report - Give Where You Live

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programs (Feed Geelong, GROW and Engage) as well as allocating grants - $1.76 million in ..... and the Geelong Automotiv





Contents Give Where You Live Foundation


Vision, Mission and Values


Message from CEO and Chairman


Chairman’s Award


2015 / 2016 Foundation Fast Facts


Community Impact 6 • Grants 6 • PROGRAMS 9 Where the funding came from Corporate Partners

10 11

Volunteers 12 Grant review panelLISTS


Give Where You Live Board • Board Appointments • Committee members • Board meeting attendance

14 14 14 14

Give Where You Live Honour Roll


Give Where You Live Inc. Concise Financial Report


Front Cover: Whitelion Annual Community Contributions VACRO Bluearth Foundation


Surf Coast Trek

Who is the Give Where You Live Foundation? Since 1954, the Give Where You Live Foundation has been bringing individual donors, corporate supporters and community partners together to help our region’s most vulnerable people - to work together to Build Better Communities. At the core our mission is creating long-term sustainable change for our most vulnerable community members. Integral to that is our ability to innovate, think and act with imagination and create strong regional partnerships. Despite being one of the largest community grant makers in the country our focus is on long term impact - we want to be known as change makers not grant makers. The Give Where You Live Foundation is a community foundation aiming to solve one of the most complex and entrenched social issues in our community - disadvantage. We do this by implementing our programs (Feed Geelong, GROW and Engage) as well as allocating grants - $1.76 million in 2016.

Vision A region where all people are part of an inclusive and connected G21 community and not limited by the effects of disadvantage.

Mission We are a catalyst for social change through innovative philanthropic solutions to challenging social problems. We engage donors and build partnerships; undertake best practice grant making and provide visionary leadership to create common agenda s.

Values At Give Where You Live our Values are central to all that we do, the way we work and how we connect and work with our donors and partners


We are committed to being honest, respectful, consistent and ethical in our behaviour, relationships and work.


We are accountable to our supporters, partners and the Geelong/G21community. We take responsibility for the stewardship of the funds we raise and will ensure our actions and reporting are transparent.


We strive to be the best we can be in all activities we undertake. Consistently questioning our service standards will help us achieve our ambition of continuous improvement.


We embrace the diverse nature of the Geelong/G21community We encourage new ideas and value all opinions because this will better inform our work and increase our connectedness to the region.


Innovation will be a key factor to our success. We will constantly strive for improved, efficient and effective methods of completing our work, engaging our partners and communicating with the community.


We are passionate about our work, creating sustainable improvement in people’s lives, and supporting the Geelong/G21community.

Duff’s Jewellers Diamond Golf Classic

Inaugural GROW Compact Signatories



CEO and Chairman The 2015 / 2016 financial year has been a busy, challenging and rewarding year. Along with the rest of the community we felt the loss and downsizing of some of our largest community contributors. Despite that loss, our community continued to amaze us with support, generosity, compassion and resilience. Through this, we have been fortunate to build many new partnerships and relationships with government, business and of course the community sector. These new partnerships and many existing ones have enabled the Give Where You Live Foundation to further spread our impact throughout the G21 region.

Our commitment to our mission will see us continue to strive to better measure our organisation’s impact and the impact of our grants and programs over the coming financial year. Despite being a part of a resilient and generous community there are still members of our community that need more help and change. We want to be a stronger catalyst for positive social change and further develop our, and the region’s, use of the collective impact framework. Our commitment is to provide leadership where required and ensure that we apply sufficient resources in a transparent, effective and efficient manner to enable us to create positive, systemic change.

The Foundation’s total revenue grew by 8% during the year which enabled us to contribute and return, over $2 million to the community. At the same time we have been able to grow our corpus by an additional $100,000 to $2.8 million further ensuring our sustainability into the future. These financial results were achieved through the incredible support that the organisation continues to receive from the community, in particular through increased income from events, fundraising campaigns, corporate support, public appeals and from government grants for the GROW Project.

We of course need to thank a great many people and organisations for their contributions. To all the donors, corporate supporters and sponsors, workplace givers, event participants, community partners, volunteers, trusts and foundations that have supported us throughout the year we say a huge thank you.Your support has been unwavering. It allows us to continue our work for the Geelong G21 region and is something that we will never take for granted.

We are very pleased to say the 2015 / 2016 year has seen our partnership with G21 strengthen through the GROW Project. The GROW initiative which started with a desire by both organisations to do something different, but more importantly to make a real difference, really began to take shape during the year. We welcomed Anne O’Brien and Liz Everist to the GROW team and they have been tireless in the launch and initial implementation of the Business Plan, obtaining 20 committed signatories to the GROW Compact and more recently launching the Alcoa Regional Procurement Toolkit and new website. We were also delighted to announce that the Foundation will receive $1 million of funding from the Victorian Sate Government over the next 5 years which has been secured to implement the GROW Business Plan. 2016 saw us welcome the 50th intake of the Loaned Executive Program and we thanked the 1500 plus participants who have volunteered their time to the program with a celebration inside the Ford Stamping Plant. This was a special celebration of not only the Loaned Executive Program, but also the unique and enduring partnership built between Ford Australia and the Give Where You Live Foundation. We acknowledged the sad passing of two friends of the Give Where You Live Foundation throughout the year; Ruth Fagg, who was not only a dedicated financial supporter of our organisation, but also shared many celebrations and events with us along with her husband the late Bert Fagg. We also farewelled Life Member and former board member Rob Kitson who dedicated over 14 years as Treasurer of the then United Way Geelong Region.

