RenWeb Directions

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the “First Time Users” tab and enter your email address in the box. Then simply click "New Parent Login". A password
RenWeb's ParentsWeb is a private and secure website that has been set up for our school to allow you to see complete information specific to your child. You can view your child's grades and homework, as well as other useful school information. You can also communicate with teachers online whenever necessary. All you need is an Internetcapable computer. All students in grades 4-8 will receive student progress reports via RenWeb. Directions for accessing Parents Web, whether you're a new or returning parent, are in this email. If you have trouble with these directions, please email Mrs. Getter at [email protected]

RenWeb Directions Returning Families: If you logged in to RenWeb in the past, nothing has changed for you. You should be able to log in using the same username/password that you used last year. Simply go to the school's website (, click "Parents Web Login", and enter your email address in the box on the login page Forgotten passwords: Enter your email address on the login page and click "Forgot Username/Password". You will be walked through creating a new password. New Families: The email address at which you are receiving this message is the email address you use to access RenWeb for the first time. To generate a password, simply go to the school's website (, click "RenWeb Login". Once there, click the “First Time Users” tab and enter your email address in the box. Then simply click "New Parent Login". A password will be generated by RenWeb and emailed to you. This email usually arrives in a few minutes, but if you've not received it within an hour, check your spam box to make sure it didn't end up in there. Some common issues: Forgot your password? Go to the login page and click the “Forgot Username/Password” option. Then simply enter your email address in the box, and click the "Reset Password" button. It will be emailed to you. If you get the message that your email address could not be found, as long as you're using the email address at which you're receiving this message, it simply means that you haven't activated your account. See the directions for "new families" above. Need to update your email addresses or personal information? Please notify Mrs. Patty Brooks via email if any of your information has changed. Her email address is [email protected]

Other important notes: -If you use an email verification system that requests that individuals reply to a "spam blocker" type message, please add to your safe senders list -If you use more than one email address, please keep your addresses up to date! We have several email accounts where the messages consistently bounce back to us, and we can't tell from the address which family the email belongs to! Help us keep in touch with you! -If you have any trouble or questions with ParentsWeb, please email Mrs. Getter at [email protected]. Questions regarding your child's grades or assignments should be directed to their teacher(s).