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On 8th December 2013, around 500 proficient little masters from 22 Child Care ... On the 15th of March 2014 students fro
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RAJAGIRI Centre for Business Studies (RCBS) has been in the forefront of management education in Kerala. Along with the regular activities for imparting management education, the institute also provide avenues for the students to enhance their sensitivity towards the society. This is done through Rural Sensitization Camp The weeklong programme is aimed at inculcating social sensitivity among students, thereby encouraging them to creatively address the social issues around them. Students take up project/projects in a rural area and get exposed to an environment totally devoid of the comforts of modern lifestyle .This gives them a first-hand experience of managing with limited resources and team work. This rural sensitization camp is a part of the culture of Rajagiri. The students are given the opportunity to identify their different skills and talents. Ability to adjust with the situations, managing with limited resources, stress management , to live a life without modern gadgets like mobile phones, internet facilities, laptops etc.. were the main objectives of the rural camp. All the students identified their hidden talents, leadership skills, different abilities through the rural camp. Development of social skills were one of the main objectives of this camp. Before the camp, the students were divided into 12 groups, they selected their team names and the team members selected their leader. Since this rural camp is a student driven programme, all the major roles are done by students. Different committees like finance, documentation, food, transportation, project, afternoon, implements fully driven by students was the vital part of this rural camp. Those students who were not a part of any committee actively participated in different projects which were a part of the rural camp.

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Rajagiri Transcend

RAJAGIRI TRANSCEND, the social service wing of the management students of Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies (RCBS), is an initiative conceived and managed by the student fraternity of the institute. The word TRANSCEND is the abbreviation of To Reach out and Nurture Social Commitments and Enable Newer Dimensions It is initiated to “Facilitate students to explore their options for co-curricular involvement on campus and beyond, in order to enhance their educational and life experience and make them effective social beings.”

ACTIVITY REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OF 2013 - 2016 Independence Day Celebration RAJAGIRI TRANSCEND celebrated 66th National Independence Day along with the children from the Rajagiri Valley neighborhood. After the flag hoisting by Dr.Antony Kariyil CMI, Director, Rajagiri Institutions at 8.30 am in the main entrance of the campus, 50 children from Rajagiri neighbourhood and the students of Rajagiri assembled in the KRL auditorium. The students of Rajagiri put up an interactive session on the history of the Freedom struggle of the country and helped imbibe the spirit of nationalism. This was followed by a theme based poster painting competition where the students were divided into teams of 10 and the best amongst them were chosen. The day drew a close with the kids and the Rajagirians both filled with a new sense of respect for nation‟s glorious history Supplementary Nutrition Programme at Govt. Higher Secondary School, Chottanikkara As part of the outreach programmes of RAJAGIRI TRANSCEND, supplementary nutrition programme had initiated at Govt. Higher Secondary School, Chottanikkara. The programme will continued upto 31st March , 2014. Participation in the World Heart Day Celebrations on 29th September 2013 RCBS was one of the associated institutions in the World Heart Day Celebrations held on 29th September 2013 at Gangothri Hall, Ernakulam. This programme was the initiative of Heart Care Foundation, Kerala, under the leadership of Dr.Jose Chacko Periappuram. Kerala Helath Mission and Mruthasangivini (a Government of Kerala initiative for promoting organ transplantation) were the other partner agencies. The Propgramme began with an education session on “Organ donation, its implications and implementation”. Followed by this, panel discussions were held to clarify the doubts of the participants on “Organ donations”. The input session and panel discussions were lead by

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eminent doctors from “Kerala Network of Organ Sharing (KNOS), a Kerala Government body. The technical sessions were over by 12.15 pm and after that celebrities like Siqqique (film director) and Ms.Renjini Haridas were pledged their hearts as a part of the Organ donation drive. From RCBS 89 students and 3 staff members participated in the programme and all of them pledged their organs and received donor cards in the function. The programme ended at 12.45 pm. The participants got a good lot of information about organ donation and its implications to self and to the rest of the Society. The Thanks Giving Day – for the house keeping staff of Rajagiri College In connection with Deewali celebration this year, RAJAGIRI TRANSCEND had initiated a programme called “The Thanks Giving Day” for the housekeeping staff of the College on 5 th November 2013 in the campus to show our gratitude towards the services they have rendered to us. The programme started at 4 pm at amphitheatre. It was filled with lots of joy and fun. Deewali sweets were distributed to all house keeping staff members.