Thank you also to the board of Give Where You Live who willingly and voluntarily give of their time and expertise. We place an extremely high value on good governance and we are fortunate to have had the continued effort and drive of all of our board members. Finally to the staff of Give Where You Live. The amount of work completed by the staff reaches much further than simply fundraising and grant making. The staff of Give Where You Live are the true engine of the organisation. Their commitment to our mission, and their passion to engage in the community in order to make a difference across the region is inspiring. We cannot thank the staff enough for their ongoing work.

Murray Boyd Chairman Give Where You Live Foundation

Bill Mithen Chief Executive Officer Give Where You Live Foundation

Chairman’s Award The Chairman’s Award is an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of an individual or group who assists the Give Where You Live Foundation with its Mission to support its local community. I am pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2016 Give Where You Live Foundation Chairman’s Award is Robbie Lecchino, King of the Castle Café. Robbie’s dedication to Give Where You Live and the Robbie Lecchino Feed Geelong campaign has been tireless. Harnessing the power of social media and café patrons together with hosting special events throughout the year. At the time of printing Robbie had raised in excess of $23,000 for Feed Geelong, helping to ensure that our most vulnerable people have access to fresh, nutritious food. Murray Boyd

Give Where You Live Foundation CEO, Bill Mithen and Chairman, Murray Boyd


Chairman Give Where You Live Foundation

Give Where You Live Community Foundation

2015/2016 FAST FACTS COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS Health and Wellbeing Grants

Programs $750,696



220 corporate partners

Survive and Thrive Grants

Live and Learn Grants



4 10


Fundraising Events

Partnerships with Local Government Bodies


4 Media Partnerships - valued at over $100,000

4,500 individuals raising $950,000 through Workplace Giving

Million Investment Corpus


100 Small to Medium business partners


10 Feed Geelong Grants. 3 Strategic Initiatives.



in funding from Trusts & Foundations

community volunteers who read grant applications


AWARDS • State Finalist Telstra Business Awards • SACS Leadership Award, Bill Mithen • Regional Achievement & Community Awards: Leadership & Innovation Award, Bill Mithen



In total 2016 Community Contributions supporting Grants and Programs.


Give Where You Live Foundation

IMPACT 2015-2016 The Give Where You Live Foundation seeks to solve one of the most complex and entrenched social issues in our community – disadvantage, we undertake this in two ways:: 1.

Providing grants to community organisations supporting the delivery of services and programs impacting the root causes and symptoms of disadvantage. Three strategic frameworks (Health & Wellbeing, Live & Learn and Survive & Thrive) guide our grants and allow us to match donations with critical community needs related to disadvantage.


Developing, implementing and managing our own programs targeting disadvantage directly; Feed Geelong, GROW and ENGAGE – Youth in Philanthropy.

Live & Learn Grants Live & Learn Grants support education and employment as pathways out of disadvantage. Longitudinal studies across the world indicate that education success rates at school and post-school are in good part determined by social class origin - in particular parents’ wealth, occupational status, education and aspirations. Education inequality then flows to employment inequality. As a result Give Where You Live Foundation provides grants related to School Readiness, Disengaged Young People and Education, Training and Employment Pathways. From July 2015 to June 2016,16 organisations implemented grants totalling $573,790. These grants contributed to the following impacts:

Learning Readiness

Disengaged Youth



FOR EXAMPLE: 800 children received support through programs provided by Reading Out of Poverty in Corio, Norlane, Whittington, Belmont, Cloverdale and St. Albans Park. 29 children participated with their young parents in developmentally appropriate learning opportunities through the Bluebird Foundation’s Dabble and Dance Program, helping to prepare children for kindergarten or school.

FOR EXAMPLE: 20 young people participated in the Salvo Connect Just Brass Music Program, learning new skills, gaining selfconfidence and increased connection to their school and community. 39 adolescent refugees who received counselling and case management support from CatholicCare now feel safer, more confident, better positioned to access employment and more connected to their community. 12 vulnerable young people were re-engaged in education through their involvement in a documentary film making process. Facilitated by Somebody’s Daughter Theatre, gaining new skills, improved self-esteem and selfconfidence and felt more motivated to engage with their education.

In June 2016 the Give Where You Live Foundation awarded 11 new Live & Learn Grants totalling $434,950 for implementation July 2016 to June 2017.





