seismic and magnetotelluric (MT) field tests. However, these peculiar features of geothermal areas have never been studied in detail until now.
Project Information Contract number 518378
Duration 36 months
Contact persons Dr. Ernst Huenges Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam
[email protected]
List of partners
Case studies
Expected results
In order to study the physical signature of fluidbearing zones in geothermal systems, it is important to investigate various geothermal systems showing different characteristics. The case studies that are analysed in this project are:
The newly developed methodology will be a milestone for the future development of geothermal energy. It will represent a fully integrated exploration methodology able to detect favourable prospects, highlight the spatial distribution of petrophysical and geomechanical properties and predict the fluid-dynamic behaviour within a potential reservoir. The result can be applied in reservoir exploration of natural and/or enhanced geothermal systems, and in exploration of deep aquifers.
• The Travale (Italy) geothermal system, where the exploration targets are mainly located in metamorphic and magmatic rocks up to 4000 m depth, characterised by a high degree of heterogeneity and anisotropy and by high temperatures. • The Hengill (Iceland) geothermal system, where the exploration targets are mainly located in volcanic centres (up to 2000 m depth), within a rift zone characterised by both porous and fissure-oriented anisotropic permeability. At present, geothermal fluids are mainly mined at a depth of about 2 km, but the ongoing Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) aims at extracting supercritical fluids from a depth of about 4 km.
CRES – GR ENEL Produzione – IT Free University of Berlin – DE GeoforschungsZentrum Potsdam – DE Geothermie Neubrandenburg – DE Geowatt AG – CH Íslenskar Orkurannsóknir – IS Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – IT Polish Academy of Science – PL Scientific and Technical Centre – FR University of Pisa – IT
Project officer Jeroen Schuppers
Status ongoing
• Groß Schönebeck (Germany) deep sedimentary reservoir, representative of large sedimentary basins all over Europe with a borehole currently used as an in situ geothermal laboratory. • Skierniewice (Poland), a prospective geothermal reservoir especially representative of lowenthalpy applications in Eastern and Central Europe. The different case studies require adaptation of existing techniques and methodologies. Advanced petrophysical and geophysical aspects will be applied in the projects, and all data will be integrated. The results will be used as input for static and dynamic numerical models, which will be verified by well data, where available, and compared to existing reservoir models.
Ocean Energy, Wave and Tidal Power
OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the Co-ordinated Action on Ocean Energy are to enable cooperation between developers and interested parties in the sector of ocean energy, to promote and disseminate knowledge on ocean energy technologies, to develop a common knowledge base for coherent development R&D policies, to bring a coordinated approach within key areas of ocean energy R&D, and to provide a forum for the longer-term marketing of promising research deliverables. The project also addresses issues like revising and implementing guidelines and standards for monitoring and presenting the performance of ocean energy systems, and guidelines and standards related to safety of structure, personnel and electrical systems.
Challenges Ocean energy can in the future replace a significant part of the fossil fuel used today if the principles for conversion can be successfully demonstrated and put into mass production. Presently only a few systems are being tested on a pre-commercial scale and providing initial practical experience.
The workshops provide a forum for the different research organisations and the fledgling ocean energy industry to interact and co-ordinate ongoing R&D efforts in the field of wave and tidal energy on a European and international level. New academic knowledge can be shared and disseminated between all interested parties, Within the Co-ordinated Action on Ocean and promising methodologies and technologies Energy, this new knowledge and the research can be transferred to the market. results emerging on wave and tidal technologies are disseminated, promoted and shared. The partners must agree on definitions, standards in design, costing, and be ready to present the performance results of the systems involved. This approach is expected to provide comparable presentations of different methodologies and accelerate the development of ocean energy systems.
Project Structure The Co-ordinated Action on Ocean Energy includes 41 partners from 15 countries. The partners of this co-ordination action are the leading force in the field of ocean energy, while the SME organisations are pioneers on the road to Expected Results commercialisation of these systems. An additional The Co-ordinated Action is expected to promote 20 partners have registered as associates during and disseminate promising methodologies and the first year. technologies for the conversion of ocean energy The project is organising five interactive work- into electricity and further generate awareness shops over a three-year project period. The among a wider public. themes for the five workshops are: Frequent workshops attended by the partners involved, combined with exchange of personnel, • Numerical modelling and tank testing are expected to generate clusters of research • Components and power take-off groups that will focus on research activities of • Structural design common interest: • Performance assessment
• Dissemination and promotion of ocean energy
• Environmental impact.
• Roadmap for ocean energy development • Terminology definitions • Folder on ocean energy technologies • Establishment of an European Ocean Energy Association. The initiative to form a European Ocean Energy Association has been taken to help promote development toward implementation and commercial exploitation.
Project Information Contract number 502701
Duration 39 months
Contact person Kim Nielsen
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to Date The main objective of bringing all the partners together has been successfully met. The project kick-off meeting was held one month after the project started in November 2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark. All partners attended the objectives workshop planning sessions. As an additional chance to get to know each other, the partners were invited to attend a workshop on grid connection arranged by IEA-OES, as well as a technical tour of the Wave Dragon experiment in Nissum Bredning.
WP 1: Numerical and experimental modelling, 4-5 April 2005 The first workshop was held at Aalborg University, Denmark. The topic of the workshop was covered by a number of presentations on new modelling techniques and examples of testing ocean energy systems on different scales. The workshop provided the opportunity for ocean energy developers to share expertise and help in device modelling and testing with the university partners of the project.
WP 2: Component Technologies and Power Take-off, 1-2 November 2005 The second workshop was held in Upsala, Sweden. The topic of this workshop was covered by a number of presentations on different power take–off systems, such as linear generators transforming the oscillating forces and movements directly into electricity, oil hydraulic systems as used in the Pelamis project, water turbines as used in the Wave Dragon project, and air turbines as used in OWCs such as the Picoplant and the Limpet system. Presentations on other components such as moorings ware also given and discussed.
WP 3: System design, Construction, Reliability& Safety, 29-30 March 2006 The third workshop was arranged by Ecofys in Amsterdam. The topic of this workshop was, in contrast to the previous workshops, covered in a more interactive way. Key speakers from DNV and Germanischer Lloyd were invited to the workshop to give presentations on the new standards drafted for ocean energy, followed by Pre-conference workshop to the 6th a few presentations illustrating the issues. European Wave Energy Conference, Group work then followed, and the partners 30 August 2005 exchanged their experiences in relation to the The partners in the CA-OE project arranged a pre- topic and provided focused input on priorities conference workshop before the 6th European for further R&D. Wave Energy Conference in order7 for them to meet and promote the co-ordinated action with a wider audience. The initiative of forming a European Ocean Energy Association was taken following this pre-conference workshop to help promote development aimed at implementation and commercial exploitation. The association has the web-address:
Aqua Energy Ltd – GB Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre – BG Chalmers University of Technology – SE C.J. Day Associates – GB CRES – GR Delft University of Technology – NL DHI Water & Environment – DK Ecole Centrale de Nantes – FR Ecofys – NL Electricité de France – FR Groupe ESIM – FR Ingenioerfirma Eric Rossen – DK IHE Institute for Water Education – NL INETI – PT Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer – FR Instituto Superior Tecnico – PT IT Power – GB Munich University of Technology – DE National Technical University of Athens – GR Ocean Energy Ltd – IE Ocean Power Delivery Ltd – GB Ponte di Archimedes SpA – IT Powertech Labs Inc – CA Queens University Belfast – GB Ramboll – DK Robert Gordon University – GB Spok Aps – DK Swedish Seabased Energy AB – SE Teamwork Technology BV – NL University of Aalborg – DK University of Cork – IE University of Edinburgh – GB University of Gent – BE University of Hannover – DE University of Lancaster – GB University of Patras – GR University of Southampton – GB University of Strathclyde – GB University of Uppsala – SE Wave Dragon ApS – DK Wave Energy Centre – PT Wave Plane Production A/S – DK
Project officer Anna Gigantino
Status ongoing
Sustainable Economically Efficient Wave Energy Converter
OBJECTIVES The general objective of SEEWEC is to assist in the development of a second-generation FO3 wave energy converter through extensive use of the experience from monitoring a 1:3 laboratory rig (Buldra), the single system test station (SSTS) and a first-generation 1:1 prototype. The project will focus on robust cost-effective solutions and design for large-scale (mass) manufacturing. The long-term objective is to be able to produce electricity at a cost competitive to electricity from other renewable sources. The first step is to become competitive to offshore wind.
Challenges To arrive at an economically efficient wave energy converter design, and more specifically at an optimised prototype, is a complicated task. Several issues have to be investigated, as there is: • A technological risk: although the technology is proven in scale tests, it still has to be proven in full scale in real-sea conditions. • A commercial risk: the commercialisation will be dependent on cost-effective production and operation. In order to overcome this, each optimisation found within this project 1:20 model in the wave tank with 21 point absorbers/eggs will be tested for its financial viability as part installed on a floating platform. of the whole outcome of this project. • A political risk: a commercial development is dependent on political support to introduce new technologies to the market. In the case of renewable energy systems, there is a strongly positive attitude at a European level on promoting renewable energy systems.
Project structure
A project group was established and key patents were filed in 2003. Following conceptual design and theoretical modelling, the general design was developed. A 1:20 scale model of the FO3 was tested in the wave tank of the Ocean Basin Laboratory of Sintef in Trondheim in early-2004. The scale model was tested both in operational conditions and for survival/extreme sea conditions. The tests confirmed the production concept.
The initial work on the FO3 wave energy converter started in 2001, with the objective of developing a cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology for wave energy conversion. Initial research was conducted at the Department of Mathematics (University of Oslo) and at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
1:3 laboratory rig ‘Buldra’
The 1:3 laboratory rig (Buldra) started sea trials in February 2005. A single system test station (SSTS) will be monitored from spring 2006 onward. The prototype full-scale first-generation device is planned to be launched by autumn 2007.
Project Information Contract number 019969
Duration 36 months
Contact person Prof. Dr. ir. Julien De Rouck University of Gent
[email protected]
List of partners ABB – SE Brevik Engineering A.S. – NO Chalmers University of Technology – SE Fred Olsen Ltd – GB Instituto Superior Técnico – PT Marintek – NO Natural Power Consultants Ltd – GB Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NO Spiromatic NV – BE Standfast Yachts – NL University of Gent – BE
Project officer Anna Gigantino
Status ongoing
Prospective farm of FO3’s
Expected results All three devices are expected to be used for extensive monitoring and testing during the SEEWEC project. The results of these tests will provide the project team with valuable input for the design of the second generation of the converter.
The SEEWEC project aims at gaining extensive knowledge to provide optimal input for the manufacture of a second generation of the wave energy converter, to prepare for large-scale production and commercial exploitation.
The SEEWEC project has been structured around 11 work packages. Some work packages are initial tasks (preparing and supporting), others are synthesising and concluding, the final work package exploiting and disseminating. The core work packages are what can be called scientifically and technologically productive. The SEEWEC consortium involves 11 partners from five EU members (Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the UK) and one associated country (Norway). As a group, the partners have relevant experience of field testing, local sea conditions, material design and development, wave impacts on structures, behaviour and interference of structures in open seas, power conversion systems, manufacturing of materials and marine construction.
Challenges The Wave Dragon is an offshore wave energy converter of the overtopping type. The development work is, to a large extent, built on proven technologies and Wave Dragon is by far the largest wave energy converter known today. Each unit will have a rated power of 4-11 MW or more, depending on how energetic the wave climate is at the deployment site. In addition to this, Wave Dragon - due to its large size - can act as a floating foundation for MW wind turbines, thus adding a very significant contribution to annual power production at a marginal cost.
This project will realise the Wave Dragon technology and develop it from the tested all-steel-built 20 kW prototype to a full-size composite-built 4-7 MW unit and, by comprehensive testing, validate its technical and economic feasibility. The RTD part of the project will develop Wave Dragon’s energy-absorbing structure, the low head turbine power take-off system and the control systems; develop cost-effective construction methods and establish the optimal combination of in situ cast concrete, post-stressed reinforcement and pre-stressed concrete elements; develop a cost-effective 250-440 kW hydro turbine system; demonstrate reliable and cost-effective installation procedures and O&M schemes; and establish the necessary basis for design codes/recommendations for offshore multi-MW devices.
By using the overtopping principle for energy absorption, there is no upper limit on device size and rated power for Wave Dragon, as opposed to technologies that rely on moving bodies etc. (like buoys, hinged bodies and oscillating water columns) for energy absorption. Wave Dragon’s competitive advantage lies in its scale and hence capital cost: only nine units are required to make a 100 MW power station, compared to 100-1000 units required by most technologies, and the few moving parts improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs. The design simply reapplies a well-proven existing technology that has been around for 80 years. Wave Dragon is essentially a floating hydroelectric dam.
© EarthVision.
Pioneering Technology for Bulk Generation of Wave Power
The Wave Dragon technology absorbs wave energy by overtopping water. Power is generated when water from the above mean water level storage reservoir is drained back to sea through traditional hydro propeller turbines.
systems to make wave power plants a viable solution. Wave energy converters have to compete with other renewable energy technologies. It has become obvious that wave power can be much cheaper than, for instance, photovoltaic power and there are good reasons to believe that in a few years it will be a serious competitor to offshore wind power.
Project structure This project is organised in seven operative work packages, each with clearly defined deliverables: • Scaling-up/design – Development and design of full-size power producing unit and subsystems • Construction, manufacturing and deployment
Developers of wave energy converters face a • Establishment of monitoring system, operation and maintenance series of major challenges: first we have to develop machinery that can operate and survive • Design parameter analysis in this very tough environment and, secondly, we have to optimise operation and maintenance • Power production and control strategy • Life cycle / Environmental Impact Assessment and socio-economic aspects • Dissemination and exploitation
© EarthVision.
All the R&D-related work packages are covered by this project. Work package 2 – construction and deployment – is funded from other sources. This project will realise the Wave Dragon technology, developing it from the tested all-steel-built scale 1:4.5 prototype to a full-size composite-built The Wave Dragon is a floating device consisting of two 4-7 MW unit and, by comprehensive testing, parabolic arms that reflects and enlarges waves towards a validate its technical and economic feasibility. ramp. Wave energy is absorbed passively by overtopping water that is collected and short-term stored in a reservoir behind the ramp.
Project Information Contract number 019983
Duration 36 months
Contact person Dr. H.C. Sorensen Wavedragon
[email protected]
List of partners
The R&D activities will:
costly (in both time and money) problems from occurring in the future. The work done up to now • Develop the optimal way to construct the has confirmed that the performance predicted on Wave Dragon, taking into account the large the basis of wave-tank testing and turbine model physical size, the facilities and skills available tests will be achieved in a full-scale prototype. and also the techniques required to combine steel and reinforced concrete to make up the This project will develop the technological basis structural form we require. for a commercially viable solution to the bulk generation of renewable power and thus add to • Finalise the development of the power takeoff Europe’s ability to tackle the problems of security system consisting of simplified hydro turbines, of supply and greenhouse gas emissions. advanced inverter technology and permanent magnet synchronous generator technology, in combination with an advanced control system Expected results never tested in full scale before. The quantitative objectives refer to a 24 kW/m • Demonstrate that the Wave Dragon hull and wave climate: reflectors can be constructed with a combi• Higher energy production of each unit to a nation of reinforced concrete and steel. total of 10 GWh/y, resulting in a total improvement of 12%; where 5% is from • Demonstrate the deployment of the fullimprovement by a better control system and scale device and document its basic hydraulic 7% is from the new power take-off system. behaviour in relatively calm water before the final deployment. • A reduction in the overall installation capacity cost of 5% compared with the state-of-the-art. • Develop an operation and maintenance scheme and operate a wave energy device in • A reduction in operation and maintenance MW-size using an advanced control system costs of 5%. and a new innovative power take-off system. The test programme will demonstrate the • Run an advanced test programme on the availability, power production predictability, device in order to gain information not only power production capability and medium-to longfor the documentation of its behaviour but term electricity generation costs at € 0.052/kWh also to establish scientific knowledge far in a wave climate of 24kW/m, which can be beyond the state-of-the-art today. found relatively close to the coast in the major • Establish the socio-economic impact of Wave part of the EC Atlantic coast. In a 36kW/m wave Dragon such as job creation, life cycle assess- climate, the corresponding cost of energy will be ment and environmental impact related to a € 0.04/kWh MW-size wave energy device. Wave Dragon marks a significant breakthrough All R&D activities in this project will be carried towards commercial exploitation of the abundant out in relation to a 7 MW Wave Dragon device energy concentrated in ocean waves. Seagoing that will be constructed and deployed off the trials of the Wave Dragon prototype have proven its offshore survivability since March South-West Welsh coast. 2003 and more than verified the potential for During long-term testing in a real-sea environcommercial feasibility of large-scale power ment, the Wave Dragon prototype has progressed generation below the costs of offshore wind to the point where it is now producing electricity power. Wave Dragon is unique among wave 80% of the time. This real-sea testing has also energy converters as it harnesses the energy of proven its seaworthiness, floating stability and waves directly via water turbines in a one-step power production potential. Operation of the conversion system and not via moving bodies or air device in a harsh offshore environment has led chambers. It is housed in a very simple construction to a number of smaller component failures: all in which, importantly, the turbines are the only of these have been investigated and technical moving parts. solutions have been found, thus preventing
Balslev AS – DK Dr. techn. Olav Olsen A/S – NO ESB International Ltd – IE Kössler Ges.m.b.H – AT Munich University of Technology – DE NIRAS AS – DK University of Aalborg – DK University of Wales Swansea – GB Warsaw University of Technology – PL Wave Dragon ApS – DK Wave Dragon Wales Ltd – GB
Project officer Anna Gigantino
Status ongoing
Full-scale Demonstration of Robust and High-efficiency Wave Energy Converter
OBJECTIVES The main objective of the present project is to operate at full-scale one module of the SSG converter, including turbine, generator and control system, in 19kW/m wave climate. The full-scale technical prototype of the SSG includes three reservoirs for capturing the ocean energy and is constructed as a robust shoreline device. The patented multi-reservoir concept ensures that a variety of waves are utilised for energy production, resulting in a high degree of efficiency. The Kvitsoy municipality has 520 inhabitants and is one of 10,000 islands in Europe where wave energy can quickly be developed into a cost-effective energy production alternative to existing diesel generators. The pilot project features a 10m-wide civil structure module of the SSG which will be completed in 2006.
