Representasi Nilai Budaya Jawa dalam Prosa Fiksi Indonesia. Djoko Saryono.
Abstract: Various Indonesia fiction represent Javanese cultural values. Based on
Representasi Nilai Budaya Jawa dalam Prosa Fiksi Indonesia Djoko Saryono Abstract: Various Indonesia fiction represent Javanese cultural values. Based on a study of 16 representative Lidonesian fiction, it is found that the Javanese cultural values represented in them include religious, philosophical, ethical and aesthetical values. Within the works, the four kinds of values are treated as a form of symptomization toward Javanese cultural values, as a affirmation and at the same time conservation and restoration, diagnosis, critic and reformation towards Javanese cultural values and negation towards other alternatives of Javanese cultural values. They can be contrued as the writer's cultural response towards the locality of Javanese tradition and the Indonesia nationality-modernity. Keywords: Representation, Javanese cultural values, religious value, philosophical value, ethical value, aesthetical value, Indonesia fiction