Ardoch Youth Foundation BATforce, St Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre-Youth +. Barwon Child,Youth & Family and CatholicCare Birregurra Community Health Centre, Deans Marsh Community Cottage and Forrest Neighbourhood House Bluearth Foundation Bluebird Foundation CatholicCare Somebody’s Daughter Theatre Company The Song Room The Smith Family Victorian Association for the Care & Resettlement Offender Whitelion

Bluearth Foundation

$30,000 $140,000 $30,000 $29,950 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000

Survive & Thrive Grants Survive & Thrive Grants contribute to the basic levels of economic security including food, shelter, pharmacy and household goods for the most vulnerable people in our community. Low socio-economic resources are a major cause of entrenched and multiple disadvantage. Income inequality is a key issue facing our region and the resulting disadvantage continues to be concentrated in certain geographic areas. As a result Give Where You Live Foundation provides grants related to Homelessness and Housing Support, Financial Skills and Ongoing Financial Strategies, Regional Emergency Relief and basic Food Security. From July 2015 to June 2016, 16 organisations implemented grants totalling $573,790. These grants contributed to the following impacts:

HOMELESSNESS DECREASED RISK OF HOMELESSNESS FOR 415 PEOPLE. FOR EXAMPLE: 90 men struggling with the issue of homelessness were provided with respite from the street and were supported to connect with other services and to find long term stable housing solutions through Samaritan House Geelong. 15 young people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness were provided a safe and secure place to live and support to improve their well-being - health, education, employment and training opportunities through The Ladder Foundation Project.

EMERGENCY RELIEF FOOD RELIEF TO 4,847 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WHO WERE EXPERIENCING AN IMMEDIATE NEED. FOR EXAMPLE: 520 of our community’s most vulnerable adults received access to meals, a food pantry and material aid from The Outpost, who provided over 45,000 meals in the last year. 375 men, women and children in Norlane experiencing food insecurity accessed nutritional food through Urban Seed Programs, including a people’s pantry, cooking classes and education and community meals.

In June 2016 the Give Where You Live Foundation awarded 11 new Survive & Thrive Grants totalling $370,000 for implementation July 2016 to June 2017.




UnitingCare Geelong

Australian Red Cross Bellarine Living and Learning Centre Drysdale Family Support Geelong Food Relief Centre Geelong Mums Samaritan House Geelong SecondBite The Haven Foundation The Outpost UnitingCare Geelong Urban Seed

$30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $75,000 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000


Health & Wellbeing Grants Health & Wellbeing Grants improve social inclusion and access, as well as physical and mental health. Good health is not shared equally across the region, reflecting the social determinants of health. Health status and the determinants of health vary markedly between the life stages, from conception through to infancy, early childhood, youth, adulthood and older adulthood. Analysis also suggests that socioeconomic factors have a large impact on health. As a result Give Where You Live Foundation provides grants related to: Healthy Ageing, Living with a Disability, Reducing Risky Choices and Life Crises. From July 2015 to June 2016, 31 organisations implemented grants totalling $812,400. These grants contributed to the following impacts:







70 hearing impaired individuals received support through awareness raising sessions and hearing rehabilitation provided by Better Hearing Geelong helping to increase their self-confidence and decrease anxiety, depression and social isolation.

364 people with intellectual disabilities were engaged by Back to Back Theatre in high quality community programs which provided participants with access to supportive relationships, built interpersonal ties, individual efficacy and self-esteem, and experienced increased opportunities for self-expression and enjoyment.

2,016 seniors in aged care facilities and hospitals received weekly visits from Delta Society volunteers and their dogs, helping improve their overall health and wellbeing.

53 individuals who have experienced a stroke were engaged in specialised support groups and other activities by The Stroke Association of Victoria, helping to decrease communication barriers, improve conversation ability, reintegration into community activities and building selfconfidence/esteem.

In June 2016 the Give Where You Live Foundation awarded 29 new Health & Wellbeing Grants totalling $823,845 for implementation July 2016 to June 2017.





Back to Back Theatre Inc Baptcare Barwon Centre Against Sexual Assault Barwon Community Legal Service Barwon Disability Resource Council Bethany Community Support Better Hearing Australia Geelong Bravehearts Communities that Care Delta Society Diversitat Foundation 61 Hope Bereavement Services Kids Foundation Life Education

$30,000 $32,700 $30,000 $25,000 $25,000 $140,000 $10,000 $14,950 $30,000 $9,950 $29,690 $30,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000

Lifeline Geelong Barwon Region Maryville Aged Care Minerva Community Services Multicultural Aged Care Services OneCare Geelong Otway Health Riding for the Disabled Solve - Disability Solutions The Sanctuary Counselling Centre The Stroke Association of Victoria Tweddle Child & Family Health Service Volunteering Victoria Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative Wesley Centre for Life Enrichment

$30,000 $9,510 $30,000 $16,949 $30,000 $41,411 $10,000 $10,000 $30,000 $25,000 $3,716 $30,000 $75,000 $30,000

Foundation 61


Youth in Philanthropy The Foundation has a long standing and ongoing commitment to reducing disadvantage by working with organisations and programs that provide emergency relief, especially food assistance. Feed Geelong seeks to improve the immediate food insecurity for those most in need in our community by raising funds and awareness of this issue through; the Feed Geelong Appeal, managing a significant emergency relief voucher program, and building the capacity of community organisations distributing and providing food to those in need through grants.

ENGAGE is a youth philanthropy program of the Give Where You Live Foundation in partnership with Barwon Child,Youth & Family and Gforce Employment Solutions. The program educates and empowers young people age 15-25 years old in the G21 region to effect positive change, by identifying youth issues that are important to them and making grants to organisations working on these issues. In 2015 / 2016 the program partners developed the program plan and timeline and recruited 12 diverse young people to kick off the implementation of a pilot program in July 2016.

