2008-11-26 .... 11. ROWA (Read One Write All, with 2PC). â« Why good: offers full transactional ACID-correctness ..... Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA).
IBM Software Group – Information Management – solidDB
Data Replication in Contemporary Database Products Antoni Wolski Chief Researcher, solidDB IBM Helsinki Lab Software Group
HUT 2008-11-26
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Network environment of the mobile age WLAN
Internet LAN
Mobile net VPN Fixed telephone net ”Servers”
Problem: predictability of the end-to-end path
Bandwidth and its fluctuations Delays Availability (connectability) Reliability (fault-tolerance) 2
Quality Quality of of Service Service (QoS) (QoS) still still aa promise promise only only
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What are the forms of distribution? Table T1 T3
Logical Logicalview viewof ofdata data (global schema) (global schema)
Table T2
Node A
Node C
T1a T3
Possible scenarios (local schemas)
T1c Node B T4 T1b
• Tablewise partioning: T3, T4 • Horizontal partitioning: table: T1 • Replication: table: T2 3
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Why to distribute data? You partition your data in order to get better throughput (by load balancing) delegate responsibility for data geographically downsize You replicate your data in order to get better throughput improve response time improve data availability (fault tolerance) in the presence of node failures network failures (partitions) weak connectivity
mobile! 4
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Data recharging in mobile environment Net
1. Connected: power and data is charged (loaded)
2. Disconnected: using pre-loaded power and data
3. Connected again: RECHARGING power and data
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Replication: Main Concepts Replication Copying data with the purpose of using the copied data (the replica) instead of the original (the master)
Synchronization A method to propagate data changes to respective copies (in a consistency-preserving way)
Refresh A one-time operation of bringing a copy up to date
Replication Replication submodels: submodels: -- update update model model -- refresh refresh model model -- management management model model 6
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Principles of transaction-based processing Transaction (unit of work): a sequence of operations, having the following properties(ACID): Atomicity Either all or none
Durability The effects are immediately permanent
Isolation The changes are not seen before they are committed
Consistency The effect of a transaction is a consistent database state Database
A system maintaining ACID properties produces serializable and recoverable transaction schedules. If multiple copies are updated in an ACID transaction, the updates are one-copy serializable. This is the highest possible consistency level for replicated data. 7
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Replication Techniques: Main Division
Synchronous (eager) replication multiplicity of copies are updated in a single transaction (a distributed atomic commit protocol, like Two-Phase Commit, is needed) Guarantees ACID characteristics and one-copy serializability Æ strict consistency
Asynchronous (lazy) replication you read or write one copy only, in a transaction the change is propagated to other copies later on may be one or two-way may be peer-to-peer or hierarchical various synchronization models various refresh models data consistency is maintained by way of conflict detection and resolution (i.e. reconciliation) Æ eventual consistency (snapshot consistency)
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB Eager replication
Synchronous replication requires distributed transaction Application
One-phase commit
Coordinator log
Coordinator has to be run on a reliable node
Commit protocol
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Eager replication with
Eager replication
Two-Phase Commit (2PC) Participant
Coordinator update operations
(one of many) UPDATE
Write locks
execute updates
COMMIT log changes
Log prepare ”get ready for Phase 1 committing”
log vote (WAL) ”ready for committing”
Log decision (WAL) OK COMMIT Phase 2
”now, commit all” COMMIT OK Committed
Log final WAL = Write-ahead log 10
log commit (and forget) (WAL) 10
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ROWA (Read One Write All, with 2PC)
Eager replication
Definition: update all the copies in a single transaction.