Challenges The main challenge is the development of the innovative and patented multi-stage turbine in order to obtain a high efficiency with the lowerstage 1,5 meter head and to design a seal with low leakage rate and minimum friction. There is also a certain project risk involved in the design and production of prototype components for the multi-stage turbine: these components often need to be changed subsequent to the first series of tests. Therefore workshop testing is planned and a contingency is also allowed for WP 4 Production and testing of generator equipment. any re-design, re-production and re-testing that may be necessary before the final prototype WP 5 Installation and commissioning: NTNU components are installed in the pilot plant. will be in charge of the WP and will be assisted by IKM for local installation of Project structure the turbine and generator equipment, and ultimate grid connection. In order to carry out the project in a structured manner the following ten work packages are WP 6 Long-term testing: WEAS will be in identified: charge of the day-to-day follow-up and supervision of the pilot plant. WP 1 Development of surveillance, control and data acquisition system: this WP will WP 7 Performance evaluation: AAU will head this be headed by AAU, which has substantial activity based on its detailed experience experience in measuring performance from performance evaluation and followdata from the Wave Dragon project. up of the Danish Wave Dragon prototype. WP 2 Design, manufacturing and testing of the WP 8 turbine: this WP is considered a technical WP 9 development activity and will be headed by TUM, which has substantial experience in design, testing and verification of turbines.
Innovation-related activities. Assessment of progress and project results: during the work with the individual WPs, progress reports will be submitted every three months. The proposed steering committee will assess the progress and results every six months and, after 12 months, a design review with decision milestone will be held.
WP 3 Design of generator equipment and SW development: the generator equipment and SW development will need to be tailormade for the project. Design and SW WP 10 Consortium management. development work will be technical development activities. GANZ will head the WP and be assisted by IKM with regard to local conditions.
Project Information Contract number 019831
Duration 32 months
Contact person Lars Raunholt Wave Energy AS
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected results The expected results of the project are to complete • Measurement of performance data for the design of the multi-stage turbine, generator and SSG wave energy converter, including the the control system; prepare operation procedure structure, in a period of up to six months for for the SSG wave energy converter including reliability and life time assessment (by end of emergency procedure, data handling and data project). processing; perform workshop testing of the • Manufacture, testing and installation of a fullmulti-stage turbine/generator and control system; scale generator and control system for grid and install the equipment in the SSG pilot plant. connection and annual production of After the equipment has been installed and tested, 200,000 kWh of renewable and pollution-free the SSG plant will be connected to the local grid. electricity, corresponding to 20,000 kWh/m Detailed expected results of the project are: (by end of project). • Design of a full-scale 150 kW technical proto- • Achievement of hydraulic efficiency of at least type of the innovative MST turbine technology 39% for the shoreline application (by end of (by month 12, subject to design review and project). a decision milestone). • A wave-to-wire efficiency of more than 25% • Manufacture, testing and installation of a fullduring the test period (by end of project). scale 150 kW technical prototype of the • 96% availability of plant (with regard to innovative MST turbine technology in the operational hours). SSG structure (by month 22). • 85% availability of production (with regard • Design of a full-scale 150 kW generator and to wave climate). control system (by month 12, subject to design review and a decision milestone). The success of the project will be measured against these last five specific objectives at the end of the project.
Ganz Transelektro - HU IKM Gjerseth Elektro - NO Munich University of Technology - DE Municipality of Kvitsoy - NO Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NO University of Aalborg - DK Wave Energy AS - NO
Project Officer Anna Gigantino
Status ongoing
Energy Storage for Direct Steam Solar Power Plants
OBJECTIVES Energy storage is a key issue for successful market implementation of concentrated solar power (CSP) technology. Advanced thermal storage technology based on phase change materials (PCM) has been identified to meet the requirements of solar steam generating plants. Energy storage systems using latent heat have often been proposed, but never carried out on a large scale, due to low thermal conductivity and non-efficient internal heat exchange of salt systems to be used as PCM. The DISTOR approach to solving the heat transfer limitations includes several innovative aspects: advanced storage materials, reflux heat transfer and new design concepts. The technical targets of DISTOR to be achieved within this project are the development of innovative composite phase change materials, the identification of the most effective storage design for high efficient heat transfer, and proof of the storage material and storage design by on-sun testing of a 100 kW storage module.
Challenges Processes using steam as a working medium require isothermal energy storage to reach high thermal efficiency. While the application of latent heat concepts is an obvious solution, no commercial storage system is available today for the temperature range between 200°C and 300°C which is relevant for solar steam generation. Even experience from lab-scale latent heat storage units is limited and not sufficient for the design of energy storage systems integrated in the next generation of solar-thermal power plants based on Direct Solar Steam Generation. The dominant problem is the limitation of power resulting from the transport properties of candidate materials for latent heat storage systems. The values for the heat conductivity of these materials are similar to values characteristic of thermal insulators. Essential for the successful implementation of latent heat storage systems is the development of cost-effective materials and storage design that are able to meet the power requirements.
Project Structure The DISTOR project is organised in three consecutive phases. The initial phase provides the essential knowledge concerning material research and first physical models describing the storage systems. The boundary conditions
resulting from the integration of the storage system into a solar-thermal unit are also identified. Based on these results, lab-scale storage units are designed, manufactured and tested in the second phase. Characteristic of the DISTOR project is the parallel research on various storage concepts to promote the identification of the most costeffective one. This approach results from the limited knowledge at the beginning of the project, which was insufficient to select a single storage concept as the most promising. Different fundamental concepts will be investigated to increase the heat transfer rate. The effective thermal conductivity of the storage material is improved by adding highly conductive expanded graphite (EG) to the PCM. Various manufacturing routes for the composite material will also be investigated. A second approach uses an extended heat transfer area between storage material and working fluid. Here, the macro-encapsulation of the PCM in containers is one option to limit the average distance for heat transfer within the storage material. Another alternative for increasing the heat transfer area is the integration of fins made of expanded graphite into the PCM. In the so-called ‘sandwich’ concept, parallel layers of expanded graphite are arranged vertical to the steam pipes. Reflux Heat Transfer Storage represents the third fundamental storage concept.
Thermal Energy Systems using Phase Change Material (PCM)
composite material with increased thermal conductivity
extended heat transfer surface
fins, sandwich
Overview: Latent heat storage material and design concepts investigated in DISTOR
intermediate heat transfer medium
Project Information Contract number 503526
Duration 45 months
Contact person Dr. Rainer Tamme Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt eV
[email protected]
List of partners
Storage segment made of PCM/graphite composite
Sandwich design test module before integration of PCM
Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources, Bulgarian Academy of Science – BG CIEMAT – ES CNRS – FR Defi Systèmes – FR DLR – DE Epsilon Ingénierie S.A.S. – FR Flagsol GmbH – DE Fundacion INASMET – ES Iberdrola Ingeniería & Consultatoria – ES SGL Technologies GmbH – DE Sistemas de Calor S.L. – ES Solucar Energ›a S.A. – ES Weizmann Institute of Science – IL
Website Altogether four storage units will be tested in • Providing the missing storage component for laboratory scale to provide the basis for the DSG solar power plants and helping to evaluation of the fundamental concepts and exploit the full potential of the advanced DSG variants described above. The different concepts technology. show a varying demand for development effort: • Contributing to create European technical the most mature concept will be selected for the leadership and expand its strong position in next storage module with increased storage solar thermal power systems. capacity and power, to be installed at the DISS test facility to gain solar operation experience. The results of the experiments will enable the Progress to Date comparison of the different storage concepts. In the initial phase the fundamentals needed for the design and manufacture of the lab-scale Expected Results storage modules have been elaborated. Various manufacturing routes for PCM/graphite composite Expected achievements are the development of materials have been examined and the influence a new cost-effective storage subsystem to be of production parameters has been characterised. integrated in DSG solar power plants, ensuring Models describing the heat transfer for the difsolar electricity cost reduction, to reach the ferent storage concepts have been developed. long-term target of € 0.05/kWh. The advantages, Based on these models four different lab-scale resulting from the availability of a storage system storage units have been designed. The manufacture for DSG parabolic trough power plants, can be of the lab-scale storage units, based on the grouped in several categories: external design (PCM/graphite composite), the • Ability to contribute significantly to further macro-encapsulation concept and the ‘sandwich’ cost reduction of electricity production. concept, has been completed. The feasibility of the ‘sandwich’ concept and the macro-encapsu• Increased solar electricity production, thus lation has been demonstrated in the lab-scale reducing greenhouse gases and pollutant experiments. Regarding the current results, the emissions. ‘sandwich’ concept is considered to provide the • Solving grid stability problems of grid-connected basis for cost-effective storage systems integrated solar power plants. into solar-thermal power plants. The ‘sandwich’ concept was selected for the design of the storage • Enabling realisation of stand-alone solar thermal unit intended for solar operation at Almeria. plants in remote or island power parks. thermischept/DISTOR
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
European Concentrated Solar Thermal Road-mapping
OBJECTIVES The main goal of the project was the identification of the R&D activities necessary to achieve cost-competitiveness with fossil power generation. The study was conducted by leading concentrated solar power research institutes in Europe.
Challenges Recognising both the environmental and climatic hazards to be faced in the coming decades and the continued depletion of the world‘s most valuable fossil energy resources, Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) can provide critical solutions to global energy problems within a relatively short timeframe and is capable of contributing substantially to carbon dioxide reduction efforts. Among all the renewable technologies available for large-scale power production today and for the next few decades, CSP is the one with the potential to make major contributions to clean energy because of its relatively conventional technology and ease of scale-up.
• CRS using saturated steam as the heat transfer fluid. • CRS using atmospheric air as the heat transfer fluid. • CRS using pressurised air in combination with a solar hybrid gas turbine. • Dish-engine systems using Stirling or Brayton cycles. The methodology is based on common assumptions on the site, meteorological data and load curve. It includes the calculation of the annual electricity production hour-by-hour, taking into account the instant solar radiation, load curve, part load performance of all components, and operation of thermal energy storage as well as parasitic energy requirements. The reference size of all systems is assumed to be approximately 50 MWe net. The operation mode considered for the evaluation of the impact of innovations is full-load operation in solar-only mode from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. This means that the plants may deliver electricity to the grid during this time period, from zero up to their design net output, depending on the available solar resource and/or the storage content.
Today’s technology of CSP systems results in the production cost range of 15-20 eurocents/kWh. In the conventional power market, it competes with mid-load power in the range of 3-4 eurocents/kWh. Sustainable market integration as predicted in different scenarios can only be achieved if the cost is reduced to a competitive level in the next 10-15 years. Competitiveness is not only impacted by the cost of the technology itself but also by a potential rise of the price of fossil energy and by the internalisation of associated social costs such as carbon emissions. Therefore it is assumed that in the medium to long-term competitiveness will be achieved at a level of 5-7 eurocents/kWh The essential technical innovations which confor dispatchable mid-load power without carbon tribute significantly to the R&D-driven cost reduction potential were collected. These data, dioxide emissions. as well as the associated cost information, were taken from several sources: from industrial Project Structure quotes as well as from recent studies on some of The ECOSTAR roadmap for Concentrating Solar the technologies. The cost information about the Power Technologies was designed to give an technical improvements was evaluated within overview of the existing technology concepts the methodology. Finally the sensitivity of the and their options for technical improvement in electricity cost to innovations, mass-production further R&D activities, with the focus on cost and environmental factors was determined by reduction to achieve cost competitiveness with levelled electricity costs (LEC). fossil power generation. In this context seven reference CSP systems have been considered:
The most promising options for each system • Parabolic trough technology using thermal were combined to evaluate the overall cost reduction potential. Figure 1 shows the cost oil as the heat transfer fluid. reduction potential of all seven CSP technologies • Parabolic trough technology using water/ through technical innovations and development, steam as the heat transfer fluid. as calculated using the above-mentioned • Central receiver system (CRS) using molten methodology. Since all cost assumptions as well salt as the heat transfer system. as the impact of future technical improvements
Project Information Contract number 502578
Duration 15 months
Contact person Prof. Dr. Robert Pitz-Paal Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
[email protected]
List of partners CIEMAT – ES CNRS (IMP) – FR DLR – DE Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Science – RU Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – CH VGB PowerTech e.V. – DE Weizmann Institute of Science – IL
50% optimistic cost reduction estimation pessimistic cost reduction estimation
relative cost reduction
Website Download final report at
Project officer
Philippe Schild 0%
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Status terminated
Figure 1: Bandwidth of the innovation-driven cost reduction potential for the 7 CSP systems investigated in this study, based on the LEC for the individual 50 MWe reference system and assuming a combination of selected measures for each system
are based on estimations, the uncertainty is addressed by providing optimistic and pessimistic bounds on the input data for the performance and cost model, resulting in appropriate limits for the LEC values and cost reduction percentages presented.
in order to reach the cost target. Concentration of research or demonstration plant funding on certain technologies should be avoided because this would lower the cost pressure caused by competition between the different technologies.
The complete ECOSTAR roadmap is available Based on the limited number of approaches sug- from gested in the scope of this study, cost reductions of 25-35% due to technical innovations and scaling up to 50 MWe are feasible for most of the technologies. These figures do not include 0.61 Technical effects of volume production or scaling up of the 0.7 innovation 0.6 power size of the plants beyond 50 MW unit size, which would result in further cost reductions. 0.5 0.30 Scaling of unit 0.4
size beyond 50 These accumulated cost reductions can bring MW 0.3 down costs of electricity from today’s 12-18 0.17 Volume eurocents/kWh to 5-7 eurocents/kWh, depending 0.2 production 0.1 0.14 on the radiation resource. This is regarded as a 0 competitive cost level for dispatchable mid-load Relative cost power without carbon dioxide emissions. About 10reduction 15 years will be necessary for such a development, Figure 2: Potential relative reduction of LEC by innovations, in parallel to continuous market implementation.
scaling and series production through 2020 for the para-
A general recommendation is that short and bolic trough/HTF system, compared to today’s LEC mid-term research should focus on modular components like concentrators or modular receivers. Medium and long-term development is needed mainly in the areas of thermal storage and the integration of larger and more efficient power cycles. Both pathways must be followed
Solar Hydrogen via Water Splitting in Advanced Monolithic Reactors for Future Solar Power Plants
OBJECTIVES Hydrosol II aims at further scaling-up the advanced innovative solar thermal reactor technology already developed: this consists of monolithic ceramic honeycombs coated with active redox pair materials, an enhancement and optimisation of the metal oxide-ceramic support system with respect to long-time stability under multi-cycle operation (> 100 cycles), and the development and construction of a complete pilot dual absorber/receiver/reactor unit in the 100 kWth scale for solar thermo-chemical splitting of water. Effective coupling of this reactor to a solar heliostat field and a solar tower platform for continuous solar hydrogen production within an optimised pilot plant (100 kWth) will be tested, and the technology and design of a solar hydrogen production plant for mass production of solar hydrogen on a commercial scale (1 MW) with costs competitive to that of other hydrogen production methods and potential for hybridisation with combined plants, including solar power generation, hydrogen storage and use, will be assessed. A reduction of production costs for renewable hydrogen in the mid- to long-term (reduction to less than 12 cents/kWh(H2) in 2006 and to less than 6 cents/kWh in 2020) is expected.
Challenges The harnessing of the huge energy potential of solar radiation and its effective conversion to chemical fuels such as hydrogen via the dissociation of water (water splitting) is a subject of primary technological interest. The integration of solar energy concentration systems with systems capable of splitting water is of immense value and impact for energetics and economics worldwide; some consider it the most important long-term goal in solar fuels production to cut hydrogen costs and ensure virtually zero CO2 emissions. Through the FP5 project HYDROSOL, the participating research team has developed an innovative solar reactor for the production of hydrogen from the splitting of steam using solar energy, constructed from special refractory ceramic thinwall, multi-channelled (honeycomb) monoliths optimised to absorb solar radiation, coated with highly active oxygen ‘trapping’/water-splitting materials (based on doped oxides exhibiting redox behaviour).
• The development and construction of a complete pilot dual absorber/receiver/reactor unit on the 100 kWth scale for solar thermochemical splitting of water. • The effective coupling of this reactor to a solar heliostat field and a solar tower platform for continuous solar hydrogen production within an optimised pilot plant (100 kWth).