The Foundation’s work in these areas have resulted in:






GROW is a bold and ambitious long-term strategy for tackling disadvantage in the G21 region. A joint initiative of the Give Where You Live Foundation and G21-Geelong Region Alliance, GROW is uniting and aligning philanthropic, business, government and community organisations to work together towards a collective goal. GROW is creating sustainable job opportunities and brokering employment pathways that improve opportunities for long-term job-seekers. GROW’s target areas are Corio, Norlane, Whittington and Colac. The highlights include:







GROW has leveraged Government funds to implement the GROW Strategic Plan and encouraged the alignment of investments into new infrastructure and major projects, generating jobs in target communities, for example: 20 local organisations (as at November 2015) have signed up to the GROW compact committing to integrating the GROW philosophy that a prosperous community cares for the well-being of all its members - into their own company’s values and daily operations, this has resulted in:


recruitment pathways & Opportunities

working to address disadvantage for example: Barwon Water partnering with Karingal Kommercial to develop a new system of cleaning their car fleet.

for job seekers experiencing disadvantage and barriers to employment, for example: the ongoing Barwon Health partnership with Northern Futures offering supported traineeships and new traineeship opportunities at Barwon Water for people from GROW target communities.

Karingal Kommercial at work with Barwon Water

ALIGNMENT OF INVESTMENTS into new infrastructure and major projects generating jobs in target communities, for example: A $43 million development in Norlane focussing on local employment and procurement.


WHERE THE FUNDING CAME FROM July 2015 to June 2016 The Give Where You Live Foundation sources funding primarily form the generosity of the Geelong / G21 regional community. The Foundation’s charter is to ensure these funds also stay within this community assisting local people to Build Better Communities. Give Where You Live brings people, resources and ideas together to support Geelong’s most vulnerable people, we do this with the generous assistance of individuals, businesses and Give Where You Live’s community partners throughout the Geelong region. Give Where You Live would like to take this opportunity to thank these partners who supported the Foundation throughout the 2015 - 2016 year.

Government Grants (GROW) Bequests & $50,000 (1.5%) Other Income $68,216 (2.0%)

GROW Program Income

Interest & Dividends

$23,612 (0.7%)

$184,254 (5.5%)

Workplace Giving Program $914,062 (27.2%)

Events $329,666 (9.8%)

Corporate Partnerships $519,265 (15.5%)

Trusts and Foundations Alcoa Foundation

Trusts, Foundations & Grants $707,712 (21.1%)

Campaigns, Donations & Appeals

Dimmick Charitable Trust

$560,111 (16.7%)

Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal: FRRR Howard Glover Perpetual Trust Percy Baxter Charitable Trust, managed by Perpetual

Roy O & CM Young Trust managed by Perpetual The Muffin Foundation The Oswald Hearne Trust The Roy O and Constance M Young Trust Victorian Community Foundation – The Ruth Fagg Foundation

Government Regional Development Victoria Borough of Queenscliffe City of Greater Geelong Colac Otway Shire Golden Plains Shire Surf Coast Shire

BEQUESTS Give Where You Live would like to acknowledge the estate of Horace Keen for their generous bequest to the Give Where You Live Foundation.

The Outpost


CORPORATE Partners The Give Where You Live Foundation thanks all of our business partners – large and small. These organisations have supported the community in which they conduct business through their support of the Foundation through corporate donations, in-kind support, workplace giving and supporting our appeals and events. We thank our major partners: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Media and Campaign Material sponsors; all of whom appear on the back cover along with our BIG Program partners listed below. Advisory Partners

Gartland Real Estate

Morgans Financial

Aikman Engineering

Geelong & Surf Coast LIVING Magazine

NAB - Belmont

Ailin Teo Dental Surgery

Geelong Cemeteries Trust

Noble’s Mobile Repairs

AQtive Business Consulting

Geelong Chamber of Commerce

Ocean Grove Voice

Aus Pits

Geelong & Surf Coast Real Estate

OnQ Marketing Services

Ausland Landscaping

Geelong First Aid

PACE Business Services

Barwon Computer Solutions

Geelong Lolly Machines

Patrick Rowan & Associates

Belgrove Hire

Geelong Quarries

Peak Pharmacy - Bellarine Village

Bell Park Sport & Recreation Club

Geelong Telephone Company

Penny’s Prime Meats

Bellarine Hearing Services

Glassmetal Industries

PF Private Wealth

Bellarine memories

GMHBA Limited

Prestige Jayco

Belleine Investment Trust

Goodall’s Quality Meats

Prime Real Estate

Belmont Stereo Systems

Gordon Ave Pools & Spas


Boral Cement

Grace Records Management

Roderick Insurance Brokers

Brand Bureau

Hanlon Industries

Rosemont Stud

Brax Window Treatments

Harwood Andrews

Roslyn 38 - Exceptional Dentistry

Buddy Up Style Fitness

Hearing Aid Specialists

SC Technology Group

Buddy Wagon

helloworld Geelong West

Southern Star Group

Business Technology Specialists

Hoare Bros.


Caronlab Australia

Host Geek

Telstra Country Wide


Impact Chapman Welsh

Think Technology

Chapman Welsh Financial Services

Income Solutions

Third Ecology

City to Surf Solar

Insight Engineering Australia

Three PM Project Management

Commonwealth Bank - Geelong Branch

J Anderson & Co

Unwined Cellar Bar

Complex Institute of Education

James Cox Photography

VFA Learning - Geelong

Connect Tel

Jen’s Place

Walkers - Plaster, Tiles & Insulation


Josie’s Transport

We Manage I.T.