Asha deepam Rajagiri Transcend has begun an Initiative in Government schools in Ernakulam District called Asha Deepam. The Initiative consists of a series of interventions at schools wherein Transcend plans to holistically develop the quality of the students in the long run. The interventions are planned to

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modify factors affecting children like self-hygiene, clean environment, academic environment, social environment, and other factors. The first intervention was at Government Higher Secondary School, South Ezhippuram on 9 th November 2013. 115 plus one students were brought to Rajagiri Campus. Sessions on Positive Attitude towards life, Self-awareness, Studying techniques, Motivation and Goal Setting were given. It was a group learning exercise in which 30 students from RCBS involved as mentors of the programme. The programme was beneficial for both the community. Alan Lukose was the faculty coordinator of the programme

Need Assessment Study of the Neighbourhood Community: Base line data from 350 households in division 17 of Thrikkakkara Municipality has been gathered by the students with the support of the counselor. 40 students were involved in the data collection. Tuition Programme at Child Care Institutions: Remedial tuition programmes are going on at Home of Faith, Chittethukara and Govt.Childrens Home Kakkanad. Student volunteers were regular in both the institutions on evenings and holidays. Ripple Premium Tea - CRAYONS 2013

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On 8th December 2013, around 500 proficient little masters from 22 Child Care Institutions in Ernakulam district gathered in RCBS to celebrate “CRAYONS 2013” the second annual get together of institutionalized children. It was a full day programme and we had events like Dance competition, Singing competition, Drawing, Treasure Hunt and many more lined up for them. The children participated in all events with high enthusiasm and spirit. The lunch was prepared and served by our students. Through CRAYONS, the students of RCBS wish to bring a BIG smile on little faces. Ripple Premium Tea was the title sponsors of the programme. Asianet was the media partner and the programme was tele casted on 29th December 2013 at 2.30 pm on Asianet News Channel. The entire programme was conceived and initiated by the student fraternity of the college. Documentary A promotional bit emphasized on the educational and overall support to orphaned and destitute children has been developed for Rajagiri TRANSCEND. It‟s a 3 minute documentary produced by RCBS students. Lanterns 2014 Lanterns is a mentoring camp for a group of less privileged children. This one day camp had been organised with the aim is to help the students recognize that they have the power to be what they wish to be and comprehend the attributes and qualities required to become a positive personality which will ultimately lead to their holistic development. On the 22nd February 2014 Rajagiri TRANSCEND conducted Lanterns. Lanterns is an eventful day filled with fun frolic and learning for the 50 students who are sponsored by Rajagiri. From these 50 children, 25 are from the Rajagiri Valley neighborhood while the other 25 are from

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Alleppy, Thrissur, Ernakulam districts. The sponsored students who arrived at 7 am were served breakfast and then made into groups. These groups were then assigned one or more volunteers from TRANSCEND. These groups were given motivational speeches and made to play games and draw and have fun. After lunch they were kept occupied with the many events planned for them by the volunteers. At 5 p.m. the volunteers put forward a small show of dancing and singing to entertain the students. They were then given small gifts before going back home. Lets use this light to guide them towards success...

