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Renewal of Registration of City Owned Motor Vehicles.pdf. Renewal of Registration of City Owned Motor Vehicles.pdf. Open
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education- National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE Q'JFZON CITY N ueva E~ij a St., Bago Bantay, QC wvvw .depedqc. ph

March 8, 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: Assistant Schools Division Sl!perintendents Chiefs, AO I SGOD I CID Division I District Supervisors Elementary I Secondary Schooi Adm.inistrators Heads of Units All Concerned SUBJECT: RENE\V AL OF REGISTRATION OF CITY OWNED MOTOR VEillCLES

For the infonnation anJ g1jdance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of unnumbered dated February 27 , 2017 from Honorable Herbert M. Bautista, MPA, MNSA, Mayor, this City, on the ::-ubject "Renewal Of Registration Of City Owned Motor Vehicles", the contents of v1hich is self-explanatory. Attention is invited to paragraphs 1 to 5 ofthe said Memorandum. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is enjo · ed .


;rhools ivision Superintendent Incl.: As stated. Admin/leelee


~~.d "!! ~~~?1X,?«tt'a'a?t ''? £Jin~u¥tU";? {[jf),nlaAat ~ (GENERAIJ SERViCES DEPARTMENT) Memorandum For:

The Honorable Vice Mayor The Honorable City Cou~dJors All Heads of Departments I Oftlces I Task Forces/ Units All of Quezon Citv

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In this regard, all concerned are advised to bring the motor vehicle/s to the City General Services Department (CGSD)'s Motorpool located besida MRF (near Gate 7) within the Quezon City Hall compound, one month before the schedu 1e datt" of renewal in order to determine the vehicle/s' roadworthiness. Motorpool personnel shall l.>e avail11ble t o pre-inspect the vehide/s, particularly the following: 1. WIPER 2. HORN 3. BRAKE/TAIL/SIGNAL/BACK LIGHTS 4. WINDSHIELDS 5. SIDE MIRRORS 6. SPARE TIRES/TOOLS 7. EARLY WARNING DEVICE (EWD) 8. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY marking!> In the event that the vehicle/s f ailed the LTO inspection requirement s (enumerated above), including smoke emission test, the Enduser shall shoulder t he inspection fee for not ensuring that the vehicle/s is/are in good running condition prior to inspect ion at l TO. Please be sure to mak«! the vehicle available at its scheduled date to avoid rescheduiing and paym2nt of penalties for late registration. Nonappearance (of the vehicle) will not be allowed and CGSD should not be held liable for any inconvenience that may arise for t.he non-registration of government -owned motor vehicles.

Further, please be advised that CGSD wi'ffl nccommudate renewal of registration af motor vehicles with back reglstmtion, provided thflt pre-msped it;fl by .r~uthori:r!!d personnel from Motorpool Division was conduaed. All concerned are advised t o coordinate w it h the Property Management and C:>ntrol Division, CGSD (locals 8609 and 8629) for any clarification ;"JJnd/ or v~rlficat l on of your schedule. Be guided accordingly.

21 February 2017



City Government Department Head Il l PMCD:EQC/pdy

Memo-2017mwl MV



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Consonant to the renewal of registrat ion of city-ow ned motor vehicles, plea5-e be reminded that schedule corresponds to the plate number ending, to wit : Ending Month Ending Month 1 January June 6 ·February 2 7 July -3 March 8 August ·4 April 9 September ·May 5 Oct ober 0


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: The General Services Department envisior..s i~s~:~ . · "e a Quality Community within the Quezon City Government by delivering responsive and quality general Sf'YVice.Y thrcug;, committed, ,service-or 'ented and technologically

advanced personnel. MISSION : We provide the delivery of general , rr;i::es to tl,e Quezon City Gavemment and its constituents tltat are: EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT and ECON~JM!C ll..