Coulter Roache Lawyers

Jovic Accounting

Wellam Constructions

Crowe Horwath

Judy Hill Bookkeeping

West End Real Estate

Dentalspa Geelong

KFC Geelong

Westcoast Windows

Donut King - Waurn Ponds

Kings Funerals

Westpac Bank

Draper’s Civil Contracting

LBW Chartered Accountants

White Cross Healthcare

Elliot’s Fire and Safety

Leen’s Building Supplies

Whitehead Advisory

EmbroidMe Geelong

Lonsdale Landscapes

Winchester Australia

Etheridge Cleaning & Maintenance

Malteurop Australia

WMC Accounting

Eye Gallery - Highton

Mawson Motors

Worley Parsons

FCCS Credit Union

Maxwell Collins


Dawnbuster Fun Run


VOLUNTEERS The Foundation’s operations rely on the generosity of hundreds of individuals including our Board, those who assess our grant applications, Loaned Executives supporting the Workplace Giving Program and those who assist in the delivery of our fundraising events.

2015 Team Leaders

Loaned Executive Program

2015 Loaned Executives

The annual Loaned Executives Program welcomes a group of dedicated individuals to take up the challenge to make a difference in their community. Together they deliver over 200 Workplace Giving presentations; communicating the work of Give Where You Live Foundation promoting the Workplace Giving Program.

Gordon Murray Award Recipient Shane Drury, Lyons Construction


Dee Cooper, Arthur Reed Photos Nicole Sexton, Barwon Water John Recourt, Herd Group of Companies Josh Young, Adroit Insurance Group Farrel Robertson, Aus Pits Adam Totton, Aus Pits Benjamin Garvey, Barwon Timber Mick Bettanin, Barwon Water Rohan Scott, Bendigo Bank Clare Griffith, Brax Window Treatments Liz Keck, Bunnings Group Benjamin Capill, Coulter Roache Lawyers Sophie Noss, Crowe Horwath Belle Brown, Davidsons Karen Whitty, Department Health & Human Services Ben Riches, Evologic Jasmine Ormeno, Fagg’s Mitre 10 Jules McDowall, Fagg’s Mitre 10 Tony Orr, Ford Australia Jason Boland, Ford Australia Louise Goodwin, Gforce Employment Solutions Jessica Young, Give Where You Live Foundation Jessica Robertson, Frank Health Insurance Jody McPherson, Gordon McKay Alasdair Woodford, Harwood Andrews Lawyers Shirley Keam, LBW Chartered Accountants Shane Drury, Lyons Construction Glenn Free, National Australia Bank William Schmitt, National Disability Insurance Scheme Joel Watson, Spiire Shona McKeen, Telstra Matthew Coutts,Viva Energy Australia Jessica Tay,Viva Energy Australia Stephanie Gould-Hardwick,Volunteering Geelong Ryan Purvis, WorleyParsons

Loaned Executive Team 2015

Community grant Review panelS The Give Where You Live Foundation engages community members in our grant review process to ensure that we are meeting the needs that are important to the community and that we are using the resources we raise from the community wisely. The Give Where You Live Foundation thanks the following individuals who volunteered their time and expertise to participate in one of our Grant Review Panels over the past year. Adam Polkinghorne Adam Williams Alison Adams Amelia Rayson Amy Palmer Andrew Morris Anna Draffin Anna Horan Anne Miller Anne O’Brien Anne Preston Anne-Marie Ryan Annette Miller Austin Paterson Belinda Jane Bernadette McCartney Bill Mithen Brendan Beveridge Brendan Holland Brendan Windmeyer Cameron Shepherd Cheryl Lambert Christine Silvestroni Claire Wrigley

Craig Brock Cynthia Scherer Dale Tampion Daleene Kroger David Grazules Dianne Ploeger Dianne Pont Dina Dasic Elizabeth Riordan Eloise Dawson ENGAGE Youth Participants Erena Crowley Erica Fountain Erin Oliver Gail Joordens Georgina Alley Georgina Tobolov Graeme Hanel Hayley Nagahawatte Heather D’Cruz Jacqueline Barry Jake Hogendoorn Jane Dabrowski Jann Kinsela

Jason Wilde Jenny Peters Jessica Bartlett Jessica Young John Cavenett John Collinson Josephine McMahon Karen Mansell Kathryn Egan Kathryn McBride Katie Terpstra Kellie Thomson Ken Hirst Ken Mansfield Ken Massari Kerry Farrance Kimberley Maher Kimberley Sinnott Lainey Carr Lauren Mahoney Lawrie Miller Leigh Johnston Leonie Mitaxa Lesley Duncan Lesley Lightfoot Libby Pollard Liz Everist Maria Howson Marianne Scott Marilyn Blakey Mark Thomas Martin Williams Mary Edgar Mason Angove

Matthew Ackroyd McFarlane Pattinson Michelle Couper Michelle Pitt Nick Guyett Nicole Vinken-Powell Olivia Lucas Paige Whyte Pam Damen Peter Funston Renai Duff Robbie Lecchino Sarah Melville Shaun Cumming Sheridan Salmon Shirley Keam Siobhan McFarlane Skye Ramsey Stephen Dezelak Steve Bentley Stuart Ireland Susan Murrant Susan Strong Tara Iacovella Thane Joske Tim Hellsten Todd Devine Tom Lynch Tony Spence Tricia Salmon Vic Pitman-Jones Wayne Coots Wilna Vosloo Zytel Hircoe