Seminar on Right to Employment of the persons with disabilities Rajagiri TRANSCEND, the Service wing of Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, in association with KRIPA, Chunangamveli, and Sahrudaya Services & Charities, Kalamassery, has organized a One Day seminar on “Right to Employment of Persons with disabilities” on 22 nd February 2014 at RCBS. About 50 participants represented various NGOs working for the Persons with Disabilities in the state participated in the programme. The seminar was inaugurated by Sri.K.Babu, Hon‟ble Minister for Fisheries, Port and Excise. Fr.Dr.Cletus Plackal presided over the inaugural function and Dr.Joseph I Injodey gave the Principal‟s message. Dr.M.K Jayaraj, Director, State Institute for Mentally Challenged, Thiruvananthapuram, Adv.Sandhya, Director, Human Rights Law Netwrok, Thiruvananthapuram, Sri.S. Somasekar,

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DGM(HR), BPCL-KRL, Kochi and Sri.Saji V Mathew, Chief Manager, Sud-Chemie India Pvt.Ltd were the resource persons of the seminar.

Cancer Ward visit at General Hospital, Ernakulam On the 15th of March 2014 students from MBA, MHRM AND PGDM who are volunteers in Rajagiri TRANSCEND visited the Cancer ward in the General Hospital, Ernakulam. It was an experience like no other where they learned about the hardships and sufferings experienced by people who have been diagnosed with cancer. After helping out with the preparation of the night‟s dinner the students proceeded to visit the isolation ward. The isolation ward is where patients who have received treatment and have nowhere else to recuperate stay. The visit was an experience from which the students understood what the patients at the hospital are going through and how they cope with the sickness. The hospital is hygienic and well-kept and the mess is served by the kundumbasree unit staff that takes care to keep the food at the highest standards. The wards are also kept hygienic and clean. The volunteers sat with the dietician who is the head of the mess and understood the various kinds of food served to the various patients who have different ailments.

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Kadukkuty gramapanchayath Team visit RAJAGIRI Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies conducted a Need assessment Study at Kadukutty gramapanchayath in Thrissur district in January 2014. On the 24th February the ward members of the panchayat were invited to Rajagiri valley campus to see the report of t Need Assessemnt Study.

Activity Report for the period of 2014 - 2015 Training programme on Children’s laws at Mar Athanasius School, Kakkanad In association Thrikkakkara Police Station, a training programme was conducted for Students Police Cadets at Mar Athanasius School, Kakkanad on 16th May 2014. 55 student police cadets were participated in the programme. Ashadeepam Follow up programme The Initiative consists of a series of interventions at schools wherein Transcend plans to holistically develop the quality of the students in the long run. The interventions are planned to

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modify factors affecting children like self-hygiene, clean environment, academic environment, social environment, and other factors. A half-day session was given to plus two students of Govt. Higher Secondary School, South Ezhippuram on 23rd May 2014 Dove Mission Kothamangalam One day training on „child related laws‟ was conducted for the resource persons of Dove Mission Kothamangalam on 17th May 2014. It is a project initiated by Kothamangalam Thaluk Legal Service Committee with an objective of developing Kothamangalam Municipality as „child friendly‟. School Stationary Distribution School bag, notebooks and umbrella were distributed to 25 children, sponsored by RCBS, living in the Rajagiri Valley neighbourhood on 31st May 2014. Session on Child Rights Laws relating to children A session on “Child Rights and Laws relating to Children” was organized for the school going children living in the neighbourhood community on 14th June 2014 at RCBS. 23 children in the age group of 10 to 18 years were participated in it. RCBS students were the organisers of the programme Anti Drug Day campaign On 26th June, “Anti Drug Day campaign” was organized in the campus by the students. Visit to Palluruthy Relief Settlement As part of the social sensitization programme, 37 students visited Palluruthy Relief Settlement, rehabilitation shelter for the destitute, managed by Corporation of Cochin. The visit was held on 3rd July 2014 and the students spent a day with the inmates. It was a different experience for the students where they learned about the sufferings and hardships of the inmates of the Centre. On the review held in the college, the students expressed their desire for a long term intervention with the PRS for bringing a qualitative change in the life of the people there. As a beginning, our students purchased 400 notebooks made by the inmates of PRS to motivate the micro entrepreneurship initiative of the inmates. Awareness Generation Campaign about Organ donation

