REPORT CARD 2017 ...addressing disadvantage is everyone's ...

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May 3, 2017 - City of Greater Geelong. GRiPP. GROW Regional innovative Procurement Program. GROW. G21 Region Opportuniti
GROW is in the start up phase of a ten year plan and we can already see changes that will contribute towards reducing unemployment and place-based disadvantage in our region.

Joint community leadership actively addressing disadvantage There are now 57 local businesses and organisations committed to the GROW principles, and the momentum is strengthening. The GROW Compact Action Network (started in 2014) now has a membership of 60. These local leaders are supporting the design and development of key GROW resources, developing, identifying and creating opportunities for local and social procurement throughout regional supply chains, creating new partnerships and exploring innovative approaches to address disadvantage from their individual business perspective.

Since joining GROW Barwon Water have leveraged their buying power and influenced others to engage and commit to the GROW principles… Whilst local and social procurement is morally the right thing to do, it also provides a significant competitive advantage.

GROW Compact Action plans

57 12 (in progress)

A key challenge has been data collection (20 Compact signatories) and completion of Action plans. To assist, a Compact Action Planning Tool has been developed.

New skills and knowledge to implement social procurement GROW has shed a light on how local and social procurement drives economic prosperity AND social benefit, resulting in increased regional capacity. The research from the Regional Procurement Economic Modelling Project offers key baseline data and regional targets, and the Social Procurement Toolkit, combined with workshops and case studies, provides the tools and tips on how to achieve these. The partnership with Localised has enabled the development of a G21 region local supplier platform. Industry-led approaches are being facilitated by the GROW Regional Innovative Procurement Program (GRiPP). Data collection from Compact signatories is tracking the collective impact through the Shared Measurement Framework, and also leading to increased awareness within organisations.


- Programmed, 2017

Local procurement shift Change in local spend by Compact partners can now be tracked on the Regional Shared Measurement dashboard, launched 3 May, 2017, on the GROW website

The $2m (over 10 years) that was committed by Give Where You Live Foundation in 2014 has enabled additional funds to be leveraged into the G21 Region. Legacy grant Alcoa Foundation


Demand-led employment programs in target communities


State Government funding


Federal Government funding for Baptcare’s Norlane Project


By moving just 7% of the G21 expenditure from non-local to local suppliers, together we can generate:

GROW (G21 Region Opportunities for Work) is an ambitious initiative which aims to address entrenched place-based disadvantage in the G21 Region.

> 2,500 jobs (500 for GROW targeted communities) > $1 billion into the regional economy

Mobilising long-term resources into target communities


- Barwon Water, 2016

Compact Signatories


The increased knowledge and awareness of the impact we can have within the region has been significant. You can only strive to achieve what you measure and understand... Engagement with GROW has opened discussion and has helped to identify opportunities for influence.

Increased collaboration in demand-led employment Deliberate efforts are required to ensure that the jobs created through social procurement flow to GROW target communities. In 2017 GROW are undertaking a joint longitudinal study investigating individual and systemic barriers to employment, to inform new approaches. Also underway is a project to map employment programs in the region, to clarify support available to employers who recruit job seekers from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Jobs with GROW Compact partners These initial numbers reflect the start of the GROW journey, and are testament to how GROW is influencing businesses in the region to think differently and create targeted opportunities for people currently experiencing barriers. Based on data from 20 of the 57 Compact partners, collectively GROW has created long term sustainable jobs and employment pathways (traineeships, apprenticeships) in target communities. GROW has also leveraged jobs and employment pathways through support, facilitation, collaboration and funding applications with GROW Compact partners. Total employment outcomes



15 (+2 leveraged)

Employment pathways

17 (+38 leveraged)


...addressing disadvantage is everyone’s business

This ‘Report Card’ is a timeline showing key outcomes, achievements and challenges experienced in the ‘Start Up’ phase.


Annual General Meeting


Australian Lamb Company


Barwon South West


City of Greater Geelong

GRiPP GROW Regional innovative Procurement Program GROW

G21 Region Opportunities for Work

GWYLF Give Where You Live Foundation RDA

Regional Development Australia


Regional Development Victoria


Small and Medium Enterprise


Social Ventures Australia

Make a difference today and start GROWing opportunities in our region Contact GROW to find out more: Liz Everist, GROW Engagement Officer [email protected] 03 5229 4364

GROW is a joint initiative of Give Where You Live Foundation and G21 - Geelong Region Alliance.