Project Structure The successful realisation of the project requires a combined effort by research centres and industrial bodies to integrate knowledge and expertise in reactor design, materials synthesis and advanced ceramics manufacture with exploitation of solar technologies. HYDROSOL-II is planned as a four-year project with its main activities spanning the optimisation of metal oxide/ceramic support assembly, the manufacture and test operation of an integrated pilot plant for continuous hydrogen production, and the evaluation of the technical and economic potential of the process. An overview of the scheduled activities per partner comprises:
The ‘proof-of-concept’ of the technology has been demonstrated beyond any doubt in a pilot scale solar reactor designed, built and operating at the DLR solar furnace facility in Cologne (Germany), which is continuously producing ‘solar • APTL, JM: enhancement and optimisation of hydrogen’. The aim of HYDROSOL-II is to develop the metal oxide-ceramic support system with and build an optimised pilot plant (100 kWth) for respect to long-time stability under multisolar hydrogen production based on this novel cycle operation. reactor concept. The project involves further scaleup of this technology and its effective coupling • DLR: operation of a solar mini-plant (15 kW scale) for continuous production of hydrogen with solar platform concentration systems, in (assess performance characteristics, establish order to exploit and demonstrate all potential process parameters and control procedures). advantages. Specific challenging problems to be solved include: • APTL, DLR, STC: design of the 100 kWth solar pilot plant (geometry and size of pilot plant • The enhancement and optimisation of the ‘modular’ absorber/reactor; adaptation of the metal oxide-ceramic support system with 2.7 MWth central receiver and of the heliostat respect to long-time stability under multifield of Plataforma Solar de Almería to the cycle operation (more than 100 cycles). specific thermo-chemical process and alternating heat flux requirements). • STC: manufacture of the integrated pilot-scale absorber/receiver/reactor system. • CIEMAT, DLR: effective coupling of this reactor to a solar heliostat field and a solar tower platform for continuous solar hydrogen production within an optimised pilot plant (100 kWth) and test operation (3 kg H2/h, to start at the end of 2007).
Project Information Contract number 020030
Contact person D. Athanasios Konstandopoulos Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
[email protected]
List of partners CERTH – GR CIEMAT – ES DLR – DE Johnson Matthey – GB Stobbe Tech Ceramics – DK
the economic potential of the process and detailed cost analyses indicate that technical improvements provide the potential to reduce the hydrogen production costs from 20 eurocent/kWh (HHV) to less than 10 eurocent/kWh in the long-term.
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
Progress to Date
• ALL: assessment of the technology and design of a solar hydrogen production plant for mass production of solar hydrogen on a commercial scale (1 MW) with costs competitive to those of other hydrogen production methods.
Expected Results The overall expected result from the project is a successful and efficient scale-up of a carbondioxide-emissions-free solar hydrogen production process that will establish the basis for mass production of solar hydrogen with the long-term target of a sustainable hydrogen economy. Results to be obtained through the course of the project include:
During the first six months of the Project, new iron-oxide-based material families, expected to feature improved water splitting performance and better long-term stability, have been synthesised in large quantities. Coating techniques are currently employed for the preparation of multi-layer, multi-functional coatings on large-scale porous ceramic honeycomb supports (Ø 25mm, 90 cpsi, length 15-50 mm), meeting the thermomechanical operation demands of solar reactors. The first solar campaign on a two-chamber continuous solar hydrogen production reactor with the new batches of materials is expected to take place during the summer of 2006.
• Long-term stable redox materials suitable for water splitting and regeneration in multicycle operation (> 100 cycles). • A complete pilot dual absorber/receiver/reactor unit in the 100 kWth scale for solar thermochemical splitting of water. • Operation/control strategy for continuous solar hydrogen production. • Installation and test operation of the pilot reactor and all necessary peripheral components at a solar platform. • A detailed technical and economic evaluation of the entire process and its integration in future solar power plants. Such sustainable, zero-emission, solar hydrogen production will promote economic development and people’s quality of life, especially in many economically depressed regions of southern Europe with sufficient insolation. Evaluation of
Hydrogen from Solar Thermal Energy High Temperature Solar Chemical Reactor for Co-production of Hydrogen and Carbon Black from Natural Gas Cracking
OBJECTIVES The SOLHYCARB project addresses the development of a non-conventional route for potentially cost-effective hydrogen production by concentrated solar energy. The novel process thermally decomposes natural gas in a high-temperature solar chemical reactor. Two products are obtained: a H2-rich gas and a high-value nano-material, carbon black (CB). The project aims at designing, constructing, and testing innovative solar reactors at different scales (5 to 10 kWth and 50 kWth) for operating conditions at 1500-2300K and 1 bar. 3 sm3/h H2 and 1 kg/h CB are expected at the 50 kWth scale. Three main scientific and technical problems are concerned: design and operation of high temperature solar chemical reactors containing nano-size particulates, production of two valuable products (hydrogen and carbon black) in the same reactor, proposition of a methodology for solar reactor scaling-up based on modelling and experimental validation.
Solar reactor testing and qualification
The main scientific and technical challenges are: design and operation of high-temperature solar chemical reactors (10 kWth and 50 kWth) containing nano-size particulates, production of two valuable products (hydrogen and carbon black) in the same reactor, and proposal for a methodology for solar reactor scaling-up based on modelling and experimental validation. The reactor will operate in the 1500K-2300K temperature range, which also poses severe material issues. The production of both hydrogen-rich gas and carbon black with desirable end-use properties is also a big challenge because the operating conditions satisfying both specifications are likely to be narrow.
Solar reactor testing will be achieved using the partners’ solar facilities. First, various designs of receiver/reactor will be tested in small scale (20 MWe). This will be focused on the Mediterranean markets. A standardised accounting scheme for solar-hybrid power generation will be developed and a variety of measures taken to improve public awareness of the technology.
CIEMAT – ES Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR DLR – DE FTF GmbH – DE GEA Technika Cieplna Sp z o.o. – PL NEAL New Energy Algeria – AL ORMAT Systems Ltd. – IL Solucar R&D – ES Turbec R&D AB – SE
Project Officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
Project coordination is covered in WP 8. The coordinator, together with the eight partners, will ensure the proper dedication of project funds and efficient management of the programme.
Expected Results The expected result of the SOLHYCO project is the successful development and test of a complete hybrid prototype cogeneration unit, with its new components, for a 100% renewable operation. Based on the results of the market assessment, an exploitation plan will be developed by the consortium for a first demonstration plant. The SOLHYCO technology is well suited as a first step towards the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable ‘fuels’. The combination of solar and biofuel sources increases the flexibility and dispatchability at zero emissions. This technology offers high conversion efficiencies and promises reduced generation costs, due to the high temperature level. Concepts are provided for the introduction of small cogeneration units into initial niche markets, and a perspective is offered for large combined-cycle plants based on hybrid power generation.
Progress to Date The project started recently. In the opening months, a project website ( has been designed and provided for public and internal access.
Development of a Solar Reformer for Hydrogen Production
OBJECTIVES The project aims at developing an advanced 400 kWth solar reformer that will be more cost-effective than a state-of-the-art receiver for several applications, such as hydrogen production or electricity generation. Depending on the feed source for the reforming process, CO2 emissions can be reduced significantly (up to 40% using NG), because the required process heat for this highly endothermic reaction is provided by concentrated solar energy. A further aim is to modify the catalytic system without decreasing the absorptivity of the ceramic absorber so as to operate at high temperatures (up to 1050°C) and with various feedstocks, and to improve the operation of the plant. Other objectives are to modify the test set-up used by the SOLASYS reactor for faster start-up with simulation of various feedstocks, to provide a sufficiently long period of testing, to develop a pre-design of a 1 MWth prototype plant, and to conduct a market study including cost and system analysis of a large-scale application in the Mediterranean area in solar-only mode.
Challenges Profitability determines whether a new technology has a chance to reach the market. Therefore, several modifications and improvements to the state-of-the-art solar reformer technology (see schematic and picture) will be introduced before large-scale and commercial systems are developed. These changes will primarily apply to the catalytic system, the reactor optimisation and operation procedures, and the associated optics for concentrating the solar radiation.
Project Structure The work proposed with SOLREF is based on the activities undertaken in the previous SOLASYS project, where the technical feasibility of solar reforming has been proven. Since the main partners (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. and The Weizmann Institute of Science) involved in the SOLASYS project will also participate in SOLREF, the experience and know-how acquired in SOLASYS will be applied efficiently in SOLREF, thus ensuring a significant step towards the integration of this new technology. With the catalysis group (JM, APTL, DLR, WIS) headed by the industrial partner Johnson Matthey FC Ltd, it is feasible to investigate the wide spectrum of catalysis and coating technologies, leading to the development of the best catalytically active absorber capable of solar reforming with various feedstocks. DLR and HyGear will develop an advanced solar reformer. ETH will lead the thermochemical analysis and system modelling group. The involvement of the Italian SME SHAP and the opportunities offered byn the south of Italy for renewable energy provide an excellent opportunity to realise the first solar reforming prototype plant, which will be pre-designed in this project, after completion of the SOLREF project.
Expected Results
For the advanced catalytically active absorber, various catalyst systems will be investigated in respect of: • High catalytic activity with high resistance to coking • Good absorption for thermal radiation • Acceptable mechanical strength and thermal shock resistance • High gas permeability and mixing of gases, as well as low pressure drop • Low costs. The ceramic absorber will be prepared using various technologies. The best catalytically active absorber will be determined by competition. In parallel with fabrication, a model will be developed to simulate transport and reaction processes in the porous absorber, thereby determining the steam reforming kinetics. The simulation will help to maximise the effective use of the catalytic coatings in the absorber system. A new and more compact solar reformer will be designed and manufactured with a new flange containing less material, an advanced insulation configuration with steam protection, and an improved ceramic absorber. The nitrogen purge, which was used in the SOLASYS project, will be replaced. A thermodynamic and thermochemical analysis will be performed to support the system design phase – headed by ETH. The SME HyGear B.V. will provide the detailed design based on the layout from DLR and will manufacture the solar reformer. The existing solar test facility will be modified to include a new purge gas preparation system and a gas mixing system that permits operation of the solar reformer with gas mixtures representative of a variety of possible feedstocks. The new operation strategies will be evaluated. The results of the test campaign will provide input to the pre-design of the prototype plant. The test data will be evaluated and compared with simulation tools in order to verify calculations and identify potential problems.
The SOLREF project is aimed at developing the second generation of the SOLASYS reformer. This second generation reformer will attempt to solve the problems encountered in the previous project, SOLASYS, and will provide the necessary In the pre-design phase, the technical specifimodifications to advance the solar reformer to cations of a 1 MWth prototype reforming plant the pre-commercial phase. will be determined for a Mediterranean site. The major components of a solar reforming plant
Project Information Contract number 502829
Duration 44 months
Contact person Dr. sc. tech. Stephan Möller Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
[email protected]
List of partners
will be analysed to assess their impact on the insulation distributor conceptual layout of the plant. For the upstream vessel part of the reforming loop, the operation with window different gaseous feedstocks (natural gas, weak gas, bio-gas, landfill gas), as well as concepts for gas collector outlet gas channel inlet gas cleaning and gas treatment will be assessed. front flange main absorber outley The solar reformer can be located either on the extension absorber intley top of a tower or on the ground using a beamdown installation. These two concepts will be 3D drawing of the advanced SOLREF reformer compared with a view to identifying the optimal solar optical configuration. during solar operation, and is a tool for impleFor the dissemination of solar reforming menting reactor controls, optimising start-up and technology, the regions targeted first are in shut-down routines and assessing the influence southern Europe and North Africa. The potential of design changes on reactor dynamics markets will be assessed. The environmental, Based on the boundary conditions at WIS, the layout socio-economic and institutional impacts of solar of the solar reformer has been drawn up (see 3D reforming technology exploitation will be assessed drawing). Absorbed power is approx. 400 kWth, gas with respect to sustainable development. Based temperatures are approx. 450°C/900°C for inlet/ on a market analysis, a preliminary model for the outlet, and the optimal operating pressure is 10 bars. cost evaluation of the main plant components will be provided. This model will be used in further The construction of the solar reformer was system evaluation. Detailed cost estimates for investigated in three main respects: a 50 MWth commercial plant will be determined. • Advanced holding structure of the absorber dome: based on different concepts and Progress to Date material tests, a light structure was selected.
CERTH – GR DLR – DE HyGear B.V. – NL Johnson Matthey Fuel Cell Ltd – GB SHAP Solar Heat and Power – IT Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – CH Weizmann Institute of Science – IL
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
A comprehensive range of precious and base • Vessel/front flange interaction: new concepts metal-containing steam reforming catalysts has were assessed for reduction of mass combeen prepared by several conventional and more pared with the SOLASYS reformer. The vesadvanced methods. Their thermal durability has sel/front flange has to have sufficient been assessed. The absorptivity of the catalyst strength to resist plastic deformation while, system for solar radiation has also been assessed. for the window, the front flange has to be sufA testing protocol has been defined and used by ficiently even and planar. the collaborating partners to collect activity • Inside insulation of the vessel with steam data (using several methane-rich fuels), and this condensation protection: different methods has been used to determine the final catalyst have been evaluated and special construction choice for SOLREF. Activity testing is continuing solutions selected which minimise steam difon the SOLREF catalyst as part of a kinetics study. fusion into the HT-insulation material. The SOLREF catalyst has been scaled up and the Furthermore, a purge gas flow through final reactor foam sections coated and supplied. defined sites on the insulation can stop the In parallel, a thermochemical analysis and a system diffusion of the steam-containing process gas. model of the existing test plant at WIS have been A purge gas is needed for the start-up and shutrealised. A steady-state system model for the down procedures and to avoid steam condensation. WIS test plant has been implemented and tested. CO2 could be the choice for a new design of The model can be used to predict the results of solar reforming plant. Due to the specific changes in the system layout. A dynamic model boundary conditions at WIS, hydrogen was of the existing test plant has been developed to selected: a small hydrogen purification line using investigate the transient behaviour of the solar the product gas was designed for this purpose. reforming plant: this model focuses on the transient behaviour of the solar chemical receiver Manufacturing commenced in June 2006.
A Network of Excellence of DER Laboratories and Pre-standardisation
OBJECTIVES DERlab is a Network of Excellence (NoE) of independent laboratories, working in the area of the integration of distributed energy resources (DER) and the preparation of standards for DER. The main goal of the NoE DERlab is to support the sustainable integration of renewable energy resources (RES) and DER in the power supply system. Key activities focus on the development of common requirements across the EU with respect to grid connection, safety, operation and communication of DER and RES, and development of quality criteria, as well as activities concerning preparation of standards.
Challenges Sustainable development requires the use of cleaner energy resources. The connection of new decentralised and clean energy resources to the grid can help reduce the environmental impact of power production (CO2 reduction in particular). Furthermore the introduction of new technologies can improve the performance of the network, improve the reliability and quality of the supply, and offer a more flexible and efficient service. However the integration of these new energy resources and technologies requires an important research, development and testing effort in order to:
Integration across Europe of research and testing activities on DER, including its integration into the electricity grid, is needed particularly because of: • The large number of uncoordinated research and associated testing activities on this topic, resulting from national research programmes and standardisation activities. • The clear need for Europe-wide solutions through promotion of common standards for integration of distributed energy resources (DER).
• The integration of the experience and facilities of a number of excellent laboratories with impressive activity profiles, and the opportunities this offers for building a network that can claim world leadership in testing certification and prestandardisation activities in the area of DER • Guarantee the highest level of reliability and technologies and their integration into networks. quality of supply, essential in a critical infraThe DERlab Network of Excellence (NoE) will structure such as the power system. provide critical support for the development of a As these new elements are integrated into the common European research and development distribution network, it will be necessary to use platform focused on DER integration in the laboratory tests to validate the new concepts for power system, taking into account the needs analysis, planning, control and supervision of and concerns of EU utilities and manufacturers. electricity supply and distribution, in order to It will also strongly support the consistent developtake these new components into account in the ment of DER technologies and contribute to the performance optimisation of the whole system. creation of a European competence through highly skilled human resources working at the leading edge of DER technology. • Make the most effective use of the new energy concepts, including generation from renewables, ‘active’ distribution networks and where appropriate use of energy storage.
Project Structure The DERlab Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) is divided into the following four parts, which are required to perform the network successfully:
JPA 1: Integration activities This concerns all activities aiming at integration of the partners. In particular the following activities have started: • Integration of management including legal aspects for durable integration • Staff exchange and joint use of infrastructure • Framework for network internal training programmes and guidelines for laboratory work • Establishment of joint electronic communication infrastructure.
Project Information Contract number 518299
Duration 72 months
Contact person Dr. Thomas Degner Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik
[email protected]
List of partners
JPA 2: Joint research programme
laboratories, and by developing a common test portfolio. The test capabilities, together with the The objectives of the joint research programme are test facilities, will establish a test environment for to contribute to the development of standards for DER. This will enable DERlab to provide European DER, to develop common testing, certification and testing services for industry, utilities etc. qualification procedures, and to develop a panEuropean laboratory infrastructure for the testing and qualification of DER components and Support for the development systems. In order to achieve these objectives the of European and international standards following research activities are foreseen: This will be achieved by exemplarily executing research activities in specific fields and by initiating • Pre-standardisation activities for DER new research activities to provide required technical • Support for the development of DER testing information and input to the standards. procedures The technical areas covered by DERlab are: • Defining requirements and procedures for • Requirements concerning connection, safety, the certification of DER products operation and communication of DER com• Constitution of a database of laboratory ponents. facilities and test capabilities • Requirements for the effective and economic • Elaboration of requirements for laboratory operation of sustainable power systems. development • Quality criteria for DER components. • Exemplary realisation of joint DER test facilities.