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Rajagiri TRANSCEND, in association with CEVA(Cyriac Elias Voluntary Association) has organized an Awareness Generation Campaign – Organ Donation Campaign Among Youth ( OCAY) - among Rajagiri Students to equip with the knowledge about Organ Donation and its benefits to help others in need. The programme was held on 16th September 2014 at 2.00pm at Chavara Hall. Around 400 students were participated in the programme. Poster exhibitions also were arranged. Resource persons from CEVA lead the sessions. World Heart Day Celebrations on 27th September 2014 This year also, RCBS was one of the associated institutions in the World Heart Day Celebrations held on 27th September 2014 at Ashirbhavan, Ernakulam. This programme was the initiative of Heart Care Foundation, Kerala , under the leadership of Dr.Jose Chacko Periappuram. 50 students from RCBS participated the programme. The Propgramme began with an education session on “unveiling the mystery of organ donation” by Dr. Jai Kumar. He briefed on Organ Donation and made his points clear and precise with certain facts and figures. He talked about different kinds of transplants and about the quality of life a donor can lead. Dr. Koshy then talked about Brain Dead condition and cleared the doubt that can we donate organ in case of brain death. The programme ended at 12.45 pm. All the students, the guests everyone pledged to donate their organs to the required person which can be a life changing event for that person. One Day Camp at Government Children’s Home, Kakkanad RAJAGIRI TRANSCEND organized a one day camp at Government Children‟s Home (Girls), Kakkanad, on 30th November 2014, with an objective of cleaning the premises of the Children‟s home and to offer psycho social support to the inmates of the Girl‟s home. Around 50 students from RCBS were involved in the camp. The programme started at 9.30 am with an introduction

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about the Girls home by Dr.Janakai Sankaran, CWC Member, Ernakulam. There were around 65 inmates in the age group of 6 to 18 years in the home. Alongwith the inmates, RCBS students cleaned the premises of the Girls Home and it is completed at 1.30 pm. After lunch, there were lots of cultural activities including dance, solo, games etc. Both the groups has enjoyed the day with lots of fun. The team returned from girls home with the decision of developing a long term intervention in the girls home for improving the quality of the life of the inmates. Community Teaching Programme (Shiksha-graha) As part of the community outreach programme, RCBS students have initiated week end classes for the neighbourhood children. Programmes on Communicative English, Basic Mathematics, Hindi and also training on Public Speaking are scheduled. The programme began on June 22nd Sunday and it continued throughout the year. Around 25 children from the neighbourhood were the beneficiaries of the programme. The Thanks Giving Day 2014 – for the house keeping staff of Rajagiri College Gratitude is the best way of expressing attitude. On 14th October 2014, Rajagiri along with the Transcend Community celebrated the Thanksgiving Day – A Day organised to recognise the efforts of all the members of house keeping, security and garden in Rajagiri Valley campus. Along with the students and faculty around 56 staffs gathered in the Amphitheatre by 3:30 in the afternoon. The event started of by welcoming everyone to the occasion followed by the introduction of all the non-teaching staff members. Our Principal Dr. Joseph. I. Injodey addressed the gathering and appreciated all the efforts taken by all staffs who make the campus a beautiful place to live in.

Release of News Letter „ESPERANZA‟ the official Newsletter of Rajagiri Transcend was published by the Principal, Dr. Joseph Injodey, during the Thanks giving day function held on 14th October 2014.

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Chavara Education Sponsorship Project As part of the CHAVARA YEAR CELEBRATION, RCBS initiated a new project for supporting HIV/AIDS infected/affected children in Ernakulam District. As the first phase, 25 children in the age group of 8 to 18 years are identified and the project is inaugurated on 3 rd January 2015. The function was held at Chavara Hall at 3.30 pm and Rev.Dr.Antony Kariyil CMI, Director, Rajagiri Institutions, distributed the scholarships to 25 children. Dr.Joseph I Injodey, Principal, RCBS presided over the function. Beneficiary children and their family members were present on the occasion.