Why good: offers full transactional ACID-correctness (and 1SR)
Why bad: all nodes have to be on-line (prone to net partitioning and node failures) Æ unacceptable in mobile environment Æ slight improvement: ROWAA (write all available) long response time long lock times at participants Æ data availability deteriorates Æ probability of deadlock grows [GHOS96]: Deadlock_rate ~ TPS x Trans.time x Actions5 x Nodes3 New New oportunity: oportunity: participant looses autonomy HA HA cluster cluster platforms platforms with with coordinator has to be reliable backplane backplane high-speed high-speed net net 11
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Voting copy protocols
Eager replication
Objective: preserve 1SR in the presence of net and node failures Basic majority voting (Gif79) App
Manager copies Manager collects votes
Quorum rule: any two write quorums as well any read and write quorums have at least one node in common
Voting takes place both when data is written and read Æ makes reading difficult
Basic method: lock-based; also optimistic with validation [Tho79]
Weighted voting [Giff79]
Dynamic voting [JM89]
Tree quorum [AE90] (read one, vote for updates)
... about 150 papers are written on (eager) voting protocols 12
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Other 1SR approaches
Eager replication
Partial write operations (smaller granularity) [RL94] Æ less conflicts Using group communication protocols (atomic multicast) [KA00] total order multicast conflict checking at arrival delaying at conflict no 2PC, no deadlock
Graph-based ”lazy” methods [BKRS99] access a global replication graph
Epidemic commit protocols (decentralized voting) [AES97, RGK96]
All copies are eventually consistent
decision reached
decision propagation 13
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Summary of eager methods
Guarantee best (strict) consistency Are resilient to certain failures Because of the need of a node to be connected, they are not applicable to mobile environments
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Lazy Update Models
Lazy replication
Lazy master All updates are directed to the master (primary) copy (update transaction also read from the master copy) Æ master copy is consistent at all times Æ other copies are refreshed by some method
Lazy replica Any replica copy may be updated The change is pushed to master Checking against possible conflicts is done If necessary, reconciliation is performed Æ reconciliation leads to compensating transactions
Intelligent transaction (Solid) The update is sent to master in a form of a transaction including conflict checking and reconciliation code (user-defined procedures)
Peer-to-peer (symmetric) update (anywhere) All copies are equal, any may be updated Æ distributed conflict resolution and reconciliation
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Primary copy method (Lazy Master)
Lazy replication
Basic version [Sto79] Updates are done in the primary copy (single node transaction) Reads may be done from secondary copies but the read objects have to be locked at the primary copy.
Once the primary copy transaction is completed, the secondary copies are refreshed. Why good: there is always a consistent database somewhere no distributed transactions needed Æ better performance
readers of local data get snapshot consistency Why bad: primary copy has to be on-line primary copy is a bottleneck:
This is the dominant method in practice 16
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Primary copy methods: virtual primary copy
Lazy replication Table T1
Table T1
Partitioned primary copy Virtual node [BK87]
Partitioning is enforced by way of an applicationlevel agreement
Table T1 Table T1
primary copy partition
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Operation of Update Models Lazy master
Data update Commit OK
Lazy replication
Master Asynchronous refresh
Lazy replica Replica
Update propagation Consistency enforcement (system internal)
Data update Commit OK
Asynchronous refresh
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Variations of lazy replica
Lazy replication
Base/mobile transaction (two-tier) [GHOS96] base transactions run in the ROWA mode mobile transaction run locally, when not connected when reconnected, mobile transactions are run as base transactions Æ reconciliation needed Master
data update
mobile trans. (tentative)
Commit OK Compensating transaction when base transaction fails
distributed base trans.