JPA 3: Spreading of excellence Activities to spread excellence beyond the project consortium include interaction with standardisation bodies, organisation of workshops, training and education activities, organisation of national and international information exchanges, as well as regular reporting.
Arsenal – AT Centro Elettrotechnico Sperimentale Italiano – IT Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik – DE Kema – NL Fundacion Labein – ES Lodz University of Technology – PL National Technical University of Athens – GR Risoe National Laboratory – DK Sofia University of Technology – BG UK DG Centre – GB
Project officer Manuel Sánchez Jiménez
Status ongoing
Durable networking between European laboratories DERlab aims at the long-lasting creation of European competence through the establishment of a pan-European expert group in the area of ‘new DER technologies and their integration into the future distribution network’ consisting of highly skilled researchers working at the leading edge of DER technology.
JPA 4: Management activities This activity includes all activities concerning the Progress to Date management of the consortium, including operaOne of the first common activities was the tions of NoE executive management, the NoE elaboration of a proposal concerning the extension network coordination committee, NoE governing of the currently existing laboratory facilities. The board and NoE advisory board. proposed research infrastructure for DER integration into the European grids will enable tests Expected Results at a component as well as a system level, and will be accessible for the European research community, industry and grid operators.
A distributed world-class DER laboratory for Europe Secondly DERlab internal working groups have The objective is to develop a pan-European laboratory which will be recognised as a leading laboratory in the field of integration of DER. This will be achieved by mutual specialisation and systematic completion of the partners’
been set up, working on the topic of interconnection requirements for DER. Finally a legal framework for DERlab was drafted and is currently undergoing modification in line with the different partners’ needs.
The Birth of a European Distributed Energy Partne that will help the large-scale implementation of distributed ene
OBJECTIVES Co-ordinated by Gas de France, EU-DEEP develops methodologies to study and remove barriers to the implementation of DER in Europe, validates DER technologies that address the needs of market segments in the commercial, residential and industrial sectors, and combines market, technology and regulatory issues into winning business models for DER in Europe
The widespread development of innovative EU-DEEP is based on a set of eight intertwined Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Europe is technical development work packages. They facing three major barriers: interact iteratively to produce, for five promising market segments, adequate portfolios of DER • Technology barriers, interactions between the technologies and business models: distribution network and small-sized renewable and classical electricity generation solutions • A set of simulation tools (market size and must be proven efficient and reliable enough. energy demand typical of client behaviours) is developed and used to increase the knowledge • Market barriers, where new business models of the market (segmentation of the European must be designed and validated to show that market, ranking of segments, etc.) and select the DER solutions can be profitable within five promising segments that will be studied in acceptable payback times, in a win-win-win the project (for commercial, residential and situation for different market actors. industrial applications) with a methodology that • Regulatory barriers, where new market framecan be replicated to study other promising works must be created to allow for the massive segments in the future (WP 1). deployment of DER units, bringing significant • A systemic analysis of the impacts of massive benefits to society in a sustainable way. DER deployment on grid operation is conducted The EU-DEEP project adopts a demand-driven, (WP 2), using another set of simulation tools. market-oriented approach to validate the relePositive and negative grid impacts are detailed vance, by 2010, of a portfolio of DER technology and quantified, together with proposals for and business models in identified promising innovative ‘use of system’ charge allocation segments across Europe, thus promoting the schemes. deployment of DER solutions. • Local dynamic energy management schemes are studied (WP 3) to measure the benefits of local electricity trading mechanisms, and to use novel DER control technologies facilitating Markets market and grid operations. Trading rules are defined, involving most probably some intermediary structures such as aggregators, to make intrinsically costly DER solutions more affordable for end-users.
Project structure
• Five full-scale experiments are designed, implemented and run for one year (WP 4 & 5). They aim at removing technical barriers that cannot be addressed by simulation, validating the different results achieved by other WPs, and pinpointing the remaining uncertainties that could slow down the massive deployment of DER solutions by 2010. These experiments are ‘technology-neutral’ and will involve both renewable and classical solutions.
rship rgy resources in Europe
Expected results • A portfolio of innovative business models for each of the five segments is assembled within the concluding optimisation work package (WP 8). These business models will show the benefit of implementing DER/LTS systems for different stakeholders (end-users, ESCOs, etc.). This work package integrates all the findings and new knowledge produced by the project.
There are four classes of exploitable results attached to the EU-DEEP project: • Increased knowledge about the European market based on sharing data amongst utilities and other partners. • A portfolio of technologies and business models based on extensive experimental evidence in five promising market segments (two commercial, two residential, one industrial).
• In parallel, training and dissemination tasks (WP 6 & 7) are implemented to deliver usable • A set of methodologies that can be replicated to study other promising segments in the knowledge to players in the energy sector that same three areas of activity. will face DER investment options in the very near future. Both tasks aim at reducing the hetero• Training materials that will be delivered geneity of opinions about DER, most often commercially much before the end of the based on a lack of a systemic approach to research project, in order to support the DER deployment. deployment of fast-track options and to obtain early feedback on the portfolio of business models by market end-users of the resultant knowledge.
The Birth of a European Distributed Energy Partne that will help the large-scale implementation of distributed ene
Progress to date The following barriers defined at the start of the • Initial reluctance of grid operators to allow project have been nearly removed: for massive DER deployment has been shown to be too pessimistic under standard grid • The lack of European wide knowledge about architecture configurations: simulation tools the market was tackled by: have been used under the lead of Tractebel • sharing commercial data between utility Engineering – Suez to determine the DER companies and other partners of EU-DEEP; penetration ratio up to which grid management can be performed safely without any • studying market segments both in terms of major loss of system reliability. market potential and energy demand features. • A systemic understanding of massive DER A new descriptive language of market features deployment has been implemented to grasp the that favour or hamper DER deployment has impact of DER on overall system costs. Present been agreed. distribution systems can support significant Simulation tools for energy demand, generation levels of DER penetration with few changes. and end-use have been developed. They use Cost reduction could even be expected in the detailed physical descriptions of energy long run, but old-fashioned management exchanges for residential and commercial techniques must be abandoned and new control end-users. They allow understanding where practices must be adopted. ‘Anti-islanding’ flexibility in the demand occurs. The introprotection must fully integrate interconnected duction of storage functionalities and system requirements. heat/electricity trading strategies is simulated • DER-based solutions are put into a systemic to pinpoint where and when DER solutions perspective that will help stakeholders build can be made profitable. Aggregating such meaningful comparison between competing results allows one to draw leopard-like market energy solutions. Change management maps for DER solutions in Europe. approaches have been implemented in the So far, four out of five market segments have prototype training curricula. Combined marbeen chosen in the residential and commercial ket description techniques and simulation sector. techniques will provide trainees with the rules to make fair economic comparisons between several energy options in a given end-use segment. The simulation tools used are outcomes of two critical work packages (WP 1 and WP 2), while packaged to meet training time and cost constraints. The following barriers have been addressed, but still remain to be removed demonstrably by mid2007: • The role of regulations, and the design of innovative market rules, that will facilitate a more efficient deployment of DER. Work is in progress to suggest new market rules to use DER favourably within local approaches throughout Europe and develop a EU framework where utilities, end-users, manufacturers and investors address the energy market issues of DER in a coherent way.
Project Information Contract number
rship rgy resources in Europe
Duration 66 months
Contact person Etienne Gehain Gaz de France
[email protected]
List of partners
• The development of innovative business • Common and coherent valuation rules for approaches that make DER solutions valued DER investments and their related business for their positive and dynamic contributions models remain to be developed. They involve to end-user demand, local energy markets optimisation techniques via: and grid management. Three routes are • the maximisation of the Net Present Value explored in parallel: for any project, taking into account the extra • the use of the new market rules as suggested added-value linked to the management above; flexibility of the investments; • the valuation of electricity (both electrical • the accounting of extra impacts for grid energy generated and flexible loads) sell-back operators, intermediaries and the public in to local intermediaries (aggregators) or general, involving market and grid conretailers. This may lead to larger DER units straints developed in WP 1/WP 2 and WP 3. to take advantage of sell-back opportunities In the first two years of research and development, within pre-specified conditions; the EU-DEEP players have also underestimated the • the interactions between DER use and grid communication and cultural barriers: management techniques, where DER can • There is still an excess number of opinions be favourably valued by grid operators. about the role and impacts of Distributed • The meaningful validation of concepts, tools Energy Resources, while, at the same time, and technologies must be prepared with care: there is a shortage of evidence about their the five experiments foreseen in EU-DEEP are future benefits to the European economy. in the design phase. Experiment locations and • There is a need for concise, clear-cut and technology choices (generator and enabling practical communication about DER, in order connection and control equipment) have been to fight the heterogeneity of opinions, while made for the commercial and residential sectors. stepping up the offering of evidence. Further work is still needed to design each of the one-year experiments that will generate new This is why increased dissemination actions will knowledge needed to validate the portfolio of be launched in the next three years of the project technologies and business models. Inter- to help stakeholders grasp better the complexity connection between testing sites is considered of technology and business portfolios delivered in order to investigate the aggregation concepts by EU-DEEP. and technologies.
ANCO – GR AUTh – GR Bowman Power Systems – GB Capitalia – IT Catholic University of Leuven – BE Centro de Nuevas Tecnologias Energeticas – ES CRES – GR Gaz de France – FR Electricity Authority of Cyprus – CY EnergoProjekt – PL EPA Attiki – GR Fagrel – IT FIT – CY Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – IT Fundacion Labein – ES Heletel – GR Iberdrola – ES Institute for Electric Power Research – HU KAPE – PL Latvenergo – LV Laborelec – BE Lodz Region Power – PL MTU – DE National Technical University of Athens – GR Regulatory Authority for Energy – GR Riga University of Technology – LV RWE Energy – DE SAFT – FR Siemens PTD – DE Siemens PSE – AT STRI – SE Technofi – FR Tedom – CZ Tractebel – BE Transénergie – FR TUBITAK – TR University of Lund – SE University of Valencia – ES VTT – FI
Project Officer Stefano Puppin
Status ongoing
Flexible Electricity Networks to Integrate the Expected ‘Energy Evolution’
OBJECTIVES FENIX aims at enabling Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to make the EU electricity supply system cost-efficient, secure and sustainable through aggregation into Large Scale Virtual Power Plants (LSVPP). The development of intelligent interfaces for commercial and grid integration of DER into LSVPP, the development of novel network services and new DMS and EMS applications to include LSVPP in system operation, and the development of new commercial and regulatory solutions to support LSVPP are other objectives. Validation will be through two large field tests in Spain and the UK. FENIX interacts with stakeholders through an advisory group.
Challenges In the last decade, the EU has been deploying significant amounts of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) of various technologies in response to the climate change challenge and the need to enhance fuel diversity. However, conventional large-scale power plants remain the primary source of control of the electricity system, assuring integrity and security of its operation. Levels of DER penetration in some parts of the EU are such that this is beginning to cause operational problems (Denmark, Germany, Spain). This is because, thus far, the emphasis has been on connecting DER to the network rather than integrating it into overall system operation. Indeed, previous and current research projects have been focusing on developing techniques to accelerate the deployment of DER, and rightly so as this has been a necessary phase in the evolution towards a sustainable electricity supply system. In practice, current policy of connecting DER is generally based on a ‘fit and forget’ approach. This policy is consistent with historic passive distribution network operation and is known to lead to inefficient and costly investment in distribution infrastructure. Moreover under passive network operation DER can only displace the energy produced by central generation but cannot displace the capacity, as lack of controllability of DER implies that system control and security must continue to be provided by central generation.
We are now entering an era where this approach is beginning to: • Adversely impact the deployment rates of DER • Increase the costs of investment and operation • Undermine integrity and security of the system. In order to address this problem, DERs must take over the responsibilities from large conventional power plants and provide the flexibility and controllability necessary to support secure system operation. Although Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have historically been responsible for system security, integration of DER will require Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to develop active network management in order to participate in the provision of system security. This represents a shift from traditional central control philosophy, presently used to control typically hundreds of generators, to a new distributed control paradigm applicable for operation of hundreds of thousands of generators and controllable loads. Motivated by the wide range of challenges associated with operating the electricity system of the future, leading TSOs and DSOs, manufacturers and research establishments in the EU have formed a consortium of 19 partners to undertake a four-year project, codenamed FENIX, whose overall aim is: to conceptualise, design and demonstrate a technical architecture and commercial framework that will enable DER- based systems to become the solution for a future cost-efficient, secure and sustainable EU electricity supply system.
Project Information Contract number 518272
Duration 48 months
Contact person Jose Corera Iberdrola
[email protected]
List of partners
Project structure The FENIX Project is organised into six work WP 5: Stakeholders Advisory Group, Dissemination and Training packages: In WP 5 future wide impact will be managed and the project will be exploited through the creation, on the one hand, of an effective Stakeholder Advisory Group and, on the other, through the organisation of various workshops, In WP 1 the local functions and control capabilities conferences and training sessions. of DER will be defined and characterised in order to design and prototype a local intelligent FENIX unit (FENIX box), and also a FENIX LSVPP controller WP 6: Project Management based on DEMS technology. In WP 6 the coordination and strategic management of the project takes place.
WP 1: System Solutions for DER Integration and Demand Response through LSVPP
WP 2: Electrical and information system architecture adapted to the presence Expected results of LSVPP In WP 2 the TSO and DSO control and information interfaces and their associated protocols will be designed, and later on prototypes of the new EMS and DMS applications incorporating the concept of LSVPP will be developed.
WP 3: Commercial framework for operation and control of power systems with LSVPPs
The following main outputs of the project will have immediate and direct impact on all stakeholders, including network operators, manufacturers, suppliers and aggregators as well as regulators: • Two concrete scenarios that characterise electricity markets in the EU in the long term to quantify the costs and benefits of status quo and FENIX futures.
Areva T&D Energy Management Europe – FR ECN – NL ECRO SRL – RO EDF Energy Networks Ltd – GB Electricité de France – FR Free University of Amsterdam – NL Fundación Labein – ES Groupment pour inventer la distribution électrique de l’avenir – FR Iberdrola SA – ES ILEX Energy Consulting Ltd – GB Imperial College – GB Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik – DE Korona Inzeniring DD – SI National Grid Transco – GB Red Eléctrica de España SA – ES ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – FR SIEMENS AG Österreich – AT University of Manchester – GB Wind to Market – ES ZIV PmasC SL – ES
Project officer Manuel Sánchez Jiménez
Status ongoing
• Design and implementation of LSVPP architecture with enhanced DER capabilities to In WP 3 the commercial framework for fully provide system support and control. decentralised network architecture will be designed, taking into account business models • Design of commercial arrangements to support based on the FENIX LSVPP architecture and the system operation under the new highly decenassessment of the economic impact of this tralised network architecture. architecture. • Enhancement of current TSO/DSO control and information for active network management WP 4: Demonstration of LSVPP compatible with the above.
concept feasibility
• Demonstration of prototype LSVPP with In WP 4 the LSVPP FENIX architecture will be Distributed Energy Management Systems tested through simulations and field trials. The capabilities, Energy Management Systems hardware and software prototyped in WP 1 and and Distributed Management Systems via WP 2 will be implemented in real facilities and real simulation and real field tests. networks in the UK and Spain to test behaviour in • Creation of a European Stakeholder Group to two different potential markets, the first characensure full exploitation of the project results terised by a large integration of small CHP domestic beyond the life of the project. units, and the second dominated by a combination of medium-size industrial CHP and large wind farms.
How Can we Face the Changes in the Operation and the Management of the Electricity Grids for the Future? OBJECTIVES The objectives of IRed are making stakeholders aware of the increasing importance of RES and DG compared to conventional centralised systems, contributing to remove technical, economical and regulatory barriers to grid connection of RES and DG, and creating a favourable environment for socio-economic acceptance of intermittent RES and DG grid solutions without risks to quality or safety.
Challenges The increasing number of renewable energy sources and distributed generators requires new strategies for the operation and management of the electricity grid, in order to maintain or even to improve power supply reliability and quality in future. Furthermore, the liberalisation of the grids leads to new management structures in which the trading of energy and power is becoming increasingly important. This trend is accompanied by new structures for communication and trading, leading finally to digitally controlled interactive electricity grids.
In contrast to the creation of a Network of Excellence (NoE), this CA will be more feasible since research on the integration of RES and DG will not be fragmented but structured from the very beginning. The most important elements of the CA will be the following: • The systematic exchange of information and good practice by improving links to relevant research, regulatory bodies and policies and schemes on a European, national, regional and international level. • The setting-up of strategic actions such as transnational cooperation, the organisation and coordination of common initiatives on standards and testing procedures, and the establishment of common education and training. • Identification of the highest priority research topics in the field of integration and the formation of appropriate realisation schemes.