Innovation GranT Panellists

Feed Geelong Grant Panellists

Austin Paterson, Bill Mithen, Cynthia Scherer, Fiona Reidy, Janice Lane, Jenny Riley, Lesley Lightfoot, Sylvia Admans

Bill Mithen, Cynthia Scherer, Danny Lannen, Lesley Lightfoot, Rob Hunter, Sandy Dudakov, Sheridan Salmon

Finalists - Telstra Business Awards


Give Where You Live Board, 2016 Nick Klein, Deb Furlan, Murray Boyd, (Chairman), Todd Devine, Bill Mithen (CEO), Daleene Kroger, Anne,-Marie Ryan, Austin Paterson and Justin Hartnett

Give Where You Live iNC


The Give Where You Live Inc Board gives freely of its time and contributes a wealth of business and community knowledge and experience. The Board is ultimately responsible for the allocation of funds and the governance of the Foundation.

Murray Boyd, Chairman, appointed 2010

Anne-Marie Ryan, appointed 2014

Murray has held the position of Chairman of the Give Where You Live Board for three years. His professional experience includes, Partner and Director of Quiksilver and Watercooled Surf Co. and a past director of Surfing Victoria.

Anne-Marie is the Executive Officer of the Geelong Region Local Learning and Employment Network Inc and holds a range of post graduate qualifications in education, leadership and organisation development. She is a member of the BSW Adult, Community and Further Education Council, the Victorian Manufacturing Skills and Training TaskForce and the Geelong Automotive Transition Task Force. She is also a Board member of Creative Geelong Inc and Vice President of the Geelong Animal Welfare Society. Anne-Marie is a recent appointment to the new Barwon Regional Partnership.

Murray is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors CD course.

Todd Devine, Deputy Chairman. appointed 2014 Todd holds a Bachelor of Business (Property), is a Certified Practicing Valuer and member of the Australian Property Institute. For over 20 years he has worked in the property industry as a valuer and property consultant predominantly within Victoria.

Nick Klein, Treasurer, appointed 2012 Nick Klein is a Principal and Director of LBW Chartered Accountants. Nick holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Deakin University (Geelong) and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Australia Institute of Directors. Nick was also actively involved in the Rotary Club of Geelong West as the President for the 2014/2015 year.

Daleene Kroger, appointed 2014 Daleene is currently the Partner responsible for Business Management at Patrick Rowan & Associates. She holds a Bachelor Commerce from Deakin University, CPA Public Practice Certificate and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Daleene has worked for over 20 years in a variety of Accounting and Business Management roles.

Justin Hartnett, appointed 2010 Justin Hartnett is a Principal of Harwood Andrews Lawyers and practice group leader of the wills and estates department. Justin holds a Bachelor of Law and a Bachelor of Arts and is accredited by the Law Institute of Victoria as a specialist in wills and estates.

Deb Furlan, appointed 2009 Deb Furlan is a Director of GTPaC Pty Ltd and holds both a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (Computing) degree from Deakin University and is a Member of the Australian Computing Society and Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants.


Austin Paterson, appointed 2015 With a keen interest in Aged Care, Community Health and Community Development, Austin has held various CEO (most recently with the RE Ross Trust) and other senior positions in these fields across Geelong and Melbourne. Austin is currently engaged both as a consultant and on a pro bono basis to various organisations including the Jack Brockhoff Foundation, Perpetual Trustees (The Percy Baxter Charitable Trust) and Back to Back Theatre Company and a current board member of Sirovilla Aged Care.

Give Where You Live INC.

Give Where You Live inc.

Board Appointments




Current Position

Murray Boyd

February 2010


Todd Devine

February 2010

Deputy Chairman

Nick Klein

July 2009


Justin Hartnett

October 2012

Board Member

Deb Furlan

February 2014

Board Member

Anne-Marie Ryan

February 2014

Board Member

Daleene Kroger

September 2014

Board Member

Austin Paterson

July 2015

Board Member

Audit and Risk and Investment Committee Nick Klein (Chair & Treasurer) Deb Furlan (Board Member) Daleene Kroger (Board Member) Murray Boyd (Ex-Officio)

Nominations and Remuneration Committee Murray Boyd (Chair) Justin Hartnett (Board Member) Daleene Kroger (Board Member) Peter Maxwell (Life Member) Vaz Juchima (Co-Opted)

Give Where You Live inc.