Asha deepam Ashadeepam is an initiative consists of a series of interventions at schools wherein Transcend plans to holistically develop the quality of the students in the long run. The interventions are focused on addressing factors affecting children like self hygiene, clean environment, academic environment, social environment, etc.

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The programme started in the year 2013 with the support of Speakers Forum of RCBS under the leadership of Prof.alan Lukose. This year‟s programme was held on 10th January 2015 in the valley campus. 110 plus one students from Government Higher Secondary School, South Ezhippuram were participants of Ashadeepam 2015. Sessions on Positive Attitude towards life, Self awareness, Studying techniques, Motivation and Goal Setting were given. It was a group learning exercise in which 30 students from RCBS involved as mentors of the programme. The programme was beneficial for both the community. CRAYONS ‘15 CRAYONS ‟15, the third annual get together of children from foster homes (Child Care Institutions) was held on 25th January 2015. Around 500 children in the age group of 5 to 18 years from 21 Child Care Institutions in Ernakulam and Alapuzha districts participated in the celebration. These proficient little masters actively participated in various competitions like solo dance, group dance, Rangoli, Drawing, Treasure Hunt etc. CRAYONS ‟15 was inaugurated by Sri.Kochouseph Chittilappilly. Film Director Renjith Sankar and Cine Artist Ms.Srinta were chief guests of the festival. In the Inaugural and Valedictory functions, Rev.Dr.Antony Kariyil CMI, Dr.Joseph Injodey, Dr.Manoj Mathew, Mr.Arun Nair etc represented Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies. The lunch was prepared and served by our students. Through CRAYONS, the students of RCBS wish to nurture the kids inner talent and fill their hearts with joy, laughter and an unforgettable memory with us. Crayons 2015 was successfully organized at Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Kakkanad on 25th January 2015. Crayons is the flagship event conducted by Rajagiri Transcend-the social service wing of Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies and caters specifically to the children in foster homes in and around kochi. The Guest of Honour for Crayons 2015 – Mr. Kochouseph Chittilappilly and Chief Guest- Mr. Ranjith Sankar inaugurated the grand event with the lighting of the lamp ceremony.

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Lanterns 2015 Lanterns is a mentoring camp for a group of less privileged children. This one day camp had been organised with the aim is to help the students recognize that they have the power to be what they wish to be and comprehend the attributes and qualities required to become a positive personality which will ultimately lead to their holistic development.

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On the 22nd February 2015 Rajagiri TRANSCEND conducted Lanterns. Lanterns is an eventful day filled with fun frolic and learning for the 50 students who are sponsored by Rajagiri. From these 50 children, 25 are from the Rajagiri Valley neighborhood while the other 25 are from Alleppy, Thrissur, Ernakulam districts. The sponsored students who arrived at 7 am were served breakfast and then made into groups. These groups were then assigned one or more volunteers from TRANSCEND. These groups were given motivational speeches and made to play games and draw and have fun. After lunch they were kept occupied with the many events planned for them by the volunteers. At 5 p.m. the volunteers put forward a small show of dancing and singing to entertain the students. They were then given small gifts before going back home. Lets use this light to guide them towards success... ACTIVITY REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OF 2015 - 2016 Independence Day Celebration RAJAGIRI TRANSCEND celebrated 68th National Independence Day along with the children from the Rajagiri Valley neighborhood. After the flag hoisting at 8.30 am in the main entrance of the campus, 65 children from Rajagiri neighbourhood and the students of Rajagiri assembled in RBS Conference Hall. Events like Quiz programme on India‟s Freedom Struggle and interactive sessions on India‟s independence were held. After lunch, the children were taken to Thaneerchal park at Irumpanam for celebrating the day.