Intelligent transaction (Solid) [Wol01] Master
execution of the intelligent transaction (includes consistency enforcement) 19
transaction propagation asynchronous refresh
data update Commit OK
execution of the intelligent transaction 19
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Update-anywhere Methods
Lazy replication
• You can update (and commit) any copy • Auxiliary information is collected about the transactions: timestamps, read set, etc. • The updates are propagated to other copies • With the use of the auxiliary information, conflicts are detected • Conflicts are resolved using various methods • How does the Copy 4 Copy 3 Copy 2 Copy 1 application know? update Resolution Resolution heuristics: heuristics:
-- First First one one wins wins -- Last one wins Last one wins -- The The boss boss wins wins -- Master Master (primary) (primary) node node wins wins 20
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Bad News about Update Anywhere
Lazy replication
• Impossible to guarantee serializability • Requires application support for compensating transactions • Reconciliation rate does not scale with number of copies: Reconc_rate ~ TPS2 x disconnect_time x Actions2 x Nodes2
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Conflict detection in symmetric methods Basic conflict detection method (using elements of synchronous timestamp-based voting [Tho79])
Lazy replication
Problem Problem definition: definition: •• transactions transactions should should produce produce locally locally consistent states consistent states •• transactions transactions should should be be globally globally ordered ordered
Assumption: unique, monotonic timestamps are available Each Xact has a timestamp TSx (ordering of TSx’s dictates the eventual serialization order) Each item has a timestamp TSu of the last update Xact Xact collects TSu’s of its read set on a read list Xact is propagated to a symmetric copy site and is validated iff TSu’s on the read list match the corresponding ones on the copy site (= read-write conflicts avoided) When validated, the update is applied if TSx > TSu, for each item separately, otherwise ignored (Thomas write rule) (=transactions are globally ordered in the case of write-write conflict). Assign TSu := TSx. If Xact is not validated, reconciliation is needed.
Alternative: Alternative: •• use use original original item item values values in in place place of of timestamps timestamps --- more more restrictive restrictive 22
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Update anywhere: epidemic methods
Lazy replication
Deno system: weighted voting via epidemic information flow [CK00, CKF01, CK02] update candidates C
2 2
elections for voting on update of item x
Step 1: voting and collecting votes (anti-entropy sessions) Problems Problems Step 2: awarding election Step 3: decision propagation
cannot cannot commit commit update update immediately immediately (eager/lazy?) (eager/lazy?) single single objects objects only only (no (no transactions) transactions) propagation propagation takes takes time time Æ Æ more more conflicts conflicts 23
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Update anywhere: evaluation
Lazy replication
Why good: the application uses the local copy only --> the best one for mobile applications
Why bad: never guarantees 1SR more programming: the reconciliation method is a part of the application The application must be ready for compensating transactions Reconciliation rate does not scale well with no. of copies: Reconc_rate ~ TPS2 x disconnect_time x Actions2 x Nodes2 [GHOS96]
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Consistency Models of Replicated Data Transactional consistency ACID, one-copy serializability Æ synchronous, eager replication methods
Snapshot-correctness Strong snapshot consistency: a transaction views a consistent state being a point (possibly in the past) in the global serializable history Weak snapshot consistency: transactions view only committed data but the views may reflect different serialization orders (not updateable) Æ lazy replication methods
Otherwise, in non-transactional methods: Dirty read: a copy may contain uncommitted data — dangerous!
Other consistency criteria temporal consistency application-specific (semantic) consistency 25
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Strong and Weak Snapshot Consistency Strong Master
Weak Master
Replica Transactions arrive at a wrong order!
Weakly consistent snapshots are not really upadateable 26
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Refresh Models Server Data change
Client Refresh data
Server Request refresh
Data change
Client Notify about change Request refresh Refresh data
++ Client Client programming programming easy easy ++ Can Can guarantee guarantee data data freshness freshness -- Does Does not not scale scale with with no. no. of of replicas replicas
++ Scales Scales well well -- Data Data freshness freshness is is difficult difficult -- Client Client programming programming is is more more demanding demanding
Refresh data
Server Data change
Notified Pull (Solid) ++ Scales Scales best best ++ Data Data freshness freshness is is OK OK -- Client Client prpogramming prpogramming is is demanding demanding
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Efficiency of Refresh Full refresh
Changed data
Differential refresh
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Characteristics of a good refresh method
sends all changes minimizes impact on the base table (i.e. additional columns, etc.) transmits as little data as possible maintains n-to-m relationship between tables and snapshots
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Differential refresh methods Example: differential refresh using versions (Solid) Additional history table at master Additional column in the master and replica tables: row version On master update: increment row version copy the old version to the history table and stamp it with the new version # — to indicate time the data became ’old’) Note: on delete, the deleted row will be here.
