gensis; Achillea pannonica against A. seidlii; Alstroemeria presliana with conserved type; Dodecatheon jeffreyi against D. jef freyanum; Echium laevigatum with ...
34+5)66!'!Report of the Committee for Fungi
PR O P O SA L S TO CO N S E R V E O R R E J E C T N A M E S Edited by John McNeill, Scott A. Redhead & John H. Wiersema
Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi: 16 Lorelei L. Norvell Pacific Northwest Mycology Service, Portland, Oregon 972291309, U.S.A.; Summary 78)!94664:;+)B-+.!A,+;B4*)+!%%2345)?*)+! %L!$/#%#&!54B;Q6-B!-!C+4C4@-6!94+!>4,@@;4)
$%j%#&! U44? ?)4)CB)A! +,@B4@)!6;>8);B;)A!B!B8)!>)CB)A! -@! Pyrenocarpon flotowianum $N)CCF&! 7+)5;@F! $%jLLM! *-@F! Verrucaria flotowiana! N)CCF! %jL1&! :-@! )-+6;)+! +)9)+))A! *.! oB8)64@B4?-p! $Verrucaria thelostoma YF!N-++;?-8M!%j#k&!-)B! B84@)!)!;B!:-@!)@B-*6;@8)A!-@!B8)!B.C)!@C)>;)@M!;!>48))66)4B;48!B8).!B+-4??)4>)CB)A!=)
^46)>,6-+!A-B-!9+4?!/###!@84:!Heterodea!3.6F!$%j"j&M!>,++))A!;;)@M!B8)!5-6;A6.!C,*6;@8)A!C. aggregata!-Q;6-@@;9;)A!;,6-+!+)@)-+>8M!:8;>8!@84:@!B8-B!Heterodea )! -6@4!@,CC4+B)A!*.!?4+C8464=;>-6!>8-+->B)+@!-8)?;@B+.F!Hetero dea!;@!+)C+)@);)@!;-B;44,++))B4,@!>4+B;>;4;A!9,)!C,*6;>-B;4FM!J4BF!g/0!W#F!%W%g!$DicotyledonesM Rubiaceae). ]4B)@!2!W!0!L!0!#!$"gl!>4
J+,??;BB!'!Report of the Committee for Vascular Plants