The preparation for the transition from conventional to future grid management requires an interdisciplinary approach involving research, industry, utilities and consumers, and taking into account technical as well as socio-economic and regulatory issues. There are four running and seven completed projects supported by the European Commission and dealing with the integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Distributed Generation (DG). In order to concentrate efforts and maximise critical mass, these projects were bundled into a research cluster in January 2002. This cluster represents more than 100 participating institutions from research, industry and utility sectors, all contributing to this common activity. The object of the IRED coordinated action (CA) is to extend existing cluster activities in such a way as to achieve real added-value by mobilising research which will be a major contribution to the ERA. This extension will be realised by the inclusion of forthcoming projects supported by FP7, national and regional activities.
Project Information Contract number 503770
Duration 48 months
Contact person Prof. Dr. Juergen Schmid Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik
[email protected]
List of partners
Project Structure
CIDAE – ES Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR ECN – NL EnerSearch AB – SE Fundacion Labein – ES Iberdrola SA – ES Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik – DE MVV Energie AG – DE National Technical University of Athens – GR Tekes National Technology Agency – FI
The coordination will be implemented in the following manner: • Establishment of an expert group covering important cross-cutting areas such as power quality, etc. • Formation of a group of contact persons for national, regional and international policy and programme makers and for programme managers.
• Establishment of a comprehensive data and information exchange system, including the of an internet-based communication platform realisation of links to relevant national, is realised in WP 8. regional and international electronic infor• Lastly, the overall CA project coordination is mation systems. performed in WP 9 and conferences, work• Organisation of conferences and workshops shops and exchange with experts will be on an international and European level. organised in WP 10.
Project officer Manuel Sánchez Jiménez
Status ongoing
• Exchange of personnel and joint supervision All work packages are active during the full of theses and PhD work by the participating running period of the project. institutions. • Production, exchange and dissemination of Expected Results education material and good practice for By increasing dynamic in research and the higher education. transformation of the current electricity grid • Organisation of regular cluster coordination into an interactive one, multiple benefits can be expected such as the creation of innovative meetings. products by European industry which in turn will • Identification and integration of forthcoming lead to increased exports. Also, the realisation of relevant projects and activities into the cluster. an (electronic) e-energy market will ensure very The work has been divided into work packages much higher flexibility in matching supply and which ensure that the most important elements demand, and will thus allow a higher integration rate of RES and DG into the electricity grid. of the CA are covered, namely: • Power quality and security of supply are the scientific and technological issues dealt with in the cluster projects in WP 1, together with the bridging to the IST/ICT world which is regarded to be most important for the successful development of RES and DG in WP 2.
With regard to the substantial increase of renewable energy supply stated in the White Book of the European Commission, the coordinated action provides the infrastructure necessary for the realisation of the targets stated in this White Book.
• The internal communication inside the cluster projects is organised in WP 3 laboratory experiments and WP 4 pilot installations, whereas communication with actors outside Europe is managed by WP 6. WP 5 highlights the socio-economic and environmental issues. First steps for the future harmonisation of national and regional policies and programmes are coordinated by WP 7, and the setting-up
Finally, increased economies in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity will lead to more attractive energy prices for the benefit of all, from industry to the private consumer.
Advanced Architectures and Control Concepts for More Microgrids
OBJECTIVES The operation of microgrids offers distinct advantages to customers and utilities, i.e. improved energy efficiency, minimisation of overall energy consumption, reduced environmental impact, improvement of reliability and resilience, network operational benefits, and more cost-efficient electricity infrastructure replacement. This project aims at the increase of penetration of microgeneration in electrical networks through the exploitation and extension of the microgrids concept, involving the investigation of alternative microgenerator control strategies and alternative network designs, development of new tools for multi-microgrids management operation (involving Distribution Management System architectures and new software adaptation), and standardisation of technical and commercial protocols.
Project Structure
Research within the FP5 Project MICROGRIDS (ENK5-CT-2002-00610), which focused on the operation of a single microgrid, has successfully investigated appropriate control techniques and demonstrated the feasibility of microgrid operation through laboratory experiments. The proposed project extends this work significantly, aiming to face the following challenges:
The work is organized in eight work packages:
• Investigation of new microgenerators, energy storage and load controllers to provide effective and efficient operation of microgrids. • Development of alternative control strategies (centralised versus decentralised control, application of next generation ICT). • Alternative network designs (application of modern protection means, modern solid-state interfaces, operation at variable frequencies). • Technical and commercial integration of multi-microgrids (interface of several microgrids with upstream distribution management systems, operation of decentralised markets for energy and ancillary services).
WP A Design of micro source and load controllers for efficient integration The main objective of this WP is to develop microcontrollers for micro sources and loads capable of providing more efficient voltage and frequency control in the event of islanded operation. These controllers will deal efficiently with frequency variations during transitions from interconnected to islanded operation. Moreover, the microcontroller software will be enhanced with local agents, able to handle participation of the ‘microplayers’ in energy markets in a highly decentralised approach.
WP B and WP C Development of Alternative Control Strategies (hierarchical vs. distributed) The objective of this WP is to develop control strategies based on centralised and fully distributed technologies and compare them with each other. The large opportunities provided by the wide application of next-generation ICT technologies, especially communications infrastructure, will be investigated.
• Extensive field trials of alternative control strategies (experimental validation of various microgrid architectures in interconnected and islanded mode and during transition, testing of power electronics components and interfaces and of alternative control strategies on WP D Technical and Commercial actual sites).
Integration of Multi-Microgrids
• Standardisation of technical and commercial protocols and hardware (standards that will The integration of several microgrids in MV allow easy installation of micro source gen- operation then needs to be carefully investigated in terms of electrical interactions, considering erators with plug and play capabilities). the operational and physical restrictions of these • Impact on power system operation (quantiactive cells, either in terms of normal steadyfication of the benefits of microgrids regarding state operation or for emergency conditions. increase of reliability, reduction of network losses, environmental benefits, etc. at regional, WP E Standardisation of Technical and national and EU level). • Impact on the development of electricity network infrastructures (quantification of the benefits of microgrids for the overall network reinforcement and replacement strategy of the aging EU electricity infrastructure).
Commercial Protocols and Hardware The main objective of this WP is to propose standards that will allow easy installation of micro sources with ‘plug and play’ capabilities. Research will deal with standardisation of interfaces between the microgenerator and the distribution network. Moreover, research will consider protocols for
Project Information Contract number 019864
Duration 48 months
Contact person Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
[email protected]
List of partners negotiating sales and purchase of electrical energy • Develop a microgrids evolution roadmap, and ancillary services, access to networks, comincluding electricity infrastructure replacement municating status and control data between scenarios. components of the system, and dealing with • Quantify the overall benefits of microgrids in faults and abnormal conditions, etc. typical EU electricity systems, and develop overall business models for microgrids.
WP F Field trials on actual Microgrids The main objective of this WP is the experimental Expected Results validation of various actual microgrids in different • Experimental validation of microgrid architecoperating modes. In particular, operation in intertures in interconnected and islanded mode, as connected and islanded mode and the transition well as during transition. from interconnected to islanded mode and vice versa will be experimented. The centralised and • Development and experimental validation of alternative control concepts and algorithms decentralised control strategies developed within in actual microgrids. WP B will be evaluated on a number (three) of actual microgrids. The candidate microgrids • Development and testing of distributed represent rural LV networks and industrial or generation and load-intelligent controllers commercial networks. (power electronic interfaces).
WP G Evaluation of the System Performance on Power System Operation
• Development and testing of storage technology systems able to support microgrid operation during transition to islanded mode.
The main objective of this WP is to quantify the • Development of advanced protection hardware microgrids’ benefits regarding power quality and and algorithms, as well as solid-state network security of supply, reduction of losses, economics components of microgrids. of operation and environmental benefits at the regional, national, and European levels. To achieve • Development of control and management algothis, participating utilities will provide data on rithms for their effective operation and for representative residential, commercial and interfacing them with the upstream distribution industrial feeders, like economics and reliability management system. of supply. The advantages of wide deployment of • Quantified evaluation of the microgrids’ effects microgrids will be quantified using established on power system operation at regional, national and new software tools. Results will be projected and projected EU levels. at the regional, national and if possible European levels, providing quantified data for policy making decisions.
Anco S.A. – GR ABB Schweiz AG – CH ARMINES – FR Centro Elettrotechnico Sperimentale Italiano – IT CRES – GR Eltra amba – DK Emforce B.V – NL Energias de Portgual S.A. – PT Germanos S.A. – GR Fundacion Labein – ES Institute de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto – PT Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik – DE Intelligent Power Systems a division of Turbo Genset Co Ltd – GB Lodz-Region Power Distribution Company – PL MVV Energie AG – DE National Technical University of Athens – GR N.V. Continuon Netbeheer – NL Siemens AG – DE SMA Technologie AG – DE University of Lodz – PL University of Manchester – GB ZIV Pmas C S.L. – ES
Project officer Manuel Sanchez Jimenez
Status ongoing
WP H Impact on the Development of Electricity Infrastructures (Expansion Planning) The overall aim of this WP is to quantify the impact of a widespread deployment of microgrids on the future replacement and investment strategies of the EU transmission and distribution infrastructures. Specific objectives of this task are to: • Develop representative models of transmission and distribution networks and evaluation tools to quantify the ability of microgrids to displace Typical microgrid transmission and distribution network assets.
Combined UPS, Power Quality and Grid Support Function in a Photovoltaic Inverter for Weak Low Voltage Grids
OBJECTIVES The purpose of this project is to prevent power quality events and networks weakening, by decreasing the impact of PV generation on the grid, by providing grid support on demand via special demand side management or via injection on the grid, using the energy provided by a storage unit included in the SoS-PV inverter. With its unique functionalities, the SoS-PV inverter will allow PV integration by moving away from the present ‘connect and forget’ situation where DER resources are connected to the grid without taking care of their impact on it.
The liberalisation of the electricity market, combined with the international pressure to reduce CO2 emissions, has led to new architectures for future electricity networks with a large penetration of distributed energy resources, in particular from renewable sources. But the integration of distributed energy resources for the time being is performed in such a way that their intermittency impacts strongly on the grids, and this leads to increasing concerns in terms of power quality and of security of supply for end-users. Reciprocally, poor power quality from the grid impacts on the PV systems and leads to losses of production: moreover this impacts on the enduser, his production, services and comfort.
WP 5, the integration and validation of the global PV inverter will be undertaken. WP 6 is the place for field validation of the SoS-PV inverter. In WP 7, the life cycle analysis is performed and the life cycle cost calculated. In WP 8, further functionalities of the SoS-PV inverter are defined, while WP 9 deals with the day-to-day management of the consortium.
Project Structure
• To prove that the SoS-PV inverter is less than 30% more expensive than conventional PV inverters (excepting storage components) and has a low environmental impact and high energy efficiency, maximising PV production in comparision to conventional PV inverters.
Expected Results The results of the project will be: • To validate the SoS-PV inverter on five prototypes, which will then be available for demonstration systems.
In order to reach the objective, the work to be performed within SoS-PVI has been divided into nine work packages. In WP 1, the precise technical and non-technical characteristics are defined. In WP 2, the design of the inverter will be completed • To study the feasibility of additional funcand all functions will be developed. In WP 3, the tionalities e.g. for integration in virtual power storage systems will be integrated, using the best plants. existing technologies. Within WP 4, a demand side management function will be developed. In • To identify barriers to the exploitation of the full benefits of the SoS-PV inverter.
WP1: Requirements and functional specifications
WP 9: Management of the project
The second major purpose of the SoS-PV inverter project will be to protect the end-user from short and long duration faults by virtue of its voltage regulation and UPS function. The UPS function is based on lithium-ion technology or on hybrid systems combining the lead-acid technology with supercaps.
WP 7: Life cycle cost and life cycle analysis
Security of Supply PhotoVoltaic Inverter
WP2: Design of multi - functional PV inverter
WP3: Integration of innovative storage systems
WP 4: Demand si de management
WP 5: Implementation and validation of the SoS - PV inverter
WP 6: Field tests and efficiency optimisation
WP 8: Further functionalities and integration in a virtual power plant
Project Information Contract number 019883
Duration 36 months
Contact person Marion PERRIN Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to Date The first deliverable was produced: this includes a market study with collection of data on weak grids in Europe (load profiles, grid quality) and an estimation of market potential for small-scale distributed generation and grid stabilisation systems in Europe, especially considering power and storage capacity provided. This report also includes identification of possible impact and barriers for implementation of an SoS-PV inverter, in particular regulation issues. From the study of the national load profiles on the electricity network and of the irradiation curves, it is clear that, to reach a high penetration of PV energy, it will be necessary to delay the injection to peak-load periods. The next figure shows the profile of real consumption (data presented as % of simultaneity of the MV-LV transformer), as well as simulation of the consumption with 10, 20 and 30% PV penetration and the average value of the daily consumption in the three scenarios. The load profile is representative of a mixed urban area with households and small businesses, during a winter day, in Spain.
Three types of scenarios were taken into account: • Short-term market with immediate need of security of supply for the installation
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – FR Enersys – PL Maxwell – CH SAFT – FR Skytron-Energy – DE Tramatechnoambiental – ES
• Medium- to long-term market with flexible pricing and variable feed-in tariffs
• Medium- to long-term market with grid support and injection from the PV system as soon as load is 20% above daily average.
Dana Dutianu
Project officer Status ongoing
For these three markets, the PV array, inverter and storage sizes are presented below:
Short term
Long term: grid support
Long term: real-time pricing
PV array size (kWp)
Inverter size (kW)
Storage size (kWh)
Real consumption
Average real
10% PV penetration
Average 10% penetration
20% PV penetration
Average 20% PV penetration
30% PV penetration
Average 30% PV penetration
0 00:00
Day hours
Load curve in an urban area in Spain: real, with 10 to 30% PV penetration and average on the day (NB: diagram ‘Real’, no accent)
Socio-economic Tools and Concepts for Energy Strategy
Economic and Environmental Assessment of Energy Production and Consumption..............................................................................................................
CASES ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
MAXIMA ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
NEEDS ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Social Acceptability, Behavioural Changes and International Dimension related to Sustainable Energy RTD .............
CREATE ACCEPTANCE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
LETIT ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
RECIPES .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
REMAP ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
RTD4EDC ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Cost Assessment for Sustainable Energy Systems
OBJECTIVES The CASES project aims at compiling coherent and detailed estimates of both external and internal costs of energy production for different energy sources at the national level for the EU25 Countries and for some non-EU Countries under energy scenarios to 2030. Hence, private and external costs are integrated within one dynamic framework, to arrive at agreed ranges of estimates for different countries of the full cost of each energy source, including the external cost and the private cost. Policy options for improving the efficiency of energy use will be evaluated, taking account of full cost data. Moreover, the social and fiscal implications of a given policy measure, especially on poor and vulnerable groups, will be assessed. Research findings will be disseminated to energy-sector producers and users and to the policy-making community.
Challenges This project intends to develop a consistent and comprehensive picture of the full cost of energy, and to make this crucial knowledge available to all stakeholders. A complete and consistent assessment of the full cost of energy sources, which includes the external cost plus the private cost, is of paramount importance for energy and environmental policy-making. Energy policymaking is concerned with both the supply side and the demand side of energy provision. On the energy supply side, deciding on alternative investment options requires the knowledge of the full cost of each energy option under scrutiny. On the demand side, social welfare maximisation should lead to the formulation of energy policies that steer consumers’ behaviour in a way that will result in the minimisation of costs imposed on society as a whole. Demand side policies can benefit significantly from the incorporation of full energy costs in the corresponding policy formulation process. The geographical dimension is also important since environmental damage from energy production crosses national borders. Moreover the EU enlargement process and the liberalisation of energy markets have highlighted the importance of a systematic harmonisation process, in which cost formation mechanisms and pricesetting must become transparent and reflect the total, real costs of energy provision across the continent and beyond. In turn, this requires the adoption of a common set of methods and values. Hence a consistent set of energy costs allows a better understanding of the international dimensions of policy decisions in these areas. Naturally, differences in estimates exist between countries, sources of energy, and technology used in the generation of the energy. But the present state of knowledge is disparate and some gains can be made by clarifying when and where particular estimates can be applied. Moreover, costs are dynamic. The private costs and the external costs are changing with time, as technologies develop, knowledge about the impact of energy use on the environment increases, and individual preferences for certain environmental and other values change. Perhaps, the least well and least systematically covered area of external cost is that related to energy security. Even within one country, estimates of
the energy security costs of different types of energy remain somewhat elusive. A common methodology has not been applied to derive estimates for a range of countries. Yet this is a major area of policy debate, and key decisions are being taken to increase energy security and reduce dependence on foreign sources. Therefore, without undertaking primary research in terms of data collection, the project devotes significant resources to applying existing models across a range of countries and arriving at a common set of estimates of the costs of energy insecurity, as defined by a common set of parameters.