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Education Scholarship Distribution – 23rd May 2015 Education Scholarship was distributed to 100 children for the year 2015-16 in a One day Camp organized on 23rd May 2015 at Chavara Hall, Rajagiri Valley. A session on “Motivation and Goal Setting” for sponsored children was held in the morning and a session on “Parenting” for the parents of the sponsored children was held at 1.30pm. Dr.Joseph I Injodey, The Executive Director, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, distributed the scholarship to the students.

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Anti Drugs Day Campaign – 26th June 2015 As the world observed the International Day against Drug Abuse on 26th June, the Transcend team organized activities in the campus to raise awareness among the students. A street play signifying the ill effects of drug use was performed by the junior batch students. The staff and students showed equal participation in pledging support by printing palms on a large canvas

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Briefing with the juniors: The Rajagiri Transcend Senior team took the initiative to familiarize the newly joined students with the activities of Transcend. The meeting saw over a 100 students volunteering to participate for the various events planned for the academic year 2015-2016 by the Transcend team. Shiksha - Graha: As the academic year began in June, the mentoring program for the children from the Rajagiri Valley Campus neighborhood began in full swing. The students of MBA, MHRM and PGDM, both seniors and juniors took time off on their weekends to guide and mentor the kids through their regular school work and also help them improve in various facets of life. Strategy Planning Workshop: Under the guidance of the Faculty-In-Charge, Dr. Manoj Mathew; the transcend community of senior students came together to discuss and plan the future plans for Rajagiri Transcend as an organization. A 5 year plan for Rajagiri Transcend, Improving the flagship events and the redesigning of routine work were the prime objectives of the meeting. The discussion saw participation of around 35+ core members from the senior batches.

Blood Donation Camp With the objective of to promote the joy of giving, Transcend organized a Blood Donation Camp with the support of Indian Medical Association, Kochi, on 16th September 2015 at Chavara Hall, Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies. The volunteers of TRANSCEND donated their blood during the programme.

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Walk with Canserve – a Cancer Awareness Programme supported by the Corporation of Kochi As a part of Cancer Awareness Programme, to promote a healthy lifestyle, Rajagiri TRANSCEND, took part in the Walkathon at the Durbar Hall Ground, Kochi, on 6th September 2015. The programme was organized by Canserve Society, a charitable society run by Cancer Survivors and a group of volunteers, supporting cancer patients, both emotionally and financially. The Walkathon was aimed at creating awareness among the general public about cancer. It was flagged off at 7 A.M from the Darbar Hall Ground, Kochi with over 500 people walking for the cause.67 students represented Rajagiri TRANSCEND in the event.

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The Thanks Giving Day – for the house keeping staff of Rajagiri College The Thanks Giving Day, an initiative to appreciate the services rendered by the house keeping staff of the college, was organized on 1st December 2015 at Chavara Hall, Rajagiri.

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CRAYONS ‘16 CRAYONS ‟16, the fourth annual get together of children from foster homes (Child Care Institutions) was held on16th January 2016 at Chavara Hall, RCBS. Around 450 children in the age group of 5 to 18 years from 21 Child Care Institutions in Ernakulam and Alapuzha districts participated in the celebration. These proficient little masters actively participated in various competitions like solo dance, group dance, Rangoli, Drawing, Treasure Hunt etc. The Chief Guest for the Inauguration was Mr. Jacob Panicker P.L., Assistant General Manager & Regional Head, Federal Bank, Aluva Branch..Joseph I injodey, the Executive Director, Rajagiri College, presided over the function. The Chief Guest for the Valedictory function was Ms.Jaya Jacob Alexander, Head HR, Geojit BNP Paribas. Dr.Binoy Joseph, the Principal, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, distributed the prizes and gifts. To the participants. The lunch was prepared and served by our students. Through CRAYONS, the students of RCBS wish to nurture the kids inner talent and fill their hearts with joy, laughter and an unforgettable memory with us.