On refresh request parameters: latest version received before, query constraint. retrieve from the hist. table rows since the last refresh and send to replica for removal (delete). retrieve from the base table rows changed since the last refresh and send to replica for insertion. 30
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Controlling push refresh Transaction-wise, transactional Results of each transaction are sent to replicas immediately after Commit
Clock-based Committed changes are sent according to a timetable
Interval-based Committed changes are sent at intervals
Methods for extracting the refresh data: log sniffing table-wise logs subscription-wise persistent queues (typically maintained in a replication server) 31
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Summary of lazy replication There must be readiness for committed transactions to be undone (compensated) Data is always available to mobile applications It is difficult to maintain consistency of copies Æ various levels of consistency are available
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Replication vs. caching Why not to cache the data when needed? (disk or web caching analogy) Æ transactional caching Two approaches to transactional chaching [FCL97] Avoid access to stale data check/reload cache each time the data is accessed eager ÆROWA (contradicts with the idea of caching) lazy Æ dynamic subscribe, lazy replica
Detect access to stale data validate data at commit eager Æ cache 2PL method lazy Æ dynamic subscribe, lazy replica
Caching is a form of dynamic replication 33
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Replication Management Models Static Use data definition commands (CREATE SNAPSHOT ...)
Dynamic: publish/subscribe model CREATE PUBLICATION ... T1
T2 Refresh
T2 T2 T2
Publication = a database view
T1 T2 T2
Subscription Subscription may may be be restricted restricted 34
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User Profiling Profile represents the needs of a user T1
T2 Refresh
T2 Profile
Subscription) Profile 1
T1 T2
In In the the push push model, model, the the profile profile has has to to be be on on the the Master Master side side
Profile 2
In In the the pull pull model, model, the the profile profile can can be be on on the the Replica Replica side side
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Introducing Availability Actual Time in Service Availability = Intended Time in Service
Availability 95 %
Allowed Downtime per Year 438 h = 18 days
87 h = 3.5 days
8 3/4 hours
Traditional Data Center
No redundancy
7/24 Web Server
Clustering, Shared Resources
53 min
5 1/4 min Network Infrastructure
32 sec
Components of Five 9’s Systems
Hot Standby, Shared Nothing
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A fully replicated hot-standby database (HSB) Node B
Node A HSB
DB Process (Standby)
DB Process (Active) Replication
Secondary D'
Primary D
Database Transactions
•• •• ••
checkpoints checkpoints the the state state maintains maintains transactional transactional consistency consistency maintains maintains transaction transaction durability durability 37
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HA state diagram of the solidDB HA Database Server. Start (no database)
Start (database exists)
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solidDB HA: logging architecture Active server
Transaction Logger
Standby server Replication protocol
Transaction Logger
Primary DB
Secondary Log DB
There are two ways to maintain transaction durability: • disk-based durability (transaction logging) • network-based durability (transactional replication) 39
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1-safe and 2-safe Replication 1-safe
Standby server
Active server
Commit OK
Committed transaction OK
Primary DB
Standby server
Active server Committed transaction
Commit OK
Primary DB
Secondary DB
Secondary DB
The The safeness safeness level level may may be be controlled controlled dynamically, dynamically, by by aa session session or or transaction transaction
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Data Replication Implementation
Three approaches: Do it yourself Use sync middleware Use replicating database
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Three Approaches: (1) Do It Yourself Server app
Mobile app