Project structure This project builds on the formidable amount of research that has been done on measuring the full costs of the use of different energy sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. The internal costs, the private costs and the full cost are calculated and analysed in seven inter-linked work packages that evaluate, compare and harmonise the system costs associated with alternative energy technologies, covering exhaustively the whole range of relevant production, social and environmental costs involved. The project focuses on cost-benefit and multicriteria decision analysis, and makes a set of projections of energy demand by energy source and country. To this end, it uses existing models for estimating such demand and adapts them so that they are responsive to different projections about the prices that suppliers receive and the prices that users pay. These are critical to the policy analysis, which is investigated in four work packages that evaluate the effectiveness of alternative policy instruments in internalising social and environmental external costs, and the degree of integration of these costs into policy and investment decision-making. For this activity to be of practical benefit, the assessment is carried out with energy suppliers as part of the team, so that real-world problems of applying the different instruments are reflected in the evaluation. This means that the hidden costs of implementation of policy – the adoption of new rules and regulations by the different actors – are reflected in the analysis.
Project Information Contract number 518294
Duration 30 months
Contact person Roberto Porchia Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei
[email protected]
List of partners
More in detail, the policy assessment will go through the following steps. The comparative cost data is used to address a set of clearly defined goals for policy analysis. The political analysis investigates the comparative assessment of investment and operational costs of different energy options, taking account of private costs only and of private plus external costs. This assessment is dynamic and will provide the implications of different levels of internalisation on investment decisions and on key social indicators. Moreover the political analysis includes the impact of the use of different methods of decision-making on the selection of projects, the implications of different policies on reducing energy insecurity, now and over time, and the implications of different taxes/charges on energy and/or emissions on the degree of internalisation and the comparative cost comparisons, now and in the future. Different instruments to promote renewable energy sources are then compared in terms of the degree to which they internalise the positive externalities associated with renewable energy use, and the use of externality-based taxes for internalising externalities is compared to the effectiveness of emissions trading instruments.
outputs. These activities range from publication of articles in the peer-reviewed literature, project workshops and conferences involving key stakeholders and policy makers, seminars and the presentation of key results at additional meetings, presentations and open discussions with energy producers and user organisations, and the setting up of a dedicated web site for CASES. (See Diagram annexed)
Expected results
The expected results will feature best predictions about the evolution of private and external costs – including energy security cost – of major technologies for generating energy, from different sources, in different countries, over the next 25 years. CASES puts particular effort into the integration of private and external costs within one dynamic framework, as well as into an estimation of the state of knowledge and the gaps that remain in cost estimation, through a full assessment across EU and non-EU countries. The project intends to ensure that the adoption of externality valuation methods is systematically extended to newly associated and EU candidate countries as well as to other countries beyond the current EU, and that the availability and quality of The third part of the project is devoted to datasets are brought as close to par as possible. dissemination. Once they have been evaluated This approach therefore ensures that different and brought into a coherent framework, the local conditions are accounted for. results of the different components of the project are of great interest to the energy sector A comparative cost analysis, which includes producers and users, as well as the policy-making social and environmental factors, is developed community. Dissemination consists of a set of for present and future energy generation alteractivities to validate and disseminate the project natives. In this perspective, a set of clearly defined policy objectives is addressed using the cost data. Policy issues are explored in a dynamic context to provide a comparative assessment of the policy analysis across different countries. In addition the project intends to look at how much of the external costs each policy option internalises, using a broad set of variables of interest. The project also underlines the greatest uncertainties and indicates where future research effort should be concentrated. Finally the success of the project is assessed in terms of the acceptability of the estimated energy costs by the scientific and policy communities and by the use made of these costs in a policy context.
Centre for European Policy Studies - BE Charles University of Prague - CZ CIEMAT - ES ECN - NL ECON Analysis AS - NO Energy Agency of Plovdiv - BG Energy Research Institute - CA Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei - IT Free University of Amsterdam - NL Fundação COPPETEC - BR Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad - IN Istituto di Studi per l’Integrazione dei Sistemi - IT Lithuanian Energy Institute - LT National Technical University of Athens - GR Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie - FR Paul Scherrer Institute - CH Risoe National Laboratory - DK Stockholm Environment Institute - SE SWECO Grøner as - NO TUBITAK - TR University of Bath - GB University of Flensburg - DE University of Stuttgart - DE University of Wageningen - NL University of Warsaw - PL VITO – BE
Website not available yet
Project officer Anna Gigantino
Status of the project ongoing
Making Electricity External Costs Known to Policy-makers
OBJECTIVES Quantification of externalities from electricity production has made considerable progress; however, internalisation of external costs has not been implemented broadly, due to a lack of information on the concept and its application as an aid to policy. Even though the impact pathway approach (IPA) developed in ExternE (Externalities of Energy) is accepted as the best way to calculate energy external costs, results show considerable uncertainties and variations with different basic assumptions in certain areas. The scientific task of reducing uncertainties is currently addressed in several projects; identifying the assumptions to be used for decisions, however, requires consensus with stakeholders. The main objective of this project was to translate and present the concept of externalities, the quantification approach and results outside the scientific community. Furthermore, it was the aim to initiate a discussion of the pros and cons among representatives of the energy industry, policy-makers and NGOs in order to reach a consensus on methodology and values.
Challenges The overall objectives of the MAXIMA project were to translate and present the ExternE (Externalities of Energy) quantification approach and ExternE estimates for power-sector externalities outside the scientific community, and to improve the applicability and acceptance of the ExternE methodology and results.
Project Structure In the first step a concept for internalisation of external costs of electricity production was developed, identifying optimal internalisation strategies. External cost values as required by the internalisation instruments were calculated with the impact pathway approach, based on the latest scientific knowledge. This included the synthesis and comparison of existing results on the external costs of energy in the European Union, both in the EU15 and new member states. A principal means for disseminating and discussing the ExternE methodology and results was the hosting of a number of workshops at which representatives of the energy industry, NGOs and the policy-making community could meet with the ExternE team to express reservations and make suggestions regarding methodology, values and potential internalisation instruments. The discussions centred on three stakeholder workshops arranged progressively. Workshop discussions were documented, with efforts to identify areas of consensus as well as those where agreement could not be reached or where issues were open-ended. The first workshop took place in Krakow, 28 February – 1 March 2005, with participants predominantly from the new member states of the European Union. The second workshop, held in Paris 10-11 May 2005, brought together participants from industry
and NGOs, predominantly from Western Europe. The third workshop, held in Brussels, 14 September 2005, was oriented to participants who had attended one of the previous workshops, in order to build on previous discussions. A final symposium summarising results for policy-makers as well as other stakeholders was held on 9 December 2005 in Brussels, and was attended by more than 130 people from all relevant stakeholder groups.
Results Questions, concerns and comments received at the workshops and associated exchanges with stakeholders were compiled, summarised and analysed, together with responses from the ExternE team. The overall impression was that those who attended the workshops valued the ExternE method, and had already found it or its results useful or, especially for participants from new member states, were very interested in using ExternE or its results. The concerns and reservations expressed were less about shortcomings of the method or disputes about assumptions made, although there were some of these. Rather, questions were raised about the practical applicability of the method and results in policy-making, the representativeness of results, as well as reservations about uncertainty, monetisation and completeness relative to what information was considered important to the environmental policymaking process. Many of the comments and questions expressed by stakeholders during the workshops related to the use and interpretation of ExternE results in a real-world policy context, as opposed to the more technical aspects of the ExternE method and results. The translation between the ExternE method and results ‘in
Project Information Contract number 502480
Duration 20 months
Contact person Dr. Peter Bickel University of Stuttgart
[email protected]
List of partners the laboratory’ and policy implementation is, not surprisingly, an area of intense interest to stakeholders. Applied policy interpretation, and policy analysis in general, is outside the classic methodology purview of the ExternE team, but clearly important to the project’s ultimate goals.
It can be concluded that MAXIMA provided a better accepted scientific methodology for implementing electricity external costs in European policy, as well as a set of external cost estimates which is broadly accepted. The results of the project are documented on the website of the ExternE project series (
The discussions helped reveal a few areas where ExternE’s role could be clarified, highlighted some points on which the ExternE Progress to Date method or results drew controversy or discomfort, The project is terminated. and identified some topics in which participants thought more research or effort would be useful.
Association pour la Recherche et le Dévelopement des Méthodes et Processus Industriels – FR Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta SpA – IT Electricité de France – FR Energy for Sustainable Development Ltd – GB Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment – BE HELIO International – FR University of Bath – GB University of Hamburg – DE University of Stuttgart – DE
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status terminated
New Energy Externalities Developments for Sustainability
OBJECTIVES The ultimate objective of the NEEDS Integrated Project is to evaluate the full costs and benefits (i.e. direct + external) of energy and environmental policies and of future energy systems, both at the level of individual countries and for the enlarged EU as a whole. In this context NEEDS refines and develops the externalities valuation methodology already set up in the ExternE project through an ambitious attempt to develop, implement and test an original framework of analysis with the aim of assessing the long-term sustainability of energy technology options and policies.
Project Structure
NEEDS entails major advancements in the current The NEEDS Integrated Project is structured as state of knowledge in the areas of: a series of Research Streams (RS), each addressing a specific area of research. Besides RS integration, • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of energy technothe Streams can be grouped in three main ‘blocks’: logies. • Monetary valuation of environmental (and Enhancements in energy externalities other) externalities associated with energy RS 1a LCA of new energy technologies production, transport, conversion and use. • Integration of LCA and externalities information RS 1b into energy and environment policy formulation and scenario building. RS 1c • Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), to examine the robustness of the proposed RS 1d technological solutions in view of stakeholder preferences.
New and improved methods to estimate the external costs of energy conversion Externalities associated with the extraction and transport of energy Extension of the geographical coverage of the current knowledge of energy externalities
Based on the current state-of-the-art, achieving such advancements calls for a sizeable innovation Development of long term strategies effort in a number of research fields, including: RS 2a Modelling internalisation strategies, • The analysis of new energy technology including scenario building options and, in general, of renewable energy technologies for which the current LCA RS 2b Energy Technology Roadmap and Stakeholder Perspectives knowledge is insufficient. • The development of new and improved tools for the monetary valuation of externalities of Input to policy making and dissemination energy, targeting major innovation at several RS 3a Transferability and generalisation stages of the Impact Pathway Approach (IPA). RS 3b Dissemination/communication. • The development of a consistent and robust analytical platform allowing one to integrate the full range of information and data on LCA and external costs into a pan-European modelling framework, and to build scenarios for future European energy system. The full benefits of the Integrated Project will be achieved only through a dedicated effort aimed at integrating the activities taking place within each research field, in line with the following scheme:
Project Information Contract number 502687
Duration 48 months
Contact Person Mr Andrea Ricci Institut of Studies for the Integration of Systems
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected Results The main result of the NEEDS project will be the provision of accurate quantitative measurements of the absolute values of external costs associated with the energy cycle: these can then be used to determine the appropriate level of regulation, performance standards, taxation, etc. in the policy-making process. Moreover NEEDS devotes a significant amount of resources to ensuring that the adoption of externality valuation methods is systematically extended to the new EU Member States and to the Mediterranean countries, and that the availability and quality of datasets are brought up to par. Also, modelling, internalisation strategies and long-term scenarios will cover at least ten individual countries outside the borders of the EU15. Complementary but no less important research streams will provide a mapping of the sensitivity of sustainability performance of the energy technology options, explore the stakeholder perspectives on assessed external costs, and assess the transferability of results as well as generalisation issues. Finally, the dissemination activities, and in particular a series of Policy Workshops and Fora staged in different countries and regions, will highlight how externalities could deepen the discussion of energy policy issues by interacting with a wider audience beyond the expert level.
Progress to Date Overall, the IP workplan has so far proceeded according to plan, resulting in a large number of Deliverables and Technical Papers already issued, notably including: • A series of reports on the technical specifications of future energy technologies, paving the way for a full LCA of these technologies. • A report on innovative methodologies for the valuation of externalities associated with the loss of biodiversity. • The specification of energy models for all countries covered by the NEEDS project. • The identification of social criteria to be used for the assessment of stakeholder acceptance. • Reports and technical papers on a variety of innovative issues such as: • Air pollution from indoor sources • Advancements in the monetary valuation of mortality • Hydrogen as an energy carrier, and many others.
Ambiente Italia srl - IT Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - GR Armines - FR Atomic Energy Research Institute - HU Autonomous University of Barcelona - ES Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) - BE Centre for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania - RO Centre de Documentation de Recherche et d’experimentation sur les pollutions accidentelles des Eaux (CEDRE) - FR Centre de Developpement des Energies Renouvelables - MA Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano - IT Chalmers University of Technology - SE Charles University Prague - CZ CIEMAT - ES CNRS - FR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - IT CRES - GR DLR - DE Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie - TN Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - CH E-CO Tech - NO Econcept AG Forschung Beratung Projektmanagement - CH Electricité de France - FR Elsam A/S - DK ESU-services Rolf Frischknecht - CH Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei - IT Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FHG-ISI) - DE Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment - BE HELIO - FR Icelandic New Energy Ltd - IS Institute of Occupational Medicine - GB Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS) - IT Institut fur Energie und Umweltforschung - DE Institut fur Umweltinformatik - DE International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - AT Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia - IT István University - HU Jozef Stefan Institute - SI JRC - ES Kanlo Consultants - FR Lithuanian Energy Institute - LT Meteorologisk Institutt - NO New and Renewable Energy Authority - EG National Technical University of Athens - GR Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie - FR Paul Scherrer Institut - CH PROFING, s.r.o - SK Risoe National Laboratory - DK Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Center - EE Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich - CH Tallin University of Technology - EE Torino University of Technology - IT University of Antwerp - BE University of Bath - GB University of Hamburg - DE University of National and World Economy - BG University of Neuchâtel - CH University of Newcastle upon Tyne - GB University of Paris - FR University of Stuttgart - DE VITO - BE VTT - FI
Project Officer Anna Gigantino
Status ongoing
Potential of and Barriers to Large-scale Integration of Renewable Electricity and Co-generation into Energy Supplies in the Central European New Member States
OBJECTIVES The objectives are to enhance large-scale integration of renewable electricity and co-generation with energy supplies in Central European new member states (NMS) by identifying particular difficulties and drawbacks of the large-scale integration of renewable energies and defining areas for further research. Another objective is to increase participation of the Central European new member states’ energy market participants in the European Framework Programmes, by building consortia for further projects in these programmes and providing feedback to the EU on potential partners for future consortia and interesting research questions.
Challenges The Accession Treaty, on the basis of Directive also caused by the lack of well-established 2001/77/EC and 2004/8/EC, obliges the NMS policies optimised to local conditions. governments to increase their renewable electricity Discussing and defining major NMS problems share from 12.5% in 1997 to 18.13% in 2010 on in the field of large-scale renewable energy average and to actively promote co-generation. integration with energy systems, and transTo reach this ambitious goal, these countries will lating this into potential research themes, will have to focus on higher utilisation of renewable be a valuable asset to elaborating a strategy energy sources potential, large-scale integration for overcoming area-specific barriers. of renewable electricity sources (RES-E), and • Problem 2: Inadequate participation of the co-generation from renewable energy sources CE-NMS energy stakeholders in the EU (RES) in energy supplies. During realisation of Framework Programmes this target, the NMS may encounter difficulties of Stakeholders from Central European NMS a technical, financial, policy and socio-economic research centres are not adequately reprenature, characteristic of economies in transition. sented in the international research commuA number of problems are common to all Central nity. In this way, problems occurring in these European NMS: countriesI in the field of large-scale integra• Problem 1: Insufficient development of largetion of RES-E and co-generation in national scale integration of renewable energy sources systems are not properly addressed. and co-generation in energy supplies Such problems may arise not only from Project Structure different economic and technical circumstances The project activities and its aims are presented in the countries of the CEE region, in compain the figure below: rison to the EU15 Member States, but can be
Elaborating joint methodology Report on regional energy policies
Description of the state-of the art in energy markets in Central European NMS
Seminars un Central European Countries
Definition of barriers for large-scale RES-E and RES co-generation development
Report on problerms and barriers
Definition of potential research areas and questions
General conference
Discussion on the most important research problems and building consilia
Enhancement of large-scale RES-E and co-generation integration into energy supplies in NMS
Increase of participation of energy market participants from NMS in research framework programmes
Project Information Contract number 510325
Duration 15 months
Contact person Maria Szweykowska-Muradin Ecofys Polska
[email protected]
List of Partners
Expected Results • Identifying problems related to large-scale • Creating a database of potential researchers, implementation of RES-E and renewable partners and stakeholders in future EU co-generation in the Central European NMS. Framework Programmes; including research questions which have to be addressed in • Defining areas of further research under EU future research. Framework Programmes. • Providing feedback to the European Commission • Activating energy sector’s stakeholders to about the needs for further research. participate in research projects. • Creating networks for developing future common projects for EU programmes.