August September October December February March 2015 (EM) 2015 2015 (EM) 2015 2016 2016 (EM) 1 1 1 1 1 1

April 2016 1

June 2016 1

Number Eligible to Attended Attend 8 8

Justin Hartnett











Nick Klein











Deb Furlan











Daleene Kroger











Anne-Marie Ryan











Todd Devine











Austin Paterson











(EM) = Extraordinary Meetings

50th anniversary celebrations of the Loaned Executive Program


Give Where You Live

HONOUR ROLL Gordon Murray Award Recipients

Chairman’s Award Recipients

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

1992 Chris Muir 1993 Barton van Laar 1994 Mal Campbell 1995 Barry Bell (OAM) 1996 Employee Canvassers, Ford Australia, Geelong Operations 1997 Dave Langley 1998 Dean Bateup 1999 Ian Cover 2000 Michael Betts 2001 Michael Stokes 2002 Bruce Peake 2003 Brenden Caligari 2004 Reg Fisher 2005 Tom Blood 2006 Andrew Cleary 2007 Geelong Rotary Club 2008 Charity Golf Day Committee 2009 Drew Ginn and Claudine Rodgers 2010 Anthony Jones 2011/ 2012 Gary Hill 2013 Chris Davies 2014 Barry Fagg 2015 Hayden Miller 2016 Robbie Lecchino

John Ferguson, Gas and Fuel Corporation Alexandra Hunt, Huyck Australia Stephen Greaves, Blakistons Peter Hedger, Hendersons Zdenka Roksa, Austin Group Stephanie Lock, Shell Refinery Stefan Kudilczak, Nelson Park School Shona McCreadie, Costas’s Pty Ltd Michael Stokes, Geelong Cement Kerrie Quirk, Express Promotions Sandra Priddle and Daryl Perrett, Ford Australia John Demopolous, Commonwealth Haydn Farley, Austin Group Gavin Hobbs, Transwest Environmental Services Kim Leworthy, City of Greater Geelong Tim Edmunds, Ford Australia Georgina Thomson, Harwood Andrews Marg McFadyen, MC Herd Greg Warburton, Ford Australia Shane Grace, Alcoa Australia and Sui Ly Kang, Ford Australia Belinda McPherson, Dept of Justice & Tim Currie, Ford Australia Cass Bird and Claire Hassett, GMHBA , Monique Corban and Matt Hudson, Shell Geelong Refinery Carolyn Hogan, Alcoa ARP and Jason Wilde, GMHBA Alicia Haydon, GMHBA John Recourt, HERD Group Shane Drury, Lyons Construction Jessica Flowers, The Geelong College

Life Members Alan Bradbury Alec Hand Andrew Lawson Arthur Farnworth MBE Barry Fagg Barbara Abley Bill Holt Birk Thacker Bob Renick Brian Scorgie Colin Murray MBE Don Wookey Dorothy Trezise Elspeth Hallowes

Gordon Hall Gordon Murray H. F. Powell Hilary Blakiston Howard Pollack Ian Cover Jack Griffiths James Darling CMG OBE Jim Rossiter John Bannister John Tozer Jordan Mavros OAM Kees Smit Keith Fagg Len Sprague

Mike O’Brien Michael Raymond Neville Ellis Paul Blazer Peter Fyfe Peter Jackson Peter Maxwell Peter Morgan Ray Carey Robert Kitson Ruth Cooper Stan Bellchambers Vin Fitzgerald William Austin

The Give Where You Live Foundation acknowledges the awarding Life Memberships in recognition of exemplary service to the Foundation to Ian Cover, Jordan Mavros OAM and Mike O’Brien in 2016.


Give Where You Live Concise Financial Report Consolidated Income Statement For the year ended 30 June 2016 REVENUE Trusts, Foundations & Grants Workplace Giving Corporates Campaigns & Appeals Events Government Grants Program Income Interest & Dividends Bequests & Other Income Total Revenue EXPENSES Community Grants Surf Coast Trek – Kids Plus Foundation Sub Total GROW Program Community Development & Grant Making Total Community Contribution Marketing, Fundraising & Events Administration Total Expenses Surplus / (Deficit) for the year Other comprehensive income Net change on revaluation of investments Total comprehensive income for the year



30 June 2016 $

30 June 2015 $

707,712 914,062 519,265 560,111 329,666 50,000 184,254 23,612 68,216 3,356,898

753,093 898,946 600,521 314,873 266,819 100,000 135,425 38,116 520 3,108,313

(1,760,573) (132,767) (1,893,340) (384,637) (101,515) (2,379,492) (506,982) (477,776) (3,364,250) (7,352)

(2,023,141) 0 (2,023,141) (283,550) (89,265) (2,395,956) (473,813) (464,762) (3,334,531) (226,218)

80,882 73,530

233,715 7,497

Notes: a. the concise financial report is a consolidation of the financial reports of Give Where You Live Inc and Give Where You Live Foundation; b. the financial statements and specific disclosures included in the concise financial report have been derived from the financial reports of Give Where You Live Inc and Give Where You Live Foundation; c. Give Where You Live Inc acts as trustee of the Give Where You Live Foundation, effective as of 1, July 2012. d. ‘in 2012, Give Where You Live Inc relinquished its Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) status with the Australian Taxation Office and as a result was no longer eligible to be a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) organisation. e. ‘as the Give Where You Live Foundation (the Fund) maintains DGR 2 status, all tax deductible donations from the 1st of July 2012 onwards were received by the Fund and all allocations to DGR eligible Community Partners were paid from the Fund f. due to the above changes and to assist with comparison to prior reporting periods Give Where You Live have adopted the concise financial reporting format g. the concise financial report cannot be expected to provide as full an understanding of the financial performance, financial position and financing and investing activities of the entity as the financial reports of Give Where You Live Inc and Give Where You Live Foundation; and h. further financial information can be obtained from the financial reports of Give Where You Live Inc and Give Where You Live Foundation and these reports are available, free of charge, on request to Give Where You Live and from its website

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As at June 2016

CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Prepayments NON-CURRENT ASSETS Financial Assets Plant and equipment TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables Provisions NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Provisions