Give Where You Live Foundation acknowledge key GROW funding partners - Victoria State Government and Alcoa Foundation.



THE BEGINNINGS PRE 2015 >  Give Where You Live Foundation (GWYLF) 60+

JULY 2015

>  G21 convened Addressing Disadvantage Taskforce,

commissioned Report >  Leadership from GWYLF committed $2m to

10-year collective impact strategy to address place-based disadvantage

SEPT 2016

MAR 2016

GROW staff appointed (Anne O’Brien, Director & Liz Everist, Engagement)

APR 2017

10 new Compact signatories awarded certificates

State Government announce $1m funding (5 years)

GROW Shared Measurement dashboard developed

>  GWYLF and G21 formed partnership and MOU

AUG 2016

NOV 2016

>  Regional leaders partnered to mobilise resources

Launch of new GROW website funded by Alcoa Foundation

8 new Compact signatories awarded certificates at GWYLF AGM

NOV 2015

for development of innovative strategic plan

Inaugural Compact signing event (20 signatories)

>  Engagement of hundreds of individuals,

businesses, community leaders and government >  G21 key advocacy with local, state and federal

government >  Social Procurement Network begins operating

JUN 2016

GROW strategic plan launched

Launch of research report and targets of 7% shift in local procurement, $1b into region 2,500 jobs (500 for GROW targeted communities) for 2020

>  GROW Strategic Plan finalised to generate

jobs in the G21 region

JUN 2015 GROW Compact Action Network (commenced Dec 2014) co-design GROW Compact

MAY 2017 GROW inaugural Report Card event and dashboard launch

GROW Evaluation and Data Analyst appointed (Kerry Farrance)

MAY 2015

FEB 2017

NOV 2016 GRiPP Coordinating Committee partnership with Localised (local supplier platform) and Regional Plan

Compact Action Network #60 members, #30 attended meeting Launch of Localised



PRE 2015

PRE 2015


Support Northern Futures under new JobActive requirements and Work for the Dole

OCT 2016

ArcBlue consultations for Regional Procurement Economic Modelling Project including survey (#180) and workshop with 60 stakeholders

GRiPP Coordinating Committee formed (Committee for Geelong, Geelong Chamber of Commerce, G21, GWYLF, Enterprise Geelong, RDV)

AUG 2015

SEPT 2016

 SW RDA $50k funding B for Regional Procurement Economic Modelling Project

Launch of Social Procurement Toolkit (including masterclass) funded by Alcoa Foundation

DEC 2015

Leverage $7.25m for Baptcare’s Norlane Project

Met with Deloitte re Social Impact models

MAR 2016 OCT 2015 Commence discussions in Colac with ALC for demand led employment

REDESIGN (10+ YEARS) FEB 2016 Establishment of Colac Action Group (Colac Otway Shire, Dept of Employment, JobActives, SVA)

Commence co-design of demand-led employment model for Colac


APR 2017

APR 2016

MAY 2015

Online Compact Action Planning tool developed

DEC 2016 Commenced collection of procurement data for GROW Shared Measurement from current Compact Signatories

MAR 2017 GRiPP Industry Workshop (Construction, Health, Govt and Manufacturing, subgroups formed)

FEB 2017


Federal Government Try Test Learn Proposal

FEB 2016 Discussion with Christian Porter MP

MAR 2017 Planning SME support in 3214 with Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Geelong and CoGG

NOV 2016

MAR 2017

Colac Project Coordinator appointed (Leah Gatty)

Review of the pilot program in Colac undertaken

FEB 2017


Establish BSW Jobs Victoria Network

SEPT 2016

JAN 2017

State Govt funding awarded for GWYLF for Colac Demand Led Employment Project ($620k until May 2020)

Dept of Employment fund $30k for Employer Training in Colac

 everage State Govt funding for L CoGG Whittington Works ($755k)


Delivery of co-designed ‘jobreadiness’ training for first cohort of participants in Colac

APR 2017 Proposals received for commencing a longitudinal study in target areas Commence mapping of employment programs in the region


year mission to address local disadvantage