Ecofys - NL Ecofys Polska - PL Ekodoma - LV Energy Centre Bratislava - SK Enviros - CZ Stockholm Environmental Institute, Tallin Centre - EE Lithuanian Energy Institute - LT Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe - HU University of Ljubljana - SI
Project officer
Progress to Date
Barry Robertson
State of progress
Elaborating joint methodology
Joint methodology
Reporting on regional policies regarding renewable electricity and co-generation
• 8 overview reports • 1 summary report
Overview report on EU tools and policies and a list of CE-NMS relevant projects
1 report
8 meetings of experts in the area of renewable energy and co-generation
Expert meeting took place from September 2005 to November 2005
8 Seminars in Central European NMS
Seminars took place October 2005 February 2006
The website is being periodically updated
Database of researchers and research areas
Database is created, inclusion of entries is ongoing
Database on project website
Reporting on problems and barriers
In preparation
International conference (19-20 June 2006, Warsaw, Poland)
In preparation
Status ongoing
More information at
Assessing and Promoting the Societal Acceptance of Energy Innovations: Towards a New Multi-stakeholder Tool
OBJECTIVES The project aims at assessing a previously developed tool (Socrobust) for its suitability in contributing to societal acceptance of RES and RUE technologies by mapping its potential and limitations. It will determine the key elements of societal acceptance of RES and RUE technologies by assessing (recent and past) societal acceptance of such technologies in several European regions. The Socrobust tool platform will be enhanced as a multi-stakeholder tool by integrating knowledge gained in the first two objectives, and by designing the necessary instruments and procedures. The multi-stakeholder tool will be validated in five selected demonstration projects, covering a wide range of RES and RUE technologies as well as various regions of Europe. The preliminarily selected demonstration projects are a hydrogen project in the Nordic countries, a biomass project in Eastern Europe, CCS in Western Europe, a wind project in Hungary and a solar thermal project in the Mediterranean region.
Project structure
The current understanding of social processes affecting the (non-)acceptance of renewable energy technologies (RES) and rational use of energy (RUE) is limited. Project managers often assume that stakeholders will adopt and adapt to the innovation without resistance. In practice, however, stakeholders such as users, NGOs or local public authorities might have different (and possibly conflicting) visions of the innovation and of the future world where the innovation will apply. If these diverging views are neglected, project implementation may face severe societal resistance in the implementation phase. So there is a need for empirically based analytical research to provide a better understanding of the complex interactions between stakeholders.
The project is divided in five work packages:
WP 1: assessing Socrobust WP 1 aims at critically reviewing Socrobust and deciding which aspects need further improvement and adjustment in order to assess and promote societal acceptance of RES and RUE technologies. WP 1 delivers conclusions on how to modify the Socrobust tool.
WP 2: historical and recent stakeholder attitudes WP 2 aims to do empirical research on social processes shaping the (non-)application of new energy technologies at a local/regional level. The goal is to provide a better understanding of these processes in specific European regions. Experiences gained from past participation and communication efforts are analysed in detail. On the basis of this analysis, earlier successes and failures are identified so that lessons can be drawn from those experiences. The empirical results enable (together with the results from WP 1) the development of a regional specific multi-stakeholder tool. WP 2 delivers a compendium of best practices for managing societal acceptance of RES and RUE technologies in the energy sector.
The project CREATE ACCEPTANCE aims to improve the conditions for RES and RUE by developing a tool for assessing and promoting the societal acceptance of the related technologies. The project builds upon a prior EC-financed research project, Socrobust, that aimed at developing a tool to measure the social robustness of innovations in general. Socrobust provides technology developers with two maps in terms of users, producers, regulation, and science. One map visualises the present situation; the second map visualises the desired future world. On the basis of discrepancies between the two maps, the technology developer can start altering the innovation to fit the future world or focus on WP 3: tool development creating a more enabling context for the innovation, WP 3 integrates the results from WP 1 and WP 2. for example through changing institutions and The result will be a new multi-stakeholder tool. regulations. Several preliminary issues have already been Socrobust needs revision before it can be used identified as important for further adjustment: as a tool to assess and promote societal accept• Socrobust works well from an innovator’s ance of RES and RUE. More specifically, the tool perspective, but lacks the multi stakeholder needs to be enhanced from an innovator’s tool perspective necessary for the present project’s into a multi-stakeholder tool. focus on societal acceptance. For this purpose Socrobust is: • Socrobust does not provide instruments or strategies that might help align the future • Critically reviewed. visions of different stakeholders. One of the • Supplemented with recent insights from relevant strategies often mentioned in literature is early scientific fields such as large socio-technical stakeholder involvement. Another strategy is systems, system innovations and participatory experimenting in early niche markets. methods. • Applied to five demonstration projects covering several (renewable) energy technologies in various European regions.
Project Information Contract number 518351
Duration 34 months
Contact person Ruth Mourik Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands
[email protected]
List of partners Ecoinstitut - ES ECN - NL Hungarian Environmental Economics Centre – HU Icelandic New Energy – IS Institute for Applied Ecology – DE Institute of Renewable Energetic Ltd – PL National Consumer Research Centre – FI National Research Council on Firms and Development – IT University of Salford – GB University of Social Science, Toulouse – FR
Project officer Anna Gigantino
Status ongoing
Expected results • Different technologies usually are in very different development stages. In some cases the technology can still be shaped, whereas in other cases it's more about increasing acceptance for a pre-defined technology. These issues need to be addressed in the methodology.
The multi-stakeholder tool will become publicly available to energy managers, policy makers, technology developers, intermediary energy service providers, and other possible users after conclusion of the project. This will occur by providing the tool and information about the tool, including a manual, on the project website.
WP 4: tool application
Progress to date
The multi-stakeholder tool developed in WP 3 will be applied to five selected demonstration projects, taking into account the regional profiles. The preliminarily selected demonstration projects are a hydrogen project in the Nordic countries, a biomass project in Eastern Europe, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) in Western Europe, a wind project in Hungary and a solar thermal project in the Mediterranean region. The project partners will organise a multi-stakeholder process for each of these projects. In the final stage, this work package will evaluate and refine the multi-stakeholder tool after it has been applied to the demonstration projects.
The CREATE ACCEPTANCE project started 1 February 2006 and will run for two years. For up-to-date progress and results please visit
WP 5: project management WP5 involves project management and dissemination.
Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union
OBJECTIVES The main objective of the project is to carry out activities which will contribute to the integration of the research and technology development groups in the new member states (NMS) and associated candidate countries (ACC) and old member states in the area of future energy technologies. One of the general integration and structuring objectives of the proposal is to identify the best energy-sector research centres and potential industry and SME partners in the NMS and ACC open to new energy technologies, to define their profiles, strengths, weakness and needs, and to identify research and industry groups and experts in the old member states. The second objective is to improve knowledge in the NMS and ACC of the Framework Programmes, the participation rules and instruments, and to develop the skills needed for project preparation and management.
Challenges The main challenge of the project is to facilitate the participation of the NMS and ACC in the 6th Framework Programme and encourage participation in the 7th Framework Programme. The first specific challenge is to promote the European energy research priorities of clean energy production, distribution and use, and new energy technologies aimed at developing and increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources. It is also essential to make a significant contribution to the international effort of ensuring security of energy supply and conservation of the environment. The project should help in solving new MS and ACC energy problems, such as restructuring of an energy sector formerly based on coal, counteracting CO2 emissions and increasing dependence on imported fossil fuels, as well improving the efficiency of the generation, distribution and use of energy.
of promotion material is also essential as a support activity for the project.
One of the specific objectives of the proposal is to map the activities of the research groups in the ACC and MS working on future energy technologies and to establish international expert groups. Moreover, it is essential to organise a series of profiled regional infodays and seminars in the new MS and ACC, together with brokerage events for prospective newcomers to the Framework Programme. Finally there is the preparation and dissemination of training materials devoted to consortium building, partner searches, proposal preparation, project management, financial and contractual aspect by project website.
The second level is the scientific contribution to energy sector transformation in the NMS and ACC through decreasing the share of fossil fuels in the total balance of energy generation and increasing the use of renewable energy, improving energy efficiency and ensuring security of energy supply. This can also be done through stimulating the interest of research groups in the NMS and ACC in such not yet widely disseminated energy technologies as fuel cells and hydrogen. Moreover, the new concepts for reducing the costs of RES production and exploitation will be introduced.
Project Structure
Expected Results The strategic impact of the proposed project is at several levels. The first level is its contribution to the European Research Area by integrating and structuring energy research in the enlarged European Union. This will be achieved through the identification of research groups working in new and advanced energy technologies in the NMS and ACC, and classification of the target groups. Secondly, there is the mobilisation of the human and material resources in the area of new energy technologies in the NMS and ACC, and full integration of the research community in the field of new energy technologies in the enlarged European Union.
The third level is the contribution to solving environmental problems in Europe through the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants, in particular through CO2 capture and sequestration. Another expected result is to adopt fuel sources for energy generation that are neutral for the environment.
The project is divided into three work packages comprising eight tasks. Regional infodays, linked with brokerage events and associated with well established conferences, will be organised in the countries concerned. The events will help potential The fourth level is the contribution to the societal participants get off to a good start on FP7. and economic needs of the new members of the One of the support activities of the proposed EU through the indication of new forms and project, as defined in WP 1 and WP 2, is to map fields of employment in the new energy technoresearch groups in the NMS and ACC, and logies sector. A scientific contribution to the identify groups of experts in the old member analysis of societal acceptability for new energy states. Consequently, the international expert technologies is also envisaged. groups will have to be established by then. Moreover, three national infodays in Poland, the Finally there is the impact on gender issues, Slovak Republic and Romania will be organised foreseen in the participation of 15 women in the and a project website designed. The publication main project team.
Project Information Contract number 510417
Duration 34 months
Contact Person Andrzej Sławinski Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
List of partners
Progress to Date A database of research and industry institutions, organisations, small groups and persons acting in the area of new and advanced energy technologies in the NMS and ACC has been established. The main thematic sub-areas of the database are: hydrogen, fuel cells, photovoltaics, RES and other innovative ideas for energy generation, distribution, saving and storage. A second database features project experts – representatives of the Integrated Project and Network of Excellence in the area of Priority 6.1, or projects realised in the framework of FP5 and FP6 in the
field of new and advanced energy technologies. Moreover NCP Poland as a member of Network ‘Energy Future’ organised the scientific conference ‘Sustainable Energy Systems – New directions in production and use of energy’ in Zakopane, Poland (12-14 October 2005) which was a good tool for disseminating new data on technologies among the research community and a platform for the exchange of ideas. The conference was a successful contribution to the development of new energy systems.
ADEME - FR Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea - IT Austrian Research Promotion Agency - AT Enviros Consulting Ltd - GB Hungarian Science and Technology Foundation - HU Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences - PL Institute of Power Engineering - PL Institute of Power Studies and Design - RO Lithuanian Energy Institute - LT Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology - SI RTD Talos Ltd - CY Zvolen University of Technology - SK
Project officer Barry Robertson
Status ongoing
Local Clean Energy Technology Implementation
OBJECTIVES The main objective of LETIT has been to provide local authorities across Europe with a framework within which they can identify and assess the sustainable energy potential of the many assets that they are responsible for. Local authorities own, manage and control a wealth of resources that are not usually viewed in terms of sustainable energy, such as buildings, transport, land and waste. Such assets could potentially be developed to generate or provide a demand for clean energy and, by viewing them in this way, local authorities are well positioned to initiate projects that could bring social, economic and environmental benefits to themselves and their communities.
Challenges Sustainable energy uptake in Europe is not achieving the targets set either at a Community level or at a level targeted by most member states (MS) or the candidate accession states (CAS). Ten years after Rio (promoting local participation in sustainable development), with policy frameworks setting targets for renewable energy, combined heat and power, the rational use of energy with a major focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and with hundreds of millions in investment at a Community, MS and CAS level, Europe is not meeting its targets. While macroeconomic and Community, MS and CAS policies are necessary to promote investment in sustainable energy technologies and projects, they are not sufficient if local authorities, local communities, citizens, investors, developers and financiers are unable, for whatever reasons, to invest in and develop these projects. While research and development and pilot projects are necessary to set the path and the framework for investment, they are not sufficient to guarantee that key actors will adopt them and disseminate and commercialise them on a large scale. Developing a number of models and tools in the field of sustainable energy does not ensure their adoption by local authorities and local actors; such tools must be developed specifically for local level use, and must be replicable for a wide variety of different local communities throughout Europe, and not developed simply as one-off projects. One of the reasons for this is a basic lack of understanding of, and familiarity with, these technologies and tools at a local level. This is largely due to the fact that local authorities have not been engaged at nearly the level that Community and national leaders have in the discussions, the debates and demonstrations of these technologies and approaches. Secondly, specialists have dominated the scene, speaking in terms and using tools that are alien and unfamiliar to local authorities, local planners, local politicians and key local actors/stakeholders. This means that these approaches and technologies are often not understood or even known at a local level.
a sustainable energy standpoint by those promoting sustainable energy at a Community or national level. Moreover, financial and human resources to deal with their priorities are limited. Promoting sustainable energy in its own right, without demonstrating how sustainable energy addresses key local priorities, seems to local authorities as yet more burden for no understandable benefits. While energy is important in each of these areas – health, education, other social services, transport, waste management, etc. – few local authorities and their experts see the link between these services and the supply and management of energy in a unified framework or approach. The tools, models, frameworks and information to make such a link, and act upon it, hardly exist. This applies even more to sustainable energy, as it is even more removed, more alien, to local authorities and actors than conventional energy. Indeed, until local authorities and local actors fully engage in the process of valuing their sustainable energy assets and integrating them into their plans, and finally promote them in order to reduce their own and investors’ risks in developing them, there is no chance Europe will meet its targets.
Project Structure ESD was the project coordinator for a network of national project teams in four EU member states (UK, Portugal, Italy and Germany) and two candidate accession states (Poland and the Czech Republic). Each of those six country teams comprised one technical partner, at least one local authority, and at least one industry, investor or project developer partner with a strong energytechnology focus. The six country teams were led by technical partners, each of which is a company or institute with considerable experience with
Finally, and most importantly, local authorities have numerous priorities, particularly social priorities, from education to health, from public housing to public transport, from water provision to waste disposal that have not been addressed from
Project Information Contract number 502787
Duration 25 months
Contact person Hannah Isaac ESD Ltd
[email protected]
List of partners
local government, sustainable technologies and • Wide dissemination of the results and technology investment. the methodologies, frameworks and model developed during the project to as wide an The six country teams represented a range audience in Europe as possible. of geographic areas in Europe (including two candidate countries), differing sizes of local authority, and different levels of sustainable Progress to Date energy development. Each has been keen to Since the start of the project, the LETIT team has work on the project to enable them to identify carried out six work packages, the outputs of and categorise their local energy assets, examine which have been consolidated to form a single the options for developing each, identify leading planning framework and toolkit. Each work or future technologies for exploiting those energy package combined primary research, stakeholder assets, and define in a systematic manner the review and the production of practical tools that externalities (benefits and costs) of developing each can be used by local authorities across Europe. asset and technology, and the risks associated The work packages covered the following areas: with such development. Each has been keen to Stakeholder identification and engagement, undertake this assessment and then analyse asset profiling and prioritisation, technology future technology investments in light of local identification, socio-economic review, risk assessneeds and priorities. ment and strategic planning.
Expected Results
ASM Terni S.p.A - IT Badenova - DE Cityplan - CZ EC Baltic Renewable Energy Centre - PL ESD Ltd - GB Ecoazioni - IT Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG-ISE) - DE Innova - IT Institute of Mechanical Engineering - PT Labelec - PT Pomeranian Centre of Technology - PL Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia - CZ Utilicom Ltd - GB
Project officer Komninos Diamantaras
Status terminated
LETIT reached its technical completion in June 2006, following a successful dissemination event held at the representation of the government of Greater London in Brussels. The event was held to describe the practical outputs of the project, namely the LETIT web-based toolkit and to illustrate its use by presenting:
LETIT will provide valuable support for local governments in the assessment of new energy technologies in terms of their costs, benefits and risks. The tools will enable any local government to make informed decisions about the impacts of a technology in the local community in terms of • The experiences of local authority partners in a number of wide-ranging externalities, from identifying assets they would like to use to local emissions and greenhouse gases to develop sustainable energy locally, and the employment generation and local revenues. The benefits of using the LETIT framework frameworks that will be designed through the LETIT project will be highly replicable and will • Practical insights into how local authorities help local governments across Europe evaluate can build working relationships with project local sustainable energy development and policy. developers to implement sustainable energy projects, and the policy tools that can be Its practical results are: used to support this activity. • A methodology, usable at a local authority level, The event was used to launch a consultation that identifies all possible assets (housing, land, amongst local authority representatives based in transport, water, waste, electricity and heat Brussels in order to obtain feedback on the generation, etc.) that can be used to plan functionality and usefulness of the toolkit for medium- to long-term technology investments. local authorities in their respective countries. • A matrix that identifies all technologies that This consultation led to improvements that have could be developed to develop local sustainable now been incorporated into the final product, energy assets. which is available through the project website. • A tool to assist the assessment of the benefits In addition to the toolkit and the resulting activities and costs (externalities) of each technology in the local authorities participating in LETIT, option. the team have also compiled implementation plans outlining how those partner authorities • An electronic self-help ‘toolkit’ for local will continue this process beyond the lifetime of authorities to follow the LETIT methodology the LETIT project. without external support.
Renewable Energy in Emerging and Developing Co Current Situation, Market Potential and Recommendations for a Win-win-win for EU industry, the Environment and Local
OBJECTIVES The RECIPES project is a EU-funded research project that aims to promote the implementation of renewable energy in emerging and developing countries. Key starting point of the study is that renewable energy should be implemented in such a way that it is beneficial to the local socio-economic situation and the environment. Furthermore, possibilities of making use of European renewable energy technology are taken into account where possible. The study consists of three main phases: country studies, modelling and analysis, and conclusions and recommendations.
