Repairing the Ruins 25 ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX ...

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Dell holds two master's degrees in divinity and theology. ... elor's and master's degrees in chemistry from Old Dominion
Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies


Peter Alvarez Peter Alvarez holds an undergraduate degree in philosophy (University of Illinois) and a graduate degree in philosophy of religion (Boston University), both conferred with academic honors. He completed post-graduate research in classical languages and literature at Boston Theological Institute (Boston College), before beginning his doctoral research in philosophy of mind and cognitive neuropsychology (Fuller Theological Seminary) under Dr. Nancey Murphy and Dr. Warren Brown. Alvarez maintained professional memberships with APA (American Philosophical Association), AAR (American Academy of Religion), and SPEP (Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy), among others. In addition to participating in research colloquiums (Villanova University), Alvarez has held leadership positions in numerous humanities departments, including: Gordon College (lead teaching assistant), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (teaching fellow), Fuller Theological Seminary (instructor), Southern New Hampshire University (adjunct), etc. Currently, Alvarez teaches Socratics, rhetoric, and senior thesis courses at Regents School of Austin. Philip Arant Philip Arant is currently in his thirteenth year as a science teacher at Schaeffer Academy in Rochester, Minnesota. He received a BS in biology from Dartmouth College and has experience in industrial science as a mill chemist for International Paper Company as well as in environmental science as a project manager for U. S. Filter. In 2007 Phil received the Hitachi Teacher Award for the Rochester area and was presented the Excellent Educator Award in September of 2009 by ABC 6 News in Rochester. During the summer of 2009, Phil was awarded the position of a fellow in biomedical imaging research at the Mayo Clinic. He currently is involved as the private school coordinator for the Rochester Area Regional Science Fair. He and his wife, Nancy, have five children that have all graduated from Schaeffer Academy. Cathy Boyd Cathy Boyd is currently a second grade teacher at Westminster Academy, Memphis, TN. She has been with the school since its founding in 1996 and has taught grades K–3. Cathy has prior experience homeschooling and in public education. She has a BS in elementary education and Bible from Columbia International University. Cathy has two adult daughters who graduated from Westminster Academy and a son who is currently in the 10th grade. She and her husband, Steve, recently celebrated their 30th anniversary. James Cain James Cain and his wife, Kristi, have three children. James received a BA in English from Emmanuel College (GA), and an MA in English from the University of Georgia. He is currently a graduate student at Covenant College. He has been headmaster of Dominion Classical Christian Academy in Lawrenceville, GA, since 2007. Leslie Collins Leslie Collins is the mother of four and is celebrating 25 years of marriage to her husband, Dave Collins. She is the head of school at Covenant Academy in Cypress, Texas, and has been teaching in a classical setting since 1995. Having had the pleasure of teaching almost every grade level, she finds her greatest joy in seeing the sovereign integration of every subject work itself into the school culture. Leslie also enjoys gardening, cooking, and movies. Dell Cook Dell Cook is the rhetoric school principal at Cary Christian School in Cary, NC. He has 11 years of experience teaching at every level of the Trivium, all at Cary Christian. Dell holds two master’s degrees in divinity and theology. In addition, he is the head varsity football coach for the CCS Knights. In his free time he enjoys reading, golf, travel, music, and loving his wife (Ginny) and three children (Katie, Lauren, and Andrew).


Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies

Donna Duarte Donna Duarte is the chemistry and earth science instructor at Rockbridge Academy in Millersville, Maryland, where she has taught for the past seven years. Previously, Donna taught dialectic science and mathematics at Calvary Classical School in Hampton, Virginia. After completing her graduate research at NASA’s Langley Research Center, Donna managed an environmental testing laboratory near Monterey, CA. A Mississippian who earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry from Old Dominion University, Donna is the wife of a retired naval officer, mother of three, lover of opera, and Rockbridge Academy’s varsity girls’ basketball coach. Brett Edwards Brett teaches secondary math and science classes at Atlanta Classical Christian Academy. After 11 years of teaching, he has taught every secondary math course from 7th grade Pre-Algebra to 11th grade Pre-Calculus. He and his wife, Katie, have two children and live in Marietta, Georgia. In his free time he enjoys reading G.K. Chesterton, eating fine cheese, and dancing with his two-year-old daughter Lydia. Ryan Evans Ryan Evans has spent 19 years in Christian education, both as a teacher and an administrator, and is the headmaster of Providence Classical Christian School in Lynnwood, Washington. He and his wife, Maely, have three children: Bradley (age 14), Holly (age 12), and Jeffrey David (age 8), all of whom attend Providence. They are all members of Christ Covenant Church in Lynnwood. Ryan’s interests include Flannery O’Connor’s short stories, golf, fantasy baseball, and owls. Bradley Finkbeiner Bradley Finkbeiner is a history of philosophy instructor at Rockbridge Academy, where, over the last 13 years, he has had the pleasure of teaching debate (8th–12th), logic (8th), Ancient History (7th), European I (8th), European II (9th), History of Great Ideas I (11th), and History of Great Ideas II (12th). Bradley majored in theology at Washington Bible College, and later acquired an MA at St. John’s College, Annapolis. Bradley and his wife, Karen, reside in Crownsville, MD, with their two boys and two girls. Ty Fischer Ty Fischer is the headmaster of Veritas Academy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He has served in this role for over 15 years. He has taught many classes in the secondary school at Veritas Academy. He was the managing editor of Veritas Press’ Omnibus Project and has written a number of curricular pieces. He is an elder at All Saints Church in Lancaster. He and his wife, Emily, and their four daughters (and Roxy the Puggle) live in Leola on the edge of the Shire. He oversaw the Veritas Academy Fine Arts Symposium in 2010 and was the chief architect of the Lancaster Declaration which resulted from that gathering. He loves Dante, the Phillies, Wendell Berry, and the arts and he hopes to translate most of Van Halen’s lyrics into Latin. Thomas R. Garfield Tom, a Michigan native, has lived in Moscow, Idaho, since 1977, where he met his wife, Julie. All four of their children graduated from Logos School and they (and his grandchildren) are still his primary ministry. He has been the superintendent of Logos School since it began in 1981. He has a BFA in art and history education, and a master’s degree in educational administration, both from the University of Idaho. Tom has taught history, art, and drama classes to both elementary and secondary students at Logos School since its beginning. He earned his Professional Superintendent’s certification from the Association of Christian Schools, Intl. (ACSI), and serves as a founding board member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS). He is the author of Dear Parents, Return of Dear Parents, Putting Feet on the Trivium, and was a contributing author to Repairing the Ruins. Tom has been a speaker at the ACCS conferences since 1993, the Logos School Summer Teacher Training since 1995, as well as at Christian schools and groups around the country. He and his family have attended Christ Church in Moscow since 1977.

Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies


Rod Gilbert Rod Gilbert serves as the head of school at Regents School of Austin. He was the head of the upper school for four years, and then he became the head of school five years ago. Prior to his start at Regents, he was the founding assistant headmaster of Trinity Academy of Raleigh in North Carolina. He and Angie have two children. Katie is 18 and Ryan is 15. Both of his children are students at Regents School. Over the last nine years, Rod has addressed educators in workshops, conferences, and national association meetings. He has published several articles in the Journal for the Society for Classical Learning. When he is not working with Regents, you may find his family tending their Alpine dairy goats. They tend the goats and enjoy delightful milk and cheese. In formal training he completed a BS in economics and an MDiv. Currently he is completing requirements toward a PhD in education. David Goodwin David Goodwin is the headmaster of the Ambrose School in Boise, Idaho. David holds a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies and an MBA from Boise State University. Prior to his work at Ambrose, Mr. Goodwin worked in marketing and business development at Hewlett Packard. He, his wife Stormy, and his three children, Elise (12), Alex (10) and Graham (6) live in Boise, Idaho. George Grant George Grant is a twenty-year veteran of Christian and classical education. And he has the scars to prove it. He is the pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, TN, but much to the consternation of his long-suffering wife, three children, and three grandchildren, he has also founded a veritable alphabet soup of organizations: Franklin Classical School, New College Franklin, King’s Meadow Study Center, Sum Ergo Zoom Running Team, Comenius School, Chalmers Fund, F7, CCSA, and probably a few more that we’ve forgotten about just now. Oh yes, and once upon a time he also wrote some books. Janet Hall Janet Hall is founder of Hall Educational Consulting which provides practical and big picture solutions to classical, Christian, and independent schools. Janet has served as headmaster, principal, teacher, and trainer of teachers in private schools for seven years. She has also served for nineteen years as teacher and administrator in two large public school districts in Texas. Janet has experience in curriculum development, and intensive teacher training, evaluation, and support. Her expertise includes implementing visionary ideas into practical day-to-day applications, both in the classroom and in school board policies and procedures. Ms. Hall has a BA in education and an MS in administration and supervision from the University of Houston, as well as Mid-Management Certification. Peter Hansen Peter B. Hansen is the head of Annapolis Christian Academy in Corpus Christi, Texas. He considers himself providentially favored beyond what he could have hoped or imagined for marrying way out of his league, fathering three strong sons and one daughter (who is the candy apple of his eye), and stumbling onto an adventurous and deeply satisfying career in classical Christian education. Peter holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and religion from Hillsdale College and a master’s degree in liberal arts from St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland. Mary Ann Hipp Mary Ann Hipp has been a first and fourth grade teacher at Grace Academy of Georgetown, Texas. She has held her position for 10 years at this classical and Christian school. Mary Ann holds a bachelor’s degree in English and psychology from Olivet Nazarene University, and advanced hours from the University of Cincinnati. Mary Ann and her husband, Dwight, have three adult children. Linda Janikowsky Linda has eight years experience teaching dialectic and rhetoric math at Rockbridge Academy. Her previous teaching experience includes grammar level, special needs, and three years in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the U.S. Naval Academy. Linda is married to Ralph, upper school principal at Rockbridge, and has two daughters: Leslie, a graduate of the University of Virginia, and Kristen, a rising 11th grader.


Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies

Ralph Janikowsky Ralph is the upper school principal at Rockbridge Academy (grades 7–12). He is a distinguished graduate of both the United States Naval Academy and the National War College. During his 28-year career in the US Navy he served as chief engineer of the nuclear cruiser USS VIRGINIA (CGN 38), commissioning executive officer of the cruiser USS VICKSBURG (CG 69), commanding officer of the destroyer USS HEWITT (DD 966) in Yokosuka, Japan, and commanding officer of the cruiser USS PRINCETON (CG 59) during Operation Iraqi Freedom. His shore tours included serving as the director of classroom instruction at the nuclear prototype in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and the Navy chair and professor of military strategy at National Defense University. He is an elder at the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bowie (PCA) and previously served two years as an elected board member of Rockbridge Academy. His wife, Linda, teaches upper school math at Rockbridge Academy, and they have two daughters Leslie, a graduate of the University of Virginia, and Kristen in 10th grade. Sam Koenen Sam Koenen has taught humanities at Petra Academy for the last ten years. He also leads teacher training and oversees curriculum development. He and his family live in Bozeman, MT. Ron Lee Ron was a founding board member of Schaeffer Academy, Rochester, MN, and continues to serve on the board. He has also been a permanent ACCS board member since 1994(?). He and his wife, B.J., have four children who all graduated from Schaeffer Academy. He works as a business/systems analyst at Mayo Clinic and enjoys his new grandson, tinkering in the garage, smoking meat, reading, walking his dog, and especially anything with his wife. Peter Lillback The Reverend Dr. Peter A. Lillback is president and professor of historical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. Prior to his current appointment, he served the seminary as an adjunct faculty member for nearly 20 years. Dr. Lillback has been involved in pastoral ministry since 1982, first at Bethany Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Pennsylvania, and then at Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Newark, Delaware. He served as the senior pastor of Proclamation Presbyterian Church in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, from 1991 to 2009. He is also president of the Providence Forum, a non-profit organization committed to preserving and promoting America’s spiritual roots of religious and civil liberties. A contributor to various essay volumes, academic journals, and Bible study guides, he is the author of several books including The Binding of God: Calvin’s Role in the Development of Covenant Theology and editor of The Practical Calvinist: An Introduction to the Presbyterian and Reformed Heritage. In 2006, Dr. Lillback’s book on the Christian faith of George Washington was released. George Washington’s Sacred Fire represents the culmination of over 20 years of original research and scholarship. Dr. Lillback earned a BA at Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio, in 1974, majoring in pre-seminary Bible and speech, with minors in New Testament Greek and philosophy. In 1978, he received the ThM in systematic theology and apologetics from Dallas Theological Seminary. In 1985 he completed a PhD in Reformation and post-Reformation studies at Westminster. He is married to Debbie, and they have two grown daughters. Nancy Lockett Nancy Lockett is from Austin, Texas. She received her BS in education from the University of North Texas. She has been teaching for the past 40 years, with time off every few years to tend to her family of 7 children. Her free time is now spent with her 10 adorable grandchildren. She has worked as both a classroom teacher and an administrator. She is currently a fourth grade teacher at Regents School of Austin where she has taught for the past 13 years. John Mays John D. Mays has logged 16 years teaching in high schools and colleges in a teaching career that dates back to 1985. After receiving his BS in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, Mr. Mays spent 14 years in industry in engineering and engineering management. Vocationally drawn toward education, Mr. Mays completed an MEd in secondary education from the University of Houston in 1989, and subsequently completed 36 hours of graduate study in physics at Texas A&M. He joined the faculty at Regents School of Austin in 1999 and completed an MLA at St. Edward’s University in 2003. Mr. Mays served as the Math-Science Department Chair at Regents School from

Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies


2001 until 2009 when he became director of the Laser Optics Lab at Regents. He founded Novare Science and Math in 2009, and is the author of The Student Lab Report Handbook (2009), Teaching Science so that Students Learn Science (2010), and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry: A Mastery-Oriented Introductory Curriculum (2012). He continues to teach physics and mathematics at Regents School of Austin and to develop the Laser Optics Lab there. Karen Moore Karen Moore began her study of Latin in seventh grade, and added Greek to her linguistic studies during her college years, earning a degree in classics from the University of Texas. Since that time she has taught Latin to students in grades three through twelve through a number of venues. Currently, she serves as the Latin chair at Grace Academy of Georgetown, a classical Christian school located in the heart of Texas. Karen teaches Latin, Greek, and ancient humanities at Grace Academy. She also sponsors Grace Academy’s Latin Club, an award-winning chapter of the National Junior Classical League. Karen is the co-author of the Libellus de Historia History Reader Series and the Latin Alive! textbook series, both published by Classical Academic Press. She also maintains a blog site devoted to Latin at Karen and her husband, Bryan, have three children who attend school at Grace Academy. Harold Naylor, Jr. Harold and his wife, Cynthia, have four children: Ryan, Lauren, Evan, and Andrew. Harold received a BS in industrial engineering from Mississippi State and the MBA in finance from Indiana. Harold worked in construction, manufacturing, consulting, and biotechnology before becoming a development officer at another classical school (The Christian Academy of Brookhaven, PA) for eight years. He is now the director of stewardship for Tall Oaks Classical School in New Castle, Delaware. He is also the founder of, the online apologetic for Christian schooling. Harold has founded Advance Christian Schools, a coaching and mentoring ministry to schools that desire to thrive, not just survive. Michelle Paxton Michelle Paxton has been teaching at Calvary Classical School in Hampton, Virginia, for the past 12 years. She taught second grade for ten years, and was “promoted” to third grade two years ago. In addition, she serves as a lead teacher. Michelle graduated from Christopher Newport University in 1994. She and her husband, Jerry, have been married for 19 years. Their son, Allen, is a junior in high school. Annie Petzinger Annie Petzinger has taught grammar, writing, and Latin at Westminster Academy in Memphis, TN, for five years. She holds a BA degree in French and liberal arts from the University of Oklahoma. Barbara Post Barbara and her husband, Don, have five children and eight grandchildren. Barbara has 15 years teaching experience in classical Christian schools. She presently is one of the kindergarten teachers at Tall Oaks Classical School in New Castle, DE, where her husband is the headmaster as well as a permanent board member of ACCS. Kyle Queal Kyle Queal serves at the Covenant School of Dallas as head of school, a position he’s held for 5 years. Prior to this role, Kyle served as the upper school director (7–12) and director of development. He’s been involved in two major capital campaigns at Covenant which have raised more than $15 million towards purchasing land and building a K–12 campus. Kyle has worked in the non-profit sector for 15 years, including five years on staff at Park Cities Presbyterian Church. With a BA in history and philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA in religious studies from the University of Virginia, Kyle has done additional graduate work at Oxford University, Westminster Theological Seminary, and the University of Dallas. Kyle and his wife, Sarah, have been married for nearly 17 years and have three children all of whom attend Covenant.


Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies

Katherine Schultz Katherine Schultz earned her BA in English from Lawrence University, and her MEd and EdD with an emphasis in Christian education leadership from Regent University. Her dissertation and research specialization is in the area of biblical worldview in K–12 students, and she has developed a three-dimensional concept of worldview and an assessment instrument to evaluate biblical worldview in students. She has taught literature at three Christian schools, and served as associate headmaster of Schaeffer Academy since 2006. She and her husband, TJ, live in Rochester, MN, and attend Autumn Ridge Church. Katherine’s hobbies include cooking, reading, sewing, photography, quilting, reading, gardening, reading, travel, and reading. Jim Selby Jim Selby has a BA from Oral Roberts University in English literature and New Testament literature and an MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He has taught and administered at Whitefield Academy, a classical Christian school in Kansas City, for the last ten years. Jim currently teaches Great Books/Humanities, rhetoric and English literature as well as logic in previous years. Founder of Classical Composition, he has authored a classical writing curriculum used both in the classroom and in the homeschooling community. Jeffrey Shoup Jeffrey Shoup is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, having completed his bachelor’s in history and English in 2006. He has spent five years teaching at classical Christian schools in the Central Texas area, most recently Grace Academy of Georgetown. Subjects he has taught include logic, humanities (ancient and modern), debate, and elementary Latin. Having spent his formative years in both homeschooling and classical Christian environments, he is humbled by the opportunity to offer his meager thoughts to this urgent conversation. Geoff Smith William Geoffrey Smith is the secondary chaplain at Annapolis Christian Academy in Corpus Christi, Texas. He currently teaches multiple secondary mathematics courses, Geometry, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra 2 as well as senior thesis and senior Bible. He has experience teaching Hellenistic Greek to home school students as well as tutoring college level mathematics courses. He has a BA in practical theology from Howard Payne University and he is four hours away from completing his MDiv with a focus on Greek and Hebrew exegesis. He recently married his best friend, Avery Eliot Hood (now Smith). Josh Spears Joshua W. Spears began his teaching career in 1999 and has spent those years educating junior high, senior high and college students. His last seven years have been spent teaching in both classical and college class rooms. He currently teaches Bible, logic, theology and comparative religions to logic and rhetoric students at Veritas Classical Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as well as logic and philosophy courses at the University of Central Oklahoma. After finishing a BA in theology, he earned an MA in philosophy at the University of Oklahoma. Josh lives in Oklahoma City with his one wife and three currently classically educated boys. Yolanda Statema Yolanda Statema has just completed her seventh year teaching first grade at Rockbridge Academy in Millersville, MD. She earned a BA in elementary education from Wheaton College and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Covenant College. She is a member of Phi Lambda Theta International Honor Society. The 21 years of Yolanda’s teaching career have taken her to northern New Jersey, England, Cape Cod, MA, and Annapolis, MD. While living in England she took four years off from teaching to work for and tour the world with Oak Hall Expeditions and Skiing. Although her master’s degree is in educational leadership her heart is still with the young ones in her classroom. Yolanda is forever grateful that God has called her to a position that brings such joy, love, and fulfillment.


Repairing the Ruins ACCS Annual Conference 2012 Dallas, TX Speaker Biographies

Stephen Turley Stephen Richard Turley (PhD candidate, Durham University) is a faculty member at Tall Oaks Classical School in New Castle, DE, where he teaches theology, Greek, and rhetoric, and is adjunct professor of Fine Arts at Eastern University in St. Davids, PA. He has contributed a number of articles published in scholarly journals on education, aesthetics, theology, and ritual. Steve and his wife, Akiko, have four children, all of whom attend Tall Oaks Classical School. Brooke Voelp Brooke Voelp has taught second grade for seven years at Rockbridge Academy in Millersville, MD. Previously, Brooke worked in the public school system where she taught first grade for five years and a gifted and talented program for two. Brooke holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Loyola University. Brooke has been married to her husband, Bill, for 20 years and they have two children that attend Rockbridge Academy, Corrine (17) and Jacob (11). Brenda Vordenbaum Brenda Vordenbaum has been involved in Christian education both in and out of the classroom for over 25 years. She currently serves as a director in the grammar school at Regents School of Austin. Brenda holds a BS in communications and a BS in business marketing from Texas Lutheran University, and an MA in education for curriculum and instruction from Texas State University. Brenda and her husband, Eric, have three children and one grandchild. Their youngest daughter graduated from Regents School of Austin in May. Todd Wedel Todd and his wife, Rebecca, have two daughters, Anna Ruth (5) and Ellie (10 mo.). He is a rhetoric school humanities teacher and grammar principal at Veritas Classical Academy in Oklahoma, while his wife is the admissions coordinator. Using his training in the rhetoric and composition MA program at the University of Oklahoma, he is the author of Veritas’ progymnasmata-based writing curriculum. Matt Whitling Matt Whitling has taught elementary and secondary classes at Logos School in Moscow, Idaho, for the past 18 years. He is currently the secondary and elementary principal at Logos. He is a parish elder at Christ Church and a trustee of New Saint Andrews College. Matt earned a BA at Fresno State University in liberal studies and taught remedial math in California before moving to Idaho. Matt lives in Moscow with his wife, Tora, and their seven children. Tracey Williams Tracey Williams has been involved in classical Christian education since 1994 after attending her first ACCS conference with a group of homeschooling parents. As a result these same parents started Tall Oaks Classical School. All seven of the Williams children graduated from Tall Oaks and continued on to New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, ID. Currently she is an endorsed trainer for the curriculum Spell to Write and Read. Tall Oaks has used the program since its beginning. Tracey trains teachers and especially loves tutoring students of all ages and abilities. Douglas Wilson Douglas is the minister of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. He is a founding board member of both Logos School and New Saint Andrews College, and serves as an instructor at Greyfriars’ Hall, a ministerial training program at Christ Church. He is the author of numerous books on classical Christian education, the family, and the Reformed faith.