Self-made data transmission and replication layer
Replica Server node
Mobile node
You have to implement: Replication protocol with recovery Data structures Definition tools for data structures Access methods Methods for consistency preserving Methods for data recovery
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB
Three Approaches: (2) Sync Middleware
Server app
Sync middleware platform
Mobile app
Net Replica DBMS Server node
Mobile node
You have to implement: Data structures in the mobile node Definition tools for mobile data Access methods for mobile data Methods for consistency preserving Methods for mobile data recovery 43
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB
Three Approaches: (3) Replicating Database Server app
Mobile app
Replicating database (DBMS)
You have to implement: Only the application logic
You You get: get: •• data data definition definition •• data data storage storage •• efficient efficient access access methods methods •• standard interfaces standard interfaces (SQL, (SQL, ODBC) ODBC) •• flexible flexible data data views views •• expandability expandability •• run-time run-time adaptability adaptability •• transactions transactions and and concurrency concurrency •• recovery recovery •• replication replication protocols protocols
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Solid’s Replication Technology • A tree-structured replication hierarchy • Publish/Subscribe model (Master-based publications and Replica-based subscription profiles) • Consistency verified at the Master Æstrong snapshot consistency at Replica • Lazy master and lazy replica models • Refresh by way of Pull by Replica • Notified Pull is available • Conflict detection and reconciliation by way of Intelligent Tier 2 Transactions • Cross-platform operation • High availability with Hot Standby Tier 3
Flow Engine
Tier 1
Master Hot Standby
Master & replica
Replicas 45
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Products: replicating databases Vendor
Server product
Client product
Update model
Refresh + management
Oracle9i Lite
- lazy master - lazy replica
- pull - full + differ.
SQL Server
SQL Server for CE
- lazy master - lazy replica
- pull - full + differ. - publications
DB2 Universal Server
DB2 Everyplace
- lazy master - lazy replica
- push - pull - full + differ.
Adaptive Server Anywhere
UltraLite + MobiLink
- lazy master - lazy replica
- pull - full + differ.
FlowEngin HotStandby CDC
- lazy+eager master - lazy replica - intell. transaction
- pull, notified pull - full + differ. - publications
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB
Oracle 9i and Oracle9i Lite Symmetry
Asymmetric: Master (Oracle9i) and snapshot (Lite)
(1) one-way: read-only snapshot (2) two-way: updatable snapshot
Master site (Oracle9i) and snapshot site (Oracle9i Lite)
Update models
(1) Lazy master (read-only snapshot (2) Lazy replica (updatable snapshot limited to one table)
Refresh model
(1) Snapshot pull, differential and full (2) In updatable snapshot: push to master
(1) Serializability in master (2) Snapshot consistency in snapshots
Conflict detection
comparing row values
Done in Master: 10 pre-defined methods, PL/SQL proc.
Master: with SQL; snapshot: with OLE functions 47
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Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server for CE Symmetry
Asymmetric: master (SQL Server) and replica (SQL S. for CE)
(1) one-way: read-only snapshot (2) two-way: merge replication
Master site (SQL Server) and replica site (SQL S. for CE)
Update models
(1) Lazy master (read-only snapshot (2) Lazy replica (updateable snapshot limited to one table) (3) Updateable result sets (with RDA)
Refresh model
(1) Replica pull, differential and full (2) Upload to master
(1) Serializability in master (2) Snapshot consistency in snapshots
Conflict detection
comparing row values
Done in Master: programmable with procedures 48
Management 48
SQL and C functions
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IBM DB2 and DB2 Everyplace Symmetry
Asymmetric: Master (DB2) and replica (DB2 Everyplace)
(1) one-way: read-only replica (publication) (2) two-way: updateeable replica (publication)
DB2, DB2 Everyplace and DB2 Everyplace Sync Server
Update models
(1) Lazy master (read-only replica) (2) Lazy replica (updateable replica limited to one table)