Challenges Existing studies dealing with renewable energy in emerging and developing countries (e.g. EREC, WEC, IEA) aim at giving a global view of the situation and possibilities in a region of the world. The European Commission pointed out a lack of a comprehensive and complete set of data, and therefore asked the RECIPES team to bring these data together and draw pragmatic recommendations.
renewable energy, it is essential that all the main stakeholders are involved in developing these recommendations. Stakeholders will be involved in the RECIPES project by means of: • An Advisory Board (including industry, environmental and development NGOs, policy and academic experts).
• A web forum at which the results can be disA crucial starting point in this process is the cussed (the project will actively stimulate 'triple-win objective'. The consortium is dedicated participation). to finding ways to implement RES that will benefit the local socio-economic situation and • A workshop for the validation of project results and development of recommendathe local and global environment, and offer tions, held in November 2006. opportunities for European companies. Any recommendation that will not incorporate all three aspects will not be taken into account.
Project structure
Consequently, the project has the ambitious goal of bringing together the demand and supply sides of renewable energy in emerging and developing countries. The only way that the project can realise this ambition is by ensuring that the recommendations developed are broadly accepted by the stakeholders involved. The parties (that could possibly be) involved in the implementation of RES in emerging and developing countries are therefore actively requested to validate the chosen approach and to assist in the development of the recommendations made during the project. The website is one of the instruments the project uses to inform and ask for feedback from stakeholders, the latter for instance by means of the forum pages.
The project team carries out studies at two different levels: • Desk research on each of the 114 emerging and developing countries, gathering information regarding the current situation and technical potential for renewable energy options. • In-depth case studies in a representative selection of 15 countries to be carried out by local experts and including an assessment of technical and market potential, the environmental and socio-economic impacts, and costs and benefits for EU industry of fulfilling this potential. In a later stage, the project team will validate the results and recommendations with relevant stakeholders.
To ensure the study will result in recommendations that lead to an actual increase of implemented The project approach is depicted in the figure below:
Project Information Contract number 513733
Duration 24 months
Contact person
Socio-economic Development
Eric Evrard Partners for Innovation/Vissers&Partners
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected results
Progress to date
RECIPES sheds new light on the renewable energy The project RECIPES started in January 2005 and situation in emerging and developing countries ends in December 2006. The data gathering phase through two major innovative points: is now finalised: • The first is the comprehensiveness and completeness of the information: this consists of a general set of characteristics and data on the current energy situation in 114 emerging and developing countries. In addition, fifteen countries have been studied in detail, working in this case with local experts. The fifteen country case-studies provide insight into a wide range of situations and options for implementing renewable energy. Furthermore, a broad geographical spread has been ensured in selecting the countries. The case-studies were conducted in five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Colombia), five African countries (South Africa, Niger, Ghana, Uganda and Cameroon) and five countries in Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and the Pacific Islands).
• The project has created a database with general information on 114 emerging and developing countries. • Local experts have finalised the collection of data in the 15 above-mentioned countries. The project team is now in the process of analysing and validating the results obtained, and 15 technical and market potential reports are being completed. It is also currently assessing the socio-economic and environmental impacts, and the export potential for EU industry. Analyses and recommendations will be made available online by the end of 2006.
EBM-consult bv - NL Esenerg - PY Partners for Innovation/Emiel Hanekamp - NL Partners for Innovation/Peter Karsch - NL Partners for Innovation/Vissers&Partners - BE Wolfgang Lutz - NL
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
• The second innovative point is the ‘triple-win objective’. The RECIPES team intends to provide a view of the socio-economic and environment impacts, and the costs and benefits for EU industry, of meeting the renewable energy potential in emerging and developing countries. The data collection and information-gathering by local experts, combined with the assessments and comparison of different countries, will lead to pragmatic recommendations facilitating appropriate action to further the implementation of renewable energy in emerging and developing countries.
Action Plan for High-priority Renewable Energy Initiatives in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Area
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the REMAP project are to work with key stakeholders in order to achieve the following: the compilation of a solar and wind energy resource atlas for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean area, identifying and prioritising potential demonstration sites for wind and concentrated solar projects in Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan and Turkey; recording a set of commitments to be made by major stakeholders to develop several wind and concentrated solar thermal energy projects in the region; proposing a credible financing scheme for identified priority renewable demonstration projects in the region; elaborating an action plan for a few well-identified initiatives suitable for implementation; and disseminating the results of the project to as wide an audience in Europe and the Mediterranean region as possible.
Challenges Despite being neighbours and grouped around a commonly shared sea, the Mare Nostrum, the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries (SEMCs) are not equally endowed with energy resources. Few of them are hydrocarbon-exporting countries while most are energy-dependent. In addition, the SEMCs are facing rapid demographic growth, rapid urbanisation and high socio-economic development, all of which translate into new and growing needs for energy services, related infrastructures and financing means, and into environmental impacts. At the same time, all of them have a high potential for renewable energy resources (especially wind and solar) and also a high potential for improving their energy use and efficiency, thus ensuring security of supply (or savings in hydrocarbon resources for producing countries) while contributing to more sustainable energy development in the region.
commitments by major stakeholders in these countries to advancing the development of such projects. The project will thus serve to encourage decision-makers in these countries to better define the best practices regarding energy and to attract investments in the RE sector.
Project Structure The REMAP proposal is structured in terms of five main work programmes and related deliverables: • State-of-the-art and synthesis of the renewable energy Atlas for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean area. The objective will be to gather the existing information on potential renewable energy resources in the region, specifically wind and solar, and to synthesise this information in the form of a regional atlas. • Identification and prioritisation of potential demonstration sites for wind and concentrated solar projects in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean area. The countries covered by the REMAP research project are Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan and Turkey. As far as possible, the projects to be studied will also include water desalination applications. This WP will allow the project to identify a portfolio of the most promising wind and CSP projects in the participating countries. Also the need (if any) for further research/activities regarding project identification and design will be identified.
However, the full potential and advantages of these renewable energy resources are not fully realisable at present in this region because of the existence of many barriers. For these energies to achieve their market potential, policy frameworks and financial instruments are necessary that give financiers the necessary assurance and incentives to shift investment away from carbonemitting conventional technologies to investment in clean energy systems. Also technology transfer, capacity building and know-how transfer are very important. In this context, regional cooperation is essential and can significantly benefit the sus- • Commitments on wind and concentrated solar thermal energy integration in the Southern tainable development of the region, while playing and Eastern Mediterranean region. The work an important role in meeting Kyoto targets. will involve putting on record a series of The REMAP research project can play an important commitments to be made by energy agencies, role in this regard. This project will compile utilities, energy manufacturers and banks. renewable resource information from various This would be achieved through the organisaprevious projects and initiatives, in order to tion of national and regional workshops, with compile a bigger and more comprehensive atlas the participation of the major stakeholders. for the whole Southern and Eastern MediterraBy the end of this WP, the stakeholders nean area. In addition, it will enhance the status committed to the selected projects will of sustainable energy in the Mediterranean countries have been identified. Also barriers (if any) to by providing a clear vision of the priorities to be commitments by investors will be recorded, addressed in order to develop the two most together with activities designed to address important and promising RE technologies in the these barriers. region – wind and CSP – and by featuring the
Project Information Contract number 044125
Duration 24 months
Contact person Dr. Houda Allal Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie
[email protected]
List of partners
Expected results • Adapted financing schemes. A parameterised financial model for the wind projects and solar thermal power stations will be developed. These models will be incorporate technological characteristics, resource characteristics and local economic circumstances. The models will give a full overview of all the important financial parameters – expected turnover, expected cost levels, investment levels, depreciation and financial costs – and will provide projected profit and loss accounts, projected balance sheets and projected cashflow statements. For this purpose a Financing Advisory Board will be set up at an early stage of the project. This Board will bring together several financing institutions and banks at both the international (e.g. EIB, CDC, AFD, private funds, carbon funds and/or others) and the national level (to be identified by local partners). The discussions will result in an overview of which financing approaches are most realistic, what the particularities are of the proposed financing schemes (per project), what the potential consequences are in terms of the guarantees by suppliers or others required by the financing partners, and which risk factors are a potential ‘no-go’ for commercial investors.
The REMAP project will provide and disseminate better knowledge of the wind and solar energy resources available in the Mediterranean region and opportunities to invest in wind and CSP projects. It will offer clear information about the priorities set by the different countries with regard to these technologies. It will also provide decision-makers with suitable tools and information to allow them to develop adapted, targeted and effective policies in the field of wind and solar project development, in accordance with the specific needs and policies of each country. It will also provide a portfolio of potential CSP and wind power projects to be implemented. The final objective of the project is to elaborate an action plan for high-priority renewable energy initiatives in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean area. The implementation of this action plan will have a very strong impact on the development of renewable energy in the Mediterranean countries, along with the economic, social and environmental implications, and a strengthened euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the field (transfer of know-how, transfer of technology, investments, etc.).
3E - BE Acciona - ES ADEME - FR DLR - DE Energy For Sustainable Development - GB Fundacion Labein - ES NERC - JO General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources and Survey and Development Administration - TR Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie - FR Société Tunisienne d’Electricité et du Gaz - TN Sonelgaz - DZ
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
• Management action plan, exploitation and dissemination. The objectives are to ensure the best coordination and management of the project and to disseminate the non-confidential results. A website for the project will be developed and extensively used for communication between partners and with potential users of the results. The aim will also be to elaborate an action plan for financing and implementing wind and concentrated solar thermal projects. Further activities to be undertaken will be considered separately for CSP and wind projects and included in the action plan. The complete results will also be synthesised in the REMAP action plan scheduled for the end of the project. A supporting event will be organised at the end of the project, with the participation of the actors involved in wind power and solar energy technologies in the European countries and Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries.
Renewable Energy in Emerging and Developing Countries: Which Role for European RTD&D?
OBJECTIVES The main objective of the RTD4EDC project is ‘to provide recommendations and a synthetic and accessible information basis on lessons learned regarding the implementation of renewable energy technologies in emerging and developing countries, the impact of RTD&D in this perspective and the opportunities for EU industry.’
Challenges There is a clear need and political will to increase the share of renewables worldwide. There is also a wealth of experience available over the past decade, especially with demonstration projects. Numerous (development) organisations and programmes are in place to stimulate the increase of new renewable energy technologies in emerging and developing countries, at international and national levels (e.g. the EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development EUEI, the EU Coopener programme, UNDP programmes, Inforse programmes, INCO, the Global Environmental Facility, the European Partnership and Dialogue Facility, the JREC Patient Capital Initiative, GTZ, Energy4Development and REEEP). Some of these are focussed on improving access to energy and poverty alleviation, others on demonstration of renewable energy technologies, capacity-building or creating the preconditions for renewable energy.
Market growth varies significantly between individual countries and between the three continents involved (Figure 2). In Asia renewable energy volume growth is anticipated to be high, due to ambitious domestic policy programmes. In Latin America growth is lower due to the high volumes already in place. In Africa growth is anticipated to be high, in the context of low energy consumption and the consequently greater impact of increased RE capacity, but the overall volume will remain very low. For poor countries the effort to bring modern and renewable energy to the people costs much more per energy unit produced than in more industrialised countries where larger installations can be established.
However, so far, the increase of renewable energy production in emerging and developing countries is slow compared to developed countries. The 2003 renewable energy volume in 115 emerging and developing countries is estimated as 95 Mtoe, large hydro excluded (Figure 1). Under present policy this volume is anticipated to double in 2020. Tripling of the RES volume in 2020 under the ‘maximum scenario’ is possible, but there is still a long way to go for all RE technologies other than large hydro. There is a clear need for ambitious targets for these technologies, supported by reliable measures in order to nurture sustainable RE industry and create the situation where RE could make a real impact on security of supply and imported fuel dependency.
Figure 2: market growth of renewable energy volume in 15 emerging and developing countries estimated in the RECIPES project.
Initiatives traditionally focus on technology transfer through demonstration, capacity- building and networking, through various funding mechanisms. Which role could European RTD&D play in increasing the share of renewable energy technologies in emerging and developing countries? What are the lessons learned of best and worst practices in this perspective? What could be a realistic export potential for EU industry to emerging and developing countries, and how could RTD&D help to realise this potential? These questions are addressed in the RTD4EDC project.
Figure 1: market growth of renewable energy volume in emerging and developing countries estimated in the RECIPES project.a
Project Information Contract number 044371
Duration 18 months
Contact person Emiel Hanekamp Partners for Innovation BV
[email protected]
List of partners
Project Structure The main output of the project will include reports on the above-mentioned results and a website fully disclosing all gathered data, information and results. The partners will use and further build upon the results of the RECIPES project that calculated realistic market potentials for renewable energy in emerging and developing • Clear ‘recipes’ for future RTD&D activities for countries ( the European Commission, based on a better understanding of: A team of four experienced partners based in Europe (Partners for Innovation BV, the Netherlands) and in emerging and developing countries (ESENERG Paraguay, NanoEnergy Ltd South-Africa, and IT Power India Ltd) aims at providing:
Esenerg - PY IT Power - IN NanoEnergy - ZA Partners for Innovation BV/ Emiel Hanekamp
Project officer Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero
Status ongoing
Expected Results
• The potential impact of EU RTD&D activities (relative to possible other policy options) The expected outcome of the project is as follows: on the share of renewables in EDCs. • The relation of EU RTD&D activities with • A comprehensive assessment of the role of best and worst practices of implementation (EU) RTD&D policy, in comparison with other of renewables in EDCs. options, to increase the implementation of renewable energy technologies in emerging • The possibilities of EU RTD&D activities to and developing countries (WP 1). promote EU renewables industry in EDCs. • A profound insight into the success and failure • Increased opportunities for European renewfactors in the implementation of renewable ables industry to export to EDCs due to: energy technologies in emerging and developing • A better understanding of export potentials countries, on the basis of an analysis of best to EDCs. and worst practices and the role of RTD&D in these practices (WP 2). • An increased awareness of the possibilities for implementing renewables in EDCs. • Establishment of realistic export potentials for EU RE industry and identification of effective • RTD&D policy activities (when implemented) RTD&D policies to support EU RE industry in supporting the industries’ activities. this purpose (WP 3). The project team will undertake the following • Validation of the conclusions in interaction activities to make this happen: with stakeholders (WP 4). • General information gathering and desk research • 50 in-depth interviews with experts and stakeholders • Survey (sample of 200) for evaluation of export potential and effective RTD&D policies • Assessment of the role of RTD&D activities • Analysis of 75 best and worst practices • Confronting, integrating and synthesising of findings • Organisation of a workshop for validation of results and recommendations.
List of Country Codes ......................................................................................................................................................................................
Energy Units Conversion ...........................................................................................................................................................................
List of Acronyms .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
List of Country Codes
The Netherlands
Czech Republic
South Afrika
United Kingdom
United States
Energy Units Conversion
Petajoule (PJ) Mtoe Gigawatthour (GWh)
Gigawatthour (GWh)
List of Acronyms
In this synopses we have tried to print the names of participants as correctly as possible. However, some of them are known better by their acronym which in many cases has become a sort of brand name in the research community. Also, in order to cope with the limited space available, we had sometimes to use abbreviations. The following list contains the acronyms and abbreviations used, and allows clear identification of each participant.
Name in original language
English Name
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie
Agency of Environment and Energy
European Biomass Association
European Biomass Association
Association pour la Recherche de le Developpement des Méthodes et Processus Industriels
Association for Research and Development of Industrial Methodes and Processes
Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Tεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas
Centre for Energy, Environment and Technological Research
Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
National Centre of Scientific Research
Κέντρο Ανανεώσιµων πηγών Ενέργειας
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
German Aerospace Centre
Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands
European Biomass Industry Association
European Biomass Industry Association
European Renewable Energy Centres Agency
European Renewable Energy Centres Agency
Union of the Electricity Industry
Union of the Electricity Industry
European Wind Energy Association
European Wind Energy Association
Ίδρυµα Tεχνολογίας και Έρευνας
Foundation of Reseach and Technology Hellas
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial
National Institute of Enegineering and Industrial Technology
Centre Commun de Recherche
Joint Research Centre
Rheinisch-Westfälische Hochschule Aachen
University of Aachen
Stiftelsen for Industiell ok teknisk forskning ved NTH
Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology
Nederlandse Organistatie voor Toegepast-Naturwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
Turkye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Vlaamse Instelling for Technologisch Onderzoek
Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus
Technical Research Centre of Finland
Zentrum für Solarenergie und Wasserstoffforschung Baden-Württemberg
Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg
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EUR 22399 – Renewable Energy Technologies – Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme 2002 I 2006 Luxembourg: Office for official Publications of the European Commities 2007 – 160 pp. – 21.0 x 29.7 cm ISBN 92-79-02889-8 ISSN 1018-5593
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Renewable Energy Technologies 2002 I 2006 ■ PROJECT SYNOPSES
Renewable Energy Technologies EUR 22399
This brochure provides an overview of research and development in the field of renewable energy, describing the current state of the art and the results achieved in EU-funded research projects under the Thematic Programme ‘Sustainable Energy Systems’ of the 6th Framework Programme 2002-2006. The projects, which have been compiled into four research areas - photovoltaics, biomass, other renewable energy sources and connection to the grid and socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy – are summarised giving the scientific and technical objectives and achievements od each, plus contact details for the participating organisations.
ISSN 1018-5593
Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme 2002 I 2006