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Lanterns 2016 This years LANTERNS were held on 22nd February 2016 at Chavara hall, RCBS. 70 children in the age group of 5 to 18 from the Rajagiri Neighbourhood community took part in the event. This one day camp had been organised with the aim is to help the students recognize that they have the power to be what they wish to be and comprehend the attributes and qualities required to become a positive personality which will ultimately lead to their holistic development. Dr.Joseph I Injodey, Executive Director, RCSS, inaugurated this year‟s event. Dr.Manoj Mathew, Faculty Coordinator of TRANSCEND presided over the function. Around 75 volunteers from TRANSCEND were the facilitators of the programme.

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Intervention Programmes at Government Higher Secondary School, south Ezhippuram a) Career Guidance Seminar As per the request from the Principal, Government Higher Secondary School South Ezhippuram and the PTA, a half day Career Guidance Seminar was conducted for the plus two science batch students of the school on 3rd July 2015 in the school auditorium. The objectives of the seminar were as follows:  Develop Motivation and Self-Confidence among the students  Helping the students to overcome the stress related to examinations  Providing opportunity for personal interaction/counseling with resource person  Career Guidance & Goal setting Mr.Rashi Makkar, a well-known career trainer led the session. Plus two Science Batch students were the participants of the seminar.

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b) Training on “Learning Disability A half day training on “Learning Disability” was organized for the Teachers of High School & Higher Secondary School on 13th July 2015 at the school IT Lab. Training was given by Mr.Ajith Sacheendran, Director, Vigyan Valley Learning Centre, Kaloor. 34 teachers participated in the programme.

c) Ashadeepam Fifth edition of Ashadeepam Programme (Groups learning programme with the objectives of Goal setting, study tips and motivation) was held on 25 th July 2015 at Government Higher Secondary School Campus. 120 plus two students from S.Ezhippuram School were the participants and 40 students under the leadership of Prof.Alen Lukose from RECBS were the mentors of the programme.

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d) Seminar on Parenting A half day training on “Parenting” was organized on 31 st July 2015 at the school auditorium for the parents of children in need of special care and support. Parents of 60 children participated in the programme.

e) Launching of remedial teaching programme Remedial teaching programme has been launched for 60 students from class 1 to class 9 on 17th August 2015. The children are being selected by the concerned class teachers, based on the guidelines provided by RCBS. The time schedule for the programme was from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm on all working days. Four teachers were identified and trained for the programme. 90 sessions were held from August 2015 to February 2016.

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f) Communicative English For the students of standard 8,9 and 10, Communicative English Classes were organized in the school. Two teachers were appointed by RCBS for this proogramme. The classes commenced on 22nd August 2015 and completed on 30th January 2016. 25 sessions were held during the period under report.50 students from class 10 and 50 students from class 8 & 9 were benefitted by the programme.

g) Supplementary Nutrition Tea and snacks had been provided for the students who did attend the remedial teaching programme and Communicative English Classes. 115 students were benefitted from this programme.

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h) Installation of solar lighting system Solar lighting system, covering 4 light units, has installed in the office room and staff room of the school. i) Seminar on Mental Health. A half day training on “Mental Health” was organized for the plus two students of the school on 29th December 2015. Prof.Raseena Padmam, Head of the Department (Retd), Dept. of Behaviour Sciences, M G University, was the resource person. 120 students participated in the programme. j) Floor tiling of class rooms. As part of Infra structure facility Development Programme at Govt. HSS South Ezhippuram, floor tiling works of 9 class rooms and corridors in the ground floor has been done. The project is implemented under the CSR intervention of Thyssenkrupp Elevator India Pvt Ltd, Kochi. The project is commissioned on 8th February 2016.

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k) Anganwadi kalolsavam 2016 For attracting more students, PTA and Old Students Association of Govt. HSS South Ezhippuram organized Anganwadi Kalolsavam with the support of RCBS on 6th March 2016. Children from 11 Anganwadi in the surrounding area participated in the programme along with their teachers, parents and siblings.

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