Refresh model
(1) Master push: differential and full (2) In updateable replica: push to master
(1) Serializability in master (2) Snapshot consistency in replicas
Conflict detection
Done in Master. predefined methods
SQL, GUI tools 49
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Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA) and UltraLite
Asymmetric: master (ASAi) and replica (UltraLite)
(1) one-way: read-only replica (2) two-way: updateable replica
Master site (ASA), replica site (UltraLite) and MobiLink Server
Update models
(1) Lazy master (read-only replica (2) Lazy replica (updateable replica limited to one table)
Refresh model
(1) Replica pull, differential and full (2) In updateable replica: push to master
(1) Serializability in master (2) Snapshot consistency in replica
Conflict detection
comparing row values
Done in Master
With extended SQL and C functions
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB
IBM solidDB Replication (Smart Flow) Symmetry
Asymmetric: master and replica
(1) one-way: read-only subscription (2) two-way: push and pull by replica
Identical servers may run as masters and replicas
Update models
(1) Lazy master (2) Intelligent transaction (updateable replica)
Refresh model
(1) Replica pull, differential and full
(1) Serializability in master (2) Snapshot consistency in replica
Conflict detection
Done in master: programmable
With extended SQL 51
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB
IBM solidDB Universal Cache (December 2008) A solution to off-load enterprise servers to high-speed front-ends
solidDB The more read-intensive load the more benefit. solidDB JDBC driver
CDC for solidDB CDC= Changed Data Capture (was: DataMirror)
CDC Management Console
CDC management node
DB2 Informix Oracle Sybase MS SQL Server 52
CDC for ...
Data server Back-end
IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB
solidDB Universal Cache: subscriptions Front-end
CDC for solidDB instance Download suscription
Upload subscription CDC for back-end instance
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IBM solidDB Universal Cache (also: CDC) Symmetry
Symmetric: each side may be source or target, or both
(1) one-way: read-only subscription (2) two-way= two one-way subscriptions
Data servers are equal. CDC instances and tools.
Update models
(1) Lazy master
Refresh model
(1) Replica push, differential and full
(1) Serializability in master (2) Snapshot consistency in replica
Conflict detection
Automatic, based on data changes
Selected rules and user-programmable
With GUI tool and command line (partly) 54
IBM Software Group – Information Management – solidDB
Summary — data replication is a predominant form of data distribution — there are already commercially available technologies to support rudimentary mobile data replication — more research is needed in the area of profile management and correctness preserving
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IBM Software Group | Information Management | solidDB [CKF01] Ugur Çetintemel, Peter J. Keleher, MichaelSoftware J. Franklin. Support for Speculative Update Propagation and Mobility in Deno. ICDCS 2001. [CK02]
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IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB [LC02] Susan Weissman Lauzac, Panos K. Chrysanthis. Personalizing Information Gathering for Mobile Database Clients. ACM SAC'02. Madrid, Spain. [Lin+86] Bruce G. Lindsay, Laura M. Haas, C. Mohan, Hamid Pirahesh, Paul F. Wilms. A Snapshot Differential Refresh Algorithm. SIGMOD’86: 53-60. [LSLH98] Kwok-Wa Lam, Sang Hyuk Son, Victor C. S. Lee, Sheung-lun Hung. Using Separate Algorithms to Process Read-Only Transactions in Real-Time Systems. RTSS 1998: 50-59. [MPC01] Subhasish Mazumdar, Mateusz Pietrzyk, Panos K. Chrysanthis. Caching Constrained Mobile Data. CIKM 2001: 442-449. [PB95]
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IBM Software Group | Information Management Software | solidDB [RGK96] M. Rabinovich, N.H. Gehani, A Kononov. Scalable Update propagations in epidemic replicated databases. Proc. EDBT'96: 207-222. [SA93] O. T. Satyanarayanan, Divyakant Agrawal. Efficient Execution of Read-Only Transactions in Replicated Multiversion Databases. TKDE 5(5): 859-871 (1993). [RL94]
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