Consolidated 30 June 2016 $ 2,360,609 266,582 909 2,628,100 2,837,301 18,866 2,856,167 5,484,267 437,349 2,556,226 2,993,575 159,897


3,153,472 2,330,795

ACCUMULATED FUNDS & EQUITY Initial Contribution Retained Surplus I Woolnough Fund Deakin Community Child Care Fund TOTAL ACCUMULATED FUNDS & EQUITY

100 2,107,289 173,078 50,328 2,330,795

Consolidated 30 June 2015 $

  2,549,752 343,159 2,892,911   2,688,919 25,172 2,714,091 5,607,002     526,988 2,269,367 2,796,355   553,382   3,349,737 2,257,265     100 2,039,655 168,510 49,000 2,257,265


Give Where You Live Concise Financial Report Consolidated Statement of changes in Funds and Equity Balances For the year ended June 2016

Give Where You Live Inc

Give Where You Live Foundation

Retained Earnings Balance at 1 July, 2015

Community Fund


I Woolnough Fund

Deakin Community Child Care Fund 49,000















73,144 -

5,995 -

1,743 -

80,882 0

11,904 (4,173)


55,730 2,111,462

4,568 173,078

1,328 50,328

73,530 2,330,795

Surplus (Deficit) for the year Other Comprehensive income Transferred to named fund Sub-total Balance at 30 June 2016

For the year ended 30 June 2015

Give Where You Live Inc

Give Where You Live Foundation

Retained Earnings Balance at 1 July, 2014 Surplus (Deficit) for the year


Deakin Community Child Care Fund















223,023 (49,000)



233,715 0

(118,414) (16,077)


71,151 2,055,732

5,760 168,510

49,000 49,000

7,497 2,257,265

Transfer to named fund Balance at 30 June 2015

I Woolnough Fund


Other Comprehensive income Sub-total

Community Fund

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended June 2016

Consolidated 30 June 2016 $

Consolidated 30 June 2015 $

CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from Donors, Bequests and Other Activities Payments to Community Partners, Employees and Suppliers Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities












Payments for investments Purchase of property, plant and equipment





Net cash used by investing activities



Dividends received

Net increases (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year








Give Where You Live Inc Statement by Members of the Committee The committee have determined that the Association is not a reporting entity and that the special purpose financial report should be prepared in accordance with the accounting policies outlined in Note (a) to the financial statements. In the opinion of the committee the Financial Reports as set out on pages 17-18. 1. Presents a true and fair view of the financial position Give Where You Live Inc. as at 30 June 2016 and its performance for the year ended on that date. 2. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Give Where You Live Inc will be able to pay its debts as and where they fall due. This statement is made in accordance with the resolution of the Directors and is signed for and on behalf of the Directors by:


Independent Auditors Report to the Members of Give Where You Live Inc

Report on the Financial Report We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a special purpose financial report, of Give Where You Live Inc. and Give Where You Live foundation (Give Where You Live), which comprises the consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2016, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of cash flows and the consolidated statement of changes in equity of the year then ended and related notes, derived from the audited financial reports of the entities for the year ended 30 June 2016. Committees’ Responsibility for the Financial Report The directors of Give Where You Live are responsible for the preparation of the financial report in accordance with accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports the needs of the members. The directors’ responsibility also includes such internal control as the directors have determined is necessary to enable the preparation of a concise financial report; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards of the financial reports of Give Where You Live Inc. and Give Where You Live Foundation for the year ended 30 June 2016. Our audit report on the financial reports for the year were signed on 7 October 2016 and were not subject to any modification. The Australian Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report for the year is free from material misstatement. Our procedures in respect of the concise financial report included testing that the information in concise financial report is derived from, and is consistent with, the financial reports for the year, and examination on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts, discussion and analysis, and other disclosures which were not directly derived from the financial reports for the year. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the concise financial report complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports and whether the discussion and analysis complies with the requirements laid down in AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Audit Opinion In our opinion, the financial report gives a true and fair view of the financial position of Give Where You Live as at 30 June 2016, and their financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended. Basis of Accounting and Restriction on Distribution Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note (a) to the individual financial reports, which describe the basis of accounting. The financial report has been prepared for Give Where You Live to meet the requirements of the directors. As a result, the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose. Stephen Kirtley Director

Dated this 10th day of October 2016 Davidsons Assurance Services Pty Ltd 101 West Fyans Street Geelong Victoria 3220

Ford Geelong Manufacturing Workers - $25,000 donation to the corpus


Thank You to our 2015/2016 CORPORATE partners No one person or organisation can fight our community’s tough social issues alone. In the Geelong / G21 region today, more and more people than need our help. Together the Give Where You Live Foundation brings people, resources and ideas together to support Geelong’s most vulnerable community members. The Give Where You Live Foundation can only undertake our work with the generous assistance of individuals, businesses and the Give Where You Live Foundation’s community partners throughout the region. Give Where You Live would like to take this opportunity to thank those corporate partners who supported the organisation throughout the 2015 / 2016 financial year.

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners COSTA FAMILY

Silver Donors

Bronze Donors

Media Partners

Campaign Material Sponsor

PO Box 351 18 Myers St, Geelong, VIC 3220 T 5229 4364 E [email protected] W